NYS Regents Physics- Syllabus Mr. Heffernan Welcome to the Greenville Physics Team! Physics can be most simply summed up as the study of the rules of nature. The study of these rules is something I really enjoy and I am legitimately looking forward to thinking and working with all of you. In order for all of us to be successful we must work as a team. There may be times where we become frustrated, but through working together as a team we will all succeed in this course. It is my goal that all of you will leave this course having a new outlook on how the world works, beginning to see physics in your every day life. Additionally it is my goal that ALL of us will perform well on the New York State Regents Exam at the end of the course. Through working in this class we will all develop a greater appreciation for how the world works, refine our math skills, learn the basics of some computer programs, and have a bunch of fun while doing it. Course Outline Physics and Physics Skills Physics is based upon observation, measurement and interpretation of the physical world. Consequently, scientists have developed tools for measuring and interpreting nature. Most of these tools I am assuming you have knowledge of before entering this class (using rulers, meter sticks, the metric system, scientific notation, algebra and trigonometry). These skills as well as new skills will be reviewed and discussed throughout the year. Unit 1- Mechanics Mechanics is the branch of physics that deals with forces and the way they produce and change motion. It includes the sub-units of kinematics, projectile motion, Newton’s laws, circular motion and gravitation, and impulse/momentum. Unit 2- Energy and Work Energy is the driving force behind all of nature’s processes and our ability to study nature. We will discuss work-energy relationships, energy transformation and transfer, and the various kinds of energy that exist. Unit 3- Waves Wave motion is closely related to the phenomena of vibration. Sound waves, earthquake waves, waves on guitar strings, and water waves are all produced by vibrations. There are many natural and man made phenomena whose explanations require an understanding of vibrations and waves. Unit 4- Electricity and Magnetism Electricity and magnetism are interrelated phenomena whose principles influence the technology we use on a daily basis. The basics of these phenomena, as well as the impact on our every day life, will be discussed in this course. Unit 5- Modern Physics At the end of the 19th century, scientists thought they had learned most of what there was to know about physics. However, at the turn of the 20th century a major revolution shook the physics world. We will briefly overview these topics in modern physics, gaining an appreciation for new fields of physics research which are springing up even today. NYS Regents Physics- Syllabus Mr. Heffernan Course Requirements and Expectations It is expected that all students will complete the NYS Physical Setting Physics examination and complete the experimental work to gain Regents credit for this course. The minimum number of SATISFACTORY minutes of experimental work is 1200. Materials Needed: Notebook Folder Pens and Pencils Scientific or Graphing Calculator (will be provided…but you can use your own) NYS Physical Setting: Physics Reference Table (your 2nd best friend in this class) What you should expect from me First and foremost you should expect me to come to class each and every day prepared and excited to teach. I should be expected to know my subject matter as well as the best ways to teach this subject matter. You should expect me to provide time outside of class (whether in a study hall, during lunch, or after school) in which you can come to me with questions or any issues you may be having with respect to the course. You should expect me to make the material relevant to your life outside of this classroom as often as I possibly can. You should expect me to treat each of you equally with regards to my criticism, encouragement, and assessment of your learning. Lastly, you should expect that I will realize this course is not the entirety of your existence. Because of this, I will respect your outside lives by being conscientious of events which may be occurring outside of the scope of this classroom. What I should (and will) expect from you First and foremost I will expect you to come to class each and every day prepared and excited to learn. This preparation includes coming to class with all required materials as well as having completed any work I have assigned on or before the due date. I will expect you to put in a legitimate effort to learn the subject manner both in and out of the classroom setting. I will expect you to be “self-aware” with respect to your learning and seek assistance from me outside of class (whether in a study hall, during lunch, or after school). I will expect you to contribute meaningfully to class discussions through drawing parallels to your prior experiences within school and the “outside world”. I will expect you to treat your peers with dignity and respect, encouraging all members of our class to contribute positively to our collaborative learning effort. Lastly, I will expect that you treat me with the respect I deserve as your teacher. This respect includes following our classroom behavior rules as well as trying to live up to these discussed expectations. NYS Regents Physics- Syllabus Mr. Heffernan Grading Your overall grade for the course will be the cumulative average of all 4 terms and the Regents exam (each 20% of the overall grade). IT IS EXPECTED THAT ALL STUDENTS WILL TAKE THE REGENTS EXAM. Term grades will be determined as follows: Tests (30%) Tests will last for 1 or 2 class periods and will be announced ahead of time. There will generally be between 2-4 tests per quarter. Reference materials will sometimes be allowed. A calculator will always be allowed. Make ups will be scheduled between the student and teacher. Only a legal absence will allow the opportunity for a make up test. IT IS THE STUDENTS RESPONSIBILITY TO ARRANGE MAKE UP TIMES WITH ME. Experimental Work (20%) There will be far more than the 1200 minutes of minimum required lab work done in this class. You are still responsible for completing ALL assigned lab work. There will be formal lab reports for some labs. The format for these will be discussed ahead of time. Make ups will be scheduled between the student and teacher. IT IS THE STUDENTS RESPONSIBILITY TO ARRANGE MAKE UP TIMES WITH ME. Term Exams (20%) There will be a comprehensive examination at the conclusion of each 10 week term. Term, Mid Term, Three Quarter Term) (Quarter Reference materials will be allowed. A calculator will be allowed. Make ups will be scheduled between the student and teacher. Only a legal absence will allow the opportunity for a make up examination. IT IS THE STUDENTS RESPONSIBILITY TO ARRANGE MAKE UP TIMES WITH ME. Quizzes (15%) Quizzes will last anywhere from 5-20 minutes. There will generally be at least 1 quiz every week. Quizzes will be either announced or unannounced and can happen anytime. They will reflect the homework and classwork assigned. IT IS THE STUDENTS RESPONSIBILITY TO ARRANGE MAKE UP TIMES WITH ME. Homework/Classwork (10%) Graded/checked homework assignments Grades awarded in various manners My impression of your personal level of effort Self and peer assessments Fulfilling Expectations (5%) See the above list of my expectations for you. If you meet or exceed these expectations you will receive full credit. NYS Regents Physics- Syllabus Mr. Heffernan Student Acceptance of Course Expectations Tear off this sheet and please sign below to indicate that you have read and understand all of the above literature. Also please have your parent/guardian sign in the appropriate blank. Grades will not be entered until I have this signed and on file. Thank you. Sincerely, Rick Heffernan ___________________________ student (PRINT) ___________________________ parent/guardian (PRINT) _____________________________ student (SIGNATURE) _____________________________ parent/guardian (SIGNATURE) ___________ date ___________ date