The Epistle July 8, 2012 Sharing the Joy and Power of Life in Christ Delegates to Diocesan Council At the August Vestry meeting we will be appointing two new persons to serve as delegates to our Diocesan Council in February (2/15-16). Those appointed will serve at the first Council (2013) as an alternate, and then for the next two Councils (2014 and 2015) as a delegate. There will also be a pre-Council meeting (approximately 2 hours on a Sunday afternoon in late January) which delegates and alternates are expected to attend. Those who will be serving as delegates at the 2013 Council are: Lynne Coates, John Sutton, David Mansfield and Delores Wilson. If you are interested in being considered for this appointment please contact the Rector (499-1271), or our Senior Warden, Charlie Schindler (424-8665). . . . and the Road Project When the City of Virginia Beach announced their settlement with us recently, they indicated that we had received $1.1 million dollars. That appears to be a really large chunk of money that we have sitting around to be used for anything we might dream of in settling the property issues. But in actuality, the bulk of that money has been spent in maintaining our current property and our struggle with the City for just compensation. The Road Committee will be updating you on where the money has gone. We will have a Town Hall meeting after the 8:30 and 11:00 services on July 15 and July 29. Please come and hear their final report. Emmanuel’s turn to feed the homeless at the Judeo Christian Outreach Center (JCOC) is Thursday, July 12. Please sign up in the Parish Hall. Christian Formation News Manna Live! August 1 – 5 Vacation Bible School isn’t just for kids anymore! Our program this year will include a really great adult program as well! Lots of zany stuff is in store for you! August 1-5…..5:30-8 p.m. (includes dinner!) Saturday 9:30-11:00 a.m...a fabulous family out-reach project and a special closing on Sunday after church. You do not want to miss this! Register your whole family now while we still have spaces! Parish Retreat at Camp Chanco September 7 - 9 It’s time to sign up for the Parish Retreat! We really need to know if you are going….so please sign up on the sign-up sheet in the Parish Hall. Registration forms are on the table next to the Christian Formation office and on our website - To all who heard our call and made the additional sacrifice to sustain Emmanuel’s function and operation, you have my gratitude. To God be the glory! Bob Gerling, Finance Commission Chair Children’s Liturgy of the Word Worship Leader Schedule Sunday July 8 July 15 July 22 July 29 8:30 Service Duesberry, Jenkins, Brewer Duesberry, White, Irvin Duesberry, Larmore, Kelly Duesberry, Kelly, Landau From the Finance Director Most people who attend churches are aware that the clergy have a discretionary fund. Here at Emmanuel we have three separate funds – one for each of the clergy. Church Discretionary funds used to be separate and confidential checking accounts under the control of the clergy. They were not audited and were sometimes prone to abuse. At Emmanuel we follow the present day policies regarding Discretionary funds. The money is kept in the parish accounts for the “discretionary use” of the clergy. Gifts go into a restricted line item for John, Julia, and Marguerite to be drawn as needed for helping those who require some assistance. A budget line for each of them assures that funds are always maintained for their use. Clergy may use these funds for all sorts of things; most recently, help with rent deposit on a new apartment, pay someone to do yard work for an AIDS patient, assistance with gas, donation to Mission of the Holy Spirit, assistance with medical bill, donation to overseas missionary, etc. The clergy can use it on what they deem appropriate as long as it is not on themselves. Unlike the old policies, the Discretionary Fund is now audited with the rest of the church accounts. Gifts to the Discretionary Fund are listed on your contribution record and are tax-deductible. Gale Nicholson Volunteers are needed to lead Children’s Liturgy of the Word at the 8:30 service. Let’s Celebrate the 4th at Emmanuel! Wednesday, July 4 Come to any or all of the following: 8:30 a.m. – Breakfast in the Parish Hall 9:15 a.m. – Bicycle Parade around the church grounds – bring your best decorated bikes, wagons, scooters, etc! Come and ride or cheer on the participants. 