on Wednesday 26th September 2012
at The Boardroom, Trust Headquarters, St Bernard’s, Uxbridge Road, UB1 3EU
Mr Nigel McCorkell
Mr Steve Shrubb
Dr Nick Broughton
Mrs Barbara Byrne
Ms Christine Higgins
Mrs Barbara Kerin
Professor Lefkos Middleton
Miss Leeanne McGee
Mr Steve Trenchard
Mrs Lynne Weedall
Mr Andy Weir
Chief Executive
Medical Director
Director of Finance & Information
Non-Executive Director
Non-Executive Director
Non- Executive Director
Director of High Secure Services
Director of Nursing & Patient Experience
Non-Executive Director
Director of Specialist and Forensic Services
In attendance:
Mr Charles Allen
Mr Nigel Leonard
Ms Vicki Harvey-Piper
Miss Helen Mangan
Interim Director of Workforce
Director of Planning & Corporate Affairs
Interim Head of Communications
Deputy Director of Local Services / Head of
Board Secretary (minutes)
NHS London
NHS London
Mrs Barbara Wörts
Mr David Wellborne
Ms Penny Locke
Mr Ian Cox
Mr Barathan Veerappan
& 2 members of the public
Item 1
a. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting
Item 2
a. Apologies for absence were received from
Dame Sally Powell Non Executive Director
Mr Neville Manuel
Non Executive Director
Mr Geoff Rose
Non Executive Director.
Ms Jean George
Director of Local Services
b. Miss Mangan was welcomed to the meeting as Ms George’s representative.
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Item 3
a. No interests were declared on the agenda items.
Item 4
a. The Board considered the minutes of the meeting held on 25th July 2012. Subject
to the following amendments, the minutes were agreed as a true and accurate
record and were duly signed:
b. Page 3 – 2735/12 (c): change “HHD1” and “HHD2”to “HDD1”and “HDD2”
Item 5
Action Schedule
a. The Board considered the action schedule, noted the completed actions and
discussed the following updates:
b. 25/04/12 – 2588/12 (item 13) – Business Development: arrangements are
being reviewed alongside arrangements for the PMO office and in light of the
Board’s discussions of 19th September 2012.
25/04/12 – 2594/12 (item 19) – Succession Planning: Mr Allen fed back that
executive directors are to discuss talent management, leadership development,
succession planning and evaluate the QUASIC programme shortly. Mrs Weedall
said that she had originally raised this issue with a specific focus on succession
planning for very senior roles specifically and, although she was pleased to note
that it had grown into a broader exercise, there may be some merit in the
Remuneration Committee or the Quarterly Non Executive Directors Meeting
considering this aspect specifically. She undertook to discuss this further with the
Action: Mrs Weedall / Chairman
d. 30/05/12 – 2628/12 (item 5) – Visit to Hounslow CAMHS: Mr Trenchard said he
thought an invitation for this event had already happened but it transpired that it
had not. It will follow shortly, however.
e. 28/03/12 – 2551/12 (item 16) – Cassel Report: The Board noted that this item
had been deferred to the October meeting because of the volume of items for
Matters Arising
2730/12 (item 5) – Availability of Hand-washing Materials: Mrs Weedall asked
if staff at Broadmoor had been informed that the recent audit report indicated
there was sufficient provision of hand-washing materials, which contradicted the
comments from the recent staff survey. Miss McGee said they had not, but
undertook to do so.
g. 2737/12 (item 12) – Senior Clinical Appointments: Dr Broughton confirmed
that Dr Perneczky has accepted the post of Reader in Cognitive Impairment and
will join the Trust in February 2013. Also, on 17th September 2012, Dr
Bhattacharya was appointed Clinical Senior Lecturer in Early Intervention
Psychosis. A National Institute for Health Research Grant is funding three
sessions of this appointment.
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2740/12 (item 12) – Corsellis Collection: Mr Shrubb advised the Board that
following discussions with the Primary Care Trust, alternative accommodation for
their staff had been identified and this would allow the move of the Corsellis
Collection from St Bernard’s to Lakeside as previously proposed.
For the benefit of those observing or attending the meeting, Mr Shrubb explained
that the Corsellis Collection was a brain tissue collection of significant scientific
importance and interest.
2749/12 (item 24) – Gender Identity Clinic Stakeholder Group: Dr Broughton
reported that he and Mr Weir had met with Mr Bernard Reed, Trustee, Gender
Identity Research & Education Society following his attendance at the last Board
meeting and the issues he had raised. Mr Weir reported that following
discussion, it was not clear why the previous service user / stakeholder group for
the Gender Identity Clinic had been disbanded in the past but it was his intention
to reinstate it.
