Clinical Psychology Intern - College of Arts and Sciences

Lindsay Brauer
Curriculum Vitae
Chief Clinical Psychology Fellow
July 2012-Present
Northwestern Memorial Hospital/Northwestern University
Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL
Clinical Psychology Intern
Northwestern Memorial Hospital/Northwestern University
Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL
Clinical Psychology Doctoral Candidate
University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida
Dissertation: Goal Attainment as a Function of Depressive
Status in Women: The Role of Problem-Solving.
Successfully defended March 21 st , 2012
July 2011-June
Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology
University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida
Thesis: Goal Generation as a Function of Depressive
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Drew University, Madison, New Jersey
Bachelor of Arts in Spanish
Select courses in Spanish Language, Art, and Film
Universidad de Sevilla, Sevlle, Spain
January 2003May 2003
L. Brauer
Clinical Training
Chief Clinical Psychology Fellow, Northwestern Memorial
Hospital/Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
July 2012-Present
Supervisors: Cindy Dopke, Ph.D., Jacqueline Gollan, Ph.D.
 Provide individual cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic therapies to
adults with Severe Mental Illness, including Major Depressive Disorder,
Psychotic Disorders, Bipolar Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder,
Borderline Personality Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorders with Comorbid
Anxiety, and Eating Disorders. Actively participate in interdisciplinary team
meetings to coordinate outpatient care. Under the supervision of Jacqueline
Gollan, Ph.D., represent the Behavioral Activation Communication research
project. Responsibilities include attending interdisciplinary treatment planning
meetings on the inpatient unit to aid in the incorporation of behavioral
activation treatment strategies in inpatient care, advise nursing staff of
behavioral activation principles and how to communicate such principles with
patients, and provide consultation-liaison services to promote interdisciplinary
patient care. As Chief Fellow, facilitate communication between trainees
clinic management, involved in transition and training of new interns,
psychology graduate students, and social work interns to policies and
procedures of the clinic, represent interns and post-doctoral fellows on the
training committee, attend weekly case assignment meetings and select
appropriate therapy cases for interns and fellows, support interns and fellows
in ethical decision-making.
Clinical Neuropsychology Fellow, Northwestern Memorial Faculty
Foundation, July 2012-Present
Supervisors: James Reilly, Ph.D., Derin Cobia, Ph.D.
 Responsible for the conduction of interviews, administration of cognitive
batteries, generation of reports and provision of feedback to clients.
Presenting concerns include cognitive deficits associated with psychiatric
disorders, questionable diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder,
traumatic brain injury, and various memory issues.
Clinical Psychology Intern, Northwestern Memorial Hospital/Northwestern
University Feinberg School of Medicine
July 2011- June 2012
Supervisors: Cindy Dopke, Ph.D., Mark Reinecke, Ph.D., Inger Burnett-Zeigler, Ph.D.
 Provided individual cognitive behavioral and psychodynamic therapies to
adults with Severe Mental Illness, including: Major Depressive Disorder,
Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, Panic
Disorder, Substance Dependence, and Personality Disorders. Actively
participated in interdisciplinary team meetings to coordinate patient care.
Also conducted psychological and neuropsychological assessments to address
concerns of cognitive deficits and diagnostic clarity. Conducted clinical intake
assessments to determine diagnosis, and determination of services. Finally,
co-created and facilitated three rounds of group therapy focusing on goal
generation and pursuit to promote psychological wellness.
L. Brauer
Research Therapist, Rothman Center for Neuropsychiatry, All Children’s
August 2010-June 2011
Supervisors: Eric Storch, Ph.D., Adam Lewin, Ph.D.
 Work as a research therapist on four distinct protocols: an NIH-funded and
foundation-funded study examining cognitive-behavioral treatment for youth
with autism and comorbid anxiety; a foundation-funded study of cognitivebehavioral treatment for pediatric Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
delivered via the internet; a protocol designed to enhance cognitive and
emotional coping strategies for adolescents with Tourette’s Disorder; and a
study examining the utility of behavioral therapy for children diagnosed with
Prader-Willi Syndrome and comorbid OCD. Also served as clinical therapist,
providing outpatient cognitive-behavioral therapy for children and adolescents
with OCD in weekly and intensive formats. Also conducted unstructured
intake interviews to determine diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Received
regular individual supervision by a licensed clinical psychologist.
Clinical Psychology Extern, James A. Haley Veteran’s Administration
May 2010-June 2011
Supervisor: Holly Steele, Ph.D.
