
Miss Whitmiller
Tentative 9th Grade (Accelerated) Syllabus
Quarter I (September 1st through November 4th)
Week 1:
Week 2:
Week 3:
Week 4:
Week 5:
Week 6:
Week 7:
Week 8:
Week 9:
Introductions; Expectations; “Harrison Bergeron Project”
“Harrison Bergeron” presentations; Summer Reading Test/Discussions; Milk Stool;
Remembering September 11th; Take-home pre-test
Introduction to Mythology; Greek gods & goddesses; History of Troy; Characters
Characters continued; Odyssey – Books I – V; Vocabulary test Friday; Film Clips;
Expository Writing assignment
Monday: Quiz on Books I-V; Read Books VI-XI; Vocabulary test Friday; Film
Monday: Quiz on Books VI-XI; Read Books XII-XVI; Vocabulary test Friday; Film
Clips; Expository Writing assignment due
Monday: Socratic Seminar; Assign Personal Odyssey Project; Read Books XVIIXX; Vocabulary test Friday
Monday: Quiz on Books XVII-XX; Read Books XXI-XIV; Vocabulary test Friday
Personal Odyssey Project Presentations; Final Socratic Seminar; Review of Greek
gods & goddesses, history of Troy, characters, and Odyssey; Final Odyssey test
Quarter 2 (November 5th through January 21st)
Week 10:
Week 11:
Week 12:
Week 13:
Week 14:
Week 15:
Week 16:
Week 17:
Week 18:
Introduction to William Shakespeare, history, and works; Background of Globe
Theatre; Elizabethan English; Elements of Plays; Characters and background of
Act I & begin Act II; Vocabulary test Friday; Introduce extra credit assignment
(memorizing & performing Shakespeare)
Socratic Seminar Monday; Act III & IV; Vocabulary test Friday
Act V; Final Test on “Macbeth” and William Shakespeare; Extra credit assignment
Stephen Chbosky background; Begin Perks of Being a Wallflower; Introduce
portfolio project; First Letter Assignment Due Friday; Vocabulary Test Friday
Perks of Being a Wallflower; A look at Charlie; Stereotyping; Second Letter
Assignment Due Friday; Socratic Seminar; Vocabulary Test Friday
Perks of Being a Wallflower; Character Analysis; Third Letter Assignment Due
Friday; Socratic Seminar; Vocabulary Test Friday
Perks of Being a Wallflower; Internal and External Factors; Character Development;
Fourth Letter Assignment Due Friday; Socratic Seminar; Vocabulary Test Friday
Finish Perks of Being a Wallflower; Final Socratic Seminar; Final portfolios due;
Final Test on Perks of Being a Wallflower
Quarter 3 (January 22nd through March 29th)
Week 19:
Week 20:
Week 21:
Week 22:
Week 23:
Week 24:
Week 25:
Week 26:
Week 27:
Introduction of Khaled Hosseini; Background of The Kite Runner; Character chart;
Assign Literature Circle Groups; Begin The Kite Runner Chapters 1-3
The Kite Runner; Chapters 4-8; Literature Circle Groups (Complete roles and
assignments); Vocabulary test Friday
The Kite Runner; Chapters 9-15; Literature Circle Groups (Complete roles and
assignments); Vocabulary test Friday
The Kite Runner; Chapters 16-20; Literature Circle Groups (Complete roles and
assignments); Vocabulary test Friday
The Kite Runner; Chapters 20-25; Literature Circle Groups (Complete roles and
assignments); Vocabulary test Friday
The Kite Runner final test; Background information of To Kill a Mockingbird;
Introduction to Harper Lee; Character Chart; Begin Reading (Chapters 1-4)
To Kill a Mockingbird Chapters 5-10; Vocabulary test Friday; Introduce To Kill a
Mockingbird assignment
Socratic Seminar Monday; Continue To Kill A Mockingbird Chapters 11-17;
Vocabulary test Friday
Test on To Kill a Mockingbird, Chapters 1-17; Socratic Seminar; To Kill a
Mockingbird assignment due; To Kill a Mockingbird Chapters 18-21
Quarter 4 (March 30th through June 1st)
Week 28:
Week 29:
Week 30:
Week 31:
Week 32:
Week 33:
Week 34:
Week 35:
Week 36:
Socratic Seminar Monday; To Kill a Mockingbird Chapters 21-27; Vocabulary test
Socratic Seminar Monday; Finish To Kill a Mockingbird; Final To Kill a