Item 6
a. The Chairman presented his report to the Board.
b. He said that as part of the FT process, members who had expressed an interest
in becoming Governors in due course had been invited to a development session
but this had been cancelled as there had been insufficient interest in attending.
Further lobbying amongst the registered members will take place to encourage
Item 7
a. Ms Higgins fed back on the visit she had made, with Ms Jo Smith, Deputy Director
of Finance, to Sycamore House, Older People’s Services Community Mental
Health Team. She highlighted the environmental issues as detailed in their report
and said that staff, whilst generally very happy and committed, were waiting for
information regarding the relocation of their service. They had indicated a clear
commitment to raising any concerns they may have about clinical practice but
appeared less inclined to report any non clinical issues (e.g. bullying) because the
process was not anonymous.
b. Miss Mangan reported that the consultation on the planned service changes had
been extended whilst the clinical model of care was developed. A number of
planning and data issues had been identified but these would be concluded by the
end of the week and, thereafter, staff would be advised regarding their future
placements. The issue relating to the site of the service going forward was less
clear at present, as a suitable single location (the preferred option) was still to be
Mr Allen was asked to re-emphasise through appropriate channels that ‘whistle
blowing’ was anonymous and Dr Broughton made reference to a process
flowchart, which, he said ought to be visible across the Trust.
Action: Mr Allen
d. Mrs Kerin said she had visited Sycamore House some months ago and felt this
report showed a very positive improvement in staff morale.
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e. Mr Trenchard asked if the reference to graduate / post graduate learning
opportunities related to any course(s) in particular. Ms Higgins confirmed that it
did not but, as had been the case at HMP Feltham Young Offenders Institute,
staff were looking for opportunities to develop. The beneficial and motivating
effect of being able to meet these aspirations was recognised. It was noted that
Personal Development Review would be the channel for staff to engage in these
discussions but, Mr Steve Shrubb said, if managers were not aware of the
available development opportunities, they would not be offered to staff.
Mrs Weedall provided informal feedback of her recent visit to Broadmoor Hospital.
She said she had been very impressed by the staff she had met and the degree
to which they managed and control their services in such a challenging
g. The Board formally noted the feedback from Board members’ visits.
Item 8
a. Mr Trenchard advised the Board that, following the Trust’s external Monitor quality
assessment, Ernst & Young had recommended that action plans with quality
targets be developed linked to the Quality Strategy. He drew members’ attention
to the Trust wide Quality Action Plan 2012/13 which had been developed to draw
together all the ongoing strands of work related to clinical improvement and
strategy implementation. Progress reports are to be fed through the governance
sub-committees into the Quality Committee on a regular basis. The Chairman
sought reassurance that the deadlines specified were deliverable and Mr
Trenchard confirmed that they were as these were annual plans.
b. The Board supported this approach, commenting on the clear articulation and
effective co-ordination of the ongoing activity.
Mrs Kerin asked what progress was being made with the Recovery Strategy. Mr
Trenchard advised her that each CSU had an allocated lead who reported into the
project group which he chaired and which reported to the Trust Management
Team (TMT). He confirmed there was still firm commitment to the establishment
of a Recovery Hub but the previous premises identified were not affordable.
d. Ms Higgins asked how quality would be measured and, if it was to be through the
scorecard, were the current indicators appropriate. Mr Shrubb said he had
established a working group to look at this issue. The groups findings and
recommendations for change would be taken to TMT initially and then to the
Board for approval thereafter. This would be accomplished by the end of
e. The Board noted and approved the revised Quality Strategy and the
monitoring arrangements for its action plan’s implementation.
Item 9
a. Mr Leonard presented his report to the Board, explaining that there had been a
number of changes.
b. FT Progress Update
Mr Leonard fed back on a conversation with NHS London, on Friday 21st
September 2012, regarding the impact on the LTFM of the ongoing discussions
relating to the financing of the redevelopment projects, specifically the loan and
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PDC funding ratio. It had been agreed that the FT application trajectory would
have to be delayed to enable these discussions to be concluded and the outcome
reflected in the LTFM. Therefore, he said, the NHS London Board to Board
session planned for 20th November 2011 would now be deferred to 23rd January
Mr Shrubb emphasised that this delay should be seen in a positive light as it
would enable the Trust to better address issues highlighted to date by the various
assessors. However, he said there was a clear need to keep the momentum
going and NHS London had recognised the need to ensure that, once the
financial issues had been resolved, the Trust would be able to rejoin them in the
d. Mrs Byrne said that discussions with the capital investment branch of the
Department of Health were being actively pursued to achieve resolution. The
Chairman stressed the importance of executive directors informing their staff that
this delay, whilst frustrating, was not critical and did not disrupt our intention or
ability to achieve FT status.