 Trained in the administration of psychological and neuropsychological
interviews for patients in the Polytrauma and Post-Deployment Rehabilitation
and Evaluation (PREP) programs. Conduct therapy with active and retired
military personnel presenting with a variety of psychological distress, including
post-traumatic stress disorder and anger management issues. In addition,
received specialized training in the diagnosis, sequelae, and behavioral
treatments for traumatic brain injuries. Other responsibilities include attending
weekly multi-disciplinary team meetings and rounds, aiding in case
conceptualization and treatment planning with other PREP medical staff,
conducting literature searches relevant to the treatment of traumatic brain
injuries, emotional coping strategies for individuals with limb amputations, and
research and selection of neuropsychological batteries. Receive regular
individual supervision by a licensed clinical psychologist.
Clinical Psychology Trainee, Psychological Services Center
at the University of South Florida
September 2007-June 2011
Supervisors: Christine Totura, Ph.D., Holly Steele, Ph.D., Katurah Jenkins-Hall, Ph.D., Jack
Darkes, Ph.D.
 Deliver mental health services to adolescents, adults, and couples who present
with various psychopathology. Trained in evidence-based treatments including
cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Case examples include: depression,
anxiety, PTSD, personality disorders, and substance abuse.
L. Brauer
Clinical Psychology Trainee, Rothman Center for Neuropsychiatry, All
Children’s Hospital
March 2009-August 2010
Supervisor: Eric Storch, Ph.D.
 Trained in the cognitive-behavioral treatment of children, adolescents, and
adults who have obsessive-compulsive and related anxiety/mood disorders.
Treatment consists of exposure/ response prevention, cognitive therapy,
medication adherence, and habit reversal. Received weekly individual
supervision by a licensed clinical psychologist.
Psychometrist, Moffitt Cancer Research Center
August 2009-July 2010
Supervisor: Margaret Booth-Jones, Ph.D.
 Interviewed cancer patients and their family members to assess psychosocial
status and administered neuropsychological testing to assess cognitive
functioning prior to patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplant.
Interviewed patients and their family members to assess psychosocial status and
conducted neuropsychological testing to assess cognitive functioning of cancer
patients and survivors concerned with cognitive decline and/or dementia.
Provided inpatient psychological consultations for patients going through
hematopoietic stem cell transplant. Conducted neuropsychological screenings
for the Tampa Bay Lightning hockey team. Received regular individual
supervision by a licensed clinical psychologist.
Psychological Assessment Training Assistant
August 2008-August2009
Supervisor: Maria dePerczel-Goodwin, Ph.D.
 Responsible for the training and supervision of graduate students in the
administration, scoring, and report writing of neuropsychological assessments.
Trained students in the administration and scoring of the following
assessments: Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV), Weschler
Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-III and WAIS-IV), Woodcock Johnson Test of
Cognitive Abilities (WJ-III), and the Woodcock Johnson Test of Achievement
(WJ-III). In addition, created and conducted a training seminar in the
administration of the WAIS-IV for students and community psychologists.
Clinical Psychology Trainee, Neuropsychological Assessment
August 2007-August 2008
Supervisor: Cynthia Cimino, Ph.D.
 Conducted neuropsychological assessments for individuals with suspected
learning disabilities, ADHD, and memory impairments. Assessments include:
Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale III (WAIS-III), Woodcock-Johnson Tests of
Achievement –Third Edition (WJ-Ach III), Woodcock Johnson Tests of
Cognitive Ability – Third Edition (WJ-Cognitive III), Mini Mental Status Exam
(MMSE), Hopkins Verbal Learning Test (HVLT), D-KEFS Trails A and B,
Brief Visuospatial Memory Test (BVMT), Benton Facial Recognition Test
(BFRT), and the Wisconsin Card Sort Test (WCST). Responsible for the
scoring of assessments, generation of clinical reports and delivery of feedback.
Received weekly supervision by a licensed clinical psychologist.
L. Brauer
Clinical Psychology Trainee, Adult and Child Psychology Assessment
Supervisors: Paul Jacobsen, Ph.D., Julie Reich, Ph.D.
 Trained in the assessment of psychopathology, behavior, and personality in
adults and children. Gained experience in case conceptualization, administration
of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM Disorders – Clinical Version
(SCID-CV), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Minnesota Multiphasic
Personality Inventory – 2 (MMPI-2), Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI),
WISC-IV, Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL, YSR), report writing, and delivering
feedback and recommendations.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
January 2009-May 2009
Goal Attainment as a Function of Depressive Status in Women: The Role of
May 2010-Present
Instructor: Marc Karver, Ph.D.
