Effects of L-Methionine Essential Metals Complexes on Sorghum Crop Irfan Ismail1, Mudassar Kamal1, Muhammad Abdul Qadir2, ABSTRACT In the present work, amino acids complexes with essential metals such as Ca, Mg, Cu, Co, Fe and Zn were synthesized and characterized. Its metal to ligand ratio was determined by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy and it was observed that Metal:Ligand ratio was of the order of 1:1. Further confirmation of the complexes was carried out by using FTIR, melting points and solubility studies. The purification of these complexes was carried out by re-crystallization in various solvents. In the present work we have achieved percentage yields in the range of 35- 70%. Furthermore, confirmation of these complexes was proved by their melting points. In order to study the effect of these complexes on plant growth and crop yields, these complexes were applied on Sorghum (Jawar). An extra ordinary increase in crop yield up to 2025% was observed by using only 45gr/Acre of these complexes Keywords: Micronutrients, Soil, Plants. 1. Chemistry Department, Minhaj University, Township Lahore-Pakistan. 2. Chemistry Department, Punjab University, Lahore-Pakistan. INTRODUCTION Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen are non-mineral nutrients. They are synthesized by plants by using carbon dioxide and water. Nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, sulfur, magnesium and calcium are designated as micronutrients while iron, manganese, zinc, copper, boron, molybdenum and chloride are designated as micronutrients because they are also required in small amounts for plant growth. Deficiency of micronutrients is caused by growing repeated crops. Micronutrients play an important role in activating enzymes for photosynthesis, lignin biosynthesis, carbohydrate synthesis and transportation. Similarly synthesis of fatty acids and proteins are also regularized through micronutrients. Calcium plays an important role in plant growth and nutrition, as well as the cell wall deposition. The main roles of calcium as a soil amendment to help maintain the chemical balance of the soil reduce soil salinity and improve water infiltration.[1] Calcium(Ca) deficiency is a plant disease that may not be enough calcium in the growth medium, but more of a low transpiration of the whole plant, or, more often, the affected tissue product . Iron is also an essential metal which is needed for the synthesis of chlorophyll. It is also involved in the activation of many enzymes which are used in photosynthesis and respiration. It is also involved in compounds and physiological process in plants.[2] Deficiency of iron in crops harvested in calcareous soil has been linked to higher concentration of carbonates and bicarbonates in the soil(Coulombe et al,1984).Some scientists observed that main symptom of iron deficiency is chlorosis or yellowing between the veins of new leaves. Zinc and Copper improve the roots of sorghum plants (Fageria, 2002) which effect the overall growth of the sorghum plant.[3] Micronutrients deficiencies also constitute malnutrition which is responsible for more deaths than any other cause. It is involved in the formation of chlorophyll. It is also responsible for the organic compounds that are useful plants, the synthesis of amino acids, resistance to adverse growth factors and cellular protein synthesis.[4] Cobalt salts increase the number of growth processes, such as stem and coleoptiles elongation, bud development.VitaminB12containing cobalt, which is synthesized by Rhizobium.[5] Mg is involved in the formation of chlorophyll. It is also responsible for the organic compounds that are useful plants, the synthesis of amino acids, resistance to adverse growth factors and cellular protein synthesis. [6] Methionine is very important in plants for source of dietary protein for humans and animals. It is also fundamental metabolite n plant cell.[7] Zinc L-Methionine complex was found to be more effective for the growth of the sorghum plant. Uptake of Zn with Zinc L-Methionine complex application was superior to other sources (Shukla and Morris, 1967).[8] Nearly five million child deaths happen because of micronutrient malnutrition every year. Malnutrition arising from dietary deficiency of critically important mineral micronutrients such as Fe and Zn is a serious problem affecting nearly half of `the world‘s population(WHO,2002).