University of Southern California Daniel J. Epstein Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering ISE 330: Introduction to Operations Research Lecture 21 Outline Read: H & L chapter 8.1-8.2 EXAMPLE – P & T COMPANY SOURCES [ supply ] DESTINATIONS [ demand ] Bellingham [–80] Sacramento [75] [–65] Salt Lake City Eugene [125] Albert Lea [–70] Rapid City [100] [–85] Albuquerque Shipping Data Cannery Allocation 1 2 3 Shipping Cost ($) per Truckload Warehouse 1 2 3 4 464 513 654 867 352 416 690 791 995 682 388 685 80 65 70 85 Output 75 125 100 See also: Jan-Feb 1997 isse of Interfaces, Proctor & Gamblecase study. 1 ISE 330: Lecture 21 Notes A Transportation Problem Requirements Assumption: Each source has a fixed supply of units, si, where the entire supply must be distributed to he destinations. Each destination has a fixed demand for units, dj, and the entire demand must be received from the sources. Feasible Solutions Property: A transportation problem will have feasible solutions if and only if… Cost Assumption: The cost of distributing units from any particular source to any particular destination, cij, is directly proportional to the number of units distributed, xij. The model: Any transportation model can be described completely by a parameter table… Source 1 2 3 Demand 1 c11 c21 : cm1 d1 Cost per Unit Distributed Destination 2 … c12 … c22 … : cm2 … d2 … n c1n c2n : cmn dn Supply s1 s2 : sm The LP Formulation of the Problem… E.C. 2 ISE 330: Lecture 21 Notes Do you detect a pattern in the coefficients? If so, what is it? Integer Solutions Property: For transportation problems where every si and dj have integer values, all the basic variables in every BFS also have integer values. Dummy Sources Water Resources data for Metro Water District Colombo River Sacron River Calorie River Min needed Requested Cost (Tens of Dollars) per Acre Foot Berdoo Los Devils San Go Hollyglass 16 13 22 17 14 13 19 15 19 20 23 – 30 70 0 10 50 70 30 Supply 50 60 50 (in 1M acre feet) Formulation… E.C. 3 ISE 330: Lecture 21 Notes The Transportation Simplex Method Row 0 of simplex tableaux after standardization… ui = multiple of original row i that has been subtracted (directly or indirectly) from original row 0 by the simlex method during all iterations leading to the current simplex tableaux. vj = multiple of original row m+j that has been subtracted (directly or indirectly) from original row 0 by the simplex method during all iterations leading to the current simplex tableaux. Observe that: [1] no artificial variables are needed [2] the current row 0 can be obtained without using any other row simply by calculating the current values of ui and vj directly. [3] the leaving basic variable can be identified in a simple way without (explicitly) using the coefficients of the entering basic variable. Hence, the new BFS can be identified immediately without any algebraic manipulations on the rows of the simplex tableaux. E.C. 4 ISE 330: Lecture 21 Notes The only information needed by the transportation simplex method is: Compare: A transportation problem with m sources and n destinations, the simplex tableau would have _________ rows and ____________ columns, and the transportation simplex tableau would have ________ rows and ________ columns. Format of a transportation simplex tableau: E.C. 5 ISE 330: Lecture 21 Notes Constructing an Initial BFS: [1] From the rows and columns still under consideration, select the next basic variable (allocation) according to some criterion. [2] Make the allocation large enough to exactly use up the remaining supply in its row or the remaining demand in its column (whichever is smaller). [3] Eliminate that row or column from further consideration. (If the row and column have the same remaining supply and demand, then arbitrarily select the row as the one to be eliminated. The column will be used later to provide a degenerate basic variable, circled.) [4] If only one row or only one column remains under consideration, then the procedure is completed by selecting every remaining variable associated with that row or column to be basic with the only feasible allocation. Otherwise, return to [1]. For step [1]: Northwest corner rule: Begin by selected x11. Thereafter, if xij was the last basic variable selected, then next select xi,j+1 (one column to the right) if source i has any supply remaining. Otherwise, next select xi+1, j (one row down). E.C. 6 ISE 330: Lecture 21 Notes Vogel’s approximation method: For each row and column remaining under consideration, calculate its difference, the arithmetic difference between the smallest and next-to-the-smallest unit cost cij still reamining in that row or column. In that row or column having the largest difference, select the variable having the smallest remaining unit cost. Russel’s approximation method: For each source row i remaining under consideration, determine its ui, the largest unit cost cij still remaining in that row. For each destination column j remaining under consideration, determine its vj, which is the largest unit cost cij still remaining in that column. For each variable xij not previously selected in these rows and columns, calculate ij = cij – ui – vj. Select the variable having the largest (in absolute terms) negative value of ij. E.C. 7 ISE 330: Lecture 21 Notes The Transportation Simplex Method Initialization: Construct an initial BFS by the procedure outlined above. Optimality Test: Derive ui and vj by selecting the row having the largest number of allocations, setting its ui = 0, then solving the set of equations cij = ui + vj for each (i,j) such that xij is basic. If cij – ui – vj 0 for every (i,j) such that xij is nonbasic, then the current solution is optimal. Iteration: 1. Determine the entering basic variable: Select the nonbasic variable xij having the largest (in absolute terms) negative value of cij – ui – vj. 2. Determine the leaving basic variable: Identify the chain reaction required to retain feasibility when the entering basic variable is increased. Fromt eh donor cells, select the basic variable having the smallest value. 3. Determine the new BFS: Add the value of the leaving basic variable to the allocation for each recipient cell. Subtract this value from the allocation for each donor cell. E.C. 8