
Adams, Ansel(1902-1984) American photographer; black and white, mostly
landscapes, especially national parks
Audobon, John James (1785-1851) American illustrator; “Birds of America”
Bernini, Gian Lorenzo (1598-1680) Italian Baroque architect and
sculptor; “Apollo and Daphne,” “Baldacchino” (in St. Peter’s
Basilica), Colonnade outside St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City,
“Ecstasy of St. Teresa”
Borglum, Gutzon(1867-1941) American sculptor; carved Mt. Rushmore (his
son finished the work), Presidents on Rushmore include Lincoln,
Washington, Jefferson and Theodore Roosevelt.
Bosch, Hieronymus (1450-1516) Dutch painter; painted religious visions
that focused on the torments of hell, “The Garden of Earthly
Delights,” “The Haywain,” “Seven Deadly Sins”
Botticelli, Sandro (1444-1510) Florentine Renaissance painter; "The
Birth of Venus", "La Primavera," 3 frescoes in Sistine Chapel
Braque, Georges (1882-1963) French painter; founded cubism with
Picasso, mostly still lifes, "Mandolin, Glass, Pot and Fruit"
Bruegel, Pieter (the elder) (1525-1569) Dutch painter; “Peasant
Wedding,” “Tower of Babel,” “Triumph of Death”
Brunelleschi, Filipo (1377-1446) Italian architect and sculptor; Dome of
the Florence Cathedral, Innocenti Hospital, “Sacrifice of Isaac
(beaten by Ghiberti)”, St. Lorenzo Cathedral
Caitlin, George (1796-1872) American painter; known for paintings of
North American Native Americans
Calder, Alexander (1898-1976) American creator of “mobile”; “Lobster
Trap and Fish Tail”
Caravaggio, Michelangelo (1573-1610) Italian painter; “The Calling of
St. Matthew”
Cassatt, Mary (1845-1926) American (lived in France) impressionist
painter; portrayed domestic theme of women and children, “The
Bath,” “Mother and Child”
Cezanne, Paul (1839-1906) French impressionist painter, known mostly for
still lives with fruit; "Card Players," "House of the Hanged Man,"
“Still Life with Apples and Peaches”
Chagall, Marc (1889-1985) Russian-born French painter; mostly painted
scenes of Russian village life - "The Circus Rider," “I and the
Village,” "Maternity," "Self-Portrait with Goat"
Christo (1935 ) Hungarian-born American artist; creator of
environmental artwork - wrapped a bridge in Paris and an island in
the Caribbean
Dali, Salvador (1904-1989) Spanish surrealist painter; "Apparation of a
Face and Fruit Dish on a Beach," "The Persistance of Memory"
(limp, melting watches)
da Vinci, Leonardo (1452 - 1519) Italian Renaissance painter, sculptor,
architect, engineer, scientist, poet and musician; "La Gioconda"
(AKA "Mona Lisa"), "The Last Supper" (fresco on the wall of a
church in Milan), wrote upside down and backwards in his notebooks
David, Jacque-Louis (1748-1825) French painter; “The Death of Marat”
de Kooning, Willem (1904-1997) Dutch abstract impressionist painter;
“Clam Diggers,” “Woman Series”
Degas, Edgar (1834-1917) French impressionist painter; famous for
paintings of ballet dancers, "The Dance Lesson"
Delacroix, Eugene (1798-1863) French Romantic painter; “Liberty Leading
the People”
Donatello (1386-1446) Italian Renaissance sculptor; “David (in bronze),”
“St. George and the Dragon”
Duchamp, Marcel (1887-1968) French Dadaist painter; "Nude Descending a
Durer, Albrecht (1471-1528) German Renaissance engraver, painter and
woodcutter; Paintings: "Adoration of the Trinity," "The Dresden
Alterpiece;" Woodcuts: "Apocalypse," "Praying Hands," "St. Jerome
in his Study"
Escher, M.C. (1898-1972) Dutch graphic artist; known for optical puns
and visual trickery, “Ascending and Descending,” “Metamorphosis”
Fuller, Buckminster (1895-1983) American architect, designer, inventor
and philosopher; invented the geodesic dome (encloses a greater
volume with less material than any other form)
Gainsborough, Thomas (1727-1788) English painter; "Blue Boy"
Gaudi, Antonio (1852-1926) Spanish art nouveau architect; unique
architectural style in Barcelona, Spain
Gauguin, Paul (1848-1903) French post-impressionist painter; lived in
