BAINES SCHOOL Health and Safety Policy 2 For staff information: This School Health and Safety Policy should be read in conjunction with: The Health & Safety at Work etc Act 1974 with associated Acts and other legislation. The Lancashire County Council Health and Safety Management System – held on Schools Portal. The Lancashire Education and Cultural Services Directorate Health and Safety Policy; Guidance/Advice Notes LEA Codes of Practice/HSE/CLEAPSS The policy comprises of five sections: 1. Governors Statement of Intent 2. General Statement of Health & Safety 3. Organisation for Managing Health and Safety in Schools 4. Arrangements for managing and implementing Health and Safety 5. Monitoring Arrangements D:\533578064.doc 3 GENERAL STATEMENT OF HEALTH AND SAFETY D:\533578064.doc 4 Statement of Intent The Governors, Headteacher and Senior Management Team of BAINES SCHOOL, will so far as is reasonably practicable, ensure that all activities under their control, are carried out in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974. This includes, relevant regulations, approved codes of practice, guidance notes, the Health and Safety Policies of the Lancashire Education Authority and with due regard to advice and information provided by the Authority's advisors. We therefore, will do what is reasonably practicable to exceed the minimum requirements within the resources that are available. The Governors will also ensure that systems are in place which will allow us to maintain, monitor and, where necessary, carry out risk assessments which will allow us to improve our safety performance. The Governors will comply, so far as is reasonable, with arrangements and procedures used by the Lancashire Education Authority. In the case of lettings arranged by the Headteacher/governors, they will ensure that appropriate health and safety arrangements are in place. In return, the Governors expects all employees to exceed their minimum legal duties, which are stipulated later in the Health and Safety Policy. Included in this is the co-operation of all employees to assist the Governors in carrying out their obligations as required. This policy will be reviewed annually or when necessary in order to meet changes in circumstances. Any necessary changes will be brought to the attention of all employees to assist in improving safety performance. The Governors will ensure that: the HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICIES and Codes of Practice are fully implemented and, to ensure compliance, will monitor on a regular basis; the school produces its own safety policy to supplement the LEA policies and that the policy is annually reviewed; a School Safety Committee is established; the Safety Policies will be brought to the notice of all employees; D:\533578064.doc 5 the school has considered its health and safety obligations and has made provision for meeting those obligations; the school's staffing structure appropriately reflects the responsibilities for carrying out the arrangements for health and safety; health and safety issues concerning the school are identified and appropriate action taken; regular safety reports are provided for the Headteacher so that safety arrangements can be monitored and evaluated. Report will be forwarded to governors at regular meetings in their capacity as employers. appropriate facilities and information for accredited Union Safety Representatives are provided to enable them to fulfil their duties; all reasonable facilities and information are provided to officers of the Education and Cultural Services Directorate, inspectors of the Health and Safety Executive and any other health and safety official as appropriate. Signed Headteacher Date: Chairman of Governors Date: D:\533578064.doc 6 HEALTH AND SAFETY DUTIES STATUTORY DUTIES 1 The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 places duties on EMPLOYERS to safeguard, so far as it is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of their employees and the health and safety of persons not employed but who may be affected by work activities such as pupils and visitors. Employers also have additional duties under other health and safety legislation such as the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations. 2 Persons who have CONTROL OF PREMISES have duties to take reasonable measures to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that premises and equipment are safe for people using them who are not their employees, e.g. pupils and visitors. (See attached LCC document – regarding responsibility.) 