DECEMBER Newsletter

Volume XXXVII, Number 6
March, 2013
Director of Missions, Jimmy Garcia
830-278-5351 cell 830-279-3800
117 E. Commerce St., Uvalde, TX 78801-3713
March 28-30
March 29
April 22-25
May 4
May 7
May 19
May 27
June 17-20
July 4
July 7-12
July 15-19
July 22-26
July 29-Aug 2
Aug 6
Aug 22
Pre-Easter Youth Retreat, Alto Frio, Leakey
Association Office closed for Good Friday
April Adult Camp, Alto Frio, Leakey
End-of-School Youth Event
Baptist Men’s Meeting, Baptist Temple, Uvalde 7pm
Association Sunday in the churches!
Association office closed for Memorial Day
Area Children’s Camp, Alto Frio, Leakey
Association office closed for Independence Day
Area Youth Camp, Alto Frio, Leakey
Masters Youth Camp, Alto Frio, Leakey
Emmanuel Youth Camp, Alto Frio, Leakey
RA/GA Camp, Alto Frio, Leakey
Baptist Men Meeting, 7pm, location to be announced
Executive Board/Calendar planning, 10 am, Baptist Temple
Association Annual Meeting
Be sure to mark your calendars for
the Annual Meeting to be held
Saturday, October 19, 2013
@ Alto Frio Baptist Camp
Please pray for these pastor-less churches:
Barksdale Baptist Church; First Baptist Church, Brackettville; First Baptist Church, Camp Wood; First
Baptist Church, Del Rio; First Baptist Church, Eagle Pass; First Baptist Church, Hondo;
First Baptist Church, Quemado; First Baptist Church, Uvalde; Jerusalén, Eagle Pass;
Nueva Vida, Del Rio; Ven A El, Eagle Pass
The Association approved the purchase of a “Block Party” trailer to be used in the “Igniting Passion” emphasis.
The trailer will be available to all Association churches planning an outdoor event to reach children and families.
The trailer will be purchased with special donations from churches and individuals. Individual donations are
tax-deductible, since the Association is a 501c3 non-profit organization. We ask that you consider
participating in this worthy project. The cost will be $16,000. Please designate “Trailer” on your check and
send to Del Rio-Uvalde Bapt. Assoc., 117 E. Commerce St., Uvalde, TX 78801-3713.
Baptist Men’s Meeting
Mark your calendars for the upcoming Baptist Men’s Meeting to be held in Uvalde at Baptist Temple
on May 7th at 7pm. Husbands don’t forget to bring your wife to this event to enjoy the Fish Fry (and
chicken). Guest speaker will be Ted Elmore, Prayer Strategist with the Southern Baptist of Texas
Convention. You won’t want to miss this great time of food and fellowship! See you there!
Association Sunday will be
May 19, 2013!
Stay tuned for more information...
Dr. Gene Howard
Dr. Howard has a unique talent of using visuals to teach the gospel. He is a celebrated John
Wayne impersonator that uses his craft to teach Christian values. He holds a doctorate in
visual communication and has trained preachers and missionaries to use visual
communication to spread the gospel.
He will bring a strong patriotic message in the form of John Wayne to the community on
Saturday night, May 4, 2013 at the Fort Clark amphitheater, Brackettville at 7pm
Dr. Howard will be preaching @ FBC Brackettville Sunday morning.
Association Praise Service Report
What a great time of praising the Lord! There were 15 participants (individuals, bands, choirs, etc.) from the
different churches and roughly around 250 in attendance. There were also over 30 people from different
churches who formed the Associational choir to sing two numbers. The choir was simply fantastic. The
comment most heard was how good it was to have had a diversity of singers, music genres, & languages. Thank
you to all who participated, came out to enjoy the service, Curtis Wilson, Minister of Music of FBC Campwood
for assisting, and to Jim Jackson, Association Music Director for planning the praise service. Can’t wait until the
next one!
Classic’s Report
What a wonderful time of fellowship was had by all at our 80+ Fellowship Luncheon. Thank
you to Jerri Anne Salvato for your beautiful special music, and to Jim Jackson, Kerry Mann,
John Barnes, and John McAnelly, our own singing men’s quartet, for the musical
entertainment. Also a special thanks to John McAnelly for keeping everyone entertained with
your other special talents. If you have any ideas for future classic events please contact Jim
Jackson @ 830-278-6283 or the Association office @ 830-278-5351.
Igniting Passion Report
The kick-off activities of the Association’s “Ignition Passion” began March 2 with a New Testament,
flyer, and gospel tract distribution by Monte De Dios Vaquero Church in Del Rio. A total of 150
New Testaments were distributed, including countless flyers and tracts in a predominately “vaquero”
community of Del Rio inviting them to a rodeo on March 9, sponsored by the Monte De Dios
Vaquero Church, Southwest Cowboy Church of Uvalde, and the Cowboy Church in God’s
Country in Hondo.
The Association subsequently had the “Igniting Passion” weekend activities on March 8-10 in Del Rio.
The Friday night session was led by Rene Maciel, President, and Moises Rodriguez, Dean, of Baptist
University of the Americas in San Antonio. They led a session entitled “Understanding the Border for
Effective Ministry”. The presentation was well received and I believe will help in sharing the gospel
of Jesus along the border.
