General info:
-Multiple choice (remember to bring pencil)
-Questions drawn from lectures and from relevant book chapters; this guide will cover
the most important concepts, but any assigned reading material or content
discussed in class is fair game!
-Good luck, happy studying : )
From chapter 1:
Key Terms: learning, behavior, behaviorism, latent learning, law of contiguity &
parsimony, empiricism vs. nativism, social learning theory, reciprocal determinism,
radical behaviorism, S-R theory
Key Concepts: Skinner and Watson’s views on behaviorism, internal events, hereditary
factors… compare & contrast their positions
From chapter 2:
Key Terms: appetitive/aversive stimulus, baseline, contingency, control group,
dependent/independent variables, deprivation/satiation, establishing operation, multiplebaseline design, reversal design, spatial/temporal contiguity
Key Concepts: compare/contrast: descriptive vs. experimental research; the methods &
advantages/disadvantages of the various research designs; contiguity vs. contingency
From chapter 3:
Key Terms: habituation, dishabituation, spontaneous recovery, sensitization, fixed action
pattern, opponent-process theory, reflex, sign stimulus/releaser, types of conditioning
(backward, classical, delayed, simultaneous, trace), US, UR, CS, CR
Key Concepts: compare/contrast: reflex vs. fixed action pattern; habituation vs.
sensitization; dishabituation vs. spontaneous recovery, classical conditioning- what does
it involve; think about examples (from class as well as your own) and what the US, UR,
CS, CR correspond to in each case.
From chapter 4:
Key Terms: study all terms from the vocabulary list at the end of chapter 4
Key Concepts: compare/contrast the variations, extensions, and limitations of classical
conditioning and the additional phenomena associated with conditioning.
From chapter 5:
Key Terms: aversion therapy, counter-conditioning, flooding, incubation, overexpectation effect, preparatory-response theory, preparedness, reciprocal inhibition,
selective sensitization, systematic desensitization
Key Concepts: compensatory-response model and its implications for drug use &
tolerance; phobias & treatment; other therapies based on classical conditioning
From article 1:
Like a Rat: the similarities between human & other animal behavior; timeouts
Tiny Tyrants: changing behavior: punishment vs. explanation vs. reinforcement