May 3, 2009
Last Week
Weekly average, year to date
Weekly target to meet budget
Sunday Offerings
Annual Bishop’s Charity Appeal
St. Gerard’s Parish collection for Mission Mexico to date:
St. Vincent de Paul to date:
No Mass
Morning Prayer: 8:40 AM (Agnes B.)
Mass: 9:00 AM
Card Party: 9:45—11:45 AM
John Vanier’s Gospel of John Scripture Study: 1:00 PM
Bishop Grandin High School: 9:00 AM—2:00 PM
CWL Exec Meeting: 7:00 PM
Book Club: 7:30 PM
Holy Hour: 7:30 PM
Wednesday Mass 9:00AM
Bishop Grandin High School: 9:00 AM—2:00 PM
Knights of Columbus Meeting: 7:30 PM
Morning Prayer: 8:40 AM (Agnes B.)
Mass: 9:00 AM
Camp Cadicasu Training Session: 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Choir practice: 7:30 PM
Mass: 9:00 AM
Liturgy Committee Meeting: 9:45 AM
Parish Pastoral Council Meeting: 1:00 PM
Reconciliation: 4:00 PM
Mass: 5:00 PM
Masses: 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM
MOTHER’S DAY BREAKFAST after both Masses
EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS - Team #2 for May 9/10
Saturday, 5:00 PM: Catherine Dilan, Irene Castellino, Yvette Nogue, Louella Pethrick,
Vern Smith, Peggy Loescher
Sunday 9:00 AM Mass: Randy and Irene Langille, Donna Scott, Erika David, Miguela
Lammerhirt, Noreen Young, Teresa Cone
Sunday 11:00 AM Mass: Norman and Wilma Hagel, Doug and Karen Grabham, Lorne
and Lorraine Carlson, Rosemary Fennell
The Knights of Columbus are again cooking a Mother’s Day Breakfast on Sunday
May 10, to be served after the 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM Masses. Prices are:
Under six years old
Six years and older
$5.00 per person
Families of 4 or more
$20.00 per immediate family
Drawn into the Mystery of Jesus through John’s Gospel
Tuesday, May 5th; 1:00 PM in the parish hall - John 5: From despair to new life. Video
presentation by Jean Vanier; sharing & discussion. All are welcome.
Ola! Join Faithful Fellowship's Mexican celebration, Friday, May 8 from 7:00 - 9:00
PM. Come check us out! A $5.00 per person donation for Mission Mexico and
friends are all you need. We supply the snacks, drinks and a surprise or two!
Spring Celebration May 12th at 6:00 PM
All ladies are welcome – your mother, sister, friend. Tickets will be available after all
masses for $10.00 each. They include dinner, wine, door prizes and entertainment.
CONFIRMATION…celebrated with Bishop Henry on Saturday, May 23rd at the 5:00
PM mass
CONFIRMATION RETREAT: Thursday, May 14th with the Diocesan Youth Retreat
Team [in our parish hall]; retreat will be from 6:00 – 8:00 PM.
Help needed: 3 or 4 adults to organize a pizza supper for 5:30 pm on the day of the
retreat. Please contact Doreen at 403-253-2251 to offer your help.
CONFIRMATION MEETING for confirmands, parent/s, sponsors…Tuesday, May
19th; 7:00 PM in the church
CONFIRMATION FAMILIES in service to the parish: weekend of May 30 th/31st.
The coordinator of FIRST EUCHARIST activities and celebrations is Patti Dawes. The
coordinator of FIRST RECONCILIATION activities and celebrations is Margie Gallagher.
Sarah Morrison is going to be coordinating the ministry of preparing school-age children
for BAPTISM. I have been searching for a person/s who would undertake the
organization / implementation of the activities and celebrations for CONFIRMATION.
Who might want to offer their time & talents to this ministry? Please consider this call for
help in light of our stewardship responsibilities as disciples of Christ. For more
information, please speak with Doreen in the parish office.
Friday, June 19th – We are looking for some fun-filled folks [male & female, any
age] to organize this event. This annual recognition by our parish of the value and
contribution of the ‘elders’ of the parish is always well-attended [approximately
100+] and enjoyed by all. New organizers bring fresh ideas, so come forward and
volunteer to plan the event this year. Contact the parish office for further
Knit/Crochet for our adopted families!! Want to learn how to knit or crochet?
