Categories Presented in a Word File ERBzine 2113me

ado-ze, clean
ado-ze, clear
akut-nga-ze, expert
akut-nga-ze, nimble
akut-nga-ze, skilful
akut-yud-ze, intellectual
akut-yud-ze, wise
ande`ta-ze, careless
ande-ah-ze, fugitive
anfee-ze, fertile
are-ze, compound
argo-do-ze, impatient
argo-do-ze, rabid
atan-ze, male
ben-ze, great
bor-ze, arid
bor-ze, dry
boz, both
bo-ze, flat
bund-ze, dead
bur-eta-ze, quiet
bur-eta-ze, serene
bur-ze, cold
da-eta-ze, strong
dak-ze, fat
dak-ze, robust
dane-ze, corrupt
der-eta-ze, eager
dom-ze, just
eak, each
eak, every
eho, much
eho-dan-ze, everlasting
eho-dan-ze, hard
eho-kut-ze, hollow
el-ze, funny
el-ze, graceful
es-ze, rough
eta koho-ze, warm
eta, little
eta`g-ze, smaller
eta-ah-ze, very low
eta-nala-ze, low
eta-ze, little
fad-ze, uncomfortable
fee`ta-ze, silly
fee-ah-ze, beautiful
fee-ze, nice
gor-eta-ze, alarm
gree-ze, positive
gule-ze, guilty
gu-mado-ze, sick
gun-ze, leader
guru-ze, terrible
ho, many
ho, several
jad-in-ze, tenebrous
jad-ze, majestic
ja-eta-ze, careful
jar-ze, strange
kalan-ze, female
karpo, half
koho-eta-ze, mild
koho-ze, hot
kor-eta-ze, vague
ko-ze, mighty
kreeg-yud-ze, dangerous
kreeg-ze, negative
kree-ze, harmful
lana-ze, beaked
litu-ze, fine
litu-ze, sharp
litu-ze, thin
lul-do-ze, sweating
lul-ze, dry
lu-ze, angry
lu-ze, fierce
lu-ze, furious
ma-do-ze, lame
mee-ze, wet
mo-ze, short
nate-ze, new
ngoz-eta-ze, sad
o .... o, as ... as
o pan yud, easily
o rak, naturally
o, such
obe wo, anything
obe wo, something
obe, a few
obe, any
obe, anybody
obe, anyone
obe, either
obe, some
obe, somebody
obe, someone
odo-ze, equal
om-ze, long
otto, another
otto, other
otto-ze, different
o-ze, alike
pandar-ze, loud
pan-hane-ze, easy
pan-vo-ze, tired
pan-vo-ze, weak
pan-ze, smooth
pul-eta-ze, comfortable
pu-ze, sweet
rak-gogo-ze, firm
rea-ngoz-ze, soothsayer
rem-bo-ze, dirty
rota-ze, happy
ry-ze, curved
sa-tor-ze, kind
sord-ag-ze, worse
sord-ah-ze, very bad
sord-lat-ze, stinking
sord-ze, bad
t`a-ze, dark
t`bund-yud-ze, smart
t`dak-ze, thin
t`dane-ze, honest
t`fee-ah-ze, ugly
t`gogo-ze, mute
t`ho, a little
t`ho, few
t`kamo-ze, free
t`kamo-ze, loose
t`litu-ze, dull, blunt
t`obe, neither
t`obe, nobody
t`panda-ze, silent
t`pan-hane-ze, difficult
t`po-ze, starved
t`ram-ba-ze, awake
t`utor-ze, brave
t`utor-ze, rash
t`van-do-ag-ze, lower
t`vulp-ze, empty
t`yat-ze, hidden
ta-ah-ze, very high
tand-ja-ze, alone
tand-ja-ze, unsafe
tandu, none
tandu, nothing
ta-ze, tall
tor-ze, irrational
u, all
u, whole
ubor-ze, thirsty
utor-ze, afraid
van-do-ag-ze, better
van-do-ze, good
vulp-ze, full
yo-o-ze, loyal
zi-ze, shaggy
zu-ag-ze, bigger
zu-ag-ze, grater
zu-vo-ze, strong
zu-ze, big
Past Participle (some words as adjectives)
aba-ah-ze, envied
aba-ze, got/gotten
aba-ze, gotten
aba-ze, reached
abu-t`nala-ze, knelt
ado-ze, cleaned
ado-ze, cleared
ado-ze, lit
adu-ze, lost
akut-do-ze, understood
akut-eta-ze, convinced
akut-eta-ze, induced
akut-eta-ze, persuaded
akut-gogo-ze, advised
akut-gogo-ze, alluded
akut-gogo-ze, suggested
akut-nga-ze, educated
akut-nga-ze, instructed
akut-nga-ze, taught
akut-ze, led
ala-eta-ze, collected
ala-eta-ze, raised
ala-ze, ascended
ala-ze, raised
amba-eta-ze, found
amba-eta-ze, hit
amba-eta-ze, met
amba-ze, dejected
amba-ze, fallen
amba-ze, felt
ande`ta-ze, abandoned
ande-ah-ze, fled
ande-ah-ze, gone
ande-ze, granted
ande-ze, left
ande-ze, let
anfee-ze, fertilized
are`ta-ze, cataloged
are`ta-ze, classified
are`ta-ze, ordered
are`ta-ze, organized
are-ze, corrected
are-ze, fixed
are-ze, mended
are-ze, punished
are-ze, repaired
are-ze, sewed / sewn
are-ze, woven
argo-ah-ze, burnt
argo-ah-ze, carbonized
argo-do-ze, broadcast
argo-do-ze, burnt / burned
argo-do-ze, exalted
argo-panda-ah-ze, burst
aro-ze, cast
aro-ze, shot
aro-ze, thrown
bal-ze, golden
ban-eta-ze, converted
ban-ze, bought
ban-ze, changed
ban-ze, moved
ban-ze, permuted
ban-ze, replaced
beg-ze, begun
beg-ze, started
beg-ze, undertaken
bol-do-ze, buried
bor-ze, dried
buk-ah-ze, broken
buk-b`zan-ze, shorn
buk-eta-ze, apart
buk-eta-ze, divided
buk-eta-ze, separated
buk-hane-ze, delimited
buk-hane-ze, limited
buk-ze, moved
buk-ze, pushed
buk-ze, taken
bund-eta-ze, absorbed
bund-eta-ze, consumed
bund-eta-ze, extinguished
bundolo-eta-ze, ambushed
bundolo-eta-ze, attacked
bund-olo-ze, killed
bund-ze, dead
bund-ze, ended
bund-ze, over
bur-ah-ze, frozen
bur-eta-ze, calmed
bur-eta-ze, tranquilized
bur-ze, cooled
bur-ze, refreshed
bus-ze, evacuated
bus-ze, excreted
co-ze, stripped
da-ah-ze, controlled
da-ah-ze, dominated
da-ah-ze, in-charged
da-eta-ze, animated
da-hane-ze, forced
dak-ze, swollen
dan-do-ze, delayed
dan-do-ze, halted
dan-eta-ze, accustomed
dane-ze, charmed
dane-ze, corrupted
dane-ze, seduced
der-eta-ze, loved
der-eta-ze, wished
der-ze, asked
der-ze, begged
dom-ze, judged
dom-ze, qualified
do-ze, pretended
emba-eta-ze, executed
emba-ze, answered
eta-do-ze, decremented
fee`ta-ze, affected
fee-ze, felt
fen-ze, supplied
galul-ze, bled
gana-ze, slid
gan-do-ze, conquered
gan-do-ze, won
gash-do-ze, bitten
gash-do-ze, chewed
goda-ze, overcome
gogo-ze, explained
gogo-ze, said
gogo-ze, spoken
gogo-ze, told
gom-ze, run
gor-eta-ze, warmed
gree`ta-ze, believed
gree`ta-ze, considered
gree`ta-ze, liked
gree-ah-ze, admired
gree-ah-ze, adored
gree-ah-ze, forgiven
gree-ah-ze, forgotten
gree-do-ze, loved
gree-ze, loved
gugu-ze, faced
gule-ze, accused
gule-ze, denounced
gu-mado-ze, infected
gun-eta-ze, commanded
gun-ze, ruled
gutho-ze, punished
hane-ah-ze, created
hane-ah-ze, established
hane-ah-ze, founded
hane-ze, built
hane-ze, done
hane-ze, made
hist-do-ze, poisoned
hut-ze, stolen
id-do-ze, shone
jaba-ze, spat
jad-ze, amazed
jad-ze, wondered
ja-eta-ze, kept
ja-eta-ze, leant
jen-ze, coupled
jen-ze, ground
jen-ze, mixed
kamo-ze, bound
kamo-ze, linked
kewa-ze, had
knu-ah-ze, explored
knu-ah-ze, found-out
knu-ah-ze, searched
knu-do-ze, known
knu-do-ze, known
knu-do-ze, learnt /learned
knu-eta-ze, showed
knu-rem-ze, discovered
knu-rem-ze, found
knu-rem-ze, located
knu-ze, asked
knu-ze, inquired
knu-ze, sought
knu-ze, wanted
kob-ze, beaten
kob-ze, hit
kob-ze, struck
kob-ze, stuck
kor-do-ze, danced
kor-ze, advanced
kor-ze, walked
kree-gor-ze, shouted
kree-ze, destroyed
