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32 510 PS
Der amerikanische Sozialstaat: Entwicklung, Theorien, Probleme
The American Welfare State: Development, Theories, Problems
Prof. Dr. M. Mayer
Fr 12-14, Rm 203
SS 2003!margit.htm
This Proseminar is about the changing forms and scales of governance, focusing on the development
and ongoing transformations in the sphere of social policies and institutions in the United States. We will
analyze the particular conditions and unique expression of the “exceptional” American welfare state,
learn about different theories that explain the emergence of “welfare”, and finally study the welfare
reform initiated under the Clinton administration (1996), the shifting relations between national and local
levels of the state which it entailed, and the effects it has created both institutionally and in terms of
policy development. Throughout the course, will pay particular attention to the actors shaping the policy
process, and to the institutions shaping the regulation of welfare and the labor market. Different
analytical approaches, highlighting the role of class, gender, ethnicity as well as the role of the voluntary
and philanthropic sector will also be looked at, in order to appreciate the unique features and particular
problems in the emergence of the U.S. workfare state.
Course requirements:
Introduction: What do we already know about the US welfare state?
Development and specificities of the US Welfare State
Typologies of Welfare Regimes
Emergence of Welfare in the US
Regimes of Regulation I (workhouse/welfare)
Regimes of Regulation II (workfare)
Particular Characteristics of the US Welfare State: 1. Gender Relations
Particular Characteristics of the US Welfare State: 2. Race Relations
Ellen Reese: Resisting the Workfare State
Particular Characteristics of the US Welfare State: 3. Scale
Particular Characteristics of the US Welfare State: 4. Voluntary and Philanthropic Sector
Effects of the Welfare Reform
Assessing the US Welfare State from a comparative perspective
02.5. Development and specificities of the US Welfare State
*Ira Katznelson, Mark Kesselman, chapter 9 (“The Welfare State”) in: The Politics of Power. A Critical
Introduction to American Government, Third Edition, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1987.
background: Robert X. Browning, “Social Welfare Policy,” in: Gillian Peele, Christopher J. Bailey, Bruce
Cain, eds., Developments in American Politics, MacMillan 1992.
09.5. Typologies of Welfare Regimes
*Gosta Esping-Andersen, The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism. Princeton UP, 1990, S. 9-54.
16.5. Emergence of Welfare in the US
*Theda Skocpol, “State Formation and Social Policy in the United States,” chapter 2 in Skocpol, Social
Policy in the United States. Princeton UP 1995
Ann Shola Orloff, “The Political Origins of America’s Belated Welfare State,” in: Margaret Weir, Ann
Shola Orloff, Theda Skocpol, eds., The Politics of Social Policy in the United States. Princeton UP 1988.
Michael Katz, In the Shadow of the Poor House: A Social History of Welfare in America. New York: Basic
Books, 1986. Especially chapter 1.
23.5. Regimes of Regulation
*Jamie Peck, “Regulation: Workhouse/Welfare/Workfare,” chapter 2 in Peck, Workfare States, p. 31-68.
Frances Piven, Richard Cloward, Regulating the Poor, New York: Vintage 1993, esp. chapter 1.
Samuel Bowles, Herbert Gintis, “The Crisis of Liberal Democratic Capitalism: The Case of the United
States,” Politics & Society 11/1, 1982, 51-94.
30.5. Regimes of Regulation II (workfare)
*Jamie Peck, “Regulation: Workhouse/Welfare/Workfare,” chapter 2 in Peck, Workfare States, pp 68-82.
Paul Pierson, “The New Politics of the Welfare State,” World Politics 48 (January 1996)
Jamie Peck, “Workfare: What does it mean?” chapter 3 in Peck, Workfare States, pp. 83-126.
06.6. Particular Characteristics of the US Welfare State: 1. Gender Relations
*Ann Shola Orloff, “Explaining Welfare Reform: power, gender, rade and the US policy legacy”, Critical
Social Policy 22/1 (Feb) 2002
Linda Gordon, ed., Women, the State and Welfare. U of Wisconsin Press 1990 (bes. Chapters 1, 2)
Dorothy Roberts, “Welfare’s Ban on Poor Motherhood,” in: Gwendloyn Mink, ed., Whose Welfare?
Ithaca: Cornell UP 1999, 152-170.
Barbara J. Nelson, “The Origins of the Two-Channel Welfare State: Workmen’s Compensation and
Mothers’ Aid,” in: Linda Gordon, ed., Women, the State, and Welfare. University of Wisconsin Press,
13.6. Particular Characteristics of the US Welfare State: 2. Race Relations
*Jill Quadagno, The Color of Welfare: How Racism Undermined the War on Poverty. Oxford UP 1994
(Intro and chapter 1)
Herbert Gans, "The So-called Underclass and the Future of Antipoverty Policy," in: M.Brinton Lykes et
al., Myths about the Powerless, Temple UP 1996
New: Lynn H. Fujiwara, “Asian Immigrant Communities and the Racial Politics of Welfare Reform,” in:
Gwendlyn Mink, ed., Whose Welfare? Ithaca: Cornell UP 1999, pp. 100-131
20.6. Resisting the Workfare State
Ellen Reese, “Resisting the Workfare State: Mobilizing General Relief Recipients in Los Angeles,” Race,
Gender and Class, 9/1, 2002, pp. 72-95.
Krinsky, John and Ellen Reese. 2003. “Claims-making, Repertoires of Contention, and the Political
Economy: Inter-city Variation in the Workfare Workers’ Rights Movement.” Forthcoming in: American
Journal of Sociology
27.6. Particular Characteristics of the US Welfare State: 3. Scale
* Jamie Peck, “Postwelfare Massachusetts,” Economic Geography vol. 74 no 4, 1998.
Joel F. Handler, Chapter 5: The Return to the States, in: The Poverty of Welfare Reform. New Haven:
Yale UP 1995.
Michael B. Katz, „Governors as Welfare Reformers,“ in: ders., The Price of Citizenship: Redefining the
American Welfare State, New York: Metropolitan Books 2001, 77-103.
Joe Soss, Sanford Schram, Thomas Vartanian, Erin O’Brien, “Setting the Terms of Relief: Explaining
State Policy Choices in the Devolution Revolution,” American Journal of Political Science 45/2, April
2001, pp. 378-395.
Sarah Lipschuetz, Welfare Reform in Five States. 2000
04. 7. Particular Characteristics of the US Welfare State: 4. Voluntary and Philanthropic Sector
Peter L. Berger, Richard John Neuhaus, To Empower People. The Role of Mediating Structures in Public
Policy. American Enterprise Institute 1977
Michael B. Katz, “The Independent Sector, the Market, and the State,” Kap 7 in: ders., The Price of
Citizenship. Redefining the American Welfare State. New York: Metropolitan Books 2001, 171-194.
Nancy Fraser & Linda Gordon, "Contract vs. Charity: Why is there no social citizenship in the US?"
Socialist Review 22/3 (July-Sept 1992)
Robert Wuthnow, “The Voluntary Sector: Legacy of the Past, Hope for the Future?” in: ders., ed.,
Between States and Markets: the Voluntary Sector in Comparative Perspective. Princeton UP 1991
11.7. Effects of the Welfare Reform
*Demetrios James Caraley, “Ending Welfare as we know it: A Reform still in Progress,” Political Science
Quarterly, 116/4, 2001-02, pp. 525-560.
Michael Wiseman, „Making Work for welfare in the United States,“ in: Ivar Lodemel, Heather Trickey,
eds., “An Offer You Can’t Refuse”. Workfare in International Perspective. Bristol: Policy Press, 2000.
Handler, Joel F., Lucie White, Hard Labor, 1999. Kap 2: Welfare Restructuring and the Working Poor
Family Policy: The New Context.
Frances Fox Piven, „Welfare and Work,“ in: Gwendolyn Mink, ed., Whose Welfare? Ithaca: Cornell UP
1999, 83-99.
Web Sources
Electronic Policy Network (EPN), Welfare and Families: <>
zusammengeschlossene Website von progressiven Forschungsinstitutionen (Economic Policy Institute, Center for
Law and Social Policy etc.),
bietet Artikel zu "Social Policies" und zur “Welfare Reform” (The National Debate, Background on Poverty and
Welfare Reform, Clinton Admininstration on Welfare Reform, Congressional Republicans on Welfare Reform, State
and Local Welfare Reform, Social Science Recources etc.)
The Welfare Law Center <> <>
Assessing the New Federalism - an Urban Institute Project <
fortlaufende Untersuchungen zur Devolution sozialpolitischer Komptenzen im amerikanischen Bundesstaat
Institute for Research on Poverty - U of Wisconsin/Madison <>
laufende Untersuchungen und Publikationen zu Armut und welfare reform
IWPR's Welfare Monitoring project: <>
(The Institute for Women's Policy Research
mit (subscribe WELFAREM-L full name)
Institute for the Study of Civic Values <>
tracks welfare reform implementation and monitores national discussion of the issue
International Council on Social Welfare <>
offers follow-up information on World Summit for Social Development and links to various organizations interested
in welfare policy
Welfare Information Network (WIN) <>
clearinghouse for information, policy analysis, technical assistance on welfare reform, links zu allen möglichen
Institutionen, Regierungsbehörden, Forschungseinrichtungen, Publikationen
Zusammenschluß von public interest Organisationen, inkl. Welfare Watch Rubrik
Welfare to Work Initiative of the Local Investment Commission
a citizens' advisory group that makes available in-depth look at Kansas City's welfare to work program
Welfare to Work Partnership <>
a nationwide effort assisting private sector businesses with hiring people on public assistance. Includes extensive
list of "working examples" of some of the welfare-to-work programs operated by companies
Welfare Reform Resource Project <>
a public policy initiative of Regent University offering current articles on welfare reform