Most Frequently Asked Questions about Juice Plus+® Look at “Objections” and “Questions” as an opportunity to learn more about your prospect/customer. Don’t get nervous or defensive. “Tell me more about that” or “Tell me more about that, what experience have you had with ____?” These are a great response to get the ball rolling. Being curious, with the desire to help your prospect will give you the best results. We know what we have our hands on with Juice Plus+ and with the Virtual Franchise and our contacts deserve to learn about it also! You will also find info/articles on to help answer questions. Here are some questions or concerns that prospects may have during the decision making process along with some suggested responses. Do not feel you need to memorize this info. You can read it over to get the general idea and put into your own words. Don’t overload them with every bit of information; just use the facts that are most helpful at the time. Or, feel free to print this out and have it with you to read from. Your goal when answering questions is to put your prospect at ease. One way to do this is to let them know that you understand them – you were once a prospective customer, too! A helpful approach is “Feel, Felt, Found”. Let your prospect know that you understand how they feel: you (or someone you know) felt that way too; and what you (or they) found or discovered was_________(insert response to the question/concern; see examples below). Remember, don’t address un-asked questions, or un mentioned concerns Q. How much is it? “That’s the best part. It’s only $1.39 per day, less than a cup of coffee or a bottle of water. That equates to $41.75 a month. This price includes shipping and handling, too. I just need to have your address and billing information. The company ships you a four-month supply, but will bill you only $41.75 + tax each month over the next four months. Are you ready to get started today?” Q. It is expensive! A. “I know how you feel! I felt that way too, when I first heard about Juice Plus+® (or some customers feel that way at first) but then I realized that $1.39/day is less than the cup of coffee I was buying everyday!” (You can use cable TV, cigarettes, junk food, etc.) Or: “I know how you feel! When I first heard about Juice Plus+®, I felt I couldn’t afford it, but as I learned more about what JP+ is doing in my body, I realized that prevention is much less expensive than disease-I can’t afford not to add it to my diet, and I could never buy 17 fruits and vegetables for $1.39/day!” “Juice Plus+ is the best nutritional bargain I can put in my kitchen & my body, AND it doesn’t go green and fuzzy in the fridge!” Sometimes it is helpful to find out what they are wanting to compare JP+ to…”Tell me more about that, what are you comparing it to?” If it is vitamin pills explain why JP+ is SO MUCH MORE than isolated fragmented vitamins. Share info about the research... To a great degree, you DO get what you pay for! “I hear you, and I hear that you also love the idea of JP+. I understand how you feel, I once felt the same way. And, when I learned more about JP+ I realized that for $2.25/day there is no way I can go into the grocery store and bring out something that is as nutrition with the value and nutrition and positive health benefits that JP+ has for my family – that’s when JP+ became priceless to me!” Q. Why do I have to commit to four months? I’d like to try it for just a month. A. This is a good time to refer to the audio. Most health professionals address the issue of our bodies needing time to adjust to a change in diet. Let them know that you care about their results with Juice Plus+®. One month is not enough time to fully realize the benefits of adding Juice Plus+® to the diet; some people will just be developing the habit of taking Juice Plus+® regularly during the first month. Let them know that you (and NSA) are passionate about their results and that is why the company offers a discount on the retail price through the Preferred Customer Program and allows them to pay for their Juice Plus+® as they’re using it – just $41.75 per month. Isn’t that great! Q. I don’t like anyone taking money out of my account. Can’t I just write a check? A. This is another great example of when to use the “feel, felt, found” technique: “I know how you feel. I felt the same thing when I was becoming a Juice Plus+® customer (or some customers feel this way at first) , but I found out that the company doesn’t actually take money out of my account. When we place your Preferred Customer order, you select a specific day each month when your credit card or bank will remit $41.75 (plus taxes) for your Juice Plus+®. You and I are in complete control and can cancel at any time. It’s just like having an online account with AOL or having insurance automatically deducted from your bank account each month. I’ve been using Juice Plus+® for ____ and have never had a problem nor has anyone I know!” Your Credit card is actually the safest way to pay for something, if