CVI News - Center for the Visually Impaired

CVI News
Independence with Dignity
Winter 2010 and 2009 Annual Report
CVI’s Original Star Retires
One by one, the people who have been touched by Annie Maxwell over the years
rose to speak about the woman who changed their lives. “Miss Annie, you’ve always
been my heart and my inspiration,” said a college student and STARS graduate. “I
look at everything you’ve accomplished and it makes me want to try even harder.”
Current STARS student Caroline thanked Annie for “always being there and for
creating this place where I’ve connected with people and made friends.”
STARS (Social, Therapeutic, Academic, and Recreational Services) students and
volunteers planned two special gatherings to honor Annie. One took place at CVI
during Annie’s last day of the STARS After School Enrichment Program in December.
The second was a community-wide afternoon open house in February. Children and
adults of all ages spoke, sang and presented original art to Annie in an effort to
express what she has meant to them. Since 1992, Annie Maxwell has worked
tirelessly to build the STARS program into what it is today – a strong and vibrant
year-round program that helps students with severe vision loss achieve their
maximum potential academically and socially by encouraging them to pursue and
accomplish their dreams.
Annie has never wavered from her philosophy on working with kids who are
visually impaired. “Our students need to do things and be exposed,” she said, “and I
am determined that they expand and stretch themselves.” From day one at the helm
of STARS, Annie has opened the minds of her students by helping them discover
their potential. Through new experiences like whitewater rafting and horseback
riding, STARS has helped hundreds of kids gain confidence and learn to believe in
In 1992, STARS began with a budget of $300, less than 10 active students and eight
outings a year. Under Annie’s leadership, the program has grown to serve more than
170 students ages six to 21 who participate in year-round programming including
after-school instruction, summer camp, and weekend events including field trips,
recreation, service projects and retreats. Annie also created a mentoring program
that pairs successful blind and visually impaired adults with STARS children, with
Annie being “Mentor Number One.” Born blind, she has willingly shared her own
experiences with students who are trying to imagine what the future will hold.
Over the years, Annie has recruited and trained a dedicated group of volunteers and
mentors to help her provide unique opportunities for visually impaired youth. Not
comfortable in the spotlight, Annie would rather recognize others. “I never, ever
could have done STARS myself,” she said at the surprise party in December. “I thank
every volunteer, every parent, every staff member – everybody who has made
STARS what it is today.” But to quote CVI President Subie Green, anyone who knows
Annie knows that “she is one of those rare people who can make things happen.”
In addition to her role as director of STARS, Annie also led the efforts of the
Volunteer Services department. She managed the training, recruitment and
coordination of hundreds of people who volunteered their time and talent for CVI.
She was highly skilled in placing and motivating volunteers, and over the years her
efforts with them helped make a difference in the lives of blind and visually
impaired children and adults alike.
Annie’s contributions to her community have been heralded both locally and
nationally. She has been honored with many awards throughout her career,
including the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Community Health Leader Award,
an Outstanding Achievement Award from the National Federation of the Blind, the
Walter McDonald Award from the American Council of the Blind, and in 2004, she
had the pleasure of carrying the torch in Atlanta for the Athens Olympic Torch
Although retiring from CVI, Annie will in no way be retiring from life. “My plans for
the future are numerous,” she said. “I want to write my first novel for publication,
set up several volunteer programs for schools, establish a child-care program for my
grandchildren, and become heavily involved in blindness issues and concerns on the
state and national levels.”
As everyone gathered to celebrate and reflect on Annie’s tenure at CVI, one of her
students said fittingly, “You may be done with your employment here, but you’ve
helped many of us find out what we’re going to do with our own life, our own jobs
and our own futures. I think that is very important, and we’re going to miss you.”
The STARS and Volunteer Services program will continue under the new leadership of
Elizabeth Crofton, previously assistant director of STARS. After a nationwide search
and interview process, Elizabeth was hired as the most highly qualified candidate. “I
feel so honored to carry on the legacy that Annie has created in STARS and Volunteer
Services,” she said recently. “I look forward to continue providing the kinds of handson, fun learning experiences STARS is celebrated for – those that are integral to
helping our kids make the gradual transition into independent, capable and confident
CVI Welcomes New Tenant Prevent Blindness Georgia
Prevent Blindness Georgia (PBGA), the statewide non-profit that provides needed
vision care for Georgia’s children, seniors and those unable to access eye care, has
leased space at CVI. Jenny Pomeroy, PBGA CEO said, “Our move will allow us to work
more closely with our valued partner CVI, and raise public awareness about the
increasing number of vision problems in Georgia.”
The move has been heralded by vision advocates and community leaders alike. “This
is a beautiful example of collaboration between two vital, well-managed
organizations. It should serve as a model for other nonprofits seeking to enhance
effectiveness, as well as efficiency,” said Tom Glenn of the Wilbur and Hilda Glenn
Family Foundation. “As a result of these efforts, the Center for the Visually Impaired
and Prevent Blindness Georgia will serve more people, change more lives, and do so
while better utilizing existing resources. I hope donors will recognize this increased
return on their investment and reward these two organizations with an even
greater level of support,” he added.
Pomeroy said that the move will allow PBGA to save 35 percent on its office space
costs, while providing all the amenities that they were looking to find. In addition to
making sense financially, CVI President Subie Green said, “What pleases us more
than the economic side of this new partnership is the opportunity for our two
organizations to provide a full spectrum of vision services by working together.” She
believes that the move will make it easier for consumers to find the vision services
they need, as PBGA provides screening that will identify Georgians who need vision
rehabilitation at CVI.
New Charter Members Join Mary Ann and Dick Cook Legacy Society
Charter Membership Period Ends April 30
At the celebration of the one year anniversary of the Mary Ann and Dick Cook
Legacy Society in October, Teri McMahon, chair of the Cook Legacy Society,
announced that during the previous year, 14 new people had included CVI in their
estate plans. Together with those loyal friends who had already made the Center a
part of their legacy, these donors are honored as charter members of the Cook
Legacy Society. If you have already included CVI in your estate plans, please
consider letting us know so that we may honor you as well.
If you are considering a planned gift to benefit CVI, please visit the “Make a
Donation” page at to download our planned giving brochures on
wills or the new booklet, “Envision your legacy: Creating a future for people with
vision loss.”
To speak with someone about the possibility of including CVI in your will or
establishing a charitable gift annuity or trust to benefit the Center, please contact
Karen Perry, vice president for development, at 404-602-4282 or
Mary Ann and Dick Cook Legacy Society
Charter Members
Louis E. Arrants
Mrs. Leo J. Bloch*
Montague L. Boyd IV
Sarah Page Boykin*
Doris M. Bryant*
Belle D. and Carl M. Camp*
Mary Ann and Dick Cook
Ruby M. Crawford*
Ruth M. Crawford*
Roger Dann*
Cam Dorsey*
Richard and Cathryn DuBow
Lois Edge*
Subie Green
Phillip R. Green
Jennifer R. Hamilton
Henry C. Heinz*
C. Max Henderson*
Marion Calhoun Hendrix*
Susan G. Hogg*
Susan Hoy
Amada Grace Dunn*
Lorraine H. Jennrich*
Anne Kilpatrick*
Karen P. Kirkpatrick
Dorothy Weiner Lavine*
Jack H. Levin*
Lois R. Manley*
Teri McMahon
Edward C. Miller*
John D. and Martha J. Morris
Martha Niblack*
Lucille T. Nichols*
Jeannette E. and Daniel
Edwin* Plaster
James Emory Powell*
Susan Currie Prutzman
John and Toni Rhett
Katherine M. Riley*
Anne B. Skae
Joan M. Stuart
Frank W. Virgin
Patricia R. Webb
I. Newton Whiteside*
Bessie Wilder*
Mary Taylor Wilson*
*Deceased members
See What’s Happening
A Technology Petting Zoo was recently held at CVI featuring current and emerging
technologies that specifically address the needs of people who are blind or visually
impaired. The “Zoo” was one result of a multi-year collaboration between CVI,
Georgia Tech’s Sonification Lab, and various related agencies who meet bi-monthly
to discuss topics pertaining to technology and vision impairment. “With this handson venue of technology products, CVI clients and staff were able to provide valuable
consumer feedback on the usability of the products on display,” said John Rempel,
CVI assistive technology instructor.
