Albumin Assay, BCG Method Bromocresol green is a dye that is found to form a blue-green complex when reacted with albumin. Procedure: 1. Label 8 clean, dry, large test tubes as indicated in the table below, and place them into a test tube rack. 2. Fill each of the tubes as indicated in the table. Vortex the tubes to mix their contents. mL BCG 2% Std 4% Std 6% Std 8% Std 10% Std Unk T1 Unk T2 Total 0% 5 2% 5 0.02 4% 5 6% 5 8% 5 10% 5 Unk T1 5 Unk T2 5 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 5.0 5.02 5.02 5.02 5.02 5.02 5.02 3. Iincubate for 10 minutes at room temperature. 4. Set the wavelength of your spectrophotometer to 637nm. 5. Obtain 8 rectangular cuvets/spectronic 20 tubes. Label them appropriately, and fill them with the appropriate solution from you large test tubes. 7. Read and record the absorbances/%T’s for each tube, using the saline tube as the blank. Tube BCG 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% Unk T1 Unk T2 Results : Abs. %T The following should be contained in your lab report: Your Unknown Number A graph of Absorbance vs. Standard Concentration Record the concentration for each trial of the unknown, then average them. 0.02 5.02 Calculate the % difference for each unknown sample: 100 x [unk. value - average]/average Any observations/anomalies encountered during the performance of this experiment.