you rightly dispute a charge you don’t have to pay for it. Q. I already take vitamins. Do I still need Juice Plus+®? A. This is another great time to refer back to the audio. “Did you hear what _________ had to say about vitamins? I was really surprised to hear that vitamins just include fragments of what is in fruits and vegetables! It’s amazing to think that an apple alone contains thousands of phytonutrients. Most vitamin pills I’ve seen only have a few ingredients, but Juice Plus+® is whole food based: we get nutrition from 17 different fruits, vegetables, and grains and all the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, etc. in those fruits and vegetables. Isn’t that great! I also really like that there is clinical research that shows that Juice Plus+® works Does the vitamin that you’re currently taking have any research backing it up?” “It’s nice to know that we have medical science proving what is on the label is in the Juice Plus+ capsule/chewable, and that it gets into our bloodstream and cells where it can do us a great deal of good!” Q. I eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Why do I need Juice Plus+®? A. Another great time to use “feel, felt, found”: “I can certainly understand how you feel, and that’s great that you’re already eating lots of fruits and vegetables! Lots of people who use Juice Plus+® find that they naturally increase their intake of fruits and vegetables, but Juice Plus+® is still valuable for them to use. When I first was introduced to Juice Plus+® (or when one of my customers, family, or friends…), I felt the same way. I was eating lots of fruits and vegetables, too. But what I realized was that I couldn’t get the vine-ripened produce that’s in Juice Plus+®. Even organic produce is picked early so it won’t spoil! Also, even though I like a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, I rarely eat 17 different kinds on a daily basis. And some of the vegetables that are so good for me, like kale and parsley, I just don’t like very much…and others, like broccoli and beets, I only like cooked, even though I know that they are better for me raw. Thank goodness I can get 17 different raw fruits, vegetables and grains in Juice Plus+®! Have you seen the ‘More Matters’ logo on produce? Well, it’s true, the more we eat…the better for our health.” Q. Why don’t you list the vitamins and minerals that are in Juice Plus+®? A. “That’s a great question and one of the most exciting things about Juice Plus+®! You see on the Nutrition Facts label just like on a bag of apples or broccoli that Juice Plus+® is food. You know when you buy broccoli at the store, it doesn’t list a vitamin breakdown, but you know it’s good for you. It would be a 26 page booklet to list everything! I’ve learned that there are thousands of “phytonutrients” in fruits and vegetables in a proper proportion and combination. Those are things like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes, etc. I keep seeing articles in magazines about the new ones that get discovered. It’s amazing. That’s what great about Juice Plus+® all those phytonutrients are already in it! It would be impossible to list all the ingredients on any bottle. The other thing I’ve learned is that there is a synergistic effect with all of these phytonutrients – they need to work together to work best. Isn’t it great that Juice Plus+® keeps them all together for us?” My Doctor tells me not to take Vitamin A. ~ It is generally not a great idea to take Vitamin A. Getting ‘preformed’ Vitamin A can be toxic and lead to problems, especially in pregnancy. JP+ has no ‘preformed’ Vitamin A. It has 'pre-vitamin A' in the form of Beta Carotene. It gives the body the fuel and raw materials to make its own Vitamin A...the form it needs and the amount it needs. Any other way is unwise. Q: Am I getting too many nutrients with JP+ and food/vitamins I take? Is JP+ safe? I know this information will relieve you … #1-The JP labeling is for the entire one day’s supply of each JP blend. #2-And, there is a vast difference between getting vitamins from food and getting them from a vitamin that is isolated (not in combination with the 10,000+ other phytonutrients that help your body recognize and use it), and fragmented (as in it is not the entire vitamin complex – Ascorbic Acid is only ‘part’ of Vitamin C – not the whole complex that you get when you eat an orange). You may notice there are Warning Labels on your vitamin bottles – you can OD on them. There are no Warning Labels on Juice Plus+, just like there are no Warning Labels on food. We have had kids get into the soft chewable gummies and eat consume large amounts! When that happens, and a frantic Mom calls Poison Control they tell you to relax and don’t worry. He may end up in the bathroom with some diarrhea d/t all the fiber, but more fruits and vegetables won’t hurt him! So, when you look at a JP+ bottle, just as when you look at the produce at the Farmers Market…you aren’t looking at a finite milligram of any specific nutrients. You