III. IMC campaign and execution theme

Nguyen Thuy Phuong Quynh - s3360649
Understand Advertising Media - Main Assignment Stage 2
I. Brief introduction and summary of Stage 1
II. Communication objectives and action objectives
Communication objectives
Action objectives
III. IMC campaign and execution theme
A. Teaser
1. Advertising
2. Out-of-home Advertising
3. PR and Publicity
B. Discussion Forum platform
A. Out-of-home Advertising
B. PR and publicity
C. Sales promotion
D. Digital and word of mouth marketing
IV. Scheduling strategy
V. Media channels and media vehicles selection
B. Print
C. Out-of-home advertising
VI. Budget Allocation
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B. Print
C. Bus shelter advertising
VII. Media Flowchart
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I. Brief introduction and summary of Stage 1
Vietjet Air is the first privately owned low-cost carrier in Vietnam licensed to operate
domestic flights and international flights in the near future. Its aim is to provide
customers with inexpensive airfares together with qualified standards of service
quality. This spirit is expressed through the brand's tagline "Save more, fly more!".
By making use of appropriate aircrafts, up-to-date digital technology and smart profitmaking methods, Vietjet Air has created and maintained a brand image of a friendly
airline offering safe and pleasurable air traveling experience to people from all walks
of life. At this moment, Jetstar Pacific is Vietjet Air's main competitor as being
another low-cost carrier operated in Vietnam, and Vietnam Airline, Jetstar Pacific’s
largest shareholder, also dominates the air transportation market of Vietnam.
Referring to two previous campaigns of Vietjet Air, which are "We are the
representatives of the new generation airline" and "Fly and like", there are several
key learnings for strategy and positioning. First of all, the company has been putting
great emphasis on reinforcing the brand image as a cost-effective airline with equally
good quality and professionalism. However Vietjet Air needs to establish a brand
personality to successfully reinforce its brand image in the mind of its customers.
Secondly, the brand has intended to make use of an IMC campaign and social
network strategy to strengthen its promotion.
This promotional campaign for Vietjet Air is planned to target people aging from 18 to
45, whose occupations or lifestyles are associated with traveling, either for a purpose
or on a regular schedule. In term of the target audience's psychographic
characteristic, they are seeking for value for money and prefer to pay less on their air
tickets in order to spend more on other things or for other people that are important
in their life. The campaign's duration will be one year and it will be launched in two
large cities of Vietnam, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, due to the variety of available
advertising channels and their large population including the campaign's target
audience. The budget for this campaign is $400,000.
The creative concept for this campaign is developed from the Vietjet Air's tagline
"Save more, fly more" into "Pay less, gain more". The single-minded key message is
that by offering lower cost on air tickets Vietjet Air is helping customers to get more
life values out of that savings. The campaign will feature a sincere, caring and gentle
tone of voice and related to a rhetorical question in order to generate thoughts and
Details of a media plan of this campaign will be provided in specification in this
paper. The information includes the execution theme and the IMC tools selection
based on preset communication and action objectives, the rational choice of media
channels and vehicles, appropriate media scheduling and buying tactics, and a
specific media flowchart.
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II. Communication objectives and action objectives
Communication objectives
SMART objectives:
✓To increase brand awareness to 80% by the end of 28 February
✓To increase brand preference to 50% by the end of 28 February
The awareness the campaign aims to maintain and reinforce is Vietjet Air's
brand image as an airline providing not only inexpensive cost for air fares but also
professional, comfortable and secure air flights. After that the company will make a
step further into creating brand preference in comparison to Jetstar Pacific because
this campaign will establish a very distinguishable brand personality for Vietjet Air.
Methods for measurement will be surveys and focus group interviews.
Action objectives
SMART objectives:
Pre-purchase action:
Website visit
✓To have 60% of target audience visit Vietjet Air's website by the end
of 30 June 2013.
✓To have at least 1000 posts on the Discussion Forum of Vietjet Air's
website by the end of 30 June 2013.
✓To have 40% of people who post on the Discussion Forum click to
share their post on other social media websites by the end of 30 June
✓To have at least 1000 tags on Vietjet Air's Facebook page.
Purchase action:
✓To increase the number of air tickets sold per occasion 20% higher
than that of last year by the end of 28 February 2014.
