大学英语测试试题四级 第一套试题 I. Reading Comprehension (40

I. Reading Comprehension (40%)
Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or
unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You
should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a
single line through the center.
Passage One
The growing importance of airpower in World War II, combined with its sensitivity to
weather, led to an ever greater military reliance on accurate forecasts. Knowing the weather was of
vital concern to combat commanders of that war.
As much an art as it is science, predicting the weather is dependent on the accurate tracking
of weather phenomena, particularly storm fronts, from the areas where they originate. Though
meteorologists(气象学家) of the 1940s had none of the weather tracking satellites which make
that job so much simpler today, they were still able to generate usably accurate forecasts as much
as 72 hours in advance-as long as they could get the data they needed.
The need for that data gave birth to one of the most interesting and unique campaigns of the
Second World War, the so-called “Weather War.” Although it was not a war of major commands
and of troops, ships, or aircraft, it had an important impact on the fighting in the Atlantic and
European Theatres. It was the weather data secured by this campaign which enabled the planning
and execution of such critical operations as the Allied landings at Normandy and the entire
strategic bombing campaign against Hitler’s empire.
The Weather War began with the German invasion of Denmark and Norway in April 1940.
prior to that, those nations allowed their arctic weather stations to report the weather in the clear so
all countries could use the information. Germany’s occupation of much of Scandinavia gave
Berlin a monopoly(垄断) over arctic weather data-a development the Allies could not allow.
The British, in fact, began planning to seize the weather stations even as the campaign for
Norway progressed. Of course, the Germans had plans for those same stations too, but Allied
dominance over the sea, coupled with the unexpectedly high German naval losses in the
Norwegian invasion, allowed Britain to score the first successes. But the weather itself proved the
most serious obstacle to the start of the Weather War’s operations, delaying the first moves until
August. In fact, throughout the Weather War, both sides found the elements a more formidable(可
怕的) foe than the enemy.
1. We learn from the passage that the commanders on both sides of the war attached great
importance to ________.
A) airpower
B) weather forecasts
C) dominance over the sea
D) operations in Normandy
2. We can infer from the passage that meteorologists today ________.
A) rely on satellites to track storm fronts
can generate accurate forecasts 72 hours in advance
C) have a much simpler job than in the past
D) regard weather forecast as science rather than an art
3. Which of the following statements is true of the Weather War?
A) It involved large numbers of ships and aircraft.
B) It contributed greatly to Allied victory.
C) It started ling before the German invasion of Scandinavia.
D) It was fought by a small group of meteorologists.
4. Before April 1940, arctic weather data _______.
A) were monopolized by Germany
B) were shared by Denmark and Norway
C) were not regarded as important by both sides in the war
D) could be accessed by all countries
5. In the Weather War, the British found _________.
A) the Germans were hard to conquer
B) they were ill prepared
C) weather itself presented the greatest obstacle
D) delaying the operations allowed their foe to score the first success
Passage Two
Gray clouds move as low as smoke over the treetops at Lolo Pass. The ground is white. The
day is June 10.It has been snowing for the past four days in the Bitterroot Mountains. Wayne
Fairchild is getting worried about our trek over the Lolo Trail-95 miles from Lolo Montana to
Weippe in Idaho, across some of the roughest country in the West. Lewis and Clark were nearly
defeated 200 years ago by snowstorms on the Lolo. Today Fairchild is nervously checking the
weather reports. He has agreed to take me across the toughest, middle section of the trail-“but with
this weather?”
When Leweis climbed atop Lemhi Pass,140 miles south of Missoula, on Aug.12,1805, he
was astonished by what was in front of him:”immense ranges of high mountains still to the West
of us with their tops partially covered with snow.”
existed, with peaks twice as
high as anything in the Appalachians back East. Lewis and Clark weren’t merely off the map; they
were traveling outside the American imagination.
Today their pathway through those mountains holds more attraction than any other ground
over which they traveled, for its raw wilderness is a testimony to the character of two cultures: the
explorers who braved its hardships and the Native Americans who prize and conserve the path as a
sacred(神圣的) gift. It remains today in virtually the same condition as when Lewis and Clark
walked it.
The Lolo is passable only from July to mid-September. Our luck is holding with the weather,
although the snow keeps getting deeper. As we climb to Indian Post Office, the highest point on
the trail at 7,033 ft., the drifts are 15ft. and up . We have covered 13 miles in soft snow, and we
barely have enough energy to make dinner. After a meal of chicken and couscous, I sit on a rock
on top of the ridge. There is no light visible in any direction, not even another campfire. For four
days we do not see another human being. We are isolated in a way that mixes fear with joy. In our
imagination we have finally caught up with Lewes and Clark.
6. We learn from the passage that before 1805 ________.
A) no Americans knew of the existence of the Rocky Mountains.
There were no people living in the western part of America
C) No one ever imagined going west to the Pacific Ocean
D) The Appalachians were the western frontier of the United States.
7. Judging from the context, the word “trek”( para 1) is closest in meaning to _______.
A) a lonely walk in isolated country
B) a long, hard journey over rough terrain
C) atough climb up high mountains
D) a journey over un-traveled pathways
8. We learn from the passage that the Lolo Pass_______.
A) remains much as it was 200 years ago
B) has changed a lot since 1805
C) now attracts large numbers of tourists
D) is the meeting point of two cultures
9. Judging from the context, Lewis and Clark were most probably_______.
A) two native Indians
B) explorers of the early 19th century
C) merchants who did business with the Indians
D) travelers whose curiosity took them over the Lolo Pass
10. We can infer from the passage that in crossing the Lolo Pass the author _______.
A) was following the trail of Lewis and Clark
B) was trying to set a world record
C) was attempting the impossible
D) was gambling with weather and taking unnecessary risks
Passage Three
The interview is an important event in the job-hunting process, because the 20 or 30 minutes
you spend with the interviewer may determine whether or not you get the particular job you want.
Therefore, it is important to remember that your objective during the interview may differ from
the objective of the potential employer. You want to make yourself stand out as a whole person
who has personal strengths, is well qualified, and should be considered the right person for the job.
It is encouraging to know that the interviewer’s task is not to embarrass you or to trip you up, but
to hire the right person for the job.
Remember, job hunting is very competitive. Anything you can do to enhance your interview
techniques will be to your advantage. The following suggestions may help you land the most
important job.
Your goal in this interview is to make sure your good points get across. The interviewer
won’t know them unless you point them out, so try to do this in a factual and sincere manner.
Do nor make slighting references to former employers or professors. If you have been fired
from a job and the interviewer asks about it, be frank in your answer..
Show the interviewer that you are interested in the company by asking relevant questions.
Ask about responsibilities, working conditions, promotion opportunities and fringe benefits (附加
福利) of the job you are interviewing for.
If at some point you decide the interview is not going well, do not let your discouragement
show. You have nothing to lose by continuing a show of confidence, and you may have much to
gain. It may be real, or it may be a test to see how you react to adverse conditions.
Some interviewers may bring up salary early in the interview. At this time, you may indicate that
you are more interested in a job where you can prove yourself than a specific salary. This politely
passes the question back to the interviewer. If the interviewer continues to press, give him a range
or suggest the going rate for a particular job. If possible, you should negotiate for salary after you
have been offered a job and when you are ready to complete the paperwork.
11. To get the job you want, during the interview you should ___________.
A) avoid the interviewer’s questions that are designed to trip you up
B) remember that you are the best qualified candidate
C) make yourself stand out as the right person for the job
D) keep in mind that it determines whether or not you get the particular job you want
12. If you did not get along with your former employer, you ___________.
A) should tell the interviewer frankly
B) should not speak ill of him
C) should refer to him in a factual manner’
D) should never mention it
13. When you find the interview is not going well you should___________.
A) keep up your confidence
B) bring it to an end as soon as possible
C) tell you interviewer how you react to adverse conditions
D) tell yourself you have much to gain and nothing to lose
14. The best time to discuss your salary is _________.
A) when you have been offered the job
B) at the end of the interview
C) after you have completed the paperwork
D) when the interviewer brings this matter up
15. The most important thing to do during an interview is _________.
A) to make your strengths understood
B) to show your intense interest in the job you are applying for
C) to be frank and sincere
D) to be natural and confident
Passage Four
In the course of my reading I had come across a case where, many years ago, some hunters
on our Great Plains organized a buffalo hunt for the entertainment of an English earl (伯爵) and to
provide some fresh meat for his use. They had charming sport. They killed seventy-two of those
great animals; and ate part of one of them and left the seventy-one to rot. In order to determine the
difference between an anaconda and an earl, I had seven lambs turned into the anaconda’s cage.
The grateful snake immediately crushed one of them and swallowed it, then lay back satisfied. It
showed no further interest in the lambs, and no inclination to harm them. I tried this experiment
with other anacondas; always with the same result. The fact stood proven that the difference
between an earl and an anaconda is that the earl is cruel and the anaconda isn’t; and the earl
wantonly (肆无忌惮地) destroyed what he has no use for, but the anaconda doesn’t. This seemed
to suggest that the anaconda was not descended from the earl. It also seemed to suggest that the
earl was descended from the anaconda, and had lost a good deal in the transition.
I was aware that many men who have accumulated more money than they can ever use have
shown a hunger for more, and have not hesitated to cheat the ignorant and the helpless out of their
poor servings in order to partially satisfy that appetite. I furnished a hundred different kinds of
wild and domestic animals the opportunity to accumulate vast stores of food but none of them
would do it. The squirrels and bees and certain birds make accumulations, but stopped when they
gathered a winter’s supply, and could not be persuaded to add to it either honestly or by trickery.
These experiments convinced me that there is this difference between man and the higher animals:
he is greedy, they are not.
In the course of my experiments I convince myself that among the animals man is the only one
that harbors insults and injuries, broods over (默默沉思) them, waits till a chance offers, then
takes revenge. The passion of revenge is unknown to the higher animals.
16. By describing the buffalo hunting and his experiment with the anaconda, the author mainly
wants to tell his readers that _____________.
A) the anaconda is easily satisfied
B) the earl is capable of committing wanton cruelty
C) the earl’s ancestor turned out to be the anaconda
D) the anaconda does not harm other animals except when it is hungry
17. According to the author, in human society, the rich _________.
A) tend to accumulate vast stores of food
B) are inclined to gather more riches
C) are ready to help the poor
D) are mostly cheaters
18. The author’s experiments with different kinds of animals seem to prove that ___________.
A) man is the highest animal
B) man is superior to animals
C) man is the lowest animal
D) man is inferior to animals in certain respects
19. We learn from the last paragraph that _____________.
A) love of revenge is a unique characteristic of man
B) man is the only animal capable of thinking
C) human beings are capable of insulting and injuring each other
D) man is better at taking chances than animals
20. In this passage, the author writes in a(n) _____________.
A) serious tone
B) angry tone
C) ironic tone
D) matter –of –fact tone
II. Vocabulary and Structure (20%)
Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four
choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark
the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
21. “Have you any _________plans for your future now that you’ve completed your graduate
A) decisive
B) exact
C) precise
D) definite
22. Anyone caught ________an offense will be punished.
A) committing
B)conducting C) executing
D) performing
23. There is scientific evidence to support out __________ that being surrounded by plants is good
for health.
A) perception B) instinct C) conception D) implication
24. The Israeli troops _________ by launching a bombing attack
on the Palestinian-controlled areas.
A) had a crack B) took a toll C) took revenge D) followed up
25. He should ________ what he’s good at, and not switch to something he knows nothing about.
A) take on B) stick to C) go after D) live on
26. To be ________ with you, I think you’re making a dreadful mistake by refusing to cooperate.
A) candid
B) pertinent C) mild
D) vivid
27. There are still some ________ for students of science and engineering, but those in arts and
humanities have been filled.
A) positions B) vacancies C) categories D) applications
28. The plants are in a(n) ________ plastic box, so the children can observe how the roots grow
with time.
A) appropriate B)intricate C)transparent D)waterproof
29. The United Nations was supposed to ________ the role of global peace-keeper.
A) contend
B) nurture C) carve
D) undertake
30. People under a lot of ________ may experience headaches, minor pains and sleeping
A) stress
B) exposure C) endurance D) endeavor
31. As he walked out of the court, he was _________ with frustration and rage.
A) applauding B) quivering C) paralyzing D) limping
32. AIDS activists permanently changed and shortened America’s ________ process for testing
and approving new drugs of all kinds, for all diseases.
A) efficient
B) stagnant C) intricate D) appropriate
33. Some of the tunnels in the cliff are natural, some were ________ out.
A) carved
B) pried
C) penetrated D) decorated
34. The doctor ________ Billy’s operation with x-rays and special exercises to make him stronger.
A)went after B)followed up C)started up D) took on
35. Pwople from different cultures have different _________ of the world.
A) impressions B)complications C)foundations D)conceptions
36. Don’t let his criticism ________ you; he belongs to the kind of people who take delight in
finding fault with others’ work.
A) discourage B) concern
C) dictate
D) paralyze
37. The survey found 80 percent of viewers were ________ by the violent scenes in the film.
A) eliminated
B) alerted C) offended
D) discouraged
38. The mayor promised to trim the city budget without cutting ________ services.
A) essential
B)appropriate C) equivalent D) lucrative
39. In today’s working world the roles of men and women are becoming _________.
A) dwarfed
B)incorporated C) correlated D) blurred
40. This disease _________ in Africa but has now spread to many parts of the world.
A) derived
B) originated C) sparkled
D) dwelled
III. Cloze (20%)
Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices
marked A), B), C) and D) . you should choose the one that best fits into the passage. Then mark
the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
Americans suffer from an overdose of work. Regardless 41 who they are or what they do,
Americans spend 42 time at work than at any time since World War II.
In 1950, the US had fewer working hours 43 any industrialized country. Today, it exceeds
every country 44 Japan, where industrial employees log 2,155 hours a year compared 45
1,951 in the US and 1,603 in the 46 West Germany.
Between 1969 and 1989, employed Americans 47 an average of 138 hours to their yearly
work schedules. The work-week 48 at about 40 hours, but people are working more weeks
each year. 49 , paid time off – holidays, vacations, sick leave – shrank 50 15 percent in the
As corporations have 51 stiffer competition and slower growth in productivity, they have
pressed employees to work longer. Cost-cutting layoffs in the 1980s 52 the professional and
managerial ranks, 53 fewer people to get the job done. In lower-paid occupations, 54
wages have been reduced, workers have added hours 55 overtime or extra jobs to 56 their
living standard. The Government estimates that more than seven million people hold a second job.
For the first time, large 57 of people say they want to cut 58 on working hours, even
if it means earning less money. 59 most employers are unwilling to let them do so. The
Government, which has stepped back from its traditional 60 as a regulator of work time,
should take steps to make shorter hours possible.
41. A) of
B) with
C) for
D) by
42..A) less
B) same
C) more
D) much
43. A) by
B) for
C) than
D) as
44. A) and
B) but
C) as
D) or
45. A) for
B) with
C) in
D) at
46. A) past
B) early
C) earlier
D) former
47. A) added B) increased C) brought
D) totaled
48. A) stood B) stopped
C) remained D) set
49. A) However B)Nevertheless C) Therefore D) Moreover
50. A) by
B) at
C) with
D) below
51. A)suffered B) experienced C) undertaken D) endured
52. A)shortened B) reduced
C) lessened D) relieved
53. A) leaving B) left
C) leave
D) to leave
54. A) when
B) where
C) while
D) though
55. A) by
B) for
C) to
D) in
56. A)preserve B) conserve
C) improve
D) protect
57. A) numbers B) amounts
C) figures
D) quantities
58. A) off
B) out
C) in
D) back
59. A) For
B) And
C) But
D) Furthermore
60. A) rule
B) function
C) task
D) role
IV. Translation (20%)
Directions: Translate the Chinese into English.
61. The story strengthens __________________________________(他实现自己理想的决心)。
62. I read Patrick Leigh Fermor’s classic and felt ______________________________.(追随他足
63. They __________________________( 决定徒步返回) to the Land Rover.
64. Nothing is more damaging to a nation than _________________________________. (未能教
65. Sleep is a never ending task that has to be done at least once every couple of days,
I. Reading Comprehension (40% 每题 2 分)
II. Vocabulary and Structure (20% 每题 1 分)
III. Cloze (20% 每题 1 分)
IV. Translation (20% 每题 4 分)
61. his determination to realize his ideals
62. a desire to follow in his footsteps
63. reached a decision to walk back
64. failure to properly educate its children
65. if not every day
I. Reading Comprehension. (10 x 4 points = 40 points)
Passage One
If you have ever flown across several time zones, you must have experienced jet lag. You
arrived in a new time zone, but your body was still living on the time in the old time zone. You
were wide-awake and ready for dinner in the middle of the night, and you wanted to sleep all day.
People suffer from jet lag because all living things have a biological clock. Plants and
animals are all in rhythm with the natural divisions of time __ day and night and the seasons.
Some French scientists did an experiment with honeybees. They put out sugar water every
morning at 10:00 and at noon, and the bees came to drink the water at exactly the right time. Then
the scientists put the sugar water in a room that was brightly lit 24 hours a day. They started
putting the sugar water in a room that was brightly lit 24 hours a day. They started putting the
sugar water out at 8:00 p.m. It took the bees a week to find it at the different hour, but from then
on they came to eat in the evening instead of in the morning.
Later the scientists took the honeybees to New York. The bees came for the food at the time
their bodies told them, only it was 3:00 p.m. New York time. Their bodies were still on Paris time.
Humans, like other animals, have a biological clock that tells us when to sleep and eat. It
causes other changes too. Blood pressure is lower at night, the heartbeat is slower, and the body
temperature is a little lower.
The honeybees in the experiment reset their biological clock for different feeding hours.
Humans do this too. People who work at night learn to sleep during the day and eat at night.
Students who fly halfway across the world to study in another country get used to the new time
zone after a few days. Our bodies are controlled by a biological clock, but we can learn to reset it
at a different time.
Here are some ways to lessen jet lag.
1. Try not to become exhausted before you leave.
2. Wear loose clothing, and take your shoes off while you are in your seat.
3. Walk around the plane and move around in your seat.
4. Figure out breakfast time in the time zone you are flying to. Four days before your flight,
start a feast and fast schedule. On the fourth day before you fly, eat three heavy meals. If
you have drinks with caffeine, have them only between 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. On the
third day, eat very lightly. Again, have drinks with caffeine only in the afternoon. On the
next to the last day before you leave, feast again. On the day before you leave, fast. If you
are flying west, drink caffeinated drinks in the morning; if you are going east, drink them
between 6:00 p.m. and 11: p.m.
5. On the day you leave, have your first meal at the time people in the new time zone eat
breakfast. If it is a long flight, sleep on the plane until the new breakfast time, and don’t
drink any alcohol. When you wake up, have a big meal. Stay awake and active, and eat at
the new time zone hours.
1.It is the _______ that makes people suffer from sleeplessness during the night when they have
flown across the Pacific Ocean.
A. jet lag B. biological clock
C. time zone D. divisions of time
2.The word “reset” in “The honeybees in the experiment reset the biological clock for different
feeding hours” means _______.
A. set again
B. change
C. adjust
D. fix
3.The French scientists’ experiment with the honeybees indicates that the honeybees _______.
A. get used to new feeding hours very easily
B. have a biological clock that tells them when to eat
C. are very clever to find the new feeding hours
D. can reset their biological clock as often as humans do
4.The suggested way to lessen jet lag is ______ .
A. to avoid having drinks with caffeine four days before flight
B. to relax and have a good rest before and during any flight
C. to sleep during a long flight as much as possible
D. not to sleep during the day when you arrive in a new time zone.
5.Which of the following can most probably be used as a title of the passage?
A. Honeybees and Jet Lag
B. Plants and Animals in Rhythm with Nature
C. Biological Clock and Jet Lag
D. Biological Clock and Honeybees
Passage Two
Within the next decade computer-controlled homes will be commonplace, allowing the
average person to shop, bank and possibly even bet from the comfort of an armchair.
The boom in home automation is expected to be worth US$12,000 million a year in the developed
Details are outlined by Mackintosh International, the Luton-based consultation which has
completed a five-nation study.
Advanced communications, information services and entertainment electronics make up the
bulk of the equipment and services which will be in the automatic home of tomorrow. The United
States, Japan, Germany, France and Britain are expected to buy US$7,000 million worth of home
automation equipment by the end of the decades. Five years later that figure is expected to almost
The home computer will play a vital part in the household of tomorrow. Through it will be
channeled information allowing consumers to monitor and control almost every device in the
These units will be connected to a cable or small wire network installed in the home. Linked to
the network will be a facsimile machine for receiving electronic mail, a telephone with an
answer-phone, a video-phone (callers can see as well as hear each other) and meters monitoring
the home’s consumption of energy.
The computer will also offer to many commuters the prospect of working from home.
Work and home shopping and banking rely on homes being connected to sources of
information. According to the Mackintosh survey, more than 600,000 Americans subscribe to an
information service. That figure is expected to rise to 10 million within the next 10 years and to be
emulated by the other developed nations.