CVI hosted two Georgia State Representatives who visited the Center’s BEGIN early
childhood education program. House Majority Whip Edward Lindsey (R-Atlanta)
visited in December and Terry England (R-Auburn) came in January on his first day
in office as chair of the House Education Subcommittee of the Appropriations
Committee. Both Representatives spent time in a BEGIN class in an effort to better
understand the needs of children who are blind or visually impaired.
The Coca-Cola Foundation recently awarded CVI a surprise gift of $10,000. The
award was presented by Ms. Ingrid Saunders Jones, senior vice president, Global
Community Connections. She recognized CVI’s excellent service delivery, the
involvement of its trustees (including Rich Kruse, who chairs the CVI Human
Resources Committee and is an attorney with Coca-Cola), and the agency’s financial
need in these difficult times.
Members of CVI’s George and Jean Henderson Society were recognized for their
generous support of the Center at the Society’s annual dinner on January 21. Hosted
by Henderson Society Chairs Dey and Scott Mathews, guests enjoyed an inspiring
performance and presentation by American Idol alum Scott MacIntyre. Scott rose to
fame a year ago as the show’s first visually impaired contestant, finishing eighth out
of more than 110,000 Idol hopefuls. The Center thanks those whose support made
the evening possible: AirTran Airways, AT&T Georgia, Cooper Music and an
anonymous donor.
Membership in the Henderson Society is extended to those who contribute $1,000
or more to CVI during the fiscal year (July 1 to June 30). For more information about
the Henderson Society, contact Lauren Lindenbaum, director of annual giving at
404-875-9011 ext. 4276.
Get a Closer Look at CVI
What exactly does CVI do? How do I get more involved? How does the Center impact
our community? What services are available? If you’ve ever wondered about these
or any other questions regarding CVI, there are plenty of opportunities for you to
gain a better understanding of the organization.
A SightBite is a one-hour introduction to the Center complete with a boxed lunch
and tour. Hosted by CVI volunteers in an informal setting, SightBites are a great way
to learn more about how CVI helps people with vision loss achieve their personal
goals for independence. SightBites are intended to help you connect with the Center,
whether you are seeking new ways to support a local nonprofit organization or are
looking for a rewarding volunteer opportunity.
SightBites are held from 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of every
month. Future dates include March 24, April 28, May 26, June 23 and July 28. If you
would like to attend a SightBite, please RSVP to at least one
day prior to the luncheon. For more information, contact Lauren Lindenbaum at
On the fourth Thursday of each month, CVI hosts an Open House for prospective
clients and their friends and family. It is an excellent opportunity to get a sneak
peek at the services and programs that we offer. During the one hour event, guests
participate in a Q&A session along with a tour of the center, including the VisAbility
Store. During the Q&A, staff members share specific information on our services,
show the CVI video and explain the application process.
Open Houses are held from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. on the fourth floor in the
BellSouth Community Room. There is no need to RSVP, and future Open Houses will
take place on March 25, April 22, May 27, June 24 and July 22. For more
information, contact Empish Thomas at 404-875-9011 ext. 4350 or by e-mail at
Save the Date for the 7th Annual True Blue Do
The True Blue Do returns to Opera in Midtown on Thursday, May 6, 2010. Join event
co-chairs Toni and John Rhett and D.D. and Bick Cardwell for an exciting night of live
music, delicious food and drink, and the chance to win exciting prizes — all to
benefit CVI.
To date, sponsors include the Laura and Montague Boyd Foundation, Richard and
Cathyrn DuBow, Toni and John Rhett, D.D. and Bick Cardwell, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
K. Garges, Georgia’s Own Credit Union, MARTA’s Office of Diversity and Equal
Opportunity and Susan Currie Prutzman.
Sponsorship opportunities range from $500 to $10,000; tickets are $125. To learn
more about the True Blue Do and how you can be a part of this party with a purpose,
please contact Lauren Lindenbaum, CVI director of annual giving, at 404-875-9011
ext. 4276.
Independence in Action
Charles Mason, AirTran customer care specialist and former CVI client, was recently
recognized as one of airline’s best employees at their 2009 Excellence Award
Ceremony. According to Tony Randolph, Charles’ supervisor, Charles “seeks
challenges and pushes to improve his performance and that of those around him. He
is passionate in his efforts to keep this company its best and has become a valuable
contributor to its success.”
CVI Graduates Hired
Fred Dorgan at MSA Global
Kathy Keys at Federal Highway Administration
CVI Client Internships
Cynthia Napier at Dress for Success
Adrianne Ingram at Georgia Library for Accessible Services
Charles Almond at Sysco Food Services of Atlanta
Corie Heery at United Way 211
Quentin Kithcart at InnerVision Neuromuscular Center
Helen Trentadue, CVI client and friend, passed away on December 29, 2009.
She was a wonderfully inquisitive and resourceful person, always friendly and
smiling. A member of the macular degeneration support group, Helen also provided
peer counseling telephone support for clients.
Cam Dorsey, a long-time CVI friend and donor, passed away on November 25, 2009.
Born in 1918, he practiced law until 1997, and held many positions including Mayor
of Clarkesville and Assistant Attorney General of Georgia. A generous supporter of
many organizations, Cam established a charitable gift annuity to benefit CVI three
years ago.
Communication & Connection
Dear Friends,
The year 2009 marked the 200th anniversary of the birth of Louis Braille, who
invented the system of communicating all the letters, words and numbers of the
world through a mere six raised dots.
For many sighted people, the thought of “vision loss” has an immediate mental
connection to “braille.” We are all fascinated by the idea of braille and a little
terrified by the thought that we might need to use it. At CVI, adults who have lost
vision may have the same initial fear of braille. “Will I be able to learn it?” “Will I
ever enjoy life without being able to read?”
In this year’s annual report of our work at CVI during 2009, you will see how
children are introduced to braille at such an early age that they are not afraid to use
it. Their parents often take braille classes themselves so they will be ready to help
with homework and school communications. Our vocational rehabilitation teachers
say that within four months, most motivated adults can learn enough braille to
access information. Braille is like reading print—the more you read, the more
skilled you become.
Braille is just one of the communications tools that we teach at CVI. Computers,
video magnifiers and an ever-expanding array of assistive technology help CVI
clients of all ages learn to use communication tools. Effective communication skills
make our clients more desirable employees and allow them to connect with family,
friends and community activities.
An annual report is a communications tool itself. It is our opportunity to tell you
about the good things that are happening for the people we serve at the Center. Our
clients are learning the skills they need to become advocates for their children, to
excel at school and work, and to access the activities, people, and opportunities they
Our hope is that these stories of the incredible successes of our clients--babies
through seniors--will connect with you. Our work could not be done without your
support and we hope you are proud of what you have made possible.
We are thrilled each day to be working with people who are learning new skills to
connect to the world. Could there be a more powerful or important mission? We
thank you for the connections you have made to make CVI the life-changing
resource that it is.
Grace Caylor Makes Her Way in the World
Nine-year-old Grace Caylor loves to sing. “Wanna hear my favorite song?” she says,
and breaks out into the chorus from “The Lion Sleeps Tonight.” Joyful and full of
energy, Grace likes talking about her favorite things, which include ballet dancing,
going to school and eating chocolate chip cookies. “I love to play with my brother
Matthew and my dog Sadie,” she says. “They make me happy!”
Grace was born blind and her parents brought her to CVI’s BEGIN early childhood
program when she was only two weeks old. “Grace loved going to Ms. Jacque’s music
class, and so did I,” said Grace’s mother, Karla. “It was wonderful being around other
moms who had similar issues. Without CVI, we would have felt lost and alone.”
Grace is now active in the STARS (Social Therapeutic, Academic and Recreational
Services) program, where being with friends is another one of her favorite things. “I
like coming here and seeing my friends Zachary and Mao. I’ve known them since I
was little,” she says. Karla added that Grace especially likes coming to summer camp
at CVI. “My most favorite thing was horseback riding,” said Grace. “I got to ride a
horse named Dixie!”
