28 July – 5 August 2001 1 1 Commander Lt Col Anita E. Martin Deputy Commander Executive Officer Capt Daniel Stouch Capt Gladys Suessle Commandant of Cadets Capt Andrew Welsh 1 1 Cadet Commander C/Col Justin Couts Cadet Deputy Commander Cadet Executive Officer C/Lt Col Bethany Bruso C/Lt Col Clifton Lee Group First Sergeant C/CMSgt Elizabeth Arie 2 2 Administration “We know where you live.” C/2d Lt Kayu Ng, OIC C/SMSgt Ryan Elliott, C/SSgt Nicole Douglas 1st Lt Phyllis Pruitt, Mentor 1st Lt Kay S. Hartsen, Asst Mentor Chaplains/MLOs “All things work together for the good of those who love God, and who are called according to His purpose.” Capt Van Don Williams, Head Chaplain Lt Col Blair Biddle, Lt Col Janet Schachner, Capt Charles Taylor, SM Tom Stamatinos Fort Drum/NY Wing Liaison Officer Maj Peg Jennings 3 3 Finance “The financial aspects of the encampment have gone fairly smoothly.” C/SSgt Nicole Douglas, NCOIC Capt Marylou Falco, Mentor SM Donna Lee, Asst Mentor Logistics “You can’t work without us” C/2d Lt Robert Hark, OIC C/MSgt Paul McIntyre 1st Lt Edward Suessle, Mentor 4 4 Communications “What is that aboot!?” C/2d Lt Mike Hirch, OIC C/2d Lt Stephen Fox, C/TSgt Alexander Rossbach Maj Virgil Montavon, Mentor Medical “What’s up Doc?” C/2d Lt Zachary Smith, OIC C/1st Lt Matthew Kelly, C/SSgt Robert O’Niel Dr. (Maj) Lawrence Model, 2d Lt Fredric Letson 5 5 Mess Operations “Kill ‘em all, let God sort ’em out” C/CMSgt Thomas Fangmann, Section Chief C/SMSgt Nick Kasatkin, C/SMSgt Katie Wieczorek (Air Ops), C/TSgt Lawrence Gurdo Maj Barbara Burns, Mentor Operations “The best way to lead is from behind.” C/2d Lt Charles Taylor, OIC C/MSgt Brandon Phillips Maj Brian Skupa, Mentor 6 6 Public Affairs “We endanger species.” C/2d Lt Jacob Uriel, OIC C/MSgt Jenniffer Frye, C/SSgt Danielle Ayala, C/SSgt Daniel Cocozzelli Maj Malcolm Dickinson, Mentor Safety Capt John Davis Standards and Evaluations Team “Bring the encampment standards to your squadron.” C/Capt Rico Fusco, OIC C/2d Lt Joe Dolce, C/Capt Alec Martin 1st Lt Gillian Young, Mentor 7 7 Tactical Officers “Be reasonable, stay flexible” Standing: S/M Emily Genser, 2d Lt Lucy Stamatinos, Capt Marv McIntyre (Chief Tactical Officer), Lt Col Blair (Pops) Biddle, 2d Lt Christopher Moll, Capt Charles Miller, 1st Lt Michael Nogle, 2d Lt Lori Miller, 2d Lt Amy Anderson. Kneeling: FO Bradley Woehrlen, 2d Lt Tom Szekely, S/M Charles Blocher, Capt Tim Holteen Not pictured: S/M Tom Stamatinos, Capt Wai Lee Training “There is no limit to the good work you could do if you don’t care who gets the credit.” C/Maj David Collins, OIC C/2d Lt Nick Beiniks, C/Lt Col Joshua Couts Capt Scott Ullery, Mentor 8 8 Alpha Flight NCO Academy “Lead by example.” Advisor: TAC: C/Maj Charles Anderson Capt Charles Miller Cadets: C/SSgt Jessica Andreu C/CMSgt Ryan Dostie C/Amn Alberto Martinez C/MSgt Eric Threadgill C/MSgt Michael Miller C/A1C Robert Barao C/SrA Christine Galster C/SrA Al Mehltretter C/SrA Marlena Whitson 9 C/SrA Kelly Pereira C/CMSgt Michael Maguire C/MSgt