kree-ze, spoilt / spoiled
kuen-ze, deported
kuen-ze, exiled
kuen-ze, lain
kut-ze, dug
lana-eta-ze, offended
lat-ze, smelt
litu-ze, sharpen
litu-ze, thinned
lob-ze, kicked
lul-do-ze, sweat
lul-kor-ze, swum
lul-ze, washed
lul-ze, wet
ma-do-ze, lamed
meea-ze, bid
meea-ze, born
meea-ze, bred
meea-ze, caused
meeta-ze, rained
mee-ze, broadcast
mer-ze, obliged
mis-ze, confused
mis-ze, failed
mis-ze, mistaken
mis-ze, misunderstood
mo-ze, shrunk
nam-ze, called
nam-ze, named
nga-ze, given
nga-ze, lent
nga-ze, offered
ngore-ze, admitted
ngore-ze, declared
ngoz-ze, dreamtngoz-ze, figured
ngoz-ze, imagined
ngoz-ze, thought
oke-ze, opened
olo-ze, fought
om-ze, spread
pac-ze, ridden
pane-ze, covered
pane-ze, wound
pane-ze, wrapped
pan-lul-ze, wept
po-ah-ze, swallowed
pre-ze, trodden
pul-eta-ze, sat
pul-ze, laid
pul-ze, located
pul-ze, put
pul-ze, set
rak-gogo-ze, approved
rak-ze, accepted
rak-ze, adopted
ram-ba-ze, slept
rem-ah-ze, clung
rem-ah-ze, held
rem-bo-ze, crept
rem-eta-ze, carried
rem-hane-ze, chosen
rem-ze, brought
rem-ze, caught
rem-ze, taken
rota-ze, enjoyed
ry-eta-ze, inclined
ry-ze, bent
ry-ze, curved
ry-ze, wrung
sa-ze, touched
sen-ze, leapt
sen-ze, sprung
shee-eta-ze, ambushed
shee-ze, hunted
sok-ze, shaken
sord-lat-ze, stunk
sord-uze-ze, wasted
so-ze, eaten
so-ze, fed
t`bol-do-ze, unburied
t`dak-ze, thinned
t`oke-ze, shut
t`ram-ba-ze, awaken
t`ram-ba-ze, incorporated
t`ram-ba-ze, risen
t`ram-ba-ze, woken
t`rota-ze, born
t`rota-ze, undergone
t`unk-ze, waited
t`unk-zut-ze, entered
t`vulp-ze, spilt / spilled
t`yat-ze, hidden
t`yuto-ze, extracted
t`zut-ze, included
t`zut-ze, sunk
t`zut-ze, thrust
tand-ah-ze, forbidden
tand-ze, interrupted
tawa-eta-ze, drawn
tawa-eta-ze, noted
tawa-ze, torn
tei-ze, dealt
tei-ze, tried
tha-ze, kissed
thro-ze, happened
thro-ze, happened
tro-wee-ze, crossed
tro-wee-ze, penetrated
tub-ze, broken
tub-ze, split
tumbu-kor-ze, flown
ud-ze, drunk
ugla-ze, combated
ugla-ze, dared
ugla-ze, fought
ugla-ze, hated
unk-aba-ze, arrived
unk-aba-ze, visited
unk-do-ze, sent
unk-eta-ze, continued
unk-eta-ze, kept
unk-rand-ze, followed
unk-ze, gone
unk-zut-ze, gone
usha-ah-ze, pressed
usha-ah-ze, speed
usha-do-ze, blown
usha-do-ze, lightened
utne-ze, sowed / sown
utor-do-ze, frightened
utor-do-ze, intimidated
utor-do-ze, rejected
utor-do-ze, scared
utor-ze, amazed
utor-ze, astonished
uze-ah-ze, spent
uze-ze, used
uze-ze, utilized
van-hane-ze, aided
van-hane-ze, assisted
van-hane-ze, helped
voovoo-gogo-ze, sung
vulp-ze, filled
vulp-ze, occupied
wang-jen-ze, closed
wud-ze, hurt
wud-ze, stung
yad-ze, cared
yad-ze, heard
yad-ze, listened
yang-ze, hanged
yang-ze, hooked
yang-ze, hung
yang-ze, swung
yat-do-ze, exposed
yat-do-ze, reveled
yat-do-ze, shown
yato-eta-ze, glimpsed
yato-eta-ze, read
yato-eta-ze, spelt
yato-ze, looked
yato-ze, seen
yato-ze, watched
yodo-ze, graceful
yodo-ze, loved
yodo-ze, respected
yodo-ze, valued
yud-ze, appeared
yud-ze, been
yud-ze, come
yud-ze, stated
yuto-eta-ze, cutout
yuto-ze, cut
yut-ze, stabbed
zu-gogo-ze, described
zu-gogo-ze, referred
zu-gogo-ze, said
zu-gogo-ze, told
zu-ze, enlarged
zu-ze, grown
zwalo-ze, swallowed
eho-ram, beneath
eho-ram, under
eta, pretty
eta-u, enough
eta-u, fairly
eta-u, quite
eta-u, rather
gugu, front
gugu, in front of
gugu, before
karpo, middle, center
lak, top
lan, right
lufo, near
man, great
nala, above
nala, above
nala, over
nala, up
nur, false
o rak, surely
o t`ja , only
o rep, indeed
o rep, truly
o kota do, slow
o panda, noisily
o usha do, fast
o usha do, soon
ag, besides
-ag, more
-ag, very
-eta, almost
-eta, hardly
, o, too
a`g, early
ara, already
ara, at once
ara, now
ara, right now
eho-ag, too much
eho-dan, always
eho-nala, top
o, as
o, as
o, so
o, as
rak, certainly
rak, of course
rak, yes
rak-eta, possibly
rak-eta, probably
rak-eta, maybe
rak-eta, perhaps
ral, again
ral, ever
ral, frequently
ral, often
ral, sometimes
rand, behind
rand, afterwards
rand, ago
rand, next
rep, truth
sek-ag, else
sord, badly
t` lan, left
t` yel, there
t`ag, less
t`eho, little
t`eho-dan, never
t`nala, down
t`o, not so
t`obe, nor
t`pan-yud-o, barely
t`ral, rarely
t`ral, scarcely
t`ral, seldom
t`unk, still
t`unk, yet
t`yel, over there
tand a`g, late
tand, neither
tand, no, not
tandu, not at all
tro, straight
u, full
u, fully
u, quiet
ug, bottom
ugh, ok
ul, off
ul, since
van, well
wur, away
wur, beyond
wur, far
yel, here
yud, also
zen, so
zen, then
zor buk, partly
zor, inside
zor, within
zut, outside
bi et, due to
et, that
o, as
o, as
o ara o.., as soon as
o van o, as well as
t`ha, till, until
tro, while
eto your
ebo his
ema her
ora our
ius your
eth their
lufo, close to
lufo, near
nala, above
nala, on
nala, over
nala, up
o, as
o, like or similar
ram, below
rand, after
rand, back
rand, behind
rud, around
rud, round
t`ha, up to
t`nala, down
t`nala, under
t`unk, without
tro, across
tro, along
tro, during
tro, through
tro, throughout
ul, about
ul, from
ul, of
(,), and
(,), or
bi et, because
bi et, because
Determinatives Adjectives
wo this things
wob that thing
emo my
bi, by
bi, for
bi, in order to
bi, to
gugu, before
ha, to
ha, toward
ha, towards
ha nala, upon
ha t` zut, into
keen, against
lufo, beside
lufo, by
unk, with
unk, within
wee, among
wee, between
zor, at
zor, in
zor, inside
zut, out
zut, outside
zut-ul, except
zut-ul, out of
ha il, whom
il, who
o, how
ul il, whose
uta, when
uz, which
gid, waist
gu, stomach, belly
kal-an, female, breast
kal-an, mamma
kape, fish scale
kawa, paw
kluzan, feather
lat, nose
lat, snout
litu-gash, prick
lob, paw
lot, face
lowa, wing
lul-do, sweat
lultho, saliva
lus, tongue
ma-lul, urine
om-tho, beak
pan-lul, tear
pen, fin
rand, back
tag, neck
tha, lip
tho, mouth
thub, heart
uan, body
uan-da, health
un, loin
vo, muscle
wang, arm
yad, ear
yad, ear
yat, eye
yuk, horn
zan, skin
zee, leg
zu-b'zan, mustache, beard
zura, comb
gabusan, large monkey
gani, ape
gani, chimpanzee
gimla, crocodile
gorgo, water buffalo
gortar, bullock
guram, lizard
histah, snake
hondo, hornet
horta, boar
hoseno, hare
howangani, gibbon
kalo, cow
kando, ant
kela, gazelle
kili, dik dik
klu, hen
kolana, pirahna
koodoo, gnu
kota, tortoise
lano, mosquito
lucota (lul kota), turtle
luhoseno, frog