Mockingbird Test; Introduce Thirteen Reasons Why; Character List; Introduction of
Jay Asher; Chapter 1; Where do you stand activity
Thirteen Reasons Why Chapters 2 & 3; Vocabulary test Friday
Thirteen Reasons Why Chapters 4, 5, & 6; Character Analysis (Internal and External
Factors); Vocabulary test Friday
Thirteen Reasons Why Chapters 7, 8, & 9; Introduce Argumentative Writing
Assignment; Guest Speaker; Vocabulary test Friday
Thirteen Reasons Why Chapters 10, 11, & 12; Vocabulary test Friday
Thirteen Reasons Why Chapters 13 & 14; Vocabulary test Friday
Argumentative Writing Assignment Due; Final Socratic Seminar on Thirteen
Reasons Why; Review for Finals;
Miss Whitmiller
Tentative 9th Grade Syllabus
Quarter I (September 1st through November 4th)
Week 1:
Week 2:
Week 3:
Week 4:
Week 5:
Week 6:
Week 7:
Week 8:
Week 9:
Introductions; Expectations; “Harrison Bergeron Project”
“Harrison Bergeron” presentations; Summer Reading Test/Discussions; Milk Stool;
Remembering September 11th; Take-home pre-test
Introduction to Mythology; Greek gods & goddesses; History of Troy; Characters
Characters continued; Odyssey – Books I – V; Vocabulary test Friday; Film Clips;
Expository Writing assignment
Monday: Quiz on Books I-V; Read Books VI-XI; Vocabulary test Friday; Film
Monday: Quiz on Books VI-XI; Read Books XII-XVI; Vocabulary test Friday; Film
Clips; Expository Writing assignment due
Monday: Socratic Seminar; Assign Personal Odyssey Project; Read Books XVIIXX; Vocabulary test Friday
Monday: Quiz on Books XVII-XX; Read Books XXI-XIV; Vocabulary test Friday
Personal Odyssey Project Presentations; Final Socratic Seminar; Review of Greek
gods & goddesses, history of Troy, characters, and Odyssey; Final Odyssey test
Quarter 2 (November 5th through January 21st)
Week 10:
Week 11:
Week 12:
Week 13:
Week 14:
Week 15:
Week 16:
Week 17:
Week 18:
Introduction to William Shakespeare, history, and works; Background of Globe
Theatre; Elizabethan English; Elements of Plays; Characters and background of
Act I & begin Act II; Vocabulary test Friday; Introduce extra credit assignment
(memorizing & performing Shakespeare)
Socratic Seminar Monday; Act III & IV; Vocabulary test Friday
Act V; Final Test on “Macbeth” and William Shakespeare; Extra credit assignment
Stephen Chbosky background; Begin Perks of Being a Wallflower; Introduce
portfolio project; First Letter Assignment Due Friday; Vocabulary Test Friday
Perks of Being a Wallflower; A look at Charlie; Stereotyping; Second Letter
Assignment Due Friday; Socratic Seminar; Vocabulary Test Friday
Perks of Being a Wallflower; Character Analysis; Third Letter Assignment Due
Friday; Socratic Seminar; Vocabulary Test Friday
Perks of Being a Wallflower; Internal and External Factors; Character Development;
Fourth Letter Assignment Due Friday; Socratic Seminar; Vocabulary Test Friday
Finish Perks of Being a Wallflower; Final Socratic Seminar; Final portfolios due;
Final Test on Perks of Being a Wallflower
Quarter 3 (January 22nd through March 29th)
Week 19:
Week 20:
Week 21:
Week 22:
Week 23:
Week 24:
Week 25:
Week 26:
Week 27:
Introduction to John Green; Character Chart; Begin Looking for Alaska; Chapters 110; Assign Literature Circle Groups
Looking for Alaska; Chapters 11-21; Literature Circle Groups (Complete roles and
assignments); Vocabulary test Friday
Looking for Alaska; Chapters 22-33; Literature Circle Groups (Complete roles and
assignments); Vocabulary test Friday
Looking for Alaska; Chapters 34-45 Literature Circle Groups (Complete roles and
assignments); Vocabulary test Friday
Looking for Alaska; Chapters 46-57; Literature Circle Groups (Complete roles and
assignments); Vocabulary test Friday
Finish Looking for Alaska; Final Looking for Alaska Test; Background information
of To Kill a Mockingbird; Introduction to Harper Lee; Character Chart; Begin
Reading (Chapters 1-4)
