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Attach the Question Paper on Top of Your Answer Sheets
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CSE 5210
Points 60
Formal Languages and Automata Theory
Spring 2014
Exam 3
Time 110 min
(1a) How many strings of lengths 0, 1, 2, and 3 can be there for Sigma={a,b,c,d}?
Length zero -> |Sigma|^0 = 1; Length one -> |Sigma|^1 = 4; Length two-> |Sigma|^2 = 16; …
(1b) RL Pumping lemma: Prove that the language {02n 1n 02n | n ≥ 0} is not a Regular
Language, Sigma={0,1}.
Exact steps in the proof are needed. Pump on the beginning 0’s for assumed DFA to accept a
string that is not in the language: 02n+k 1n 02n for some k>0.
(2) Re & NFA: Write a Regular expression for a language over Sigma={0,1}, where each string
is a sequence of one or more 0’s are followed by a sequence of zero or more 1’s. What is the
minimum length-string in this language?
Minimum length is one for the first 0 only.
Draw an NFA (NFA-e is ok) for the above language and run one in-language string of length 3
on your NFA.
[3+1 +4+2]
Connect three stages NFA serially. The last two stages each has a loop for the Kleene star.
(3) CFG: Develop a CFG for the language over Sigma={1,2}, {1n 2n+m 1m | n,m ≥ 0}
Run one out-of-language string over your CFG.
S -> S1S2
S1 -> 1 S12 | e
S2 -> 1 S22 | e
12221 for an extra 2; 121 for extra 1, etc. I would like to see some steps for attempting to
generate the string and then stopping without success – just as a program would run.
Blank answer, even on a correct example string, to deduct 1 point.
(4) PDA: Define a PDA for the language over Sigma={1,2}, {1n 23n | n ≥ 1}
Run one out-of-language string over your PDA.
Push three Stack symbols for each beginning 1’s and pop for each 2.
More 1’s than needed => string finished without reaching #
More 2’s than needed => # encountered in stack before finishing the string.
(5) TM: Over Sigma={0,1}, define a Turing Machine for the following language.
(0n1n)p | n, p >0.
Run your machine on the strings 001101, and on 001.
Not “defining” properly (i.e., providing only the table) will deduct for at least 1 point.
Usual machine for 0^n 1^n, but there a 0 instead of B in pre-final state scanning Right was
empty/reject/crash, but now,
it starts behaving like q0 again: in our Slide’s table delta(q3, 0) = (q1, X, R).
If the answer significantly deviates from our table, the grader will have to go through carefully
to check for correctness of the TM.
Examples, 0011 01 is in the language; 001 will crash on XXYB while looking for Y in state q1.
(6a) TM: Over Sigma={0,1}, L(M) = {at least one 01 or one 10 in the string, i.e. Σ*(01+10)Σ*}.
Define a Turing Machine for L(M) that always halts. No example run is necessary.
Scan right for the first character repeated, as soon as you encounter the other character, accept
and halt. If q0 sees B (for epsilon or for all characters being the same), then crash.
(6b) What is the suffix after the TM encoding prefix in the following string, on Sigma={0,1}?
Define the corresponding machine M.
[Note that the indices always start from 1 and not from 0, e.g., 0 encodes the first state, 00
encodes the second state, or, 0 encodes the Left Head-movement, and 00 encodes the Right Headmovement.]
What is the language L(M)? [For some students: I am asking for the exact language, not the type
of the language!]
Table: first row: (->q1, 0, R) (q1, 1, R) (q2, B, L)
Second row: (q3*, 0, L)
Third row for *q3 are all empties.
L(M) is Sigma*0, or ends with 0.
Is the suffix of the above string in L(M)? Justify your answer by running the suffix on your
machine M.
One point for You! Suffix is 00.
Accepted! You have to show the transitions/steps.