VOCAB REVIEW SHEET Set Nine Circle the word that best fits each

Set Nine
Circle the word that best fits each sentence.
1. Some English teachers think there is a ( contagion / mettle / leave ) sweeping over the land called ‘text
speak’; it discourages students from using proper spelling and grammar.
2. English teachers try to ( encompass / purge / inter ) students of their ‘text speak’ habits, but sometimes it’s
to no avail.
3. If students are not willing to ( stem / bequeath / repute ) the habit themselves, then no amount of teacher
encouragement will stop them from using ‘text speak’.
4. Given that Mr. Tooley offers a ( base / prodigious / portentous ) amount of extra credit, there is no reason a
student should fail his course—even if they do not do all their work.
5. The mouse ( mettle / infirmity / carrion ) underneath our living room floor boards caused a foul stench to
permeate the room; we had to take up the floor to get rid of it.
6. My grandpa ( redressed / bequeathed / construed ) his collection of stamps to me upon his death;
I have no idea what to do with it, though.
7. Because my friends were acting like such idiots, I took ( enterprise / veil / leave ) of them and went watch a
movie by myself.
8. Sometimes students try to get ( infirmity / redress / contagion ) for points they feel have been taken off
unfairly; sometimes they have a case, and sometimes they are way off base.
9. When my dad ( interred / vanquished / veiled ) our dog in the back yard, I couldn’t watch; it was too sad to
think of Spot being dead.
10. Heroes tend to have a ( portentous / mettle / contagion ) in them that allows them to step up at certain times,
though the rest of us would be too scared too.
11. Because Jake was ( stemmed / purged / reputed ) to have cheated on Mr. Mix’s test, he was not elected as
class president.
12. Jake claims that people have been ( reputing / encompassing / construing ) the facts incorrectly, but those
of us who know him doubt he’s being truthful.
There’s more on the backside!
Synonyms – Write the correct vocab word underneath its corresponding synonyms.
1. Pursuit, Venture, Plan
2. Conquer, Crush, Overcome
3. Encircle, Enclose, Surround
4. Ominous, Foreboding, Significant
5. Place, Put, Discard
Antonyms – Write the correct vocab word underneath its corresponding antonyms.
1. Lofty, Superior, Noble
2. Show, Reveal, Clarify
3. Health, Well-being, Strength