300 (movie) …………………………………... Part Nine, 4 (footnote 9)
abortion funding cases ………………………………...….. Part One, 3-4
Acton, Lord ………………………………………………...…. Part Two, 5
Adams, John ………………………………………...…….. Part Nine, 8-9
Agrippa, King …………………………………………..…. Part Nine, 4-5
American Bar Association ……………………………….. Part Seven, 2
Article III (See, Constitution of the United States)
Article V (See, Constitution of the United States)
Article VII (See, Constitution of the United States)
Articles of Confederation …………………………………... Part Five, 2
Bible characters
Daniel ……….…………………………………….……. Part Nine, 4
Jesus …………………………………………………… Part Nine, 1
King Agrippa (See, Agrippa, King)
Apostle Paul …………………….………………...… Part Nine, 2-4
Apostle Peter …………….……………………………. Part Nine, 3
Bible verses
Acts, Chapter 26 …………………… Part Nine, 4 (footnote 10)
ancient Israel’s desire for a king: I Samuel 8 (KJV)/I Kings 8
(Douay) ………………..……. Part Six, 2-3; Part Seven, 7-8
Daniel in the lions’ den: Dan. 6:4-8 …………….… Part Nine, 4
earthly authority is from Above: John 19:11; Romans 13:1
………………………………….……………..…. Part Nine, 1-2
consequences of forgetting
history: Judges 2:10-15 …………...…...….…. Part Six, 10
placing of memorial stones to remember
history: Joshua 4:1-13 ................................... Part Six, 10
Law of Moses ……………………….…. Part Five, 3; Part Six, 3
reasons for which God ordains
government: Romans 13:3-4 ……….……....…. Part Six, 8
paying taxes: Matt. 17:24-27 …………………...….. Part Nine, 1
people destroyed by lack of
knowledge: Hosea 4:6
Part Six, 9-10
render unto Caesar: Matt. 22:21 ….……………….. Part Nine, 1
submission to earthly authorities ordained by God:
Matt. 17:24-27, Matt. 22:21, Romans 13:1, Titus 3:1,
I Pet. 2:13-15
….……..… Part Nine, 1-2; (See also, Part Ten, 2-4)
Bill of Rights ……………………………………………. Part One, 10-12
Bradford, William ………………………. Part Five, 6; Part Six, 11-13
Brennan, Associate Justice William ……………………. Part Four, 2
Brewster, William …………………………….…………..… Part Five, 6
Brown v. Board of Education …………….….…….….. Part Seven, 5-6
Carollo, Police Chief Joe ……………………….……...…. Part Eight, 9
citizens as a group as Caesar
…….………………...…..… Part Nine, 2-6, 9; Part Ten, 2, 4
finding Caesar …………….…………………….…. Part Nine, 2-4
individuals as Caesar ……..……………………….… Part Nine, 4
Caesar Nero ……..………………………………….. Part Nine, 4-5
render unto Caesar: Matt. 22:21 ……..…...…….…. Part Nine, 1
Castle Pinckney …………………….……………………..… Part Two, 6
Christians’ dual role as citizens …….…. Part Nine, 5-9; Part Ten, 2
Christian submission to church authority ….…...……..… Part Ten, 2
civil disobedience …………….……………...…………..…. Part Ten, 3-4
Civil Rights Movement ………………………………...… Part Four, 1-2
Civil War ………………………………………………….…. Part Eight, 6
Common Law of England …………………………………... Part Five, 4
Conclusion ……………………………………………...….. Part Ten, 9-10
Congregationalists ……………………….……………….…. Part Five, 9
Constitution of the United States
Article III (federal judiciary) ………………….….. Part Three, 2
Article V (constitutional amendments) ………...… Part Four, 6
Article VII (ratification of the
Constitution) ………………..….. Part Five, 2; Part Six, 9
Bill of Rights …………….…… Part One, 10-12; Part Eight, 10
First Amendment (right to petition for redress of
grievances) …………..… Part Five, 4 (see footnote six);
Part Seven, 6
Necessary and Proper Clause .….. Part Three, 2; Part Eight 8
Second Amendment (right to keep and bear
arms) ……………………………………………... Part Five, 5
Supremacy Clause
….………..… Part Two, 1; Part Three, 2; Part Eight, 8-9
Tenth Amendment (rights reserved to the people and
to the states) ………….………………….… Part One, 10-12
Continental Congress ………….…… Part Five, 4 (see footnote six)
Cooper v. Aaron ……………….……. Part Four, 1-2; Part Seven, 4-6
county sheriffs (duties to federal govt.) ………………...… Part One, 4
Darius, King ……………………………………………..….. Part Nine, 4
Davis, Jefferson …………………………………………… Part Two, 6-7
Declaration of Independence
generally ……. Part Four, 6; Part Five, 3-4, 10; Part Six, 1-8;
Part Seven, 4