Tahiti in his later years (his paintings of that time reflect
Tahitian culture), “By the Sea,” "Vision after the Sermon"
Ghiberti, Lorenzo (1378 –1455) Italian sculptor; Bronze Doors of the
Baptistry of the Florence Cathedral, “Sacrifice of Isaac (Ghiberti
won the competition for the best “Isaac,” thus allowing him to
sculpt the entire set of doors)
Giotto (1267-1337) Italian painter; considered the first Renaissance
painter, “Arena Chapel,” “Christ Walking on Water”
Goya, Francisco (1746-1828) Spanish painter; official court painter of
Charles IV, so Goya painted many royal portraits, "The Third of
May, 1808"
Greco, El (1541-1614) Greek-born Spanish Mannerist painter; known for
his elongated human figures, "Assumption of the Virgin," “Burial
of Count Orgaz,” "The Crucifixion," "View of Toledo"
Gropius, Walter (1883-1969) German architect; director of Bauhaus
architecture school at Dessau, Germany, Harvard Graduate Center
Hoban, James (1762-1831) Irish-born American architect; designed the
White House
Holbien, Hans [The Edler] (1460-1524) German painter; noted for his
altar pieces
Holbein, Hans [The Younger] (1497-1543) German painter; noted for
religious paintings and portraits, including portraits of Erasmus,
Thomas More and Henry VIII
Homer, Winslow (1836-1910) American painter; known for his seascapes,
"Gulfstream," "Lifeline"
Johns, Jasper (1930) American pop artist; highest priced art by a
living artist, used flags, targets and grade-school graphics,
“Dancers on a Plane,” “White Flag”
Kandinsky, Wassily (1866-1944) Russian abstract expressionist painter;
"Accompanied Contrast," "Angular Structure," "Calmly Daring,"
"Circumscribed," "Yellow Accompaniment"
Klee (Clay), Paul (1879-1940) Swiss painter; "The Boat Passes the
Botanical Gardens," "The Great Dome," "Heads"
Klimt, Gustav (1862-1918) Austrian art nouveau painter; “The Kiss”
Lichtenstein, Roy (1923-1997) American painter; one of the innovators of
the pop art movement, painted large-scale reproductions of comic
book panels, imitated famous works and painted common objects such
as a light swtich and a razor blade, "Laughing Cat," "Whaam!"
Leutze, Emanuel (1816-1868) German-born American painter; “Washington
Crossing the Delaware”
Manet, Edouard (1832-1883) French impressionist painter; “A Bar at the
Folies – Bergeres,” "Olympia"
Matisse, Henri (1869-1954) French painter and sculptor; impressionist,
later aligned himself with Fauvism, "The Blue Nude," "Still-life
with Goldfish," "Vase and Pomegranates," "Woman with Hat"
Michelangelo [Buonarotti] (1475-1564) Italian Renaissance architect,
painter and sculptor;
painted the Sistine Chapel ceiling, carved
2 Medici tombs; Architecture: Dome of St. Peter’s Basilica;
Paintings: "Holy Family," "Last Judgement (on altar wall of
Sistine Chapel); Sculptures: "David," "Moses," "Pieta" (only work
with his signature - located in St. Peter's Basilica)
Miro, Juan (1893-1983) Spanish abstract painter; his works are full of
fantasy and humor, "Glove and Newspaper," "The Hare," "Harlequin's
Festival," "Maternity"
Mondrian, Piet (1872-1945) Dutch geometric painter; “Composition with
Red, Yellow and Blue”
Monet, Claude (1840-1926) French impressionist painter; generally
regarded as creator of impressionist movement, “Haystack,”
"Impression: Sunrise," "Luncheon on the Grass," “Water Lilies”
Moore, Henry (1898-1986) English sculptor; often depicted mothers and
children, “Family Group,” “Madonna and Child”
Moses, Grandma (Anna Mary Moses) (1860-1961) American painter – started
at age 76; painted simple yet realistic scenes of rural life in
New England
Munch, Edvard (1863-1944) Norwegian painter; painted landscapes and
portraits that were an expression of a tormented inner state, “The
Murillo, Bartolome (1617-1682) Spanish painter; “The Young Beggar”
Nast, Thomas (1840-1902) American political cartoonist; first drawings
of “Boss” Tweed, Democratic Party donkey, Republican Party