On Saturday, ten workshops were offered to participants. These workshops included: 1) Organizing
prayer walks, 2) How to use the Prayer Guide, “I will pray” effectively, 3) Using community ministries
for outreach such as Block Parties, 4) Sports ministry to reach people, 5) Organizing and leading
Scripture and tract distribution, 6) How to use the 4xfour challenge in sharing the Good News, 7)
Church starting/planting including Cowboy/Vaquero churches, 8) Using puppets for outreach
ministries, 9) Organizing Home Bible Studies in communities, and 10) Organizing Backyard Bible
Clubs for outreach. The attendance on Friday was 80, and on Saturday a little over 100 were in
Saturday afternoon Monte De Dios Vaquero Church, Del Rio, along with Southwest Cowboy
Church, Uvalde, and Cowboy Church in God’s Country, Hondo, sponsored a Ranch Rodeo in the
arena at Lienzo and Cuatro Palmas. The turn out was outstanding with 150 persons in attendance,
most of them from the community. They all received a New Testament, gospel tract, and additional
-overinformation from the Monte De Dios church. Please continue to pray for the new cowboy church.
Ruben Chariez, pastor of PIB, Del Rio is giving direction as the founding pastor of this congregation.
On Sunday Baptist Temple and FBC, Uvalde had a New Testament/Bible distribution as part of
“Igniting Passion.” A total of fifteen persons from both congregations participated. The number of
New Testaments passed out is unavailable at this time. During Spring Break, PIB, Uvalde, passed out
35 New Testaments primarily to family members of the congregation who are unbelievers.
PIB, and El Buen Pastor of Del Rio had Scripture distributions on Sunday afternoon and Monday.
PIB, Del Rio passed out a total of 150 Bibles/New Testaments, as was mentioned in the first paragraph
of this article. El Buen Pastor passed out 125 New Testaments in their neighborhood called
Chihuahua. About forty people took part in their distribution efforts from both churches.
PIB Eagle Pass had a block party Sunday afternoon in the city park. Over five hundred persons
attended the activity. They passed out 480 bags with gospel tracts, New Testaments, and additional
information regarding the church. The community was invited to participate in a volleyball
tournament, a kid’s obstacle course, face painting, bounce house, and other games. The church gave
500 hot dogs, drinks, and chips to people from the community. They also had a special place for
citizens to go pray with a church member. Iglesia Ven A El had Backyard Bible Clubs Sunday
through Tuesday, partnering with Coastal Bend Fellowship from Kingsville. Coastal Bend Fellowship
gave over 70 book cases with books to families with school children. The Kingsville Church also went
to Peniel Church on Tuesday night to conduct a block party in the community. The efforts of the
Kingsville Church resulted in 20 decisions to receive Jesus as Savior and Lord.
These are the “Igniting Passion” weekend outreach activities that were reported to date. It is safe to
say that 790 New Testaments and Bibles were given to homes in Del Rio, Uvalde, and Eagle Pass.
Only the Lord knows the impact these activities will make in lives of people who need Jesus as Savior
and Lord. I believe this is the beginning of a wonderful “seed planting” and harvest time the Lord has
given the Del Rio-Uvalde Baptist Association churches. Please pray for the churches of the Del RioUvalde Baptist Association.
Church news:
1. $765.58 was given for the Block Party Trailer Fund in memory of Doris Keath and in
Honor of Virginia Wools, FBC Sabinal. Doris served as Associational and State WMU
Director many years ago. We appreciate their service to the Lord.
2. The search committee team of Barksdale Baptist Church is soliciting pastor resumes for
their congregation. They have been without a pastor for almost six months and are ready to
begin receiving resumes. Continue to pray for the church as they search for God's minister
for the congregation. The Barksdale church address is P.O. Box 217, Barksdale, 788280217. Charlie Baird is interim pastor.
3. Browning Lentz is the new pastor of FBC, Quemado. Please pray for the church and
Browning as he begins his ministry at the church.
4. Remember to continue to pray for Les Chaney and Margaret, as he deals with his illness.
He is pastor of Reagan Wells Baptist Church, and preaches as often as he is able. Robert
Garland, retired pastor from FBC, Hondo is assisting Les with the preaching when he is
unable to attend.
Reagan Wells will host Wade Burleigh, Saturday, March 23 @ 7pm and on Sunday morning,
March 24 at 10:50am. He and his wife do a fabulous job of presenting Biblical truth with an
entertaining program of crafts drama and music.
5. Members of Utopia Baptist Church attended World Changers event in Mississippi during
the week of Spring Break. World Changers is a missions opportunity that meets real needs
as it demonstrates God’s love. Pastor Lee Bevly and his wife, Cindy also attended this event.
6. Ralph Huerta and the Youth from FBC, Uvalde attended ReFuel over Spring Break. Ten
church groups from all around including FBC, Brackettville and FBC, Sabinal attended this
event. With over 200 in attendance this discipleship retreat challenged young people with
group building activities, adventure tracks, and breakout sessions on a variety of apologetic
topics, helping young people to defend the faith.