Cable television is also expected to grow rapidly. That growth, matched by video recording,
means that the automated home will become the prime location for family entertainment.
One of the first electronic shopping and banking networks has been set up in Milton keynes,
Buckinghamshire. The Midland Bank has linked 30 retailers to a computer control center by using
electronic terminals, which allow shoppers to buy goods without using money.
6.Future computerized home’s automation equipment will include _______.
A. armchairs, communication devices and information service
B. communication devices, entertainment electronics, and energy meters
C. remote controllers, TV sets, and information services
D. facsimile machines, video-phones, and sources of information
7.Computer-controlled homes will be commonplace because they can _______.
A. make lots of money for their developers
B. free the human beings from work and housework
C. desirably change the way people live, work and entertain
D. offer electronic shopping and banking service
8.The phrase “subscribe to” in Paragraph 8 means _______.
A. make money by providing
B. pay to establish
C. start to handle
D. pay to receive
9.All the important roles of the home computer in the household of tomorrow are mentioned in the
passage except _______.
A. making it possible for people to work at home
B. receiving information for controlling all the devices in the home
C. recording video tapes for cable television
D. doing home shopping, banking and even betting
10.The best title for this passage might be _______.
A. Automation and Computer Home
B. Information Age and Computer Home
C. The Cost of Computer Home
D. The Boom of Computer Home
II. Vocabulary (10 x 2 points = 20 points)
11. There has been some cases of sexual ________ against women in this office.
12. The ________ celebrity raised a lot of money for charity.
13. She agreed with ________ to take part in the game.
14. After the complaint, their continued ________ in the competition is in some doubt.
15. The ________ of ethic backgrounds among the employees was considered to be very useful.
16. This is the sort of ________ operation that is best performed by a computer.
17. Management is always seeking ways to increase worker’s ________.
18. ________ of these criticisms, I shall attempt to justify my action.
19. In military matters his thorough knowledge and _______ were recognized.
20. The exciting novel chased away Jane’s ________.
III. Cloze (10 x 1 points = 10 points)
A Simple Truth about Happiness
After I gave a talk
1 the subject of happiness, woman in the audience stood up and
said,“I wish my husband had come”,Much 2 she loved him, she explained, it wasn’t easy
being married to someone so unhappy.
This woman enabled me to put into words what I had been searching for—the altruistic, as
well as the personal, reasons for taking happiness seriously. I told her that each of us owes it to our
spouse, our children, our friends to be as happy as we can be. And if you don’t believe me, ask a
child what it’s like to grow up with an unhappy parent, or ask parents what pain they suffer if they
have an 3 child.
I was not a particularly happy child, and like most teenagers, I took pleasure in my anguish.
One day, however, it
4 me that I was taking the easy way out, 5
could be unhappy; it
took no courage or effort. True achievement lay 6 struggling to be happy.
The notion 7 we have to work at happiness comes as news to many people, we assume
it’s a feeling that comes
8 good things that just happen ,to us, things 9 we have little
or no control.
But the opposite is true: happiness is largely under our control. It is a battle to be fought and
not a feeling to be 10 .
1、A on
B of C for D in
2、A as
B since C that D because
3、A little B naughty C lovely D unhappy
4、A thought of B occurred to
C happened to D thought about
5、A Anyone B Someone C Some people D I
6、A in B about C for D from
7、A which B what C that D when
8、A in order to B due to C on account of D as a result of
9、A what B over which C where D what
10、A taught B touched C trained D awaited
IV. Translate the following into Chinese.(5x6points=30points)
Everyone wants to be happy, but exactly what is happiness and how can one obtain it?
Philosophers have been arguing about the matter for centuries and have not been able to
reach an agreement.
Neither wealth nor status nor privilege nor family power nor prestige can guarantee
If you choose to find the positive in virtually every situation, you will be blessed, and if
you choose to find the awful, you will be cursed.
Like a composer who knows that the space between the notes is as important as the notes
themselves, each of us must realize that our silences can be as expressive as the words we
Your silent support can provide the soil in which the other person’s solution begin to
I. Reading Comprehension. (10 x 4 points = 40 points)
2) C
5) C
9) C
II. Vocabulary (10 x 2 points = 20 points)
11) A
12) B
13) A
14) A
15) B
18) A
III. Cloze (10 x 1 points = 10 points)
1 on 2 as
3unhappy 4occurred to
7that 8as a result 9over which
IV. Translation (5 x 6 points = 30points)(略)
I.Give synonyms and antonyms of the following. (10%)
Part A Synonyms.
1. impediment 2. to collapse 3. to ruin
4. to vanish 5. oddly 6. to aspire to
to do away with 8. to drop (smoking) 9. deficiency 10. folly
Part B Antonyms.
11. coherent 12. mental 13. disinterested 14. hideous 15. settled 16. frequent 17.
integration 18. proficient 19. to destroy 20. to surpass
Ⅱ. Put the most appropriate in the blanks. (30%)
21. The professor knew that his students tended to over-quote. But some of them
. They
simply downloaded whole essays from the Website as their own. That was
the professor.
A. went too far away, too far for
B. went too far, too much to
C. went too wild, too absurd of
D. went too far, too much for
22. The sudden bankruptcy for these financial giants threw the investors
and caused them to
A. in panic, stampede
B. in pain, panic
C. in confusion, hold their stocks
D. in despair, withdraw gradually
23. She
that position in the company, and she felt that she was qualified. In fact,
, she
was overqualified.
A. aspired to, if anything
B. desired for, or anything
C. conspired for, in anything
D. inspired to, if anything
24. No act of kindness, no matter how small, is
A. ever
B. never
C. forever
D. whenever
25. A new idea is first condemned as ridiculous,
dismissed as trivial, until finally it
becomes what everybody knows.
A. then
B. later
C. and then
D. after that
26. I resented
like that and I went to complain
the manager. The manager apologized
for the inconvenience but said that they had no other choice.
A. to be searched, to
B. them to search me, about
C. being searched, of
D. being searched, to
27. She is always complaining
something. It
my nerves.
A. of, gets to B. about, gets on C. about, got on D. for, is getting on
28. He did everything possible to
some support for his decision to
more money for his favorite project.
A. win over, allow B. whip up, spend C. get divide D. whip up, allot
seems great luxury to you is a minimal taste to me.
A. What
B. That
C. It
D. There
30. The Information Technology Revolution,
possible through the introduction of
computers in every field of human activity, has completely altered our approach to life.
A. made
B. made it
C. which made D. to be made
31. Neither of my parents remembered
that man before.
A. have ever seen
B. to have ever seen
C. having ever seen D. to ever see
32. You
have signed the contract without reading it carefully.
A. couldn’t
B. wouldn’t
C. mustn’t
D. shouldn’t
33. The score is 3 to 2 in their favor. This is not
result as we expected.
A. a bad
B. as a bad
C. bad a
D. as bad a
34. So we
toward the nearest village which was twenty miles away. Just then an orderly
came to give us a horse, but we waved it
, telling him to give it the wounded soldiers.
A. started off, away B. set off, in C. struggled, on D. set out along
35. At that time he kept telling us that final victory was just
. His optimism
A. around the corner, saved us from
B. at the corner, saved us out of
C. round the corner, saved our
D. in the corner, freed us from
36. I’m sure she’d rather you
her the bad news and
your sorrow with her.
A. will tell, share
B. tell, share
C. has told, shared
D. had told, shared
he known that it was to be the president’s last press conference, he would have filmed
the occasion.
A. Should B. If C. Had D. Were
is always the case, the darkest hour comes before the dawn.
A. That
B. It
C. As
D. What
the two superior choices, the student found himself in a pleasant dilemma, knowing that
he would benefit from
A. Giving, neither
B. Being given, neither
C. Given, either
D. To be given, either
40. His sudden blindness
the joy of seeing the beautiful world.
A. robbed, of B. deprived, with C. robbed, off D. denied, of
41. It is a small country
beautiful lakes, and the few million people were concentrated in a
few cities rather than
A. filled with, divided
B. covered with, separated
C. spread with, dotted
D. dotted with, scattered
42. We have a long way to go
we can invent truy intelligent machines.
A. before B. if
C. that
D. when
43. A
talk is too long for school kids.
A. two-hour B. two-hours C. two hour’s D. two hours
44. I have just heard
story you can imagine.
A. the very fantastic
B. the most fantastic
C. a more fantastic
D. a very fantastic
45. We understand
to sign another contract with the firm.
A. him not to want
B. his not wanting
C. he not want
D. he not wanting
46. The insurance business is now
. The total income
by 15 percent compared with
last year.
A. thriving, went up
B. thriving, is up
C. prospering, has been up
D. developing fast, increased
47. Wealthy people’s children do not necessarily
better because they are
A. fair, inclined to be
B. fare, bound to be
C. fare, prone to be
D. perform, destined to be
48. Although company styles vary,
that all successful firms possess the ability to tap the
potential of their employees.
A. what certain is
B. what certainty is
C. what is certain is
D. what is certainty is
microelectronics machine in common use in offices and elsewhere is
A. A, a
B. A, the
C. The, a
D. The, the
50. Research indicates that we are most attracted to people who like us now, but who
A. not like
B. not liked
C. don’t
D. didn’t
Ⅲ. Cloze. (15%)
Do you read the newspaper in the same way and at the same speed at which you read a
biology textbook? Do you read an essay (51) ____ your English class in the same way and at the
same speed at which you read a mystery novel? (52) ____ many people do.
If you are an efficient reader, (53) ____, you read the newspaper more quickly and in a (54)
____ way from how you read a biology textbook. (55) ____, the newspaper is easier to read, and
you (56) ____ a different purpose in reading it. Efficient readers adapt their speed and
comprehension levels to suit the (57) ____.
To adapt your rate, you need to decide how you will read a (58) ____ item. How you will
read depends on why you are reading and (59) ____ you need to remember. A number of variables
work together. (60) ____ efficiently, you must create a balance among these factors (61) ____ time
you read.
Rate and comprehension are the two main factors that you must keep in balance; (62) ____
your reading rate increases, your comprehension may (63) ____. Your goal is to achieve a balance
that suits the (64) ____ of the material and your purpose for reading it. The following steps will
help you learn to (65) ____ your reading rate.
51. A. at B. because of C. in D. for
52. A. Amazingly B. Disappointedly C. Surprisingly D. Unfortunately
53. A. but B. however C. therefore D. yet
54. A. different B. similar
C. much the same D. unlikely
55. A. Always B. Never C. Seldom D. Usually
56. A. adopt B. claim C. have D. take
57. A. book B. material C. newspaper D. stuff
58. A. assigned B. given C. fixed D. limited
59. A. how many B. how much C. the amount D. the quantity
60. A. Been read B. Reading C. To be reading D. To read
61. A. each B. first C. next D. all
62. A. as B. because C. since D. while
63. A. deduce B. decrease C. diminish D. develop
64. A. character B. nature C. quality D. style
65. A. alter B. change C. differ D. vary
Ⅳ. Paraphrase. (10%)
66. In this instance, he seemed to me ruled not by thought but by an invisible and irresistible
spring in the neck.
67. He possessed a brain, and since no one understood it when he used it, it was resented.
68. Most students are usually introduced to the study of history by the way of a fat textbook and
become quickly immersed in a vast sea of names, dates, events and statistics.
69. “…I’m a sculptor, not a demonstrator.”
70. And I thought it was a pity he was blind, for if men never touch each other, they’ll hurt each
other one day.
Ⅴ. Translate the following into English. (10%)
71. 学习文学不仅能帮你了解他人,还有助于你了解自己。
72. 你出生于什么样的家庭不重要,真正的考验是从你的起点你能走多远。
73. 因为疯牛病,那个国家的牛肉进口暂时停止了。
74. 诸葛亮装得十分镇静,把司马懿给骗了。司马懿不知道这座城其实是空城。
75. 第欧根尼斯常常像狗一样就在路边方便。
Ⅵ. Reading Comprehension. (10%)
Passage one
During your 20s, it seems that you can eat what you please and be sedentary without any iii
effect. Once you hit your 30s, if you continue your 20-something merrymaking, you turn into a
blob. Keep at it until 40 or 50, and you'll be a grumpy blob at high risk for many nasty diseases.
Luckily, there's a way to stay in shape after 30: walking. It's practical, and you can fit it into
your everyday routine.
Although walking is beneficial at any age, it's particularly sensible for women in their 30s,
40s and 50s. One reason: it's easy to start — and stick to a — walking program. Moreover, it's
easy on the joints. The impact is reduced by at least a third compared to running. Walking also
protects women from nearly all the chronic diseases that can come along during those years —and
Many women begin their 30s in complete control of their lives. Then come the babies, the
responsibilities, the extra pounds. Generally, women become a lot less active during their 30s.
That's when they tend to gain weight. Thus, 30 is an excellent time to start walking, if you haven't
already begun.
When you don't exercise, you burn fewer calories. Walking briskly not only burns calories
while you're hitting the pavement but also after you finish. Walk up to one hour a day, three or
four times a week, and strength train twice a week for 30 to 40 minutes.
Another benefit from walking is all-day energy. Physically fit people improve their body's
ability to use oxygen, and that translates into more energy. If you're fit, not only are you more
efficient at consuming oxygen while you're exercising, but you feel more energetic throughout the
During their 40s, most women face constant stress as they care for their family and make
important decisions about their own lives. To top it off, this is the time for women to think
seriously about preventing disease and loss of muscle mass. Walking helps with all these.
76. According to the passage people in their 20s are not likely to put on weight ________.
A. if they exercise and are careful about their diet
B. even though they are involved in little physical exercise
C. when they are careful about their diet
D. but they are at risk for many diseases
77. The purpose of this passage is ________.
A. to entertain women in their 30s
B. to alert the general public of the harm of chronic diseases
C. to inform women of the benefits of walking
D. to encourage walking as an effective means to reduce stress
78. Which of the following is NOT true about walking?
A. Walking helps prevent many diseases.
B. Walking inflicts more impact on the joints
C. Walking helps reduce stress.
D. Walking is easy to fit into everyday routine.
Passage two
Once open only to the rich, who could afford the dues of expensive Country clubs, tennis is
becoming more and more popular. Tennis courts are springing everywhere. There are indoor and
outdoor courts, and even courts on the roofs of skyscrapers. Sporting goods stores are doing a
booming business in tennis equipment. Tennis clothing has become an important item in the
fashion world.
Early in its history tennis was the sport of kings and, if one or two of those kings were still
ruling now, perhaps no one would be playing the game today. The French king Charles V loved to
play tennis, but he was very fat and must have been a comical sight on the tennis court. One day
he overheard two women laughing at him as he played, and he immediately banned the sport. In
England, Henry IV outlawed tennis because the church leaders of his time were outraged that
women wore less clothing when they played. For a time tennis playing was also outlawed in
79. Which of the following is NOT a sign of the current Tennis boom?
A. Now people can afford the dues of expensive country clubs.
B. Tennis courts are springing everywhere.
C. Tennis equipment sells very well. D. Tennis clothing is becoming a fashion item.
80. According to the passage, Tennis was once outlawed in ________ countries.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Ⅶ. Writing (15%)
How do you understand “friendship”?
I. Give synonyms and antonyms of the following.(每小题 0.5 分,共 10 分)
Part A Synonyms
1. barrier, obstacle 2. to fall/to tumble down 3. to destroy
4. to disappear 5. strangely 6. to desire for 7. to eliminate
8. to quit 9. weakness, fault, shortcoming 10. stupidity
Part B Antonyms
11. incoherent 12. physical 13. interested 14. pleasant
15. unsettled 16. infrequent 17. disintegration 18. incompetent
19. to create 20. to lag behind
Ⅱ. Put the most appropriate in the blanks.(每小题 1 分,共 30 分)
21. D 22. A 23. A 24. A 25. C
26. D 27. B 28. D 29. A 30. A
31. C 32. D 33. D 34. A 35. A
36. D 37. C 38. C 39. C 40. A
41. A 42. A 43. D 44. B 45. B
46. B 47. C 48. C 49. B 50. D
Ⅲ. Cloze. (每小题 1 分,共 15 分)
51. D 52. C 53. B 54. A 55. D
56. C 57. B 58. B 59. B 60. D
61. A 62. A 63. B 64. B 65. D
Ⅳ. Paraphrase. (每小题 2 分,共 10 分)(略)
Ⅴ. Translate the following into English. (每小题 2 分,共 10 分)(略)
Ⅵ. Reading Comprehension. (每小题 2 分,共 10 分)
76. B 77. C 78. B 79. A 80. C
Ⅶ. Writing (共 15 分) (略)
I. Reading Comprehension (30%)
Directions: There are 3 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or
unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked(A),(B)
you should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet
Passage One
Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:
In the early1600’s, a group known as the Separatists lived in England. They were people who
wanted to worship God, study the Bible and pray, but the English laws did not allow them to
worship as they desired. They were hunted down, beaten, and locked up.
Eventually, they heard about freedom of religion in Holland, and planned to escape. After much
hardship, they were allowed to leave England.
Now called Pilgrims, they lived in Holland for 12 years, but left because they couldn’t stand
the hard life, and couldn’t work their own trades. They wanted to find a Kingdom of God for their
posterity (后代) to practice religion freely. So they hired the Speedwell and the Mayflower to
carry them across the Atlantic to a new land in America.
The Speedwell had many leaks and had to turn back. The Mayflower took in their passengers,
making a total of over a month, they sent men to find the perfect place for them to build their
colony. When they finally found a place, they called it Plymouth. Right away they started building
homes, knowing winter was near.
Unfortunately, a violent storm hit when the houses were not yet finished. The Pilgrims were
forced to stay on the cramped (狭窄的) Mayflower for their first winter in the new world. When
this winter was over, over half of them had died.
The Pilgrims eventually made a good friend who helped them. His name was Squanto. He
showed them where fish swam, how to hunt deer, and how to plant corn.
Squanto was a Native American who was kidnapped (绑架) earlier in his life and taken to
England. This is why he was able to communicate with the Pilgrims.
With the help of the Native Americans, there was plenty for everyone to eat that first summer,
and also plenty to last for the next winter.
The Pilgrims has so much to be thankful for. They gave thanks for good friends, new homes,
freedom of religion, and plenty of food in a three-day celebration with their Native American
Today we continue the celebration of the Pilgrims and the Native Americans, and call it
1. The Separatists left England in pursuit of __________.
A) wealth
B) adventure
C) an easier life
D) religious freedom
2. The Pilgrims spend their first winter ___________.
A) in their newly finished houses
B) on the ship that carried them across the Atlantic
C) celebrating their newly-won freedom
D) making friends with the native people
3. The Pilgrims learnt to adapt to the new environment _______
A) with the help of the natives
B) by imitating the Native Americans
C) by trial and error
D) by learning from their earlier experience in Holland
4. How did the Pilgrims get along with the Native Americans?
A) They were hostile to each other.
B) They kept a distance from each other.
C) They were very friendly to each other.
D) They learned from each other.
5. What is the central idea of this passage?
A) The origin of Thanksgiving.
B) Religious Freedom.
C) Early English settlements in America.
D) Hardships experienced by the Pilgrims.
Passage Two
Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:
Recently, one of my best friends Jennie, with whom I have shared just about everything since
the first day of kindergarten, spent the weekend with me. Since I moved to a new town several
years ago,we have both always looked forward to the few times a year when we can see each
Over the weekend, we spent hours and hours, staying up late into the night, talking about the
people she was hanging around with. She started telling me stories about her new boy friend,
about how he experimented with drugs and was into other self-destructive behavior. I was blown
away! She told me how she had been lying to her parents about where she was going and even
stealing out to see this guy because they didn’t want her around him. No matter how hard I tried to
tell her that she deserved better, she didn’t believe me. Her self-respect seemed to have
I tried to convince her that she was ruining her future and heading for big trouble. I felt like I
was getting nowhere. I just couldn’t believe that she really thought it was acceptable to hang with
a bunch of losers, especially her boy friend.
By the time she left, I was really worried about her and exhausted by the experience. It had
been so frustrating that I had come close to telling her several times during the weekend that
maybe we had just grown too far apart to continue our friendship, but I didn’t. I put the power of
friendship to the ultimate test. We’d been friends for far too long. I had to hope that she valued me
enough to know that I was trying to save her from hurting herself. I wanted to believe that or
friendship could conquer anything.
A few days later, she called to say that she had thought long and heard about our
conversation, and then she told me that she had broken up with her boy friend. I just listened on
the other end of the phone with tears of joy running down my face. It was one of the truly
rewarding moments in my life. Never had I been so proud of a friend.
6. What word best sums up Jennie’s boy friend?
A) A drug user.
B) A loser.
C) A trouble maker.
D) A criminal.
7. What was the attitude of Jennie’s parents towards her relationship with her boy friend?
A) They were rather tolerant.
B) They were indifferent to it.
C) They thought their daughter deserved a better friend.
D) They did not allow her to continue it.
