The 8th grade science term 1 project is an optional unit test grade

8th Science Term 2 Optional Project
due December 13
The 8th grade science term 1 project is an optional unit test grade replacement opportunity. Students will
need to select only one of the science categories and follow the instructions. Students should take pride in
their work. They should always go above and beyond the minimal requirements. We expect high quality
work. The project may be turned in any time on or before Friday, December 13. Since the project is
optional, the 8th grade science team will not accept late projects. Projects will not be returned.
Select only one project---1. A 3D Model of a Power Grid--Using whatever medium (material) create a 3D model of a Power Grid. This model should be neat,
creative, and colorful with each part labeled. You must include a short statement explaining the purpose of
each part and how it contributes to the power
grid. You determine the size and shape of your
Power Grid.
1. Power Grid Model
50 pts
2. Label each Part of the Power Grid 15 pts
3. Explain the purpose of each Part of the
Power Grid 15pts
4. Spelling, grammar, & punctuation 10 pts
3. Neat, colorful and creative 10 pts
2. Term Topics Newspaper--Create a newspaper using the main concepts learned in science this term--- power grid, Newton’s Laws,
plate tectonics, space, weather. To make your newspaper authentic, you will need to include headlines,
bylines, pictures or photographs, etc. Students are to create a hard copy newspaper (using colored paper,
construction paper, poster board cut into pieces).
1. Title: Give your newspaper a science related title. 10 pts
2. News Article: This article should treat the science concept as a newly breaking story. This article must
include a lead (an opening paragraph of 30 words or less that tells who, what, where, when, and why) and
supporting paragraph that gives factual information about the concept. It should be 150 words long. 15pts
3. Feature Story: Written from today’s point of view on a second science concept or main idea. 10 pts
4. Editorial: This should discuss the importance of a third science concept. Include why this science
concept is important, how this concept changed scientific understanding, future implications, etc. 10 pts
5. Obituary: This should be about the life of a person that will be covered in term 2 or a person that
represents one of the topics from the term. 10 pts
6. Additional Article: Choose at least two of the following articles related to science: 15 pts
 Movie review (real or fabricated)
 Crossword puzzle using science
science concept related Advice
related terms
 Want Ad
 Comic strip illustrating a science
 Advertisement
 Sports
7. Diagrams, charts, photographs, or pictures: Include at least two to support articles. 15 pts
8. Attractiveness: The newspaper must be neat, attractive, good quality, and colorful. 15 pts
8th Science Term 2 Optional Project
due December 13
3. Plate Tectonic Assignments--Choose at least 100 points of work. All work is expected to be in a final form and of very high quality.
Make sure the essential questions are answered. You can place the activities in one folder, if possible, to be
1. Research a scientist who contributed to the plate tectonic theory or is involved in volcanoes or
earthquakes. Write a story about them on the day they announced their discovery or on their job. Include
background information. (20 Points)
2. Do an imaginary interview of a famous scientist. (10 pts)
3. Create a cross word puzzle with 10 up and 10 down. (5 pts)
4. Research a major earthquake or volcano and make a diary of that experience as if you were there.
Include location, type, destruction, deaths, and use your 5 senses (20 pts)
5. Create a timeline of the development of seismology use pictures and creativity (10 pts)
6. Write poems and/or sing songs about the various topics (10 pt)
7. Write a paper that would discuss what the earth would be like if we didn’t have plate tectonics.
3 paragraphs (20 pts)
8. Draw cartoons that use humor to explain the theories. 6 frames, colored, neat (20 pts)
9. Read articles from newspapers about seismic activity. Clip out the article and describe the
boundary and answer the 5 Ws in complete sentences. (10 pts)
10. Research the volcanic history of the USA and display your information in a creative way
(10 pts)
11. Create a mural or collage of plate tectonic topics. Include a 1-2 paragraph explanation (20 pts)
12. Create a children’s book creativity, pictures and story line (20 pts)
13. 3D models of plate boundaries include a one to two paragraph explanation (20 pts)
4. Hurricane Preparedness Poster--Use a regular size poster board (any color) to create an informational poster about hurricane preparedness.
Your poster should include the following information-- Title (10 pts)
 Name on the back (5 pts)
 Emergency plans for your family/pets (What do you do when a hurricane is approaching?) (10 pts)
 Evacuation routes from your home/maps (10 pts)
 Flood zone for your home (10 pts)
 Pictures of items for the disaster supply kit (25 pts)
 Disaster supply kit items----(30 pts)
o Water---How much water is needed for your family? (don’t forget pets)
o Food---What foods would you include for each person in your family? Pets?
o What other items do you need for an emergency?
Websites for help--
8th Science Term 2 Optional Project
due December 13
5. Pangaea Project--- Obtain copies of the Pangaea cutouts from your teacher. Cut out the continents and color each
continent a different color. Neatly label each continent so that it will be readable when displayed
from a distance.
 Using the idea of a jigsaw puzzle piece the parts together into one landmass to best represent what
Pangaea might have looked like 190 million years ago. Remember that the continents have been
sliding apart or together over many millions of years. When you are satisfied with their
arrangement, you should neatly glue your arrangement onto a piece of construction paper. Provide
an artistic title across the top of your paper that states “Pangaea”. This should also be readable
from a distance.
 Do some research to compile information about Pangaea and Alfred Wegener, the originator of the theory of
continental drift. On your typed information sheet you should include the following:
Who was Alfred Wegener and what did he theorize?
What kind of information or items did he use to support his theory?
What was Pangaea?
What is the main mineral type that Continental plates are made up of?
What is the main mineral type that Oceanic plates are made up of?
What causes the plates to move? What layer of the Earth makes up these plates and what layer are the
continents sliding on?
Why do you think our planets continents look the way they do today?
Include any pictures or other information that you feel will help polish your project.
Yes, spelling and grammar do count on your typed information grade. Be sure to spell check and have someone
proof read it before you print and mount your information.
Mount this information sheet onto another sheet of construction paper and then attach it to the bottom of your
Pangaea map creation. Be ready to display your project.
Helpful Research Links:
Tectonic Plates and Alfred Wegner--
Alfred Wegner Biography---
Color-Coded Continents---
What on Earth Is Plate Tectonics?---
Understanding Plate Motions---
Plate Tectonics---
On the Move---
Discovering Plate Boundaries--
This Dynamic Earth: The Story of Plate Tectonics--
8th Science Term 2 Optional Project
due December 13
NI = Needs Improvement, G = Good, E = Excellent
15 points
Description of Alfred Wegener and what
did he theorize included on poster.
15 (E)
10 (G)
5 (NI)
15 points
Examples of the kind of information or
items he use to support his theory are
included on poster.
15 (E)
10 (G)
5 (NI)
15 points
Description of what Pangaea was included.
15 (E)
10 (G)
15 (E)
10 (G)
5 (NI)
15 points
Description of the main mineral type that
Continental plates and the main mineral
type that Oceanic plates are made up of
15 (E)
10 (G)
5 (NI)
10 (E)
7 (G)
5 (NI)
15 (E)
10 (G)
5 (NI)
15 points
Explanation of what causes the plates to
move and what layer of the Earth make up
these plates and what layer are the
continents sliding on?
10 points
Personal idea about why you think our
planets continents look the way they do
15 points
- Map Layout
- Neatness
- Legend / labeled / colored
- Spelling/ Grammar