TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH FAIRHAVEN, MASSACHUSETTS PASTOR: REVEREND PAUL H. WHEELER 16 TEMPLE PLACE (508) 993-6351 WEBSITE: Dear Friends in Christ, In Confirmation class a couple of weeks ago our discussion focused on Christianity and whether Christianity is the best religion. For those of us who are Christian, I would surmise we would answer with a resounding “YES!” As a pastor of a church which proclaims itself “Christian” you would think I would concur with that answer. And, I do. But, I would also offer a disclaimer to my answer. The question of ‘best’ implies for some a competition and/or a rating scale. The word competition implies we are better than other people who may not follow Christianity as their religion. The concept of a rating scale implies we are better than other people who may not embrace the religion of Christianity. When looked upon this way the question becomes the Super Bowl of all religious quests by people of all faith backgrounds, whether your religion is Christianity or another practice. Perhaps then, we need to look at the ‘best’ question from a different viewpoint. Perhaps it would be best to explore what is it about our Christian faith which allows us to answer “yes.” And, in answering yes, we rephrase the question to say: “Why I or anyone would say a belief in Christianity serves me best, as a belief in Christ would serve the world well?” My initial answer to that question would say, “Belief in Christ serves me best and serves well the world in which I live because of the cross.” The cross sets apart my faith. It moves beyond the academic consideration of Christianity as an ‘organized religion’ to the very heart of the Gospel. I find myself coming back to the words of Saint Paul to the people of Corinth: 18 For the message about the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 22For Jews demand signs and Greeks desire wisdom, 23but we proclaim Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, 24but to those who are the called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. It is the cross, this great stumbling block in my life and the life of the world, which is the power of God and the heart of the Christian faith. It’s a stumbling block because the cross makes no sense at all when we think of the best. The best our God could do is to die a horrific death? The best our faith offers is the broken and battered body of Jesus? It seems so foolish and illogical. And it is foolishness to our human way of thinking, even about religion. Yet it is in its foolishness where I find the beauty and the power of the cross. What God offers me and the world in Christ is the holiness of a God who takes on the totality of our humanity – in life and living and in death and dying. In the cross Jesus meets us wherever we are on that continuum. He simply and firstly meets us there. He simply meets us having met our own living and dying in the cross. God in Christ is holy in our midst because of the cross. What the Christian faith brings to the world is the simplicity of a power turned upside down and inside out. In my belief it is why Christ serves me well and serves the world well. At its core Christianity is unique in knowing ‘Christ crucified.’ And, as followers of Christ, the cross is what we bring to each other and all the circumstances of life. I would even venture to say that Christianity is not about the best. It is, though, about the worst. That is, the cross dares us to enter into the worst of life knowing God in His Son enters the worst with us. As Martin Luther would have said, “A theologian of the cross calls the thing what it actually is.” The cross lays us bare before God. The cross exposes us. It does all this that we may receive the gracious love of God needed. It reminds me of that well-known and loved hymn “Rock of Ages” and this line from it: “Simply to the cross I cling.” Is Christianity the best religion then? If you view it from a human point of view and if you view it from an organizational and institutional point of view, the history of Christianity gives me pause. We have been far from perfect in proclaiming the Gospel. We have lost our way in centering our faith in the cross. When we focus though on the Gospel and when we proclaim “Christ crucified’, then we best serve humanity and creation in its need. We meet people where they are as God in Christ meets us at the cross. And, we are given ‘grace upon grace’ to proclaim the loving presence of God in His Son, who once was one of us. Peace & Blessings in the cross of Christ, Pastor Paul ASH WEDNESDAY WORSHIP FEBRUARY 13, 2013 7:00 PM WE BEGIN OUR LENTEN JOURNEY. A SERVICE OF WORD AND SACRAMENT, CONFESSION AND IMPOSITION OF ASHES BURNED FROM LAST YEAR’S PALMS. SUNDAY SCHOOL ROTATION RETURNS After a hiatus during the month of January as we did all generation/class projects our Sunday School rotation model returns February 17. Our schedule is below” February 17 February 24 March 3 March 10 Wandering Wandering Wandering Wandering the Wilderness the Wilderness the Wilderness the Wilderness Rotation Rotation Rotation Rotation (Week 1) (Week 2) (Week 3) (Week 4) Please Note: First Communion classes for fourth graders and up will begin on February 24 during the Sunday School hour. At the initial meeting it is requested a parent/guardian accompany their child for that class time. Any questions please talk to Pastor Paul! WEDNESDAYS DURING THE LENTEN SEASON In past years we have attempted a variety of approaches to our Lenten journey and to our involvement of the whole congregation in this