8. How did the author react to Jennie’s relationship with her boy friend?
A) She tried her best to dissuade Jennie from continuing it.
B) She threatened to break up with Jennies if her advice was ignored.
She was overcome with pride that Jennie told her about her boy friend.
D) She was very angry with Jennie for choosing such a friend.
9. How did the author feel when Jennie told her she had broken up with her boy friend?
A) She felt relieved.
B) She felt happy and proud.
C) She felt frustrated and angry.
D) She felt exhausted.
10. What message does the author try to convey in this passage?
A) The power of true friendship can conquer anything.
B) Young people should be careful in choosing their friends.
C) Parents should take good care of their children.
D) Drugs can destroy innocent young people.
Passage Three
Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:
As a century of grand retailing comes to a close, the 94-year-old “merchant prince of
Texas”—who turned Neiman Marcus from a small specialty shop into one of the world’s major
retail stores—says department stores today must recreate themselves if they are to survive.
Marcus is worried that customer service is being ignored. He considers home shopping
net-works “a step above snake oil peddlers (沿街叫买的小贩).” And despite all the advantages he
sees in selling over the Internet, he says it is no substitute or a good salesperson.
Today, as head of his own Dallas consultancy (咨询) firm, Marcus is moving into the next
century advocating (提倡) the same philosophy he held throughout the 20th century: focus on
quality and service, and sales will take care of themselves.
“I’ve always believed that quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten,” says
Marcus, who still makes regular visits to the flagship Neiman Marcus store in downtown Dallas,
where he looks over new fashion lines, examines the latest fine imported luggage and greets
young salespeople eager to talk with him. “The price of a great meal disappears from the memory,
but the price of a bad one will be remembered for years. If you force a bad buy on a customer, he
will never forgive you.”
Marcus puts much of the blame on business schools for what he sees as a lack of quality — and
vitality — in department stores. He says the schools are turning out graduates who are excellent
money managers and cost cutters, but who lack the skills that helped make the great stores like
Macy’s, and his own, into retailing legends. The MBA programs do not teach principles of selling,
principles of human understanding, principles of leadership speaking, which, he believes, is the
most important thing.
“I do not want ‘trained’ salespeople. The word training is the most terrible word. You train
dogs and bears to do repetitive action. But with people, you educate them, because no amount of
training takes the place of experience that enables them to answer all the questions that customers
will ask.”
11. What is the problem with department stores today?
A) Neglect of customer service.
B) Excessive running costs.
C) Fierce challenge from the home shopping network.
D) Uncompetitive prices.
12. In Marcus’s view, good salespeople ___________.
A) will soon be replaced by the Internet
B) can compete with peddlers
C) ensure the success of a retailing business
D) have recreated department stores
13. Which of the following is likely to be long remembered?
A) Good service.
The price of a bad buy.
C) The price of a good buy.
D) Good quality.
14. What is the problem with MBA programs?
A) Failure to teach principles of human understanding.
B) Too much emphasis on cost cutting.
C) Lack of vitality.
D) Neglect of strict training.
15. What is the major difference between training and educating according to Marcus?
A) Training is applied to animals while educating is applied to humans.
B) Training is a terrible word while educating is a wonderful one.
C) Training enables the trainee to imitate while educating enriches his experience.
D) Training is aimed at action while educating is aimed at answering questions.
II. Vocabulary and Structure (40%)
Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four
choices marked A), B), C) and D). choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the
corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet
16. The aircraft base is protected with specially designed shelters which are built to
_________ground and air attacks.
A launch
B withstand
C contest
D contend
17. I’m pleased to hear of your job offer _ all that hard work at school has obviously
A paid off
B taken its toll
C made difference
D shown up
18. The talks might ________ for weeks before any concrete result is announced.
A press on
B drag on
C get bogged down
D hold out
19. We need someone really-____________who can organize the office and make it run smoothly.
A crucial
B realistic
C essential
D efficient
20. Once Mrs. Kirkpatrick __________ you in conversation, you’re stuck with her for at least half
an hour.
A submerges
B engages
C occupies
D launches
21. Their refusal to compromise is a major ___________ that stands in the way of further peace
A obstacle
B complication
C entity
D hazard
22. However, the new law, once passed, will ___________ the Bridlington agreement illegal by
giving workers the right to join unions of their choice.
A convert B render
C cancel
D eliminate
23. I will hold you personally ______________if anything goes wrong in this project.
A destructive
B lucrative
C diverse
D responsible
24. The intelligence department was accused of failure to ________ the troops to the possibility of
an enemy attack during the weekend.
A instruct
B warn
C dictate
D alert
25. Now that we’ve got a loan from the back, our project is financially ___________.
A constructive
B feasible
C favorable
D stiff
26. Under normal circumstances the body can ___________ these naturally occurring substances
into vitamins.
A convert
B render
C derive
D originate
27. This course focuses on the __________ of economic analysis to the problems of inflation,
unemployment, the balance of payments and enterprise behavior.
A conception
B combination
C application
D introduction
28. The camps are to usually tent-type camps. They are mostly long-established, __________
structures, often with strange Indian names.
A permanent B historical
C monotonous
D raw
29. ___________ students should be motivated by a keen interest in theatre and should have some
familiarity with plays in production.
A prospective
B responsible
C ethnic
D realistic
30. AIDS activists permanently changed and shortened America’s __________ process for testing
and approving new drugs of all kinds, for all diseases.
A efficient
B stagnant
C intricate
D appropriate
31. The doctor ___________ Billy’s operation with x-rays and special exercise to make him
A went after
B followed up
C started up
D took on
32. People from different cultures have different_____ of the world.
A impressions
B complications
C foundations
D conceptions
33. Don’t let his criticism ____________you; he belongs to the kind of people who take delight in
finding faults with others’ work.
A discourage
B concern
C dictate
D paralyze
34. The mayor promised to trim the city budget without cutting ____________services.
A essential
B appropriate
C equivalent
D lucrative
35. This disease ____________ in Africa but has now spread to many parts of the world.
A derived B originated
C sparkled
D dwelled
III. Writing (30%)
Direction: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled Asking for
Leave of Absence. You should write at least 120 words according to the following guidelines:
Your name and role : Sam , a sophomore in English Class Two
Your Foreign Teacher’s name : Ms. Alice
Incident: you cannot come to her class for some reason
Task: write her a note , asking for leave of absence
I. Reading Comprehension (每小题 2 分,共 30 分)
1 D
2 B
3 A
4 C
5 A
6 B
7 D
8 A
9 B
10 A
11 A
12 C
13 B
14 A
15 C
II .Vocabulary and Structure (每小题 2 分,共 40 分)
161 B
17 A
18 B
19 D
20 B
21 A
22 B
23 D
24 D
25 B
26 A
27 C
28 A
29 A
30 C
31 B
32 D
33 A
34 A
35 B
VI. Writing(共 30 分)
I. Listening Comprehension (30%)
Section A
Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a
question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken
only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four
choices marked A), B),C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the
corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
1.A) The storm took a heavy toll of the lives and property of the fishermen.
B) The speakers thanked the meteorologists for their help.
C) The fishermen got back safe and sound.
D) The fishing boats didn’t set sail because of the bad weather.
2. A) Cars that drive themselves will be very expensive.
B) The woman is planning to buy an intelligent car.
C) The man is working with some engineers on intelligent cars.
D) Most people do not like driving to work.
3.A) They’re the only tickets to a well-paid job.
B) They don’t help much in getting a good job.
C) They’re essential in getting promoted.
D) They don’t make much difference as far as the pay is concerned.
4.A) Sacramento is a city inhabited by racial minorities.
B) There is no racial tension in Sacramento.
C) Non-white Americans will outnumber white Americans in 60 years’ time.
D) Americans will live in perfect racial harmony 60 years from now.
5.A) He should look professional and knowledgeable about high technology.
B) He should pay special attention to his personal appearance.
C) He should wear a business suit rather than casual clothes.
D) He should make the interviewer aware of his professional qualities.
6.A) People should do everything possible to prevent it.
B) It will cause a lot of disasters for human beings.
C) People should move to cold, dry regions of the world.
D) It may offer people some opportunities, too.
7.A) She’s waiting for someone.
B) She’s enjoying her coffee.
C) She’s having a chat with the man.
D) She’s inviting the man to sit down.
8.A) The woman is good at writing poetry.
B) The man is complimenting the woman.
C) The woman dislikes the man.
D) The man is a horrible insensitive person.
9.A) He often plays golf.
B) He is going to slow down.
C) He always woks hard.
D) He is living in poverty.
10.A) She strives for fame.
B) She is very famous.
C) She does a lot of thinking.
D) She lives a very hard life.
Section B
Directions: In this section you will hear one long dialogue. At the end of the dialogue, you will
hear some questions. Both the dialogue and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear
a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D). Then
mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
Questions 11 to 13 are based on the dialogue you have just heard.
11.A) The economy is slowing down.
B) She may not be able to finish college.
C) She may be not able to find a job after college.
D) The tax is going to be raised.
12.A) It is on the verge of bankruptcy.
B) It is improving steadily.
C) It has experienced a rapid increase in its sales.
D) It is going downhill fast.
13.A) She will join the man’s company.
B) She will start her own business.
C) She will stay in her parents’ house.
D) She will try to find a job.
Section C
Directions: In this section you will hear two short passages. At the end of each passage, you will
hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear
a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D). Then
mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
Passage One
Questions 14 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.
14. A) Nuclear reactors.
B) Fuel cells.
C) Gasoline.
D) Hydrogen.
15. A) It is clean.
B) It is cheap.
C) It produces water.
D) It is safe.
16. A) They will be made of new materials.
B) Luxury cars will become the standard.
C) They will cost a lot more money.
D) They will not arrive all in one piece.
17. A) Traditional cars will disappear from the roads.
B) High-tech cars will coexist with old vehicles.
C) The cost of a car will be much lower than today.
D) All kinds of new technologies will make it into our garages.
Passage Two
Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.
18.A) She was very kind towards the students.
B) She had racial prejudices.
C) She had a high sense of responsibility.
D) She did not trust some of the teachers.
19.A) To compliment her on her achievements.
B) To test her personality.
C) To give her a copy of the examination paper.
D) To make inquiries about an accident.
20.A) She took her fists and started punching her.
B) She smiled her thanks and backed off.
C) She boiled over with anger and refused her request.
D) She decided to quit the school.
II. Reading Comprehension (40%)
Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or
unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You
should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a
single line through the center.
Passage One
Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:
The growing importance of airpower in World War II, combined with its sensitivity to
weather, led to an ever greater military reliance on accurate forecasts. Knowing the weather was of
vital concern to combat commanders of that war.
As much an art as it is science, predicting the weather is dependent on the accurate tracking
of weather phenomena, particularly storm fronts, from the areas where they originate. Though
meteorologists(气象学家) of the 1940s had none of the weather tracking satellites which make
that job so much simpler today, they were still able to generate usably accurate forecasts as much
as 72 hours in advance-as long as they could get the data they needed.
The need for that data gave birth to one of the most interesting and unique campaigns of the
Second World War, the interesting and unique campaigns of the Second World War, the so-called
“Weather War.” Although it was not a war of major commands and
of troops, ships, or aircraft, it had an important impact on the fighting in the Atlantic and
European Theatres. It was the weather data secured by this campaign which enabled the planning
and execution of such critical operations as the Allied landings at Normandy and the entire
strategic bombing campaign against Hitler’s empire.
The Weather War began with the German invasion of Denmark and Norway in April 1940.
prior to that, those nations allowed their arctic weather stations to report the weather in the clear so
all countries could use the information. Germany’s occupation of much of Scandinavia gave
Berlin a monopoly(垄断) over arctic weather data-a development the Allies could not allow.
The British, in fact, began planning to seize the weather stations even as the campaign for
Norway progressed. Of course, the Germans had plans for those same stations too, but Allied
dominance over the sea, coupled with the unexpectedly high German naval losses in the
Norwegian invasion, allowed Britain to score the first successes. But the weather itself proved the
most serious obstacle to the start of the Weather War’s operations, delaying the first moves until
August. In fact, throughout the Weather War, both sides found the elements a more formidable(可
怕的) foe than the enemy.
21. We learn from the passage that the commanders on both sides of the war attached great
importance to ________.
A) airpower
B) weather forecasts
C) dominance over the sea
D) operations in Normandy
22. We can infer from the passage that meteorologists today ________.
A) rely on satellites to track storm fronts
B) can generate accurate forecasts 72 hours in advance
C) have a much simpler job than in the past
D) regard weather forecast as science rather than an art
23. Which of the following statements is true of the Weather War?
A) It involved large numbers of ships and aircraft.
B) It contributed greatly to Allied victory.
C) It started long before the German invasion of Scandinavia.
D) It was fought by a small group of meteorologists.
24. Before April 1940, arctic weather data _______.
A) were monopolized by Germany
B) were shared by Denmark and Norway
C) were not regarded as important by both sides in the war
D) could be accessed by all countries
25. In the Weather War, the British found _________.
A) the Germans were hard to conquer
B) they were ill prepared
C) weather itself presented the greatest obstacle
D) delaying the operations allowed their foe to score the first success
Passage Two
Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:
Gray clouds move as low as smoke over the treetops at Lolo Pass. The ground is white. The
day is June 10.It has been Snowing for the past four days in the Bitterroot Mountains. Wayne
Fairchild is getting worried about our trek over the Lolo Trail-95 miles from Lolo Montana to
Weippe in Idaho, across some of the roughest country in the West. Lewis and Clark were nearly
defeated 200 years ago by snowstorms on the Lolo. Today Fairchild is nervously checking the
weather reports. He has agreed to take me across the toughest, middle section of the trail-“but with
this weather?”
When Leweis climbed atop Lemhi Pass,140 miles south of Missoula, on Aug.12,1805, he
was astonished by what was in front of him:“immense ranges of high mountains still to the West
of us with their tops partially covered with snow.” existed, with peaks twice as high as anything in
the Appalachians back East. Lewis and Clark weren’t merely off the map; they were traveling
outside the American imagination.
Today their pathway through those mountains holds more attraction than any other ground
over which they traveled, for its raw wilderness is a testimony to the character of two cultures: the
explorers who braved its hardships and the Native Americans who prize and conserve the path as a
sacred(神圣的) gift. It remains today in virtually the same condition as when Lewis and Clark
walked it.
The Lolo is passable only from July to mid-September. Our luck is holding with the weather,
although the snow keeps getting deeper. As we climb to Indian Post Office, the highest point on
the trail at 7,033 ft., the drifts are 15ft. and up . We have covered 13 miles in soft snow, and we
barely have enough energy to make dinner. After a meal of chicken and couscous, I sit on a rock
on top of the ridge. There is no light visible in any direction, not even another campfire. For four
days we do not see another human being. We are isolated in a way that mixes fear with joy. In our
imagination we have finally caught up with Lewes and Clark.
26. We learn from the passage that before 1805 ________.
A) no Americans knew of the existence of the Rocky Mountains.
B) There were no people living in the western part of America C) No one ever imagined going
west to the Pacific Ocean
D) The Appalachians were the western frontier of the United States.
27. Judging from the context, the word “trek”( para 1) is closest in meaning to _______.
A) a lonely walk in isolated country
B) a long, hard journey over rough terrain
C) a tough climb up high mountains
D) a journey over un-traveled pathways
28. We learn from the passage that the Lolo Pass_______.
A) remains much as it was 200 years ago
B) has changed a lot since 1805
C) now attracts large numbers of tourists
D) is the meeting point of two cultures
29. Judging from the context, Lewis and Clark were most probably_______.
A) two native Indians
B) explorers of the early 19th century
C) merchants who did business with the Indians
D) travelers whose curiosity took them over the Lolo Pass
30. We can infer from the passage that in crossing the Lolo Pass the author _______.
A) was following the trail of Lewis and Clark
B) was trying to set a world record
C) was attempting the impossible
D) was gambling with weather and taking unnecessary risks
Passage Three
Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:
In November, 1969, I was working for the federal government in Champaign, Illinois, where
I was a security guard at their Nike Hercules Missile Base. The base, located on Lake Shore Drive
near Chicago, was surrounded by water and rock-filled banks. It was my job to check all the guard
points, making sure the base was secure.
When I arrived late one afternoon at the security office for my shift, I noticed a warning
posted on the boards: large parts of the fencing on the west side of the lake had been cut and not
yet repaired. I immediately called my supervisor Colonel Stabler in Champaign to report the
problem.In response, Colonel Stabler told to act as a sentinel relief man and double-check all
stations. As each guard reported in I would re-walk the area to see if the guard had missed
As night came on, there was a misty rain, and the fog from the lake began forming a heavy
cloud around the area, limiting vision to a few feet. At 11:45 p.m., one of the guards reported
another section of the fence cut on the west side of the base. I immediately fastened on my pistol
and headed for the area. When I arrived, a ghostly object startled me, moving along the shoreline.
Then a loud splash sounded in the water.
In a virtual panic, I locked and loaded my weapon. In the next instant, a white figure
suddenly loomed up from the lake shore. “A ghost!” I thought. I was so upset and scared, I
couldn’t scream, and my gun slipped from my lifeless fingers. As I stood frozen in my tracks, the
phantom moved steadily closer, signaling for me to approach. When it approached within a few
feet, I bolted, fleeing the area as fast as I could run.
When I got back to the security post, I dialed the lake patrol with shaking hands, demanding
that they search the area. Shortly afterward, they captured an escaped mental patient who admitted
walking through the area. Under questioning, the man claimed he was a ghost from the past. In his
escape, he had fitted a large bed sheet over his body, cutting crude holes for his eyes and mouth.
Still a bit shaky, I called the mental institution to confirm the man’s escape, and directed the
security team to escort him back.
When I reported the incident to Colonel Stabler the next day, he said, ‘Larry, there’s a show
on tonight you should go and see.” I said, “what show?” He said, laughing, “Casper, the friendly
ghost.” From that day on ward, whenever the colonel called, he would ask, “Is Casper the friendly
ghost busy?”
31. What was Colonel Stabler’s instructions to the narrator of the story?
A) He should re-walk areas where the fencing bad been cut.
B) He was to double-check the stations of sentinels who went off.
C) He should check all the guard points before the guard went off duty.
D) He was to repair those parts of the fencing that had been cut.
32. What happened close to midnight?
A) The narrator fastened on his pistol and headed for the shore of the lake.
B) A ghostly object emerged from the waters of the lake.
C) A heavy fog formed around the missile base limiting the vision of the guards.
D) The narrator was told that another section of the fence had been cut.
33. When the narrator saw the white figure motioning him to approach, _______.
A) he became upset and was scared to death
B) he froze in his tracks and dropped the pistol in his hand
C) he took to his feet and ran off as fast as he could
D) he locked and loaded the weapon in his hand
34. The lake patrol finally captured __________.
A) a person who had escaped from prison
B) a person who was mentally ill
C) a person who was pretending to be a ghost
D) a person who said he was Casper, the ghost
35. The author intended this story to be ________.
A) funny
B) serious
C) tragic
D) sad
Passage Four
Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:
Exercise is one of the few factors with a positive role in long-term maintenance of body
weight. Unfortunately, that message has not gotten through to the average American, who would
rather try switching to "light" beer and low-calorie bread than increase physical exertion. The
Centers for Disease Control, for example, found that fewer than one-fourth of overweight adults
who were trying to shed pounds said they were combining exercise with their diet.
In rejecting exercise, some people may be discouraged too much by caloric-expenditure charts;
for example, one would have to briskly walk three miles just to work off the 275 calories in one
delicious Danish pastry (小甜饼). Even exercise professionals concede half a point here.
"Exercise by itself is a very tough way to lose weight," says York Onnen, program director of the
President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports.
Still, exercise's supporting role in weight reduction is vital. A study at the Boston University
Medical Center of overweight police officers and other public employees confirmed that those
who dieted without exercise regained almost all their old weight,
If you have been sedentary (极少活动的) and decide to start walking one mile a day, the
added exercise could burn an extra 100 calories daily. In a year's time, assuming no increase in
food intake, you could lose ten pounds. By increasing the distance of your walks gradually and
making other dietary adjustments, you may lose even more weight.
36. What is said about the average American in the passage?
A) They usually ignore the effect of exercise on losing weight.
B) They prefer "light" beer and low-calorie bread to other drinks and food.
C) They know the factors that play a positive role in keeping down body weight.
D) They tend to exaggerate the healthful effect of "light" beer.
37. Some people dislike exercise because
A) they find it hard to exercise while on a diet
B) they don't think it possible to walk 3 miles every day
C) they think it is physically exhausting
D) they find consulting caloric-expenditure charts troublesome
38. "Even exercise professionals concede half a point here" (Para.2) means "They
A) are not fully convinced that dieting can help maintain one's new weight
B) agree that the calories in a small piece of pastry can be difficult to work off by exercise
C) are not sufficiently informed of the positive role of exercise in losing weight
D) partially believe diet plays a supporting role in weight reduction
39. What was confirmed by the Boston University Medical Center's study?
A) Weight reduction is impossible without exercise.
