American History

United States History
Mr. Bielecki
Final Examination Review Sheet – Chapters 30 – 40
Use these prompts to help guide your studying. These provide you with areas which are to help you focus. Look at
each and make sure you understand the topic, what was important about it, and why it was significant. Then try to
anticipate what questions could be asked in regards to each topic area.
Chapter 30
Wilson’s foreign policy and American neutrality
Sussex ultimatum
Chapter 31
The Zimmerman note
Wilson’s 14 points
Creel and the CPI
Espionage and Sedition Acts
19th Amendment (1920)
Paris Peace Conference of 1918 – Wilson’s position
Lodge’s roll in the peace treaty process – his battle with Wilson
Chapter 32
Ku Klux Klan
Scopes Trial
The innovation of buying on credit
Henry Ford’s contributions
Harlem Renaissance
The Wall Street Bull Market of the 1920s
Chapter 33
The Republican Presidents of the 1920s and their governmental philosophies
Kellogg-Briand Pact
Teapot Dome and the scandals of the Harding Administration
International Debt issues – Dawes plan
Stock market crash and start of the Great Depression
Chapter 34
FDR’s 1932 campaign
The 3 R’s
100 Days Congress
FDR’s attempts to help the Banks
Federal Securities Act
Social Security
FDR’s court packing scheme
Roosevelt Recession
Legacy of the New Deal
Chapter 35
FDR’s “Good Neighbor” Policy
European aggression prior to WWII
Neutrality Acts
Cash and Carry/Lend-Lease
Atlantic Charter
Pearl Harbor
Chapter 36
Korematsu v. U.S.
American strategy in the War in the Pacific
“soft underbelly”/2nd Front question
Casablanca / Teheran / Potsdam Conferences / Yalta (Ch. 37)
Fire-bombing of Tokyo
Manhattan Project
Chapter 37
GI Bill
“White Flight” & the growth of the suburbs
Baby boom
“Sphere of influence” world view
Post-war Germany / Berlin airlift
George Kennan – containment
Truman Doctrine
Marshall Plan/NATO
National Security Act
Post-war Japan vs. post-war China
Korean War
Chapter 38
Montgomery bus boycott
Brown v. Board of Education
Dulles – “roll back” – policy of boldness
Diem government
Eisenhower Doctrine
U-2 incident
Chapter 39
Election of JFK
“flexible response”
Vietnam conflict – military “advisors”
Bay of Pigs
Cuban Missile Crisis
Freedom Riders
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Great Society
Malcolm X / Stokely Carmichael
Gulf of Tonkin / “Operation Rolling Thunder”
Tet Offensive
Robert Kennedy/1968 Democratic National Convention
Chapter 40
Richard Nixon – “Silent majority”
Cambodian invasion & bombing
My Lai
Henry Kissinger & détente
Watergate scandal / CREEP
War Powers Act (1973)
Burger Court (compared to Warren Court)