Vocabulary Process Method WEBSITE wds sentences matching

Scientific Methods and Processes
Evidence – proof obtained to accurately describe a situation or item
Procedures- list of steps (instructions) used to complete the
Conclusion- the final outcome of the investigation (may be a set
of questions to answer or a paragraph you will need to write)
Data- the information collected in an experiment
Characteristic – a distinguishing trait, quality or property of a person,
item or place
Abundant- a large quantity
Relationship – a connection found between two or more different items
Communication- a way of sharing information
Interpret – to explain the meaning of
Conserve- to use as little as possible so that you do not waste
Analyze – to study or determine the nature and relationship of the parts to
the whole
Demonstrate- to physically perform a task
Evaluate- to check for understanding, knowledge, or comprehension
Inquire – to investigate, ask about, research
Investigation – to observe or study by close examination
Model- a representation of something too big, too small, too expensive, or
too dangerous to study in it’s real form
Ethical – conforming to accepted professional standards of conduct
Predict- to state what you think might happen (hypothesis)
Observe – facts discovered of an item by hearing, seeing, tasting,
smelling or touching
Trials- multiple tests to gain the most accurate data
Inference – (to infer) what you think of your observation
Example: The liquid is Sprite because it has bubbles. NOT a
fact…the liquid could be boiling or it could be 7-up or Ginger
Variables- changes made or specific items kept the same in an
Independent- the variable you change on purpose to test
Dependent- the variable that responds to the changes you make
for testing
Constant- stays the same, does not change so that data is reliable
Scientific Method – the steps scientists take to study and record their
investigations so that it can be shared with the world.
Hypothesis- what you think might happen in the investigation
(If…then… statement)
Research- background information about the topic
Problem- question being asked in the investigation
Purpose- a statement of what the investigation wants you to
Materials- a list of tools or supplies need to complete the
Critique- to give your opinions about the work of another
Characteristic- a distinguishing trait or description of something
Scientific Method and Processes Vocabulary
Instructions: Instructions: Choose the correct vocabulary word(s) and
write it(them) in the sentence. You may need to change the tense
of the word to use it.
(Example: observation may need to be changed to observing, observed,
1-7. When working through the __________________ ______________
I need to always read the _______________, decide on my
_________________, gather the _______________ I need to
complete the experiment, collect the _________, and then analyze
the data to discover the _________________ to the activity.
8/9. When I construct a ______________ I need to be sure I have all the
_________________________ of the real item or event so that it
is a good representation.
10/11. To me, the teacher, it seems the hardest part of the
_____________________ _______________ is for students to
write the list of _____________________.
12/13. What you see/hear/taste/smell/and feel are your
_________________________ while your
___________________ are what you think based on what you had
previously observed.
14-16. To find good __________________, or proof, to support your
hypothesis you need to collect an __________________ amount
of data and you can do this by repeating many _____________ of
the experiment.
Scientific Method and Processes Vocabulary
_____1. abundant
_____2. analyze
_____3. characteristics
_____4. conclusion
_____5. critique
_____6. data
_____7. ethical
_____8. evaluate
_____9. evidence
_____10. hypothesis
_____11. inference
_____12. investigate
_____13. materials
_____14. model
_____15. problem
_____16. procedures
_____17. purpose
_____18. research
_____19. scientific method
A. steps scientists use to find the answer to a problem
B. used to describe the traits of an item
C. to find background information
D. information collected in the experiment
E. a representation of something too big, too small, too expensive or too
dangerous to study in real life
F. the supplies you need to complete the activity
G. a large amount of
H. to give well thought out feedback
I. to restate your hypothesis and the outcome of the experiment
J. the question being asked
K. proof
L. to be professional acceptable
M. to think about the meaning of your data
N. the reason for completing an experiment
O. to look at someone else’s work and grade or critique it
P. the steps a scientists uses to complete an experiment
Q. your educated guess to the outcome of the activity
R. to search for an answer
S. what you think based on your observations