B) Even occasional exercise can help reduce weight.
C) Controlling one's calorie intake is more important than doing exercise.
D) One could lose ten pounds in a year's time if there's no increase in food intake.
40. What is the author's purpose in writing this article?
A) To stress the importance of maintaining proper weight.
B) To support the statement made by York Onnen.
D) To show the most effective way to lose weight.
D) To justify the study of the Boston University Medical Center.
III. Vocabulary and Structure (20%)
Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four
choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark
the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
41. “Have you any _________plans for your future now that you’ve completed your graduate
A) decisive
B) exact
C) precise
D) definite
42. Anyone caught ________an offense will be punished.
A) committing
B)conducting C) executing
D) performing
43. There is scientific evidence to support out __________ that being surrounded by plants is good
for health.
A) perception B) instinct C) conception D) implication
44. The Israeli troops _________ by launching a bombing attack
on the Palestinian-controlled areas.
A) had a crack B) took a toll C) took revenge D) followed up
45. He should ________ what he’s good at, and not switch to something he knows nothing about.
A) take on B) stick to C) go after D) live on
46. To be ________ with you, I think you’re making a dreadful mistake by refusing to cooperate.
A) candid
B) pertinent C) mild
D) vivid
47. There are still some ________ for students of science and engineering, but those in arts and
humanities have been filled.
A) positions B) vacancies C) categories D) applications
48. The plants are in a(n) ________ plastic box, so the children can observe how the roots grow
with time.
appropriate B)intricate C)transparent D)waterproof
49. The United Nations was supposed to ________ the role of global peace-keeper.
A) contend
B) nurture C) carve
D) undertake
50. People under a lot of ________ may experience headaches, minor pains and sleeping
A) stress
B) exposure C) endurance D) endeavor
51. As he walked out of the court, he was _________ with frustration and rage.
A) applauding B) quivering C) paralyzing D) limping
52. AIDS activists permanently changed and shortened America’s ________ process for testing
and approving new drugs of all kinds, for all diseases.
A) efficient
B) stagnant C) intricate D) appropriate
53. Some of the tunnels in the cliff are natural, some were ________ out.
A) carved
B) pried
C) penetrated D) decorated
54. The doctor ________ Billy’s operation with x-rays and
special exercises to make him stronger.
A)went after B)followed up C)started up D) took on
55.Pwople from different cultures have different _________ of the world.
impressions B)complications C)foundations D)conceptions
56. Don’t let his criticism ________ you; he belongs to the kind of people who take delight in
finding fault with others’ work.
A) discourage
B) concern
C) dictate
D) paralyze
57. The survey found 80 percent of viewers were ________ by the violent scenes in the film.
A) eliminated
B) alerted
C) offended
D) discouraged
58. The mayor promised to trim the city budget without cutting ________ services.
A) essential
B)appropriate C) equivalent D) lucrative
59. In today’s working world the roles of men and women are becoming _________.
A) dwarfed
B)incorporated C) correlated D) blurred
60. This disease _________ in Africa but has now spread to many parts of the world.
A) derived
B) originated C) sparkled
D) dwelled
IV. Writing (10%)
Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write an eye-witness account of a
traffic accident. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in
1. 车祸发生的时间及地点
2. 你所见到的车祸情况
3. 你对车祸原因的分析
An Eye-Witness Account of a Traffic Accident
I. Listening Comprehension (30% 每题 1.5 分)
II. Reading Comprehension (40% 每题 2 分)
III. Vocabulary and Structure (20% 每题 1 分)
IV. Writing (10%)(略)
I. Listening 30%
Section A
Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a
question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken
only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four
choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the
corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.
1. A) Studying Chinese civilization
B) Speeding his summer vacation
C) Visiting the Great Wall and the Summer Palace
D) Teaching English
2. A) Keep up with the time
B) Speed her time on the important things
C) Slow down the pace of her life
D) Pay attention to her health
3. A) An old got lost when picking mushrooms.
B) People who commit cruel acts will be sent to prison
C) Some cruel people beat a dog badly
D) An old lady found her lost dog in the woods
4. A) He is a novelist
B) He writes instruction books for terrorists
C) He is full of crazy ideas.
D) He planned a suicide attack with a Boeing 747
5. A) Respectful
B) Contemptuous
C) Liberal
D) Friendly
6. A) It’s interesting work
B) It’s dirty work
C) It’s unpleasant work
D) It’s meaningful work
7. A) He never gets angry
B) He tries to release some anger before it explodes
C) He is incapable of controlling his anger
D) He prevents himself from showing anger
8. A) The man is unwilling to confess his sins
B) The man used to smoke cigarettes while writing
C) The man thinks smoking is an awful habit
D) The man’s wife allows him to drink alcohol but not to smoke
A) He isn’t satisfied with his progress
B) He wants to move up more quickly than he’s presently doing.
C) He has advanced quickly enough in his career.
D) He feels frustrated as he moves up the ladder
10. A) He is nearing retirement age
B) He wants to pursue politics as a career
C) He is going to quit politics to take better care of his family
D) He is tired with politics
Section B
Directions: In this section you will hear one long dialogue. At the end of the dialogue, you will
hear some questions. Both the dialogue and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear
a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).
Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.
Questions 11-13 are based on the dialogue you have just heard
11. A) The economy is slowing down
B) She may not be able to finish college
C) She may be not able to find a job after college
D) The tax is going to be raised
12. A) It is on the verge of bankruptcy
B) It is improving steadily
C) It has experienced a rapid increase in its sales
D) It is going downhill fast
13. A) She will join the man’s company
B) She will start her own business
C) She will stay in her parents’ house
D) She will try to find a job
Section C
Directions: In this section you will hear two short passages. At the end of each passage, you will
hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear
a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).
Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.
Passage One
Questions 14-17 are based on the passage you have just heard.
14. A) Nuclear reactors
B) Fuel cells
C) Gasoline
D) Hydrogen
15. A) It is clean
B) It is cheap
C) It products water
D) It is safe
16. A) They will be made of new materials
B) Luxury cars will become the standard
C) They will cost a lot more money
D) They will not arrive all in one piece
17. A) Traditional cars will disappear from the roads
B) High-tech cars will coexist with old vehicles
C) The cost of a car will be much lower than today
D) All kinds of new technologies will make it into our garages
Passage Two
Questions 18-20 are based on the passage you have just heard.
18. A) She was very kind towards the students
B) She had racial prejudices
C) She had a high sense of responsibility
D) She did not trust some of the teachers
19. A) To compliment her on her achievements
B) To test her personally
C) To give her a copy of the examination paper
D) To make inquiries about an accident
20. A) She took her firsts and started punching her
B) She smiled her thanks and backed off
C) She boiled over with anger and refused her request
D) She decided to quit the school
II. Reading 40%
Passage One
In communities north of Denver, residents are pitching in to help teachers and administrators
as the Vrain school District tries to solve a $13.8 million budget shortage blamed on
mismanagement. ”We’re worried about our teachers and principals, and we really don’t want to
lose them because of this,” one parent sail. “If we can help ease their financial burden, we will. ”
Teachers are grateful, but know it may be years before the district is solvent(有综合能力的).
They feel really good about the parent support, but they realize it’s impossible for then to solve
this problem.
The 22,000-student district discovered the shortage last month. “It’s extraordinary. Nobody
would have imagined something happening like this at this level,” said State Treasurer Mike
Coffman and district officials last week agreed on a state emergency plan freeing yp a $9.8
million loan that enabled the payroll(工资单) to be met for 2,700 teachers and staff in time for the
District officials also took $1.7 million from student-activity accounts its 38schools.
At Coffman’s request, the District Attorney has begun investigating the district’s finances.
Coffman says he wants to know whether district officials hid the budget shortage until after the
November election., when voters approved a $212 million bond issue for schools.
In Frederick, students’ parents are buying classroom supplies and offering to pay for
groceries and utilities to keep first-year teachers and principals in their jobs.
Some $36,000 has been raised in donations from Safeway. A Chevrolet dealership donated
$10,000 and forgave the district’s $10,750 bill for renting the driver educating cars. IBM
contributed 4,500 packs of paper.
“We employ thousands of people in this community,” said Mitch Carson, a hospital chief
executive, who helped raise funds. “We have children in the school, and we see how they could be
At Creek High School, three students started a website that displays newspaper articles,
district information and an email forum(论坛)。 “Rumors about what’s happening to the district
are moving at lighting speed,” said a student. “We wanted to know the truth, and spread that
around instead.”
21.What has happened to the Vrain School District?
A) A huge financial problem has arisen.
B) Many schools there are mismanaged.
C) Lots of teachers in the district are planning to quit.
D) Many administrative personnel have been laid off.
22 .How did the residents in the Vrain School District respond to the budget shortage?
A) They felt somewhat helpless about it.
B) They accused those responsible for it.
C) They pooled their efforts to help solve it.
D) They demanded a through investigation.
23.In the view of State Treasurer Mike Coffman, the educational budget shortage is_________.
A) unavoidable
B) unthinkable
C) insolvable
D) irreversible
24.Why did Coffman request an investigation?
A)To see if there was a deliberate cover-up of the problem.
B)To find out the extent of the consequences of the case.
C)To make sure that the school principals were innocent.
D)To stop the voters approving the $212 million bong issue.
25.Three high school students started a website in order to__________.
A) attract greater public attention to their needs
B) appeal to the public for contributions and donations
C) expose officials who neglected their duties
D) keep people properly informed of the crisis
Passage Two
The interview is an important event in the job-hunting process, because the 20-30 minutes
you spend with the interviewer may determine whether or not you get the particular job you want.
Therefore, it is important to remember that your objective during the interviewer may differ
from the objective of the potential employer. You want to make yourself stand out as a whole
person who has personal strengths, is well qualified, and should be considered the right person for
the job. It is encouraging to know that the interviewer’s task is not to embarrass you or to trip you
up, but to hire the right person for the job.
Remember, job hunting is very competitive. Anything you can do to enhance your interview
techniques will be to your advantage. The following suggestions may help you land the most
important job.
Your goal in this interview is to make sure your good points get across. The interviewer
won’t know them unless you point them out, so try to do this in a factual and sincere manner.
Do not make slighting references to former employers or professors .I f you have been fired
from a job and the interviewer asks about it, be frank in your answer. Show the interviewer that
you are interested in then company by asking relevant questions. Ask about responsibilities,
working conditions, promotion opportunities and fringe benefits(附加福利) of the job you are
interviewing for.
If at some point you decide the interview is not going well, do not let your discouragement
show. You have nothing to lose by continuing a show of confidence, and you may have much to
gain. It may be real, or it may be a test to see how you react to adverse conditions.
Some interviewers may bring up salary early in the interview. At this time, you may indicate
that you are more interested in a job where you can prove yourself than a specific salary. This
politely passes the question back to the interviewer. If the interviewer continues to press, give hem
a range or suggest the going rate for a particular job. If possible, you should negotiate for salary
after you have been offered a job and when you are ready to complete the paperwork.
26. To get the job you want, during the interview you should_______
A) avoid the interviewer’s questions that are designed to trip you up
B) remember that you are the best qualified candidate
C) make yourself stand out as the right person for the job
D) keep in mind that it determines whether or not you get the particular job you want
27. If you did not get along with your former employer, you ________
A) should tell the interviewer frankly
B) should not speak ill of him
C) should refer to him in a factual manner
D) should never mention it
28. When you find the interview is not going well you should________
A) keep up your confidence
B) bring it to an end as soon as possible
C) tell you interviewer how you react to adverse conditions
D)tell yourself you have much to gain and nothing to lose
29. The best time to discuss your salary is_______
A) when you have been offered the job
B) at the end of the interview
C) after you have completed the paperwork
D) when the interviewer brings this matter up
30. The most important thing to do during an interview is______
A) to make your strengths understood
B) to show your intense interest in the job you are applying for
C) to be frank and sincere
D) to be natural and confident
Passage Three
Has the quick pace of modern living gotten you down? Has your life grown too complicated?
Has the quest for more money and more excitement become an obsession(强迫症) Surveys show
that a lot of Americans are feeling overwhelmed by their responsibilities. In their wild search for
fulfillment, they’ve gotten themselves into situations in which they feel like they’re on a
treadmill(踏车) and can’t get off.
Among many couples, both husband and wife work because they claim they have to make
ends meet. Granted, in this society with its wide difference of income, it often takes two
breadwinners in a family to survive. But in other cases, what people are really saying is that they
have to pay for the luxuries to which they’ve grown accustomed- the extravagant vacations, boats,
new cars, brand name clothes, expensive houses, costly memberships in the golf club, the motor
But as Paul reminds us in the Bible, we didn’t bring anything into this world, and we won’t
take anything with us when we leave. People who want to be rich fall into all sorts of traps and
temptations. They are caught by foolish and harmful desires that drag them down.
Many of us pride ourselves on never having an idle moment. Yet when there is no time for
quiet, there is no time for the soul to grow. The man who talks through the countryside sees much
more than the one who runs.
The British philosopher BERTRAND Russell said once, “A certain power of enduring boredom is
essential to a happy life.” He pointed out that the lives of most great men have not been exciting
except German philosopher, never got more than ten miles from his home in Konigsberg in
Prussia. Darwin, after going around the world, spent the rest of his life in his own house. Socrates
would mainly just take a walk in the afternoon and meet a few friends along the way. Jesus,
according to the Bible, never left the confines of tiny Palestine.
A happy life, said Russell, must be to a great extent a quiet life “for it is only in an
atmosphere of quiet that true joy can live.”
31. According to the author, in many families, both husband and wife work because_
A) they want to make ends meet
B) they want to live an extravagant life
C) they are overwhelmed by responsibilities
D) they are obsessed with work
32. By quoting Paul in the Bible, the author means
A) foolish desires plunge men into ruin and destruction
B) people should be content with simple living
C) pursuit of money is contrary to human nature
D) rich people will not be happy
33. By saying “The man who walks through the countryside sees much more than the one who
runs”, the author means
A) one should idle through one’s life
B) one should leave some time for thinking
C) one should walk rather than run if he wants to enjoy the country scenery
D) one should balance work with leisure
34. According to Bertrand Russell, if one wants to be happy,
A) he should not get excited except in a rare moments
B) he should not travel widely
C) he should live a quiet life
D) he should live in the confines of his native town
35. We can infer from the passage that the quick pace of modern life
A) has left many people depressed
B) has provided many people with great excitement
C) has given many people the opportunity for self-fulfillment
D) has resulted in a rapid increase in psychological illnesses
Passage Four
Long after the 1998 World Cup was won, disappointed fans were still cursing the disputed
refereeing (裁判) decisions that denied victory to their team. A researcher was appointed to study
the performance of some top referees.
The researcher organized an experimental tournament (锦标赛) involving four youth teams.
Each match lasted an hour, divided into three periods of 20 minutes during which different
referees were in charge.
Observers noted down the referees' errors, of which there were 61 over the tournament.
Converted to a standard match of 90 minutes, each referee made almost 23 mistakes, a remarkably
high number.
The researcher then studied the videotapes to analyze the matches in detail. Surprisingly, he
found that errors were more likely when the referees were close to the incident. When the officials
got it right, they were, on average, 17 meters away from the action. The average distance in the
case of errors was 12 meters. The research shows the optimum (最佳的) distance is about 20
There also seemed to be an optimum speed. Correct decisions came when the referees were
moving at a speed of about 2 meters per second. The average speed for errors was 4 meters per
If FIFA, football's international ruling body, wants to improve the standard of refereeing at the
next World Cup, it should encourage referees to keep their eyes on the action from a distance,
rather than rushing to keep up with the ball, the researcher argues.
He also says that FIFA's insistence that referees should retire at age 45 may be misguided. If
keeping up with the action is not so important, their physical condition is less critical.
36. The experiment conducted by the researcher was meant to _______.
A) review the decisions of referees at the 1998 World Cup
B) analyze the causes of errors made by football referees
C) set a standard for football refereeing
37. The number of refereeing errors in the experimental matches was _______.
A) slightly above average B) higher than in the 1998 World Cup
C) quite unexpected
D) as high as in a standard match
38. The findings of the experiment show that _______.
A) errors are more likely when a referee keeps close to the ball
B) the farther the referee is from the incident, the fewer the errors
C) the more slowly the referee runs, the more likely will errors occur
D) errors are less likely when a referee stays in one spot
39. The word "officials" (Line 2, Para. 4) most probably refers to _______.
A) the researchers involved in the experiment
B) the inspectors of the football tournament
C) the referees of the football tournament
D) the observers at the site of the experiment
40. What is one of the possible conclusions of the experiment?
A) The ideal retirement age for an experienced football referee is 45.
B) Age should not be the chief consideration in choosing a football referee.
C) A football referee should be as young and energetic as possible.
D)An experienced football referee can do well even when in poor physical condition.
III. Vocabulary and Structure 20%
Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four
choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark
the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
41. Now that we’ve got a loan from the bank, our project is financially
A) constructive
B) feasible
C) favorable D) stiff
42. Under normal circumstances the body can
these naturally occurring substances
into vitamins.
A) convert
D) originate
43. You can
the video camera on a tripod, so that you don’t have to worry about
holding it steady while you ask questions.
A) withstand
B) mount
C) implement D) dwell
students should be motivated by a keen interest in theatre and should have some
familiarity with plays in production.
A) Prospective
B) Responsible
C) Ethnic
D) Realistic
45. As a reporter, I was paid to
into other people’s lives.
A) pry
B) convert
C) blurt
D) carve
46. As he walked out of the court, he was
with frustration and rage
A) applauding
B) quivering
C) paralyzing D) limping
47. Some of the tunnels in the cliff are natural, some were
A) carve
B) pried
C) penetrated
D) decorated
48. The doctor
Billy’s operation with X-rays and special exercises to make him stronger.
A) went after
B) followed up
C) started up
D) took on
49. Don’t let his criticism
you; he belongs to the kind of people who take delight in
finding fault with others’ work.
A) discourage
B) concern
C) dictate
D) paralyze
50. The survey found 80 percent of viewers were
by the violent scenes in the film.
A) eliminated
B) alerted
C) offended D) discouraged
51. “Have you any
plans for your future now that you’ve completed your graduate studies?”
A) decisive
B) exact
C) precise
D) definite
52. Anyone caught
an offense will be punished.
A) committing
B) conducting
C) executing
D) performing
53. He should
what he’s good at, and not switch to something he knows nothing about.
A) take on
B) stick to
C) go after
D) live on
54. To be
with you, I think you’re making a dreadful mistake by refusing to cooperate.
A) candid
B) pertinent
C) mild
D) vivid
55. People under a lot of
may experience headaches, minor pains and sleeping difficulties.
A) stress
B) exposure
C) endurance
D) endeavor
56. His total worldly possessions
little more than the clothes he stood up in.
A) amounted to
B) settled for
C) turned up
D) came at
57. Many social problems are caused by the uneven
of wealth.
A) equality
B) justice
C) distribution
D) volume
58. The number 30 on a road sign
that the speed limit is 30 miles an hour.
A) signifies
B) forecasts C) illumines
D) characterizes
59. The weather wasn’t favorable and both teams had to
icy rain and a strong wind
during the match.
A) pin down
B) contend with
C) get stuck in
D) take control of
60. The consumer
in recent years has led to an explosion of shopping center
development in big cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Canton.
A) summit
B) boom
C) pressure
D) volume
IV. Writing 10%
Direction: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled Visiting as a
Guide. You should write at least 120 words according to the following guidelines:
Your name and role : Jam , a guide
Leading a group to visit an interesting places
Writing down your schedule and its brief introduction of the place.
I. Listening 30% (每题 1.5 分 )
II. Reading 40%
(每题 2 分)
III. Vocabulary and Structure 20% (每题 1 分)
IV. Writing 10% (略)
I. Listening Comprehension (20 %)
Part A
Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 20 recorded
dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions
will be spoken only once.
Now the test will begin.
1. A) Tom thought the experiment was well done.
B)Tom finished the experiment last night.
C) Tom could not continue the experiment
D)Tom had expected the experiment to be easier.
2. A) Get some change from Jane
B) Use the woman's phone.
C) Go to look for a pay phone.
D) Pay for the phone call.
3. A) She is too busy to go.
B) She doesn't want to wait long.
C) She's willing to go swimming.
D) She enjoys the wonderful weather.
4. A) They go to the seaside.
B) They set off early.
C) They go sightseeing.
D) They wait for a fine day.
5. A)Wear a new dress.
B) Attend a party
C) Go shopping.
D) Make a silk dress.
6. A) In a car
B) On the street.
C) In a restaurant.
D) At home.
7. A) She wants to save money to buy a piano.
B) The present apartment is too expensive.
C) She can't put up with the noise.
D)She has found a job a neighboring area.
8. A) He didn't get the book he needed.
B) He had no idea where the book was.
C) The library is closed on weekends.
D) He was not allowed to check out the book.