3 EMPLOYEES have duties to take reasonable care to ensure that they work in ways which are safe and without risk to health both to themselves and other staff, pupils and visitors. They must also co-operate so that employers can comply with their statutory duties. GOVERNORS' RESPONSIBILITIES Governors have duties in controlling the school premises and running the school. Therefore, Governors have statutory responsibility for health and safety. In view of this it is particularly important that the Governing Body and individual employees work together to establish health and safety objectives and to ensure that each is aware of their own responsibilities, with the aim of running the school without risk to health and safety. The Governors shall, so far as is reasonably practicable, as required under the Health and Safety at Work, etc Act 1974 and other relevant statutory provisions:(i) Ensure the health, safety and welfare of all its employees (ii) Ensure the health, safety and welfare of pupils, visitors and contractors on education premises (iii) Ensure the health, safety and welfare of its employees who work at locations controlled by another employer or organisation. D:\533578064.doc 7 The LEA will continue to fulfil its responsibilities in the following ways the: issue of a model HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY model; issue of codes of practice, Guidance/Advice Notes and other relevant information, as appropriate; provision of a comprehensive support and advice service; provision of a comprehensive training programme; provision of a monitoring system for schools; provision of a safety audit service. EMPLOYEES RESPONSIBILITIES All employees have a general duty under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 to: take reasonable care of their own safety and that of other persons; co-operate with the employer on health and safety matters to enable the employer to carry out their own responsibilities successfully; to use correctly any equipment provided for their safety; report any defective equipment to their supervisor or other appropriate person, i.e. Safety Representative; report accidents or dangerous occurrences at the earliest possible opportunity; be familiar with and observe at all times all safety policies and procedures; take reasonable precautions to ensure the safety of all persons in their charge. D:\533578064.doc 8 ORGANISATION FOR MANAGING HEALTH AND SAFETY IN SCHOOL D:\533578064.doc 9 ORGANISATION FOR MANAGING HEALTH AND SAFETY WITHIN THE SCHOOL The Headteacher is responsible for the day-to-day implementation and management of health, safety and welfare within the school. Teaching and non-teaching staff holding posts/positions of responsibility have a general responsibility for the application of the School Safety Policy within their own area of work and are directly responsible to the Headteacher for the application of all health, safety and welfare measures and procedures within their own area of work. Class teachers have responsibilities for the safety of pupils in their charge. All employees have a responsibility to take reasonable care of their own health, safety and welfare and that of other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions while at work. They also have a responsibility to cooperate so that employers can comply with their statutory duties. More detailed lists of the responsibilities of the Headteacher, teaching and non-teaching staff holding posts of special responsibility, are set out below. The Headteacher may wish to delegate some functions to other staff or to reallocate duties to match the staffing structure of the school, but this will not affect the Headteacher's overall responsibility for health, safety and welfare within the school. HEADTEACHER The Headteacher will ensure that:- - policies and procedures with regard to health, safety and welfare matters within the school are established in writing, approved by the Governing Body, and that the policies and procedures are known, and followed by all members of staff, including temporary/supply staff; - any health and safety matters raised, including guidance from the LEA, are brought to the attention of the Governing Body; - regular reviews of the safe performance of all departments of the school are undertaken with appropriate action when necessary, and are reported to the Governing Body; - accidents, incidents and dangerous occurrences are reported, investigated, and, where appropriate, preventive measures are taken. Also that reports and returns are submitted to the appropriate Authority in accordance with the published procedures; - adequate first aid provision is made for staff and pupils and other persons, whilst on school premises and when working away from the school, in accordance with the school’s health and safety guidance; D:\533578064.doc 10 - training needs are identified and arrange for those needs to be met; - necessary arrangements are made to ensure that officially appointed Trade Union Safety Representatives can effectively carry out their functions, and that consideration is given to reports on inspections carried out by Safety Representatives; - all parts of the premises, plant and equipment for which the governors have responsibility, are regularly inspected and maintained in safe working order; - goods purchased comply with necessary safety standards and that all equipment purchased is safely installed. - any unsafe items which are the school's responsibility are reported to the governors and any item which constitutes a health