lulbara, cob
lulne, duck
m´wat koodoo , blue gnu
mangani, great ape
mangani, bili ape
manu, monkey
muskree, she wildcat
Interrogatives pronouns
bi et, why
e, where
et , what
abu, knee
an, organ
at, tail, penis
b`fink, finger nail
b`tho, tongue
b`wang, hand
b`yat, head
b`zan, hair
b`zee, foot
band, elbow
beza, jaw
bus-an, buttock
dako-zan, meat
danb'zee, hoof
dan-o, bone
danvo, chest
fink, finger
ga-lul, blood
gash, tooth, fang
argos, eagle
balana, bee
balgani, orangutan
balu, cub
bara, deer
bolgani, gorilla
boof, toad
bus-so, fly (insect)
buto, rhinoceros
dako, pig
dango, hyena
duro, hippopotamus
eta-gani, bonobo
eta-kalo, goat
eta-pamba, little rat
ne, duck
ne`ta, bird
nene, beetle
nesen, grasshopper
numa, lion
omtag, giraffe
omlusremo, chameleon
onzeekoro, heron
pac, horse
pac, mule
pacco, zebra
pamba, rat
pisah, fish
rylano, scorpio
ryomtho, toucan
rypac, dromedary
ryzee, bedouin
sabor, lioness
sheeta, cheetah
sheeta, leopard
sheeta, panther
ska, vulture
skree, wild cat
skreeco, tiger
t`ayato, owl
tanklu, rooster
tantor, elephant
tarat koodoo , white tail gnu
tongani, baboon
tor, beast
umpa, caterpillar
unco, stripped jackal
unga, golden jackal
ungo, black loin jackal
wappi, antelope
zanzi, spider
zuklugomo, ostrich
zupamba, big rat
b`lat, nose pendant
b`uan, ornamental
b`uan, collar
b`yad, earring
b`yad, pendant
eho-dan-lana, needle
ho-nur-kluzan, feathers
kab, crown
kamo-eta, string
nur-bara-zan, loincloth
nur-gid, belt
nur-sheeta-zan, loincloth
nur-wappi-zan, loincloth
nur-zan, shirt
nur-zan, pants
nur-zan, clothe
nur-zan, dress
t`yat-kudu, hat
t`yat-zee, boot
t`yat-zee, sandal
t`yat-zee, shoe
bu, hebubalu, son
eta-gomangani, pygmy
gomangani, black man
gun, leader, ruling
gund, chief
kalu, mother
korak, killer
ma, child
mu, shemubalu, daugther
por, mate
por-at-an, husband
por-kal-an, wife
tan, warrior
tan shee, hunter
tarmangani, white human
tormangani, spirit, ghost
yo, friend
za, girl
za-balu, sister
Family and Political Structure
ab, boy
abalu, brother
akut zanmangani, shaman,
wise man
akut-jad-mangani, great
spirit, great god.
at-an, male
ath, grand father, great father
atu, father
balu, baby
balu, breeding
Geographical words
a, light, day, daylight
a`g, dawn
a-eta, morning
ara, lightning
a-rand, yesterday
argo, fire
argo-balu-den, firewood
argo-eta, flame
argo-ho-balu-den, bonfire
argo-ved, volcano
bal, gold
bo, ground
bo, plane
bol, terrestrial
bo-whuff, dust
co, streak
dak-lul, lake
dako-zan, flesh
dan, rock, stone
dang, home among stones,
dan-lul, ice
den-kor, tree road
dum-dum, drum
eta-dak-lul, swamp
eta-meeta, drizzle
eta-meeta-whuff, cloudiness
eta-wala, shelter
go-id, metal
gom-lul, river
go-ro, moon
goro-rand, yesterday
hist, poison
ho-den, forest
ho-ho-tan, tribe
hon, surrounded nest or under
hond, termite or wasp nest
hor, nest among weeds
hort, where horta nest, burrow
ho-tan, clan
ho-wala, village
hul, star
id, silver
in, darkness
jaba, drivel
jad-in-lul, amazing dark lul
kal, milk
kam, jungle like
kamo, string
kamo, tie
kamo, bond
kleen, weather
klu-kal, egg
kor, road
kudu, sun
kut, hole
kut, hollow
lana, sting
lat, track
litu, edge
lul, water
mako, mark, sign
mee, watering
meeta, rain
meeta-whuff, cloud
ne, land
neut, sowing
no, brook
pal, country, region
pand, thunder
patu, stain
pele, valley
pre, track
ryusha, twisted
so, food
t`ag, evening
t`amba, afternoon
t`amba-ag, sunset
tand-a, night
tand-a, shadow
tand-lul-ne, desert
ta-pal, hill
tar-bur, snow
taro, plate
taro, pot
taro, vessel
tar-whuff, fog
tawa-eta, drawing
tu-dan, jewel
tumbu, air
u-a, today
u-a-tro, tomorrow
ukam , savage
ula, howl
ulul , aquatic
usha, wind
usha ah, storm
ved, mountain
wala, nest, home, hut
wala, house
whuff, smoke
yuk, horn
zu-dak-lul, ocean
zu-dak-ne, savanna
zu-kut, cave
zu-m'wa, sky
ado, clearing
ado, indult
ado, cleanness
ado, forgiveness
adu, deviation
adu, losing
akut, intelligence
akut-da, aptitude
akut-da, skill
akut-da, ability
akut-do, comprehension
akut-do, understanding
akut-do, perception
akut-eta, knowledge
akut-eta, conviction
akut-eta, inducement
akut-eta, judgment
akut-eta, persuasion
akut-gogo, advise
akut-gogo, insinuation
Other nouns
aba, reach
aba, scope
aba, benefit
aba, gain
aba, obtainment
aba, profit
aba-ah, fancy
aba-ah, envy
ado, absolution
ado, clarity
akut-gogo, suggestion
akut-nga, training
akut-nga, education
akut-nga, teaching
akut-nga, instruction
ala, ascent
ala, elevation
ala, climbing
ala-eta, raise
ala-eta, gather
ala-eta, raising
ala-eta, retirement
amba, depression
amba, fall
amba, precipitation
amba, falling in
amba-eta, shock
amba-eta, sudden meeting
amba-eta, bumping
amba-eta, stumble
ande, access
ande, authorization
ande, grant
ande`ta, abandonment
ande`ta, inattention
ande`ta, disregard
ande-ah, escape
ande-ah, runaway
ande-ah, flight
ande-nga, consent
anfee, matching
anfee, copula
anfee, fecundation
anfee, fertility
anfee, fertilization
are, fitting
are, arrangement
are, composition
are, correction
are, mending
are, reparation
are, reprehension
are`ta, catalogue
are`ta, sorting
are`ta, organization
argo-ah, overheating
argo-ah, calcination
argo-ah, carbonization
argo-ah, overheating
argo-do, exaltation
argo-do, impatience
argo-do, burning
argo-do, rage
argo-panda-ah, explosion
argo-panda-ah, bursting
aro, fearlessness
aro, discharge
aro, shot
aro, throwing
aro-eta, rubbish
ban, change
ban, moving
ban, permutation
ban, replacing
ban-eta, conversion
ban-eta, transformation
bar, battle
begu, beginning
bo, flat
bol-do, burial
bol-do, interment
bol-do, sepulture
bor, dryness
bor, airing
buk, impulse
buk, motion
buk, movement
buk-ah, unexpected event
buk-ah, courage
buk-ah, energy
buk-eta, removal
buk-eta, delimitation
buk-eta, demarcation
buk-eta, loosening
buk-eta, division
buk-eta, limit
buk-eta, part
buk-eta, piece
buk-eta, desegregation
buk-eta, separation
bund, cessation
bund, decease
bund, end
bund, final
bund, termination
bund, finishing
bund-eta, absorption
bund-eta, drowning
bund-eta, extinguishment
bund-eta, attack
bund-eta, consumption
bund-eta, assault
bund-eta, extinguishment
bund-eta, suffocation
bund-olo, slaughter
bundolo-eta, aggression
bundolo-eta, assault
bundolo-eta, attack
