Minutes of Meeting Gower Street Practice Patient Participation Group held on Thursday 27 November 2014 at 1.00 pm Present: Patient members: SH, JO, RP. Staff: Dr RM, Dr MH, MM (Practice Manager), SP (secretary), VP (receptionist) 1. Apologies for absence: RG, FL, FP 2. Minutes of last meeting: the minutes were agreed. 3. Patient Partner: this is a new type of automated telephone booking system. However, it is not possible at the moment due to technical incompatibilities with the current telephone system. This will be reconsidered in the future as it could increase patient choice and help reduce the workload on reception. 4. Telephone triage: further to previous discussions this has not yet been trialled and will be reconsidered at a later date. The idea was to reduce the pressure on the Same Day Appointments clinic and routine appointments but appears it might not be helpful. A study reported in The Lancet showed that this actually increased the workload as patients needed a phone call and then a face-to-face appointment as well. 5. Summary Care Records going live: from 1st December 2014, healthcare professionals throughout the country will be able to access a portion of patients’ records including allergies and medication online, e.g. in A&E. All new patients are asked on their registration form whether they wish to allow this access. Current patients can opt out if they wish (opt-out process began several years ago). 6. Friends and Family test: this is a requirement for all practices to ask “would you recommend this practice”? As from 1st December 2014, a random patients will be asked to complete a form and post it in a box in reception. SH spoke about Health Watch Camden. MM mentioned that we had had a “mystery shopper” at the practice. 7. Patient survey: this is the annual survey, 50 forms per doctor and nurse. answers will be collated and an action plan formed. 8. Care Quality Commission: this body carries out in-depth inspections of GP surgeries, hospitals, clinics etc, which includes buildings, personnel, fire safety, protocols etc. PPG members will be invited to attend during our inspection (date awaited). 9. Any other business: a. Extended Hours: this provision is ending in December in order to strengthen the number of appointments available in the mornings, which are very busy. Later hours will be reconsidered in the future. b. DNA Audit: 114 patients did not attend during October for a doctor or nurse appointment. c. Health Advocate: this is a volunteer who attends the practice fortnightly 10am-12.00 to advise on a range of matters including housing, debt, fitness classes etc. 10. Date of next meeting: Thursday 5th February at 1.00 pm at Gower Street Practice. The