Minutes - September 2012 Monthly Meeting

Minutes of September Monthly Meeting of Longford County Council
held in the Council Chamber, Aras an Chontae, Great Water Street, Longford on
Wednesday, 19th September 2012 at 4.00 p.m.
Councillor Sean Farrell, Mayor.
Councillors – Larry Bannon, Paddy Belton,
Gearoid O Bradaigh, John Browne, Mick Cahill,
Micheál Carrigy, Mark Casey, Paul Connell,
John Duffy, Donncha Mac Gleannáin, Victor Kiernan,
Padraig Loughrey, Luie McEntire, Martin Mulleady,
Peggy Nolan, P.J Reilly, Mae Sexton, Barney Steele and
Thomas Victory.
Mr. Tim Caffrey, County Manager.
Mr. Barry Lynch, Head of Finance.
Mr. Jack Kilgallen, Director of Services.
Mr. Frank Sheridan, Director of Services.
Mr. Donal Mac An Bheatha, Senior Planner.
Mr. Cathaldus Hartin, Acting Executive Planner.
Ms. Claire Bannon, Assistant Planner.
Councillor Frank Kilbride,
Ms. Anne Lee.
On the proposal of Councillor L. McEntire seconded by Councillor G. Brady, it was
unanimously resolved that a vote of sympathy be extended to Mrs. Sadie Mulleady and
family, Drumlish on the death of her husband and former County Councillor, Sean
Mulleady and that the meeting be adjourned for twenty minutes as a mark of respect.
All members of the Council associated themselves with the vote of sympathy and many
tributes were paid to Sean.
Mr. Tim Caffrey, County Manager, on his own behalf and on behalf of retired County
Manager, Michael Killeen and the staff of the County Council associated himself with the
vote of sympathy.
Councillor Martin Mulleady, nephew of Sean, thanked the Mayor, Members and County
Manager for their kind words and for the Guard of Honour at Sean’s funeral mass.
Councillor P.J. Reilly proposed and Councillor T. Victory seconded that a vote of
sympathy be extended to the Nannery family, Kilcogy, Co. Cavan on the tragic death of
Mayor S. Farrell proposed and Councillor P. Belton seconded that a vote of sympathy be
extended to the O’Shea family, Forthill, Newtowncashel on the death of Tommy.
Mayor S. Farrell proposed and Councillor P.J. Reilly seconded that a vote of sympathy be
extended to Councillor Tom Victory on the death of his Uncle, James Kiernan.
Councillor B. Steele proposed and Mayor S. Farrell seconded that a vote of sympathy be
extended to Councillor Denis Glennon on the death of his Uncle, Joe Farrell.
Councillor P. Belton proposed and Mayor S. Farrell seconded that a vote of sympathy be
extended to the Kelly family, The Willows, Moyvore, Co. Westmeath on the death of
Councillor P. Belton proposed and Mayor S. Farrell seconded that a vote of sympathy be
extended to the Dooner family, Lislea, Kenagh on the death of James.
Councillor P. Belton proposed and Mayor S. Farrell seconded that a vote of sympathy be
extended to the Hewitt family, Gurteen, Ballymahon on the death Mary.
Councillor D. Glennon proposed and Councillor P. Nolan seconded that a vote of
sympathy be extended to the Grant family, Glack, Longford on the death of Brian.
Councillor J. Duffy proposed and Councillor G. Brady seconded that a vote of sympathy
be extended to Flanagan family, Aughnacliffe on the death of Nell.
A prayer was said for the deceased.
The meeting adjourned for twenty minutes.
On the proposal of Councillor M. Mulleady seconded by Councillor V. Kiernan, the
Minutes of Special Committee Meeting held on the 29th May 2012 were confirmed and
On the proposal of Councillor P. Belton seconded by Councillor D. Glennon, the Minutes
of Monthly Meeting held on the 18th July 2012 were confirmed and adopted.
The adopted Minutes of Corporate Policy Group Meeting held on 20th June 2012, which
had been circulated, were noted.
The County Manager’s Orders, which had been circulated, were noted.
Funding for Local Improvement Schemes.
Mr. J. Kilgallen, Director of Services, referred to letter which was forwarded to
Mr. Leo Varadkar, T.D., Minister for Transport, Tourism & Sport following the February
2012 meeting of the Council regarding the discontinuation of funding for Local
Improvement Schemes in the County and reply dated 30th March 2012 in which Minister
Varadkar confirmed that the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport is not in a
position to provide funding under the Local Improvement Scheme 2012.
The members again expressed grave concern regarding the discontinuation of funding for
Local Improvement Schemes in the county and it was agreed that a further letter be sent
to Minister Varadkar requesting that funding for Local Improvement Schemes be reinstated.
Councillor J. Duffy proposed and Councillor P. Nolan seconded that Mr. Frank Sheridan
issue a letter to Longford Community Resources asking if LCRL could assist with the
funding of Local Improvement Schemes either directly to communities or indirectly
through the Council.
