Scientific investigations

Scientific investigations
Question/problem –What do you want to know
Hypothesis- logical prediction for the question or
Variables- Factors that can change in an
Independent-(Cause) the factor that is purposely made
different by the experimenter to see what happens.
 Dependent- (Effect) The factor that is measured to see
how the independent variable changes the outcome.
 Constant- variables that are kept the same for the
Data- All observations and measurements made in
the investigation
Define a problem
Form a Hypothesis- prediction of what will
happen in the investigation
Plan an investigation
Experiment- the plan on how to test the problem
 Identify Variables
Collecting Data- recorded and properly organized
Interpreting Data- use logical reasoning backed up
with the evidence gained
Drawing Conclusions- Says whether the
hypothesis was supported, refuted, or
inconclusive. Most conclusions raise questions
that must be further tested.
Supporting evidence is well documented
Variables are controlled as much as possible
Experiments are repeated multiple times by
the original investigator
Investigations are replicated by other
Before publishing a study, Other scientists
review the article. (Peer Review)
Most reliable:
Scientific Journals
 Books published by scientists about their field of
 Internet sources such as:
 Government or Academic webpages
Commercial internet sources
Blogs by non-scientists
Non-peer reviewed sources