9. A)Go on with the game.
B)Draw pictures on the computer.
C) Review his lessons.
D) Have a good rest.
10. A) He wants to get a new job.
B) He is asking the woman for help.
C) He has left the woman a good impression.
D) He enjoys letter writing.
Part B:
Directions: You will hear three dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will
have five seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each
question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have ten seconds to check your
answer to each question. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE.
Questions 11—13 are based on the following dialogue.
11. Why doesn’t the woman buy the book?
A. Because it’s too expensive to buy it.
B. Because she doesn’t need it.
C. Because she can’t buy it everywhere.
D. Because she has already got one.
12. Why does the man suggest that the woman read the book?
A. The professor had written it.
B. It is the major text for the course.
C. It contains new sociological evidence.
D. The student from last year liked it.
13. Why does the woman have problems getting the book from the library?
A. It wasn’t published recently.
B. It is in great demand.
C. It was sold out already.
D. It isn’t owned by the library.
Questions 14—17 are based on the following dialogue.
14. What is the woman looking for?
A. A free-time job.
B. A part-time job.
C. A well-paid job.
D. A comfortable job.
15. What is the woman’s major?
A. American literature.
B. English literature.
C. Teaching method.
D. Mathematics.
16. How does the woman feel about her new job?
A.Interesting. B. Boring. C. Inspiring. D. Challenging
17. How often will the woman correct the students’ assignment?
A. Once a week.
B. Once two weeks.
C. Once a month.
D. Once three weeks.
Questions 18—20 are based on the following dialogue.
18. Why did the woman’s family move to Oxford?
A. Because she was already ten.
B. Because she was Ms Peters.
C. Because she was born in Brighton.
D. Because her father got a new job there.
19. Where did the woman stay after she finished secondary school?
A. She went to business.
B. She stayed in London.
C. She stayed in Fendale.
D. She stayed in France.
10. What can be said about the woman?
A. She is a resident in Livepool.
B. She likes London better than Fendale.
C. She has stayed in several cities.
D. She is a marketing manager.
II. Reading Comprehension (40 %)
Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 4 tasks for you to fulfill. You should
read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.
Passage one
Questions 2l to 25 are based on the following passage:
Thousands of years ago, in the middle of an ocean, miles from the nearest island, an undersea
and spread wider and wider. In this way, an island rose up in the sea as time went on, hot
sun and cool rains made the rock split and break to pieces. Sea waves dashed against the rock. In
this way, soil and sand came into being.
Nothing lived on the naked soil. And then the wind and birds brought plant seeds, spiders and
other little creatures there. Only plants could grow first. Only they, in sunlight, could produce food
from the minerals of the soil, water and air. While many animals landed on the island, they could
find no food. A spider(蜘蛛) spun its web in vain, because there were no insects for its web to
catch. Insects couldn't stay until there were plants for them to eat. So plants had to be the pioneer
life on this new island.
21. The passage centers on _______ .
A) how an undersea volcano broke out
B) how an island rose up in the sea
C)how soil was formed on a new island
D)how life began on a volcano- produced island
22. According to the passage, the island got its first soil from_____.
A)sea waves
B)the sand brought by the wind
C)its own rock
D)cool rains
23. The word "naked" (in Para. 3) could be replaced by which of the following?
A)hidden B)new C)mysterious D)bare
24. The order of coming into being on the island is ______ .
A)soil, plants and animals
B)soil, little creatures and plants
C)soil, birds and plants
D)soil, human beings and animals
25. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A)Spiders were the first life that could live on the island.
B)The island, is far away from any piece of land.
C)Insects could not live on the island without plants
D)Plants were brought to the island by human beings
Passage two
Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:
The eight airlines of the One-world alliance ( 联盟 ) have joined forces to give world
travelers a simple way to plan and book a round-the-world journey. It’s called the One-world
Explorer program.
One-world Explorer is the perfect solution for a once-in-a-lifetime holiday or an extended
business trip. It’s a great way for you to explore the four corners of the earth in the safe hands of
the eight One-world airlines.
You can have hundreds of destinations to choose from, because the One-world network
covers the globe. And, as you travel around the world, you’ll have the support of 260,000 people
from all our airlines, who are devoted to the success of your journey, helping you make smooth
transfers and offering support all along the way.
The One-world goal is to make global travel easier and more rewarding for everyone of our
travelers. We try our best to make you feel at home, no matter how far from home your journey
may take you.
We can offer travelers benefits on a scale beyond the reach of our individual-net-works.
You’ll find more people and more information to guide you at every stage of your trip, making
transfers smoother and global travel less of a challenge.
26. One-world in the passage refers to
A) a travel agency
B) a union of airlines
C) a series of tourist attractions
D) the title of a flight program
27. The One-world Explorer program is said to be most suitable for those who
A) have been to the four corners of the earth
B) travel around the world on business
C) want to explore the eight airlines
D) need support all along the way
28. The advantage of the alliance lies in
A) its detailed travel information
B) its unique booking system
C) its longest business flights
D) its global service network
29. We can learn from the last paragraph that One-world
A) offers the lowest prices to its passengers
B) keeps passengers better informed of its operations
C) offers better services than any of its member airlines alone
D) is intended to make round-the-world trips more challenging
30. The purpose of the advertisement is to
A) promote a special flight program
B) recommend long distance flights
C) introduce different flights
D) describe an airlines group
Passage three
Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:
In ancient times the most important examinations were spoken, not written. In the schools of
ancient Greece and Rome , testing usually consisted of saying poetry aloud or giving speeches.
In the European universities of the Middle Ages, students who were working for advanced
degrees had to discuss questions in their field of study with people who had made a special study
of the subject. This custom exists today as part of the process of testing candidates for the doctor's
Generally, however, modern examinations are written. The written examination, where all
students are tested on the same question, was probably not known until the nineteenth century.
Perhaps it came into existence with the great increase in population and the development of
modern industry. A room full of candidates for a state examination, timed exactly by electric
clocks and carefully watched over by managers, resembles a group of workers at an automobile
factory. Generally, during examinations teachers and students are expected to act like machines.
One type of test is sometimes called an "objective" test. It is intended to deal with facts, not
personal opinions. To make up an objective test the teacher writes a series of questions, each of
which has only one correct answer. Along with each question the teacher writes the correct answer
and also three statements that look like correct answers to students who have not learned the
material properly.
31. In the Middle Ages students_________.
A) took objective tests
B) specialized in one subject
C) were timed by electric clocks
D) didn't have written exams
32. The main idea of paragraph 3 is that_________.
A) workers now take examination
B) the population has grown
C) there are only written exams
D) examinations are now written and timed
33. The kind of exams where students must select answers are_________.
A) personal
B) spoken
C) objective
D) written
34. Modern industry must have developed_________.
A) before the Middle Ages
B) around the 19th century
C) in Greece or Rome
D) machines to take tests
35. The written examination came into existence because of _________.
A) the great increase in population B) the development of modern industry
C) oral exams disappear
D) both A and B
Passage four
Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:
On November 19, 1863, Abraham Lincoln went to Gettysburg in Pennsylvania to speak at the
National Soldiers Cemetery. The Civil War was still going on. There was much criticism of
President Lincoln at the time. He was not at all popular. He had been invited to speak at
Gettysburg only out of politeness. The principal speaker was to be Edward Everett, a famous
statesman and speaker of the day. Everett was a handsome man and very popular everywhere.
It is said that Lincoln prepared his speech on the train while going to Gettysburg. Late that
night, alone in his hotel room and tired out, he again worked briefly on the speech. The next day
Everett spoke first. He spoke for an hour and 57 minutes. His speech was a perfect example of the
rich oratory (讲演术) of the day. Then Lincoln rose. The crowd of 15,000 people at first paid little
attention to him. He spoke for only nine minutes. At the end there was little applause. Lincoln
turned to a friend and remarked , "I have failed again." On the train back to Washington, he said
sadly, "That speech was a flat failure, and the people are disappointed."
Some newspapers at first criticized the speech. But little by little as people read the speech
they began to understand better. They began to appreciate its simplicity and its deep meaning. It
was a speech which only Abraham Lincoln could have made.
Today, every American school child learns Lincoln's Gettysburg Address by heart. Now
everyone thinks of it as one of the greatest speeches ever given in American history.
36. In 1863, Abraham Lincoln was_________.
A) very critical
B) unpopular
C) very popular
D) very courteous
37. Lincoln was invited to speak at the National Soldiers Cemetery because he
A) a famous speaker
B) a very handsome man
C) President of the country
D) a popular statesman
38. It can be inferred from the text that_________.
A) Lincoln prepared his speech very carefully before he went to Gettysburg
B) Lincoln was very busy at the time and didn't have much time to prepare his speech
C) Lincoln's speech was full of rich words
D) Lincoln's speech was very long
39. It was a fact that Lincoln's speech was _________.
A)an immediate success
B)warmly applauded
C) a total failure
D) not well-received
40. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A) Lincoln's Gettysburg Address has deep meaning.
B) Lincoln's Gettysburg Address is simple in style.
C) Lincoln's Gettysburg Address is memorized by every American school child.
D) Lincoln's Gettysburg Address is the greatest speech ever delivered in the United States.
III. Vocabulary and Structure (15%)
Directions: In this part there are 30 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices
marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the
corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
41. He spent__________collecting materials for his article.
A) a half year
B) half year
C) half a year
D) half of a year
42. To succeed in a scientific experiment,__________
A) one needs being patient person
B) patience is to need
C) one needs to be patient
D) patience is what needed
43. English is used by more people than is__________language except Chinese.
A) any
B) any Other
C) other
D) all other
44. The dish__________terrible! I don't like it at all.
A) tastes
B) tasted C) will taste
D) is tasted
45. We consider __________the instrument be adjusted each time it is used
A) that it necessary
B) it necessary that
C) necessary that
D) necessary of it that
46. Sorry, officer. I__________at 80 miles but I didn't see any sign in the area telling people how
fast they can drive.
A. should not drive
B) shouldn't have driven
C) mustn't drive
D) can't drive
47. Why not__________Professor Li for help? He is kind-hearted and willing to help.
A) ask
B) you ask
C) to ask
D) your asking
48) It is not easy__________the answer to the difficult math problem.
A) to figure out
B) figuring out
C) figure out
D) being figured out
49. The tsunami (海啸)__________over 160, 000 people were killed was a terrible disaster for
human beings.
A) of that
B) among which
C) during that
D) in which
50. Take the medicine now. I believe it will__________your pain.
A) release
B) relive
C) reject
D) relieve
51. He spoke so quickly that I didn't _________ what he said.
A) make for
B) make sure
C) make over
D) make out
52. I wrote it down_________I should forget it.
A) in case
B) in case of
C) in order that
D) for fear of
53. She was _____ the top prize in the competition.
A)awarded B)rewarded C)received D)accepted
54. The chemical factory was demolished _________protecting the environment.
A) in spite of
B) in honor of
C) in favor of
D) in the name of
55. After a three-hour heated discussion, all the members in the jury reached the conclusions that
the man was_________ of murder.
A) criminal
B) charged
C) guilty
D) faulty
IV. Cloze (10%)
Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage, and for each blank there are 4 choices
marked A, B, C and D at the end of the passage. You should choose the ONE answer that best fits
into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on tire: Answer Sheet with a single line
through the center.
In every cultivated language there are two great classes of words, which makes up the whole
vocabulary. First, there are those words 56 which we become familiar in daily conversation,
which we 57 , that is to say, from the 58 of our own family and from our friends, and 59 we
should know and use 60 we could not read or write. They 61 the common things of life with
all the people who 62 the language. Such words may be called "popular", since they belong to
the people 63 and are not excluded 64 a limited class.
On the other hand, our language 65 a large number of words which are
comparatively 66 used in ordinary conversation. Their meanings are known to every educated
person, but there is little 67 to use them at home or in the market-place. Our 68 acquaintance
( 熟 悉 ) with them comes not from our mother's 69 or from the talk of our
schoolmates, 70 from books that we read, lectures that we 71 , or the more 72 conversation
of highly educated speakers who are discussing some particular 73 in a style properly higher
above the habitual 74 of everyday life. Such words are called "learned", and the 75 between
them and the "popular" words is of great importance to a right understanding of language study
56. A) at
B) with
C) by
D) through
57. A) study
B) imitate
C) stimulate
D) learn
58. A) mates
B) relatives
C) members
D) fellows
59. A) which
B) that
C) those
D) ones
60. A) even
B) despite
C) even if
D. in spite of
61. A) mind
B) concern
C) care
D) relate
62. A) hire
B) apply
C) adopt
D) use
63. A) in public
B) at most
C) at large
D) at best
64. A) in
B) from
C) with
D) on
65. A) consists
B) consists of
C) makes
D) composes
66. A) seldom
B) much
C) greatly
D) often
67. A) possibility
B) way
C) reason
D) necessity
68. A) primary
B) first
C) principal
D) prior
69. A) tips
B) mouth
C) ears
D) tongue
70. A) besides
B) and
C) yet
D) but
71. A) hear of
B) attend
C) hear from
D) listen
72. A) former
B) formula
C) formal
D) forward
73. A) theme
B) topic
C) idea
D) point
74. A) border
B) link
C) degree
D) extent
75. A) relation
B) distinction
C) connection
D) similarity
V. Writing (15%)
Directions: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter in reply to a friend’s inquiry
about your college. You should write at least 120 words according to the following guidelines:
1. the location of your college
2. the history of your college
3. the spots in your college
A Letter in Reply to a Friend
July 27th, 2007
I. Listening Comprehension 每题 1 分,共 20 分
6-10 BCACA
11-15 ABBBA
16-20 DBDBC
II. Reading Comprehension 每题 2 分,共 40 分
21-25 DCDAC
26-30 DBDBA
31-35 DDCBD
36-40 BCBDD
III. Vocabulary and Structure 每题 1 分,共 15 分
41-45 C C B A B
46-50 B A A D D
51-55 DAADC
IV. Cloze 每题 0.5 分,共 10 分
56~60B D C A A
61-62 B D B B B
66-70 A D C D D
71-75 B C B D B
IV. Writing
1. 本题满分为 15 分。按总体评分法打分。
2. 条理不清,语言错误多,且多为严重错误。3---5 分
基本切题,表达不清,语言错误较多。6----8 分
基本切题,表达较清,语言错误较少。9----10 分
切题,表达清楚,语言错误较少。11----12 分
切题,表达清楚,基本无语言错误,仅有个别小错。13----15 分
如未按书信规格完成,扣 3 分.
Tapescrips for listening
I. Listening Comprehension ( 20%)
Part A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 20
recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and
questions will be spoken only once.
Now the test will begin.
1. W: Hi, Tom. How did your experiment go yesterday?
M: Well, it wasn’t as easy as I had thought. I have to continue doing it tonight.
Q: what do we learn from the conversation?
2. M: hi, Jane. Do you have some change? I have to make a call on the pay phone.
W: Pay phone? Why not use my mobile phone? Here you are.
Q: What will the man most probably do?
3. M: Wonderful day, is not it? Want to join us for a swim?
W: if you don't mind waiting while I get prepared.
Q: what does the woman mean?
4. M: it seems that we will have another fine day tomorrow. Let’s go to the sea side.
W: ok, but we will have to leave very early, or else we will get caught in the traffic.
Q: what does the woman suggest?
5. W: I don't know what I am going to wear to the party. All of my clothes look so bad.
M: why don't you wear your black silk dress?
Q: what is the woman going to do?
6. W: oh, dear! I am starving. I can’t walk any farther.
M: let’s go to the restaurant across the street and get something to eat.
Q: where are the two people?
7. M: I hear you are moving into a new house soon.
W: yes. My present neighbor plays the piano all night long.
Q: why is the woman moving?
8. W: did you find the book in the library?
M: it closed before I got there.
Q: what does the man mean?
9. W: Mark is playing computer game.
M: should he do that when the final exam is drawing near?
Q: what does the man thing Mark should do?
10. M: I spent so much time polishing my letter of application.
W: it’s worthwhile to make the effort.
Q: what do we know about the man?
Part B:
Directions: You will hear three dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you
will have five seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer
each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have ten seconds to check your
answer to each question. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE.
Questions 11—13 are based on the following dialogue.
M: What’s that book you just picked up?
W: The sociology text Professor Smith uses in his course.
M: You had better read it if you want to pass the course. Smith swears by it.
W: But it costs 40 dollars. I simply can’t afford it.
M: Did you check the used book section here? Maybe they have it.
W: No, they don’t. I asked.
M: Why don’t you get it from the library?
W: Are you joking? I have been trying for months and it is always out. There are more than 45
students in the course and every single one wants the book.
M: Listen, you know my roommate, Henry, don’t you? He took the same course last year and I
believe he owns the book. I will ask him if he will lend it to you.
W: Oh, Tom, that would solve everything.
Questions 14—17 are based on the following dialogue.
W: Good morning, Professor James. I have come here to look for a part-time job this term. I
wonder whether you have any positions open.
M: Yes, as a matter of fact, I need a teaching assistant. What’s your major?
W: American literature.
M: Very good. Have you had any experience in teaching?
W: Yes, I had been a teacher of English for five years before I came here.
M: Perfect. Now can you help me correct the written work of my undergraduates?
W: I’d be happy to try. It would be very challenging, of course.
M: I should think so, but it’s good for you.
W: Yes. Altogether 50 students, and I’ll give them written assignments once every other week.
The schedule is up to you as long as you finish the correction before the new written work is
M: I think I can manage. What’s the pay, if I may ask?
W: $ 1250 a month.
M: All right. Thank a lot.
W: Sure thing. I look forward to working with you.
Questions 18—20 are based on the following dialogue.
M: Right. Your surname is Peters. P-E-T-E-R-S?
W: That’s right. Ruby Peters.
M: And when were you born, Ms Peters?
W: October 4th, 1975.
M: OK. Tell me something about yourself.
W: Well, I was born in Brighton and I lived there until I was nine. Then we moved to Oxford
because my father got a new job there.
M: Did you stay in Oxford for long?
W: Yes, I did, I stayed there until I left school—that is Fendale Secodary School—at 18.
M: What did you study at school?
W: I studied English, French and Economics.
M: And which college did you go to?
W: The London Business College, and I got a diploma in Marketing there.
M: A diploma in Marketing?
W: Yes, I thought that Marketing was an interesting subject.
M: Right. And after that? What did you do next? Did you stay in London?
W: No, I didn’t. I finished college in July, 1994. Then I got a job with a hotel group—the TFC
Hotel Group—in Liverpool, as a marketing assistant. That was in October, 1992. I worked in
the main office. I wrote publicity for the group. It was a nice job. I liked it. I left in October
1993 and came back to London.
M: I see. Why did you leave?
W: I didn’t want to stay in Liverpool. I wanted to stay in London.
I. Listening Comprehension ( 20%)
Part A:
Directions: In this section, you will hear ten short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one
question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answer---- A, B, C or D, then mark the
corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. You will have 15
seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE.
1. A. Monday
B. Tuesday
C. Wednesday
D. Thursday
2. A. He will become a teacher.
B. He will become a lawyer.
C. He will try a lot of jobs.
D. He has not decided yet.
3. A. Mary doesn’t know the way.
B. Mary will be late.
C. Mary is too far away.
D. She’ll send Mary away.
4. A. Leave the errors in the paper.
B. Let the woman use the typewriter.
C. Read the newspapers again.
D. Check the paper for mistakes.
5. A. $ 1,225
B. $ 270
C. $450
D. $ 495
6. A. Both the man and the woman like sports.
B. The woman jogs every day except it rains.
C. The man wants to lose weight.
D. Both the man and the woman want to keep fit.
7. A. Both speakers think half of the staff are efficient.
B. The man has an unfavorable opinion of the staff, but the woman does not.
C. Neither of them has a favorable opinion of the staff.
D. The woman is a restaurant manager herself.
8. A. A policeman.
B. A porter.
C. A customs officer.
D. A hotel clerk.
9. A. He doesn’t care if it is turned off.
B. He thinks the woman is right.
C. He is reluctant to turn it off.
D. He wants the woman to watch the game, too.
10. A. He thinks it is unbelievable.
B. He thinks it was too hard for Tom.
C. He thinks Tom worked too hard.
D. He thinks Tom was not given a chance.
Part B:
Directions: You will hear three dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will
have five seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each
question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have ten seconds to check your
answer to each question. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE.
Questions 11—13 are based on the dialogue you’ve just heard.
11. A. Because she was already ten.
B. Because she was Ms Peters.
C. Because she was born in Brighton.
D. Because her father got a new job there.
12. A. She went to business.
B. She stayed in London.
C. She stayed in Fendale.
D. She stayed in France.
13. A. She is a resident in Livepool.
B. She likes London better than Fendale.
C. She has stayed in several cities.
D. She is a marketing manager.
Questions 14—17 are based on the dialogue you’ve just heard.