bur, coldness
bur, refresh
bur-eta, appeasement
bur-eta, calm
bur-eta, peace
bur-eta, serenity
bur-eta, tranquility
bus, dung
bus, evacuation
bus, excretion
bus, excrement
da, force
da-ah, control
da-ah, domain
da-ah, charge
da-ah, power
da-eta, animation
da-eta, courage
da-eta, fortifying
da-eta, fortress
da-hane, chastisement
dak, enlargement
dak, fat
dak, robustness
dak-o, thickness
dan-do, backwardness
dan-do, delay
dan-do, halt
dan-do, retention
dane, charming
dane, enchantment
dane, seduction
dan-eta, custom
dan-eta, hardness
dan-eta, fortifying
der, imploration
der, demand
der, request
der, entreaty
der-ah, exigency
der-ah, reclamation
der-eta, eagerness
der-eta, anxiety
der-eta, desire
der-eta, beg
do, imitation
do, pretension
do-eta, deceit
dom, qualification
dom, judgment
dum, meeting
Dum-Dum, ritual Dum-Dum
dur, yawn
eho-dan, hardness
eho-kut, hollowing
eho-rea, message
el, gracefulness
emba, reply
emba, answer
emba-ah, contradiction
emba-ah, objection
emba-ah, refutation
emba-eta, completion
emba-eta, execution
emba-eta, obedience
eta-do, decrease
eta-do, diminution
eta-gogo, gossip
eta-gogo, whisper
eta-gogo, humming
fad, squeamishness
fad, annoyance
fee, appraisement
fee, feeling
fee`ta, affection
fee`ta, bewilderment
fee`ta, disturbance
fee`ta, perturbation
fee`ta, foolishness
fen, supply
fen, proportion
fen, provision
gan, luck
gana, slipping
gan-do, conquest
gan-do, gain
gash-do, nibble
geth, omen
geth, augury
geth, prediction
geth, presage
geth, prognostic
goda, defeat
goda, weariness
goda-eta, agony
gogo, talk
gogo-eta, decision
gogo-eta, saying
gogo-eta, proposition
gogo-nga, explanation
gom, run
gom-eta, march
gor, complaint
gor, growl
gor-eta, admonition
gor-eta, alarm
gor-eta, warning
gor-eta, prevention
gree, affection
gree, love
gree, positiveness
gree`ta, appraisement
gree`ta, confidence
gree`ta, regard
gree`ta, belief
gree`ta, estimation
gree`ta, like (care for)
gree`ta, acknowledgement
gree-ah, absolution
gree-ah, admiration
gree-ah, adoration
gree-ah, indult
gree-ah, forgiveness
gree-ah, worship
gree-do, being in love
gree-hane, forgetfulness
gugu, confrontation
gugu, facing
gugu, confrontation
gule, accusation
gule, guilt
gule, denunciation
gu-mado, contagion
gu-mado, aching
gu-mado, illness
gu-mado, infection
gu-mado, suffering
gun, rule
gun, leadership
gun, administration
gun, kingdom
gund-bar, war
gun-eta, disposition
gun-eta, mandate
gutho, punishment
gutho, sentence
gutho, sanction
hane, construction
hane, fact
hane, work
hane-ah, creation
hane-ah, establishment
hane-ah, founding
hist, devil
hut, assault
hut, robbery
id-do, brightness
id-do, glare
id-do, splendor
ja, support
ja, defense
ja, warranty
ja, preservation
ja, protection
ja, reinforcement
ja, preservation
ja, back up
ja, security
ja, secure
jad, amazement
jad, dignity
jad, majesty
ja-eta, attention
ja-eta, company
ja-eta, care
jen, coupling
jen, mixture
jen, union
kalan, lactation
kamo, moorage
kamo, binding
kan, clambering
kewa, possession
knu, search
knu, question
knu, solicitude
knu-ah, inquiry
knu-ah, exploration
knu-ah, investigation
knu-do, apprenticeship
knu-do, knowledge
knu-do, learning
knu-eta, verification
knu-eta, demonstration
knu-rem, discovery
knu-rem, localization
ko, power
kob, hit
kob, knock
kob, beating
kog, cough
koho, warming
kor, walk
kor, advance
kor, road
kor, travel
kor-do, dance
kor-eta, walk
kor-eta, vagrancy
kree, damage
kree, destruction
kree, hurt
kree-eta, ill treatment
kreeg, beware
kreeg, care
kreeg, negative
kreeg, danger
kreeg-eta, alert
kreeg-eta, warning
kree-gor, scream
kuen, deportation
kuen, banishment
kuen, exile
kuen, expulsion
kut, perforation
lana, pricking
lana, sting
lana, prick
lana-eta, humiliation
lana-eta, insult
lana-eta, offense
lana-eta, prejudice
lat, smell
litu, sharpness
litu, thinness
lob, kick
lu, sudden attack
lu, anger
lu, vexation
lu, fierce
lu, fury
lufo, approximation
lufo, proximity
lul, bathing
lul, washing
lul-do, wet with sweat
lul-kor, swimming
lul-kor, plunge
lul-tho, spittle
lul-vulp, overflowing
lul-vulp, inundation
mado, lame
mako, engraving
malul, urine
mee, emission
mee, irrigated land
mee, delivery
mee, watering
meea, cause
meea, conception
meea, birth
meea, labor
meea, production
meea, product
meea, provocation
meea, supporter
meea-eta, bud
meea-eta, germination
mer, obligation
mer, submission
mis, complication
mis, confusion
mis, tangle
mis, mistake
mis, error
mis, fault
mo, shrinkage
mo, decrease
mo-eta, restriction
nam, call
nam, naming
nam, name
nga, delivery
nga, offer
nga, offering
nga, gift
nga-rand, devolution
ngau, erosion
ngore, admission
ngore, avowal
ngore, confession
ngore, declaration
ngoz, figure
ngoz, imagining
ngoz, thought
ngoz-eta, affliction
ngoz-eta, anguish
ngoz-eta, sorrow
ngoz-eta, worries
ngoz-eta, sadness
ngoz-rem, remembrance
nur, lie
nur-eta, defrauding
nur-eta, deceit
nur-eta, swindle
o, equal
o, similar
odo, comparison
olo, courage
olo, wrestling
om, dilatation
om, pulling
om, extension
om, length
om, prolongation
pac, riding
pac, mount
pan, polish
pan, softness
panda, noise
panda-ah, sound
pandar, noise
pane, cover
pane, wrapper
pan-lul, weeping
pan-lul-eta, moan
pan-lul-eta, lamentation
pan-lul-eta, sob
pan-lul-eta, sigh
pan-vo, draining
pan-vo, tiredness
pan-vo, weakness
patu, pigment
patu, painting
po, eating
prae, applause
pu, sweetness
pul, place
pul, site
pul, localization
pul-eta, accommodation
pul-eta, seat
rak, acceptation
rak, adoption
rak-gogo, affirmation
rak-gogo, approval
rak-gogo, confirmation
ral, frequency
ral, review
ral, repetition
ram-ba, rest
ram-ba, slept
ram-ba, rest
ram-do, descent
rand, return
rea, word
rea-ngoz, guess
rem, catch
rem, load
rem, receiving
rem, reception
rem, taking
rem-bo, dragging
rem-bo, nastiness
rem-eta, transport
rem-eta, transfer
rem-hane, election
rem-hane, choice
rem-hane, preference
rem-hane, selection
rem-hane, appointment
rem-shee, prey
rem-yel, carrying
renk, turn
rep, truth
rota, enjoyment
rota, entertainment
rota, happiness
rota, laugh
ry, curve
ry, curvature
ry, bend
ry, twist
ry-eta, inclination
sa, caress
sa, lick
sa, touch
sa-tor, amiability
sa-tor, kindness
sek, exam
sek, survey
sek, proof