Based on facts and figures that the total population of Ho Chi Minh City and
Hanoi being 13.9 millions (GSO n.d.) in which the largest age group is from 25 to 39
(UNDP 2010) that accounted for almost 61%, it is more than 8.5 millions people this
campaign is reaching out for. Therefore the action objectives are set with a view to
reach the target audience effectively. For the participation objective, it is twice and a
half higher than the actual posts needed for the promotion of Vietjet Air. This is
because in order to choose the most effective 400 posts to catch people's attention
as well as deliver the key message, 1000 posts is a good number to offer a variety of
options to choose from. For the virality objective, there are small factors put into
consideration which are that some netizens prefer to manually post their message on
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their social websites and some of them do not directly tag company brands in their
III. IMC campaign and execution theme
Inspired by the creative concept of "Pay less, gain more", the execution theme for
Vietjet Air's campaign will focus on generating public discussion and get them
involved in the spread of the "gain more" part of the slogan in order to effectively
transfer the key message and brand image of a low-cost airline that provide
inexpensive air traveling so as to embrace values that the customers treasure in life.
The campaign will be separated into three main stages that play the role of three
individual small IMC campaigns, and with two other additional IMC tools.
This stage is created to generate and maintain a large public discussion from the
target audience about what they think about the "gain more" part in the campaign
slogan. There are two important parts if this Stage that together enable the public
discussion: Teaser and Discussion Forum platform.
A. Teaser
Teaser is really important at the very first stage because its main role is to raise
people's awareness about Vietjet Air's campaign and what it is about. Whether or not
can the campaign get the audience's attention is very crucial because the campaign
relies wholly on the contribution of the audience. That's why 3 main IMC tools wellknown for effectively communicating with mass audience are chosen: Advertising,
PR and publicity and Out-of-home advertising.
1. Advertising
For Advertising, TVC and Print Ad are selected. They will be launched under the
form of teasers but with direct call-to-action line inviting the audience to join the
forum. In comparison to other forms of teaser in which advertisers encourage the
audience to wait or to think for a while before the content is revealed, Vietjet Air's
campaign has not had a content yet at this point of time and intends to get it from the
contribution of the audience, therefore it is better to have a call-to-action line to get
people to start sharing right away.
The TVC's length is 30 seconds. It will be an animation with shapes and lines in 3
colors red, yellow and black on a white background. Because of the clutter of TVCs
nowadays, Vietjet Air needs to make a noticeable entrance in order to meet the
Stage's as well as the campaign's objective of getting people's attention. Among
TVCs that are produced in the contemporary modern state, an animation with simple
appearance will make a difference to get the attention needed. Under the form of a
short story, the TVC can be engaging and keep the audience interested till the callto-action line, in comparison to other information-based advertisements. The creative
techniques used are comparison and curiosity.
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The TVC will start with a close-up shot in front of the air ticket-selling counter where
a person hands in an amount of cash through a hole on the counter and receives an
airline ticket from another hole given by a hand from the inside. Then the scene
focuses on the air ticket transitioning from the counter to the blurring streetlights and
then on a bed where it is put on, and next to a suitcase. In the suitcase there are
only clothes and small stuffs within a lot of space. Then the scene closes together
with the person closing the suitcase. The next scene goes back to the air ticketselling counter with slight signals showing that it is Vietjet Air's. The man hands in a
same amount of cash inside the hole, but then receives an air ticket together with an
amount of change money. After that the scene repeats the same transition, but this
time when it is placed on the bed next to a suitcase, the suitcase is full with objects
in different tones of color. The scene blurs to white and the slogan "Pay less, gain
more" appears followed by the call-to-action line saying "Join us in the Gain More
conversation on Vietjet Air.com". The TVC is developed in a sense that communicate
the campaign's message of the value of money Vietjet Air can offer the target
audience through its low-cost air fares.
For Print Ad, because the objectives are to get as many people as possible to know
about Vietjet Air's campaign in Stage 1, Qr code scanning, a very new technology in
Vietnam, will be used to generate curiosity, trial and through that advertise for the
campaign. There are a few concerns about the use of Qr code, which are that only
audience with a smartphone can access the information of a Qr code, and not all of
them know how to decode a Qr code and the lengthy process of downloading an
mobile decoding application may affect the attentiveness of the audience toward the
advertisement. However, there are positive ways to address these issues. The trend
of using a smart phone has been increasing sharply in the recent years according to
Pew Internet research (Smith 2011). Second of all, we can include a short guide
under the Qr code to instruct the audience how to decode it and get to the Vietjet
Air's website. The process of downloading a mobile application for decoding may
distract the audience from the advertisement at first, but when they come across it
again, they probably are able to access the link to our website. Two types of print ad
will be used in this campaign to meet the objectives. The first type, pop-up
advertisement, will be launched in the first month to get great attention. In the
second month, to save budget, normal print ads will be used but with eye-catching
and interesting content, such as a big question mark with a Qr code as the dot, or a
large-size question of "What do you want to Gain More?".