Refurbishment and Upgrading Works at Derrycolumb/Ledwithstown Bridge,
Derrycolumb, Longford.
On the proposal of Mayor S. Farrell seconded by Councillor P. Belton, it was
unanimously agreed to adopt Part 8 - Manager’s Report in accordance with Section 179
of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended)- (Planning and Development
Regulations 2001 – as amended) in respect of refurbishment and upgrading works at
Derrycolumb/Ledwithstown Bridge, Derrycolumb, Longford, as circulated.
Mr. Kilgallen replied to queries raised by the member on the following issues 
Repairs to Corracorkey Bridge
Repairs to Mullagh Bridge.
Directional Signs for lorries at roundabouts approaching Longford town.
Taking in Charge of the Housing Estates at (1) Keeloguenasauce, Edgeworthstown,
Co Longford, (7 units) and (2) Cloughree Well, Kenagh, Co Longford.
On the proposal of Councillor P. Belton seconded by Councillor T. Victory, it was
unanimously agreed that the following Housing Estates be taken in charge by Longford
County Council 
Keeloguenasauce, Edgeworthstown, Co Longford, (7 units)
Cloughree Well, Kenagh, Co Longford
Public Liability Claims.
It was noted that one public liability claim was received during July 2012 and five public
liability claims were received during August 2012.
Membership of I.T. Sub-Committee.
Councillor P. Belton proposed and Councillor P. Nolan seconded that
Councillor Micheal Carrigy replace former Councillor Alan Mitchell on the
I.T. Sub-Committee of Longford County Council.
Financial Update for Quarter 2 of 2012.
Mr. B. Lynch, Head of Finance, outlined the details of the following, as circulated –
Quarterly Financial Report on Revenue Account Position for Quarter 2 of 2012.
Report on proposed cuts arising out of Local Government Fund Deduction.
The Head of Finance and County Manager replied to queries raised by the members on
the following issues 
Superannuation Costs.
Collection figures - rates, rents, water, loans.
Local Government Fund and the Household Charge.
Higher Education Grants / Household Charge - The Head of Finance stated that
the Household Charge is a legal charge that Local Authorities are required to
collect and Longford County Council are considering all options to ensure
Wastewater - DBO contracts.
Contribution to Halloween Festival - The Head of Finance informed the meeting
that the Corporate Policy Group had agreed that €5,000 be allocated towards the
Halloween Festival in Longford town.
Reduced contribution to community groups.
Savings due to revised banking arrangements.
Quarter 4 of 2012 – details of which are unclear at this stage.
Refurbishment of Local Authority Housing Units and Ancillary Work at Tromra
Road, Granard, Co. Longford.
On the proposal of Councillor M. Carrigy seconded by Councillor P.J. Reilly, it was
unanimously agreed to adopt Part 8 - Manager’s Report in accordance with Section 179
of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended)- (Planning and Development
Regulations 2001 – as amended) in respect of refurbishment of Local Authority housing
units along with ancillary work at Tromra Road, Granard, Co. Longford, as circulated.
Procurement Legislation.
Councillor M. Mulleady referred to procurement laws which prohibit smaller
construction companies from tendering for projects as the criteria for tendering for the
majority of contracts are based on each company’s previous year’s turnover. All the
members agreed with Councillor Mulleady and it was unanimously agreed that a letter be
forwarded to the Minister for the Environment, Community & Local Government
requesting that the present procurement laws be amended to allow all companies to
tender for public sector projects. It was further agreed that a letter be sent to all local
authorities, L.A.M.A., A.M.A.I and the ACCC regarding this issue.
Disposal of Freehold Interest of No. 11, Connolly Crescent, Longford.
On the proposal of Councillor M. Sexton seconded by Councillor P. Nolan, it was
unanimously agreed to dispose of Freehold Interest of No. 11, Connolly Crescent,
Longford to Bernard and Jenny Leahy in accordance with the terms of Section 183 of the
Local Government Act 2011 issued on the 11th September 2012.
Differential Rent Scheme.
In reply to a query from Councillor P. Connell regarding the Differential Rent Scheme
operated by Longford County Council and the concern that local authority tenants are
availing of cheaper rents in the private sector, the County Manager informed the meeting
that a revised Differential Rent Scheme will be included in the Housing (Miscellaneous
Provisions) Act when passed by the Houses of the Oireachtas.
Planning Applications
The list of Planning Applications which had been received since the July meeting of the
Council was submitted and noted.
Longford County Development Plan - Core Strategy
Mr. Cathaldus Hartin, Acting Executive Planner, outlined the details of the County
Manager’s report on the Longford County Development Plan Core Strategy under the
Planning & Development Act 2000 – 2011.
