FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH YOUTH ACTIVITIES MEDICAL RELEASE & PERMISSION FORM Date: _______________________ Event: ______________________________________ Name: _____________________________________________________________________________ Birth Date: ____/____/_____ Age: _____ Address: City: Social Security #: ___________________Sex (M/F)______ _______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________ State: _________________Zip: ____________________ Parent/Guardian_____________________________________________________________________ Home phone: ( ) Work Phone: ( )_____________________ Other person to notify in event of emergency______________________________________________ Relationship to you________________________________________________________________ This person’s phone number: Daytime ( ) Evening ( )___________ Cell ____________________ Please supply ALL of the following information and attach a copy of your insurance card. Medical Insurance Company _________________________Group #_______Policy#______________ Company’s Address ______________________________Company’s Phone ( City: )_________________ ________________________________________________State: __________ Zip: _________ Physical Limitations (Asthma, diabetes, allergies, etc), and/or special instructions (Allergic to certain medications, rare blood type, wears contact lens, etc.)________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ List all medication you take on a regular basis and/or any you bring with you to all youth activities. (Prescription medications MUST have pharmacy label and name of doctor):_______________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Date of last Tetanus Shot______________________________________________________________ Youth has permission to take OTC medication such as Tylenol, Ibuprofen, ect. _________________________________________________________________ (Parent Signature) Youth has permission to engage in all scheduled activities planned by the youth sponsors of FBC. (Parent Signature) In the event I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby give permission for the physician selected by the First Baptist staff to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and to order injection, anesthesia or surgery for my child named above. I understand that if youth do not follow the rules/guidelines of the youth sponsors, I will be responsible to come and get them and they will not be allowed to continue with the activity/trip. Signed:_____________________________________________________________________________ Date: __________________________________ Relationship:_____________________________________