In addition to playing with friends and participating in fun activities, Grace is also
working hard to learn the skills she needs to make her way in the world. These days,
she’s working hard on her braille, and she says that it’s going great. She pulls a
Perkins brailler close and says, “Wanna watch me braille my name?” She does, and
her teacher says it’s perfect.
Willie Mack Gets a Second Chance
Willie Johnny Mack started noticing a difference in his vision about a year ago when
he had difficulty seeing his computer screen and driving his car. He says that it was
initially shocking and life altering but CVI’s Adult Rehabilitation Services have been
very helpful in regaining his life and independence. “It took about nine months for
me to learn that I was losing my vision to a genetic disease,” he said. “I was always
the person that people would come to for help; but now I was in need of the help.”
Besides helping to rebuild his confidence, Willie learned safe travel and mobility
techniques along with enhancing his cooking skills in the kitchen. “I learned how to
properly cross the street and understood that I might need to walk up or down a
block to find a safer crossing,” Willie explains. “In the kitchen, I learned how to cook
some really incredible dishes – even some that surprised me!” Willie shares that he
was a “grill-type-of-guy” before, but got so good in the kitchen that CVI staff began to
ask, “Is Mack cooking today?”
Through his experiences at CVI, Willie now understands the importance of not
taking things for granted and how to communicate with people about the meaning
of being visually impaired. “When I was in the Air Force I spent a lot of time on the
road traveling,” he said. “I still travel now but have to plan things in advance.” As
Willie travels around Atlanta completing his daily tasks he shares openly and
honestly about being visually impaired. “I have always stressed the importance of
communication, because I see that most problems come from lack of
communication,” he remarks. “I know that people are watching me when I go out.
People don’t understand visual impairments and I stop and explain what it means.”
With a diverse career background in the Air Force, technical writing and
meteorology, Willie is at a crossroads in his life. He is not sure of his future plans
but knows that he has gotten a second chance at life and wants to use this time
Mary Alyce Cordell Regains a Positive View on Life
Mary Alyce Cordell has always been an optimistic person. But when she first started
losing her vision, she admits she was at a low point. Then she found CVI. “I joined
the Macular Degeneration Support group, and seeing what others were doing
helped,” said Mary. “They were not sad or feeling sorry for themselves.”
It was not just the monthly support group that helped Mary to regain her positive
view on life. She also was given various tips and tricks on how to maintain her
independence at home through the Florence Maxwell Low Vision Clinic and the
community-based Adult Rehabilitation Services. Living alone as a widow with four
adult children nearby, Mary wanted to be able to manage her life and home. CVI
staff members taught Mary simple techniques such as using a cutting board with
black and white sides for high contrast and using talking products such as clocks
and watches. “For some strange reason I have to always know what time it is,” Mary
laughingly said. “Not knowing the time is not a good feeling.”
In addition, Mary also learned how to use the white cane. Apprehensive at first, she
literally got the swing of it and now uses her cane often. “At first I did not want to
use the cane because I did not want to stand out,” Mary notes. “But CVI showed me
the benefits and how it communicates to the public that you have a vision
impairment. I did not always verbally communicate that I have vision loss and
would get my feelings hurt because people would misunderstand.”
With the support from her monthly support group, learning new techniques in the
home and use of her white cane, Mary has gained essential tools to help her
maintain her independence and quality of life. She now goes out in her community
attending water aerobic classes and social activities at a local senior center. She still
continues to take her annual trips to Cancun with a friend and participates in all that
life has to offer. “I am almost 75 years old and I plan on going out kicking!”
Who We Serve
CVI Services from July 1, 2008 – June 30, 2009
Birth to 19
20 – 64
65 and over
360 Infants and preschoolers and their family members served in BEGIN early
childhood program
School-aged children served by STARS
1,384 Children and adults who received services at the Florence Maxwell Low
Vision Clinic
Adults who received Center-based vision rehabilitation services
778 Adults and their family members who received Community-based vision
rehabilitation services
2,127 People who benefitted from Client Services educational programs and case
196 People who attended Toastmasters, exercise classes, book club and support
Volunteers who provided direct service and program support
5,560 Number of people served by CVI
Where Our Clients Live
CVI assisted people from 99 of Georgia’s 159 counties
VisAbility Store Summary
Number of guest transactions
10,017 Number of items sold
CVI reached 12,265 people in the community through public education activities
like CVI tours, health fairs and United Way events.
Center for the Visually Impaired & Center for the Visually Impaired Foundation
Combined Financial Highlights for the Year ended June 30, 2009
2009 Revenue and Support
VisAbility Store
(net of goods sold) $59,689 (1%)
Government contracts and fees for service $1,720,945 (50%)
Gifts and Grants $692,555 (20%)
United Way Contributions $607,773 (18%)
Investments $237,302 (7%)
Other Revenue $133,453 (4%)
TOTAL $3,451,717
2009 Expenses*
Program and direct service $3,236,569 (75.3%)
Management & administration $619,674 (14.4%)
Fundraising$441,557 (10.3%)
TOTAL $4,297,800
* To cover 2009 expenses, CVI applied reserve and restricted funds received in
previous years for the VisAbility store and children’s programs.
CVI’s certfied public accounting audit report is available by request and on the
Resources page at
Cumulative Gifts & Pledges
July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009
Donors who make annual gifts totaling $1,000 or more are members of the
Henderson Society, a giving club established in 2003 to celebrate and honor CVI’s
founders, George and Jean Henderson.
$5,000 and above
A Friend of the Center for the Visually Impaired
AGL Resources Private Foundation
AirTran Airways
Atlanta Foundation
Laura and Montague Boyd Foundation
Camp-Younts Foundation
Mary Ann and Dick Cook
Richard and Cathryn DuBow
Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta
Finish Line Youth Foundation
Betty and Davis Fitzgerald Foundation
John and Mary Franklin Foundation
The Friedman Supporting Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Greene
John H. and Wilhelmina D. Harland Charitable Foundation
Luther and Susie Harrison Foundation
F. Dale Hayes
The Bobby Hogg Foundation
Laurie and John Hopkins Charitable Trust
Kiwanis Foundation of Atlanta
Lois and Lucy Lampkin Foundation
Lindell Charitable Trust
Livingston Foundation, Inc.
Florence H. Maxwell Foundation
Teri and Kevin McMahon
Metropolitan Atlanta Combined Federal Campaign
Mark and Carla Morel
Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Morgan, Jr.
Estate of Martha Niblack*
Molly and Scott A. Pastor, M.D.
Larry E. Patrick
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin C. Reid
The Rich Foundation
Frances H. Shropshire
Stahl Family Foundation
Tappan Street Restaurant Group
United Way of Metropolitan Atlanta
Wal-Mart Foundation
The Arnold Foundation
AT&T Georgia
Richard G. Blumberg
Buckhead Lions Club Foundation
D.D. and Bick Cardwell
Conlee Family Supporting Foundation
Maureen Flannagan
Gannett Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas K. Garges
Georgia Natural Gas
Haddow Family Foundation
Jennifer and John Hamilton
Alvin and Alice Hellmich Fund of The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta
Lou and Grady Jackson
The Junior League of Atlanta
Frances Kuniansky and Dr. Jerry Berman
The Ray M. and Mary Elizabeth Lee Foundation
Carol and David Lindenbaum
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Employees’ Reaching Out Club
Mac and Sima Martirossian
Susan Currie Prutzman
John and Toni Rhett
Zachary B. Sank
Bryan and Paula Seas
Standard Press
SunTrust Investment Services
Thanks Mom and Dad Fund
John and Terry Vinson
Delmas L. Webb, Jr.
Frances Wood Wilson Foundation
Aaron’s, Inc.