and safety hazard is taken out of use; - staff organising and taking part in visits, journeys and holiday excursions have the necessary knowledge, experience and skills so that they are aware of, and have made arrangements to deal with, any risks involved; all visits and associated activities must be agreed with the EVC before the visit takes place. - contractors working on the premises are closely monitored by the Senior Caretaker and that the working practices do not endanger the health and/or safety of employees, pupils or other persons working on the premises; - awareness and co-operation amongst staff with regard to health and safety matters is actively encouraged. TEACHING AND NON-TEACHING STAFF HOLDING POSTS OF RESPONSIBILITY Staff holding posts of responsibility (see attached LCC sheet of agreed responsibilities), i.e., Heads of Department, Bursar, Site Supervisor, are responsible to the Headteacher for the detailed adoption of the school’s Health and Safety Policy within their department/area of work. To fulfil their responsibilities they will assist the Headteacher by:- - monitoring of health and safety by inspecting their area on a regular basis to ensure that safety measures are being maintained and that safety instructions and safe working practices are being followed by staff and pupils, and for making any necessary changes in practices and procedures; - informing their staff of any hazards to health and safety they are likely to meet in the course of their work and ensure that they have the D:\533578064.doc 11 necessary information, instruction and training to carry out their duties without risk to health or safety; - ensuring that staff and pupils are aware of emergency procedures, which should be regularly reviewed; - ensuring that personal protective clothing and equipment is provided, worn/used and maintained as necessary; - ensuring that adequate supervision is maintained at all times; - ensuring that all plant and equipment is regularly inspected and maintained in safe working order and that any defective equipment is removed from use immediately. The Health and Safety Co-ordinator will assist the Headteacher to ensure that health and safety implications are considered in connection with the security and cleaning and maintenance of the building and for monitoring contractors on site to ensure their working procedures do not endanger the health, safety and welfare of staff, students and visitors. The Health and Safety Co-ordinator will assist the Headteacher by advising on the health and safety implications of the purchase and maintenance of furniture and equipment and for ensuring that the health and safety aspects of the letting of premises arrangements are complied with. CLASS TEACHERS Teaching staff timetabled to be in charge of classes are responsible for assisting the Headteacher to:- - ensure the safety of pupils in their charge; - be aware of and adopt safety measures within their own teaching areas; - follow safe working procedures personally; - request protective clothing, guards, special safe working procedures etc where necessary and ensure they are used; - make recommendations to the Head of Department on safety equipment or additions or improvements to plant, tools, equipment or machinery which is dangerous or potentially so; - be aware of school and emergency procedures in respect of fire, bomb alert, accident, first aid, etc and to carry them out. D:\533578064.doc 12 SCHOOL SAFETY COMMITTEE The School Safety Committee comprises: (as of Sept 2012) R J M McCowan - Headteacher J Shepherd – H&S Co-ordinator M Angel – Site Supervisor D Astall – Union Safety Representative B. Fletcher – Vice Chair of Governors Governor Contact; F&GP Committee The group will meet at least once a term to discuss issues which directly involve the staff and students of the school. The terms of reference of the Committee are to:- - ensure that the School Health and Safety Policy and safety procedures are implemented throughout the school; - review safety measures and to advise the Headteacher and Governing Body of any necessary changes to these measures; - ensure that there are arrangements for dissemination of information on health and safety matters to all staff and pupils; - receive reports of accidents and dangerous occurrences and to draw the attention of the Headteacher and Governors to any necessary preventative/remedial action; - receive reports from the LEA, safety representatives and external health and safety agencies; - ensure that arrangements are in place to protect the health, safety and welfare of staff, pupils and visitors to the school, and to review these as necessary; - receive audit and monitoring reports and advise the Governors and Headteacher of any necessary preventive and/or remedial action arising from these reports; - assist in reviewing the School Health and Safety Policy.and Risk Assessments annually or as required, D:\533578064.doc 13 ARRANGEMENTS FOR MANAGING AND IMPLEMENTING HEALTH AND SAFETY D:\533578064.doc 14 Responsibilities The responsibility for