Medical Assisting Laboratory and Diagnostic Procedures

Medical Assistant Laboratory and Diagnostic Procedures
WVEIS 0737
Instructional content will focus on an introduction to the medical laboratory, safety, principles of disease transmission and
prevention, and medical and surgical asepsis. With input and participation of therapeutic services professionals,
instructional content will incorporate project and problem-based therapeutic practices and procedures to demonstrate the
criticality of these knowledge and skills. Students will obtain the knowledge and skills necessary to assist and/or perform
basic laboratory and diagnostic procedures. Current technology including, but not limited to, electronic mail and Internet
applications will be utilized to search for and access information. Students will utilize problem-solving techniques and
participate in hands-on activities to develop an understanding of course concepts. Teachers will provide each student
with real world learning opportunities and instruction related to the study of medical assisting. The West Virginia
Standards for 21st Century Learning include the following components: 21st Century Content Standards and 21st Century
Learning Skills and Technology Tools. All West Virginia teachers are responsible for classroom instruction that integrates
learning skills, technology tools, and content standards and objectives. Students are encouraged to become active
members of Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA), the Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) for
health science education students.
Grade 11-Adult
Standard: 1
Health Science Education: Medical Assisting Laboratory and Diagnostic Procedures
Introduction to the Medical Laboratory
Students will identify the general purposes of the medical laboratory.
Students will
relate purposes of laboratory testing.
compare the similarities and differences between independent laboratories and physician’s office
laboratories (POLs).
determine the departments that could be found within a medical laboratory.
participate in the performance of common laboratory tests, explaining the body system or function being
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.MLD.1)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows a
inconsistent performance of
distinctive and sophisticated application thorough and effective application of
fundamental knowledge and skills
of knowledge and skills that exceed the knowledge and skills that meet the
characterized by errors and/or
standard in introduction to the medical
standard in introduction to the medical
omissions in the standard in introduction
laboratory. The student can
laboratory. The student can relate
to the medical laboratory. The student
communicate the purposes of
purposes of laboratory testing; compare
can list the purposes of laboratory
laboratory testing to clients when
the similarities and differences between
testing; recall similarities and
indicated; compare and contrast
independent laboratories and physician’s differences between independent
independent laboratories and
office laboratories; determine the
laboratories and physician’s office
physician’s office laboratories (POLs);
departments that could be found within a laboratories; identify departments that
categorize the departments that could
medical laboratory; and participate in the could be found within a medical
be found within a medical laboratory,
performance of common laboratory tests, laboratory; and understand common
selecting the appropriate department
explaining the body system or function
laboratory tests and the body system or
for each specimen; and interpret
being surveyed. Application of
function being surveyed. Performance
common laboratory tests. The student knowledge and skills is thorough and
needs further development and
can independently solve problems and effective, and the student can work
is self-directed.
Standard: 2
Disease Transmission and Prevention
Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills in principles of disease transmission and prevention.
Students will
recognize the classifications of infectious microorganisms.
determine common diseases within each classification of pathogenic microorganisms.
recognize the growth requirements for microorganisms.
examine the cycle of infection.
perform hand washing and alcohol-based hand sanitization.
don and remove non-sterile gloves.
perform a throat specimen for culture.
examine the purpose for culture and sensitivity testing.
articulate the purpose of regulatory bodies (Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA),
Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA).
implement Standard Precautions.
examine the need for an exposure incident report and follow up procedures.