Nathan Roczen C/SrA Timothy Smith 9 Squadron 1 CRIMSON WOLVES “Squadron 1 is ‘gonna school ya!” Commander: First Sergeant: C/Capt Rosanna Lee C/CMSgt Michael Leaver 10 10 Bravo “Bobcats” Flight “Don’t shoot yourself in the foot!” Flight Commander: Flight Sergeant: TAC: C/2d Lt Benjamin Petrisin C/SMSgt Christopher Moessner 2d Lt Amy Anderson Cadets: C/MSgt Ashley Cunningham C/Amn Thomas Docherty C/Amn Jenny Gracia C/Amn Christopher Frenette C/Amn Daniel Gidasi C/Amn Avrohom Katz C/SSgt Nathan King C/SSgt Kathryn Marley C/TSgt Alex Miklos C/A1C Shaunte' Sherrod C/A1C Eliot Smith C/Amn Peter Starowicz C/Amn Benjamin Sylvester C/A1C Daniel Tringali 11 11 Charlie “Champions” Flight “Motivated, dedicated, warrior flight beasts, HOORAH!” Flight Commander: Flight Sergeant: TACs: C/2d Lt Peter Braden C/SMSgt Eric Frohman Capt Wai Ning Lee, SM Tom Stamatinos Cadets: C/Amn Charitha Abeyratne C/A1C Jeff Hainsworth C/TSgt Aaron Akaberi C/SrA Brendan Kelly C/SSgt Daniel Cummings C/Amn Jared Matthews C/Amn Phillip Morelli C/Amn Robert Morris C/Amn Andrew Pastrikos C/TSgt Ethan Rice C/Amn Sean Rivers C/SrA Tyler Tierson 12 12 Delta “Ducks” Flight “Ducks are ferocious” Flight Commander: Flight Sergeant: TACs: C/Capt Paul Dolce C/SMSgt David Dalger 2d Lt Lucy Stamatinos Cadets: C/SrA Carmen Aquino C/SSgt Katherine Bachmann C/Amn Alex Bedoya C/SSgt Chris Ceccarelli C/Amn David De Santis C/Amn Brent Deyo C/A1C Martha Hampshire C/SSgt Jacob Konstabel C/A1C Sergey Kuznetsov C/A1C Michael Peppers C/MSgt Ryan Salino C/Amn Aaron Savella C/SrA Amanda Smith C/SSgt Tracy Thompson C/A1C Philip Van Wormer 13 13 Echo “Eight Balls” Flight “Succeed as one or fail as many.” Flight Commander: C/1st Lt Gustin Stamatinos Flight Sergeant: C/SMSgt Michael Singleton TACs: 2d Lt Christopher Moll, 2d Lt John DeLuca Cadets: C/Amn Joseph Castrechino C/A1C Matthew Collom C/A1C Gregory Horrocks C/A1C Fernando Jimenez C/A1C Mikhail Kalontarov C/Amn Richard Koss C/A1C Steven Kranston C/Amn Alexander Mackenzie C/SrA William Medina C/Amn Joseph Migliaccio C/Amn Joseph Miller C/MSgt David Pugliese C/A1C Kevin Reverri C/Amn Werner Stiegler C/MSgt Michael Viola 14 14 Squadron Two TERMINATORS “We few, we happy, we band of brothers, for whoever sheds his blood with me shall be my brother.” Commander: First Sergeant: C/Maj Adam Cucchiara C/MSgt Raquel Ayala 15 15 Foxtrot “Firebirds” Flight “Pain is weakness leaving the body.” Flight Commander: C/2d Lt Bradley Albert Flight Sergeant: C/CMSgt Sean Tinston TAC: 1Lt Michael Nogle Cadets: C/SrA Brian Ahearn C/A1C Keith Boarman C/A1C Scott Conschafter C/A1C John DeLuca C/Amn Devin LaMay C/Amn Shawn LaPlant C/A1C William McCauley II C/SMSgt Aaron Parsons C/A1C Andrew Scalzo C/Amn Jason Truglio C/Amn Courtney Tucker 16 16 Golf “Griffins” Flight “Lead, not drive, and your men will follow you wholeheartedly” Flight Commander: C/1st Lt Brian Owoseni Flight Sergeant: TACs: C/SMSgt David Ploegman 2d Lt Thomas Szekely Cadets: C/Amn Curtis Arena C/SrA Matthew Clarke C/A1C Brian Connor C/Amn Robert Dittmer