e. Mr Leonard confirmed that once the funding issues had been resolved, he would
develop a revised timetable of who would be required for what meetings and
when. He anticipated this being drafted for the Board Development Session in
Action: Mr Leonard
Quality Memorandum
Mr Leonard presented the Board Memorandum on Quality Governance to the
Board, seeking confirmation of its factual accuracy and Board approval for the
Chairman to sign it on members’ behalf.
g. It was noted that this first draft Memorandum reflected the views of Ernst &
Young’s independent assessment, which had rated the Trust at 4. The Trust will
also be submitting an updated action plan, outlining progress towards achieving a
score of 3.5 or 3.
h. The Chairman asked that any drafting errors be raised with Mr Shrubb outside of
the meeting and that only issues of materiality were raised now. The following
points were raised:
 Page 5 (para. 2): the BAF is reviewed bi-monthly by the Board and the
commentary regarding Level 2 risk registers can be found within the IPR.
 Page 6 (para. 2): should include a reference to thematic reviews
 Page 10 (para. 3): committee’s title is Statutory & Regulatory Compliance
Review Committee
 Page 10 (para. 3): include reference to Level 2 risk register updates being
included in the IPR
 Page 11 (para. 4): these policies are reinforced through regular
communication with staff
 Page 11 (para. 5): reference should be made to the different arrangements
for reporting serious incidents in the high secure services, due to requirement
for Ministerial line of sight.
The Board formally noted that Ernst & Young had rated the Trust at 4, rather
than at 3.5 as their initial feedback had suggested.
It was agreed that, subject to inclusion of the revisions proposed and their
approval by Mr Trenchard, Mr Shrubb and the Chairman, the Chairman
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would sign off the Quality Memorandum on behalf of the Board.
Item 10
a. Mr Allen presented his report to the Board.
b. He explained that the Workforce & OD Strategy (the Strategy) was a companion
document to the Trust’s Integrated Business Plan (IBP) and reflected the priorities
from it. The Strategy identified the 7 key priority areas for workforce and
organisational development and Mr Allen outlined activity that was currently taking
place or planned for these. It was noted that the Strategy reflected the IBP
assumptions regarding staffing numbers and should be regarded as a work in
progress at this stage. Once it was agreed, it would be reviewed and updated
each year to reflect progress the Trust had made.
Mr Shrubb commented that the document needed to reflect New Ways of Working
and the re focussing of clinical staff to ensure effective and improved services.
Mrs Weedall felt the Strategy provided a good description of work in progress but
was concerned that it lacked clarity regarding the organisation’s ultimate aims.
Mrs Kerin felt the tone of the report did not convey the Board’s commitment to
building an engaged workforce, but was rather negative in tone. Mr Weir outlined
how the principles of patient centred workforce redesign had been applied with
the Specialist & Forensic CSU to positive effect. Ms Higgins suggested that the
section on learning and development needed to build upon the fact that staff are
keen to access opportunities for higher education courses and personal
development. She felt a greater link should also be made with the Nursing
Strategy and the Medical Education Strategy.
d. Board members recognised that the Strategy laid down a ‘broad brush’ framework
that now needed to be refined and developed to ensure it reflected the
organisation’s future intentions, the impact of New Ways of Working and
presented this in a positive, supportive way to staff. There was some discussion
regarding inconsistencies between the wording of the Strategy and the IBP and
Mr Leonard assured the Board that now all the key documents had been
produced, there would be an opportunity to refine them and ensure consistency.
e. The Chairman asked Mr Allen to revise the Workforce & OD Strategy in the
light of Board members’ comments and bring it back to the next meeting for
formal approval.
Action: Mr Allen
Item 11
Ms Vicki Harvey-Piper, Interim Head of Communications & Involvement was
welcomed to the meeting and invited to present her report.
Ms Harvey-Piper explained that, as the Trust was currently in the process of
recruiting a new Head of Communications, this document was more of a
framework for future development that a fully fledged strategy.
Mr Shrubb fed back on his recent listening exercises and meetings with staff,
service users, carers and external stakeholders. He said communications was an
area where the Trust needed to develop some clarity of purpose and intent in
order that it did not miss key opportunities to communicate and affect how the
organisation was perceived.