 Introduced to and trained in multiple principles of Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Role: Principal Investigator
 Project examines goal generation and attainment in currently depressed,
formerly depressed, and never-depressed women. In addition, examines
differences in problem-solving abilities as a function of depression history, and
the role this may play in goal attainment. Responsibilities include: development
of protocol, conduction of participant sessions, development of goal-coding
guidelines, IRB correspondence, supervision and training of research assistants,
and data entry.
Principal Investigator, Impatience: Measurement and Scale Development
May 2010-Present
Role: Principal Investigator
 Project examines facets of “impatience,” and psychometric analyses of its
measurement. In addition, examines correlation to other measures of
impulsivity and compulsive behaviors. Responsibilities include scale
development, data collection and quality control, IRB correspondence, and
conduction of pertinent analyses.
Therapist, Video-phone Administered Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for
Pediatric Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
May 2009-May 2010
Supervisor: Eric Storch, Ph.D.
 Currently providing videophone-administered cognitive-behavioral therapy to
treat obsessive-compulsive disorder in children and adolescents using a 12-week
standardized treatment protocol.
L. Brauer
Goal Generation as a Function of Depressive Status
May 2008-May 2009
Role: Principal Investigator
 Project examined differences in characteristics of goal generation in currently
depressed, formerly depressed, and never-depressed women. Responsibilities
included: development of protocol, creation of goal-coding guidelines,
conduction of study sessions, supervision and training of research assistants,
IRB correspondence, data entry and quality assurance.
Autobiographical Memory Specificity in Major Depressive Disorder
January 2007-October 2007
Role: Principal Investigator
 Comparison of the specificity of autobiographical memories through two
instruments, the Autobiographical Memory Task and the Emotions Interview,
across currently and never-depressed men and women. Responsibilities
included: review of archival data, supervision and training of research assistants,
data analysis and presentation.
Mood and Emotion Lab, University of South Florida
Fall 2006-Fall 2007
Supervisor: Jonathan Rottenberg, Ph.D.
 Participation includes the administration of Structured Clinical Interview for
DSM-IV-TR Axis I Disorders, Research Version, Patient Edition with Psychotic
Screen (SCID-I/P W/ PSY SCREEN) with individuals with and without a
history of psychopathology, conduction of suicide assessments, the mentoring
of undergraduate research assistants, and weekly involvement in lab meetings.
Team Leader, Pediatric Psychopharmacology, Massachusetts General
July 2005-July 2006
Supervisor: Joseph Biederman, M.D.
 Responsible for monitoring all adult-focused clinical trials for adherence to IRB
and office standards. Mentored research assistants on office policies and
procedures. Trained research assistants to measure vital signs, height and
weight, perform electrocardiograms, and schedule appointments. Supervised
research assistants’ running of subject visits and data collection. Responsible for
interviewing prospective employees.
L. Brauer
 Caporino, N.E., Morgan, J., Lewin, A.B., Rojas, A., Brauer, L., Larson, M.J., &
Murphy, T.K., & Storch, E.A. (2011, November). Preliminary investigation of
web-camera delivered cognitive-behavioral therapy for youth with obsessivecompulsive disorder. Poster accepted for presentation at the Dissemination and
Implementation Science Special Interest Group Expo, 45th Annual Convention
of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Toronto, Canada.
 Storch, E., Caporino, N., Morgan, J., DeNadai, A., Lewin, A., Rojas, A., Brauer,
L., Larson, M., & Murphy, T.K. (2011, November). CBT for Pediatric OCD
Via Web Camera. In C. Chow & C.L. Weiner (Chairs), Innovative treatments
for anxiety disorders in youth: Examining predictors, moderators, and
mediators of treatment outcome. Symposium accepted for presentation at the
45th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapies, Toronto, Canada.
 Jones, A.M., Gunderson, S., Lewin, A.B., Parks, A.M., Murphy, T.K., Morgan,
J.R., Nadeau, J., Brauer, L., Wood, J., May, J.E., & Storch, E.A. (February
2011).Preliminary results of an open trial of cognitive behavioral therapy for
anxiety disorders in adolescents with ASD. Poster presentation at the 21th
annual USF Health Research Day.