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.MLD.2)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows a
inconsistent performance of
distinctive and sophisticated application thorough and effective application of
fundamental knowledge and skills
of knowledge and skills that exceed the knowledge and skills that meet the
characterized by errors and/or
standard in disease transmission and
standard in disease transmission and
omissions in the standard in disease
prevention. The student can select the prevention. The student can recognize
transmission and prevention. The
classifications of infectious
the classifications of infectious
student can identify the classifications of
microorganisms with common diseases microorganisms; determine common
infectious microorganisms; list common
within each classification; evaluate the diseases within each classification of
diseases within each classification of
work environment for evidence of
infectious microorganisms; recognize the infectious microorganisms; list the
microorganism growth requirements;
growth requirements for microorganisms; growth requirements for
perform hand washing and alcoholexamine the cycle of infection; perform
microorganisms; perform hand washing
based hand sanitization; don and
hand washing and alcohol-based hand
and alcohol-based hand sanitization;
remove non-sterile gloves; perform a
sanitization; don and remove non-sterile
don and remove non-sterile gloves;
throat specimen for culture; anticipate
gloves; perform a throat specimen for
perform a throat specimen for culture;
the need for culture and sensitivity
culture; discuss the purpose for culture
state the purpose for culture and
testing; formulate practices that support and sensitivity testing; examine the
sensitivity testing understand the
the purpose of regulatory bodies;
purpose of regulatory bodies; implement purpose of regulatory bodies; define the
critique the use of Standard
Standard Precautions; and examine the
Standard Precautions; and discuss the
Precautions in daily work habits; and
need for an exposure incident report and need for an exposure incident report
predict the need for an incident report
follow up procedures. Application of
and follow up procedures. Performance
and follow up procedures. The student knowledge and skills is thorough and
needs further development and
can independently solve problems and effective, and the student can work
is self-directed.
Standard: 3
Medical and Surgical Asepsis
Students will identify principles of disease transmission and prevention.
Students will
compare medical and surgical asepsis.
differentiate between sanitization, disinfection, and sterilization practices.
distinguish between methods of sterilization.
demonstrate the technique for preparing, wrapping, and autoclaving instruments.
assess the need for surgical asepsis.
demonstrate techniques of surgical asepsis (i.e. sterile technique, gloving, use of transfer forceps,
assisting with minor surgery, and dry sterile dressing).
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.MLD.3)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows a
inconsistent performance of
distinctive and sophisticated application thorough and effective application of
fundamental knowledge and skills
of knowledge and skills that exceed the knowledge and skills that meet the
characterized by errors and/or
standard in medical and surgical
standard in medical and surgical asepsis. omissions in the standard in medical
asepsis. The student can integrate
The student can compare medical and
and surgical asepsis. The student can
medical and surgical asepsis into
surgical asepsis; differentiate between
define medical and surgical asepsis;
practice; compare and contrast
sanitization, disinfection, and sterilization explain sanitization, disinfection, and
sanitization, disinfection, and
practices; distinguish between methods
sterilization practices; name methods of
sterilization practices; choose methods of sterilization; demonstrate the
sterilization; demonstrate, with
of sterilization; perform the technique
technique for preparing, wrapping, and
assistance, the technique for preparing,
for preparing, wrapping, and
autoclaving instruments; assess the need wrapping, and autoclaving instruments;
autoclaving instruments; validate the
for surgical asepsis; and demonstrate
identify the need for surgical asepsis;
need for surgical asepsis; and perform techniques of surgical asepsis (i.e. sterile and perform with assistance, techniques
techniques of surgical asepsis (i.e.
technique, gloving, use of transfer
of surgical asepsis (i.e. sterile
sterile technique, gloving, use of
forceps, assisting with minor surgery, and technique, gloving, use of transfer
transfer forceps, assisting with minor
dry sterile dressing). Application of
forceps, assisting with minor surgery,
surgery, and dry sterile dressing). The knowledge and skills is thorough and
and dry sterile dressing). Performance
student can independently solve
effective, and the student can work
needs further development and
problems and is self-directed.
Standard: 4
Physician Office Laboratory (POL) Regulations and Safety
Students will understand laboratory regulations.
Students will
examine OSHA safety standards used within the medical laboratory.
determine CLIA waived tests.
perform lab practices that yield quality assurance and quality control in the medical laboratory.
differentiate safety measure associated with specimen processing.
complete a laboratory requisition.