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Item 12
Miss McGee noted the document’s reference to social media sites and referred to
the Trust’s access restrictions, particularly within the High Secure Services CSU.
Mrs Byrne fed back on recent training she had attended as the Trust’s CIRO,
where organisations were being urged to review and reconsider how such sites
were used. Mr Shrubb agreed that further consideration should be given to the
use of digital platforms and their place in the modern world’s communications. He
advised the Board that he and a number of other chief executives currently used
Twitter to communicate widely on a range of issues.
The Board noted the stakeholder map appended to the Strategy required
expanding and Ms Harvey-Piper undertook to do this.
Action: Ms Harvey-Piper
Mrs Weedall said that the Strategy needed to be as inclusive and comprehensive
as possible with a wide range of stakeholders being involved in communicating
with and about the Trust. Mrs Kerin highlighted the importance of two-way
communication with staff and the need to build and improve upon the Chief
Executive’s Listening Exercise, to encourage and deliver organisation change.
The Board formally acknowledged the recent, very positively received Annual
General Meeting organised by the communications department and also noted
their impact on reducing the number of negative stories about Broadmoor
Hospital in the media.
The Board formally approved the Draft Communications & Engagement
Strategy, subject to the revisions requested and asked Ms Harvey-Piper to
include these and re-circulate the document to members for information.
Action: Ms Harvey-Piper
a. The Chief Executive presented his report to the Board, highlighting the following:
 The Trust was RAG rated as ‘amber’ for readiness for medical revalidation as
its Organisational Readiness Self Assessment indicated the development of 2
policy documents was outstanding. Dr Broughton said this was being
 One of the Trust’s trainee psychiatrists has been appointed a Darzi fellow in
clinical leadership, the only one from within London mental health trusts.
 David Florey’s visit to Broadmoor Hospital was very successful and the Board
was pleased he had had the opportunity to engage with patients there.
 The Trust has been unsuccessful in appointing to the Director of Security
vacancy for the second time. Miss McGee advised the Board that a third
recruitment campaign will begin next week. In the meantime, it was noted that
Mr Nigel Blackie, was providing excellent cover.
 A new specification is to be provided by commissioner for the invitation to
tender for the provision of integrated healthcare services at HMYOI Feltham.
The Board expressed some concern at this. Mr Weir explained that, currently,
the Trust was a sub-contract or for CNWL and under notice as the current
contract ends on 31st March 2013.
 The high number of ongoing disciplinary cases was noted. Mr Allen assured
the Board that progress was being made with ensuring more timely
completion of the process. Miss McGee suggested that, in order to further
improve response times, the director on call could be given responsibility for
hearing short notice appeals. This practical solution was supported.
It was noted that the Trust will be seeking to increase its public membership
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by 2,200 over the next 4 years.
Item 13
a. Mrs Byrne presented the Integrated Performance Report to the Board.
b. Ms Higgins commented on the level of delayed transfers of care and asked how
this was to be addressed. Mr Shrubb reported on meetings he and Ms George
had held with commissioners at which this had been the focus of debate. He
reminded members that whilst this issue presented a significant challenge for the
Trust’s Local Services, Local Authorities were facing income reductions and,
therefore, this was a challenging issue for all parties. He expressed satisfaction
with the level of engagement in the debate, however and advised the Board that
Ms George would bring the results of her work on the future of in-patient services
to the Board in due course.
Action: Ms George
Mrs Kerin commented on the readmission rate, which had risen in the last 2
months. Miss Mangan said this was another area of focus for the Local Services
CSU. A range of actions were in place, including a daily report on bed availability
and occupancy and further work was ongoing regarding future bed modelling,
This would be included in Ms George’s report. Mr Shrubb reported that he
received a direct report of bed occupancy and a ‘deep dive’ into the data was
underway, to better understand the issues.
d. The Board noted that a number of Grade 1 review reports were overdue for
submission to NHS London and asked why. Mr Trenchard explained that it could
be due to a variety of reasons, including the report not being of an acceptable
standard, the action plan not being signed off or because of delays in
investigating due to staff sickness or annual leave.
