File - Miss Claire Covington Teaching Portfolio


EDSL Unit Plan

Unit Title: La Nourriture Number of Lessons: 9 Time: (in weeks) 4

Name: Laura Seer/Claire Covington/Angie

Nitschke/Alli Stewart

Subject(s): Le Francais Grade(s): 6

Rationale: Students learning the French language need to have a vocabulary inventory that they can use when practicing the structures and grammar of French, and food can provide a relatable and easy topic for this inventory. In addition, this topic is applicable for students if they travel to French language speaking areas of the world or


Overview: This Unit on French foods begins with an introduction to food vocabulary, and practice activities to help students become familiar with the French names for common foods. These practice games and activities lead into more complex communicative activities, where students use common phrases to communicate in authentic situations, such as stating likes and dislikes, and ordering food in a restaurant. Students use authentic French resources, such as food packages and restaurant menus, to extract information and engage in real-life scenarios. This unit is extremely interactive. It presents the information to the students in a fun, non-threatening format, which helps students feel supported when they explore a new language. It uses a variety of teaching strategies to create an engaging and dynamic classroom environment, and to appeal to a wide range of learning styles.

Prescribed Learning Outcomes from IRPs:




Make and respond to simple questions


Use greeting and expressions of politeness


Express preferences and interests


Participate in known and predictable classroom situations

Acquiring Information

1. Extract specific information from French language resources to complete authentic tasks

2. Express acquired information in oral and visual forms


A1 use rhythm, melody, and elements of expression in performance repertoire to interpret a range of thoughts, images, and feelings

A3 apply rhythm, melody, and elements of expression in their compositions

B4 use standard notation to represent melodic and rhythmic phrases

B6 demonstrate appropriate use of classroom instruments

Prerequisite Concepts and Skills: Students will have knowledge from previous lessons on how to state their likes and dislikes as well as greeting and expressions of politeness. Students will also have knowledge on pronunciation of French words.

Teacher Preparation Required:

Lesson #1

- Create flash cards

- Prepare worksheet copies

- Load Vegetable video,

Lesson #2

- Bring extra food packages from home

- Bring a blanket or towel


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- Load YouTube video “Au café”

Lesson #3

- Reserve BINGO (LOTO) kit from Henry Grube

- Bring extra copies of worksheet from previous lesson

Lesson #4

- Link to French food video:

- Prepare vocab quiz

- Prepare vocabulary cards

Lesson #5

- Boom Whackers for all the students

- Copies of the differentiated instruction fill in the blank sheets

- Copies of blank of music sheets

- Two stars and a wish slips

- YouTube video ‘Je Suis Un Pizza’ loaded

Lesson #6

- List of useful phrases/questions often heard in a restaurant.

- Costume

Lesson #7

- Prepare vocabulary words in a hat

- Prepare class set of whiteboards

- French Menus:

- Purchase sticky notes

- Chart Paper

Lesson #8

Load Le Festin / Ratatouille youtube video:

- Prepare teacher example of French menu

Lesson #9

- Load Mr. Bean in a French Restaurant,

- Prepare order pads

- Prepare food flashcards with pictures

Cross-Curricular Connections:

This unit has a lesson that cross connects with music.

Extensions to Unit:

Show clips from the dinner in the movie “The Dinner Game” or “Le Diner aux Cons” and see if students are able to pick out the vocabulary.

Web Scavenger Hunt: Give students a list of 3websites for French restaurants (find appropriate websites at

). Have them look up the menus and fill out a questionnaire – would they recommend the restaurant? What item looks the most appetizing, the least appetizing, etc.?

For lesson #8, students who complete their menus early will be given the task of helping to create the class restaurant.


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Students could take a field trip to a French Restaurant if there is one in their city and speak as much French as possible on their excursion

Have a Francophone guest come into the classroom and demonstrate the steps of how to make a pizza. Have students complete a worksheet where they put the steps in the correct order, and match pictures of the ingredients to the French words. The have students make a paper collage pizza and give a commentary on how to prepare it.

As an extension to this Unit, students could research an element of Francophone culture, including cuisine, and prepare a pamphlet to describe what they found.

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Differentiated Instruction (DI):

This unit uses many of the multiple intelligences to help all types of learner’s success.

Enrichment: Students who excel will be given more choices for assignments. These students will be asked to help design and create the classroom restaurant. These students can also chose to play their French songs for other classrooms.