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.MLD.4)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows a inconsistent performance of
distinctive and sophisticated application thorough and effective application of
fundamental knowledge and skills
of knowledge and skills that exceed the knowledge and skills that meet the
characterized by errors and/or
standard in POL regulations and safety. standard in POL regulations and safety.
omissions in the standard in POL
The student can incorporate OSHA
The student can examine OSHA safety
regulations and safety. The student
safety standards used within the
standards used within the medical
can recall OSHA safety standards used
medical laboratory; defend rationale for laboratory; determine CLIA waived tests; within the medical laboratory; list CLIA
CLIA waived tests; integrate lab
examine lab practices that yield quality
waived tests; understand lab practices
practices that yield quality assurance
assurance and quality control in the
that yield quality assurance and quality
and quality control in the medical
medical laboratory; differentiate safety
control in the medical laboratory;
laboratory; initiate safety measures
measures associated with specimen
discuss safety measures associated
associated with specimen processing;
processing; and complete a laboratory
with specimen processing; and
and generate a laboratory requisition.
requisition. Application of knowledge
complete a laboratory requisition with
The student can independently solve
and skills is thorough and effective, and
assistance. Performance needs further
problems and is self-directed.
the student can work independently.
development and supervision.
Standard: 5
Students will demonstrate an understanding of the purposes and procedures of hematological tests.
Students will
recognize the purpose of hematological testing in the diagnosis and treatment of disease.
differentiate between serum and plasma.
examine the principle of the evacuated system.
recognize the purpose of additives associated with color-coded tubes.
determine basic office hematology tests.
select equipment and supplies required for specimen collection.
implement safety standards in hematology specimen collection.
perform a venipuncture and capillary puncture.
perform a random blood sugar via glucometer
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.MLD.5)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows a inconsistent performance of
distinctive and sophisticated application
thorough and effective application of
fundamental knowledge and skills
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
characterized by errors and/or
standard in hematology. The student
standard in hematology. The student
omissions in the standard in
can validate the purpose of
can recognize the purpose of
hematology. The student can list the
hematological testing in the diagnosis
hematological testing in the diagnosis
purpose of hematological testing in the
and treatment of disease; compare and
and treatment of disease; differentiate
diagnosis and treatment of disease;
contrast serum and plasma; express the between serum and plasma; examine
understand the difference between
principle of the evacuated system;
the principle of the evacuated system;
serum and plasma; identify the
categorize the additives associated with recognize the purpose of additives
principle of the evacuated system;
color-coded tubes; compare and contrast associated with color-coded tubes;
restate the purpose of additives
basic office hematology tests; select
determine basic office hematology tests; associated with color-coded tubes; list
equipment and supplies required for
select equipment and supplies required
basic office hematology tests; select,
specimen collection; incorporate safety
for specimen collection; implement
with assistance, equipment and
standards in hematology specimen
safety standards in hematology
supplies required for specimen
collection; perform a venipuncture and
capillary puncture, and perform a random
blood sugar via glucameter. The student
can independently solve problems and is
Standard: 6
specimen collection; perform a
venipuncture and capillary puncture, and
perform a random blood sugar via
glucameter. Application of knowledge
and skills is thorough and effective, and
the student can work independently.
collection; discuss safety standards in
hematology specimen collection;
perform a venipuncture and capillary
puncture, and perform a random blood
sugar via glucameter with assistance.
Performance needs further
development and supervision.
Students demonstrate the performance of a common urinalysis, understanding the importance of
urinalysis as a diagnostic tool.
Students will
recognize the purpose of urinalysis in the diagnosis and treatment of disease.
implement safety standards in urine specimen collection.
choose the equipment and supplies for random, clean-catch, and 24-hour urine collection.
perform physical and chemical analysis on urine.
provide patient instruction for specimen collection.
record urinalysis results.
relate abnormal findings.