[9-10] The present paper is to study the effect of LMethionine chelated micronutrients on growth of Sorghum plant which intern enhance the crop yields. EXPERIMENTAL Reagents All the reagents were of analytical grade purchased from Sigma-Aldrich, china while distilled water was prepared in our own laboratory using Milli-Q® direct water purification system. Preparation of Metal Complexes Different metal- L-methionine complexes were synthesized by preparing different metal salt solutions and L-methionine solutions of equal molar concentration and made the volume of each solution up to the specified mark by adding distilled water. Metal salt solution and L-methionine solution was mixed up and then adjusted the pH by pH meter by adding 1M NaOH or 0.1M HCl. Solution was then placed on hot plate after adjusting temperature between 70-90°C. When volume remained to about 15-20ml then solution was cooled in the refrigerator and crystals were obtained. Best yield of Calcium and magnesium L-Methionine complexes were achieved at pH 8-10 by adding few drops of 1M NaOH and that of copper, zinc ,cobalt and iron L-Methionine complexes were achieved at pH 4-6 by adding few drops of 0.1 HCl. In the present work, complexes have been prepared by using concentrated reactants and modifying the procedure to get pure crystals of these complexes. 0.5M solution of CaCl 2.2H2O was prepared by dissolving 3.675g of calcium chloride in 50ml of water in 100ml measuring flask.0.5M solution of L-Methionine was prepared by dissolving 3.725g L-Methionine in 50ml of water. These two solutions were mixed up and pH was maintained at 8-10 by pH meter by using few drops of NaOH solution. This solution was then refluxed for an hour and the change in the color was noticed. This refluxed solution was heated in china dish to reduce the volume to 1520ml. The dish was then cooled at room temperature and was then kept in refrigerator for crystallization of complex. The lumps of crystals were observed. The crystals were washed with organic solvent i.e. 9ml acetone with 1ml of water. The solvent was pouring off and crystals were dried in open air and kept in sample voils. Similarly 0.5M solution of FeSO4.2H2O was prepared by dissolving 9.392g of iron sulphate in 50ml of water in 100ml measuring flask. 0.5M solution of L-Methionine was prepared by dissolving 3.725g L-Methionine in 50ml of water. These two solutions were mixed up and pH was maintained at 4-6 by pH meter by using few drops of HCl solution. This solution was then refluxed for an hour and the change in the color was noticed. The same process was repeated as above. In the same way, 0.5 solution of MgCl2.6H2O was prepared by dissolving 3.285g of magnesium chloride in 50ml of water in 100ml measuring flask. This was 0.5M solution of MgCl2.6H2O. 0.5M solution of L-Methionine was prepared by dissolving 3.725g L-Methionine in 50ml of water. These two solutions were mixed up and pH was maintained at 8-9 by pH meter by using few drops of NaOH solution. This solution was then refluxed for an hour and the change in the color was noticed. This refluxed solution was heated in china dish to reduce the volume to 15-20ml. The dish was then cooled at room temperature and was then kept in refrigerator for crystallization of complex. The lumps of crystals were observed. The same process was repeated once again as above. 0.5M solution of CuCl2.2H2O was prepared by dissolving 4.25g of copper chloride in 100ml measuring flask. 0.5M solution of L-Methionine was prepared by dissolving 3.725g L-Methionine in 50ml of water. These two solutions were mixed up and pH was maintained at 4-6 by pH meter by using few drops of HCl solution. This solution was then refluxed for an hour and the change in the color was noticed. This refluxed solution was heated in china dish to reduce the volume to 15-20ml. The dish was then cooled at room temperature and was then kept in refrigerator for crystallization of complex. The lumps of crystals were observed. The same process was repeated once again. 0.5M solution of ZnSO4.7H2O was prepared by dissolving 6.55g of zinc sulphate in 50ml measuring flask. 0.5M solution of L-Methionine was prepared by dissolving 3.725g L-Methionine in 50ml of water. These two solutions were mixed up and pH was maintained at 4-6 by pH meter by using few drops of HCl solution. This solution was then refluxed for an hour and the change in the color was noticed. The same process was repeated once again as above. 0.5M solution of CoCl2.6H2O was prepared by dissolving 5.947g of cobalt chloride in 100ml measuring flask. 0.5M solution of L-Methionine was prepared by dissolving 3.725g L-Methionine in 50ml of water. These two solutions were mixed up and pH was maintained at 4-6 by pH meter by using few drops of HCl solution. This solution was then refluxed for an hour and the change in the color was noticed. The same process was repeated once again. Analysis of Soil and Water Samples Soil test was performed to estimate the nutrient supplying power of soil before the crop was planted. 