sen, leap
sen, rebound
sen, jump
sen, little hop
shee, capture
shee, catch
shee, hunt
shee, capture
shee, hunting
shee pisah, fishing
shee-eta, waylaying
shee-eta, ambush
so, feeding
so, fattening
so, nutrition
so-eta, nutriment
sok, agitation
sok, beating
sok, shake
sok, beating
sord`ane, corruption
sordo, evil
sord-uze, squandering
sord-uze, waste
t`a, opaque
t`a, darkness
t`a, afternoon
t`ala, lowering
t`are-eta, disorder
t`are-eta, disorganization
t`bol-do, disinter
t`bor, wet
t`bund-o, rescue
t`bund-o, salvation
t`bund-yud, existence
t`bund-yud, life
t`gree-eta, residue
t`gree-eta, neglect
t`gree-eta, exclusion
t`kamo, breaking out
t`kamo, winding up
t`kamo, liberty
t`panda, silence
t`po, hungry
t`ramba, waking up
t`ramba, incorporation
t`rota, strength
t`rota, patience
t`rota, resistance
t`rota, suffering
t`rota, tolerance
t`unk, expectation
t`unk, stay
t`unk-zut, entrance
t`utor, courage
t`vulp, spilling
t`vulp, drainage
t`vulp, leisure
t`yat, disappearance
t`yat, concealment
t`yat, hiding
t`yuto, extraction
t`zut, sinking
tand, impediment
tand, interruption
tand, negation
tand-ah, abstention
tand-ah, obstruction
tand-ah, stake
tand-ah, inhibition
tand-ah, prohibition
tand-eta, excuse
tawa, scratch
tawa, sign
tawa-eta, annotation
tawa-eta, sketch
tei, test
tei, intent
tei, proof
tei, treatment
tha, kiss
thro, occurrence
thro, event
thro, happening
tor, irrationality
tro-wee, crossing
tro-wee, penetration
tub, rupture
tumbu-kor, flight
ubor, thirsty
ud, drink
uge, lowing
ugla, combat
ugla, dare
ugla, battle
ugla, hate
ugla, fight
ugla, challenge
unk, mandate
unk, ordinance
unk-aba, arrival
unk-aba, visit
unk-do, remittance
unk-do, expedition
unk-eta, continuation
unk-eta, pursuit
unk-rand, persecution
unk-rand, chase
unk-rand, following
unk-zut, way out
usha-ah, strait
usha-ah, pressing
usha-do, lightening
usha-do, hastiness
usha-do, enlivening
usha-do, blowing
usha-do, blast
utne, harvest
utne, cultivation
utne, sown land
utor, fear
utor, terror
utor-do, fright
utor-do, intimidation
utor-do, rebound
utor-do, surprise
utor-do, scare
utor-eta, timidity
uze, use
uze, utilization
uze-ah, spending
van-do, kindness
van-hane, attendance
van-hane, aid
van-hane, help
voo, rhythm
voo, sound
voo-dum, dance
voo-voo, singing
vulp, heap
vulp, inlay
vulp, filling
wala, home
wala, ownership
wala-do, lodging
wang-jen, hug
wang-jen, closing
wo, this thing
wo, this stuff
wob, that thing
wob, that stuff
wud, pain
wud, wound
wur, distance
yado, attention
yang, hanging
yang, hooking
yang, swing
yat-do, exposition
yat-do, revelation
yato, look
yato, observation
yato, watchfulness
yato, sight
yato-eta, glance
yato-eta, glimpse
yat-oke, smart
yodo, thanks
yodo, appreciation
yodo, gratitude
yodo, respect
yodo, value
yo-o, loyalty
yud, appearing
yud, stay
yud, being
yud, meaning
yud, coming
yut, stab
yuto, cutting
yuto, wound
zu, enlargement
zu, growing
zu, greatness
zu-gogo, tale
zu-gogo, description
zu-gogo, story
zu-gogo, reference
zu-gogo, statement
zu-gor, roar
zu-vo, fortress
ho-wa-usha, leaves
kambo, jungle
kambu, pumpkin
kamo, liana
koko-sopu, coconut
mal-wa-usha, straw
ne, land, grass
pu, sweet taste
pu, sweet smell
ro, flower
sopu, fruit
ut, grain
utne, sowing
wa-usha, leaf
yuto, felling of trees
zan-sopu, peel
zu-dak-den, baobad
balu, sprout
balu-den, stick, branch, limb,
baby tree
bano sopu, banana
dan-sopu, nut
den, tree
den-b'zee, root
denzee, stem
eta-wa-usha-den, acacia
a`g, to dawn
aba, to acquire
aba, to get
aba, to obtain
aba, to reach
aba-ah, to covet
aba-ah, to envy
aba-ah, to seek eagerly
ka-aba-ah, to desire
ka-abu-nala, to stand up
ka-abu-t`nala, to kneel
ado, to absolve
ado, to brush off
ado, to clear
ado, to illuminate
ado, to light
ado, to solve for
ka-ado, to clean
ado-b`zan, to comb
ado-b`zan, to polish
ka-adu, to deflect
ka-adu, to lose
ka-adu, to mislead
akut-do, to embrace
akut-do, to perceive
ka-akut-do, to understand
akut-eta, to carry along
akut-eta, to induce
ka-akut-eta, to convince
akut-gogo, to allude
akut-gogo, to insinuate
akut-gogo, to suggest
ka-akut-gogo, to advise
ala, to ascend
ka-ala, to climb
ka-ala, to go up
ala-eta, to collect
ala-eta, to elevate
ala-eta, to gather
ala-eta, to pick up
ala-eta, to raise
amba, to break down
amba, to bring down
amba, to fall down
amba, to knock down
amba, to pull down
amba, to throw down
ka-amba, to fall
amba (bi argo), to burn
amba (bi usha), to blow
amba-do, to roll
ka-amba-do, to slide
ka-amba-do, to slip
ka-amba-eta, to collide
ka-amba-eta, to come across
ka-amba-eta, to fall over
ka-amba-eta, to meet
ka-amba-eta, to stumble
ande, to accede
ande, to agree
ande, to grant
ande, to let
ande, to permit
ande , to allow
ande , to grant
ande , to let
ande , to permit
ande amba, to drop
ande unk-zut, to blow off
ande`ta, to abandon
ande`ta, to desert
ande`ta, to disregard
ande`ta, to leave
ande-ah, to flee
ande-ah, to go off
ande-ah, to run away
ka-ande-ah, to clear off
ka-ande-ah, to clear out
ka-ande-ah, to escape
ka-ande-ah, to flee
ka-ande-ah, to get away
ka-ande-ah, to go away
ka-ande-ah, to move off
ka-ande-ah, to run off
ka-ande-ah, to walk off
anfee, to copulate
anfee, to fertilize
anfee, to mate
anfee, to pregnant
are, to adjust
are, to arrange
are, to compose
are, to correct
are, to fit
are, to fix
are, to mend
are, to repair
are, to reprehend
are, to settle
are, to sew
are, to weave
are`ta, to classify
are`ta, to order
are`ta, to organize
are`ta, to sort
are-ah, to pick a bone with
argo-ah, to calcine
argo-ah, to carbonize
argo-ah, to overheat
argo-bund-eta, to burn
argo-bund-eta, to burn
argo-do, to burn
argo-do, to rage
ka-argo-do, to become
ka-argo-do, to exalt
argo-panda-ah, to blow
argo-panda-ah, to burst
aro, to broadcast
aro, to cast
aro, to pull
aro, to shoot
ka-aro, to throw
aro t`nala, to throw down
ka-aro t`zut, to throw in
aro-eta, to cast
aro-eta, to give away
aro-eta, to give off
aro-eta, to spread out
aro-eta, to strew
aro-eta, to throw about
aro-nala, to throw up
aro-zut, to throw out
ba, to settle (as liquids)
ba, to take repose
bak, to bellow
ban, to buy
ban, to change
ban, to exchange
ban, to permute
ban, to remove
ban, to replace
ban-eta, to turn
ka-ban-eta, to convert
