Food_ Inc_ WS

Name________________________________________________________ Period________
Food, Inc. Movie Guide (
What are the costs and benefits of the conventional food system? Think about what makes food “organic.” Consider animals,
humans, and the environment.
1. In the ‘70s, the top ____ meat packing companies controlled _____% of the market. Today, the top ___ control ____ %.
2. Buying 2 chicken houses requires a $____________________ loan, and the average salary is $________________/yr for
the person who works and owns the chicken houses.
3. Pesticides, fertilizers, and breeders have helped increase corn production from ______ bushels/acre in 1920 to ______
bushels/acre today.
4. What is a CAFO? ___________________________________________________________________________
5. What two factors have led to the evolution of E. coli 0157:H7?
6. What was used to cleanse the hamburger meat filler (i.e., pink slime) and kill E. coli? _________________________
7. High fructose corn syrup and refined white flour lead to spikes in _____________________ and gradually a wearing
down of the system by which our body metabolizes sugar (Type II diabetes).
8. One in ______ Americans born after 2000 will have diabetes; one in ______ minorities.
9. How many hogs are slaughtered per day at Smithfield, the world’s largest slaughterhouse? _________________________
10. How many Mexican farmers have lost their jobs since NAFTA passed in 1994? _________________________
11. Explain why the “true cost” of food is not paid at the register; what additional costs does society bear?
12. At the turn of the last century the average farm could feed _________ people; now, a farmer feeds __________.
13. Over _______% of soybeans in the U.S. contain Monsanto’s patented gene as of 2009.
14. What does G.M. stand for? __________________________________________________
15. Bringing a steer to slaughter requires _______ gallons of oil.
16. The average meal travels ____________ miles from the farm to the supermarket. Buy local. Buy organic. Read labels 
Use the back of this sheet to reflect on the film. What did you learn that is most likely to impact your food choices?
Would you recommend that others watch this film? Include 2 things you think you can do as an individual that will
support a healthier society and environment with regard to the food you eat. Your reflection should be at least 5 sentences.
(5/13) BR: Cattle Feed (p.75-78)
1. Do you think an animal’s diet affects the nutritional content of
the meat? Rate your concern on a scale from 1 to 5. A 1 means it
has no impact and a 5 means it has a BIG impact.
2. Why is beef from corn-fed cattle less healthy than beef from
grass-fed cattle?
3. What else are cattle fed?
4. What are 3 major complications cows face from eating corn?
5. What are the cows given to prevent these complications?
(5/14) BR: Exam reflection
 On a scale of 1-10, how prepared were you for the AP
Biology exam?
 List any areas to which you feel we should have devoted
more class time (e.g., ecology, biochemistry, enzymes,
cell structure and function, membrane transport, cell
communication, photosynthesis, cellular respiration,
cell division, genetics, central dogma (DNA), viruses,
gene expression regulation, genomes, biotechnology,
evolution, neurons, immune response)
(5/14) BR: “Holons” (p.126, 216-217)
“holon”: an entity that from one perspective appears a self-contained
whole, and from another a dependent part of a whole.
1. What “ecological services” do hens provide on fields
grazed by cattle?
2. Describe the rabbit and hen holons.
3. Describe the turkey and grapes holons.
4. Describe the cattle and pig holons.
(5/18) BR: Cost
1. We have seen the detrimental effects to society, animals, and the
environment of the conventional food system. Do you think the
AVERAGE American is UNWILLING or UNABLE to buy food
grown sustainably and responsibly? Explain your opinion in at least 4
2. Holons review.
How does Mr. Mueller afford the farmer’s market? Sustainable living
SAVES money overall, and that money can be put towards FOOOOOOD!
 Bike/walk
 Bring lunch
 One car (Prius)
 Cook dinner, eat leftovers
 Low electricity & gas bills
 Low phone bill
 Drink tap water (not juice,
 Reduce meat consumption
Gatorade, lemonade, pop,
 No cable
bottled water, etc.)
 Healthy living = few Dr. visits!
 MAKE coffee
 Reuse!
Nutrition, carbon