On the proposal of Councillor P. Connell seconded by Councillor M. Sexton, it was
unanimously agreed to adopt the Manager’s Report on Proposed Variation No. 1 of the
Longford County Development Plan 2009 - 2015 in accordance with Section 10 (1B) of
the Planning and Development Acts 2000 – 2011 to incorporate a Core Strategy into the
Longford County Development Plan 2009 - 2011.
“Gathering Ireland 2013” Community Meeting and Function in the Irish Embassy
in London.
Mr. F. Sheridan referred to the tourism initiative “Gathering Ireland 2013”.
He informed the members that the Longford Gathering Community Meeting will be held
on Tuesday, 2nd October 2012 at 7.30 p.m. in the Longford Arms Hotel and encouraged
all members to attend.
Mr. Sheridan also stated that the Irish Ambassador in London, Mr. Bobby McDonagh,
has kindly agreed to host an evening in the Irish Embassy for Longford people living and
working in the UK. This is at the request of Longford Local Authorities, who wish to
forge stronger links with the Longford diaspora and their friends in Britain. The
objective of the evening is to explore mutually-beneficial opportunities in the areas of
trade, communication and culture.
The event will take place on Thursday 25th October at 7pm in the Irish Embassy at 17
Grosvenor Road, London. The Irish Minister for Tourism and Sport, Mr. Michael Ring
TD, will be the special guest and will launch Longford’s “Programme of Events and
Festivals” to celebrate The Gathering – Ireland 2013.
Grants to Community and Voluntary Bodies.
The list of Grants to Community and Voluntary Bodies was circulated to the members.
On the proposal of Councillor P. Nolan seconded by Councillor M. Casey, it was
unanimously agreed to adopt the schedule of Grants to Community and Voluntary
Bodies, as circulated.
Notices of Motions.
Abbeyshrule Tidy Towns.
The following Notice of Motion was proposed by Councillor M. Cahill and seconded by
Mayor S. Farrell “That a Civic Reception be held for Abbeyshrule Tidy Towns Committee in honour of
their achievement on winning the National Tidy Towns Competition 2012.”
Mayor S. Farrell proposed that the October Monthly meeting of the Council be held in
the Rustic Inn in Abbeyshrule and a Civic Reception be held following the meeting to
honour the Abbeyshrule Tidy Towns Committee.
This proposal was unanimously agreed to by the members.
All the members congratulated Abbeyshrule Tidy Towns Committee on their outstanding
achievement in winning the title of Ireland’s Cleanest Village and the overall National
Tidy Towns Award for 2012. Also, on winning a gold medal in the 2012 European
Entente Florale competition.
Councillor M. Cahill thanked the Mayor Sean Farrell, County Manager – Tim Caffrey
Director of Services - Frank Sheridan and all the other staff in the Council who were
involved in Abbeyshrule’s success. Also, Longford Community Resources Ltd.,
Waterways Ireland, E.S.B. and Bord na Mona for their assistance.
The members also congratulated the Newtowncashel Tidy Towns Committee who
secured a silver medal in the Tidiest Villages category and Ardagh on taking third place
in the same category and all the other Tidy Towns Committees in County Longford on
their excellent achievements in this year’s Tidy Towns competition.
The County Manager, on his own behalf, and on behalf of the staff of the Council who
were involved with the Abbeyshrule Tidy Towns Committee congratulated the
Committee on their outstanding success.
Leinster Community Games Finals in 2013.
The following Notice of Motion was proposed by Councillor M. Carrigy and seconded by
Councillor P. Nolan “I call on Longford County Council to support the Longford Community Games
Committee in their bid to host the Leinster Community Games Finals in 2013.
It was unanimously agreed that a letter of support be sent to the Longford Community
Games Committee.
Notices of Motions.
Correspondence - circulated with Agenda
Letter dated 25th July 2012 received from Longford Women’s Manifesto Group regarding
the following Motion passed at the July meeting of the Council was noted “That this Council requests the Minister for Justice to initiate legislation criminalising the
purchase of sex in Ireland as part of a strategy to develop effective and appropriate
responses to deal with the ever-increasing trafficking in Ireland for exploitation and
Letter dated 27th September 2012 received from the Office of the Minister for Justice
concerning “Trafficking in Ireland” was noted.
5th Newsletter for the Shannon Catchment-Based Flood Risk Assessment and
Management (CFRAM) Study was noted.
Removal of Garda Car from Garda Barracks in Drumlish.
Councillor M. Mulleady proposed and Councillor J. Duffy seconded that a letter be sent
to the District Chief Superintendent of the Gardai, the Minister for Justice and the Garda
Commissioner expressing concern regarding the removal of the Garda Car from the
Garda Barracks in Drumlish and requesting that a Garda Patrol car be assigned to the
Drumlish Garda Barracks.
Report from Corporate Policy Group was noted.
This concluded the business of the meeting.
Signed: _______________
Anne Lee,
Meetings Administrator.
Confirmed and adopted at Monthly Meeting of Longford County Council held on
the 17th October 2012.
Signed: _______________