ka-ban-eta, to make into
ka-ban-eta, to transform
beg, to begin
beg, to commence
beg, to start
beg, to undertake
bira, the way Tantor
bol-do, to bury
bol-do, to inter
bol-sen, to break forth
ka-bor, to air
ka-bor, to dry
ka-bor, to ventilate
buk, to remove
ka-buk, to move on
ka-buk, to move up
ka-buk, to take off
buk , to push
ka-buk , to move
ka-buk , to take away
buk , to abolish
buk , to do away
buk b`zan, to shave
buk b`zan, to shear
buk b`zan, to skin
buk-ah, to pluck off
buk-ah, to pull off
buk-eta, to break asunder
buk-eta, to come away
buk-eta, to come off
buk-eta, to fly off
buk-eta, to hang back
buk-eta, to part
ka-buk-eta, to move away
bund, to be over
bund, to cease
bund, to die away
bund, to end
bund, to finish
bund, to pass away
ka-bund, to die
bund-eta, to absorb
bund-eta, to be dying
bund-eta, to blow out
bund-eta, to choke
bund-eta, to consume
bund-eta, to die out
bund-eta, to drown
bund-eta, to put out
bund-eta, to use up
bund-eta (bi argo), to
burn up
bund-olo, to kill
bundolo-eta, to assail
bundolo-eta, to attack
bundolo-eta, to go at
bundolo-eta, to jump at
bur, to cool
ka-bur, to refresh
bur-ah, to freeze
ka-bur-eta, to become clear
ka-bur-eta, to calm
ka-bur-eta, to calm down
ka-bur-eta, to quiet down
ka-bur-eta, to relieve
bus, to defecate
bus, to depose
bus, to evacuate
bus, to excrete
co, to stripe
co, to trace
da-ah, to be able
da-ah, to handle
ka-da-ah, to control
ka-da-ah, to dominate
ka-da-ah, to see to
da-eta, to strengthen
ka-da-eta, to encourage
ka-da-eta, to fortify
ka-da-eta, to harden
ka-da-eta, to revive
ka-dak, to enrich
ka-dak, to get fat
ka-dak, to make strong
ka-dak, to swell
ka-dan-do, to delay
ka-dan-do, to detain
ka-dan-do, to hold back
ka-dan-do, to retain
ka-dan-do, to stop
ka-dane, to captive
ka-dane, to charm
ka-dane, to corrupt
ka-dane, to seduce
der, to ask for
der, to beg
der, to entreat
der, to implore
der, to request
der, to require
der-ah, to claim
der-ah, to demand
ka-der-eta, to desire
ka-der-eta, to expect
ka-der-eta, to hope
ka-der-eta, to look forward to
ka-der-eta, to need
ka-der-eta, to want
ka-der-eta, to wish
do, to act
do, to act like
do, to feign
do, to imitate
do, to pretend
dom, to qualify
dom, to repute
ka-dom, to judge
dur, to yawn
eho-dan , to last
eho-dan , to last long
emba, to answer
emba, to reply
ka-emba, to answer
emba bi, to answer for
emba-ah, to object to
emba-ah, to refute
ka-emba-ah, to contradict
emba-eta, to execute
emba-eta, to obey
emba-eta, to perform
eta-do, to decrease
eta-do, to diminish
eta-do, to lessen
eta-do, to lower
eta-gogo, to murmur
eta-gogo, to rustle
eta-gogo, to whisper
eta-meeta, to drizzle
ka-fad, to annoy
ka-fad, to disturb
ka-fad, to sicken
ka-fad, to trouble
fee, to appreciate
fee, to perceive
ka-fee, to feel
fee`ta, to take aback
fee`ta, to upset
ka-fee`ta, to affect
ka-fee`ta, to bewilder
ka-fee`ta, to disturb
ka-fee`ta, to perturb
ka-fee`ta, to stun
ka-fen, to provide
ka-fen, to purvey
ka-fen, to supply
ka-galul, to bleed
gan-do, to conquer
gan-do, to gain
gan-do, to win
gash-do, to chew
gash-do, to nibble
ka-gash-do, to bite
geth, to augur
geth, to predict
geth, to presage
geth, to prognosticate
geth, to suppose
goda, to defeat
goda, to overcome
goda, to subdue
ka-goda, to give up
ka-goda, to surrender
goda-eta, to succumb
ka-goda-eta, to repent
gogo, to explain
gogo, to mention
gogo, to say
gogo, to speak
gogo, to talk
gogo, to tell
gogo bi, to speak for
gogo panda`g, to speak
gogo rak, to affirm
gogo rak, to approve
gogo rak, to confirm
gogo ul_, to talk about
gogo ul_, to talk of
ka-gogo unk_, to speak to
ka-gogo unk_, to talk to
gogo-ah, to advertise
gogo-ah, to announce
gogo-ah, to express
gogo-ah, to report
gogo-eta, to decide
gogo-eta, to propose
gogo-t`rak, to dislike
gom, to run
gor, to growl
ka-gor, to complain
gor-eta, to alarm
gor-eta, to foresee
gor-eta, to warn
gree, to admire
gree, to make much of
gree, to revere
gree, to venerate
ka-gree, to love
ka-gree, to please
gree`ta, to appreciate
gree`ta, to believe
gree`ta, to consider
gree`ta, to credit
gree`ta, to estimate
gree`ta, to like
gree`ta, to trust
gree-ah, to adore
gree-ah, to worship
gree-do, to attract
gree-do, to court
gree-do, to woo
ka-gree-do, to inspire love in
gugu, to face
gule, to accuse
gule, to blame
gule, to denounce
gule`ta, to depose
gu-mado, to affect
gu-mado, to become ill
gu-mado, to suffer
ka-gu-mado, to infect
ka-gu-mado, to run down
ka-gu-mado, to sick
gun, to govern
gun, to lead
gun, to reign
gun, to rule
gun-eta, to command
gun-eta, to dispose
gun-eta, to order
gu-tho, to condemn
gu-tho, to punish
gu-tho, to sanction
hane, to build
hane, to commit
hane, to develop
hane, to do
hane, to make
hane, to make, to do
hane, to work
hane da, to force
hane da, to weigh
hane gree, to absolve
hane gree, to apologize
hane gree, to pardon
ka-hane gree, to forget
ka-hane gree, to forgive
hane ho-buk, to tear up
hane knu-do, to get along
hane knu-do, to improve
hane knu-do, to intend
ka-hane t`unk _, to do without
hane t`unk-zut, to bring in
hane tub, to bound
hane tub, to demark
ka-hane tub, to limit
hane unk, to bring out
ka-hane unk , to set about
hane-ah, to achieve
hane-ah, to carry out
hane-ah, to create
hane-ah, to establish
hane-ah, to found
hane-ah, to invent
hane-ah, to prepare
hane-ah gund-bar, to
break out (war)
hane-rand, to put off
hane-rem, to choose
hane-rem, to elect
hane-rem, to pick out
hane-rem, to prefer
hane-rem nala, to point up
hane-rem t`nala, to point
hane-rem wur, to point
ka-hist-do, to pervert
ka-hist-do, to poison
ho-buk buk, to tear away
hut, to assail
ka-hut, to steal
ka-hut ah, to kidnap
id-do, to glitter
id-do, to shine
id-do, to sparkle
ka-id-do, to dazzle
ja, to back up
ja, to guarantee
ja, to preserve
ka-ja, to assure
ka-ja, to lean
ka-ja, to protect
ka-ja, to shelter
ka-ja, to support
ka-ja, to take shelter
jad, to impress
ka-jad, to amaze
ka-jad, to astonish
ka-jad, to wonder
ja-eta, to accompany
ja-eta, to keep
ja-eta, to shelter
ka-ja-eta, to care for
ka-ja-eta, to defend
ka-ja-eta, to guard
ka-ja-eta, to keep
ka-ja-eta, to keep
ka-ja-eta, to maintain
ka-ja-eta, to receive
ka-ja-eta, to shield
ka-ja-eta, to take care of
