Corporate Governance in the Media A Regional Workshop for Journalist Belgrade, 11 - 13 May 2006 Venue MEDIA CENTER Program Moderators: Branko Djakovic, New Moment and Marie-Laurence Guy, GCGF MAY 11 - 2006 9:00 Registration and coffee 9:15 Opening remarks Jasmina Vignjevic, IFC 9:30 PEP-SE Corporate Governance Project Juan Carlos Fernandez Zara, IFC 9:45 Introduction Marie-Laurence Guy, GCGF Objectives and components of the program Presentation of workshop materials Introduction of participants Q&A and Review of Participants’ Expectations 10:15 What is Corporate Governance? Presentation: Why is corporate governance important? Ivan Cakaravic, Consultant Presentation: The OECD Principles of Corporate Governance Alexander Karpf, OECD Q&A Review of participants’ understanding of corporate governance issues. 2 11:00 Coffee Break 11:15 Interviewing a CEO Presentation: Microsoft Serbia Mr. Cvetkovic, CEO Microsoft Serbia Exercise: Preparing an Interview Based on the previous presentation participants will prepare a list of key questions they would ask to find out if Microsoft Serbia has good corporate governance practices. Interviews of Microsoft Serbia Laura Cohn – preparing an article for Business Week Stephen Davis – preparing the next issue of the Global Proxy Watch Amanda Vermeulen – investigating corporate practices in Serbia Participant Feedback Participants will be able to ask questions that the journalists didn’t ask. 12:15 Exercise: teams to list main CG issues in the region Presentation of SEE CG White Paper Alexander Karpf, OECD 13:15 Lunch Break 14:15 Mass privatization and minority shareholders Ivan Cakarevic, Consultant 15:15 Coffee break 15:30 Talking about Corporate Governance Issues to a Broad Audience Presentation: Covering Corporate Governance Laura Cohn, Free Lance Business Journalist Q&A and General Discussion What are the issues of interest for the public? How to promote corporate champions? How to shame bad practice? 17:00 End of Day 1 20:00 Dinner hosted by IFC, Restaurant “Tri sesira” 3 MAY 12 - 2006 09:30 Visit of the Belgrade Stock Exchange Departure from Hotel 10:00 Presentation: The Belgrade Stock Exchange Gordana Dostanic, Director Q&A and General Discussion Market trends Incentives for listing? Listing requirements Level of disclosure Enforcement issues Priorities for reform 13:15 Lunch Break 14:00 Providing information to experts Case study: Global Proxy Watch Stephen Davis Q&A 15: 15 Coffee Break 15: 30 Investigating CG studies Case study: Lessons from South Africa Amanda Vermuelen Q&A 16:30 End of Day 2 Free evening 4 MAY 13 - 2006 9:00 Specific Corporate Governance Issues (2) Corporate ownership structures in SEE Q&A Joze Bajuk, Consultant CG of SOEs Q&A Joze Bajuk, Consultant 11:00 Coffee Break 11:15 Asset striping and pyramidal structures Ivan Cakaravic, Consultant Q&A 12:15 Conflict of interest and related party transactions Ivan Cakaravic, Consultant 13:00 Lunch Break 14:00 TV Network Visit – B92 14:15 Presentation: Preparing Corporate and Business News Sasa Mirkovic, B92 15:15 Q&A and General Discussion Corporate and business issues in the news Special programs and reports How can corporate governance be better covered? 15:45 Evaluation Next steps Certificates 16:00 End of Workshop 20:00 Dinner hosted by New Moment, Restaurant “Gradonacelnik”