2. Out-of-home Advertising
The main medium for Out-of-home Advertising is bus shelter. Bus shelters are
considered as an effective medium in term of mass communication. Though billboard
is one option to choose from, bus shelter is more relevant in the case of Vietjet Air
because they are both in the transportation category. Also because in Vietnam, bus
is still the primary means of public transportation, therefore it can reach many of our
target audience to meet the objectives of this Stage in particular and the campaign in
general. Even though bus is not the target audience's main way for traveling, they
can still notice the content on several bus shelters on their way to work or back home
riding on a motorbike due to the characteristics of traffic transportation in Ho Chi
Minh city and Hanoi with rush hours, crowded population and large number of busstop stations (UNDP 2010). For this Stage 24 bus shelters will be used in each city,
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comprised of 3 bus shelters per districts. The content of the bus shelter
advertisement is similar to that of a normal print ad, which should be interesting,
engaging and curiosity generating. The Qr code should also be displayed on bus
shelter advertisements because the audience are outdoor and the only device they
can use to access the Internet is their mobile phone, and Qr code will be very
3. PR and Publicity
The main execution theme of this campaign is to generate public discussion about
the "gain more" in its slogan "Pay less, gain more", therefore, press release is the
best method to reach for the target audience effectively in comparison to others.
Because the campaign aims to keep the discussion on for 4 months, a PR event
may at first generate loads of discussion, but then the discussion will be slow down
once the event is ended, not to mention that people's topics will be mostly about the
event instead of being about the treasurable aspects of life that Vietjet Air plans to
associate with its brand personality in the communication objective. Similarly,
sponsorship might be too soon because the audience has not had yet a clear vision
in mind of what Vietjet Air is trying to contribute and thus will not bring out the best
aspect of the sponsoring money. Therefore press release is ideal at this point of
time. The angles should focus on informing people about the "gain more" topic,
encouraging them to think and discuss about that topic as a very social and practical
issue, and wonder what Vietjet Air is doing and visit the website to have a look or join
the conversation.
B. Discussion Forum platform
The other important part of this Stage is the Discussion Forum platform, where
people will talk about Vietjet Air's "gain more" topic. People will be asked for their
names, either real or made-up, their emails for later contact and not to be revealed
without their permission, and to select one of the districts they want the message to
be showcased in Stage 2. In Ho Chi Minh city, the districts are: District 1, District 3,
District 4, District 5, District 7, District 10, District Tan Binh, and District Binh Thanh.
For Hanoi, the districts are: District Dong Da, District Ba Dinh, District Cau Giay,
District Hai Ba Trung, District Hoan Kiem, District Long Bien, District Tay Ho, and
District Thanh Xuan. These are among the most crowded districts of the two cities
(Vietnam Tourism 2009; UNDP 2010). The criteria for choosing these districts are
based on that they are either crowded people residency, center of government
offices and business organizations, or districts with many educational institutions.
There will be no limit on what to share or what to talk about, except for posts which
are too socially sensitive or violated the rules of the website, the campaign suggests
three main topics: "What do you wish to Gain More in life?", "How do you interpret
the value of money?" and "Write stories about people who are in need of an airplane
After the Teaser has succeeded in raising curiosity and awareness of the campaign
and get people to visit the website, this phase will generate brand involvement.
Through the participation of the target audience, the brand image as well as the
brand personality will gradually get into their head when they read people's posts or
write one themselves. Also, the Discussion Forum is created with a mindset of
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achieving the action objectives of spreading the campaign virally by turning the
customers into our media.
In order to be successful, it is essential to develop a Discussion Forum platform that
is capable of keeping the audience engaged in surfing and writing, encourages them
to visit the website again and is easy to generate virality. That's why the building of
the platform should strictly follow 5 criteria: branding, completeness, functionality,
visual stimulation, interactivity and community.