journey. We have combined our Confirmation class with a Soup and Bible Study which had limited involvement outside of the students. A couple of years ago we ended the soup part and had a study where all were invited and then worship. That, also, had limited involvement outside of the students. This year, as we did last year, we will approach the night from this point of view. The students will continue to meet for Confirmation from 6:30 until 7:30 after which we will worship at 7:30 PM and we invite the congregation to join us. Our themes for each Wednesday will combine the ‘public survey’ questions posted by the Confirmation class in January along with the question: “What does the cross have to do with each question?” Pastor Paul’s newsletter article that opens this newsletter gives a preview of where we may go in each week’s discussion and subsequent worship. If you want to join us for worship, please do. If you want to join us for class please do. Wednesday Worship during Lent – ALL Services at 7:30 PM ALL classes begin promptly at 6:30 pm each night! February 20 Do you love church the way you love candy? February 27 Do you believe in Jesus? March 6 Do you love Jesus? March 13 Is it okay to be angry with God? March 20 Is Christianity the best religion? SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10 PANCAKE BREAKFAST THE CONFIRMATION CLASS AND PARENTS WILL SERVE FOLLOWING 8:15 WORSHIP & AFTER FAMILY WORSHIP UNTIL 10:30 AM! A FREE WILL OFFERING WILL BE TAKEN WITH PROCEEDS GOING TO SUPPORT ACTIVITIES FOR THE YOUTH OF OUR CHURCH! FOOD FOR THE POOR AND OUR CHANGE I believe this will be our sixth year we have participated in the “Operation Starfish” ministry of Food for the Poor. As in past years we will place an aquarium in the greeting area of the church during the season of Lent. We invite children and adults to bring in their coins to fill our aquarium. “I know I have coins in all sorts of places to throw into the aquarium,” one person has related. The coins will then be counted during Holy Week and the total funds raised will be given to the ongoing ministries of Food for the Poor. In past years your pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters have totaled over $500 annually. We thank you for your past support and look forward to seeing the levels rise on this year’s aquarium. REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS (Listings may be extended 3-12 months by contacting the parish office) Normand Taylor (12/13) Zachary Hollister (8/13) Tom McCaffrey (7/13) Dorothy Bungert (5/13) Charlotte Theg (4/13) Vivian Laverdure (4/13) James Lilly (4/13) Nancy Collins (4/13) Kina Helgeland (4/13) Tom Helgeland(4/13) Tom (4/13) Virginia Robinson (3/13) John Powers (3/13) Helen Jenkins (2/13) Malene Isaksen (2/13) Sue Sellers (10/13) Debbie Kackley (8/13) Esther Dell’Ollio (7/13) Barbara Medhaug (4/13) Jessie Davis (4/13) Joe Garcia (4/13) June Perry (4/13) Bob Britto (4/13) Harold Thuestad (4/13) Bev Peirce (4/13) Zachary (4/13) Vivian Lee (3/13) Letitia Jeram (2/13) Raymond Sylvia (2/13) Cynthia Farrell (2/13) We pray for these members of the military: Joseph Gaudiello (12/13) Jeremy Ewing (11/13) TLC PLAY AND LEARN CAMPUS-FEBRUAY NEWSLETTER As I am typing this the January chill is upon us. The families are so thankful that we are here to provide a warm place for their children to go with their friends as the parents work. Yesterday the children made and wrote thank you notes. Later this week we will play BINGO. Last Friday we visited Gifts to Give to help sort and clean toys. The families also contributed many things to donate—clothes, toys, puzzles, etc. There are currently 38 children enrolled. If you have or know a child or children who are interested in joining the fun, please call 508-994-3826 to speak with us or leave a message to set up an appointment. This year we will be closed during February vacation week. The staff needs a time to catch their breaths and come back refreshed. This is the first year that we are trying this. Please remember that there are many ways that you can help your afterschool ministry. You can be a volunteer or mentor, like Ellie Haines has been doing. You can pray for the children, their families, and the staff. We also welcome donations from our wish list (outdoor balls, goodies for snack, or a monetary gift). Of course, we thank you and appreciate your continuing support. I would like to share part of a letter that we received from one on our parents. “They say it takes a village to raise a child and I am very lucky that you are part of my village.” Thank you for providing and supporting this ministry and safe haven for the children. In Christ, Barbara Mills, Director Shepherd’s Pantry We thank all who continue to support the Shepherd’s Pantry through the food items dropped into the “Shepherd’s Pantry” container in the greeting area of the church. If you wish to volunteer as part of the Trinity team please contact Jackie Johansen, our church representative. Her phone number is 508-763-3492 and her e-mail is Thank you! Bishop’s Convocation (Postponed from October) In October 2012 the annual Bishop’s Convocation was postponed due to Hurricane Sandy. It has been re-scheduled for February 5-7 and will be held in Hyannis. Pastor Paul will attend. Confirmation class will not be held on February 6 MISSION STATEMENT TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH In the Spirit of the Loving God We Worship Nurture Witness Serve Celebrate In the cross of Christ! CONTACT INFORMATION Church Phone 508 993-6351 Pastor Paul’s Cell 508 264-5624 (The church