F. Duane Ackerman
Peter and Kay Amann
James and Precious Ashworth
AT&T Telecom Pioneers - Georgia Chapter
Atlanta Alumnae Chapter of Delta Gamma Fraternity
Atlanta Peach Movers
Angie and Bob Batterson
BDO Seidman, LLP
Ellen and Duncan Beard
Janet and Bruce Beerman
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Benton
Blonder Family Foundation
Kathy and Bob Bowman
Brand Properties
Robert L. Bresch
Bright Wings Foundation
Ruth Pat Carpenter
Citizens of Georgia Power
Amy and Daniel S. Codman III
Cognex Corporation
Nancy and Bill Cohen
Renee and Mike Cohn
Colliers Spectrum Cauble
Bill Consolie
Cousins Properties
John H. Cowart
CVS Caremark
Kimbrough and Alicia Davis
Ann and John Day
Tyler and Jessica Dempsey
Ellen Doft and Alex Katz
Cam D. Dorsey, Jr.*
Georgia’s Own Credit Union
Sandra and John Glover
Kathryn and Jud Graves
Subie and Phil Green
Mr. and Mrs. Quill O. Healey II
Bradley E. Henderson, M.D.
Lindsay and George Henderson III
Mrs. Ira C. Herbert
Darryl and Shirelle Hicks
Samuel Hogle
The Home Depot Foundation Matching Gift Center
Susan Hoy
Jones Lang LaSalle
Robert and Ellen Khoury
Kilpatrick Stockton LLP
Ann Wead Kimbrough
King & Spalding LLP
Richard and Nicole Kruse
Thomas H. Lanier Family Foundation
Dorothy Weiner Lavine Memorial Fund
Marianne and Bill Lee
Cora T. Lewis Memorial Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Mabon
Robert S. and Joan Mathews
Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Mathews III
Judy McMillan, E.D.S.
Microsoft Giving Campaign
Mrs. C. N. Mills
Cindy and Cooper N. Mills, Jr.
Bob and Sue Mullins
Clara M. and John S. O’Shea
Once For All Trust, Inc.
Debbie and Dennis Patterson
Briggs and Reta Peery
Karen Perry and Kristofer Schleicher
Felix and Mary Ann Prinzo
Publix Super Markets Charities
Jane C. Puckett
Patty and Doug Reid
The Patty and Doug Reid Supporting Family Foundation
Helen W. Rhett
J. Michael Roach, M.D. and Kim Nikles
David and Leslie Secrest
Paul B. and Mildred Seydel Foundation
Anne B. Skae
Claire Davis Smith
Ted and Wendy Sullivan
SunTrust Bank
Louis J. Taratoot Family Philanthropic Fund
Susan and Frank W. Virgin
Virgil P. Warren Foundation
Patricia R. Webb
Weswood Foundation
June Morgan Willis
Bill and Donna Woolf
Paul Alberto
Dr. and Mrs. J. David Allen
Alston + Bird LLP
Dona J. Avery
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Baisier
Mary and John Baker
Bankers’ Capital Group, LLC
Susan and David Bershad
Robyn M. Bethea
Frank E. Block*
Marianne and Clay Bowers
David and Patty Broiles
Brooks, McGinnis & Company, LLC
C Lighting
Karla M. Caylor
Charissa Schultz Design
Cynthia L. Chastain
Citi Foundation Matching Gifts Program and Volunteer Incentive Program
Worldwide Licensing & Retail Operations Departments of the Coca-Cola Company
Angela Cotton, BCO
Cox Enterprises
Patricia Atwater Donald
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley C. Duesenberg, Jr.
Nancy J. DuPree
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Forbus
Drs. J. Harper and Anne Gaston
Mr. and Mrs.* Emanuel E. Gluck
Amanda and Greg Gregory Family Fund of The Community Foundation for Greater
Edwin M. Halkyard III
Beth and Stephen M. Hamilton, M.D.
Emma A. Harris
Charles and Nancy Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Quill O. Healey
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hines
Martha and Dan Hummer
Janice I. Huyler
Tatiana Jean-Louis
JoAnn Johnson-Miller
Gary and Libby Jones
The Kibler Foundation
Kiwanis Club of Peachtree City Golden K
R. Michael Lee
Lorna M. Leekley
Stephen Lipton
Art and Lindee Lucas
Orlando and Margaret Lynch
Macy’s Foundation
Sabrina A. McCorvey
Brian and Rosamarie McHugh
Dr. and Mrs. Francis Mess
Charles Metcalf and Anita Rooks-Metcalf
Barbara J. Murphy
Laura and Andrew Murphy
Carol and James Ney
Georgia B. Nunnally
Alan I. Panzer
Shädé Patterson
The Mark C. Pope III Foundation
Ernie and Libby Prickett
Terry Priest
Sam’s Club
David Schneberger
Amy Slack
John E. Smith II
Carl Tarrance
Troutman Sanders LLP
WellPoint Associate Giving Campaign
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Woodruff
Teresa M. Wright
M. Christina Young
Susan B. Abrams
Gabriel Adam
Janis E. Adams
Suzanne C. Alexander
Shelley and Jeff Alperin
Rudolph Arnstein and Kathy Knopp
AT&T Services
Atlanta Radio Theatre Company
Francis H. Aucremann
Kathryn and Wilbur Baird, M.D.
Thiot McClure Ball
Eleanor Banister
Amber Barry
Marcia E. Basson
Clinton and Barbara Bastin
Dr. Lynn and Mr. Timothy Baxter
Bill and Beverly Beach
Lavelle and Marie Beene
Alice and Daniel P. Belko
Frank and Kathy Bell
Kim Bennett
Allison Berger and Neil Campbell
Robert T. Biccum
Arlene Billingsley
Juan Billion-Ressler and Patricia Ressler-Billion
George B. Bilsten, M.D.*
Gwendolyn Black
Ann C. Blaylock
The Bleich Family
Cheryl and Larry Blewitt
Cathleen and Joe Blumberg
Mr. and Mrs. Bussey C. Bonner, Jr.
Sarah and Jim Borders
Howard Borger
Jan Boswell
Elizabeth Bouis
Terrell Boyle
Kathy Bremer
David E. Brewster
Katherine Brittian
Wayne and Sandy Brittian
Lucy and Daniel Broos
William F. and Jana C. Burke
Joyce and Bob Burnett
Carol Burns
Lucy and Henry Bush
Mary Ellen Calhoun
Felicia and Anthony J. Caporaso, Sr.
Charles B. and Donna M. Carden
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cardwell
Caitlyn Carr
Al Carrico and Thomas Foster
Lauren P. Carrigan
Jane M. Carter
Charity Direct
Emily Chatham
Lina Chiu
Harvey and Kathy Clark
Ms. Marianne Clarke
Mildred H. Cochran
Elizabeth K. Coen
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Coffey
Janet L. Cole-Jarnagin
James L. Collenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Collinsworth
David and Kelly Combs
Wade and Barbara Copeland
Anisio and Agnes Correia
Anne K. Cothran
Coxe Curry & Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce I. Crabtree III
Robert Culbertson and Nancy Sharpe
Jane L. Culpepper
Mark C. Cutbirth
Kathy Davis
Deborah D. Dawson
Chris E. and Laura Deisley
Elaine K. Dixon
Charles L. and Shirley B. Drew
Penny Dunn
Ralph and Ree Edwards
Kathy and Tim Eldridge
Charlotte P. Ellithorp
Mr. and Mrs. H. Alan Elsas
William and Paula Ercolini
FairPoint Communications
Vicki and John Fenton
Eula N. Fields
Kim and Stephen Flanagan
Claudia C. Forester
Beverley Foster
Michael A. Foy
S. W. Frankenthal Memorial Foundation
Sheila M. Fraser
Lynn S. Fravel
Laura L. Frick
Arnold and Shirley Friedman
Cheryl G. Funsten
Melissa Galt
Wright and Karen Gardner
Georgia Council of the Blind - East GA Chapter
Marsha Farrow
Barbara Gibson
John Gidding
Marsha D. Gilbert
Give with Liberty
Donna D. Glenn
Sheila and Lamont H. Glover
Mr. and Mrs. Wade Goetz
Nelson and Sara Jo Goetz
Alan T. Goodman D.D.S., M.S.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Goodsell
Clark and Gail Goodwin
Ellen D. Gordon
Deborah and David Gray
Mr. Phil Hall
Barb and Henry Hand
Robert L. Harbin, M.D.