14. A. A free-time job.
B. A part-time job.
C. A well-paid job.
D. A comfortable job.
15. A. American literature.
B. English literature.
C. Teaching method.
D. Mathematics.
16. A. Interesting. B. Boring. C. Inspiring. D. Challenging.
17. A. Once a week.
B. Once two weeks.
C. Once a month.
D. Once three weeks.
Questions 18—20 are based on the dialogue you’ve just heard.
18. A. Because it’s too expensive to buy it.
B. Because she doesn’t need it.
C. Because she can’t buy it everywhere.
D. Because she has already got one.
19. A. The professor had written it.
B. It is the major text for the course.
C. It contains new sociological evidence.
D. The student from last year liked it.
20. A. It wasn’t published recently.
B. It is in great demand.
C. It was sold out already.
D. It isn’t owned by the library.
II. Reading Comprehension (40%)
Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C
or D. Then mark the corresponding litter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the
Passage one
It was fifteen past nine as Marie hurried into the office building where she was going to work.
Her bus had inched along through heavy morning traffic,
making her a few minutes late for her very first job. She decided to start out half an hour earlier
the next day.
Once inside the lobby, she had to stand at the elevators and wait several minutes before she
could get on one going to the sixth floor. When she finally reached the office marked “Smith
Enterprises”, she knocked at the door nervously and waited. There was no reply. She tapped on the
door again, but still there was no answer. From inside the next office, she could hear the sound of
voices, so she opened the door and went in.
Although she was sure it was the same office she had been in two weeks before when she had
the interview with Mr. Smith, it looked quite different now. In fact, it hardly looked like an office
at all. The employees were just standing around chatting and smoking. In the front of the room,
somebody must have just told a good joke, she thought, because there was a loud burst of laughter
as she came in. for a moment she had thought they were laughing at her.
Then one of the men looked at his watch, clapped his hands and said something to the others.
Quickly they all went to their desks and, in a matter of seconds, everyone was hard at work. No
one paid any attention to Marie. Finally she went up to the man who was sitting at the desk nearest
to the door and explained that this was her first day in the office. Hardly looking up from his work,
he told her to have a seat and wait for Mr. Smith, who would arrive at any moment. Then Marie
realized that the day’s work in the office began just before Mr. Smith arrived. Later she found out
that he lived in Connecticut and came into Manhattan on the same train every morning, arriving in
the office at 9: 35, so that his staff knew exactly when to start working.
21. Marie felt nervous when she knocked at the door because______.
A. it was her first day in a new job
B. she was a little bit late for work
C. she was afraid that she had gone to the wrong place
D. there was no answer from inside the office
22. Marie could hardly recognize the office she went into as_______.
A. she had been there only once
B. Mr. Smith was not in the office
C. nobody was doing any work
D. the office had a new appearance
23. The people in the office suddenly started working because_________.
A. they saw a stranger in the office
B. their morning break was ended
C. no one wanted to talk to Marie
D. the boss was about to arrive
24. We can infer from the text that the employees of the enterprise________.
A. would start their work by listening to a joke
B. were cold to newcomers
C. were always punctual for work
D. lacked devotion to the company
25. The best title for this text would be__________.
A. Punctual like a Clock
B. A Cold Welcome
C. An Unpunctual Manager
D. Better Late than Never
Passage two
In 1954, a turning point in medical history, resulting from applied bionics, was the first “open
heart” surgery done in Minneapolis, Minnesota, by Dr. Lillehei’s techniques for the first time
allowed the patient to be operated on while blood was supplied to the patient from a donor. Today
“open heart” surgery, using more complicated methods and bionic devices, is common in the
United States.
Important technological advances such as those already mentioned have encouraged
scientists to develop the artificial heart. Early in 1983, in its first use by a human patient, a
medical team at the University of Utah Medical Center replaced the diseased heart by a Jarvik-7.
The world watched amazed as television pictures of Dr. Clark showed him as he improved
steadily after the surgery. His continued life demonstrated that a bionic device could imitate the
action and function of a healthy heart. Dr. Clark lived for 112 days.
Life-like or bionic machines have existed for several centuries. The development of tools by
man’s ancestors is a good example of the application of bionics to extend human capabilities.
Modern bionic research is especially involved in prosthetics devices that substitute for, or replace
lost or diseased body parts such as arms, legs, and eyes.
Recent advances in electronics have enabled scientists to make better use of electrical
impulses in the control of prosthetic devices. One interesting research project is the development
of an artificial eye in which video signals are transformed into light patterns that are sent into
nerve receptors in the patient.
The future for applied bionics seems to be promising. Existing bionic devices will become
smaller, faster, and more effective. The artificial heart used for Dr. Clark is only one of the
experimental replacement devices. It is likely to be joined in the future by replacement for other
internal systems or organs. Bionic livers, stomachs, and lungs are not impossibilities!
26. Which of the following does this passage mainly discuss?
A. The application of bionics.
B. The first “open heart” surgery.
C. The development of the artificial heart.
D. The future of applied bionics.
27. According to the passage, it was Dr. Lillehei that_____.
A. first developed applied bionics
B. was the first to operate on the heart of a patient
C. developed the artificial heart
D. used more sophisticated methods to do “open heart” surgery
28. By “Dr. Clark lived for 112 days”, the author most probably means that______.
A. the replacement of Dr. Clark’s heart was a failure
B. there was still a long way to go in applied bionics
C. applied bionics was promising
D. the first artificial heart was most effective
29. The control of artificial devices is improving because_________.
A. video signals can be transformed into light patterns
B. bionic machines have existed for centuries
C. artificial devices such as arms, legs and eyes require better control than bionic machines
D. science has made great advances in electronics
30. The author’s attitude towards applied bionic is_________.
A. critical
B. approving
C. objective
D. questioning
Passage three
Packaging is a very important form of advertising. A package can sometimes motivate people
to buy products. For example, a small child might ask for a breakfast food contained in a box with
a picture of a TV character. The child is more interested in the picture than in breakfast food.
Pictures for children to color or cut out, games printed on a package, or a small gift inside a box
also motivate many children to buy products—or to ask their parents to buy for them.
Some packages suggest that a buyer will get something for nothing. Food products sold in
reusable containers are examples of this. Although a similar product in a plain container might
cost less, people often prefer to buy the products in a reusable glass or dish, because they believe
the container is free. However, the cost of the container is added to the cost of product.
The size of a package also motivates a buyer. Maybe the package has “Economy Size” or
“Family Size” printed on it. This suggests that the larger size has the most product for the least
money. But that is not always true. To find it out, a buyer has to know how the product is sold and
the price of the basic unit.
The information on the package should provide some answers. But the important thing for any
buyer to remember is that a package is often an advertisement. The words and pictures do not tell
the whole story. Only the product inside can do that.
31. “A buy will get something for nothing” in Paragraph 2 most probably means that_______.
A. a buyer will not get what he pays for
B. a buyer will get more than what he pays for
C. a buyer will get something useful free of charge
D. a buyer will get more but pay less
32. From the passage we know the buyer pays more attention to______.
A. the size of a container
B. a container with attractive picture
C. a well-designed container
D. a plain container with low cost
33. What suggestion does the author give in the passage?
A. It’s not good to buy the product which is sold in a glass or dish.
B. The quality of a container has nothing to do with the quality of the product.
C. The best choice for a buyer is to buy a product in a plain package.
D. A buyer should buy what he needs most rather than a well-designed package.
34. Which of the following sentences is NOT true according to the passage?
A. In fact, glasses or dishes used for packaging do not cost money at all.
B. “Family Size” printed on the package means that it is rather economic.
C. To a child, even to an adult, the form is far more important than the content.
D. Words and pictures written on the package are thought to be an advetisement.
35. What is the best title for the passage?
A. How to Package a Product.
B. How to Make an Advertisement.
C. How to Sell Product.
D. How to Attract More Buyers.
Passage four
Recently, one of my best friends Jennie, with whom I have shared just about everything since
the first day of kindergarten, spent the weekend with me. Since I moved to a new town several
years ago, we have both always looked forward to the few times a year when we can see each
Over the weekend, we spent hours and hours, staying up late into the night, talking about the
people she was hanging around with. She started telling me stories about her new boy friend,
about how he experimented with drugs and was into other self-destructive behavior. I was blown
away! She told me how she had been lying to her parents about where she was going and even
stealing out to see this guy because they didn't want her around him. No matter how hard I tried to
tell her that she deserved better, she didn't believe me. Her self-respect seemed to have
I tried to convince her that she was ruining her future and heading for big trouble. I felt like I
was getting nowhere. I just couldn't believe that she really thought it was acceptable to hang with
a bunch of losers, especially her boy friend.
By the time she left, I was really worried about her and exhausted by the experience. It had
been so frustrating that I had come close to telling her several times during the weekend that
maybe we had just grown too far apart to continue our friendship, but I didn't. I put the power of
friendship to the ultimate test. We'd been friends for far too long. I had to hope that she valued me
enough to know that I was trying to save her from hurting herself. I wanted to believe that our
friendship could conquer anything.
A few days later, she called to say that she had thought long and hard about our conversation,
and then she told me that she had broken up with her boy friend. I just listened on the other end of
the phone with tears of joy running down my face. It was one of the truly rewarding moments in
my life. Never had I been so proud of a friend.
36. What word best sums up Jennie's boy friend?
A .trouble maker.
B. A loser.
C. A drug user.
D. A criminal.
37. What was the attitude of Jennie's parents towards her relationship with her boy friend?
A. They thought their daughter deserved a better friend.
B. They were indifferent to it.
C. They were rather tolerant.
D. They did not allow her to continue it.
38. How did the author react to Jennie's relationship with her boy friend?
A. She was overcome with pride that Jennie told her about her boy friend
B. She threatened to break up with Jennie if her advice was ignored.
C. She tried her best to dissuade Jennie from continuing it.
D. She was very angry with Jennie for choosing such a friend.
39. How did the author feel when Jennie told her she had broken up with her boy friend?
A. She felt frustrated and angry.
B. She felt happy and proud.
C. She felt relieved.
D. She felt exhausted.
40. What message does the author try to convey in this passage?
A. Parents should take good care of their children.
B. Young people should be careful in choosing their friends.
C. The power of true friendship can conquer anything.
D. Drugs can destroy innocent young people.
III. Vocabulary and Structure (15%)
Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this part .For each sentence there are four
choices marked A,B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then
mark the corresponding litter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
41. This report offered the most ______ and accurate information on the possible defects resulting
from cloning.
A. trivial
B. particular
C. specific D. wicked
42. The worsening of the country's economy could mean ______ public support for the ruling
A. fluttered
B. subtracted
C. crippled D. diminished
43. Henry stood by me when I most needed it. I'll always ______ that.
A. pledge
B. register
C. impress
D. appreciate
44. Grandma always paid attention to the needs, wishes and feelings of those around her. She was
the most ______woman I've ever known.
A. considerate B. merry
C. artificial
D. brilliant
45. Certainly in our society teachers don't enjoy the respect that is ______ to doctors and lawyers.
A. designated B. accorded C. rewarded D. transferred
46. The changes our city ______ in the past few years are little short of miraculous.
A. inherited
B. underwent C. catalogued D. furnished
47. He ______ the problem ______ in his mind for a whole week before he did anything about it.
A. turned ... over
B. kicked ... up
C. switched ... on
D. took ... on
48. Their heavy commitments do not allow them to ______ themselves ______ current affairs as
fully as they might wish.
A. switch ... on
B. immerse ... in
C. put... through
D. settle ... in
49. Japan's productivity has overtaken America's in some manufacturing industries, but elsewhere
the United States has ______ its lead.
A. rested on B. brought back C. taken up D. clung to
50. For convenience's sake, most couples in America have a ______ bank account instead of
separate accounts.
A. dual
B. handy
C. twin
D. joint
51. The woman is a ______ offender and has been arrested five times this year for shoplifting.
A. blunt
B. inevitable
C. persistent
D. dreary
52. Any excitement you have at starting a new job is always ______ with a certain amount of fear.
A. joined
B. dotted
C. mingled
D. scarred
53. The problem of poverty is particularly ______ in rural areas where one in three adults is
A. acute
B. significant
C. offensive
D. frail
54. If your monthly salary exceeds 10,000, you have to ______ 20% tax from the sum you
A. subtract B. repay
C. designate
D. snatch
55. We can do without carpets. I prefer ______ wooden floors throughout the house.
A. lean
B. bare
C. empty
D. primitive
IV. Cloze (10%)
Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage, For each blank there are four choices
marked A,B,C and D on the right side of the paper .You should choose the one that best fits into
the passage .
Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the
center . How do successful people think? What drives them? 56 , I interviewed some most
successful people. Here are some keys 57 success.
Don’t blame everyone from your parents to the government for your 58 to get ahead. If you
say someone or something outside of yourself is 59 you from succeeding, you 60 your
power. You admit someone or something else has more control 61
your life than you do.
Let me take a simple example. Given up by his parents 62 and labeled as a child of low
mentality, Brown had every reason to lose hope. But when a high school teacher told him “ 63
opinion of you does not have to become reality,” Brown realized that his future 64 his own
hands. He 65 and finally became a famous author and one of America’s top speakers.
The most successful people live life “on purpose”—they are doing 66 they should do.
Not living on purpose means 67 just a little effort to
68 the least amount of problems. But
when you live your life on purpose, your main 69 is doing the job right.
You’d better write a plan. Trying to achieve your goals without an action plan is 70 to
trying to drive from a city to another city without a map. The 71 time, energy and money will
probably make you feel 72 . Brian Tracy, one of America’s most successful authors 73 ,
“Goals that are not in writing are not goals 74 . With a written map in hand, however, you’ll
enjoy the trip and arrive at your 75 in the shortest possible time.”
56. A. Finding out B. To find out C. Being found
D. Having found
57. A. in
B. on
C. to
D. from
58. A. suspicion
B. detection
C. failure
D. fragment
59. A. prohibiting
B. preceding
C. presuming
D. preserving
60. A. assume
B. consume
C. distrust
D. dispose
61. A. under
B. over
C. via
D. beyond
62. A. at birth
B. by birth
C. of birth
D. to birth
63. A. Someone else
B. Someone else’s
C. Someone’s else
D. Someone elses’
64. A. laid in
B. lying in
C. lies in
D. lay in
65. A. went about
B. went all out
C. went up
D.went in for
66. A. that
B. thing
C. which
D. what
67. A. expending
B. expressing C. exhibiting D. exploiting
68. A. work out
B. clear up
C. deal with
D. put forward
69. A. concern
B. compound C. consent
D. contract
70. A. substantial
B. as
C. similar
D. likely
71. A. passed
B. wasted
C. spent
D. used
72. A. deliberate
B. delicate
C. disputed
D. depressed
73. A. compromised B. comprised C. claimed
D. classified
74. A. as well
B. all but
C. for all
D. at all
75. A. distribution
B. discount
C. division
D. destination
V. Writing (15%)
Directions: For this part, you are allowed to write a composition on the topic The Advantages of
Part-time Job. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:
1、 目前很多大学生都在做兼职工作。
2、 做兼职工作的好处。
3、 结论。
I. Listening Comprehension (每小题 1 分 共 20 分)
II. Reading Comprehension(每小题 2 分 共 40 分)
III.Vocabulary and Structure(每小题 1 分 共 15 分)
41---50 CDDAB
51---55 CCAAB
IV. Cloze (每小题 0.5 分 共 10 分)
V. Writing(15 分略)
2 分——条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎。 5 分——基本切题。表达思想不清
楚,连贯性差。大部分句子均有错误,切多数为严重错误。 8 分——基本切题。有些地
方表达思想不够清楚,文字勉强连贯;语言错误相当多,其中一些是严重错误。 11 分
——切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言错误。 14 分——切题。表达思想清
[白卷、作文与题目毫不相关,或只有几个孤立的词而无法表达思想,则给 0 分]
篇幅:120 字
达不到字数要求的,要酌情扣 1-5 分;
I. Listening Comprehension ( 20%)
Part A:
Directions: In this section, you will hear ten short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one
question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answer---- A, B, C or D, then mark the
corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. You will have 15
seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE.
Question 1:
W: Has the latest TIME magazine arrived? Today’s already Tuesday.
M: Sorry, it’s late. Maybe not until the day after tomorrow.
Q: When will the magazine be arrived?
Question 2:
M: What are you doing after graduation?
W: I’m not sure. I may be a teacher. But I want to do more than just teaching, maybe practise law.
How about you?
M: I don’t have any plans yet. Things change all so quickly. I’d rather wait and see.
Q: What is the man probably going to do after graduation?
Question 3:
M: Do you think Mary will get there in time?
W: Impossible!
Q: What does the woman mean?
Question 4:
W: Are you sure you’ve corrected all the typing errors in this paper?
M: Maybe I’d better read it through again.
Q: What’s the man going to do?
Question 5:
W: Hello. Slimming Club. Can I help you?
M: Yes. How much does it cost to join?
W: $ 1225 a year for a single membership, and $ 1270 for a family membership.
Q: How much will it cost the man to join the Club?
Question 6:
W: How’s your jogging coming along?
M: Perfect. I jog every day now except when it rains. How’re things with you?
W: Very well. Can you see I have lost several pounds?
Q: What can we learn from the conversation?
Question 7:
M: The service in this restaurant is too terrible.
W: Right. It is high time they got rid of half of the staff here, if you ask me.
Q: What conclusion can we draw from the conversation?
Question 8:
M: Is your baggage only these two bags, madam?
W: That’s right.
M: Have you anything to declare?
W: No. they are all my personal belongings.
Q: Who is the man?
Question 9
W: Do you mind if I turn the TV off?
M: Can you see the football match hasn’t finish yet?
W: But the baby is already in bed.
M: Oh, OK. You always get your way.
Q: What do we learn from the man’s reply?
Question 10:
W: Do you know? Tom failed to win that speech contest.
M: Did he? I thought for sure he would. He worked so hard on it.
W: Perhaps that’s why he lost. They thought he was simply reciting.
Q: How does the man feel about the result?
Part B:
Directions: You will hear three dialogues Before listening to each one, you will have five seconds
to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by
choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have ten seconds to check your answer to each
question. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE.
Dialogue 1:
M: Right. Your surname is Peters. P-E-T-E-R-S?
W: That’s right. Ruby Peters.
M: And when were you born, Ms Peters?
W: October 4th, 1975.
M: OK. Tell me something about yourself.
W: Well, I was born in Brighton and I lived there until I was nine. Then we moved to Oxford
because my father got a new job there.
M: Did you stay in Oxford for long?
W: Yes, I did, I stayed there until I left school—that is Fendale Secodary School—at 18.
M: What did you study at school?
W: I studied English, French and Economics.
M: And which college did you go to?
W: The London Business College, and I got a diploma in Marketing there.
M: A diploma in Marketing?
W: Yes, I thought that Marketing was an interesting subject.
M: Right. And after that? What did you do next? Did you stay in London?
W: No, I didn’t. I finished college in July, 1994. Then I got a job with a hotel group—the TFC
Hotel Group—in Liverpool, as a marketing assistant. That was in October, 1992. I worked in the
main office. I wrote publicity for the group. It was a nice job. I liked it. I left in October 1993 and
came back to London.
M: I see. Why did you leave?
W: I didn’t want to stay in Liverpool. I wanted to stay in London.
Questions 11—13 are based on the dialogue you’ve just heard.
11. Why did the woman’s family move to Oxford?
12. Where did the woman stay after she finished secondary school?
13. What can be said about the woman?
Dialogue 2:
W: Good morning, Professor James. I have come here to look for a part-time job this term. I
wonder whether you have any positions open.
M: Yes, as a matter of fact, I need a teaching assistant. What’s your major?
W: American literature.
M: Very good. Have you had any experience in teaching?
W: Yes, I had been a teacher of English for five years before I came here.
M: Perfect. Now can you help me correct the written work of my undergraduates?
W: I’d be happy to try. It would be very challenging, of course.
M: I should think so, but it’s good for you.
W: Yes. Altogether 50 students, and I’ll give them written assignments once every other week. The
schedule is up to you as long as you finish the correction before the new written work is assigned.
M: I think I can manage. What’s the pay, if I may ask?
W: $ 1250 a month.
M: All right. Thank a lot.
W: Sure thing. I look forward to working with you.
Questions 14—17 are based on the dialogue you’ve just heard.
14. What is the woman looking for?
15. What is the woman’s major?
16. How does the woman feel about her new job?
17. How often will the woman correct the students’ assignment?
Dialogue 3:
M: What’s that book you just picked up?
W: The sociology text Professor Smith uses in his course.
M: You had better read it if you want to pass the course. Smith swears by it.
W: But it costs 40 dollars. I simply can’t afford it.
M: Did you check the used book section here? Maybe they have it.
W: No, they don’t. I asked.
M: Why don’t you get it from the library?
W: Are you joking? I have been trying for months and it is always out. There are more than 45
students in the course and every single one wants the book.
M: Listen, you know my roommate, Henry, don’t you? He took the same course last year and I
believe he owns the book. I will ask him if he will lend it to you.
W: Oh, Tom, that would solve everything.