To Kill a Mockingbird Chapters 5-10; Vocabulary test Friday; Introduce To Kill a
Mockingbird assignment
Socratic Seminar Monday; Continue To Kill A Mockingbird Chapters 11-17;
Vocabulary test Friday
Test on To Kill a Mockingbird, Chapters 1-17; Socratic Seminar; To Kill a
Mockingbird assignment due; To Kill a Mockingbird Chapters 18-21
Quarter 4 (March 30th through June 1st)
Week 28:
Week 29:
Week 30:
Week 31:
Week 32:
Week 33:
Week 34:
Week 35:
Week 36:
Socratic Seminar Monday; To Kill a Mockingbird Chapters 21-27; Vocabulary test
Socratic Seminar Monday; Finish To Kill a Mockingbird; Final To Kill a
Mockingbird Test; Introduce Thirteen Reasons Why; Character List; Introduction of
Jay Asher; Chapter 1; Where do you stand activity
Thirteen Reasons Why Chapters 2 & 3; Vocabulary test Friday
Thirteen Reasons Why Chapters 4, 5, & 6; Character Analysis (Internal and External
Factors); Vocabulary test Friday
Thirteen Reasons Why Chapters 7, 8, & 9; Introduce Argumentative Writing
Assignment; Guest Speaker; Vocabulary test Friday
Thirteen Reasons Why Chapters 10, 11, & 12; Vocabulary test Friday
Thirteen Reasons Why Chapters 13 & 14; Vocabulary test Friday
Argumentative Writing Assignment Due; Final Socratic Seminar on Thirteen
Reasons Why; Review for Finals;
Miss Whitmiller
Tentative 8th Grade Reading Syllabus
Quarter I (September 1st through November 4th)
Week 1:
Week 2:
Week 3:
Week 4:
Week 5:
Week 6:
Week 7:
Week 8:
Week 9:
Introductions; Expectations; “The Lottery”; Irony; Reading Strategies
Reading Strategies continued; Milk Stool; Study Island Thursday; Remember
September 11th
Reading Strategies continued; Using Reading Strategies with Autobiographies &
Biographies; Bookmarks; Characterization
PSSA practice Tuesday; Study Island Thursday; Introduction & background
information on The Giver; Character List;
Vocabulary terms The Giver; PSSA practice Tuesday; Study Island Thursday; The
Giver; Vocabulary test Friday; Movie Clip
Vocabulary terms The Giver; PSSA practice Tuesday; Study Island Thursday; The
Giver; Vocabulary test Friday; Movie Clip
Vocabulary terms The Giver; PSSA practice Tuesday; Study Island Thursday; The
Giver; Vocabulary test Friday; Movie Clip
Vocabulary terms The Giver; PSSA practice Tuesday; Study Island Thursday; The
Giver; Vocabulary test Friday; Movie Clip
Socratic Seminar; Final portfolio project due; Final test on The Giver
Quarter 2 (November 5th through January 21st)
Week 10:
Week 11:
Week 12:
Week 13:
Week 14:
Week 15:
Week 16:
Week 17:
Week 18:
PSSA practice Tuesday; Study Island Thursday; Introduction & background
information on The Outsiders; Character List;
Vocabulary terms The Outsiders; PSSA practice Tuesday; Study Island Thursday;
Vocabulary test Friday; Movie Clip; What does it mean to be a Soc? What does it
mean to be a Greaser?
Vocabulary terms The Outsiders; PSSA practice Tuesday; Study Island Thursday;
Vocabulary test Friday; Movie Clip; Stereotyping; Character Development: Ponyboy
Vocabulary terms The Outsiders; PSSA practice Tuesday; Study Island Thursday;
Vocabulary test Friday; Movie Clip; Introduce The Outsiders project
Vocabulary terms The Outsiders; PSSA practice Tuesday; Study Island Thursday;
Vocabulary test Friday; Movie Clip
Finish The Outsiders; Socratic Seminar; PSSA practice Tuesday; Study Island
Thursday; Final Outsiders test; Finish movie; The Outsiders projects due
Short story Unit: Edgar Allan Poe; Literary Elements; Elements of plot; Short story
writing assignment introduced
Short story Unit continued
Short story Unit continued; Short story writing assignment due
Quarter 3 (January 22nd through March 29th)
Week 19:
Week 20:
Week 21:
Week 22:
Week 23:
Week 24:
Week 25:
Week 26:
Week 27:
Quarter 4 (March 30th through June 1st)
Week 28:
Week 29:
Week 30:
Week 31:
Week 32:
Week 33:
Week 34:
Week 35:
Week 36: