Lab Final

Biology 1 – Study Guide for Lab Final
Lab 8 – DNA, Protein Synthesis, and Biotechnology
Be able to read a DNA fingerprint. What do the bands represent? Be able to build a complimentary strand, mRNA, tRNA
and proteins from a strand of DNA. Whey is shape important for proteins? Know the effects of radiation on the
germinated seedlings. Are they somatic or sex cell mutations? How can you tell if the radiation affected the sex cells?
Lab 9 – Genetics
Know the following terms: haploid, diploid, chromosomes, homozygous, heterozygous, recessive, dominant, and
genotype. Be able to calculate the % deviation of a sample from the expected. Know how to read a karyotype. Know
how to read a pedigree. Be able to do a genetic problem (monohybrid, sex-linked, incomplete dominance, test cross).
Lab 10 – Macroevolution and Homologous Structures
Know the bones of the skull and skeleton. What bone forms the forehead? Contains the external auditory meatus? Bears
the foramen magnum? What is another name for the collar bone? Shoulder blade? Shin bone? Knee cap? Know why
ribs are attached by cartilage. How many ribs do males and females have? Why are more injuries seen in the cervical or
lumbar regions? What teeth are absent in horses and sheep? Why do birds and mammals have a hard palate? How can
you tell if an animal is bipedal? What does the position of the orbit tell you about an animal’s lifestyle?
Lab 11 – Microevolution and Interactions Between Organisms and Their Environment
Know the following terms: biotic, abiotic, habitat, niche. What is a trophic level? (producers, primary
consumer, secondary consumer, decomposer). Be able to explain the Natural selection experiment with
predators and beans. Be able to calculate predator efficiency. Know the notes on the Predator Movie
Lab 12 – Population Growth and Diseases
Know the following terms: natality, mortality, immigration, emigration, biotic potential, carrying capacity.
What is ZPG? Know the four categories of diseases: genetic, deficiency, degenerative, communicable. Know
the following terms: pathogen, transmission, incubation period, asymptomatic carriers, and communicable
period. STD pathogens are three types: viral, bacterial, and others. Know the STD activity. Know the example
of the earth (apple). How much of the “apple” do we depend on?
Lab 13 – Human Respiratory and Circulatory Systems
Know the following terms: tidal volume, respiratory rate, apnea, Know how to calculate pulmonary ventilation
and alveolar ventilation. Know the experiments with breathing rates and apnea time. Know the components of
blood (table on 238). Know what the chemicals do to heart rate. Know how to read blood pressures and what
they mean. Know the parts of the heart.
Lab 14 – Nervous System
Know the difference between phasic and tonic receptors. What is two-point touch discrimination? Know
where the types of tastebuds are found on the tongue. What is a blind spot? Know what the numbers mean for
visual acuity. What is an astigmatism? Know the structure of the eye. What is the tapetum lucidum? What are
Lab 15 – Ecology
Know the different habitats in the sanctuary. How large is it? Who is the director? Why was the corner given
up and what was given in return? Why? What was the chemical spill in the sanctuary?