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.MLD.6)
Above mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows a
inconsistent performance of
distinctive and sophisticated application thorough and effective application of
fundamental knowledge and skills
of knowledge and skills that exceed the knowledge and skills that meet the
characterized by errors and/or
standard in urinalysis. The student can standard in urinalysis. The student can
omissions in the standard in urinalysis.
validate the purpose of urinalysis in the recognize the purpose of urinalysis in the The student can understand the
diagnosis and treatment of disease;
diagnosis and treatment of disease;
purpose of urinalysis in the diagnosis
incorporate safety standards in urine
implement safety standards in urine
and treatment of disease; discuss
specimen collection; choose the
specimen collection; choose the
safety standards in urine specimen
equipment and supplies for random,
equipment and supplies for random,
collection; choose, with assistance, the
clean-catch, and 24-hour urine
clean-catch, and 24-hour urine collection; equipment and supplies for random,
collection; perform physical and
perform physical and chemical analysis
clean-catch, and 24-hour urine
chemical analysis on urine; provide
on urine; provide patient instruction for
collection; perform physical and
individualized patient instruction for
specimen collection; record urinalysis
chemical analysis on urine, with
specimen collection; record urinalysis
result; and relate abnormal findings.
supervision; restate patient instruction
result; and relate abnormal findings.
The student can independently solve
problems and is self-directed.
Standard: 7
Application of knowledge and skills is
thorough and effective, and the student
can work independently.
for specimen collection; record
urinalysis result; and relate abnormal
findings. Performance needs further
development and supervision.
Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills in the performance of electrocardiography procedures
correlating the underlying physiology.
Students will
trace the electrical conduction of the heart.
determine the meaning and purpose of the electrocardiogram.
correlate the EKG tracing with the cardiac cycle.
perform a twelve lead EKG.
recognize artifacts and common causes.
recognize life threatening cardiac arrhythmias.
examine the purpose of the Holter Monitor.
determine the Medical Assistant’s role in the use of Holter Monitor cardiac testing.
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.MLD.7)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows a
inconsistent performance of
distinctive and sophisticated application thorough and effective application of
fundamental knowledge and skills
of knowledge and skills that exceed the knowledge and skills that meet the
characterized by errors and/or
standard in electrocardiogram. The
standard in electrocardiogram. The
omissions in the standard in
student can communicate the electrical student can trace the electrical
electrocardiogram. The student can
conduction of the heart in relationship to conduction of the heart; determine the
trace the electrical conduction of the
the meaning and purpose of the
meaning and purpose of the
heart; state the meaning and purpose of
electrocardiogram; correlate the EKG
electrocardiogram; correlate the EKG
the electrocardiogram; understand the
tracing with the cardiac cycle; perform a tracing with the cardiac cycle; perform a
relationship of EKG tracing with the
twelve lead EKG; intervene during the
twelve lead EKG; recognize artifacts and cardiac cycle; perform a twelve lead
performance of an EKG to prevent
common causes; recognize life
EKG; recognize artifacts and identify
artifacts; recognize life threatening
threatening cardiac arrhythmias; examine common causes; state life threatening
cardiac arrhythmias; interpret the
the purpose of the Holter Monitor; and
cardiac arrhythmias; tell the purpose of
purpose of the Holter Monitor; and
determine the Medical Assistance role in the Holter Monitor; and discuss the
evaluate the Medical Assistance role in the use of Holter Monitor cardiac testing. Medical Assistance role in the use of
the use of Holter Monitor cardiac
Application of knowledge and skills is
Holter Monitor cardiac testing.
testing. The student can independently thorough and effective, and the student
Performance needs further
solve problems and is self-directed.
can work independently.
development and supervision.
Standard: 8
Information Technology Applications
Students will:
 use information technology applications.
 demonstrate use as appropriate to healthcare applications.
Students will
implement the use of software and hardware.
utilize the Internet as a resource/research tool.