implementation and management of proper health and safety controls within the school is that of: R J M McCowan The authorised member of staff with day-to-day responsibility for ensuring this policy is put into practice is: (Health & Safety Co-ordinator): Committee as named on page 12 of this statement. To ensure health and safety standards are maintained/improved, the following people have responsibility in their specific areas e.g. premises issues, fire safety and other emergencies, out-of-hours arrangements, educational visits L. Oliver/M. Wallace – Educational Visits M Angel – Out of hours/Premises/Fire Safety J. Shepherd – First Aid Co-ordinator Committee The Health & Safety Objectives* for improvement for the school as identified by accident/incident investigation, consultation, review of risk assessments, H&S management support and audit visits; advice from the county council etc. or other sources e.g. DCSF, Teachernet, other schools, HSE. These will be tailored to meet the needs of the school by: (Name) Objectives – Committee Full review of all scheduled work. Implement 12 monthly reviews of individual departments’ policies and 6 monthly reviews of high risk areas Science/Tech/PE/ICT re. Ric All employees within the school have a responsibility to: 1. Co-operate with the Head Teacher and his/her nominated representatives on all matters relating to health and safety; 2. Not interfere with anything provided to safeguard their health and safety; 3. Take reasonable care of their own health and safety, and not knowingly place anyone who may be affected by their work activities at risk; and 4. Report all health and safety concerns to an appropriate person (as detailed in this policy statement). 5. The Conditions of Employment of Teachers provide that teachers’ professional duties include maintaining good order and discipline among the pupils and safeguarding their health and safety both when they are authorised to be on the school premises and when they are engaged in authorised school activities elsewhere. * Health & Safety Objectives should be set each year for improvements in the management of health & safety within the school. Examples might be: a % reduction in accidents will be achieved; a revised procedure for dealing with contractors on site will be devised and implemented; a new approach to managing slips and trips will be developed. These will relate to the issues within the school as identified by sources outlined above. The progress towards meeting the objectives should be monitored and reviewed throughout the year to ensure they are achieved. Health and Safety Risks Arising from Work Activities I/we will ensure that so far as is reasonably practicable, all areas of risk are assessed and adequate control measures are put in place to ensure the health and safety of all employees, pupils, contractors, non-employees and anyone else affected by the school's activities. Risk assessments will be undertaken by: The significant findings of risk assessments will be reported to: Action required to remove/control risks will be approved by: State name of the person and area of responsibility:J Shepherd Health & Safety Committee Head Teacher/ or other nominated person as appropriate: SLT, Health & Safety Committee – see page 12 Head Teacher/ Committee – see page 12 D:\533578064.doc 15 The responsibility for ensuring the action required to reduce risks is implemented is that of: Head Teacher Committee – see page 12 Checking that implemented actions have removed/reduced the risks is the responsibility of: Committee – see page 12 Risk Assessments will be reviewed: annually or when an element of the work activity changes significantly, whichever is sooner; and when advised by the county council. Risk assessments will be undertaken prior to the introduction of a new element of work activity. By whom : J Shepherd Committee – see page 12 SLT M. Angel D:\533578064.doc 16 School's Commitment To meet the requirements of this Policy Statement, the Head Teacher/Governing Body and/or his/her/their nominated representative(s) will: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) draw up and implement appropriate health & safety procedures for the school; share appropriate elements of these procedures with all employees, pupils, visitors and anyone else who may be affected by them; arrange for risk assessments to be completed for all areas of work and review them on a regular basis; as part of the risk assessment process, produce safe systems of work where necessary and arrange for their implementation including any appropriate training, resourcing, auditing and monitoring; and, identify adequate resources for the implementation of the health and safety policy and arrangements with the school. comply with appropriate directions given by the county council on health and safety requirements act in accordance with the relevant provisions in the Scheme for Financing Schools in Lancashire and the School Teachers Pay and Conditions Document”; The school will upon request make available for general inspection