Tom and Ellen Harbin
Kristen Harden
Tim and Irene Harkness
Brian G. Haurylak
Chris and Christy Hayes
Craig N. Hendricks
Brian D. and Laura Henry
Mr. Art Hesson
David and Judy Higgins
Daniel B. Hodgson*
Drs. John and Diana Holbert
May B. and Howell Hollis
Vicky H. Hood
Mr. and Mrs. Archibald R. Hooks
Anne Park and Matthew Hopkins
Melissa L. Horne
Pam and Ridley Howard
Allison R. and Allen E. Howell III
Cynthia H. Hubbard
Charles E. Hubert
Doris and Jim Huckaby
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Huey
Amy Hutchinson, M.D.
Helen E. Huyler, J.D., M.B.A., M.S.W.
IBM Employee Services Center
Melissa Imtiaz
Debra S. Jarrard
David Johnson
Gwyn C. Jones
Ronald G. and Sara E. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Kaluzny
Paula and Kusiel Kaplan Philanthropic Fund
Martha Katz and Marshall Kreuter
Heidi E. Kaufman
Patricia C. Keel
Carol A. Kelly
Nisbet S. Kendrick, Jr.
Anne and Frank M. Kibler, Jr.
Harriet and Kip Kirkpatrick
Gail G. Kitchens
Ashley and Stephanie Koby
Jim and Myra Kucera
Mrs. Ray P. Lambert
Joyce and Candler Lasseter
Larry Lawrence
Alfred B. Ledon
Douglas G. Lee
Patricia A. Lee
Richard and Kathryn Lee
Memri H. Lerch
Lauren and Mark Lindenbaum
Pete Little
Chrissy Lizaso
Evan and Sara Loft
Eric C. Lohr
Mrs. Plant E. Long*
Ramesh and Srilatha Malyala
Gloria T. Marion
Viola Marion-Mattox
Josephine B. Marlow
Pamela S. Marshall
Dr. Bill Martin
Dr. William O. Martin III
Susan and Gardiner Mason
Celena and George Matlock
Annie and Willard Maxwell
Katherine B. and Michael J. Maxwell
Phillip T. Maxwell
Eva Mayhew
Scott and Marilyn McCall
Anne VanDeWater McComiskey
Sally and Allen McDaniel
Linda Kay and John McGowan
Katherine L. McMillon and David Giancola
Harold L. McPheeters
Michael Melneck
Travis J. and Mary R. Messina
Metro Sub Chapter of the Georgia Rehabilitation Association
Edward C. Miller Charitable Trust
Joanna L. Miller
Lynn and Michael Miller
Edward N. and Jamie Milton
Virginia Mitchell
Barbara and Marvin Moate
Cathy L. Mobley
Ms. Jovita Moore and Mr. Sean Griffith
Nick Moraitakis
Sharon E. Morrow
Marty Mulinix
Judge and Mrs. Harold L. Murphy
Margaret H. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Myhand
Henry and Carol Nagel
Cynthia C. Nash
Janet and Don Nelms
Gregory W. Norton
Sarah M. Norton
Margaret E. O’Neil
OppenheimerFunds Legacy Matching Gifts Program
Dorothy Oscher
Jack G. and Bessie B. Ott
Laura J. Page
Miss Joyce Paris
Roderick Parker
Ann-Laura Parks
Gregg A. Pavlak
Ann-Margaret Perkins
James L. Perry
Cynthia A. Petersen
Robert Peterson
Susan G. Pichoff
Michele M. Poirier
Zane and Nancy Pollard
Jamie Pope
Felicia M. and Lorenzo Powell
Toni Prahl
Minnie Woods Pridgen
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Pritchard, Jr.
Neal and Elizabeth Quirk
Andrea Gernazian and Bruce Rado
Bruce Ramsey
Linda L. Rathje
Raulet Property Partners
Esther and Stan Rawn
Craig A. Reese
Marion R. Reid
Catherine V. Rhodenizer
Julie and Bill Rice
The Ringel Family
Nell K. Robinson
William G. Roche
Deborah Rogers
Dawn and Randall Romig
Frederick M. Ross
Helen and Lynda Ross
The Rothkopf/Greenberg Family Foundation Trust
Monica Russell
Patricia Sarno
Holly Sasnett
Richard M. and Joan Sawicki
Robert R. Scheffel
Julie Schoen
Secure Computing Corporation
David Sencer
Mrs. William A. Sewell
Brian M. Shafer
Lee and Sheila Shaw
Richard L. Shelton
Lynda H. Shuler
Billy Sibley
Frank Sieper
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Silverman
Tonya Sims
Elizabeth H. Smith
Sandy and Tim Smith
Gloria T. and John M. Spencer
Leigh-Anne C. and Steven J. Spokane
Sankar Srivatsa
Linda J. Stacey
John H. Stagmeier
Richard W. Stone
Rhonda Streat
Wade and Celine Stribling
W. L. Stribling
JoAnn and G.B. Strickler
Molly and Benny Strozier
Caroline J. Tanner, Esq.
Hugh M. Tarbutton, Jr.
Andrea M. Tatum
Jonathan Lee Tedder
Miles and Jordan Theodore
Liz and Thomas Thorington
Margaret S. Timberlake
Carolyn Timme
Janet E. Tippin
Beth and Michael C. Towers
Sylvie Treadwell-Merritt and Robert J. Merritt
Helen B. Trentadue*
Pankajkumar and Jagruti Trivedi
Turknett Leadership Group
Evelyn and Jack Ullman
Linda and Dirk Vanrees
Amy C. Varnedoe
Barbara B. Washington
Arthur Wasserman
Ruben Watson
Bruce and Cathy White
Diane D. Whorton
Renee Wickham
George and Judith Wieder
Rasheeda R. Wilkins
Dale Williamson
Polly S. Williamson
Carolyn and Bruce Wilson
Kimberley and W. Hayes Wilson
Roger C. With
Matthew and Anna Margaret Woods
Mary F. Woody
Jeffrey and Mary Stoney Wright
Fred K. Wunderlich
Ali Yahiaoui
Scott Yancey
Richard Yarbrough
Janie Silver Yorker
Barbara and Paul Yosick
Charles Young
Jack Zwecker
Mohamoud Abdulkadir
Tom and Anita Adams
Vera F. Amis
Brenda Eshleman Andrews
Geraldine Andrews
Carlos and Jane Arancibia
Assurant Matching Gifts Program
Carole Babush
Maxine Ball
David R. Barber
Gale F. Barnett
Lea Barrett
Arthur and Gail Bechtel
Anne Bell
Katherine and Walter L. Bell, Jr.
Ruth J. Bender
Diana Lynn Bennett
Reverend Robert Bennett
Cindy Berry
Mary E. Berry
Marion and Jack Bierwirth
Ronald B. and Judith A. Bobo
Jacquelyn P. Bonner
Carol Bowling
Dr. Philip S. Brachman, Sr.
Patricia P. Bradley
Bel and John-Paul Brennan
Mary D. and Moses Brewington
Billy and Frances Brisendine
Charlesey W. Brown
Louise N. Brown
Sonya M. Buchanan
Jeff Blauvelt and Melinda Caldwell
Mrs. Lawson Calhoun
Lucile A. Capshaw
John L. Carawan
Edward Y. Chapin III
Mrs. James E. Chapman
Keisha D. Christopher
City of Atlanta
Mrs. Thomas Hal Clarke
Robert F. Clayton
Virginia M. Clise
Caroline P. Clotfelter
Sara G. Cone
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Conklin II
Karen and Joe Cooper
Richard Crandall
Gertrude E. and John R. Crane
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Cunningham
Lavona Currie
Julie and Tom Cutler
Mary Daneke
Mr. and Mrs. Henry David
Jeremy Davis
Ruth K. Davis
W. Barry Dawson
Lynda G. Dean
William K. Dean
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Denniston
Dwight Digby
Kay DiPlacido
Amy L. Dobbs
Mary A. Docoteau
Frances and Elliot Doft
William J. Drummond
Elinor Dubois
Valynda P. Dunn
Van Dyche
Easy Digital
Myrtle C. and Enon H. Edenfield
Mattie S. Epting
Kate and Benton Evans
Ethel Evoy
Rhoda and Dave Ewert
Carolyn and George Ewing
Louise and Bruce Faurot
Arnold Feldman
Alvin M. Ferst, Jr.