jen, to add
jen, to amount
jen, to assemble
jen, to couple
jen, to crowd
jen, to join
jen, to stick
jen, to unite
ka-jen wang, to embrace
ka-jen wang, to hem
ka-jen wang, to shut in
jen-eta, to combine
jen-eta, to grind
jen-eta, to marry
ka-jen-eta, to mix
kab, to crown
kalan, to feed with milk
kalan, to lactate
kalan, to sip
kalan, to suck
kamo, to bind
kamo, to lace
ka-kamo, to fasten
ka-kamo, to tie
kan, to crawl
ka-kan, to creep
kewa, to contain
kewa, to have
kewa, to have to
kewa, to possess
kluzan buk-ah, to
kluzan buk-ah, to pluck
off the feathers
kn`unk, to ask out
knu, to act from curiosity
knu, to apply for
knu, to invite
knu, to seek
ka-knu, to ask
knu bi, to ask about
knu bi, to ask for
knu bi kree-gor, to cry to
knu t`unk-zut, to ask in
knu t`unk-zut, to call in
knu-ah, to explore
knu-ah, to find out
knu-ah, to inquire
knu-ah, to investigate
knu-ah, to see about
knu-ala, to ask up
knu-do, to know
knu-do, to learn
knu-do, to practise
knu-do, to study
knu-eta, to check
knu-eta, to demonstrate
knu-eta, to promise
knu-eta, to verify
knu-rand, to ask back
knu-rand, to call back
knu-rem, to discover
knu-rem, to find
knu-rem, to localize
knu-t`ala, to ask down
knu-t`ala, to call down
kob, to beat
kob, to hit
kob, to knock
kob, to strike
kob, to succeed in
kob yel-t`yel , to knock
kob-eta, to knock out
kog, to cough
koho, to heat
kor, to advance
kor, to travel
kor, to walk
kor tro-wee-eta, to cut
kor-do, to dance
kor-eta, to go by
kor-eta, to hang about
kor-eta, to move along
kor-eta, to walk
kor-eta, to walk away
ka-kor-eta, to walk along
kor-eta bi, to pass by
ka-kor-oke, to get through
kree, to abuse
kree, to damage
kree, to destroy
kree, to spoil
ka-kree, to maltreat
kree-gor, to cry
kree-gor, to shout
kuen, to banish
kuen, to border upon
kuen, to exile
kut, to dig
kut, to perforate
kut, to pierce
lana, to prick
lana, to punch
lana, to sting
ka-lana, to sting
lana-eta, to damage
lana-eta, to humiliate
lana-eta, to injure
lana-eta, to insult
lat, to root
lat, to scent
lat, to trace
ka-lat, to smell
litu, to make thin
litu, to refine
litu, to sharpen
lob, to kick
lot, to face
ka-lu, to enrage
ka-lu, to get angry
ka-lufo, to approach
ka-lufo, to bring near
ka-lufo, to come up to
ka-lul, to bathe
ka-lul, to dampen
ka-lul, to wash
ka-lul, to wet
lul-do, to sweat
lul-do, to wring
lul-kor, to float
lul-kor, to sail
lul-kor, to swim
ka-lul-kor, to dive
lul-tho, to drivel
lul-tho, to salivate
lul-tho, to spit
lul-vulp, to inundate
lul-vulp, to swamp
ma-do, to lame
ma-do, to limp
mako, to engrave
mako, to mark
malul, to emit urine
meea, to be born
meea, to bear
meea, to bid
meea, to bring forth
meea, to cause
meea, to conceive
meea, to produce
meea, to provoke
meea-eta, to breed
meea-eta, to bring up
meea-eta, to bud
meeta, to rain
mer, to oblige
mer, to submit
ka-mer, to fold
mis, to fail
mis, to miss
mis, to misunderstand
mis, to take for
ka-mis, to complicate
ka-mis, to confuse
ka-mis, to entangle
ka-mis, to mistake
mo, to contract
mo, to reduce
mo, to shorten
ka-mo, to shrink
mo-eta, to cut out
mo-eta, to restrict
nam, to appoint
nam, to call
nam, to evoke
nam, to name
nga, to borrow
nga, to deliver
nga, to give
nga, to lend
nga, to offer
nga, to present
nga bi b`wang, to pass on
ka-nga-akut, to accustom
ka-nga-akut, to address
ka-nga-akut, to educate
ka-nga-akut, to instruct
ka-nga-akut, to lead
ka-nga-akut, to tame
ka-nga-akut, to teach
ka-nga-akut, to train
ka-nga-rand, to bring back
ka-nga-rand, to give again
ka-nga-rand, to give back
ka-nga-rand, to return
ka-nga-rand, to throw back
ngau, to eat away
ngau, to gnaw
ngore, to admit
ka-ngore, to confess
ka-ngore, to declare
ngoz, to dream
ngoz, to guess
ka-ngoz, to figure out
ka-ngoz, to imagine
ka-ngoz, to think
nur, to lie
nur-eta, to cheat
nur-eta, to deceive
nur-eta, to defraud
nur-eta, to swindle
nur-eta, to take in
ka-o, to seem
odo, to collate
odo, to compare
odo, to confront
odo, to esteem
odo, to match
odo, to measure
ka-odo, to match
oke, to open
olo, to encourage
olo, to fight
olo, to wrestle
olo-ah, to fight up
om, to dilate
om, to extend
om, to lengthen
om, to prolong
om, to spread
om, to stretch
pac, to ride
pan, to burnish
pan, to smooth
panda-ah, to explode
panda-ah, to sound
pane, to pack
pane, to wind
ka-pane, to cover
ka-pane, to wrap
pane`ta, to wear
ka-pane`ta, to adorn
ka-pane`ta, to dress
pan-lul, to cry
pan-lul, to weep
pan-lul bi kree-gor, to cry
pan-lul-eta, to crave
pan-lul-eta, to groan
pan-lul-eta, to sob
ka-pan-lul-eta, to cry over
ka-pan-vo, to debilitate
ka-pan-vo, to give out
ka-pan-vo, to tire
ka-pan-vo, to weaken
ka-pan-vo, to weary
ka-patu, to paint
ka-patu, to stain
ka-patu, to tinge
po , to eat
po-ah, to devour
po-ah, to swallow up
ka-po-ah, to swallow
ka-prae, to applaud
ka-pre, to step on
ka-pre, to tread
ka-pul, to lay
ka-pul, to locate
ka-pul, to place
ka-pul, to put
ka-pul, to put back
ka-pul, to put on
ka-pul, to set
ka-pul, to situate
ka-pul renk, to turn down
ka-pul renk, to turn over
ka-pul-eta, to accommodate
ka-pul-eta, to sit
rak, to accept
rak, to adopt
rak, to assume
ral, to frequent
ral, to go over
ral, to repeat
ral, to use to
ram-ba, to rest
ka-ram-ba, to lay
ka-ram-ba, to sleep
ram-rand, to get back
rand, to back away
rem, to bring
rem, to carry
rem, to catch
rem, to load
rem, to receive
rem, to take
rem ngoz, to remember
rem ngoz, to remind
rem yel, to bring here
rem yel, to carry here
rem yel-t`yel, to carry
ka-rem-ah, to cling
ka-rem-ah, to hold
rem-bo, to land
ka-rem-bo, to drag
ka-rem-bo, to draw near
rem-eta, to take to
rem-eta, to translate
rem-eta, to transport
ka-rem-eta, to translate
ka-rem-eta bi da, to carry off
rem-eta bi usha, to blow
rem-eta nala, to put up
rem-eta nala, to send up
rem-eta nala, to take up
ka-renk, to spin
ka-renk, to turn
ka-renk, to turn around
rota, to amuse
rota, to enjoy
rota, to gamble
rota, to joke
rota, to play
rota, to smile
ka-rota, to laugh
ry, to fold
ry, to incurvate
ry, to twist
ry, to wring
ka-ry, to bend
ry-eta, to bow
ka-ry-eta, to bend down
ka-ry-eta, to incline
ka-sa, to cherish
ka-sa, to lick
ka-sa, to touch
ka-sek, to examine
ka-sek, to inspect
ka-sek, to test
sen, to jump
