Pravin Chandrasekaran 801-556-0232 SUMMARY : EDUCATION : Developed Data Warehouse for BING, GOOGLE, YAHOO search results(SEO/SEM). Handled WT10g (1.6 Million Documents), UCI data , MS's Amazon crawl. Created a Crawler for a popular vendor site. Defeated UCI Berkeley in a PACMAN game contest. Master’s of Science, Computer Science (Data Management and Analysis) University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, 84112 Spring 2010 GPA : 3.7 Bachelor of Technology, Information Technology Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Anna University , India, 2004 COMPUTER SKILLS : Languages & Software: Java, Perl, Python, C, C++, Matlab, WEKA, Intelligent Miner, LaTeX, Hadoop/Map Redue. Significant work in Algorithms & Data Structures EXPERIENCE : Internship - Research Programmer Aculus LLC, Salt Lake City, Utah (Perl/PgSqL/MySQL) Summer 2009 1. Parsed search results of bing, google and yahoo search engines. 2. Extracted titles, snippets and display urls' of the First 30 results for 8000 keywords in a database. 3. Developed components of Data Warehouse as a part of the project. 4. Developed a crawler for extracting the online shopping sections and pages of Research Assistant WebDB Lab (Prof.Juliana Freire), Univ.of.Utah (Java) Fall 2008,Spring 2009 1. Developed web applications to mine Structured data tables in WWW. 2. Improved the accuracy of a tool that helps identify search able forms in WWW. 3. Handled WT10g (collection of 1.6 million html documents) and also a huge corpus of Amazon data crawled by Microsoft for testing. Global Knowledge Management Center, Salt Lake City, UT (Perl) 1. Developed section extractors, page analyzers, keyword extractors for . 2. Did QA work as I was part of the Design - Build Test- Release cycle. . Fall 2009 PROJECTS : Choosing K - Machine Learning (Python) Investigated various metrics that help identify the best choice of K in a clustering problem. Surveyed the metrics using the data mining tool WEKA. Implementation of an Interface for a web application (Java/C#) (Python) Spring 2009 Spring 2009 Participated in a contest for developing pacman game and won many games against UC, Berkeley. Developed the defense strategy in python language using techniques like Inference mapping and data structures like priority queue. TableX : Relational Table Extraction and Classification project Fall 2009 Improved the accuracy of a tool that helps identify search able forms in WWW. Reduced the overhead by employing effective machine learning and data mining mechanisms. PACMAN Game Contest (HTML/CSS) Identified and used various user-friendly color schemes. Tested the final interface with color blind and other people of special interest. Improving identification of searchable forms in Web Fall 2009 (Java) Fall 2008 Identified structurally genuine tables using Machine Learning techniques and applied parsing mechanisms to extract information from HTML tables to form features. Achieved an Efficiency of 97.8% Simulation of a Robot's Decision Making Process in Robosoccer (C) Developed a decision making model for offensive behavior using Twin HiddenMarkov Models in software simulation setup. Simulated decision making scenario of an agent with 25ms interval. Successfully reproduced actions like pass, shoot based on opponents behavior. PUBLICATIONS: Pravin Chandrasekaran, Muthucumaraswamy R. Improving the Efficiency of low-level Decision Making in Robosoccer using boosted SVM. - International Conference on Industrial, Engineering(SPRINGER). T.Srinivasan, Pravin Chandrasekaran et al An Efficient Goalie Strategy using Twin Hidden Markov Models- International Conference on Computer and Information Technology(ICCIT'07).