e. The sickness absence information presented in the report showed a worsening
position. Mr Allen said this was being kept under review and Mrs Byrne confirmed
that sickness absence was discussed with each CSU at its quarterly performance
The Board considered the data that had been provided regarding physical
healthcare quality indicators and agreed that it was confusing. Members asked if
a more useful data set could be devised and whether the IPR was the where it
should be reported. Dr Broughton was strongly of the opinion that the Board did
need to be aware of such issues and he reminded members that he had
previously sought feedback on the information presented. The Chairman asked
that Dr Broughton work with Dr Alan Cohen to develop a more comprehensible
Action: Dr Broughton
g. Mrs Byrne suggested that the content of the report should be managed so that the
addition of any new data item(s) was accompanied by the removal of something
no longer required. It was noted that Mr Shrubb had established a working group
to look at performance reporting, which would include the IPR, and would be
making recommendations regarding its future content.
h. The Chairman asked for clarification regarding the key Level 1 risks contained in
this report which, he said, varied from those detailed in the Board Assurance
Framework (BAF) report. Mr Leonard explained that the issue was one of timing
and suggested that, as the Board had agreed to review the BAF more frequently,
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the risk register information could be removed from the IPR. Mr Shrubb
stressed the importance of having a dynamic process so the Board could be
advised of risk issues expeditiously and he advised members that the Quality
Committee had agreed to conduct a thorough review of 2 clinical risk areas that
had been rated ‘red’ for some time.
Item 14
Ms Higgins sought assurance that the year to date overspend on income and
expenditure and the associated use of reserves would not impact on the Invest to
Save programme and Mrs Byrne confirmed that it would not. It was noted that the
Finance & Investment Committee had been monitoring closely the financial
position in Local Services and had requested a report from Ms George on the
underlying in-patient service issues. This report was scheduled to be discussed
at the Trust Management Team meeting in November and by the Finance &
Investment Committee thereafter.
a. Mr Leonard advised the Board that the three documents presented were all interrelated.
b. There had been 142 responses to the second consultation. One change to the
Constitution had been made as a result and this concerned the process for
election of governors, which would now be staggered. Mr Leonard said this
matter would be the subject of a Board Development Session, where it could be
considered further.
The Board noted that 78% of the respondents to the consultation had been from
Hammersmith & Fulham, with only 4.9% from Hounslow. It was further noted that
the ethnicity of the respondents was not representative of the Trust’s catchment
area either.
d. The Chairman, referring to the revised Constitution noted the significant role the
governors would play in the appointment of non executive directors. The Board
agreed that it would be helpful to invite some non executive directors and
governors from an existing FT to come present their experiences.
Action: Mr Leonard
e. The Chairman said he would be attending a Council of Governors meeting at one
of the London FTs in December and thought this would be a most helpful and
informative experience.
Item 15
The Board noted the outcome of the consultation and the governance
rationale and approved the revised Constitution.
a. Mr Leonard explained that this new monthly self certification report would be
submitted to NHS London on a monthly basis, henceforth. It was noted that the
Board was required to approve the document but that the date for its submission
was the 18th of the month.
b. The Board agreed to delegate authority for approving the return to the
Chairman, Chief Executive and Director of Nursing & Patient Experience
and to receive it at their next meeting thereafter.
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In line with previous discussions (minute 2798/12 (g) refers), the Board agreed
that other reports should be amended to reflect the inclusion of the data items in
this new monthly report.
d. The content of the return was considered and it was noted that due to
circumstances beyond the Trust’s control, a number of the indicators may remain
at ‘red’. Mr Leonard assured the Board that NHS London was aware of these
issues. He emphasised the need for the Board to be fully aware of progress in all
areas covered by the return.
e. The Board noted and approved the Single Operating Model Self-Certification
Return for July 2012.
Item 16
a. Mr Allen presented the revised terms of reference to the Board.
b. Subject to the amendment of a minor typographical error the Board
approved the revised terms of reference for the Remuneration Committee.
Action: Mr Allen
Item 17
a. Mr Allen presented the terms of reference for the new Staff Engagement
Programme Board. He reported that following comments previously received, the
core membership of the group had been refined but a Staff Engagement Forum
would be established to work with the Programme Board. Mr Shrubb spoke with
enthusiasm about this arrangement which, he said, had been taken from outside
of the NHS, where large organisations communicated most effectively with their
staff. He explained how the process would work and that, subject to assessment,
more staff may be ‘recruited’ into it. It was agreed that the Board would
receive a detailed paper on this development when the new Director of
Organisational Development & Workforce was in post.
Action: Mr Shrubb / Director of OD & Workforce
b. Mrs Weedall summarised how the feedback process for the Staff Engagement
Forum might work and Mr Shrubb was pleased to report that staff were already
volunteering to be reporters. He anticipated that the project would begin early in
the new year and said that the executive directors would be giving consideration
as to whether this model could be used with service user and carers too.