Anna B. Fey
Lars Finderup
Sam and Eva Mae Fortson
Kristine V. Francisco
Ralph and Nola Franklin
Rochelle Friedman
Helen Friend
Eleanor Frongillo and Family
Dr. John T. Galambos and The Hon. Eva Galambos
Willie M. Gates
Diana Lee and Michael L. Gelfand
Brenda George
Mr. and Mrs. Jim George
Robin M. Giacomelli
Alison M. Gibson
Mary Gladney
Pat and Bud Gleichauf
Barbara Goddard
Mrs. Martin Goldstein
Paula M. Gould
Cathryn and Richard Gowan
Peggy and Don Graab
John and Bettie Graffius
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Gray, Jr.
Carmen and Derek L. Grayson
Evan Leon Green
Sean D. Green
William and Lois D. Griffiths
Donald L. and Kathleen Gruver
Akshaya Gupta
Patricia C. Haliburton
Beverly J. Hammack
Nancy and Russ Handwerk
Frances Grove Harris
Margaret Harrison
Dabney A. Hart
Liz Hayes
Bill Heitz
Theodore and Rebecca Hersh
Carolyn and Lem Hewes
Gladys D. Hirsch
Yvonne and Greg Hobby
Darius A. Holbert
Gail Holloway
Jennifer C. Holmes
Lucille and Christopher Honeycutt
Patsy B. Hopkins
Perry and John Hopkins, Jr.
Allison and Robert Hubbard
Linda and Paulk Hughes
Daniel Hussey
Herman Ingram
Anosh A. Ishak
Carmelita W. Jackson
Codeal E. Jackson
Carolyn Jenkins
Nancy and Michael Jennings
Winfield John
Charlotte A. Johnson
Henry Johnson, Jr.
Ethel Jones
Albert Kalen
Rosthema Kastin
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Kelly
Lisa Kinzler
Cynthia L. Knighton
Kyle and Grace Kolvereid
Reed Kramer
Vimla Kushwaha
Elizabeth and Michael Labbe-Webb
Cody and Anne Laird
Guy LaMarca
Laura and Robert Layne
C. Ernest and Mary Ann Lee
Stuart Levenson
Liane Levetan
Meyer Levy
Gloria Lewis
Jack Lincoln
Karen and Frank Lindauer
Elizabeth B. Littrell
Joyce Lowenstein
Anthony M. and Karen L. Lowery
Eddie and Fran Lowry
Anne Ludwig
Ms. Alice MacDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Jon A. Mann
Greg Marich
Anne Henderson Martin and Robert L. Martin
David W. Mathews
Mateel P. Mays
Owen McDonald
Carol I. McEwen
Pat M. McGuinn
William L. McKinnon, Jr.
R. Hal Meeks and Jo Lanier Meeks
James R. Mell
Cb and Hillary Miles
Leigh and William P. Miles, Jr.
Doris M. Miller
Kimberly Miller
Marie Millsaps
Michael Montgomery
Nathan and Dorit Mordel
Mary Lynn Morgan
Jason P. Morris
Richard Moses
Jane Mudano
F. Barry Mulligan
Julie Neal
Ed Nichols
The Cafeteria Department at BBDO Atlanta
Marilyn A. North
Glyn and Elizabeth Nunnally
Bobbi J. Owen
Jody Ozaki
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Pafford
Carol and Jay Pakchar
Lorinne Parke
Mary Fran Parr
Jan Pasek
Kailesh Patel
Rhuel and Dorothy Ann Patterson
Erin L. Payne
Gretchen and Jack Pennybacker
James M. Perry
Virginia and Oscar Persons
Ruth B. and Bob Peterman
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Peterson, Jr.
James and Betty Polson
Sarah C. Poole
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Pooley
Bonnie and William A. Pratt
Edwin Prewitt
Gordon J. Price
Jane T. Price
Barbara S. Purdy
Suzy Quenzer
Louella H. Randall
Kristen Blaylock Reed
Sanford and Donna Reese
Olga Riano
Don C. Robinson
Jose and Martha Rodriguez
Rogers Family Revocable Trust
Ernesto Rojas
Kenneth J. Rosengren
Harriett Ross
Joel Rossman
Adina E. Rothenberg
Antonieta de Ruiz
Martha A. Saunders
John Schaffner
Yvette Schwartz
Mary M. Seedlock
Virginia Selph
Ellen B. Shadrick
J. Harry Shannon Architectural Interior Design
Mary Alice Shinall
Gayle and Richard P. Shuey
Elizabeth and Paul Sieg
Russell L. Slade
Betty Sloan
Christine M. Sloat
Robert C. and Elise Smith
Sally Smith
Betty J. Spear
Felice L. St. Germain
David and Beverly Stacy
Munson Steed
Walter P. Stern
John and Susan Stevens
Mark Stovroff
Tracey and Robert Stroup
Earl C. and Edith L. Sturm
Robert L. Suber
J. Thomas
David S. Tiedt
Selma B. Tobe
Sammy and Sachiko Ueno
Donald J. and Shirley M. Ulmer
Cynthia and Louis M. Van Houten, Jr.
Allen and Pam Vance
Adaliz C. Vicens
Dr. and Mrs. David Vroon
Thao Mai Vu
Roy Wagner
Drs. Mark and Nancy Weiner
Helen G. White
Roger B. White, Jr.
Sara G. White
Teresa G. White
William J. Whittaker III
Sherri and Rob Wildstein
Elna P. Williams
Ms. Tonji Williams
Vera J. Williams
Lavern Williamson
Paulo R. Willig, Jr.
Stuart C. Witham
Frances M. Wood
Tiffany Wood
Gerald T. Woods
Warren and Sue Woolf
Nicole A. Zalenski
Gertrude Zeldin
Funds Providing Continuing Support
The Bridge Fund
Campbell Building Maintenance Fund
James R. Kuse Foundation Endowment for BEGIN
Rosemary L. Jones Fund
James Emory Powell Fund
Samuel J. McCartney Memorial Endowment
Government Funds & Contracts for Services
The State of Georgia provides services for people who are blind or visually impaired
by contracting with private agencies like CVI. The Center is grateful for the federal,
state and local funding provided through the following partners:
Atlanta Regional Commission
DeKalb County Human Development Department
Fulton County Department of Human Services
Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning
Georgia Department of Human Resources
Georgia Department of Labor
National Eye Institute
Tribute gifts between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009
In Memory of
Betty Berman
Rhuel and Dorothy Ann Patterson
Robert W. and Helen L. Biccum
Robert T. Biccum
Augustus Jason “A.J.” Black
Gwendolyn Black
Frank E. Block
Carlos and Jane Arancibia
Marion and Jack Bierwirth
Mrs. Lawson Calhoun
Mrs. James E. Chapman
Kate and Benton Evans
Carolyn and George Ewing
Alvin M. Ferst, Jr.
Frances Grove Harris
Louella H. Randall
Walter P. Stern
Bruce and Cathy White
Helen G. White
Missie Breckenridge
Mrs. Plant E. Long*
Dwight Copenhaver
Zach Emerson
Lynda G. Dean
Sarah Frank
Kathryn and Wilbur Baird, M.D.
Howard Borger
Pat and Bud Gleichauf
Beth and Stephen M. Hamilton, M.D.
Robert L. Harbin, M.D.
Tom and Ellen Harbin
Evan and Sara Loft
Dorothy Oscher
Molly and Scott A. Pastor, M.D.
