Name and Code of the Subject: Mechanical engineering

Department of Machine Construction and Safety Technics
Budapest Polytechnic
Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Name and Code of the Subject: Mechanical engineering (BGBGI1ANNK) Credit Points: 6
Full Course,
Year I.,
Semester I.
Course: Mechanical Engineering, Specialty: „Integrated Engineering”
Prof. Dr. Lajos Pomázi
Pre-Courses:(with codes)
T2A, F2A
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. József Tar (NIK, Institute of Math.
and Computational Sciences)
Lectures:2 +2 Exercises:1 + 1
Method of Controls (s,v,f): v
Teaching material
Aims: The subject - based on the knowledge of two separate subjects of „ Applied mechanics” and „Thermo- and
fluid dynamics” - is a synthesizing subject of the Course, therefore the aims are divided also in two part as follows.
„A”: To extend and further develop the understanding of fundamental concepts and principles of statics
and dynamics to more complex systems and to establish the relationship between the fundamental concepts and
modern computational techniques.
„B”: To apply basic knowledge the already obtained in Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics in sound
and noise issues, to solve practice-oriented problems related to valves, roto-dynamic and positive displacement
hydraulic devices, power plants, refrigerator systems of high complexity;
Indicative Syllabus: „A”: Elastic strain energy of beams. Energy methods: Betti’s and Castigliano’s
theorems and their applications. Matrix (flexibility and stiffness) methods for the solution of deformation problems
of beams. Plastic bending and limit states of beams and frames based on development of “plastic hinges”. Forced
damped vibrations of one degree of freedom mechanical system, steady state solution. Free and forced vibration of
undamped two degree of freedom system: eigen-frequencies, mode shapes, and resonance.
„B” Basics in perturbation theory and its application to sound and noise issues; Transport of physical
quantities in sound; Silencing; Valves and Hydraulic engines, Scaling Rules in the description of roto-dynamic
engines; Realistic power plants and refrigerators; Numerical techniques for solving realistic tasks, function fitting.
Detailed syllabus
Elastic strain energy of solids and beams due
to tension, bending and torsion actions.
Energy methods: Betti’s and Castigliano’s
Their applications for the determination of
displacements and rotations of straight and
curved beam cross sections
and of reactions of statically indeterminate
Plastic bending of beams and plane frames.
Plastic hinge and interpretation of its limit
states (limit bending moment, limit - loading).
Application of the virtual work theorem for
the investigation of limit plastic states of
beams and simple plane frame. Examples..
Matrix (flexibility and stiffness) methods for
the solution of deformation problems of
beams. Applications for beam structures
Sound and noise as small perturbation on the state of
thermal equilibrium; Basics of perturbation calculation;
The Wave Equation for sound and noise; Basics in
Fourier Analysis;
The basic transport quantities of sound and noise:
intensity, sound pressure level, sound power level of
point-like noise sources, the decibel scale;
Refraction, reflection, transmission; Direct and
reverberated fields, sound absorption coefficients;
Human sensing of noise, the Fletcher-Munson
Diagrams, standard octave bands and weighting
NR and NC curves, equivalent continuous noise level,
regulations and rules to protect employees’ ears;
More sophisticated characteristics and components in
steam power plants: SSC; re-heater, regeneration, back
pressure, pass out systems; Numerical problem solution
More sophisticated characteristics components in gas
power plants, Work Ratio, Numerical problem solution
Applications for bent beams and frames. Bent Flash chamber in refrigerators; Numerical problem
finite elements, compatibility conditions, solution methods;
stiffness matrices, basic equations.
Forced vibrations of one degree of freedom
proportional to velocity - damping, steady
state solution, phase relations. Examples.
Free and forced vibration of undamped two Roto-dynamic pumps and turbines: Description via
degree of freedom system: equation of Dimensional Analysis, scaling rules, specific speed
motion. Eigen-frequencies, mode shapes, parameter; function fitting via Excel, problem solution
states of resonance.
for optimization;
Application examples.
Cavitation, Bernouli’s Equation, Net Positive Suction
Head; Positive displacement hydraulic tools (pumps
and motors) and their main characteristics; Valves;
A case study regarding the control of a mechanical
system using a differential hydraulic cylinder;
In-semester requirements
(home assignment (hf), Mid Semester Test (MST, zh), presentation (ea), etc.)
Mid Semester Tests (zh)
(1.zh=30p, 2.zh=40p)
1.zh (from teaching material of
1. –7. weeks)
1 complex task
Handing in (handing out 2
weeks earlier)
1.Hf (Castigliano’s method) Handing in part 1: calculations for
the measures of sound and noise
level; combined steam and gas
power plants
2.Hf (plastic limit states)
3.Hf (matrix method)
Handing in part 2: refrigerators and
cooling systems;
4.Hf (one degree of freedom
damped system)
2.zh (from teaching material of 5.Hf (vibration of two DOF Handing in part 3: rotodynamic
10. – 12. weeks)
pumps and pipe systems, hydraulic
Methods of supplements: Assignments should be handing in on the given above weeks on the lessons. After that
time they can be handing in by paying an extra charge for each week of delay, up to 15. Dec. on the 15.Week.
Students getting less than 25 marks (~36%) on the two control works (“zh” mark) can correct their result by
writing the supplemental control work. In this case mark of the supplemental “zh” is taken into account as “zh”
Method of creating the semester mark and validity of the semester: The semester mark is the sum of all marks got
by the student. The semester of those students is valid and can take an exam who handed in all 5+3 home works
and who’s semester mark is equal or greater than 30 marks (30 % of total possible marks of the semester).
Method of exam.: (written, oral, test etc.)
The weight relation of the semester marks/exam. in the total result equal 40% / 60% for both part of the
subject, which parts have 50 – 50 % weight in the finite result of exam. The minimum requirements should be
perform separately in both parts.
The exam. is written exam. + additional oral exam. for that students, who’s total result is as minimum 4%
less the upper value of the total exam. strips, given below and want to get a better finite mark.
„Mechanical Engineering 3” , lecture notes of The
Nottingham Trent University, (BMF BGK jegyzete)
Aktuális kiegészítések a jegyzethez a Web-en
Dr. Lajos Pomázi: Mechanical Engineering 3,
J.K. Tar: Mechanical Engineering 3: Noise,
Statics and Dynamics (Study material) (kari jegyzet) Thermo- and Fluid Dynamics (Contributions);
(lecture notes);
Dr. Kósa Csaba: Nyugvó rendszerek mechanikája
(jegyzet + példatár)
Dr. Kósa Csaba : Mozgó rendszerek mechanikája
Mechanical Engineering 3 Lecture notes
(jegyzet + példatár)
(compilation); (lecture notes);
Recommended: A Web-re kihelyezett aktuálisan elérhetÅ‘ angol és magyar nyelvű tankönyvek.
Other teaching materials:
Strategy teaching and learning materials: (CAL materials, videos, CD-, etc.)
Recommended teaching materials to the part “A” on the Web site:
Dátum: 2007-09-10.
Prof. Dr. Jozsef K. Tar, Ph.D.
Lecturer of Part “B”
Prof. Dr. Lajos, Pomázi , Ph.D.
Responsible Lecturer