Mrs Weedall emphasised, in the short term, such a programme could heighten
the level of dissatisfaction expressed by staff and that much of what might be
communicated could be unpalatable to hear. She advised the Board that the
process should not be undertaken without true commitment to making it effective.
d. Having considered all aspects of the discussion, the Board did not ratify the
terms of reference for the Staff Engagement Programme Board but agreed
to review them, alongside the detailed report, at a future meeting.
e. Mrs Kerin noted that the Quorum for the programme board did not include any
representative from the Staff Engagement Forum and suggested that it should.
Action: Mr Allen / Mr Shrubb
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Item 18
a. Mr Leonard presented the Board Assurance Framework, reminding members that
it was discussed every month by the Trust Management Team and received bimonthly by the Board.
b. Mrs Weedall asked for some context regarding the new risk 5801, relating to the
lack of an effective quality strategy. Dr Broughton said this was in response to
feedback received that the Trust’s Quality Strategy, central to its Integrated
Business Plan, was not clearly operationalised. However, this had now been
The Chairman suggested there may be some merit in revisiting the wording of
some risk register entries to ensure they accurately reflected the issues of
Action: Mr Leonard
d. Miss McGee was pleased to advise the Board that, since the report was drafted,
risk 5652 (relating to increased clinical risk at Broadmoor as a result of the
complex ward move programme) had been removed from the register upon
successful completion of the ward reconfigurations.
e. The Board noted the recent revisions to the Board Assurance Framework.
Item 19
a. The Board received and noted the minutes and Chair’s report.
b. It was noted that the Quality Committee had discussed the renaming of CIPs to
QIPs (Quality Improvement Plans). This was discussed but not supported by the
Board and Mrs Kerin and Dr Broughton undertook to advise the Quality
Committee accordingly.
Action: Mrs Kerin / Dr Broughton
Item 20
a. The Board received and noted the minutes and Chair’s report.
Item 21
a. The Board received and noted the minutes. It was formally noted that the
Clinical Commissioning Engagement Strategy had been endorsed at the
meeting and that, in response to issues raised during HDD1, a number of
risks previously scrutinised by the Trust Management Team had been
reallocated to committees with non executive director membership.
b. The Chairman reminded the Secretariat that, as previously agreed, the Chair’s
report of the meeting needed to accompany the ratified minutes.
Action: Mrs Wörts
Item 22
a. The Board received and noted the Chair’s report.
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b. Ms Higgins highlighted that the Finance & Investment and Quality Committees are
to identify one of the risks they oversee for a detailed controls and assurance
review by the Trust’s internal auditors.
Item 23
a. The Board received and noted the Chair’s report.
b. Mr Shrubb, who had chaired this meeting on behalf of Mr McCorkell, said there
may be some merit in making it longer and/or more frequent.
Item 24
a. No new risks were identified during the meeting and no changes to risk ratings
were proposed.
Item 25
a. No actions to committees were proposed.
Item 26
Director of Planning & Corporate Affairs
a. The Chairman reminded member that this was Mr Leonard’s last Board meeting
as he was leaving the Trust. He thanked Mr Leonard very much for all his
endeavours on the Trust’s behalf, first in his role at Broadmoor Hospital and then
in his current role. He spoke of the huge contribution Mr Leonard had made in
getting the FT application process underway.
b. The Board echoed the Chairman’s sentiments and wished Mr Leonard well.
Item 27
a. The Chairman invited comment from those attending the Board meeting.
b. A gentleman in the audience said that, as a service user, he had found the
meeting to be interesting listening. He commented on the future of the Ealing
Borough Drug & Alcohol Service and the Trust (CNWL) that will take over as the
new provider in early November. He sought assurance that the Trust would work
in partnership with them. Mr Shrubb assured him that this would be the case as
he met regularly with the CNWL Chief Executive and our clinicians jointly deliver
some services.
Item 28
Mr Shrubb was then asked if he thought there was a role for some degree of
competitive tendering for clinical service and if this would be a driver to increase
service quality. Mr Shrubb said that he did think there was a place for some
degree of competition in the public sector but that organisations needed to be
mindful that they were dealing with service users’ lives and with public money.
Therefore, any collaboration or competition should be undertaken with the best
outcome for this in mind.
a. The Board noted its forward plan.
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a. Following the conclusion of the Board meeting, members received feedback
from representatives of Cap Gemini
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