Zane and Nancy Pollard
J. Michael Roach, M.D. and Kim Nikles
Elizabeth and Paul Sieg
Katie Frongillo
Eleanor Frongillo and Family
Peter Anthony Gordon
Ellen D. Gordon
Beverly and Richard Gruber
Janie Silver Yorker
Lucinda Hastings
Leigh-Anne C. and Steven J. Spokane
George and Jean Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Pope III
Marvin Hill
Jonathan Lee Tedder
Jerry Hurley
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Kelly
James Johnson
David R. Barber
Wendall Kitchens
Judy McMillan, E.D.S.
Virginia Selph
Olga P. Ledon
Alfred B. Ledon
Timm Leggett
Ruth Pat Carpenter
Frances Makover
Harriett Ross
Sharon Mansour
Jim and Myra Kucera
Gayle Poten Martin
Dr. William O. Martin III
Estelle Mason
Lynn Young
J. Scott Mathews, Jr.
Subie and Phil Green
Bill and Donna Woolf
Marie McClelland
Barbara Goddard
The Cafeteria Department at BBDO Atlanta
Mac and Helen Morgan
Elizabeth M. Graf
Frances and Herbert Newburg
Janie Silver Yorker
Callie Lou Nunnally
Glyn and Elizabeth Nunnally
Mary Foote Paris
Miss Joyce Paris
Mary-Ann Parks
Vera F. Amis
Herbert Ringel
The Ringel Family
Elaine M. Sackett
Joyce and Candler Lasseter
William Sewell
Mrs. William A. Sewell
James G. Seymour
Dale Williamson
Anne Shearer
Dawn and Randall Romig
Frances M. Smith
Sally Smith
Alice D. Stacey
Linda J. Stacey
Cornelia G. Vanson
Virginia M. Clise
Donald and Kathleen Gruver
Mary Fran Parr
Christine M. Sloat
Wendell L. Watterson, Jr.
Tobe and Joseph Weiner
Dorothy Weiner Lavine Memorial Fund
Oline Whaley
Ruth J. Bender
Billy and Frances Brisendine
Karen and Joe Cooper
Nancy and Russ Handwerk
Perry and John Hopkins, Jr.
Linda and Paulk Hughes
Cynthia and Louis M. Van Houten, Jr.
Elna P. Williams
Nona Williams
Marcia E. Basson
Sarah Woolf
Kathy and Tim Eldridge
Gloria T. and John M. Spencer
In Honor of
Terri and Jim Amato, Cathleen and Joe Blumberg, Marianne and Clay Bowers,
Suzanne Feeney, Sarah and Dave Galshack, Martha and John Morris, Sue and Fred
Pember, Joan and Stephen Shewbrooks, and Eirene Stansbury and Robert Stahl
Mary Ann and Dick Cook
Janet Barlow
June J. Willis
Jerome D. Berman, M.D.
Susan B. Abrams
Mrs. Martin Goldstein
Jack Lincoln
Rhuel and Dorothy Ann Patterson
Larsen Boswell
Jan Boswell
Laura and Montague L. (Cosmo) Boyd
Anna B. Fey
Montague L. (Cosmo) Boyd
Deborah and David Gray
Joyce Burnett and Gail Kitchens
Polly S. Williamson
Joyce Burnett, Gail Kitchens and Jacque Howard
Polly S. Williamson
Bickerton W. Cardwell, Jr.
Sandra and John Glover
Mr. and Mrs. B.W. Cardwell, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Pat Cardwell, Dr. and Mrs. Winston
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cardwell
Grace Caylor
Karla M. Caylor
Mao Ueno
Eliot Codman
Felicia and Anthony J. Caporaso, Sr.
H. William Cohen, Esq.
The many friends and clients of Colliers Spectrum Cauble
Colliers Spectrum Cauble
Ellen Doft
Frances and Elliot Doft
Daniel DuBow
Susan and David Bershad
Richard DuBow
Jane Mudano
Shirley Friedman
Blonder Family Foundation
Melissa Galt
Turknett Leadership Group
Kathleen Garrett
Carol I. McEwen
Paula Gould’s marriage to Rush
Sherri and Rob Wildstein
Santiago Green and Subie and Phil Green
Darius A. Holbert
Subie Green
Drs. John and Diana Holbert
Quill O. Healey, II
Neal and Elizabeth Quirk
Nancy Hoddinott
Kimberley and W. Hayes Wilson
Peter Amann Hopkins
Valynda P. Dunn
Eli Hummer
Katherine Brittian
Nancy Jennings
Robert Culbertson and Nancy Sharpe
Gail Kitchens
Judy McMillan, E.D.S.
Anthony Lowery II
Anthony M. and Karen L. Lowery
Tom and Amy Mabon
Chris E. and Laura Deisley
Adam Malyala
Ramesh and Srilatha Malyala
Annie Maxwell
Kim Bennett
Carol and Jay Pakchar
Anne McComiskey
Mr. and Mrs. George Rothkopf
Mason Myhand
Doris and Jim Huckaby
Dr. and Mrs. R. Daniel Nable
Ann and John Day
Julie G. Neal
Sarah C. Poole
Mr. and Mrs. A. Miles Pollard, Jr.
Helene Prokesch
Mr. and Mrs. George Rothkopf
Susan C. Prutzman
Ann C. Blaylock
Rhoda and Dave Ewert
Cathryn and Richard Gowan
Kristen Blaylock Reed
Janet E. Tippin
Allison W. Reid
Carolyn and Bruce Wilson
John T. Rhett III
Wade and Barbara Copeland
J. Michael Roach, M.D.
Julie Neal
Dr. J. Michael Roach and his staff, Mary and Desiree, at Eye Consultants of Atlanta
Subie and Phil Green
Nell Robinson
Mrs. Thomas Hal Clarke
Steve Saferin
Carol A. Kelly
Oran Sarno
Patricia Sarno
David Sawicki
Richard M. and Joan Sawicki
Ivey Sirmans
Chris and Christy Hayes
Shelma Hufstetler
Anne Skae
Sally and Allen McDaniel
John E. Smith II
Lynn Ney Smith
Carol and James Ney
The kind staff who helped me at CVI
Geraldine Andrews
Carla Tatum
Bill Heitz
Jo Taylor
Charlesey W. Brown
Chester Thrash
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Pritchard, Jr.
Helen* and Tracy Trentadue
Clinton and Barbara Bastin
Tracy J. Trentadue
Helen B. Trentadue*
Evelyn Ullman
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Peterson, Jr.
Frank W. Virgin
Janet and Don Nelms
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Bick Cardwell, Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Coleman,
Mr. and Mrs. John Duggan, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burdette, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Cannon,
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bradbury, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Riddle
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Goodsell
Michael Wilson
Drs. Mark and Nancy Weiner
In-kind Donations
AirTran Airways
Carol Christine Angelo
AT&T Telecom Pioneers - Georgia Chapter
Atlanta Alumnae Chapter of Delta Gamma Fraternity
Atlanta Peach Movers
Atlanta Spirit, LLC
Atlantic Wine, Inc.
Angie and Bob Batterson
Cathleen and Joe Blumberg
BoardWalk Consulting
Elizabeth A. Bolyard
Elizabeth Bouis
Jim and Virginia Brooks
Angela Brown Gillis
D.D. and Bick Cardwell
Amy Chown
Colliers Spectrum Cauble
Community Waste Services
Mary Ann and Dick Cook
Costco Wholesale
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Cunningham
Delta Iota Chapter of Delta Gamma Fraternity
Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta
Gaylord National Hotel and Convention Center
Georgia Aquarium
Georgia State University
Elizabeth M. Graf
Subie and Phil Green
Hotel Palomar
Shelma Hufstetler
Laurie and Jason Jeffay
Michael and Elizabeth Kenny
Knitting for Peace
Mr. and Mrs. Jule Kreyling
Richard and Nicole Kruse
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Mabon
Judy F. Manning
Donnie Mattox
Patricia McGhee
Brian and Rosamarie McHugh
Linda Mitchell
Kevin Moran
Steven Murphy
Molly and Scott A. Pastor, M.D.
Brad Pederson
Susan Currie Prutzman
Brad Morgan
Martin Rife
Roswell United Methodist Church
Patty Shepler
Nat and Jerilene Slaughter
John Slemp Photography, Inc.