all men are created equal/endowed by Creator with
certain inalienable rights ………………….…… Part Six, 1
all men are created equal vs. divine right
of kings ………………………………...…….. Part Six, 2-3, 7
appeal for Divine protection …………...………….….. Part Six, 7
commitment of the signers to each other and to
their cause …………………………………….….. Part Six, 7
duty of the people to alter/abolish
their government ……………………………..…. Part Six, 6
grievances against King George III ...........………. Part Six, 4-5
legislative powers (cannot be abolished/return
to the people at large) ……………………..…. Part Six, 4-6
the reason governments are instituted
among men ………………………………...…….. Part Six, 3
right of the people to alter/abolish
their government …………………………….. Part Six, 3, 6
self-evident Truths ……………………….………...….. Part Six, 1
source of government authority ……………………… Part Six, 3
Delaware, State of ………………………………………….. Part Two, 5
divine right of kings ………………..…. Part Six, 2, 7; Part Seven, 4
Douglas, Sen. Stephen ……………………………….… Part Eight, 2-6
Dred Scott (See, Scott v. Sandford)
Federalist, The ………………….………. Part One, 6-9; Part Seven, 3
firefighters (compared to judges) …………………….… Part Seven, 9
First Amendment (See, Constitution of the United States)
Focus On The Family …………………………………….…. Part Nine, 2
Fort Sumter ………………………………………………..…. Part Two, 6
French Proverb (“The more things change, the more they stay
the same.”) ……………………………..…………. Part Seven, 4, 7
Fundamental Orders of
Connecticut ….. Part Five, 9-10; Part Six, 6, 9; Part Seven, 4
George III, King
generally ……………..….……. Part Five, 4 (see footnote six);
Part Six, 1, 3, 5-8
acting out his world view (divine right of kings) ….. Part Six, 7
opposed by Patrick Henry (“Give me Liberty, or give me death”
speech) ………………..……………..………….. Part Nine, 6
Georgetown University …………………………………..… Part Four, 2
Gonzalez, Elian ………………………………………….…. Part Eight, 9
habeas corpus …………………………………………….…. Part Eight, 6
Hamilton, Alexander ……………………………….….. Part One, 6, 8-9
Henry, Patrick
Nullification debate ………………………………… Part Two, 4-5
submission to king and God (“Give me Liberty, or give
me death” speech) …………………………………. Part Nine, 6, 9
Hughes, Chief Justice Charles Evans ………….… Part Four, 1; Part
Seven, 1-2
Jackson, Andrew .… Part Two, 6; Part Seven, 10; Part Eight, 4-6
James I, King ……………..…. Part Five, 5; Part Six, 2 (footnote 4)
Jay, John …………………………………………………...…. Part One, 8
Jefferson, Thomas
Nullification ……………………………………………. Part Two, 3
quote: rebellion to tyrants/obedience to God ……….. Part Six, 7
John, King ………………………………………………….…. Part Five, 5
Jost, Timothy S.
………...……………. Part One, 2; Part Two, 1, 7; Part Three, 2;
Part Four, 5-6; Part Five, 1; Part Eight, 9
general ……………………………………………..…. Part One, 4-6
limited ………………………………….……………... Part One, 4-6
Kentucky Resolution ……………….….. Part Two, 4 (see footnote 8)
Ralph Ketcham, The Anti-Federalist Papers and the
Constitutional Convention Debates
(Mentor 1986)
........................ Part Five, 2; Part Eight, 11 (footnote 24)
Law of the Sea …………………………….……………….… Part Five, 5
Leonidas, King ……………………………… Part Nine, 4 (footnote 9)
Lincoln, Abraham
generally ……. Part Four, 3; Part Seven, 10; Part Eight, 1-6
controversy over Constitutional Law …...…….…. Part Eight, 6
First Inaugural Address ……………………...….… Part Eight, 5
Lincoln-Douglas debates ………………...………… Part Eight, 2
Speech of 1857 ………………………………..…… Part Eight, 2-5
London Virginia Company ……………………………...… Part Five, 5
Magna Carta …………………..…………….. Part Five, 3-5; Part Six, 9
Madison, James ………………………..…. Part One, 7-8; Part Two, 4
Marbury v. Madison
…... Part One, 9-10; Part Two, 7; Part Three, 3-6; Part
Four, 2; Part Seven, 1, 4; Part Eight, 9-10; Part
Nine, 2 (footnote 5)
duty/province of judiciary to say what the law is
……………..….……...…. Part Three, 3-4; Part Eight, 9-10
essence of judicial duty, and application thereof
to Nullification ..……………………..…… Part Eight, 9-10
importance of Marbury in American Constitutional
Law …...........................…. Part One, 9-10; Part Three, 3
recognition that unconstitutional laws are
void …………………..….…… Part Two, 7; Part Eight, 9
Supreme Court is subject to, and limited by, the Constitution,
and is not equal to the Constitution
…............… Part One, 10; Part Three, 3-6; Part
Four, 2; Part Seven, 1, 4; Part Nine, 2
(footnote 5)
Mayflower Compact
………………….... Part Five, 6, 9; Part Six, 6, 9; Part Seven, 4
Medicaid ………………………………………………….…. Part One, 3-4
Meese, Ed ………………………………………………….... Part Seven, 2
Mifflin, Gov. Thomas ……………………………………… Part Eight, 8
McCulloch v. Maryland
……………….. Part One, 6 (see footnote eleven); Part Two, 2
Necessary and Proper Clause (See, Constitution of the United States)
New England …………………………………………………. Part Two, 5
New England Journal of Medicine (See, Timothy S. Jost)
Absolute Nullification …………………………….…. Part Four, 4
Limited Nullification …..….. Part Four, 4-7; Part Ten, 1-4, 10
Liberty, bulwark of ………….….…..…... Part Eight, 10-11
naysayers, rebutting
generally ………………..…...………..… Part Ten, 4-9
naysayers’ contradictions
Constitutional Law/moral absolutes
……………………………………..... Part Ten, 5-9
practical matters …………….….… Part Ten, 4
response of Christians …………...………..… Part Ten, 8-9
Nullification Crisis ……………..…. Part Two, 6; Part Eight, 7
traditional Nullification …...........… Part One, 2; Part Four, 4
“Old Hickory” (See, Andrew Jackson)
Olive Branch Petition …………….… Part Five, 4 (see footnote six)
Paine, Thomas
The Crisis #1
claiming absolute power is impious …………... Part Six, 7
duty of a father toward his son ………..….. Part Nine, 7-8
Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of ……………………….. Part Eight, 8
William Bradford ………………... Part Five, 6; Part Six, 11-13
William Brewster ……………………….……………. Part Five, 6
hardships suffered, and reasons for enduring
hardships …………………………………..... Part Six, 10-12
voyage and Mayflower Compact ..... Part Five, 5-9; Part Six, 6
police officers (compared to judges) ………………….…. Part Seven, 9
Publius …………………………………………………………. Part One, 6
Printz v. United States …………..…. Part One, 4, 11; Part Eight, 11
Puritans …………………………………………………...….. Part Five, 9
Reno, Janet ……………………………………………….… Part Eight, 9
Rutherford Institute ……………………………………..…. Part Nine, 2
Scott v. Sandford ………………………………………… Part Eight, 1-5
Second Amendment (See, Constitution of the United States)
The Second American Revolution (See, John Whitehead)
“Shot Heard ’Round The World” …... Part Five, 4 (see footnote six)
South Carolina, State of …………..…………………….…… Part Two, 6
Sparta ………………………..…………….…. Part Nine, 4 (footnote 9)
Supremacy Clause (See, Constitution of the United States)
Supreme Court of the United States
cases: (See, Marbury v. Madison, McCulloch v. Maryland,
Printz v. United States, United States v. Lopez,
and United States v. Morrison)
critics: (See, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, and Ed Meese)
justices: (See, William Brennan, Charles Evans Hughes,
and Roger Taney)
Taney, Chief Justice Roger ………………………….…. Part Eight, 5-6
Tariff of 1828 ……………………………………………..… Part Two, 5-6
Tariff of Abominations (See, Tariff of 1828)
Tenth Amendment ………………………………….….. Part One, 10-12
Thanksgiving Day ……………………………………….….. Part Five, 8
Thermopylae, Battle of ……………………. Part Nine, 4 (footnote 9)
The Truth Project (See, Focus On The Family)
Tillman, Pat ………………………..….. Part Six, 12 (see footnote 24)
United States v. Lopez ………………………………...… Part One, 5, 11
United States v. Morrison ………………………………. Part One, 5, 11
Virginia Resolution ……………..….. Part Two, 4 (see footnote 8), 5
War of 1812 ……………………………………………….….. Part Two, 5
Washington, George
Nullification …………………….... Part Two, 5; Part Eight, 8-9
Whiskey Rebellion ……………………………..…. Part Eight, 8-9
Whitehead, John ………………….……………………..…. Part Nine, 2
The Second American Revolution …………………. Part Nine, 2
Wilson, James
Speech of October 6, 1787 …..….. Part Eight, 11 (footnote 24)
Xerxes, King …………………………………. Part Nine, 4 (footnote 9)
Yorktown, Battle of ……………………………………..… Part One, 6-7