United States History II

United States History II AP/IB
Read pages 855-863 carefully. Then fully answer the following questions with detailed and specific
information in your notes.
1. Describe FDR’s foreign policy. Identify “Good Neighbor Policy.”
2. What aggressive actions were taken by each of the following countries in the 1930s?
a. Italy
b. Germany
c. Japan
3. What occurred at the Munich Conference in 1938? Why is this an example of appeasement?
4. What was the Nye Committee and what did it conclude about US involvement in World War I? How
did this contribute to American’s attitude towards World War II?
5. What were the Neutrality Acts? When were they passed?
* Read the synopsis of the Neutrality Act of 1939.
a. What was specifically forbidden by the act?
b. What was the purpose of the Neutrality Acts passed by Congress between 1935 and 1939?
6. What was the significance of Roosevelt’s “Quarantine Speech” in 1937? What was the public reaction?
* Read the Quarantine Speech (attached).
a. What events in 1937 increased FDR’s concern about the precarious state of world peace?
b. Why did FDR use the metaphor of quarantine? What did he mean?
c. What was the purpose of this speech?
7. How did the U.S. respond to the aggressive actions of Japan? Why?
8. Describe the continued aggression by Germany in 1938-1939. What actions were taken by FDR in 19381939 in response to continued aggression?