Questions 18—20 are based on the dialogue you’ve just heard.
18. Why doesn’t the woman buy the book?
19. Why does the man suggest that the woman read the book?
20. Why does the woman have problems getting the book from the library?
Ⅰ.Listening (20%)
Directions: Listen to the following 20 short conversations. Each question is followed by one
question. After you hear the question, and decide which one is the best answer.
1. A. They are divorced.
B. They are in trouble.
C. They get along well with each other.
D. They love each other very much.
2. A. She should have her spring dresses fitted.
B. She should sell the old clothes.
C. She should lose some weight before getting any new clothes.
D. She should know how much money she has before going shopping.
3. A. Robert is still living in the city.
B. Robert wants to leave his home.
C. Robert has been on the plantation for six years.
D. Robert moved to the city after living on a plantation.
4. A. The man’s friend has just got to his home.
B. They will never meet again.
C. They haven’t seen each other for a long time.
D. They have no ambitions now.
5. A. His wife was forced to invite his friend to their family party.
B. His wife was willing to invite his friend to their family party again.
C. In spite of her dislike for his friend, his wife still agreed to invite him to their family party.
D. His wife would leave home if his friend came to visit them.
6. A. He is not fit for his work.
B. He likes working for IBM.
C. It’s hard to remember his name.
D. He is very clever.
7. A. He is imaginative.
B. He is shy.
C. He is helpful.
D. He is talkative.
8. A. Their teachers.
B. Their children.
C. Their schoolmates.
D. Their friends.
9. A. She was lost.
B. She was no longer an upright, respectable and sensible woman.
C. We don’t know what happened to her.
D. She died recently.
10.A.They have been working.
B. They have been preparing for a party.
C. They have been studying.
D. They have been sightseeing.
11. A. The name of the film is too long to remember.
B. She has seen the film before.
C. She is fed up with such film.
D. She has forgotten its name for the time being.
12. A. Classical
B. Blues
C. Jazz
D. Rock ‘n’ roll
13. A. They were unhappy.
B. Chaplin was satisfied with his early marriages.
C. They were helpful to Chaplin’s career.
D. They lasted for a short time.
14. A. His last married life was happy.
B. His last marriage was not as happy as his early marriage.
C. He didn’t have a happy marriage all his life.
D. He didn’t need a wife at all.
15. A. It was well preserved for a long time.
B. It was stolen by some thieves.
C. It was ignored by ordinary people.
D. It was sold for money by his family members.
16. A. Go back to work under any circumstances.
B. Stay in bed for a few days.
C. Go back to school under any circumstances.
D. Stay in hospital for a few days.
17. A. Spend the money in the wallet.
B. Return the wallet to its owner.
C. Drive to the police station.
D. Give the money to a welfare client.
18. A. Wonderful
B. So-so
C. Terrible
D. Boring
19. A. A clerk in a shop.
B. A customer in a store.
C. A tourist guide.
D. A caseworker.
20. A. She wants to meet the man every fortnight.
B. She wants the man to direct the band.
C. She wants the man to attend the band.
D. She wants to learn violin from the man.
Ⅱ. Vocabulary(15%)
Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four
choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.
21.----Would you like _____ more?
----Yes , please. But just _____ more.
A. any ; a little B. some ; a little C. one ; few D. little ; a few
22.----Which of the two bags do you like better ?
----_____ , because they're old and small.
A. Both
B. None
C. Either
D. Neither
23. His bike is more expensive than _____.
B. my
C. mine
D. me
24.The doctor filled the bottle _____medicine.
A. for
B. with
C. in
D. of
25.As he was so tired he soon fell____.
A. sleep
B. slept
C. sleeping
D. asleep
26.How _____his daughter and son sang!
A. well
B. good
C. beautiful
D. better
27. I like P.E. ____all the other subjects. It is _____ interesting subject.
A. best ; the most B. best; more C. better than ;the more D. better than ; more
28. Neither I nor he ________to Beijing.
A. have gone
B. have been
C has gone
D. has been
29. I ____ an exercise-book if the shop _____.
A. buy ; is open B. will buy ; is open C. buy ; will be open D. will buy ; will be open
30.Do you know when _____again? When he ____, please phone me.
A. will he come ; will come B. will he come ; comes
C. he comes ; is coming
D. he will come ; comes
31.These students_____ to visit the new factory yesterday . It _____ last year.
A. asking ; built
B .asked ; was built C. were asked ; built D. were asked ; was built
32.Mr Chen told the students that he _____ ill for two weeks .
A. has been
B. had been
C .was
D. is
33.Bruce is in Sydney now. He _____there since two months ago.
A. was
B. went
C. has been D. had been
34.The teacher told the students to stop ____to him.
A. to talk and listen B. to talk and listening C. talking and listen D. talking and listening
35.----He is not a student of Class Two , is he ?
----- _____, I have never seen him before .
A. Yes , he is B. No , he isn't
C. Yes , he isn't D. No , he is
Ⅲ. Cloze (10%)
Directions: Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer from the four choices
Michel is a young girl who works for the police 36 a handwriting expert (专家). She has
helped 37 many criminals (罪犯) by using her special talents (天才).
When she was fourteen, Michel was already 38
interested in the differences in her friends’ 39
that she would spend hours 40
them. After 41 college she went to France for a 42
two-year class in handwriting at the School of Police Science.
Michel says that it is 43
for people at hide their handwriting. She can discover 44
of what
she needs to know simply 45
looking at the writing with her own eyes, 46 she also has
machines 47
help her make 48 different kinds of paper and ink. This knowledge is often 49
great help to the police.
Michel believes that handwriting is a good 50 of what kind of person the 51
is. "I
wouldn’t go out with a fellow 52 I didn’t like his handwriting. " She says. But she 53
fell in love with her future husband, a young policeman 54 she studied his handwriting. It is later
proved to be 55 , however.
36. A. with
B. by
C. like
D. as
37. A. search
B. follow
C. catch
D. judge
38. A. so
B. too
C. quite
D. extra
39. A. books
B. letter
C. tongues D. handwriting
40. A. writing
B. studying
C. settling D. uncovering
41. A. attending
B. finishing
C. starting D. stepping into
42. A. powerful
B. natural
C. special
D. common
43. A. main
B. safe
C. easy
D. impossible
44. A. most
B. nothing
C. little
D. sight
45. A. with
B. by
C. of
D. about
46. A. so
B. for
C. thus
D. but
47. A. they
B. in which
C. that
D. those
48. A. up
B. out
C. for
D. into
49. A. of
B. to
C. with
D. for
50. A. test
B. sign(标记)
C. means
D. habit(习惯)
51 A. thief
B. criminal
C. writer
D. policeman
52 A. whether
B. unless
C. if
D. after
53 A. adds
B. tells
C. repeats
D. cries
54. A. before
B. after
C. shyly
D. and
55. A. necessary
B. all right
C. important D. quite easy
Ⅳ. Reading (40%)
Directions: There are four passages. Read them carefully and choose the best answer from the four
choices given.
Passage one
LaShaun Wilson spent 10 years in the district’s welfare system raising four sons and a
daughter. Now she is moving into the workforce( 劳动力) and is celebrating one year of marriage.
Welfare rules played a role in her decisions, said the mother of five, who is part of a new trend of
welfare mothers who are marrying their partners. Before the 1996 welfare reform law,” the whole
system created an atmosphere of fear. You couldn’t say , ‘ I have a boyfriend or a partner to
marry,’ because it would put the benefits in danger,” Mrs. Wilson said recently in the offices of the
Institute for Responsible Fatherhood and Family Revitalization( IRFFR) , a group that works to
connect fragmented families and help parents find jobs.
When welfare reform came with work rules and a five-year time limit on federal benefits,
Mrs. Wilson said, she talked things over with a girlfriend who was also on welfare.
“ We said,’ What do we have to lose?’ Forget welfare, we can do this,” she said, adding that
her friend married shortly after she did.
Mrs. Wilson’s decision to marry went beyond welfare, though.
“ I decided to marry because I came into a greater consciousness of life and faith,” she said
carefully. “ Marriage is better than the stress of different relationships. And I got tired of all that
drama and nonsense.”
She is not alone in her decision to leave single motherhood for marriage, according to two
studies using different sets of data.
Welfare reform ,tougher child-support rules, the fatherhood (父权) movement and a strong
economy are all likely to play a role, he said, “ But , as with all social phenomena, the reasons for
the factors that are driving this change are complex.”
56.What drives LaShaun Wilson to make up her mind to end her single mother’s life?
A. New welfare rules and the change in her mind.
B. Marriage of her girlfriend.
C. New welfare rules and children—support rules.
D. Both A and B.
57.From the passage , we know that welfare reform aims at _______.
A. giving benefits to poor women.
B. Getting rid of anti-marriage policies.
C. Providing more jobs for women.
D. Getting more people off welfare system.
58.The word “ fear” ( Line 5, Para. 1) most probably refers to _______.
A. the fear living together with a man
B. the fear of the stress of different relationships
C. the fear of giving up one’s job.
D. the fear of losing benefits over a man in the house.
59.It can be inferred that before the welfare reform was carried out, ______.
A. marriage rates were very low among the poorest families.
B. Many women preferred single motherhood
C. Welfare rules encouraged two-parent families
D. Poor women found it hard to find ideal husbands
60.According to the passage, which statement is TRUE?
A. It was a trend for single mothers to get married before 1996.
B. Welfare women can enjoy federal benefits as long as they wished.
C. IRFFR intended to help welfare mothers to get more government aid.
D. Men were generally excluded from the welfare system.
Passage two
Student resolution often concerns time, and for good reason .The demands of college life are
many and varied. It seems there’s never enough time for everything. So, given the (24×60=) 1440
minutes each day, are there ways to be more productive ?
Lawyers often bill in six minute chunks (大块) — a tenth of an hour. How much can a scholar
accomplish in six minutes? The answer is not “nothing”. Consider a six-minute conversation with
someone who understands a concept that you”re struggling with, a six-minute dive into a
reference book, a six-minute… etc. Six minute is long enough to memorize a line of poetry, or
conquer at least part of a problem. None of these things alone will complete an assignment,
produce a thesis(论文)or construct a field of knowledge, but each sliver(小片) is a contribution.
What about so-called wasted time? Occasionally, students will complain about time spent on a
paper or project, especially in the early stages, as being wasted time, but probably it’s not. It may
seem like wasted time, but why not consider it spent time? Even the less productive hours are
likely to contribute to the more productive ones.
For the most [art, “wasted time” is a personal label applied as a censure on ourselves others.
What it means is that the labeler doesn’t value the way time is being spent. Some activities are
frequently cited as time-wasters by students and faculty alike: deleting — or reading —
unwanted e-mail, watching a television program out of habit instead of intention, and waiting in
lines. Sometimes, waiting in lines is particularly unpleasant because all those people in the front
who make complicated requests are causing further delays.
61.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “censure”(Line 1, Para.4)?
A. Strong criticism.
B. Comment.
C. Attitude.
D. Argument.
62. According to the passage, time is wasted when___________.
A. it is spent watching television
B. a person doesn’t consider the time spent is worthwhile
C. a person fails to complete an assignment the given time
D. all of the above
63.Students complain about time being spent on a paper in the early stages because__________.
A. it takes much time and effort to collect materials
B. it is comparatively longer than that spent in the last stage of writing a paper
C. they can’t finish the paper within this period of time
D. they don’t realize that the work in the early stages contributes to the final result
64.It can be inferred from the passage that__________
A. people can benefit from the work they do even within six minutes
B. people needn’t make preparations for a project because it is a waste of time
C. if people were given more time, they would be more successful
D. people are usually criticized for wasting time
65.The passage is mainly concerned with___________.
A. the importance of saving time
B. making the most use of time
C. how students manage their time
D. the disadvantaged of wasting time
Passage three
In the world ,soccer of football is the most popular sport. This is because many countries
have wonderful teams for the World Cup. The World Cup is held every four years.
To remember 2002 FIFA World Cup ,children from different countries and more than 60
children from Japanese schools came together and spent three weekends drawing a big picture
called “Dream(梦幻) World Cups ”in Japan .The children drew animals, flowers and people
playing soccer under a blue bright sky. They wished each football team good luck by drawing the
flags(旗帜)of all the countries that will take part in the World Cup in Japan and South Korea. The
picture was put up in a park near a playground in Yokohama .Some football teams will have
games there. Are you a football fan(迷)?The World Cup makes more and more people interested
in football Teenagers(青少年)like playing and watching football .
Many of them love some football stars so much that they get the pictures of their favorite
players on the walls of their rooms. That is the way to show their love for the World Cup as
children in Japan.
66.. If a country wants to take part in the World Cup ,she must have______.
A. Many football fans B. a very good team C. many football player D. a big playground
67. The next World Cup will be held in_______.
A. 2006
B. 2007
C. 2005
D. 2004
68. From the passage ,in the picture children drew many things except_________.
A. people playing football B. pictures of some football stars C. a sunny sky D. flowers
69. In “Dream World Cup ”,the children drew the flags of some countries______.
A. to show their love for their owe country
B. to tell the people their stories
C. to show their good wishes for the football teams
D. to show their new ideas about football
70 .Many teenagers owe the pictures of some football stars because______.
A. they are interested in football
B. they are football fans
C. they think their favorite players are great
D. all of A,B and C
Passage four
In 1826, a Frenchman named Niepce needed pictures for his business .But he was not a good
artist .So he invented a very simple camera (照相机).He put it in a window of his house and took
a picture of his garden .That was the first photo.
The next important date in the history of photography (摄影术) was in 1837. That year,
Daguere, another Frenchman , took a picture of his reading room .He used a new kind of camera
in a different way. In his picture you could see everything very clearly ,even the smallest thing.
This kind of photo was called a Daguerreotype.
Soon, other people began to use Daguerre’s way. Travelers brought back wonderful photos
from all around the world .people took picture of famous buildings, cities and mountains.
In about 1840, photography was developed . Then photographers could take picture of people
and moving things .That was not simple .The photographers had to carry a lot of film and other
machines. But this did not stop them , for example, some in the United States worked so hard.
Mathew Brady was a famous American photographers. He took many picture of great
people .The picture were unusual because they were very lifelike(栩栩如生的)
Photographers also became one kind of art by the end of the 19th century .Some photos were
not just copies of the real world .They showed and feelings, like other kinds of art.
71. The first photo taken by Niepce was a picture of ____________
A. his business
B. his house
C. his garden
D. his window
72. The Daguerre type was____________.
A. a Frenchman
B. a kind of picture
C. a kind of camera
D. a photographer
73. If a photographer wanted to take pictures of moving things in the year of 1840j, he had
A. watch lots of films
B. buy an expensive camera
C. stop in most cities
D. take many films and something else with him.
74. Mathew Brady______________.
A. was very lifelike
B. was famous for his unusual pictures
C. was quite strong
D. took many pictures of moving people
75. This passage tells us_____________.
A. how photography was developed
B. how to show your ideas and feelings in pictures
C. how to take pictures in the world
D. how to use different cameras
Ⅴ. Writing 15% ( 120 words)
My College Life
Ⅰ. Listening ( 30% )
1. A
2. C
3. A
4. C
7. D
Ⅱ. Vocabulary and Structure ( 15% )
22. D
23. C
27. C
36、D 37、C 38、A 39、D 40、B 41、B 42、C 43、D 44、A 45、B 46.、D 47.、C 48、B
49、A 50、B 51、C 52、C 53、A 54、A 55、B
Ⅳ. Reading ( 40% )
56. A
57. B
58. D
59. A
61. A
62. B
63. C
64. A
Ⅴ.Writing 15% (略)
2 分——条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,多数为严重错误。
5 分——基本切题。表达思想不清楚,连贯性差。有较多的语言错误。
8 分——基本切题。有些地方表达思想不够清楚,文字勉强连贯;语言错误相当多,其中有
11 分——切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言错误。
14 分——切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性较好。基本上无语言错误,仅有个别小
Tapescripts for listening
I. Listening Comprehension: 20%
Directions: Listen to the following 20 short conversations. Each conversation is followed by one
question. After you hear a question, there’ll be a break 15 seconds for you to choose the best
answer from the four choices given.
M: What’s your family like, Emma ?
W: Well, my parents are separated, but my father lives near us. My mother is a middle aged
woman. She works as a chemical engineer for a drug company.
Q: How do Emma’s parents get along?
1. W: I have to go downtown tomorrow morning to have my spring dresses fitted.
M: Don’t you have other clothes to wear?
W: No, none of them fit, and I can’t button up my dresses. I think I need some new clothes.
M: Maybe you should first think about doing more exercises and losing weight and then
worry about your new clothes.
Q: What does the suggest the woman do?
2. M: Robert talks a great deal about moving from his present home in New York to a plantation
in the South.
W: But that is the same thing he has been saying since he moved there six years ago.
Q: What can we learn from the conversation?
3. W: How long has your friend been at your home?
M: About 10 days.
W: Did he have a good time?
M: Yeah. It seemed as if he just got here when it was time for him to say good-bye.
W: It is certainly a pleasure to see him again and renew old memory.
M: Well, w talked about college days when we had been best friends, and when we used to
have so many ambitions.
Q: What can be learned about the man and his friend?
4. W: What happened to you? You look really happy.
M: My wife voluntarily proposed to invite my best friend to our family party.
W: Didn’t your wife like your friend?
M: No, at first she found him a terrible nuisance, but she has finally overcome her dislike for
Q: What does the man mean?
5. W: Do you know anything about Henry?
M: That name sounds familiar, but I’m not sure.
W: He’s from New Zealand. He works for IBM.
M: Have you spoken to him? What’s he like?
W: He seems to be a very nice man. He’s very friendly and he’s got good sense of humor.
Then say he’s a man of wit.
Q: What can be learned about Henry?
W: Peter is a quiet boy. He seldom says a thing.
M: Well, let me tell you. His brother Tom is just the opposite.
Q: What kind of a person is Tom?
M: Do you often see our fellow students?
W: I did for a while until I left university, but after that not really.
M: Yeah, I’ve lost touch with most people as well, but I still see Peggy occasionally.
W: Oh, yeah. How’s she getting on?
M: Ok, I suppose, but she’s had a rough time in the last few years. She got divorced.
Q: Whom do the man and the woman talk about ?
M: Did you hear Mrs. Baroda?
W: Yes, I did. She was an upright and respectable woman. She was also very sensible. It’s a
pity that the world has lost a great modern dancer.
Q: What happened to Mrs. Baroda?
M: You are very nice to me and I’ve had a delightful time. I really appreciate your inviting me
here and spending so much time showing me around.
W: Oh, it was fun for me ,too. It gave me a chance get away from routine and doing
something a little bit different.
Q: What have the speakers been doing together?
M: Are you sure you can’t remember the of the film?
W: It’s… it’s just on my tip of my tongue!
Q: What does the woman say about the film?
W: Oh, hey, can you turn that up a little?
M: Sure. Do you like music?
W: Oh, yes, of course.
M: What kind of music do you like?
W: All kinds, but my favorite is jazz, blues and rock’n’roll.
Q: Which of the following is not the woman’s favorite music?
W: Someone said that the two sides of Chaplin were reflected in his films.
M: What were the two sides?
W: On the one hand, he had a deep need to be loved, but on the other hand, he had a
corresponding fear of being betrayed.
M: Were the two hard to combine?
W: Yeah, and sometimes__ as in his early marriages__ the collision between them resulted in
disaster. Yet even his painfully_ bought self-knowledge found its way into his comic creations.
The Tramp never loses his faith in the flower girl who’ll be waiting to walk into the sunset
with him; while the other side of Chaplin makes Monsieur Verdoux, the French wife killer,
into a symbol of hatred for women.
Q: What is implied about Chaplin’s early marriage?
W: Could you tell me something about his marriage?
M: Yeah. As a complex and private man, he had a weakness for young girls. His first two
wives were 16 when he married them. His last, Oona O’Neill, daughter of Eugene O’Neill,
the great American dramatist, was 18.
W: So he married three times in his life?
M: Yes. In fact in Oona O’Neill, he found a partner whose stability and affection narrowed
their 37 year age difference. So it’s a relief to know that life eventually gave him the stable
happiness it had earlier denied him.
Q: What can be learned from the conversation?
M: Do you know when Chaplin died?
W: He died on Christmas Day , 1977.
M: Did you hear what happened after his death?
W: I heard that a few months after his death, a couple of almost comic body thieves stole his
body from the family burial chamber and held it for money.
M: Is that true?
W: Yes, but the police recovered his body after that. People can’t help feeling Chaplin would
have regarded this strange incident as a fitting memorial___ his way of having the last laugh
on a world to which he had given so many.
Q: What happened to Chaplin’s body?
M: You have a very bad cold , Helen. I recommend that you stay in bed.
W: For how long, Doctor?
M: For at least another few days. You are not supposed to go back to work under any
W: All right , doctor. I really don’t want to stay in bed, but I will.
Q: What will Helen do next according to the conversation?
M: I found this wallet this morning.
