The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

English 12
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Study Guide Packet to fill in
Preliminary Notes About the Novel:
Copy down 5 important points/facts made in this section of the packet.
Pre-Study Discussion, Reflection and Writing Activities:
Choose 2 prompts. Write a paragraph response for each. Use all the space below.
Geographical Locations in the Novel:
Put all items from the Study Guide list on the map at the back of the study guide packet.
Regional, Cultural or Spiritual Allusions and Terms:
Write down the definition for each as they appear in the text.
Narcissus (Prologue)
King Melchizedek (Genesis14, “King Most High”)
Koran (p. 54)
Allah (p. 71, 97)
Levanter (p.27)
“Maktub” (p. 59)
Esperanto (p.66)
Helvetius, Elias, Fulcanelli, Geber (p.82)
Hookah (p. 114)
Scarab (p.161)
Simum (p.148
Coptic (153,154)
Tiberius (p.158)
The Alchemist’s Terms/Expressions:
Write down the definition for each as they appear in the text.
The Soul of the World
The Unspoken Language
The Language of the World
Personal Legend
Principle of Favorability (p. 29)
Urim and Thummin (p. 30)
Philosopher’s Stone ((p.66)
Elixir of Life (p. 66)
Master Work (p.81)
Emerald Tablet (p. 126)
Interview with Coelho:
Read the interview and the four tips listed below. Of the four, which one do you need to remember the most
in your own life? Write a paragraph response below.
Questions for Novel Study:
1. _________________________________________________________________________________
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18. _________________________________________________________________________________
Topics for Research:
Choose 2 of the topics for research. List your findings below.