PAPER TITLE Name Surname1*, Name Surname2, Name Surname3, Name Surname1 1Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Nemanjina 6, 11080 Zemun, Serbia of Food Technology, University of Novi Sad, Bulevar cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia 3INRA, Research Unit on Herbivores, Centre of Clermont-Ferrand/Theix, 63122 Saint-GenèsChampanelle, France 2Institute *Corresponding author: E-mail address: ABSTRACT Dear Author, when submitting your article, you are kindly requested to write it directly into this sample form. Full names and surnames of authors are written without titles. If all authors are not from the same institution, this should be marked by superscripts. As the Congress has an international character, country names are compulsory. The abstract should consist of three major parts written without subtitles: the aim of the paper, basic results and short conclusions. Abstract should not contain any tables, graphs and figures as well as citations. Keywords: first, second, third, fourth, fifth INTRODUCTION Dear Author, when submitting your article, you are kindly requested to write it directly into this sample form. All accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings (on a CD) as full papers. Papers must contain the title, the list of authors, authors’ affiliations, abstract, keywords, introduction, material and methods, results and discussion, conclusions, acknowledgement (if any) and references. Paper length, including text, tables, graphs, figures and references should not exceed 6 pages, A4 format. MATERIAL AND METHODS The page layout should be adjusted as follows: 2,5 cm left, 2,5 cm right, 2,5 cm top and 2,5 cm bottom. Use single spacing with justified alignment. Pages shoudn't be numbered. Text should be written in Microsoft Word for Windows, font Arial, size 11 points. Title should be written in bold uppercase letters, font size 12 points, centered. Authors (full names and surnames) size 10 points, centered. Affiliations size 10 points, centered. Start of a section/paragraph in the text should not be indented by the tabulator; paragraphs should be separated using the enter key. S. I. units and abbreviations should be used. Other units as tons (t) and hectares (ha) may be used as well. Latin biological names should be in italics. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Tables (table width from the left to the right margin), graphs and photographs (with high resolution) must be incorporated into the text (Table 1). Numbers and titles of tables should be written above the tables. Figures should also be numbered and included into the text (Figure 1), with the numbers written below them. Table 1. The Title of the Table Additive Maize meal, 50 g/kg Inoculant, 250 g/10 t green mass of maize and 250 g/5 t for lucerne Urea, 5 g/kg Organozeolite, 2 g/kg Lucerne + Material Whole maize plant - Maize cob - + - + - + + + Figure 1. The Title of the Figure CONCLUSIONS Finishing your work, please be so kind to thoroughly check that the paper is prepared in compliance with the instructions for authors. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In some cases, acknowledgements (for example, for funding support) may be necessary. If so, they should be placed before the reference section. REFERENCES References should be typed in Arial font, 9 pts. All references cited in the paper must be listed in the reference list at the end of the paper in alphabetical order. Reference in the text should be cited using surname of the author and year of publication in brackets ( ), example (Ahmed and Robinson, 1999). For references with 3 or more authors, indicate only the name of the first author adding “et al.”, for example (Ganz et al., 2008). Reference list should be structured as in examples below: Journals: Ahmed, I.A., Robinson, R.K. (1999). The ability of date extracts to support the production of aflatoxins. Food Chemistry, 66 (3), 307-312. Books: Fenwick, R., Bao, Y. (2004). Phytochemicals in Health and Disease, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA. Chapters in the book with several authors: Marasas, W. F. O. (1996). Fumonisins: History, worldwide occurrence and impact. In L. S. Jackson, J. W. DeVries, & L. B. Bullerman (Eds.), Fumonisins in Food, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, vol. 392 (pp. 1-18), New York: Plenum Press. PhD Thesis: Radeka, S. (2005). Grape mash maceration and varietal aroma of Malvazija istarska wine, PhD Thesis, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb, Croatia. Patents: Fouache, C., Tamion, R., Fleche, G., Moine, D., Fuertes, P. (2002). Process for the conversion of organic materials, particularly saccharide materials, comprising an enzymatic oxidation step in the presence of ruthenium or palladium. US patent 6500649. Symposiums, Congresses: Đuragić, O., Čolović, R., Kokić, B., Lević, J., Vukmirović, Đ., Sredanović, S., Ivanov, D. (2012). Determination of the effects and type of liquid additives on mixture homogeneity in various mixers, Proceedings of 15th International Feed Technology Symposium “FEED-TO-FOOD” / COST FEED FOR HEALTH joint Workshop, Novi Sad, Serbia, 346-351. Official Methods: American Oil Chemists' Society (A.O.C.S.) (1987). Official and Tentative Methods. Ba 11-65, Nitrogen Solubility Index (NSI). Champaign, Illinois. Software: STATISTICA (Data Analysis Software System) (2006). v.7.1., Stat-Soft, Inc., USA ( Websites: Technical report on the Food Standards Agency project G010008 (2002). Evaluating the risks associated with using GMOs in human foods, University of Newcastle, UK ( Unpublished data: Should be cited with one of the following comments “in press“, “unpublished work“ or “personal communication“. Example: Ahmed, I.A., Robinson, R.K. (1999). The ability of date extracts to support the production of aflatoxins. Food Chemistry, 66 (3), 307-312. Radeka, S. (2005). Grape mash maceration and varietal aroma of Malvazija istarska wine, PhD Thesis, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb, Croatia.