15 samples were taken randomly and composite sample was prepared for final analysis. Samples from 15-25 cm, 15-30 cm and 60-100 cm depth were obtained from Sorghum field respectively in a grid pattern separately by stainless steel soil auger and stored in plastic (HDPE) bags until analysis. 500 mL water sample from area located for plant cultivation was taken and stored in plastic bottles which were soaked with concentrated hydrochloric acid overnight then washed with distilled water. The water samples were preserved by adding 2 drops of concentrated nitric acid. All the soil samples were crushed and ground in wooden pestle mortar and sieved through 2 mm plastic sieve. A saturation paste of soil was made by taking 300 g dry mass in enameled cup and stayed overnight to ensure the saturation then saturation extract was obtained. The pH and electrical conductivity (salinity) bicarbonates (HCO3-), carbonates (CO32-) and chlorides (Cl-) of soil was determined using saturated extract. The metals were determined by digesting the 1.0 g dried soil in 4 mL in aqua regia (Issam and Antoine, 2007; Mwegoha and Kihampa, 2010). Instrumentation The soil and water pH and electrical conductivity (ECe) was determined by Orion 5 star multimeter (Thermo scientific, UK), sodium (Na) and potassium (K) were analyzed by Flame photometer (Sherwood, UK), essential metals like calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and trace metals (micronutrients) like zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), cobalt (Co) and manganese (Mn) were estimated by Atomic absorption spectrophotometer (PG-990, PG-Instruments, UK), HCO3-, CO32- and Cl- were determined titrimetrically. The elemental analysis carbon (C), nitrogen (N), sulphur (S) and hydrogen (H)) of prepared complexes were performed by Flash HT Plus elemental analyzer, Thermo, UK. Application of Micronutrients to Sorghum In order to test the effects of micronutrients on plant growth, two plots of 36000 feet2 (1 Acre) were selected for each of the plant species. One plot was designated as controlled whiles the other as sample. After 30 days of sowing the crop, the chelated micronutrients were applied to the crops. Foliar application was chosen for these experiments. Foliar application was chosen for these experiments. Different amounts of micronutrients were added in the formulations for different crops as reported in table-3, by using the rough estimates of micronutrient demand for specific crop through literature (Mengel, 1990), different formulations were tested, but only which produce best results are reported. About 60gram of Amino Acids complexes were dissolved in 2Liter of water. The 500 mL of each formulation was further diluted in eighty liter water. In this way, 1.5L of micronutrient was sprayer per 36000 feet2 of the cultivated land in three successive sprays. Second spray was conducted after 27-30 days, the growth of plant in sample and control was monitored. The third spray was conducted before the ripening of the crop. At the end, the % increase in yield of crop of Sorghum was calculated. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Before application of micronutrients to selected fields the respective field soil and water samples were tested. Physiochemical characteristics of soil and water before the application of micronutrients are presented in table 1. Table 1: Physiochemical Characteristics of Soil and Water Test Soil Water ECe(dSm-1) 1.35 0.81 pH 7.67 7.37 Ca2+ (mmol/L) 4.91 3.61 Mg2+(mmol/L) 1.98 1.52 Na+(mmol/L) 5.31 2.63 K+ (mmol/L) 1.65 0.73 CO32- (mmol/L) 0.56 0.04 HCO3- (mmol/L) 1.57 0.71 Cl- (mmol/L) 2.25 1.41 Zn2+ (ppm) 18.90 1.32 Fe2+ (ppm) 31.56 1.02 Co2+(ppm) 2.17 0.23 Cu2+(ppm) 5.93 1.45 Mn2+(ppm) 16.89 1.27 Electrical conductance of soil is 1.35dSm-1 while water having 0.81 dSm-1, pH of soil is 7.67 while water having 7.37. Ca2+, Mg2+,Na+ , K+, CO32-, HCO3- and Cl- of soil are 4.91, 1.98 ,5.31, 1.65, 0.56, 1.57 and 2.25(mmol/L) while water having 3.61, 1.52, 2.63, 0.73, 0.04, 0.71 and 1.41(mmol/L), respectively. The concentrations of Zn2+ , Fe2+ , Co2+, Cu2+ and Mn2+ in soil are 18.90,31.56, 2.17, 5.93and 16.89ppm while water having 1.32, 1.02, 0.23, 1.45 and 1.27ppm respectively. All the metals form complexes with L-Methionine in 1:1 which were confirmed by AAS and elemental analysis. The metal and elemental confirmatory results are summarized in table-2. Table 2: Analytical data of complexes Complexes Calc.