Branding: First of all, because the Discussion Forum is under one execution
theme of this campaign, its platform should be able to transmit the meaning
and the feel of the campaign coherently. The color should be simplified to
white, black, red and yellow and the background should be relevant to the
topic as well. Secondly, because the communication objective of this
campaign is about reinforcing the brand image of Vietjet Air, therefore the look
of the website in total should live up to that expectation. To be specific, in
addition to the brand logo and tagline, the website should be clean, simple,
with good-looking graphics but not too complex or too impressive so that it
can assist the brand image as a cost-effective but professional airline.
Completeness: The website should pay attention to whether it provides
enough information of the campaign as well as the overall business of the
company. Concerning the information of the campaign, it is necessary that a
series of videos is put above the line of the website homepage, including
TVC, speech from authoritative spokespersons, interviews, documentary
films, and similarities to introduce the campaign to visitors at first glimpse. A
seperated page should also be dedicated to the description and explanation
of the whole campaign from generally to particularly, including the execution
of three main Stages and what people can contribute to or get out of this
campaign spiritually and materially. For the company's information, the
website should provide adequate information about Vietjet Air's history, its
aim, promise and vision. Also, other related services promoted by the
company should not be excluded from the platform such as ticket booking,
Contact Us and tourism advisory.
Functionality: For the criteria Functionality, the website is supposed to be
easy to navigate through various sections of Vietjet Air's website and all of the
parts are integrated fully. That way, visitors can be led to different places of
the website to discover more information about not only the campaign but also
the characteristics of the company that make possible of this campaign, what
it has to offer them, what they can benefit from the company, and so on. To
be able to do so, categories, hyperlinks and connections are necessary. It is
also very crucial that the website is built as a high quality networking system,
because slowness and lagging can cause the visitors to feel irritating about
the website, it will downgrade the company's brand image and the campaign
might fail to meet its objectives of building brand awareness and brand
Visual stimulation: As mentioned above, the visual of the website should be
coherent to the campaign as well as the company's brand image. The
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transition and the flash animation should be stimulating and eye-appealing.
That's way it can fit with the theme of the campaign, the brand image, and
also get people to be more positive about visiting our website to visit it again.
Interactivity and Community: Because it is a Discussion Forum, the platform
should take advantage of the Web 2.0 elements in order to enable mutual
communication between the audience and the company. There will be
responses from Vietjet Air daily under various forms such as feeds, tags, likes
or comments. Also, the platform should have click-to-share devices in order to
allow the audience to re-publish their posts to other social network websites,
also easier for Vietjet Air to evaluate the level of the campaign's action
objective of virality.
After Stage 1 is finished, the campaign will have a certain number of qualified posts
shared on the Discussion Forum. Within the execution theme of generating and
spreading public discussion of the "gain more" topic, Stage 2 will use the audience
as its media by displaying the best posts of the audiences gathered from Stage 1.
That way the campaign can not only maintain the public attention about the topic but
also raise more awareness and virality. The IMC tools in charge of accomplishing
those mindsets are Out-of-home Advertising, PR and publicity, Sales promotion, and
Digital and word of mouth marketing. There will be 400 posts selected, based on the
criteria of being either meaningful, impressive, influential or entertaining.
A. Out-of-home Advertising
Similar to Stage 1, the main medium used for Out-of-home Advertising is bus shelter
because of certain strengths and advantages as mentioned before. Still, there are
some changes at this Stage. Stage 1 clearly clarifies that there are 3 bus shelters
per district adding up to 24 bus shelters per city because the message of the
advertisements on all bus shelters are the same, no matter how they are presented
as long as it encourages people to visit the website and join the conversation.
However, in Stage 2, the content of each advertisement placed on the bus shelter
varies and with many factors come to play, it is not possible to clarify in advance how
many bus shelters per district will be used until the end of the execution of Stage 1.
First of all, it depends on the audiences' selection of the district they want their posts
to be exposed. Second of all, there are chances that many posts are preferred to be
placed in one district and few in others. Therefore the general information of 100 bus
shelters to be utilized is given. In order to reduce the density in case one district has
too many messages, and also for people who rarely travel to some certain districts to
see the messages of other people, each message will be displayed at two different
districts during the same period.