 Caporino, N.E., Morgan, J., Lewin, A.B., Rojas, A., Brauer, L., Larson, M.J., &
Murphy, T.K., & Storch, E.A. (2011, July). Preliminary investigation of webcamera delivered cognitive-behavioral therapy for youth with obsessivecompulsive disorder. Poster presentation at the 18th Annual Conference of the
International Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Foundation, San Diego, CA.
 Brauer, L., & Rottenberg, J. (2009, September). The relationship between goal
orientation and cognitive features of depression. Poster presented at the 23rd Annual
Meeting for the Society for Research in Psychopathology, Minneapolis, MN.
 Brauer, L., Smith, B., Kovacs, M., & Rottenberg, J. (2008, September).
Emotional reactivity in adults with childhood onset mood disorder: Does age of onset, polarity,
or sex matter? Poster presented at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Society for
Research in Psychopathology, Pittsburgh, PA.
 Brauer, L., Long, K.M., Rottenberg, J. (2007, September). Do depressed persons’
overgeneral autobiographical memories generalize across autobiographical memory tasks?
Poster presented at the 21st Annual Meeting of the Society for Research in
Psychopathology, Iowa City, IA.
L. Brauer
 Brauer, L., Lewin, A.B., & Storch, E.A. (in press). Evidence-based treatment
for pediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder. Israel Journal of Psychiatry.
 Brauer, L., Lewin, A.B., & Storch E.A. (2011). A review of psychotherapy for
obsessive-compulsive disorder. Mind & Brain, Journal of Psychiatry, 2(1), 38-44.
 Storch, E. A., Caporino, N. E., Morgan, J. R., Lewin, A. B., Rojas, A., Brauer,
L., Larson, M. J., & Murphy, T. K. (2011). Preliminary Investigation of WebCamera Delivered Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Youth with ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder. Psychiatry Research, 189: 3, 407-412
 Storch, E. A., Rahman, O., Morgan, J., Brauer, L., Miller, J., & Murphy, T. K.
(2011). Case series of behavioral psychotherapy for obsessive-compulsive
symptoms in youth with prader-willi syndrome. Journal of Physical and
Developmental Disabilities, 23 (4), 407-412.
 Biederman, J., Petty, C., Faraone, S., Hirshfeld-Becker, D., Henin, A., Brauer,
L., Kaufman, B., Rosenbaum, J. (2006). Antecedents to panic disorder in nonreferred adults. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 67(8), 1179-1186.
In Preparation
 Brauer, L. & Storch, E.A. (in preparation). Emotion regulatory components of
compulsive buying and obsessive-compulsive symptoms.
Guest Lecturer, Abnormal Psychology, University of South Florida
Fall 2009
 Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders
Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Psych Science, University of South
January 2008-July 2008; May 2009-July 2009
Supervisors: Jane Noll, Ph.D., Melissa Lehman, M.A., Maureen Below, M.A.
 Responsible for teaching two classes of undergraduate students regarding the
fundamentals of psychology. Additional responsibilities included: organizing
schedule of lab lectures and activities, constructing weekly lecture materials,
constructing and grading assignments, proctoring exams, and providing prompt
feedback to students on their work.
Course Assistant, Abnormal Psychology, University of South Florida
August 2007-December 2007
Supervisor: Ellis Gesten, Ph.D.
 Responsible for the generation and conduction of three lectures given to two
classes on the topics of Eating Disorders, Schizophrenia, and Cognitive
Disorders. Also delivered a lecture on Substance Use Disorders to both classes.
Additional responsibilities included: attending lectures, managing course
websites (which further included organizing posting course materials, student
grades, and course announcements), grading assignments, proctoring exams, and
promptly responding to student queries.
L. Brauer
Teaching Assistant, Research Methods in Psychology, University of South
August 2006-August 2007
Supervisors: Ken Malmberg, Ph.D., William Sacco, Ph.D., Todd Allen Joseph, M.A.
 Responsible for instructing two classes on basic principles of psychological
research methodology weekly. Additional responsibilities included: creating
weekly lesson plans, helping students construct and employ a research study of
their choice, aiding students in data collection, planning and conducting data
analysis, grading assignments, providing prompt feedback to students on their
work, proctoring and grading exams.
Distinguished Clinician Award, Northwestern University
Chief Fellow Appointment Award, Northwestern University
Citizenship Award, University of South Florida
Psi Chi, Drew University
Sigma Delta Pi, Drew University
Merit Scholar, Drew University
Dean’s List, Drew University
Graduated Cum Laude, Drew University