Remedial: The lessons in this unit are adaptable to students of all levels. In many activities students work with at least one other student and the teacher will make sure students who have difficulties in specific areas are paired with someone who can help them with the activity. The teacher will adjust lengths and due dates of assignments for students who struggle with written output or productivity. The teacher will send home front loading information about the unit to parents of students who will benefit from a pre unit look at some of the information that will be taught. Students having difficulties in the music lesson can use pre written music and fill in the blank lyrics sheets instead of having to completely create their own.

This unit uses many of the multiple intelligences to help all types of learner’s success.

Verbal/Linguistic – class discussion, snowball, menu writing, list writing

Visual/Spatial – videos, memory games, web map

Bodily/Kinesthetic – body break after quiz, role playing activity, the restaurant activity

Interpersonal – working in a pairs to go over vocab cards, think-pair-share, and engage in role playing activities; working in groups during the restaurant activity.

Intrapersona l- the option to work on their own during some of the activities; the opportunity to use self-assessment

Musical/Rhythmic - music lesson where students create their own song in French

Existential- Reflecting on their own learning

Mathematical/Logical – creating a menu with prices and logical information


Wolf Man Video Link -

French Menus Link-

Henry Grube Kit: Food Bingo or Nourriture Loto (31606)

Je Suis un Pizza YouTube video

Le Festin/ Ratatouille YouTube video

Vegetable Video YouTube

Au Café

Mr. Bean in a French Restaurant,

Overview of Lessons:

Lesson # and Title

(time in

PLOs in lesson


(a) Instructional


(b) Teaching

Lesson Activities Assessment Strategies Materials

(Specific to This Lesson)

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Introduction à la nourriture

50 min



Strategies a) TSWBAT….

- Recognize and accurately use food vocabulary to make and respond to simple requests b)

- video

- whole class work

- partner work


Vegetable Video (listening, speaking):

Students will view the YouTube clip and choose vocabulary that can be used to describe ingredients in a salad.


Flash Cards (reading, listening, speaking): Teacher will have three sets of flashcards. All with have the image of a different food, as well as the

French word for that item. The three categories will be “words are pronounced very closely to their

English counterparts, words that sound similar to their English counterparts, and finally, words that sound dissimilar to their English counterpart. The teacher will show each card, say the

French word, and have students repeat the word, increasing the difficulty as the lesson progresses, until finally the teacher simply shows the image and students respond with the correct word.

Memory Match (reading, speaking):

Students will have smaller versions of the flashcards to share with a partner, with the addition of cards with just the vocabulary on them. Students will be instructed en francais to arrange the cards face down in a grid and play memory match, matching the pictures to the words.

Go Fish ( reading, listening, speaking):

Using the same flash cards students will shuffle the deck and play go fish, asking questions and responding only in French. Ex- (est-ce que tu as un…, non, qui, vas faire la peche).


Fill In the Blank (writing): Students will complete a fill in the blank sheet with scrambled letters to correctly use

Assessment for Learning:

Observation - teacher will observe students for accurate pronunciation and participation

Assessment of Learning:

Checklist - students will be observed and their use of

French will be marked on a checklist

Assessment of Learning:

Mark for completion - worksheet will be marked for completion watch?v=8QmN81HdRE8

Food vocabulary flashcards for teacher

Individual food vocabulary flashcards with pictures and words for each pair of students


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Lire les

étiquettes des aliments

(Reading food labels)

50 min



1 a) TSWBAT….

- Extract information from food labels to determine the French name of the food item, as well as some of the ingredients, and the general content of the messages

- Write the French names of specific food items and say the words aloud b)

- Partner work

- Discussion

- Game new vocabulary.

Remind students to bring an empty food can/box for the next lesson


YouTube video “Au café” (listening):

Prepare students for the video by asking them to listen specifically for food words. Then have them decide whether or not they would recommend the café



Think-Pair-Share (reading, speaking, listening): Students will introduce the food item that they brought and thinkpair-share to figure out the French name, some ingredients, and other messages in French.

Make a Food List (speaking, reading, writing): Students will share the French name of their food item and the teacher will make a list on the board. Students will copy the list using a combination of French, English, and pictures.

