ENG 444 Listening exercise 1 British Oscar success The cast and crew of British movies will no longer be ___________ 1 as the ___________ 2 at awards ceremonies. At the recent 81st Oscars ceremony, British actors and movies won no less than 11 awards. The list of Oscar winners is usually _____________ 3 by American films and actors but 2009 has seen a more _______________ 4 to the ceremony. British actors and actresses have long awaited such_______________ 5. Kate Winslet was nominated six times for an Oscar before she eventually won the Best Actress award at this year's ceremony. Slumdog Millionaire ____________ 6 its status as a global success and movie phenomenon. The low-budget movie _____________ 7 winning eight Oscars, including Best Director and Best Picture. The movie, which documents the life of a young Indian boy after he wins a TV game show, has definitely helped to ___________ 8 of the British film industry. Summarising the national feeling, British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, issued a statement saying "Britain is showing it has the talent to lead the world". A spokesman for the UK Film Council agreed with Mr Brown's comments but added that many of this year's movie winners have __________ 9 national funding. "With our _______________ 10 for Man on Wire and The Duchess, and Film4's support for Slumdog Millionaire, last night proved that government support for film can deliver success on a ____________ 11 ", he said. Addressing the growing ___________ 12 for British film, Slumdog director Danny Boyle has _________ 13 people to remain calm and to be ___________ 14 after his remarkable Oscar success. "You've got to be careful of claiming that this marks the _____________ 15 of the British film industry. It is one film", he said. Are these sentences true or false? Or is the answer not given in the text? Circle the correct answer. 1. The British film industry won 11 Oscars at the 81st Academy Awards Ceremony. True / False / Not given 2. British actors and actresses often win Oscars. True / False / Not given 3. The success of the movie Slumdog Millionaire has helped the British film industry. True / False / Not given 4. The British prime minister believes that a lot of talented people work in the UK film industry. True / False / Not given 5. Some of the winning movies had received money from the UK government or other national organisations. True / False / Not given