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.MLD.8)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows a
inconsistent performance of
distinctive and sophisticated application thorough and effective application of
fundamental knowledge and skills
of knowledge and skills that exceed the knowledge and skills that meet the
characterized by errors and/or
standard in information technology
standard in information technology
omissions in information technology
applications. The student can
applications. The student can use
application. The student can use
incorporate software and hardware to
software and hardware to master
software and hardware to partially
master standards within this course and standards within this course. The student master standards within this course.
interpret data. The student can utilize
can utilize the Internet as a
The student can use the Internet as a
the Internet as a resource/research tool, resource/research tool, while
resource/research tool. Performance
consistently evaluating validity. The
understanding the importance of validity. needs further development and
student can independently solve
Application of knowledge and skills is
problems and is self-directed.
thorough and effective, and the student
can work independently.
Standard: 9
Career and Technical Student Organization
Students will participate in the local chapter of the Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO).
Students will
participate in the local chapter of the appropriate Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO).
use parliamentary procedures in chapter meetings.
demonstrate team membership/leadership and problem solving skills.
participate in local, state or national projects impacting healthcare and healthcare education.
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.MLD.9)
Above Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional and
exemplary performance with distinctive and
sophisticated application of knowledge and
skills that exceed the standard in career and
technical student organization. The student
incorporates team membership/leadership
and problem solving skills into participation
in the CTSO; implements parliamentary
procedure during chapter meetings; and
facilitates the participations of self and
others in projects impacting healthcare and
healthcare education. The student can
independently solve problems and is selfdirected.
Standard: 10
The student demonstrates competent
and proficient performance and shows a
thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills that meet the
standard in career and technical student
organization. The student demonstrates
team membership/ leadership and
problem solving skills through
participation in the CTSO; uses
parliamentary procedures during
chapter meetings; and participates in
various projects impacting healthcare
and healthcare education. Application
of knowledge and skills is thorough and
effective, and the student can work
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates basic but
inconsistent performance of
fundamental knowledge and skills
characterized by errors and/or
omissions in career and technical
student organization. The student is
aware of the CTSO and active
participation is haphazard. The
student is inconsistent in the
application of team membership/
leadership and problem solving
skills, as well as participation in
projects impacting healthcare and
healthcare education. Performance
needs further development and
Literacy and Numeracy
Students will demonstrate the literacy and numeracy skills required to solve complex, real-world
problems associated with their career/technical content area and improve their thinking and reasoning
Students will
utilize a variety of technical sources (e.g., Internet, manuals, journals, directions, reports, etc.) to
complete career/technical assignments and projects.
demonstrate writing skills required to complete career/technical assignments and projects.
demonstrate accuracy in calculating and measuring graphical work required to complete career/technical
assignments and projects.
analyze tables, charts, graphs and multiple data sources to complete career/technical assignments and
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.MLD.10)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows
inconsistent performance of fundamental
distinctive and sophisticated application
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
standard in literacy and numeracy. The
student chooses a variety of technical
sources (e.g., Internet, manuals,
journals, directions, reports, etc.) to
complete career/technical assignments
and projects; performs writing skills
required to complete career/technical
assignments and projects; communicates
accuracy in calculating and measuring
graphical work required to complete
career/technical assignments and
projects; and evaluates tables, charts,
graphs and multiple data sources to
complete career/technical assignments
and projects. The student can
independently solve problems and is selfdirected.
Standard: 11
a thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills characterized by
knowledge and skills that meet the
errors and/or omissions in literacy and
standard in literacy and numeracy. The numeracy. The student selects a variety
student utilizes a variety of technical
of technical sources (e.g., Internet,
sources (e.g., Internet, manuals,
manuals, journals, directions, reports,
journals, directions, reports, etc.) to
etc.) to complete career/technical
complete career/technical assignments assignments and projects; reproduces
and projects; demonstrates writing
writing skills required to complete
skills required to complete
career/technical assignments and
career/technical assignments and
projects; illustrates accuracy in
projects; demonstrates accuracy in
calculating and measuring graphical
calculating and measuring graphical
work required to complete
work required to complete
career/technical assignments and
career/technical assignments and
projects; and explains tables, charts,
projects; and analyzes tables, charts,
graphs and multiple data sources to
graphs and multiple data sources to
complete career/technical assignments
complete career/technical assignments and projects. Performance needs further
and projects. Application of knowledge development and supervision.
and skills is thorough and effective and
the student can work independently.
