Characters In Othello

Characters In Othello
Othello The Moor
The protagonist of the play. He is a black army general from Northern Africa in the
service of the Duke of Venice. He falls in love with Desdemona, daughter of Brabantio –
a Venetian senator – and marries her in the midst of heavy opposition from her father.
He is easily susceptible to sexual jealousy, which is ignited by Iago. He kills Desdemona
at the play’s climax. After her death, he realizes his mistake and Iago’s manipulation and
kills himself for his great crime.
The antagonist of the play. He is Othello’s standard bearer (he carries the ensign or
standard – a symbol of the military), who feels frustrated because his seniority is
overlooked and the position of lieutenant is given to Cassio. Iago takes revenge on Cassio
by tarnishing his reputation and by making Othello believe that Desdemona and Cassio
are lovers.
The pretty daughter of Brabantio. She goes against the wishes of her father and marries
Othello. She becomes an innocent victim of Iago’s villainy and Othello’s jealousy.
Michael Cassio
A young and handsome Florentine who is promoted to the position of Othello’s
lieutenant. When he wounds Montano in a brawl, his boss dismisses him from his post.
He manages to escape being killed in a plot engineered by Iago and ultimately becomes
the Governor of Cyprus after Othello’s death.
A Venetian senator and the father of Desdemona. He is disturbed by his daughter’s
marriage to Othello.
A Venetian who is infatuated with Desdemona. Iago exploits this weakness in Roderigo.
Brabantio’s brother. He and Ludovico discover the wounded Cassio after Roderigo
attacks him.
Duke of Venice
The head of the Venetian state who commissions Othello to lead the Venetian army
against the Turkish Ottomites. He respects Othello and tries to pacify Brabantio after
Desdemona marries him.
Iago’s wife and Desdemona’s maid. She unwittingly becomes an agent in causing
Desdemona’s death. When Iago stabs her, the dying Emilia convinces Othello that
Desdemona was a faithful wife.
The governor of Cyprus. A loyal friend and supporter of Othello.
A jealous mistress of Cassio. She receives Desdemona’s handkerchief from Cassio, not
realizing whose it is.
A kinsman of Brabantio.
Othello’s servant who makes fun of the Cyprian musicians and their musical instruments.
He serves as a link between Cassio & Desdemona.
Protagonist: Othello. Fatal flaw: jealousy. The noble man falls prey to Iago’s
manipulation and deceit, believing that his wife is unfaithful to him.
Antagonist: Iago. Exploits Othello’s weakness. He kills Roderigo and Emilia, and stabs
Cassio in the leg. His scheming leads to the deaths of Othello and Desdemona.
Climax: Othello, whose mind has been completely poisoned by Iago, openly accuses his
wife of infidelity and refuses to listen to her pleas of innocence. Iago has been successful
in his plotting. The falling action will seal the tragedy.
Outcome: Tragic. Othello murders Desdemona in a mad fury of jealousy. The tragedy is
further intensified when Iago kills his wife Emilia and when Othello kills himself.