W: Look at all the money in it! Wow! Where did you find it?
M: I found it on the back seat in my cab. It dropped out of somebody’s pocket, I suppose.
W: It was in your cab, but it belongs to somebody else. I advise you to return it to its owner.
Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?
M: Posters of the furniture show are everywhere. Have you been to the exhibition?
W: I went there yesterday. It was well worth the time and money.
M: I feel like going there but I’ve been very busy very recently. How long will it be going on
W: Until next Monday.
Q: What does the woman think of the furniture show?
M: I bought this traveling clock yesterday, but it doesn’t work well.
W: Oh, let me have a look. Perhaps something is wrong with its mainspring.
M: But the alarm button doesn’t work. When I press it in , the alarm won’t stop.
W: Yes…… you are right . I’ll replace this one for you. Do you have your receipt wit you?
Q: Who is the woman?
W: David, you play the violin, don’t you?
M: Yes, I have been playing for about 6 years. But I haven’t practiced much since the
beginning of this semester. Why do you ask that?
W: We are setting up a band that meets every fortnight. We need a violin player.
Q: What does the woman mean?
I. Listening comprehension (20%)
Section A (10%)
Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a
question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken
only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four
choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding
letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.
1. A. $20.57.
B. $20.50.
C. $24.60.
D. $24.56.
2. A. Once a week.
B. Never.
C. Two nights a week.
D. Twice a week.
3. A. Novel.
B. Play.
C. Magazine.
D. Newspaper.
4. A. In a supermarket.
B. In a bank.
C. In a hotel.
D. In a bookshop.
5. A. Agreed.
B. He didn’t know.
C. Disagreed.
D. He didn’t say that.
6. A. Baseball.
B. Football.
C. Basketball.
D. Tennis.
7. A. The woman does not want to go to the movies.
B. The man is too tired to go to the movies.
C. The woman wants to go to the movies.
D. The man wants to go out for dinner.
8. A. Go back home.
B. Type some letters.
C. Talk to Mr. Robert.
D. Help the man with the work.
9. A. The doctor won’t see her tomorrow.
B. The doctor is busy tomorrow.
C. The doctor is busy all day today.
D. The doctor will see her today.
10. A. The man wants to attend tomorrow’s show.
B. There aren’t any tickets left for tonight’s show.
C. There aren’t any tickets left for tomorrow’s show.
D. The man doesn’t want to attend tomorrow’s show.
Section B (10%)
Directions: In this section you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear
some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a
question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then
mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre
Passage One
Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you’ve just heard.
11. A. How to improve our English ability.
B. Importance of reading.
C. Purpose of reading practice.
D. Improvement of reading comprehension.
12. A. Enlarge our vocabulary.
B. Improve our understanding of grammar.
C. Improve our writing ability.
D. All of the above.
13. A. To think that it is most urgent to increase their vocabulary.
B. To think that it is very urgent to improve their listening skills.
C. To think that it is most urgent to improve their grammar.
D. To think that it is least urgent to improve their reading comprehension.
Passage Two
Questions 14 to 16 are based on the following passage.
14. A. Because it appeals to housewives.
B. Because it is affordable to most advertisers.
C. Because it has large audiences.
D. Because it helps build up a company’s reputation.
15. A. Radio. B. Newspaper. C. Magazine. D. Television.
16. A. How advertisers select newspaper for advertisements.
B. How advertisers select media for advertisements.
C. How advertisers select radio for advertisements.
D. How advertisers select TV for advertisements.
Passage Three
Questions 17 to 20 are based on the following passage.
17. Because they are often treated by people on the phone, especially
A. during busy hours.
B. in business.
C. by strangers.
D. when they are busy.
18. A. At least eight rings.
B. Six or eight rings.
C. Between six and eight rings.
D. No more than six rings.
19. A. “You are welcome.”
B. “That’s quite all right.”
C. “Not at all.”
D. “No trouble at all.”
20. A. The importance of politeness on the phone.
B. The importance of both politeness and sensitiveness in making a call.
C. How to deal with some common telephone problems.
D. How to deal with rude callers.
II. Reading Comprehension (30%)
Directions: There are 3 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or
unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should
decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line
through the center.
Passage One
Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.
When greeting some one, an American’s first instinct is to stick out his or her hand, look
directly at the other person, and smile. In some situations, this habit can mean making three
mistakes at once. And the moment of greeting is when important first impressions are made.
Methods and styles of greeting vary greatly around the world, and you need to know which
practices apply in different conditions.
A handshake is not the universally good greeting. Also, “Look them right in the eye” is not
always the best advice.
When greeting Asians for the first time, do not start the handshake. You may be forcing a
physical contact that the other person finds uncomfortable. Many Asians, particularly Japanese,
have learned to accept the handshake when dealing with Westerners. Because the bow is the usual
greeting in Japan, a slight bow of the head when responding to a handshake is suitable.
Middle Easterners, particularly Muslims, avoid body contact with the opposite sex, but
persons of the same sex commonly hug when greeting each other. When shaking hands, men
should be careful not to pull their hand away too quickly. People from France, Spain, Italy, and
Portugal greet friends by kissing on both cheeks.
The smile is the universal gesture of friendliness, and in America, its meaning is usually clear. The
person smiling is happy, or sending out a friendly signal. In other cultures the smile may be
sending other signals. In some Latin cultures, for example, the smile may be used to say “Excuse
me” or “Please”.
If a person from another culture does not return your greeting smile, it doesn’t show bad
manners. In some Asian cultures, smiling is a gesture for informal occasions, and smiling while
being formally introduced would be considered disrespectful.
In many cultures, avoiding eye contact is a sign of respect, but such behavior can lead to
misunderstandings. For example, some Asian students have been regarded as disrespecting their
American teachers because they do not look at the teacher while he or she is speaking.
21. This passage mainly talks about ____________.
A. the importance of the first impression
B. body language in different cultures
C. practices of greeting in business
D. greetings in different cultures
22.When two Middle East men meet, they will greet each other by____.
A. shaking their hands quickly
B. hugging each other
C. kissing on both cheeks
D. lowering their heads slightly
23. What is the meaning of the word “hug” in Para.4 ?
A. embrace (拥抱) each other
B. kiss on the forehead
C. bow to each other
D. shake hands quickly
24. In America, the gesture “smile” is used to say “__________”.
A. I’m glad
B. Excuse me
C. Please
D. sorry
25. If you avoid eye contact in America, you may be considered______.
A. cold
B. foolish
C. impolite D. shy
Passage Two
Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.
Like most people, I was brought up to look upon life as a process (过程) of getting. It was
not until in my late thirties that I made this important discovery: giving-away makes life so much
more exciting. You need not worry if you lack money. This is how I experienced with giving-away.
If an idea for improving the window display (陈列) of a nearby store occurred to me, I stepped in
and suggested it to the store- Keeper. If something interesting happens, the story of which I think
the local Catholic (天主教的) priest (神父) could use, I call him up and tell him about it, though I
am not a Catholic myself.
One discovery I made about giving away is that it is almost impossible to give away anything
in this world without getting something back, though the return often comes in a form that is not
expected. One Sunday morning the local post office delivered an important letter to my home,
though it was addressed to me at my office. I wrote the post office manager a thank-you note.
More than a year later I needed a post-office box for a new business I was starting. I was told at
the window that there were no boxes left, and my name would have to go on a long waiting list.
As I was about to leave, the post office manager appeared in the entrance . He had happened to
hear our conversation. “Wasn’t it you that wrote us that letter a year ago about delivering a special
envelope to your home ?” I said it was. “Well, you certainly are going to have a box in this post
office if we have to make one for you. You don’t know what a letter like that means to us. We
usually get nothing but complaints.”
26. The writer at first regarded life as a process of getting probably because__
A. he was like most people in looks.
B. of his early education.
C. he was educated like most people.
D. of most people around him.
27. Which of the following is true according to the passage ?
A. The writer like most people brought up that way.
B. He discovered how important money was in his late thirties.
C. He was educated to consider life as a process of getting in the same way as most people do.
D. He made some important discoveries after he was thirty.
28. The writer suggested an idea to the storekeeper ___________.
A. in person
B. in a letter
C. in a note
D. about another store
29. When the writer needed a post-office box, ___________.
A. his name went on a waiting list
B. he wrote the post office manager asking him to make one for him
C. there had been many people requesting post-office boxes earlier than him
D. he wrote the post office manager to complain
30.When answering the post office manager’s question,the writer said_.
A. it was he
B. it was a post –office box
C. it was the important letter delivered to his home
D. It was the thank-you note he had written
Passage Three
Questions 31to35 are based on the following passage
Many doctors are now trained in techniques to lessen tension and stress. Here health
professionals reveal their favorite methods.
Comfort with food. When diet expert Judith Wurtman is stressed out, she does what a lot of
people do this time of year: she reaches for food. But in her case, it’s a healthy rice cake or two.
“My research suggests that carbohydrates (碳水化合物) raise levels of a brain chemical, which
has a calming effect on the entire body,” says the MIT research scientist. “So signs of stress --such as anger, tension, and inability to focus --- are eased.”
Run from your problems. Dr.Kenneth H.Cooper, who popularized aerobics (有氧运动)
through his 1968 book by that name, handles his own stress with a daily after-work run. He knows
that physical activity reduces anxiety and depression. “Aerobic exercise is the best way to
dissipate stress,” says Cooper.
Look to the light side. On his way to the hospital where his father was to have surgery, Joel
Goodman shared a hotel bus with the anxious relatives of several patients. The driver began telling
his stressed-out passengers a few jokes. “Then he did some magic tricks that had my mother and
me laughing, ” Goodman says. “ In that five - minute ride He taught us that humor can lessen our
The surgery was successful, and Goodman was so moved by his experience that he
researched laughter’s power. “A good laugh relaxes muscles, reduces blood pressure, restrains
stress-related hormones and enhances the immune system (免疫系统), ” he says.
Go green. Coffee, loaded with hidden sources of caffeine, stimulates (刺激) the nervous
system and can make you feel stressed more easily. That’s why Arizona doctor Andrew Weil,
author of the best seller Spontaneous Healing, does not take caffeine. “When I want gentle energy,
I drink green tea. It contains a caffeine-like element”, Weil says. It also contains compounds that,
some studies suggest, have anti-cancer effects.
31. The following are ways to free you from stress Except _________.
A. looking at things in a more relaxed way
B. eating some food with carbohydrates
C. getting a lot of sleep during the day
D. doing some aerobic exercise
32. Eating or drinking the following can be helpful in freeing you from stress Except
A. eat some bread
B. drink a lot of coffee
C. eat some rice cake
D. drink green tea
33. A good laugh is very helpful Except to __________.
A. reduce blood pressure
B. restrain stress-related hormones
C. take a holiday
D. enhance the immune system
34. What is the meaning of the word “dissipate” in the part “Run from Your Problems ” ?
A. Disturb.
B. Level.
C. Depress.
D. Lessen.
35. Which of the following group of people can have a happier life, according to the passage ?
A. Those who are continuously eating something.
B. Those who use right methods to reduce tension.
C. Those who study medicine or psychology.
D. Those who are always engaged in working.
III. Cloze (10%)
Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices
marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the
corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
Sudha Chandran, a classical dancer from India, had to have her right leg cut after a car
accident. She was also cut off on her career road.
Though the accident brought her bright career to a __(36 )__ , she didn’t give up. In the
__(37)__ months that followed, Sudha met a doctor who developed an artificial leg made from
rubber filled with sponge (海绵). So __(38)__ she wanted to go back to dancing after she had been
filled with an artificial leg. Sudha knew that she believed in herself and could realized her dream,
__(39)__ she began her courageous journey back to the world of dancing --- __(40)__ to balance,
bend, stretch, walk, turn, twist and twirl.
After every public recital (个人表演),she would ask her dad about her performance. “You
still have a long way to go ” was the answer she used to get __(41)__. In January 1984, Sudha
made a historic comeback by giving a public recital in Bombay. She performed in such a great
manner that it moved everyone to tears and this __(42)__ pushed her to the number one position
again. That evening when she asked her dad the __(43)__ question, he didn’t say anything. He just
touched her feet as a praise.
Sudha’s comeback was __(44)__ moving an event that a film producer decided to make the
story a hit film.
When someone asked Sudha how she had __(45)__ to dance again, she said quite simply,
“YOU DON”T NEED FEET TO DANCE.” Nothing is impossible in this world. If you have the
will to win, you can achieve anything.
36. A. top
B. height
C. point
D. stop
37. A. unforgettable
B. painful
C. busy
D. free
38. A. strangely
B. gradually
C. heavily
D. strongly
39. A. however
B. even
C. since
D. therefore
40. A. starting
B. remembering C. wanting
D. learning
41. A. in return
B. in turn
C. in surprise
D. in anger
42. A. story
B. performance
C. decision
D. accident
43. A. usual
B. new
C. normal
D. interesting
44. A. such
B. this
C. very
D. so
45. A. tried
B. managed
C. thought
D. imagined
IV. Vocabulary and Structure (10%)
Directions: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four
choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the
corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
46. Tom admits that watching TV sometimes distracts him___his homework.
A. to
B. from
C. off
D. on
47. His curiosity was so strong that he could not____himself from opening it.
A. help
B. control
C. persuade
D. restrain
48. You can define the word “difficult” ______ “not easy” if you like.
A. as
B. to
C. by
D. with
49. If you move to Canada, you must try to adjust _____ the cold weather.
A. with
B. on
C. to
D. in
50. People know that babies cry _______ instinct when they are hungry.
A. for
B. by
C. from
D. into
51. We should not _______ our opinions and beliefs on other people.
A. force
B. perform
C. owe
D. impose
52. I had my wallet ______ when I was walking along the street last week.
A. stolen
B. to steal
C. stealing
53. He was absorbed ______ his work and didn’t hear me come in.
A. in
B. to
C. on
D. for
54. The more he thought about it, the ______ he liked it.
A. much
B. fewer
C. less
D. lest
55. Please turn the TV ________. The babies are trying to sleep.
A. down
B. up
C. away
D. out
V. Translation: (10%)
Directions: Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.
Please write your translation on Answer Sheet.
56. This is an important meeting, ________________(请务必不要迟到).
57. With the money given by his father, ______(他就能在附近买栋房子了).
58. He had been forced to spent most of the time talking to Mrs. Harlowe ______________ (而不
59. I will never forget the city _____________(我和玛丽度过童年时光的).
60. Please turn off the TV, _______________ (因为噪音会使她分心,以至无法专心做家庭作
VI. Writing (20%)
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled How to
Arrange Your Time at College ?
You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:
(请考生将试卷 2 翻译、写作题答在试题后专用答题卡上)
本次考试卷面分共 100 分。共分为 6 个部分。具体分值如下。
第一题:听力理解,共 20 道题, 每题 1 分,共 20 分;
11-15 B D D C B
第二题: 阅读理解,共 15 道题,每题 2 分,共 30 分;
31-35 C B C D B
第三题: 完形填空,共 10 道题,每题 1 分,共 10 分;
第四题:词汇、语法,共 10 道题,每题 1 分,共 10 分;
第五题:翻译,共 5 道题,每题 2 分,共 10 分
56.……, please see to it that you are not late for it.
57.……, he could afford a house nearby.
58.…… rather than to her daughter.
59.……where I spent my childhood with Mary.
60......, because the noise will distract her from her homework.
第六题:写作,共 20 分
1. 每题 2 分,5 道题共 10 分。
2. 句子结构,时态,语态正确,单词拼写正确,意思准确,得 1.5-2 分。
3. 句子结构、拼写有错误,但不影响意思表达得 1-1.5 分。
4. 句子时态,语态错误较多,基本意思表达正确,得 0.5-1 分。
5. 译句与原句意思不合,得 0 分。
作文满分 20 分, 阅卷标准共分六等: 0 分,1-5 分, 6-10 分, 11-14 分,15-18 分, 19-20 分。
0 分:白卷;作文与题目不相关;只有几个孤立的词,无法表达思想。
1-5 分:条理不清楚,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,多数为严重错
6-10 分:基本切题,表达思想不够清楚,连贯性差,有较多的严重语言错误。
11-14 分:基本切题,有些地方表达思想不够清楚,文字勉强连贯,但语言错误较多,其
15-18 分:切题,表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言错误。
19-20 分:切题,表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性较好,基本上无语言错误。
Tapescript for listening test
Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a
question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken
only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four
choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding
letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.
Section A (10%)
1. W:
How much is this table cloth ?
Twenty dollars and fifty cents.
What’s the price of the table cloth ?
2. W:
Do you watch sports programs on Saturday nights ?
No, I enjoy going dancing and meeting friends at weekends.
How often does the man watch sports programs ?
3. M:
How often do you read China Daily ?
I seldom read it. I only read it once a week.
What does the woman read every week ?
4. M:
Good afternoon. May I help you ?
Can you change some money for me, please ?
Where does the conversation probably take place ?
5. W:
Do you think we should put an ad in the newspaper to sell our apartment ?
Sure, why not ?
What does the man mean ?
6. M:
I’m fond of playing basketball, football and tennis.
As for me, baseball is my favorite sport.
Which sport does the woman like ?
7. M:
Mary, would you like to go to the movies with me after dinner ?
Well, I’ll go if you really want me to. But I’m rather tired.
What can we conclude from this conversation ?
8. M:
If you give me a hand, I can get this work done in about twenty minutes.
I would, but Mr. Robert told me to type these letters before I go home.
What is the woman going to do first ?
9. W:
When can the doctor see me ?
He won’t be free until tomorrow.
What does the man mean ?
10.M: I would like two tickets for the 9 o’clock show this evening.
I’m sorry, Sir. They are sold out. But we have a few left for tomorrow.
What do we learn from this conversation ?
Section B (10%)
Directions: In this section you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear
some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a
question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B,C and D. Then
mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.
Passage One:
Language learning
Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage.
If you are like most learners of English, you probably do not spend much time reading
English. You are very likely to improve first your speaking and listening skills, increase your
vocabulary and improve your grammar.
Because of this, reading skills improvement is often put at the bottom of the list of things to
do to improve your English ability. You may also tell yourself that you do not need to spend extra
time on reading improvement. Putting off reading improvement with this type of reasoning is one
of the biggest mistakes you can make in your language-learning planning.
The purpose of reading practice is far more than just improving reading comprehension.
Through reading you can improve your English ability in so many ways. By coming into contact
with new words and being able to understand their meaning, you are able to increase your word
power. The same is true for idioms. Through repeated contact with new and not-so-familiar
sentence constructions in a context, you improve your understanding of grammar. With this
increase in knowledge and use of vocabulary, idiom and grammar, your writing ability will
improve, your speaking ability will improve, and even your listening comprehension will improve,
Q: 11. What does the passage mainly tell us ?
What can reading help us in our language learning ?
What’s one of the biggest mistakes that people can make in their language-learning
planning according to the passage ?
Passage Two:
Different Kinds of Advertising
Questions 14 to 16 are based on the following passage.
Advertising is an important part of marketing. Very few companies are able to sell a product
without advertising. It is possible, but very unlikely. There are many different kinds of advertising.
The simplest is called promotion. Promotion is using brochures or pamphlets to advertise. These
can be handed to people on the street. Or they can be mailed. If they are mailed, it is called direct
mail advertising. After direct mail advertising, there are: newspaper advertising, radio advertising,
magazine advertising and television advertising. Newspaper advertising is the cheapest kind,
while television advertising is the most expensive.
Television ads are generally used by large companies selling a product to a large market
segment. Television advertising can be very successful because it reaches such a large audience.
Small companies may find television advertising too expensive, so they often use newspaper to
advertise. However, large companies also like newspaper because of their wide circulation.
Q: 14. Why is TV an attractive way for advertisements ?
15. What is the cheapest way to advertise according to the passage ?
16. What does the passage tell us ?
Passage three:
Telephone Manners
Questions 17 to 20 are based on the following passage.
Many people complain that they are often treated rudely by people --- especially in business
--- whom they telephone. Here is Miss Manners talking about some of the most common
telephone problems and how to handle them.
What is the proper number of rings a caller should wait before hanging up ?
Six rings, perhaps eight. If you still suspect the person of lurking there, hang up and dial
again. This gives you two chances to get the number right --- and the person time to go out of the
What do you think about people who ask you, on the telephone, “Who is calling ?”
before telling you if the person you asked for is there ?
They are probably mouthing your name at a person who is wildly shaking his head and hands
at the very mention of it.
What should we do when we reach an answering machine ? Is it improper to hang up ?
It is perfectly proper to hang up on a machine. In fact, proper and improper behavior does not
apply between people and machines. We have enough trouble being polite to one another without
worrying about whether we treat machines with politeness.
What is the proper response to “ I’m sorry, I have the wrong number ” ?
“That is quite all right” is enough.
Q: 17. Why do many people complain ?
18. How long should a caller wait before hanging up the telephone ?
19. What should be your proper response if the caller says “ I’m sorry, I have the wrong
number ”?
20. What does Miss Manners mainly tell us ?