Memory Games (listening, reading, writing, speaking): Collect all the food packages. Give the instructions for the game in French and have students repeat them back in English. Choose 5-

10 items to lay out on the table. Show students the items for 10 seconds, then cover with a towel. Have students write all the food items they can remember, then share their answers with the class.

Repeat the French words all together.

After a couple of rounds, change the game. Lay out all the food items but keep 5 hidden - students try to determine which items are missing.


Assessment for Learning:

Checklist - check that students are able to determine the French name for their food item, and some other words/ phrases

Checklist/ Anecdotal

Notes - check that all students participate in the game by writing the

French words and repeating them together as a class. Make anecdotal notes about students’ level of ability/ confidence.

YouTube video “Au café”

( watch?v=4_pVUjFO8DE)

Students will bring one food package from home

(soup can, pasta box, etc.)

Teacher will bring extra items

Blanket or towel

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45 min


1, 4




D:\726976812.doc a) TSWBAT….

- Recognize and repeat the names of French foods

- Speak the words used in the LOTO activity

- Listen to a song in

French and pick out familiar French nouns b)

- Game

- Whole class work

- Partner work

Pair-Share (listening, speaking): Write the phrase “J’aime ______” on the board and review the meaning. Have students fill in the blank and tell a partner one food they like in French.


Game ‘Ecrire, Dessiner, Effacer

Teacher gives command in French and students race to the white board to complete the task

(Reading and Listening)

Complete Worksheet from previous class

( Reading)


LOTO game:

-Each student gets a BINGO card and some chips

-Teacher will hold up a flashcard with a picture and say the name of the food

- Students will repeat the name of the food and cover up the picture on their cards (if they have it)

- If the get a line (vertical, horizontal, or diagonal) they will shout LOTO

- They must say the words in their winning line correctly

- The winner will call the next round.

(Listening, Reading, Speaking)


Un Drole de Restaurant song listening activity:

-The teacher will instruct the class to write their names at the top of the page.

- The teacher will play the song one time.

- The teacher will ask the students to pay attention to any words they recognize throughout the song

- Students will write the words they recognize on the sheet of paper.

The teacher will play the song two more times.

Assessment for Learning:

Listening Activity sheets of paper:

Handed in and will be checked for: completion, comprehension and participation.

Observation and

Anecdotal notation:

Notes will include comments on participation, attempts at fluency and positive attitude.

Henry Grube Kit: Food

Bingo or Nourriture Loto


Extra copies of worksheets

Blank papers


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Vocab review and quiz

50 min





2 a) TSWBAT….

-Respond to simple questions in French

-Demonstrate their knowledge of French food vocab through a quiz b)


-Direct Instruction

-Partner Vocab Practice


-Students will hand in the papers at the end of the exercise.

(Listening and Reading)


Role Call:

-The teacher will do role call in French and ask the students to respond with the name of a food in French.

Wolfman : (listening) The teacher will play the Wolfman food song and video.


Repeating: (listening and speaking)

“Repetez après moi”: The teacher will hold up large pictures of food items the students learned in previous lessons.

The teacher will say the name of the item in French and the students will repeat.

Direct Instruction: (listening) The teacher will teach the students how to ask someone what they would like to eat or drink and how to respond to the same question.

Partner Practice : (speaking) Students will work in partners to practice their food vocab and commands. The students will split their vocab cards one student will hold up a card and in

French ask their partner what they would to eat/drink (depending on the card) and the other will respond by saying they would like to eat what their partner is holding up. Students who do not know the name of the food they are shown will be encouraged to respond with one they do. The partners will alternate through all the vocab cards.

Guess: (speaking) Students will take turns guessing what food the teacher is holding behind their back.

Quiz: (listening and writing) Students

Assessment of learning:

Teacher observation and checklist:

- Students in their partner practice.

-Assessment for Learning


Students will be given a mark out of 15 on their quiz, each correct answer is worth one mark. They will not be marked on spelling, but will receive descriptive feedback on spelling or grammatical errors. This quiz is meant to help the teacher see what vocab the students need more help with and to help the students prepare for the test at the end of the unit.

-Link to Wolf Man Video

-Vocab Cards

-Vocab quiz and vocab cards for the quiz

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French food


50 min



3, 4


A1, A3, B4, B6 a) TSWBAT…

- Demonstrate their likes and dislikes through oral use of the French language

- Use rhythm, melody and expression to create their own unique piece of music which demonstrates their thoughts through the

French language

- Perform their song in front of peers and demonstrate appropriate use of classroom instruments and the use of standard notation b)

- Music

- Group work

- Performing will get out a piece of paper and write numbers 1-15 on it. Students will write down the letter of the picture which corresponds to the vocab word the teacher says, as well as the vocab word in French.