sen, to rebound
sen, to spring
sen, to stride
sen, to whirl
ka-sen, to leap
ka-sen-nala, to get over
ka-sen-nala, to jump over
shee, to apprehend
shee, to catch
shee, to hunt
shee, to seize
shee pisah, to fish
shee-eta, to ambush
shee-eta, to spy on
so, to fatten
ka-so, to feed
ka-so, to nourish
ka-sok, to agitate
ka-sok, to beat
ka-sok, to shake
sord-emba, to answer
sord-lat, to stink
sord-uze, to misspend
sord-uze, to squander
t`a, to becloud
t`a, to darken
t`a, to obscure
t`ala, to descend
ka-t`ala, to come or go down
t`are-eta, to disorder
t`are-eta, to disorganize
ka-t`bol-do, to disinter
t`bund , to rescue
t`bund , to save
t`der-eta, to refuse
ka-t`gogo, to hush
ka-t`gogo, to shut down
t`gree-eta, to despise
t`gree-eta, to exclude
t`gree-eta, to reject
ka-t`kamo, to untie
t`oke, to close
t`oke, to shut
t`ram-ba, to arise
t`ram-ba, to awake
t`ram-ba, to lie
t`ram-ba, to wake
ka-t`ram-ba, to get up
ka-t`ram-ba, to rise
ka-t`ram-ba, to sit up
ka-t`ram-ba, to wake up
t`rota, to bear
t`rota, to endure
t`rota, to suffer
t`rota, to tolerate
t`rota, to undergo
ka-t`rota, to keep up
ka-t`rota, to resist
ka-t`rota-eta, to afflict
ka-t`rota-eta, to sadden
ka-t`rota-eta, to worry
t`unk, to remain
t`unk, to wait
t`unk, to wait for
ka-t`unk, to stay
t`unk-lufo, to stand by
t`unk-lufo, to stay by
t`unk-lufo, to stop by
ka-t`unk-rand, to hang behind
ka-t`unk-zut, to come in
ka-t`unk-zut, to enter
ka-t`unk-zut, to get in / into
ka-t`unk-zut, to go in / into
ka-t`unk-zut, to pass in
ka-t`unk-zut, to step in
ka-t`unk-zut, to walk in
t`unk-zut bi gom, to run in
t`unk-zut bi sen, to jump
ka-t`unk-zut wala, to stay in
ka-t`unk-zut wala, to stop in
t`vulp, to drain
t`vulp, to empty
t`vulp, to evacuate
t`vulp, to spill
ka-t`yat, to conceal
ka-t`yat, to disappear
ka-t`yat, to hide
ka-t`yuto, to extract
ka-t`yuto, to take out
t`zut, to enclose
t`zut, to include
t`zut, to sink
t`zut, to thrust
ka-t`zut, to count in
ka-t`zut, to put in
ka-t`zut, to sink
ka-t`zut, to stick in
tand, to break in
tand, to cut in
ka-tand, to avoid
ka-tand, to deny
ka-tand, to void
tand-ah, to benumb
tand-ah, to forbid
tand-ah, to get stuck
tand-ah, to inhibit
tand-ah, to make difficult
tand-ah, to obstruct
ka-tand-ah, to abstain
ka-tand-ah, to impede
tand-eta, to excuse
tawa, to tear
ka-tawa, to rasp
ka-tawa, to scratch
tawa-eta, to draw
tawa-eta, to put down
tawa-eta, to sketch
tawa-eta, to write
tei, to assay
tei, to attempt
tei, to deal
tei, to prove
tei, to taste
tei, to treat
tei, to try
tha, to kiss
thro, to happen
thro, to occur
thro, to pass
t'nala, to fly down
t'nala, to get down
tro-wee, to cross
tro-wee, to go through
tro-wee, to pass over
tro-wee, to place across
tub, to break
tub, to crush
tub, to cut up
tub, to split
tub-eta, to divide
tub-eta, to put asunder
ka-tub-eta, to detach
ka-tub-eta, to part off
ka-tub-eta, to put away
ka-tub-eta, to separate
tumbu kor, to fly
tumbu kor ande-ah, to fly
tumbu kor yel-t`yel, to fly
ka-ud, to drink
uge, to low
ugla, to challenge
ugla, to combat
ugla, to dare
ugla, to fight
ugla, to hate
ula, to howl
unk, to attend
unk, to be present at
unk, to go
ka-unk yel-t`yel, to get about
ka-unk yel-t`yel, to go about
unk bi, to fetch
unk bi, to send for
unk-aba, to arrive
unk-aba, to get to
unk-aba, to pay a visit
unk-aba, to visit
unk-do, to expedite
unk-do, to send
unk-eta, to continue
unk-eta, to get on
unk-eta, to hold on
unk-rand, to back out
unk-rand, to follow
unk-rand, to pursue
unk-tro, to go along
ka-unk-wur, to keep away
ka-unk-wur, to stand off
unk-yato, to call on
unk-yud, to become
unk-zut, to go or come out
unk-zut, to set off
ka-unk-zut wala, to stay out
usha-ah, to accelerate
usha-ah, to lash
usha-ah, to press
usha-ah, to rush
usha-ah, to speed
usha-ah, to urge
usha-do, to hurry
usha-do, to quicken
ka-usha-do, to blow
ka-usha-do, to hurry
ka-usha-do, to hurry away
ka-usha-do, to hurry off
ka-usha-do, to hurry up
ka-usha-do, to lighten
utne, to cultivate
utne, to reap
utne, to sow
utor, to fear
ka-utor, to surprise
ka-utor, to terrify
utor-do, to fight off
utor-do, to frighten
utor-do, to intimidate
utor-do, to repel
utor-do, to scare
uze, to employ
uze, to make use of
uze, to use
uze, to utilize
uze-ah, to spend
uze-ah, to waste
van-hane, to help
van-hane, to take care of
ka-van-hane, to aid
voovoo gogo, to sing
vulp, to fill
vulp, to heap up
vulp, to inlay
vulp, to occupy
vulp-eta, to fill in
vulp-eta, to fill up
wala-do, to call at
ka-wala-do, to stay at
wo yud, to mean
wud, to ache
wud, to itch
ka-wud, to hurt
ka-wud, to wound
yad, to attend
ka-yad, to hear
ka-yad, to listen to
yang, to hang
ka-yang, to hang
ka-yang, to hook
ka-yang, to swing
yat-do, to get at
yat-do, to point out
yat-do, to present
yat-do, to stand out
ka-yat-do, to expose
ka-yat-do, to reveal
ka-yat-do, to show
yato, to look
yato, to look at
yato, to turn away
yato, to watch
ka-yato, to see
yato-eta, to glimpse
yato-eta, to note
yato-eta, to notice
yato-eta, to read
yato-eta, to spell
yato-nala, to look over
yato-nala, to look up
yato-rand, to look behind
yato-rud, to look round
yato-t`nala, to look down
yato-t`zut, to look in
yato-zut, to look out
yodo, to greet
ka-yodo, to appraise
ka-yodo, to appreciate
ka-yodo, to respect
ka-yodo, to thank for
yud, to appear
yud, to be
yud, to be at
ka-yud, to come
yud abu-t`nala, to stand
yud ba, to be quiet
yud bi, to be for
yud bi, to come for
yud bund, to be over
yud rud, to be about
yud t`bund, to exist
yud t`bund, to live
yud t`ram-ba, to be up
yud t`zut, to be in
yud ul, to belong
yud ul, to come from
yud ul, to consist
yud wur, to be away
ka-yud wur, to keep back
yud yato yel-t`yel, to look
yud zut, to be out
yud-rand, to be back
ka-yud-rand, to come back
ka-yud-rand, to return
ka-yuk, to butt
ka-yut, to stab
yuto, to fell
ka-yuto, to cut
zu , to amplify
zu , to enlarge
zu , to grow
zu , to increase
zu-gogo, to relate
ka-zu-gogo, to describe
ka-zu-gogo, to refer
ka-zu-gogo, to tell
zu-gor, to roar
jabo, shield
jarem, quiver
kokob, cudgel
om-b`wang-gash, sword
pand-balu-den, rifle
rala, snare
ry balu den, bow
kawa, case
eta-pand-balu-den, pistol
arad, spear
b`wang-gash, knife
eta-arad, arrow
haya, axe
hing, sling