are looking at what the Cancer Society, Heart Association and ALL the major medical associations recommend every day for better health…a rainbow of vine ripened, raw fruits and veggies. And, just like the new motto says… “More Matters”. So keep eating as many fruits and veggies as you can, and know that no matter what happens you have the confidence that you are providing your family with a rainbow of 17 (26 if you add the Vineyard Blend) vine ripened, pesticide and herbicide free fruits and vegetables every single day…I know that relieves my “Mom Guilt”. My family doesn’t always make the best choices when away from home, this gives their body’s the best fighting chance they have to stay healthy and reduce their risk of disease. You also may want to check out the science of Juice Plus, including the pregnancy research. The well respected medical centers requesting to do research on JP+ would NEVER do research on anyone, especially pregnant women, if there were even a hint of a chance of causing any harm to Mom or baby. Juice Plus is totally safe, as fruits and veggies are safe. The NSF Certification also validates quality and safety. Q: What is Juice Plus+®? A: Juice Plus+® is the registered brand name for NSA’s fruit and vegetable based nutritional products. These products contain concentrated juice powders from a variety of fruits, vegetables, berries, grapes and grains. It is the leading selling encapsulated nutritional product in the world. Q: Why is Juice Plus+® unique? A: Juice Plus+® is unique because of its ingredients. The whole food concentrate is made using the concentrated juice powders from fruits, vegetables, and grains, and is produced through a proprietary juice drying process. Juice Plus+® is convenient, affordable, and bioavailable nutrition in a form which is easy to consume. The fact that it is the most thoroughly researched nutritional product on the planet sets it apart from other nutritional products! Q: How is Juice Plus+® made? A: The Juice Plus+® powders are made specifically for NSA using a proprietary methodology developed by the company. The juices are dried in such a way as to retain as much of the nutrient content as possible from the original fruits and vegetables – as indicated in the Juice Plus+ research. These powders are blended with a few other food ingredients before being encapsulated and bottled. You can see the process on the home page video on our product website. Q: What does “bioavailable” mean? A: Bioavailable is another way of saying “highly absorbable.” The nutrients in Juice Plus+® are recognized by the body and readily assimilated. This has been demonstrated by independent studies at a number of respected universities and research centers around the world. Q: Is Juice Plus+® a substitute for fruits and vegetables? A: No, Juice Plus+® is not a substitute for fruits and vegetables; it is the Next Best Thing. We encourage everyone to eat at least 9 to 13 servings of a wide variety of fruits and vegetables daily, as recommended by health professionals worldwide. Juice Plus+® is a complement to a healthy diet rather than a substitute for one. Q: If someone already eats fruits and vegetables, do they need Juice Plus+®? A: The key to a healthy diet is balance, variety, and regularity. Most people do not manage to eat the recommended 7 to 13 servings of fruit and vegetables every day. Adding Juice Plus+® provides whole food based nutrition from a wide variety of VINE RIPENED, RAW, PESTICIDE & HERBICIDE FREE fruits and vegetables Daily. Hard to even GET that at the store, let alone eat it every day! Q: How many servings of fruits and vegetables per day do the experts recommend? A: The new U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that adults should eat 7 to 13 servings of fruits and vegetables per day, depending on age, gender, and level of physical activity. You can go to the website (or have your prospects or customers do the same) and plug in age, gender, and level of physical activity to get the U.S. recommendations for any individual. (Don’t forget that 1 serving = 1/2 cup of a firm fruit or veggie and 1 full cup of a leafy green). If you want to see the maximum recommendation of 13 servings a day, plug in the data for a 24-year-old male who exercises over an hour a day. Q: I don’t believe we need 7-13 servings/day! ~ The USDA and others recommend 7 - 13 servings of fruits and veggies daily depending on age, sex and physical activity. And, of course the "More Matters" campaign refers to the more the better! The 7-13 is a minimum. There is no plateau when it comes to fruits and veggies...the more you eat the better fighting chance you give your body to be healthier. Not all ‘internet info’ has caught up to the most recent research. It is well established in over 4500 studies that the people who have the highest fruit and veggie intake are MUCH healthier than those who have lowest. Q: How much of each fruit and vegetable is in Juice Plus+®? A: Juice Plus+® is created using concentrated fruit and vegetable juice