Standard Press
Dottie Stewart
Tradition Trees
Ann W. Vines
John P. Vinson
Whoop, Inc.
Alexander M. Williamson
Henry J. Wise, C.R.E., M.A.I., C.B.A., B.V.A.L.
Constance H. Woodward
Lynn Young
True Blue Do
More than 330 patrons and supporters attended the 2009 True Blue Do, raising over
$130,000 to benefit CVI’s comprehensive services for individuals of all ages who are
blind or visually impaired.
Major support for the True Blue Do was provided by:
True Blue Sponsors
AirTran Airways
Laura and Montague Boyd Foundation
Richard and Cathryn DuBow
Midnight Blue Sponsors
AGL Resources
Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta
Indigo Blue Sponsors
Alston + Bird LLP
AT&T Georgia
D.D. and Bick Cardwell
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas K. Garges
Georgia Natural Gas
Jennifer and John Hamilton
King & Spalding LLP
Frances Kuniansky and Dr. Jerry Berman
Susan Currie Prutzman
John and Toni Rhett
Bryan and Paula Seas
Standard Press
SunTrust Investment Services
2009 True Blue Do co-chairs Tom and Amy Mabon and Toni and John Rhett III
Staff Roster 2008-2009
Susan B. (Subie) Green
Bill Woolf
Senior Vice President
Anisio Correia
Vice President for Program Services
Eva Mayhew
Executive Assistant
Administrative & Business Support
Jane Price
Gail Holloway
Senior Accountant
Melissa Imtiaz
Director of First Impressions
James Johnson
Building Superintendent
Alyssa Reiss
Accounting Assistant
Sylvia Stroy
Karen Perry
Vice President for Development
Jane Culpepper
Database Administrator
Empish Thomas
Public Education and Referral Specialist
Liz Hayes
Director of Marketing
Lauren Lindenbaum
Director of Annual Giving
Teresa Wright
Director of Foundation Relations
Client Services
Cheryl Blewitt
Kay Hawkins
Administrative Assistant
Lynn Miller
Diabetes Resource Coordinator
Molli Monk
Intake Counselor
Lorenzo Powell
Intake Counselor
Empish Thomas
Public Education and Referral Specialist
BEGIN Early Childhood Program
Anne VanDeWater McComiskey
Joyce Burnett
Lead Vision Teacher
Leigh Cooper
Administrative Assistant
Jacqueline Howard
Vision Teacher/Music Therapist
Gail Kitchens
Teaching Assistant
Memri Lerch
Family Counselor
Kathryn (Casey) Long
Vision Teacher
Cindy Nash
Vision Teacher
STARS (Social, Therapeutic, Academic and Recreational Services) & Volunteer
Annie Maxwell
Elizabeth Crofton (began 5/09)
Assistant Director
Surabhi McNab (through 3/09)
STARS Counselor
Sarah Norton (through 1/09)
Administrative Assistant
Lara Tillery (began 1/09)
Administrative Assistant
JoAnn Weaver
Volunteer Services Assistant
Adult Rehabilitation Services
Patricia Ressler-Billion
Deborah Shimberg
Assistant Director
JoAnna Aldridge-Wilson
Administrative Assistant and Scheduler
Karissa Bedi
Vision Rehabilitation Therapist/Orientation & Mobility Specialist
Jason Bombelyn
Assistive Technology Instructor
Ernest Burton
Certified Orientation & Mobility Specialist
Diane Coburn
Vision Rehabilitation Therapist
Ava Carruth
Braille Instructor
Heather Ferro
Employment/Job Development Specialist
Gwendolyn Ivey
Administrative Assistant
Al Kaufman
Certified Orientation & Mobility Specialist/Independent Living Skills Team Leader
Diane Payton
Vision Rehabilitation Therapist
John Rempel
Certified Vision Rehabilitation Therapist/Assistive Technology Instructor
Nell Robinson
Case Manager
Rasheeda Wilkins
Vocational Specialist
Florence Maxwell Low Vision Clinic
Harvey C. Clark
Gina Adams
Low Vision Therapist
Robert L. Elwell, Jr., O.D.
Henry Hand
Low Vision Therapist
Nancy Jennings
Social Worker
Sylvia Mann
Administrative Assistant
Timothy G. Spence, O.D., F.A.A.O.
Board of Trustees 2008 - 2009
Frank W. Virgin, Esq., Chair
Slaughter & Virgin, P.C.
J. Scott Mathews III, Vice Chair
American Cancer Society
Susan Hoy, Vice Chair
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
H. William (Bill) Cohen, Esq., Vice Chair
Retired, Macey Wilensky Cohen Wittner & Kessler
Mac M. Martirossian, Treasurer
MThree Advisory, LLC
Larry E. Patrick, Assistant Treasurer
PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP
Quill O. Healey II, Secretary
Healey Weatherholtz Properties, LLC
Mary Ann Cook
Community Volunteer
Darryl A. Hicks
Fulton County Board of Commissioners
James Ashworth
AirTran Airways
Angela L. Batterson, Esq.
King & Spalding LLP
Montague L. (Cosmo) Boyd IV
UBS Financial Services, Inc.
Michael I. Cohn
Faison & Associates
A. Kimbrough Davis, Esq.
Abrams Davis Mason Long, LLC
Derek L. Grayson
Optimum Business Consultants
Jennifer Hamilton, CFP
Retired, Independent Financial Planner
Ann L. Kimbrough
Webster University
Richard A. Kruse III, Esq.
The Coca-Cola Company
George E. Matlock
Matlock Business Services, LLC
Rosamarie Soltero McHugh, AICP
Bella Casa Designs, LLC
Teri Lynn McMahon, Esq.
Alston + Bird LLP
Jovita Moore
WSB-TV/Channel 2
R. Brand Morgan
Brand Properties
Roderick M. Parker, LMT, NMT
InnerVision Neuromuscular Center, LLC
Shädé R. Patterson
AT&T Wireless
Susan Currie Prutzman
Community Volunteer/Fund Development
Allison W. Reid
CNN Advertising
John T. Rhett III
SunTrust Investment Services
J. Michael Roach, M.D.
Eye Consultants of Atlanta, P.C.
Bryan E. Seas, CPA
AGL Resources, Inc.
Leslie Fuller Secrest, Esq.
Troutman Sanders, LLP
John P. Vinson
Barbara B. Washington
Washington & Associates
CVI Adopts Five-Year Strategic Plan
Includes New Mission and Vision Statement
The Center for the Visually Impaired recently adopted a new strategic plan, creating
a vision to carry CVI forward through 2015. Led by trustee Susan Hoy of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Atlanta, the process began with an assessment of the current
environment, paired with the projection of future needs. Hundreds of CVI clients,
trustees, donors, volunteers and staff were interviewed to seek their views on our
strengths and challenges for the future. Boardwalk Consulting awarded CVI a grant
to fund this project, and facilitated the process. The outcomes are as follows:
Our Mission
The mission of the Center for the Visually Impaired is to empower people impacted
by vision loss to live with independence and dignity.
Our Vision
By 2015, the Center for the Visually Impaired will be the central voice and resource
for Georgians impacted by vision loss.
Our 2010-2015 Strategic Goals
Using a variety of media, technology, programs and partners, CVI continues
to serve Georgia’s growing need for vision rehabilitation services, education and
Through strategic collaborations, CVI enables people with vision loss to
effectively access education, jobs and community connections.
As a result of a new revenue-generating enterprise, CVI’s funding has more
than doubled and diversified. Private support and planned giving continue to
Through advocacy, intellectual leadership, media and publications, CVI is
Georgia’s leading voice for vision rehabilitation.
Karen Perry, CFRE
Vice President for Development
Liz Hayes, Editor
Director of Marketing
CVI News is available in three alternative formats: electronic mail, large print and
CD. To request one of these formats, please contact Eva Mayhew at 404-8759011 ext. 4280.
CVI receives 14% of its annual budget from United Way.
739 West Peachtree Street, N.W.
Atlanta, GA 30308