elephant and of the modern depiction of Santa Claus (fat, jolly)
O’Keefe, Georgia (1887-1986) American painter; mainly flowers, still
lifes and landscapes, “Black Iris”
Pei, I.M. (1917) Chinese-American achitect; John Hancock Tower
(Boston), Mile High Center (Denver), Pyramid Entrance to Louvre
(Paris), Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (Cleveland)
Picasso, Pablo (1881-1973) Spanish painter & sculptor; work is divided
into “blue period”, followed by “rose period”, followed by his
cubist phase (a style he co-founded), “Guernica,” “The Guitarist,”
“Les Demoisells d’Avignon (1st ex. of cubism),” “The Three
Pollack, Jackson (1912-1956) American abstract expressionist painter;
AKA Jack the Dripper – splattered paint on canvas, “Number 1 1950”
Raphael (1483-1520) Italian Renaissance painter & architect; worked
mainly at the Vatican, “The Alba Madonna,” “The School of Athens”
Rembrandt (van Rijn) (1606-1669) Dutch painter & etcher; known for selfportraits, “The Money-Changer,” “Night Watch,” “Return of the
Prodigal Son”
Remington, Frederic (1861-1909) American painter, illustrator &
sculptor; best known for sculptures of American West, “Bronco
Renoir, Auguste (1841-1919) French impressionist painter; in later
years, had to have his paintbrush strapped to his hand because of
arthritis, “The Bathers (series),” “Girl With a Hoop,” “The
Luncheon of the Boating Party”
Rivera, Diego (1886-1957) Mexican painter; known mostly for vast
historical murals, “Detroit Industry,” “The Fertile Earth”
Rockwell, Norman (1894-1978) American illustrator; known mostly for 300
covers of The Saturday Evening Post
Rodin, Auguste (1840-1917) French sculptor; “The Kiss,” “The Thinker” –
a copy of which is located at U of L
Rubens, Peter Paul (1577-1640) – Flemish painter; known for nudes of
full-figured women, “Assumption of the Virgin”
Saarinen, Eero (1910-1961) American architect; Gateway Arch, St. Louis;
Seurat, George (1859-1891) – French neoimpressionist, pointillist
painter; “Place de la Concorde, Winter,” “Sunday Afternoon at La
Grande Jatte”
Stuart, Gilbert (1755-1828) American portrait painter; best known for
unfinished portrait of George Washington
Titian (1485-1576) Italian Renaissance painter; well known for his
portraits, “The Rape of Europa,” “Venus of Urbino”
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de (1864-1901) French painter; portrayed scenes
of Paris night life, “At the Moulin Rouge”
Van der Rohe, Mies (1886-1969) German-born American modernist architect;
refined glass and steel architecture, affiliated with Bauhaus
School in Germany, Lake Shore Drive Apartment Building Chicago
van Eyck, Jan (1395-1441) Flemish painter; “Ghent Altarpiece,” “Giovanni
Arnolfini and His Bride,” “Madonna with Chancellor Rolin”
Van Gogh, Vincent (1853-1890) Dutch postimpressionist painter; only sold
1 painting in his lifetime, committed suicide at age 37 and left
behind 800 unsold paintings, “Potato Eaters,” “Self Portrait With
Bandaged Ear,” “Starry Night,” “Sunflowers”
Velazquez, Diego (1599-1660) Spanish painter; official court painter of
Spanish kings and popes, “Las Meninas”
Vermeer, Jan (1632-1675) Dutch painter; “Girl with a Pearl Earring,”
“Young Woman with a Water Pitcher”
Warhol, Andy (1928-1987) American pop art painter; painted Campbell’s
Soup Cans and Brillo soap pad boxes, “Marilyn (Monroe)”
Whistler, James McNeil (1834-1903) American painter; “Arrangement in
Grey and Black (AKA “Whistler’s Mother”)”
Wood, Grant (1892-1942) American painter; “American Gothic” (two austere
farm people, male holding pitchfork)
Wren, Sir Christopher (1632-1723) English architect; rebuilt many
buildings following Great Fire of London in 1666, most notably St.
Paul’s Cathedral, Westminster Abbey
Wright, Frank Lloyd (1869-1959) American architect; Guggenheim Museum,
NYC (spiral, wider at top than at bottom), Kaufmann House, Bear
Run, PA (poised over a waterfall – AKA “Falling Water”)
Wyeth, Andrew (1917) American painter; “Christina’s World”