specific, procedures and documentation and will regularly review its arrangements in respect of the applicable topics and activities below. (The list below is not comprehensive - some hazards may not apply to your premises and there may be additional hazards that are not listed here Please add these to the list..) D:\533578064.doc 17 Arrangements for Managing and Implementing Health & Safety Occupational Topics and Activities Health & Safety Topic or activity Person(s) with named responsibility All Staff RMc/JSd Related Policy/School Document(s) Related Risk Assessment(s) All accident and incident reporting documentation G006 – First aid provision Bodily Fluids (urine; blood; faeces; vomit) MAl/DAh/ JSd/JIm LCC guidance on dealing G013 – Dealing with bodily with bodily fluids fluids Catering JHs All catering policies Catering risk assessments Cleaning/caretaking Mal/DAh Control of contractors RMc,AMk, MAl,DAh, G.Cowan RMc/AMk H&S Committee Policy 001 – Contractors on site G009 – Contractors on site LCC guidelines G002 – Manual handling Accident Reporting Accident Recording and Investigation Disability access – H&S implications D:\533578064.doc 18 Arrangements for Managing and Implementing Health & Safety Occupational Topics and Activities Health & Safety Topic or activity Display Screen Equipment Eye Tests Person(s) with named responsibility DAs/Committee Related Policy/School Document(s) Related Risk Assessment(s) DSE policy 004 G003 – Use of display screen equipment G004 – Use of electrical equipment Electrical Safety MAl, JDn, TPd, G.Cowan Emergency Procedures other than Fire e.g. flood, services failure RMc/JSd/SLT Critical incident plan Extended school and community use RMc, JPo Lettings proforma, Governors minutes Falling Objects/Safe storage H&S Committee Site inspections Fire Safety RMc,AMk,MAl, JSd Critical incident plan Logs of checks Fire drills D:\533578064.doc Critical incident plan All generic risk assessments All fire risk assessments 19 Arrangements for Managing and Implementing Health & Safety Occupational Topics and Activities Health & Safety Topic or activity Related Policy/School Document(s) Related Risk Assessment(s) First Aid Person(s) with named responsibility JSd, RMn First aid policy 002 G006 – Provision of first aid Gas safety MAl, DAh, AMk Site inspections Gas safety certificates G009 – Contractors on site Hot surfaces, scalds and burns All Staff Induction RMc, JSd Line Managers First aid policy Catering risk assessments Science risk assessmnets Induction policy 003 G006 – Provision of first aid G011 – Young persons at work All generic risk assessments Information communication H&S Committee Critical incident plan H&S policy Briefing note/meeting minutes All generic risk assessments Lettings to non school groups RMn, JPo Govenors D:\533578064.doc 20 Arrangements for Managing and Implementing Health & Safety Occupational Topics and Activities Health & Safety Topic or activity Person(s) with named responsibility RMc, JSd, H&S committee Related Policy/School Document(s) Related Risk Assessment(s) School H&S policy Meeting minutes All risk assessments Manual Handling All staff H&S committee LCC documentation G002 – Manual handling Minibuses AMk, JPo, KBi Minibus log G010 – Transport safety & vehicle movement Mobile phones – use of RMc H&S Committee Trips policies G001 – Lone working Monitoring of health & safety H&S committee School H&S policy All risk assessments Needles and needle stick injuries JSd LCC guidance documentation G006 – First aid provision Management and other Health and Safety responsibilities D:\533578064.doc 21 Arrangements for Managing and Implementing Health & Safety Occupational Topics and Activities Health & Safety Topic or activity Related Policy/School Document(s) Related Risk Assessment(s) Personal safety including lone working and violence and aggression Person(s) with named responsibility RMc H&S Committee Lone working policy 005 G001 – Lone working Play Equipment installations inspections KBi, JPo Site surveys Inspection sheets – PE Playgrounds and external areas H&S Committee Site inspections Ponds and Water features KPr H&S committee Premises Management RMc, AMk, MAl,DAh G. Cowan RMc, Jim, Pupil moving and handling (Special needs) D:\533578064.doc Contractors on site policy 001 Site inspections Care plans for students Care and control of pupils document Risk assessment G009 22 Arrangements for Managing and Implementing Health & Safety Occupational Topics and Activities Health & Safety Topic or activity Related Policy/School Document(s) Related Risk Assessment(s) Pregnant employees and nursing mothers Person(s) with named responsibility RMc, JSd LCC documentation Individual pregnancy risk assessments Reporting of H&S concerns/faults All Staff School H&S policy All risk assessments Risk Assessment and hazard identification JSd, MAl H&S committee School H&S Policy All risk assessments Safety Committee RMc, JSd, Das, MAl School H&S Policy All risk assessments Safety Representatives Das – ATL rep JSd H&S coordinator MAl, Dah Governor’s H&S Committee School