powders, so a direct comparison to whole fruits and vegetables would not be meaningful as water (& fruits/veg are up to 95% water) and some fiber is removed during the production of the juice powders. Logistically, the batches of Juice Plus+ juice are so large it would be impossible to count each serving of fruit or veggie going into it. JP+ is the Next Best Thing to fruits and veggies, a powerful compliment to any diet, and our company is very responsible about not wanting to discourage people from eating as many fruits and veggies as possible. However, there are enough fruits and veggies in Juice Plus to enjoy the amazing health benefits that the research shows. Enough to improve the immune system, protect DNA, decrease oxidative stress and free radical damage, increase levels of antioxidants in the blood stream, protects the circulation and much more. Dr Mitra Ray says: “The product was compared to juicing early on, and it took over a pint (16 oz) of fresh juice made from the same 7 fruits, and another pint (16 oz) of juice made from the same 8 veggies, to get the nutrient equivalent of Juice Plus+®. That brochure is not used anymore because the technology used to make the product has been improved at least twice since then and so the data would be better, but different (therefore, not scientifically accurate). They chose not to reproduce that same result as they have now moved into efficacy trials – that is “Does the product work in the body?” – this is beyond just showing what’s in it.” Q: When should I take Juice Plus+®? A: NSA recommends taking the products every day at a convenient time. The most important thing is to develop a regular habit so that it becomes part of your daily routine. Many people find that mealtime is a good time to remember to take their Juice Plus+®. It is not necessary to take with food, and can be taken once daily if desired. Q: I have trouble swallowing the capsules. What do you suggest? A: Try taking one capsule at a time with a glass of water, or try holding one capsule in the mouth for 15 seconds to soften it before swallowing with water, holding the chin down. Other options include emptying the contents of the capsules onto food or taking the Juice Plus+® chewables instead of the capsules. Q: Can I take my Juice Plus+® with coffee, tea, or cola? A: Juice Plus+® capsules are best consumed with a glass of water. However, you can use any liquid. Q: Will Juice Plus+® cure or improve certain diseases or conditions? A: Juice Plus+® is not a medicine and is not a treatment or cure for any disease or condition. How it will impact specific symptoms is impossible to predict, but it is clear that better nutrition and more fruits and vegetables are highly beneficial for both healthy people and ill people. For information on research into the effects of Juice Plus+® on health, please refer to Juice Plus+ research. Q: What can I expect to happen when I take Juice Plus+®? A: Juice Plus+® is whole food based nutrition. It provides the good nutrition from a wide variety of fruits and vegetables so often lacking in the diet. The products provide the benefits of these nutrients, and many studies have demonstrated these benefits in a variety of ways. For further details on these studies, please refer to the Science of Juice Plus+. Q: Can you take too much Juice Plus+®? A: Since Juice Plus+ is just food, it is safe to take more at times when more nutrition is desired. Q: Will I experience any side effects while taking Juice Plus+®? A: Some people may notice changes when they add Juice Plus+® to their diet. Most of these will be positive; however, a few people have noticed gastrointestinal changes for a few days after starting Juice Plus+®. Taking the product mid-meal with a few sips of water can help reduce these early effects. Detoxing is a possible cause for certain changes. Q: Can Juice Plus+® products be taken during pregnancy or by nursing mothers? A: Juice Plus+® is whole food based nutrition and should be suitable for use by anyone who can eat fruits, vegetables, and grains. There is 1 published study on Juice Plus in pregnancy. Q: Can diabetics use Juice Plus+®? A: Juice Plus+® capsules have approximately five calories and approximately one gram of total carbohydrate. As noted above, Juice Plus is whole food based nutrition and should be suitable for use by anyone who can eat fruits, vegetables and grains. Q: Will Juice Plus+® affect someone taking Coumadin? A: Many patients on Coumadin are taking JP+ with good results. Because a small quantity of vitamin K is present in Juice Plus+ Garden Blend® (a consistent 10 micrograms every single day) a dose change may be necessary. Checking your blood levels (PT/INR) shortly after beginning Juice Plus is wise. See what the National Institute of Health says: Q: Is Juice Plus+® compatible with the prescription medications I am taking? A: If a medication is to be taken on an empty stomach, then Juice Plus+® should not be taken at the same time. As long as fruits and vegetables are not contraindicated, Juice