Ticket Out (writing) Students will complete a ticket out with one item they found challenging on the test, and one item they didn’t see on the test and wished they had, i.e. they studied one concept/word extensively and that question wasn’t asked.


Je Suis un Pizza


-Singing and doing actions



More work with Pizza:

-Play the song four more times, sing with the students the first time, and just observe the students the second time, direct all the boys the third time and all the girls the fourth.

(Listening and Speaking)

Song Writing Activity:

-Explain the Song writing activity:

Students choose a food item that they really like or hate – write, sing and play a 4 line song in French. They would have to write the music to the song in proper notation and follow and play from the notation correctly.

-Circulate the classroom to answer questions and provide help

-Break the students into groups of 5 by counting them off. Walk around and listen the groups and offer feedback.

Assessment of Learning:


The song will be assessed with a rubric which will assess:


the use of French likes and dislikes in their song


the use of standard notation


Their application of rhythm and melody


Their participation in class.

Boom Whackers for all the students

Copies of the differentiated instruction fill in the blank sheets

Copies of bank of music sheets

Two stars and a wish slips


YouTube video watch?v=zfgSP3flZ2M

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# 6



50 min


1, 2 a) TSWBAT….

- ask and respond to simple questions in a restaurant atmosphere b)

- Skit

- Partner work

(Listening, Speaking and Reading)


Two stars and a wish:

- Instruct the class to provide constructive feedback in their song groups (2 stars and a wish).


Teacher Skit (listening): Teacher will enter the classroom dressed as a waiter.

Using hand gestures and exaggerated movements, teacher will circulate around the room asking students for their orders and exchanging other pleasantries common to restaurants.

After a few minutes ask students for hands up to guess what the purpose of today’s lesson will be.


Script and Practice (speaking, writing): Students will be put into pairs and instructed to create a simple script that would take place in a restaurant.

Common phrases such as “Voulez vous un menu?”, “Vous avez decide?”,

“Qu’est-ce que vous voulez manger?”,

“Qu’est-ce que vous voulez boire?”,

“Tout vas bien?”, and “La l’addition s’il vous plait” will be discussed and left on the board. Students will be encouraged to generate their own phrases as well. Students will write these phrases into their script, then with their partner practice the script orally.

Once they have practiced, they will join with another pair conduct restaurant conversations, using their scripts as a guide if necessary.


Whip Around (speaking): Students will each tell the class/teacher one word/phrase/concept they learned in the lesson.

Assessment for Learning:

Anecdotal Notes - take notes on students who seem to be struggling with basic questions/commands

Assessment as Learning:

Self-Assessment - students will complete a short selfassessment on how comfortable they feel with the vocabulary and phrases, as well as their ability to ask and respond to simple questions.

Assessment for Learning:

Observation/Notes - observe students and make notes of any interesting/ useful phrases

Costume/props for teacher skit as waiter.

List of useful phrases/questions often heard in a restaurant.

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French Menus-

Extracting information

50 min



1 a) TSWBAT….

- Extract information from French Menus

- Students will become comfortable with the layout of a menu in

French b)


-Partner Discussion

-Class Sharing


-Extracting Information

-Writing on Sticky Notes


Class Pictionary: Students will be divided up into 4 equal teams. One at a time a member of each team will come to the front board, pick a word out of a hat, and draw that word for their team.

Each team gets one guess in before other teams get the chance to steal.

Each student will have a whiteboard that they record their answer on, holding it up to show the person drawing to check if it is correct.

Students must respond in French for their team to receive points.


Discussion: Students will have a discussion with an elbow partner on where they like to eat and what they like to order. This conversation should be primarily in French; students are already familiar with the verbs aller and aimer. (speaking)

Classroom Sharing: Students will volunteer what they discussed. The teacher will write the information on the board. Teacher may need to provide some food vocabulary in this part.


Visualization: The students will close their eyes and imagine they are a

French restaurant. They will brainstorm out loud what they smell, hear, taste, and see.