B. PR and publicity
Because the strategy for Stage 2 is to turn the audience into our media, therefore by
offering them a chance to be popular, Vietjet Air can advertise itself through that
publicity. Moreover, after displaying their messages, the writers of 4 excellent posts
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each month will be offered even more prominence by Vietjet Air as they will feature
in 4 monthly press releases under the form of their profiles. By this method, the
campaign will reach a broader range of audience related to people whose posts are
chosen, which is this Stage's purpose of letting the audience be the media for Vietjet
C. Sales promotion
People whose posts got selected will receive a 20% discount gift voucher applicable
to a two-way ticket booked for one flying occasion from July 2013 to July 2014. This
tool is about giving out a practical value of money besides the spiritual ones that
have been associated with the campaign so far. This is to remind people that Vietjet
Air acts what it speaks and the campaign is not just about fantasy and ideology.
D. Digital and word of mouth marketing
After the selection and planning procedure is completed, the writers will receive
emails from Vietjet Air informing that their posts have been chosen, the exact time
and place it will be displayed in public in 2-week time, and they have won a gift
voucher. By doing so in advance, the selected writers will have time to share their
excitement with their friends and family either on social media or through personal
communication, therefore it will generate word of mouth about the bus shelter
advertisement. Secondly, when the posts are displayed, people can take picture of it
and post it on social media pages, especially the writers and their acquaintances,
therefore the campaign will go viral. Also, because the message of each post has
been considered carefully and its topic is about treasurable moments, thoughts and
people in life, the messages themselves can be viral too.
This Stage is the peak of the "gain more" topic that Vietjet Air aims to spread in this
campaign. In this Stage, the only IMC tool used is PR and publicity. Because the
theme of the campaign is to get people to talk about the "gain more" part of the
slogan, by using PR and publicity, particularly sponsorship, documentary film and
media coverage, this Stage will get people to know and talk about Vietjet Air's
contribution to the "gain more".
Vietjet Air will sponsor 5 Vietnamese people who are in need of an airplane ticket to
travel back to visit their hometown or to reunite with their friends and family in Tet
holiday after a very long time living away. Suggestion of choosing these 5 people
can be a university student, a blue-collar worker, an elder, a patient, or from the
Discussion Forum. Vietjet Air will not only sponsor the airline tickets, but also help
them to buy presents for their friends and family and prepare a warm traditional Tet
holiday. These stories will become 5 documentary films to be shown on national TV
weekly until the nearest day before Tet. Media coverage is needed to further spread
the news for the CSR activity as well as encourage people to watch the documentary
This type of CSR activity is selected because it is relevant to the company business.
Also there is another reason. It is a Vietnamese tradition that Tet holiday is the time
for family to reunite, but each year there are people who are not granted a chance to
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do so and it is one upset fact in the most cheerful time of the year to many people.
By doing this, Vietjet Air will win the heart of many people not only because it helps
the receivers of the sponsor to have a meaningful Tet holiday but it actually brings
out the best aspects of the "gain more" topic - after all people saving more money is
to cherish love and life.
Packaging and Point-of-purchase are two additional IMC tools used in this
campaign. In order to create a coherent execution theme of the campaign, the
package of the ticket as well as the decoration of the ticket selling booths should
adapt to the campaign's key visual.
IV. Scheduling strategy
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Social Media
PR & publicity
Sales promotion
Stage 1: From 1 March 2013 to 30 June 2013
Because Stage 1 focuses on generating curiosity, awareness and involvement of the
campaign and getting people to post on the Discussion Forum, therefore TV and
Print will be used for the first two months of Stage 2 to get as much attention as
possible. April will be the month with strongest exposure to the campaign's
advertisements as Out-of-home advertising will be available to support TV and Print.
After that to save budget there will be only Out-of-home advertising in the third
month. PR and publicity will assist bus shelter advertising at this point of time when
people have already got the general idea of Vietjet Air's campaign. June is when the
Stage is about to wrap up and begin the posts selection, therefore there is no
scheduling run except for press releases. Social media is the primary part of this
Stage under the form of the Discussion Forum, therefore it will be ran throughout the
Stage 2: From 1 July 2013 to 31 October 2013
This is when the posts are displayed all over the districts of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh
City, therefore all 4 media of Out-of-home advertising, Social media, PR and publicity
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and Sales Promotion will be utilized throughout whole duration of the Stage to meet
the objectives of the campaign. This specific time of the year is chosen for Stage 2
because the weather is still comfortable in both cities for people to notice the ads or
take pictures.
