DEFINITIONS IN NEONATOLOGY EMBRYO LMP FETUS 12 wks. CONCEPTION INTRAUTERINE PERIOD NEONATE 40 wks. INFANT 1 month BIR TH 1 year BIRTHDAY NEONATAL PERIOD PERI NATAL NEONATAL – PERINATAL RISK GROUPS 1. 2. 2. 2. Defined by: Gestational age: Preterm infant Full term infant Post term infant over) - less then 259 days (37 wks.) - 259 – 293 days (37–41 wks.) - 294 days and over (42 wks. & 2. 3. 3. 3. Birth weight in relation to gestational age: AGA - appropriate for gestational age SGA - small for gestational age (SFD) LGA – large for gestational age (LFD) 3. 4. 4. 4. 4. Birth weight: High birth weight Low birth weight (LBW) Very low birth weight (VLBW) Extremely low birth weight (ELBW) - 4000 gm & more 2500 gm & less 1500 gm & less 1000 gm & kess DETERMINATION OF GESTATIONAL AGE 1. Last menstrual period (LMP) first day of the LMP to the day of birth using complete weeks. 2. DUBOWITZ SCORE (1971) – difficult to perform and time consuming 3. BALLARD SCORE – physical and neuromuscular maturity 4. HITTNER SCORE – eye (lens) vascularity DETERMINATION OF GESTATIONAL AGE Usher’s criteria I. II. Sole creases <32 wks. 32 wks. 34-36 wks. 37 wks. 40-41 wks. >42 wks. - smooth soles without creases first crease (near toes) second crease third crease in the middle of sole creases on the entire sole creases on the heel, desquamation Male genitalia Testis position 28-30 wks. - in inguinal canal 31 wks. - external inguinal ring 36 wks. - upper scrotum Scrotum <28 wks. 28-36 wks. 36 wks. 40 wks. 40 wks. - lower scrotum - smooth - few rugae - rugae anterior scrotum - on entire sac II. Female genitalia 30 wks. - small labia majora, widely separated, prominent clitoris 36 wks. - labia majora longer, nearly cover the clitoris 40 wks. - labia majora completely cover labia minora and the clitoris III. Breast Nipples <32 wks. 32-36 wks. >38 wks. Breast tissue - barely visible <34 wks. - well defined, flat areola 34-36 wks. diameter <7 mm 36-38 wks. - raised areola, >38 wks. diameter >7 mm - not palpable - 1-2 mm - 4 mm - >7 mm IV. V. Ear Cartilage <32 wks. 32-36 wks. Form - pinna soft, stays folded <33 wks. - scant, returns slowly 33-34 wks. 36-38 wks. - thin, springs back 36-37 wks. >38 - firm, immediate recoil 39-40 wks. Hair 20-22 wks. 23-28 wks. 28-36 wks. 37-41 wks. - - flat, shapeless - helix incurved up to Darwin tubercle - incurving upper 2/3 pinnae - incurving extended to ear lobe appear on head eyebrows and lashes fine, woolly, bunches out from hear silky, simple strands, lays flat. NEONATAL RISK GROUPS R H I T H Preterm HMD IVH Sepsis Hypothermia Reticulocytes vs M M O Numerous 2% PDA, ARF, NEC S.G.A Aspiration Pulmonary TORCHES Hypothermia Polycythemia Thrombocytopenia Hypoglycemia 7 – 8% Postasphyxial Post term infants 1. Respirator 2. Hematologic 3. Metabolic Risks Aspiration syndromes Polycythemia Erythroblastosis Hypoglycemia Large for dates Neonatal complication Mechanical Neonatal asphyxia Metabolic Hypoglycemia Hematologic Polycythemia Cephalhematoma Fractures Palsies Pneumothorax Cerebral hemorrhage Hyperbilirubinemia GOOD NEONATAL MEDICINE Anticipation of problems with appropriate prophylaxis or, at least, early recognition with expedient intervention.