Plus+ is safe to take. Q: Should people continue to take other vitamins or minerals with Juice Plus+®? A: If your supplementation was prescribed or recommended by your doctor we recommend that you follow his/her advice. Otherwise, we recommend that people decide for themselves. Juice Plus+® taken consistently, over time usually supports excellent nutritional status. Q: Is Juice Plus+® gluten-free? A: Juice Plus+® products are regularly tested using the Tepnel ELISA methodology (AOAC method 991.19) for the presence of gluten. After the recent formula change that replaced rice bran for barley bran, the results show they contain less then 20 parts per million gluten. People who are gluten intolerant thrive on Juice Plus+® . Q: Are Juice Plus+® products dairy-free? A: All Juice Plus+® products are dairy-free, including Juice Plus+ Complete® (unless a consumer mixes it with milk). Juice Plus+ Complete® powder is Vegan. Q: Is Juice Plus+® kosher? A: Yes, Juice Plus+® products are certified kosher. Q: Is Juice Plus+® alkaline to my system? Juice Plus+, despite having oranges that are generally considered acidic, is slightly alkaline when tested, and results in alkalinity in the body. Q: How do I store my Juice Plus+® products? A: To ensure that your Juice Plus+® products maintain their high quality, we recommend that they be stored in a cool dry place, out of direct sunlight. Q: Are the Juice Plus+® powder blends in the capsules also used in Chewables? A: Yes, Chewables are based on the same blend used for the capsules. Chewables contain additional ingredients to provide the proper texture and flavor. They however contain no enzymes – the enzymes would ‘digest’ the gummies in the pouch if they were included. Q: What type of testing and quality control is done on Juice Plus+® products? A: NSA’s manufacturing partners monitor the quality of all ingredients during all phases of the production process in accordance with strict specifications. Each individual batch is subject to many different types of quality control procedures. All are designed to ensure that at each phase of the process only high quality ingredients are used in the manufacture of Juice Plus+®. The company also carries out a number of tests on the finished product to ensure that each batch meets our exacting quality standards and consistently delivers the good nutrition that our customers have come to expect. All JP+ products carry NSF for safety and quality. Q: Is Juice Plus+® tested for pesticides and herbicides? A: As part of the ongoing quality assurance program NSA regularly tests all products for herbicides and pesticides. This comprehensive testing is performed to meet both the US FDA & European Union standards. Q: Is Juice Plus+® vegan and organic? Besides the gelatin capsules, the content is vegan. The company has been investing in creating a vegan capsule for some time now and currently, the technology either requires petroleum added to vegetarian capsules or the capsules break too easily. They are very close and testing in Europe - stay tuned for vegan capsules. Meanwhile, if you are a strict vegan, you can take the chewable form or pour the capsule contents into food to consume. While not every crop of fruits or veggies that is used in JP+ is certified “organic,” yet, rest assured that the products are better than organic. Every batch is tested for the absence of every herbicide, pesticide, contaminant and toxin known to man. It is about as pure as you can get. With JP+ you get the best of both worlds. No pesticides, no herbicides, no bacteria, mold… no contamination of any kind, and it is VINE RIPENED, NON-GMO, & Non Irradiated. You can contact the encapsulation and testing facility in San Marcos, Natural Alternatives, if you would like to schedule a tour for seeing the quality control behind the product. Where are the fruits and vegetables used to make Juice Plus+® grown? A: The fruits and vegetables used to make Juice Plus+® are obtained from high quality growers mainly in North America. Locations vary due to climactic requirements of the various fruits and vegetables. Q: Has Juice Plus+® changed over the years? A: In over a decade of manufacturing Juice Plus+®, NSA has always focused on product improvement. The company regularly assesses the quality of the ingredients and the processes used to manufacture Juice Plus+®. This has led to continual product improvements in the past, and these will continue in the future. Q: What about copycat products? A: NSA has a policy of not commenting on competitors’ products – or the “Latest Greatest Flavor of the Month”. The company has an unparalleled track record, with years of success and hundreds of thousands of satisfied customers in many countries. The pioneering role of NSA in proving the efficacy of Juice Plus+® in numerous peer-reviewed scientific studies is also unmatched by any other branded nutritional product on the market. When comparing products look not just on the label, but contact the company for product specific research as well as