Stage 3: From 1 November 2013 to 28 December 2014
This is the raining season of Ho Chi Minh City and cold season of Hanoi, therefore
no outdoor media is used. Also, because the campaign has come to the final phase
therefore no expense is put on advertising media. For PR and publicity, it is better to
start 2 months later, which is in January, because it is appropriate to talk about Tet
and holidays at this point of the year. If press releases about the CSR activity done
for Tet holiday ran in November and December, it would be irrelevant and could not
catch people's interest. About TV, documentary films will be launched weekly until
the nearest time before Tet because the content is relevant to Tet holidays.
V. Media channels and media vehicles selection
"Chao ngay moi"
Time: 6:30 - 7:00
Frequency: Monday,
"Chao ngay moi" is a daily news
program that summarizes the
social news and events from a
variety of categories in local,
national and international range.
People who watch this program
are looking for updated news as
a fresh start for everyday and are
usually white-collar workers and
"Thoi su"
Time: 19:00 - 19:45
Frequency: Monday,
Wednesday, Friday,
"Thoi su" is a national daily news
program that owns the right to
control and broadcast the official
news throughout many TV
channels during prime time,
therefore it can reach almost all
type of audience in large
geographic areas.
Time: 20:00 - 22:00
Thursday, Friday,
Saturday, Sunday
Yeah!1 is a very popular channel
for teenagers and young adults.
The time slot chosen is when the
audience is free and enjoying the
music and shows on TV.
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Documentary HTV7
Replacement of
"Dep hon moi ngay"
Time: 21:20 - 21:30
Frequency: every
"Dep hon moi ngay" is a program
about being healthy and
beautiful. Replacing this program
is possible because it is not a
compulsory program. Also
because people are very busy
during the pre-Tet period going
shopping, cleaning house and
cooking, therefore it is the time
after all work is done so that they
can enjoy the documentary.
B. Print
Print ad
"Nguoi lao dong"
Frequency: Monday,
Wednesday, Friday,
"Nguoi lao dong" is a popular
daily newspaper. Besides
politics, economy and other hard
news, the newspaper also pays
great attention to soft news such
as social issues or topics which
are related to our campaign.
"Tiep thi gia dinh"
Frequency: weekly
70% readers of this magazines
are women from 25 to 45, 72%
live in Ho Chi Minh City and 18%
live in Hanoi, with B-D income,
who are mostly Vietjet Air
campaign's target audience.
C. Out-of-home advertising
The criteria to choose the locations for bus shelters are either near crowded spot
during rush hours, near organizations such as educational institutions, shopping
centers and offices, or one of the main bus destinations.
Stage 1: 24 bus shelters will be utilized in each city. There will be 3 bus shelters per
district and there are 8 districts chosen in each city.
Stage 2: 100 bus shelters will be utilized in each city. Therefore with a view to
display a total number of 400 messages, there will be 50 different messages
displayed every two weeks at two different places scattered all over 100 bus shelters
around the city in 4 months.
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VI. Budget Allocation
Length Schedule
Cost per unit Total cost
"Dep hon noi 5'
"Thoi su"
Yeah!1 20:00 - 22:00 30'
"Chao ngay
Total: 1,942,000,000 VND
B. Print
Schedule Times Cost per unit
Total cost
"Nguoi lao
Color, first
"Tiep thi
gia dinh"
Color, double
middle page
Color, full page 1
Total: 747,750,000
C. Bus shelter advertising
According to Masso Group (2006), the cost for advertising on bus shelter is 72
millions per year, therefore the average cost per month is 6 millions.
Cost per unit
Total cost
Stage 1
Stage 2
Total: 5,376,000,000 VND
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VII. Media Flowchart
Note: The rest of the budget is saved for unexpected occurrence, transportation, outdoor
advertisement placement and press release opportunity.
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Media Flowchart
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Broadcasting Center of Ho Chi Minh City 2010, TVC Airing Price List 2010,
Broadcasting Center of Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh City.
Broadcasting Center of Vietnam 2010, TVC airing price list from 2010, Broadcasting
Center of Vietnam, Ha Noi.
General Statistics Office of Vietnam (GSO) n.d.,'Population and population density in
2010 by province', General Statistics Office of Vietnam, viewed 4 September 2012,
Masso Group 2006, 'Bus shelter advertising is controlled', Masso Group, viewed 4
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