Already know and willing to share? Got wool?
Would you like to learn, teach, just join in, or even work at home on afghans, shawls,
cotton dishcloths, scarves, mitts, etc.? If you are interested in making, or learning to
make “Gifts of Love” for families moving from homelessness into their own homes
contact, Pat: 403-252-7332 or
"Calgary Pro-Life will be sponsoring its Annual "Hike for Life" on May 9th. Once again,
we have members of our parish who are willing to hike the 10 Km route to raise needed
funds for Pro Life causes. The hikers need sponsors, and are soliciting your support.
Please sign the "Hike for Life" Pledge Sheets located at the back of the church, and
pledge your support!" Thank you!
Father Rupert’s Course on Paul
Due to unexpected circumstances, we have to cancel Fr. Rupert’s course at this
time. We anticipate that Fr. Rupert will be available to give this course at a later
A Family Ministry… please consider this immediate need:
I am looking for a family who would be able to mentor/sponsor/journey with a family, new
to the parish, who are going to be preparing for the sacraments of initiation [adults &
children]. The family profile is: father, mother, 2 young children. This is an opportunity
for a family to minister together, offering hospitality and welcome, as they introduce the
other family into the life and mission of our faith community of St. Gerard’s. Please pray
about this call. For more information/to discuss this ministry, please contact Doreen,
pastoral associate, in the parish office.
Thank you, St. Gerard’s Family, for the prayers for our grandson, Sean. His
surgery was successful and he is rapidly recovering.
The Hagen Family.
PRAYER TREE: call Kay Power, (403) 255-6241 or Rosemary Fennell, (403) 281-5701.
The Canadian Council of Christians and Jews – Alberta Region invites Clergy, Lay
leaders and the Public to attend their Annual Spring Breakfast Dialogue
Wednesday, May 20th, 2009
8:30 to 10:15 AM
Calgary Jewish Centre
Kindly Reserve by Tuesday, May 19th
Breakfast Included
Rabbi Jordan Ofseyer was ordained at the Jewish Theological Seminary in 1962 and
has served as a Rabbi to several congregations in the USA. He has a Bachelor of Sacred
Music, a Masters in Hebrew Literature and an Honorary Doctorate from JTS. Rabbi
Ofseyer is a lecturer, author and regular panelist on American Religious Town Hall, a
nationally televised weekly program on religious and social issues.
Dr. Paul Spilsbury (BTh, MCS, PhD) is Professor of New Testament and Christian
Origins, and Dean, Faculty of Theology at Ambrose University College, Calgary. A
graduate of Cambridge University, his scholarship (including three books, numerous
articles, essays, reviews and academic papers) covers the New Testament and Judaism
in the Roman world, and has been funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities
Research Council of Canada. Tickets: $10.00; Students: $5.00. For more information,
please call, Marcia: (403) 252 - 2161 or Rochelle: (403) 246 – 0382.
The camp offers eight programs open to boys and girls between the ages of 8 - 14 years.
All eight weeks are co-ed, open to both boys and girls. The one-week program was
developed to give children a good camping experience as they make friends and become
involved in many on and off camping activities. As well, the program reflects our
commitment within the Catholic tradition to foster the spiritual growth of young people.
Registration forms are available at the back of the church or contact the camp at (403)
949-3944 for more information.
Thessalonica was the major city in the north of Greece, some 60 miles west of Philippi. It
was founded in 319 BC by Cassaner, whom Alexander the Great had placed in charge of
his Macedonian kingdom. The city was named after Thessalonike, the sister of
Alexander, and the last surviving member of the royal family.
Thessalonica was located at the intersection of two major Roman roads, one leading
from Italy eastward (Ignatia Way) and the other from the Danube to the Aegean.
Thessalonica’s location and use as a port made it a prominent city. In 168 B.C. it became
the capital of the second district of Macedonia and later it was made the capital and
major port of the whole Roman province of Macedonia (146 B.C.). In 42 B.C., after the
battle at Philippi, Thessalonica was made a free city.
Paul (with Silas and Timothy) came to Thessalonica from Philippi on his second
missionary journey, stopping in Amphipolis and Apollonia before arriving here (Acts 17).