10:00 a.m. – Service with Eucharist, patriotic music and flag-folding ceremony (childcare provided). Pardon me, Your Faith is Showing As you may remember, at the start of the year we found our budget $67,000 in the red. The Vestry directed the Finance Commission to make cuts in expenditures and to develop ways to increase pledges. Through difficult budget planning and cuts, we were able to reduce our expenses by $41,000.00. During our Second Mile Campaign, you had to listen to me several times discuss our need for members to step up to the plate and make our parish budget sustainable. I can remember praying for God’s grace to have the wisdom to solve this budget crisis, the courage to ask for your help, and the words to properly convey the importance of the issues at hand. Through the generosity of you, the congregation, we were able to increase our pledges by $23,200. This narrowed the gap to $3,000. Surprisingly , at the end of May, we received a refund from our health insurance company in the amount of $3,000. Coincidence? Hmmmm. Beach Fun! Taking young children to the beach can be an Olympic feat for just one or two parents. But with many arms to help tote and set up the zillion things necessary to keep our little sand mites safe and comfortable, a family trip to the beach can actually be enjoyable! Join other parents of young children on Saturday, July 7, as we caravan to the beach in the morning for a relaxing day in the sun. E-mail Heather Floyd at if you are interested! Details to come. 2 Do you have a laptop, iPad, tablet or smartphone? Do you want to know more about how you can use them to access the most current and up-to-date information about what is happening at Emmanuel? Join us for a summer series at EEC-Tech where we will Walk through the Website and find out how Facebook keeps our community connected on a daily basis. Class offered: EEC 201 - Keep Connected with Facebook. This one-hour course will introduce you to Facebook, how to set up a Facebook account, finding friends, and how to connect with the Emmanuel Episcopal Church Virginia Beach Facebook Page and other EEC group pages for the most up to date information. Pre-requisite: NONE BRING: your laptop, tablet pc and/or smartphone WiFi provided 9:45 a.m. 1hr Sunday - July 29 instructors J Messer and M Hufford EEC’s Facebook administrators EEC- 301 - What else do you want to know? Let us know what other topics you want to learn more about in August. Classes will be designed and scheduled to fit your interests and needs. Don’t Wait! Sign Up Today! Faith in Fiction Next Meeting July 12, 7:30 p.m. (Note Date Change) Faith in Fiction is a group that enjoys reading and discussing books. We focus on the spiritual thread and/or social consciousness running through the story line of a novel. This month we will meet on the second Thursday of the month, July 12, at 7:30 p.m. in the Library. The book selection for July is Death Comes to the Archbishop by Willa Cather. If you have questions, please call Bonnie Kiermaier 495-3454. Men’s Breakfast The next Men’s Breakfast is Saturday, July 14, at 7:30 a.m. Please sign up in the Parish Hall. CRAFTERS ARE EMPTYING THE ATTIC! Attic Sale Sunday, July 15, after services Everything 50% off original price Jewelry, home décor, wearing apparel, blankets, children’s books, shell art, wreaths, and much more. Emmanuel Saints’ Make-up Game ALF Pool Party (Rained out on June 22) July 28, 4 – 8 p.m. It's Pool Party time for the Adults Less than Fifty crowd! ALFs, enjoy a sizzling cookout and cool off with friends at the Leclaires’ pool at 2509 Roan Trail, VB, VA 23456 on July 28 from 4-8:00 p.m. BYOB, side dishes welcome. Come out to cheer on the Emmanuel Episcopal Saints! We would love your support! * July 6 Emmanuel Saints vs. St. Peter’s Rocks 6:45 and 7:45 p.m. Old Donation Field 3 You can read the complete Bible in two years using The Daily Office, and in three years using The Revised Common Lectionary. The current cycle is using: Daily Office Readings Year Two & Revised Common Lectionary Year B; Daily Office Readings for the upcoming week & Sunday Revised Common Lectionary Readings (Underlined readings are clickable direct links to the Bible passage) Old New This Week’s Readings: Psalms Testament Testament Gospel Week of Fourth Sunday after Pentecost Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Week of Fifth Sunday after Pentecost July 3 July 4 July 5 July 6 July 7 Daily Office Sunday RCL Proper 9 July 8 Monday July 9 Tuesday July 10 Wednesday July 11 Thursday July 12 Friday July 13 Saturday July 14 AM Psalm [120], 121, 122, 123; PM Psalm 124, 125, 126, [127] AM Psalm 119:145176; PM Psalm 128, 129, 130 AM Psalm 131, 132, [133]; PM Psalm 134, 135 AM Psalm 140, 142; PM Psalm 141, 143:1-11(12) AM Psalm 137:1-6(79), 144; PM Psalm 104 Numbers 22:21-38 Romans 7:1-12 Matthew 21:23-32 Numbers 22:41-23:12 Romans 7:13-25 Matthew 21:33-46 Numbers 23:11-26 Romans 8:1-11 Matthew 22:1-14 Numbers 24:1-13 Romans 8:12-17 Matthew 22:15-22 Numbers 24:12-25 Romans 8:18-25 Matthew 22:23-40 AM Psalm 146, 147; PM Psalm 111, 112, 113 Numbers 27:12-23 Acts 19:11-20 Mark 1:14-20 Psalm 48 or Psalm 123 2 Samuel 5:1-5,9-10 Or Ezekiel 2:1-5 Numbers 32:1-6,16-27 Numbers 35:1-3,9-15, 30-34 Deuteronomy 1:1-18 Deuteronomy 3:18-28 Deuteronomy 31:7-13, 24-32:4; Deuteronomy 34:1-12 2 Corinthians 12:2-10 Mark 6:1-13 Romans 8:26-30 Romans 8:31-39 Matthew 23:1-12 Matthew 23:13-26 Romans 9:1-18 Romans 9:19-33 Romans 10:1-13 Matthew 23:27-39 Matthew 24:1-14 Matthew 24:15-31 Romans 10:14-21 Matthew 24:32-51 AM Psalm 1, 2, 3; PM Psalm 4, 7 AM Psalm 5, 6; PM Psalm 10, 11 AM Psalm 119:1-24; PM Psalm 12, 13, 14 AM Psalm 18:1-20; PM Psalm 18:21-50 AM Psalm 16, 17; PM Psalm 22 AM Psalm 20, 21:1-7(8-14); PM Psalm 110:1-5 (6-7), 116, 117 4 July 4, 10 a.m. 11:00 a.m. LAY READERS: Diann Nickelsburg, Joan Raybourn USHERS: Susanne Pugh, Bob Paull, Arun Raju ACOLYTES: Gary Watson, Cameron Taylor, Nicholas Taylor, Sammy Irvin, Jada Ramos HEALING MINISTERS: Bob Paull, Patty Rapp VESTRY GREETER: Delores Wilson COFFEE HOUR HOSTS: Darla & Steve Furman WELCOMERS: Duncan & Karin Bell EUCHARISTIC VISITORS: Dick Wilk, Richard Pulley COUNTERS: (7/9) Dave Roper, Herb Pixley, Lynne Coates, Gloria White ALTAR GUILD: (6/30-7/13) Marti & Dave Mansfield, Joanne Wade, Marlyn Lam, Beth Orr, Karen Kearse FLOWER GUILD: (7/7) Nancy Larmore, Garnett Shores USHERS: Mike Nickelsburg, Okie Thompson Schedule for July 8, 2012 PREACHER: The Rev. Julia Messer 7:30 a.m. LAY READER: Joanne Wade 8:30 a.m. LAY READERS: Clarissa Ernest, Cindy Barnhurst USHERS: Bob & Nancy Larmore, Ken Eastwood ACOLYTES: Ben Hufford, Townsend Larmore, Ian Larmore, Jamie White, Jordan Strawbridge HEALING MINISTERS: Art & Loretta Mann VESTRY GREETER: Curt Womble COFFEE HOUR HOSTS: Marti & Dave Mansfield WELCOMERS: Jim & Sharon O’Meara Parish Care Contact: Clara Boyle – 818-5128 Please Pray for: Peace in the world; John, our Rector; Julia, our Assistant Rector; Marguerite, our Deacon; Howard our retired clergy, in their daily life and work. Please pray for: Debra, Loretta, Charlie, Rhonda, Jamie, Molly, Grover, Margaret, Bob, Larry, Rita, Barbara, Mathew, Jeffrey, Ruth, Arianne, Tim, Vicki, Jake, Richard, Philip, Midge, Janis, Pam, Shannon, Hunter, Betty Jean, Meaghan, Parker, Peggy, Michelle, Sarah Grace, Jill, Jack, Juliana, Katie, Judy, Chris, Ashley, Brandon, Nick, Evelyn, Swan, Joe, Dee, Sara, David, Jen, Babette, Jim, Nancy, Pat, Dave & Bev, Tommy & Angie, Olivia, Betsy, Suzanne, Mark, Herb, Duncan, Gavin, Sandy, and Sydney. All those in our armed forces and their families at home and abroad: Anna Kopp, Stephen & Daniel Campbell, Jason Baer, Kurt Shriever, Jack Knopp, Darby Mullis, Patrick McKavitt, and Trenton Bowlen. Those in prison: Aki, Anthony, James, Larry, John, Ryan, and Harry. All sermons can be found on our blog. Find us on Facebook at Emmanuel Episcopal Church Virginia Beach Emmanuel’s email address: Visit Emmanuel's web site at: Emmanuel Clergy & Staff The Rev. John Baldwin, Rector The Rev. Julia Messer, Assistant Rector The Rev. Marguerite Alley, Deacon The Rev. Howard Purvis, Honorary Associate Phone: 757-499-1271 Fax: 757-499-4953 Day School: 757-499-7393 Director of Finance Director of Day School Coord. Christian Form. Director of Music Parish Administrator Day Sch. Admin. Assist. Building Manager Custodial Assistant 5 Gale Nicholson Sarah Singer Marguerite Alley Bob Sullivan Donna Clark Karen Kearse Mike Lee Barbara Acela The Epistle A weekly publication Emmanuel Episcopal Church 5181 Princess Anne Road Virginia Beach, VA 23462