(Found)% S C N Theo. Exp. Theo. Exp. Values Value Values Values Value s Theo. Metal Exp. Theo. Exp. Value Value Value s s s s C5H10NO2SCaCl[223.5] 14.31 14.25 26.84 26.82 6.26 6.12 17.89 17.84 C5H10NO2SMgCl[183.5] 17.43 17.37 32.96 32.78 7.62 7.69) 13.07 13.01 (C5H10NO2SFe)2SO4[50 19.05 18.98 23.82 23.75 5.55 5.47 22.17 12.16 C5H10NO2SCoCl [242.4] 13.20 13.32 24.75 24.67 5.77 5.74 24.29 24.39 C5H10NO2SCuCl [247] 12.95 12.81 24.29 24.25 5.66 5.73 25.70 25.59 C5H10NO2SZnCl 12.85 12.88 24.10 24.17 5.62 5.70 26.27 26.24 3.68] [248.89] Different amounts of micronutrients were added in the formulations for different crops as reported in table 3, by using the rough estimates of micronutrient demand for specific crop through literature (Mengel, 1990), different formulations were tested, but only which produce best results are reported. Soil fertility increases with addition of micronutrients to soil. When these micronutrients are added in soil or given to plant directly, the plant shows a remarkable growth which increases the crop yield. Similar effects have been observed in the present work. With the addition of micronutrients the growth of the plant increases and the sample plants show remarkable difference as compared to control crop. Table-3 Amount required for micronutrients for SORGHUM (jawar) plant for 1 Acre Complex Amount in Gram/2L Zn-L-methionine 24.8 Mg-L-methionine 16 Co-L-methionine 0.17 Ca-L-methionine 7.11 Cu-L-methionine 0.44 Fe-L-methionine 10.22 . Soil fertility increases with addition of micronutrients to soil. When these micronutrients are added in soil or given to plant directly, the plant shows a remarkable growth which increases the crop yield. Similar effects have been observed in the present work. With the addition of micronutrients the growth of the plant increases and the sample plants show remarkable difference as compared to control crop and are reported in table 4-5 respectively. Statistical data of crops Table-4 Height of Plants (Average of 10 Plants) Plant height First Spray after Second Spray after Third Spray after four Weeks in Inches four Weeks in Inches four Weeks in Inches Sample 34 83 124 Control 26 51 97 Increase in Height 8 32 27 Table-5 Crop Plant mass in Mass of seed Diameter of Length of kg in kg stem in mm root in Inches Sample 12816 2.205 21 12 Control 10348.8 1.845 17 17 %age 23.8% 19.5% 23.5% increase After four week of first spray, the height of control plant was 26 inches while the height of sample plant was 34 inches .Increase in plant height was found to be 8. After four weeks of 2 nd spray, the height of control plant was 51 inches while the height of sample plant was 83 inches. The increase in height was found to be 32. After four weeks of third spray, height of control plant was 97 inches while the height of sample plant was 124 inches .Increase in height was found to be 27 inches. The mass of control plant was 10348.8 kg whereas mass of sample plant was 12816kg. The increase in mass was found to be 23.8% at the end of ripening of the crop. The mass of seeds of control plant was 1.845 kg whereas mass of seed of sample plant was 2.205kg. The increase in mass was found to be 19.5% at the end of ripening of the crop. The length of root of control was 17 inches while the length of root of sample plant was 12 inches with greater thickness of root. CONCLUSION In the present work, amino acids complexes with essential metals such as Ca, Mg, Cu, Co, Fe and Zn were synthesized and characterized by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, FTIR and melting points and solubility studies. The present methodology gives approximately 47.25%Zn-Lmethionine complex, 35.33% Mg-L-methionine complex, 42.64% Co-L-methionine complex, 56.86% Ca-L-methionine complex, 68.41% Cu-L-methionine complex and 61.72% Fe-Lmethionine complex yield respectively. From these complexes, an extra ordinary increase in crop yield up to 20-25% was observed by using only 45g/Acre of these complexes. REFERENCES 1. Allen,G.J., Chu,S.P., Harrington,C.L., Schumacher, K, Hoffmann,T., Tang,Y.Y., Grill,E, Schroeder,J.I.(2001). A defined range of guard cell calcium oscillation parameters encodes stomatal movements. Nature, 411: 1053–1057. 2. Schmidt,W.,Michalke,W.,Schikora,A.(2003). Proton pumping by tomato roots: Effect of Fe deficiency and hormones on the activity and distribution of plasma membrane H+ATPase in rhizodermal cells. Plant Cell Environment,26:361–370. 3. Fageria, N.K.2002. Micronutrients influence on root growth of Sorghum. Journal of plant nutrition, 25:613-622 4. Kirkby, E. 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