Extracting Information : The teacher will give students copies of French restaurant menus. In pairs the students will highlight all the information they understand from the menu. (reading)

Sticky Notes: The students will write on sticky notes words, food items, and categories they extracted from the menu. They will then join another pair

Assessment for Learning:

Feedback and readiness assessment:

The teacher will collect each team’s charts and give descriptive feedback.

The teacher will also use these to decide if the students are ready to make their own menus or if they need more practice.

Vocabulary words in a hat

Class set of whiteboards

French Menus: http://www.musthavemen

Sticky Notes

Chart Paper

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La création de menus



50 min


1, 2, 3, 4



2 a). TSWBAT….

- Create a menu using a number of French vocabulary words, and categorizing them appropriately.

- Ask and respond to a simple request.

- Politely state preferences. b)

- Teacher Modeling

- Web map

- Role Play and use chart paper to categorize both groups’ sticky notes. The teacher will provide example categories. One person from each group will share findings with the class. (writing)

Sharing: Each group will share their chart with another group and explain their categories and what they learned.


Quick-fire: The teacher will call out names and the students will say one new French food-related word they learned. (speaking)


Teacher example : Show students the teacher-made example of a French menu, and let them know that they will be creating their own menus.

Music video “Le Festin” from the movie Ratatouille (writing, speaking, listening): While students are watching the YouTube video, have them brainstorm a list of all the items that they might want to include in their menus. Have them share with a partner, and then discuss as a class. Make a

“menu” web map on the board of all the items that students came up with.


Create Menus (reading, writing):

Model for students how to create their menus by showing the teacher example on the document reader. Demonstrate how to create the headings, including beverages, entrees and desserts. Let students know that they are to create their own menus, but that they can help each other with ideas. Give students work time and provide assistance as needed.

Role Play (reading, speaking,

Assessment of Learning:

Checklist – check that all students participate in the role play activity by asking and responding to the question ‘Que voulez-vous manger?’ and responding with ‘_______s'il vous plaît.’

Assessment as Learning:


Checklist – Students complete a checklist to ensure that they have met the criteria


Has at least



Has at least 6 entrees, 4 beverages, and 4 desserts


Is neat and legible


Includes colour and is visually pleasing.


Includes the restaurant’s name.

Le Festin / Ratatouille

YouTube video: watch?v=b0AMGIEQljg

Teacher example of

French menu

Paper for menus

Felt markers, pencil crayons

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On va au


50 min


1, 2, 3, 4



3, 4 a) TSWBAT…..

- Use French food vocabulary to order from a menu

- Engage in a role play of a French bistro

- Express themselves using polite French phrases learned in class. b)

- Role Play

- Partner work

- Presentation listening): Write the phrases ‘Que voulez-vous manger?’ and ‘_______s'il vous plaît’on the board. Have students work in partners to practice ordering from each other’s menus. Ask students to move around the room and switch partners until they have ordered from at least 5 different people.


Roll Call (speaking): Randomly call out names from the class list and ask

“Que voulez-vous manger?” Have students respond with one thing they ordered from a partner’s menu.


Mr. Bean in an French Restaurant



French Restaurant Role Play:

-The classroom will be set up to look like a café.

- The teacher will number the students

1 and 2

The ones will be the waiter first, the twos the customers.

- The ‘customer’ will read and order from the menu.

- The ‘server’ will listen to the order, write down the information and return with a flashcard that pictures the customer’s order.

- After 10 minutes, the students will switch roles.

- The server and the customer should use courteous language when greeting each other and other parts of the conversation.

- Students should request:

1. Beverage

2. Entrée

3. Dessert

- The students will perform the role plays in front of the class

Assessment for Learning:

Carte Postale:

The teacher will read over the postcards and make anecdotal notes where necessary.

The teacher will meet one on one with students who are struggling.

Assessment of Learning:


The role play activity will be assessed through a rubric.

Assessment will look at:


Overall use of





3 or more items ordered


Use of polite mannerisms

Mr. Bean in a French

Restaurant watch?v=p-2isH-SgHA


Order pads

Food flashcards with pictures

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Reflections/Revisions (if necessary, continue on separate sheet):

(Listening, Reading, Speaking)


Carte postale a Maman

-students will complete a prepared postcard to their mother

-Aujourd’hui j’ai appris…

(Today I learned…)

-They will fill out as many things as they can think of and hand in the postcard to the teacher.


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