English 1-H Weekly Syllabus, 2/20-2/25

English 1-H Weekly Syllabus, 2/15-2/10
Mrs. Huynh-Duc and Mr. Daniels
Monday, 2/15
Class: Vocabulary List 15; Discuss Great Expectations Chapters 33-35
HW: Read Chapters 36-37 of Great Expectations; optional summaries.
Tuesday, 2/16
Class: Introduction to commas, Discuss Great Expectations
HW: Read Chapters 38-39 of Great Expectations for THURSDAY, plus
optional summaries (different from your bookmark)
Wednesday, 2/17
Early Release Day
Class: Vocabulary Activity!
HW: Read Chapters 38-39 of Great Expectations for tomorrow; brainstorm
questions on the Socratic Seminar handout for tomorrow’s activity.
Thursday, 2/18
Class: Discuss Great Expectations Coffee Talk/Socratic Seminar Style
HW: Chapters 40-41 plus optional summaries; study vocabulary
Friday, 2/19
Vocabulary Quiz on Lists 13-15
Class: Probably no time for Bluff today ; Discuss Great Expectations;
Vocabulary Quiz (Lists 13-15)
HW: Vocabulary notecards for List 16 for Monday with sentences that
properly use the INTRODUCTORY COMMA. Also, read chapter 42 (optional
Quote of the Week:
“What I like best is a book that's at least funny once in a while...What really knocks me out is a book that, when
you're all done reading it, you wish the author that wrote it was a terrific friend of yours and you could call him
up on the phone whenever you felt like it. That doesn't happen much, though.”
JD Salinger
**DISCLAIMER: I reserve the right to amend the homework/classwork on this sheet as academic (or weather) needs arise.