the other certifications that JP+ holds. Q: Where can I see the clinical research conducted on Juice Plus+®? A: An overview of the published research is available on our website Q: What are the natural flavors in Juice Plus+® Complete ? The natural flavors we use are truly natural flavors, mainly extracts of fruits. Q: Is there too much soy in Juice Plus+® Complete? With all the controversy over soy, largely supported by the Dairy Industry, NSA supports this link as an objective look at its safety. Other than an outright allergy to soy, Juice Plus+® Complete should be incorporated without hesitation into a person’s health regimen. All the Soy in JP+ Complete is Non GMO & Non Irradiated. Q: Why has there been so much research on Juice Plus+®? A: The independent, published scientific evidence for the efficacy of the product provides validation and reassurance to NSA customers, and the physicians who recommend it, of the benefits of Juice Plus+®. Q: How can so much nutrition be packed into a small capsule? A: The proprietary juicing and drying procedures have been designed to retain as much of the nutrition from fruits and vegetables as possible while removing the water and bulk. The resulting whole food based powders contain the nutrition of the fruits and vegetables in concentrated form. The results of Independent research prove the benefits. If all that nutrition weren’t in there we wouldn’t see increased blood levels of key nutrients, up to 66% less DNA damage, up to 75% less Oxidative damage, optimal Homocysteine levels, slowed Cardio Vascular disease progression, improved circulation, balanced & improved immune function, decreased pregnancy complications, and much more. Refer to JP Research. I am Vegan and wonder if Juice Plus+® has enough B-12? “B12 is not found in fruits and veggies. Some of the daily need comes from healthy bacteria making it in our gut, when one is on a whole food, plant-based diet. I suggest 5 micrograms a day of a high-quality B12 supplement for strict vegans during pregnancy if you've been tested for deficiency. The rest of us don’t really need a daily B12. Once in awhile might be a good idea. Juice Plus+® doesn’t have any B12 because it is made entirely from fruits and vegetables. However, Juice Plus+® Complete does contain a good source of B12. This is the only source of B12 that my family and I consume.” Dr Mitra Ray Q: Doesn't the process of "processing" the fruits and veggies destroy the nutrients? In the making Juice Plus+®, an extremely temperature-sensitive proprietary process is used to retain the biochemical activity – the process of going from wet to dry occurs in a matter of seconds! We know this to be true because more than 28 independent studies published in peer-reviewed journals have shown the incredible response that Juice Plus+® has in the body to improve the status of various body systems. Q: Why is there so much sugar in Juice Plus+® Gummies? The amount of sugar in a day's worth of gummies is than a glass of orange juice or milk. The reason it is the first ingredient is because the molecular weight of sugar is so high compared to the nutrients. JP+ is not a calorie dense food, and so the "first ingredient being sugar" is not a good litmus test for judging the product. What is in the gummies is the disease-fighting, bioavailable micronutrition of 17 fruits and veggies Q: Can Juice Plus+® help with Multiple Sclerosis and other Auto-immune diseases? “MS is an autoimmune challenge that Juice Plus+® can make a difference with, in time. It may take double the dosage, however, if the MS is severe. The immune studies shows that B-cells become less hyperactive with Juice Plus+®, i.e. make fewer antibodies against the body itself, which is the problem with all autoimmune disorders. Autoimmune disorders show up in different ways in different people, manifesting symptoms based on our own unique genetic weaknesses. Instead of focusing on the name of the disease, if we can go back to the cause of all autoimmune diseases – a trigger-happy immune system – then we do better. Juice Plus+® makes the immune system less trigger-happy.” Dr Mitra Ray Q: My doctor told me to stop Juice Plus+® during Chemo. Juice Plus+® is simply fruits and veggies. It is safe ( in fact critical) to eat fruits and veggies during Chemo. See for articles to support this. The produce is JP+ certified free of bacteria, yeast & mold – this protects immune deficient patients. Q: Can Juice Plus+ cause Kidney Stones? The small amount of oxalic acid in certain fruits and veggies is not the problem – the body secreting it from trying to compensate for the acidity of the modern diet is the issue. Taking Juice Plus+® and eating more plants is the answer. Click here for a transcript of Dr. Ray’s talk on Juice Plus+ and kidney stones. Print this out and keep with you, & refer to it if you have the need. Don’t feel the need to ‘memorize’ this – just open and read the answer. Be sure to involve your sponsor until you feel confident and “Bullet-Proof” in addressing questions.