office will be open from 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM, Monday through Friday. John Softcheck is our parish administrator.) Pastor Paul John Softcheck Church Website at ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING REPORT The annual meeting of the congregation was held on Saturday, January 26. Following a time of food and fellowship the business portion of the meting was held. The following actions were taken. Those in attendance approved the 2013 budget as it was submitted. Copies of the budget are available at the church or online, as contained in the annual report. Officers and Council members were elected. The 2013 Church Council is composed of: President Vice-President Treasurer Financial Secretary Secretary Finance Committee Council at large Eric Hansen Debbie Jones Ivan Ketchum Katherina ‘gil’ Softcheck Barbara Belanger Alan Patenaude (1 year remaining) Open (2 year term) Don Rhoda (3 year term) Klara Barlow (1 year remaining) Micki Ketchum (1 year remaining) Open (Two 2 year terms) Please Note: We are still seeking individuals to fill the open positions noted above. A motion was made and approved to allow G. Bourne Knowles to prune and install support cables to the large maple tree bordering the playground area of the church at the cost of $1,350. The After School Ministry Discussion Special Congregational Meeting to be Held Sunday February 24 after 11:00 am worship Discussion was held concerning the information made available in the annual report about the retirement of Barbara Mills as Director of the after school ministry and the opportunity given the church community to explore our ongoing relationship with this ministry and to envision the possibility of calling a part time Director of Christian Education to the church who would also serve as the Director of the after school program. In course of a good dialogue on this concept, it was decided to hold a special congregational meeting to further this discussion in a timely manner. We invite you then to a special meeting of the congregation to be held on Sunday, February 24, following the 11:00 am worship service. The following page copies the information contained in the annual report with my comments and with a summary of the work the ad hoc committee has done to date on this vision of ministry. Please note: When Barbara first announced her decision to retire in the fall of 2012 she respectfully asked we keep this information confidential until she was ready to share this decision with the staff of the Play and Learn Campus and the families involved in the program. The Council and Ad Hoc Committee honored her request while moving forward in discussion about the future of this ministry of Trinity Lutheran and how the after school program and the ministry of the church may grow together. Now that the information is public we value your input and your thoughts on the growth of our shared mission and ministry as Trinity Lutheran Church. The Future of our After School Ministry In the fall of 2012 Barbara shared with me her decision to retire as the director of the Play & Learn Campus at the conclusion of this academic year. She will be missed for her caring and compassion and for her ability to nurture the children who have been and continue to be part of this ministry. On behalf of the congregation I thank her for her ministry and for her love of children and families. As we enter the spring of 2013 we will plan on offering other times to thank her as well. I, also, thank her for sharing this information with us as soon as she did. It provided I, and the Council, to consider where we go from here in support of this vital ministry to the community. At an autumn meeting of the Council we discussed our next move and appointed a task force to consider the options before us. That task force consists of Janet Buehler, Annie Jellison, Gail Pierce, and Pastor along with input from the after school staff and Council members. Out of our meetings we developed some talking points for consideration and discussion by the congregation. I would like to offer them to you as we will place this discussion on the agenda at our annual meeting. In Christ, Pastor Paul NOTES, MUSINGS FROM AD HOC COMMITTEE RE POSITION AT PLAY AND LEARN CAMPUS... Looking at possible SHORT, MEDIUM, and LONG term goals and how they might intersect: SHORT Term Goal: To hire a Lead Teacher/Administrator to replace Barbara by 5/1/13 (25 hours/week) MEDIUM Term Goal: To hire a part time Director of Christian Education AND Lead Teacher/Administrator for the After School Program in one person (40 hours/week) To hire a part time Director of Christian Education (20 hours/week) AND to hire a separate Lead Teacher (25 hours/week) LONG Term Goal: To hire a full time Director of Christian Education (40 hours/week) ISSUES to consider for each goal: SHORT Term Goal: Strength in education/organization Strength in relating to students/parents/church Willingness to work with current Administrator—Ruth Willingness to work with Pastor Ability to begin in May (working with Barbara for a few weeks) Financial impact on Play and Learn Campus MEDIUM Term Goal: (1) TWO ROLES: ONE PERSON Finding a person who qualified for both positions Deciding on church’s priorities for Christian education program Qualifications for a DCE: A Lutheran? Educational background? Accountability: Percentage of time the person would spend on each area? How to compensate the person? LONG Term Goal: Determining the church’s needs for a full time DCE Determining the Financial impact of hiring a full time DCE