III C/Amn Shaun Flannigan C/MSgt Geoffrey Getgen C/TSgt Andrew Harris C/SSgt Jonathan Hewett C/Amn Eric Mackey C/A1C Alexander Kaminski C/Amn Kyle Natoli C/MSgt Andrew Numa C/Amn Aaron Titka C/SrA Daniel Wawrzyniak 17 17 Hotel “Hornets” Flight “Hotel Flight loves Popeye’s chicken.” Flight Commander: Flight Sergeant: TAC: C/2d Lt Seth Model C/CMSgt Michael Paquette SM Emily Genser Cadets: C/SrA Gregory Abriss C/A1C Nicole Bradley C/A1C Sepraphim Dmitrieff C/MSgt Dan Hubert C/TSgt Eric Schenck C/Amn John Aguzzi C/A1C Jennifer Camp C/Amn Paul Gates C/A1C Ryan Perry C/ SSgt Michael Towne 18 C/Amn Joel Anderson C/Amn Kaley Catlin C/Amn Thomas Hanover C/Amn Thomas Plehn 18 India “Incinerators” Flight “Spoonerific India” The PAO does not know why… but they are all holding spoons. Flight Commander: Flight Sergeant: TACs: C/Capt Cory Reynolds C/TSgt Jessica Patalino 2d Lt Lori Miller, SM Bradley Woehrlen Cadets: C/TSgt Ronald Carl C/A1C Jacob Connor C/Amn Robert Distelcamp C/Amn Rayman Liang C/A1C Matthew Scheuer C/Amn Cindi Chou C/Amn Richard Circhlow C/MSgt * Gi dansky C/SSgt Heather Pinsky 19 C/TSgt Daniel Cola C/SrA Mrynal D’Arcangelo C/AB Karen Janik C/TSgt Steven Ramsingh 19 We couldn’t find a smaller helmet for Capt Lee We knew he was faking it just to get out of PT Our high speed medical staff “escorts” First Sergeant Ayala after an on-the-job injury. Cadet Pereira makes a new friend Pops “turns up the heat” during religious services 20 20 21 21 22 22 Proper Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance ___________________________________ TOP TWENTY SIGNS THAT YOU HAVE BEEN AT ENCAMPMENT TOO LONG: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Everything is high speed. When asked if you understand, you grunt. When showing pleasure or excitement, you respond with a HOOAH!! You find yourself asking to sing Jodie’s in chorus class. You visit a sick relative in the hospital and you find yourself critiquing the hospital corners on the bed. 6. When inanimate objects like clothing seems to be smiling at you. 7. When you clean your room and everything is in a pyramid. 8. Even on your flip flops, your toe and heel are shiny. 9. You find someone else in the shower with you… and you don’t seem to mind. 10. You check your room to see if your mom has left you sticky notes. 11. When you go to Lt Moll for words of wisdom. 12. When you accidentally call a senior member “mom”. 13. When polishing your boots becomes an art, not a job. 14.You’ve been a victim of the phantom flusher. 15.You start singing cadence on the school bus. 16.When your teaches asks you for your report that’s due you start yelling “zero CQ, zero sick call, zero activi-tay!” 17. When you wake up your friends at a slumber party you yell “get on my line!” 18. When you can find the pattern in camouflage. 19 When you can understand what C/Col Couts is screaming. 20. When you try to shine your sneakers with a “Drum Shine” - or when you try to shine your sneakers at all. 23 23 “Continuing the tradition of excellence” 24 24