21 Century Learning Skills
Students will
 access and manipulate information for use in oral, written, or multimedia format using
appropriate technology skills.
 apply sound reasoning processes to solve complex real-world problems and develop new ideas.
 exhibit leadership and ethical behavior in planning and executing tasks, as an individual or a
group member.
Students will
search online using a range of technology tools and media to access relevant information needed for
problem solving.
create information for oral, written, and multimedia communications, adhering to copyright laws.
engage in problem solving and critical thinking processes to create and evaluate complex strategies in
order to independently solve problems.
adapt to new situations by considering multiple perspectives and a commitment to continued learning.
exhibit ethical behavior and positive leadership while working collaboratively in the school and/or
model legal and ethical behaviors in the use of technology.
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.MLD.11)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows
inconsistent performance of fundamental
distinctive and sophisticated application
a thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills characterized by
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
errors and/or omissions in 21st century
standard in 21st century learning skills.
standard in 21st century learning skills.
learning skills. The student explains
The student assesses online technology The student searches online using a
online technology tools and media to
tools and media to access relevant
range of technology tools and media to access relevant information needed for
information needed for problem solving;
access relevant information needed for problem solving; identifies information
critiques information for oral, written, and problem solving; creates information for for oral, written, and multimedia
multimedia communications, adhering to oral, written, and multimedia
communications, adhering to copyright
copyright laws; integrates problem
communications, adhering to copyright laws; discusses problem solving and
solving and critical thinking processes to laws; engages in problem solving and
critical thinking processes to create and
create and evaluate complex strategies
critical thinking processes to create and evaluate complex strategies in order to
in order to independently solve problems; evaluate complex strategies in order to independently solve problems;
interprets new situations by considering
independently solve problems; adapts
discusses new situations by considering
multiple perspectives and a commitment to new situations by considering
multiple perspectives and a commitment
to continued learning; incorporates
multiple perspectives and a
to continued learning; reviews ethical
ethical behavior and positive leadership
commitment to continued learning;
behavior and positive leadership while
while working collaboratively in the
exhibits ethical behavior and positive
working collaboratively in the school
school and/or community; and reinforces leadership while working collaboratively and/or community; and describes legal
legal and ethical behaviors in the use of
in the school and/or community; and
and ethical behaviors in the use of
technology. The student can
models legal and ethical behaviors in
technology. Performance needs further
independently solve problems and is self- the use of technology. Application of
development and supervision.
knowledge and skills is thorough and
effective and the student can work
Standard: 12
Entrepreneurship Skills
Students will access the opportunities, concepts, processes, and personal traits/behaviors associated
with successful entrepreneurial performance.
Students will
assess global trends in entrepreneurship that are related to their career/technical program.
determine entrepreneurial opportunities in venture creation related to their career/technical program.
examine desirable entrepreneurial personality traits.
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.MLD.12)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows
inconsistent performance of fundamental
distinctive and sophisticated application
a thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills characterized by
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
errors and/or omissions in
standard in entrepreneurship skills. The
standard in entrepreneurship skills. The entrepreneurship skills. The student lists
student critiques global trends in
student assesses global trends in
global trends in entrepreneurship that
entrepreneurship that are related to their entrepreneurship that are related to
are related to their career/technical
career/technical program; evaluates
their career/technical program;
program; describes entrepreneurial
entrepreneurial opportunities in venture
determines entrepreneurial
opportunities in venture creation related
creation related to their career/technical
opportunities in venture creation related to their career/technical program; and
program; and assesses desirable
to their career/technical program; and
identifies desirable entrepreneurial
entrepreneurial personality traits. The
examines desirable entrepreneurial
personality traits. Performance needs
student can independently solve
personality traits. Application of
further development and supervision.
problems and is self-directed.
knowledge and skills is thorough and
effective and the student can work