He preached in the city’s synagogue, the chief synagogue of the region, for at least three
weeks. At Sabbath services, Paul presented the case for Jesus as the Messiah
promised to the Jewish people, and argued the case that God did not desire his Messiah
to be a military conqueror, in the model of the royal David, but rather that the Messiah
was to be a lowly servant.
Paul had more success converting the women and the Gentiles than he did the Jewish
men. The Jews who opposed Paul formed a gang which attacked the synagogue leader
Jason’s house. Paul, faced with great persecution at the hands of the mob, fled to
Beroea, but the Thessalonians eventually forced him to leave there also (Acts 17:13-14).
Ministry of Service
Funeral Team – Wilma/Norm Hagel (403)253-2485
Emergency contacts: Doreen Yochim (403)252-4685 or
Jan Gallant (403)281-4327
Pastoral Care of the Sick – Sheila Padley (403)259-2489 or
Maureen Bramwell (403) 366-0704
Mayfair Nursing Home – Hedy Luijkx (403)252-2902
Grieving/Consolation Ministry – Parish Office
Knights of Columbus – 1st Wednesday – 7:30 PM; Stephen Dawes (403)2557161
C.W.L. – 2nd Tuesday – 7:00 PM; Dianne Bulbrook
Sunday coffee – Ann Bergen (403)252-5384
1st Friday Coffee Social — Rosemarie Baschenis (403) 281-9666
Outreach ministry
St. Vincent de Paul – 3rd Wednesdays – 7:30 PM
Inn From The Cold – 1st and 3rd Mondays contact: Jim Duncan (403)252-3163
Elaine Warholm (403)252-3883
Sandwiches for the drop-in centre – 1st Fridays
Mission Mexico – Anna Schultz
Parish ministry
Parish Pastoral Council – Jill Negenman
Parish Finance Council – John Skelton (403)281-5421
Parish Website – Bandi Szakony
Evangelization and Catechetical ministries
R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) - Doreen Yochim coordinator
Christian Initiation of School Age Children – contact parish office
Infant Baptism – Karen Grabham
Children’s Sacraments – Eucharist, Reconciliation, Confirmation – Doreen
Pre-Marriage Preparation – Pastoral Team
Marriage Team Leaders – Sponsor Couple Program –
John/Judy Broad (403)253-8697
Scripture Study – Doreen Yochim – coordinator
Adult Faith Enrichment – Pastoral Team
Parish Mission Team – contact parish office
Stewardship Committee – Pat Jamniczky
Faithful Friends – Denise Webber (403)253-5139
Liturgical Ministry
Liturgy Committee – Sheila Padley (Chairperson)
Sacristans – Yvette Hope – coordinator (403)281-1578
Mass Servers – Laurance Daignault (403)281-3665
MUSIC Coordinator – parish office (403)253-2251
5:00 PM – 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM – Funeral Choir
Lectors – Chris Simard (403) 730-4776
Hospitality (Ushers and Greeters) – John Hennessey (403)255-7913
Eucharistic ministers - Noreen Hess (403) 255-5183
Weekday Eucharistic Ministers – Yvette Nogue (403)253-1809
Weekday Lectors – Pat Campbell (403)255-0756
Environment and Art – Sue Dondlinger
Prayer Life
Liturgy of the Hours/Prayer of the Church – Sheila Padley (403)259-2489
Holy Hour – Tuesdays – 7:30 PM Melissa Emmelkamp (403)255-1889
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament – First Fridays – 10:00 AM – Noon
Prayer Tree – Kay Power (403)255-6241 / Rosemary Fennell (403)281-5701
Christian Meditation – alternate Wednesdays – 1:30 PM Marilyn (403)441-5671
Yoga/Meditation – Marilyn (403)441-5671
8944 Elbow Drive S.W.
Calgary, AB T2V 1L2
Telephone: (403) 253-2251
(403) 253-4608
Doreen Yochim
Bogdan Sianozecki (Pastor)
Jan Gallant
5:00 PM
9:00 & 11:00 AM
Tuesday – Friday: 9:00 AM
Saturday 4:00 – 4:30 PM
Other times by appointment
Monday – Friday:
Closed for Lunch:
8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
11:30 PM – 12:30 PM
An appointment is required.
Please contact the parish office six months before desired date.
The preparation and celebration are every two months.
Please contact the parish office.