Drama Web sites

Ideas about Drama in the Language
Overcoming the Fear
An English teacher responds to some common concerns expressed by new
teachers of drama in the language classroom
Adding Drama to the EFL Classroom
Some simple but effective ideas for integrating drama into your teaching
Using Drama in the Classroom
An informative article - some drama games for the classroom are suggested
Using Plays in the EFL Classroom
More ideas on incorporating drama
Learning Vocabulary through Dialogue Writing
An approach to vocabulary learning that uses drama techniques
Two Approaches to Drama in the Language Classroom
More thoughts on learning English through drama
Thoughts from Teachers
In this site, you can draw on the experience of others who have used drama in
the classroom
Lesson Plans
Lesson Plans
Lesson plans for you to use or adapt
More Lesson Plans
Some interesting ways to use drama for teaching Emotional Intelligence
Movie Lesson
Here is a very interesting 2-hour lesson plan on talking about movies. It
includes links to vocabulary worksheets and a number of interactive activities
Drama Resources
Many of the ideas here can be adapted for use with secondary school students
The Drama Teacher's Resource Room
Theater@Web English Teacher
Body Language
Some interesting thoughts on body language - includes lesson ideas
Creating a Class Play
One teacher's approach...
Warm-ups and Other Drama Games
Improvisation Games
A huge collection of ice-breakers and warm-up games
More Improv Games
These games will start your lessons off with a positive feeling of energy,
co-operation and fun
Even More Warm-ups
As well as some excellent warm-up activities, this page contains links (at the
bottom) to other useful pages - have a look!
Drama Vocabulary
Drama Vocabulary
A set of fairly high-level quizzes on drama-related vocabulary
Movie Vocabulary
Some basic vocabulary for talking about movies
Movie Reviews
Students can build their critical vocabulary by reading reviews of their favourite
Emotion Vocabulary
Emotion Idioms 1
Emotion Idioms 2
Emotion Idioms 3
Student Handout on Emotions from Boggles World ESL
Ideas for Teaching Pronunciation
A wide range of articles and teaching tips from the British Council
Pronunciation Activities
Games and other activities from the British Council
Sample Sounds
You can hear all the sounds of standard British English here. Great for
practising the phonetic symbols.
Minimal Pairs
This site helps you to practise individual sounds
Pronouncing Dictionary
You can check the pronunciation of indivdual words here.
Sentence Stress
Some helpful information about sentence stress in spoken English
More on Sentence Stress..
...from the British Council
Sounds of English
An entertaining, student-led game for practising sentence stress
Movie Speeches
These speeches from Hollywood movies (audio clips plus written transcripts)
can be used for analyzing the actors' use of stress and intonation
Accent Archive
This site lets you hear the same passage spoken in many different accents
Audacity Recording Software
This free download gives students the valuable opportunity of recording their
own voices so that they can listen to their performance - they can also
see (literally!) whether they are using stress appropriately
Reader's Theatre
Aaron Shepard's RT Page
One of the best!
A Reader's Theater Portal
What is Readers Theatre?
Readers Theatre Links
Reader's Theater Science Scripts
These scripts show how Reader's Theater can be combined with the teaching
of science
Scripts and Clips
Sample Scripts
A wide range of scripts based on fairy tales and folk stories from around the
Movie Speeches
A great collection of movie clips with transcripts provided
Film Scripts
Transcripts of hundreds of movies
Horton's Stage Page
A wide range of scripts for higher-level students
Assessment Ideas
Some interesting approaches to assessing drama in the classroom - could be a good
source of assessment criteria for your students
English Language Curriculum & Assessment Guide (Secondary 4 - 6)
This CDC / HKEAA document answers many questions raised by teachers