H&S Policy All risk assessments Security of premises D:\533578064.doc G001 – Lone working G009 – Contractors on site 23 Arrangements for Managing and Implementing Health & Safety Occupational Topics and Activities Health & Safety Topic or activity Related Policy/School Document(s) Related Risk Assessment(s) Shared use of buildings Person(s) with named responsibility N/A N/A N/A Slips and trips H&S Committee Stress RMc, SLT H&S Committee LCC, Brief minutes/Cleaning protocols LCC guidance documentation G006 – First aid provision G007 –Use of corridors & stairs G012 – Work related stress Substances – COSHH JSd, MAl,JHs, DAh Science H&S policy Kitchen, Tech, Art All science risk assessments Swimming pools N/A N/A N/A Temporary and supply staff RMc, LMo H&S Committee D:\533578064.doc All risk assessments 24 Arrangements for Managing and Implementing Health & Safety Occupational Topics and Activities Health & Safety Topic or activity Person(s) with named responsibility H&S Committee Related Policy/School Document(s) Related Risk Assessment(s) LCC documentation, Training logs All risk assessments Transporting and storing chemicals JSd, MAl,DAh, JHs Science H&S policy COSHH documentation Vehicle and pedestrian traffic H&S Committee Visitor and volunteers safety H&S Committee Reception staff H&S Policy G009 – Contractors onsite G010 – Transport safety & vehicle movement All risk assessments Waste storage and disposal MAl, DAh, JSd Advice note G002 – Manual handling Water hygiene (Legionella, lead etc.) MAl, G.Cowan Temperature records Training D:\533578064.doc 25 Arrangements for Managing and Implementing Health & Safety Occupational Topics and Activities Health & Safety Topic or activity Person(s) with named responsibility H&S Committee JPo Related Policy/School Document(s) Working at height – ladders, access equipment etc. H&S Committee LCC documentation G005 – Working at height G008 – Use of stepladders Workplace Inspection H&S Committee School H&S policy Site inspection All risk assessments Work equipment and machinery D:\533578064.doc Related Risk Assessment(s) G003, G004, G005,G008,G009, G011 26 Arrangements for Managing and Implementing Health & Safety Curriculum and other non-occupational Health & Safety Topics/Activities Health & Safety Topic or activity Administration of medication Person(s) with named responsibility JSd, JIm Related Policy/School Document(s) Related Risk Assessment(s) G006 – Provision of first aid Educational Visits LOr, RMc, MWa, EVC documentation Governors Individual trip risk assessments Food safety and hygiene JHs, HKr Catering policies Catering risk assessments Outdoor activities LOr, KBi, MWa EVC documentation Individual trip risk assessments PE Equipment KBl, JPo Pupil handling and restraint RMc, CRo,Jim LCC guidance documentation Individual student risk assessments D:\533578064.doc 27 Arrangements for Managing and Implementing Health & Safety Curriculum and other non-occupational Health & Safety Topics/Activities Health & Safety Topic or activity Person(s) with Related Policy/School named Document(s) responsibility MAl,DAs,LCC maintenance team Related Risk Assessment(s) Pupil movement and flow RMc,SLT G007 – Use of corridors and stairs G010 – Transport safety/Vehicle movement School transport RMc, SLT G010 – Transport safety & vehicle movement Science (where not covered by curriculum safety procedures set down in CLEAPS) MMg, RHh, JSd Smoking SLT Special needs of pupils Health & Safety issues RMc, CWo,Jim,JSd Grounds maintenance D:\533578064.doc Science H&S policy All science risk assessments LCC guidance documentation Individual student risk assessment 28 Arrangements for Managing and Implementing Health & Safety Curriculum and other non-occupational Health & Safety Topics/Activities Health & Safety Topic or activity Stage and drama activities Person(s) with named responsibility HEs Supervision of pupils RMc & SLT Technology rooms and equipment ABi, JPo H&S Committee Wearing of jewellery RMc,SLT Work experience EKr, JSd D:\533578064.doc Related Policy/School Document(s) Related Risk Assessment(s) Individual production risk assessments G011 – Young persons at work G011 – Young persons at work Individual assessments 29 Arrangements for Managing and Implementing Health & Safety Health & Safety Topic or activity Person(s) with named responsibility D:\533578064.doc Related Policy/School Document(s) Related Risk Assessment(s) 30 Consultation with employees The school recognises and accepts its duty to consult with employees and will do so via a union-appointed safety representative and/or through elected employee representatives where union appointed representatives are not available. Employee representative(s) for the school are: Insert names: D J Astall Consultation with employees is provided via: Insert details – e.g. Individual staff appraisals, Review of documents, Team meetings, Circulation of draft documents for consultation, Monthly/Annual Health & Safety meeting etc. Staff meetings Team meetings H&S meetings Safety representatives The school recognises and accepts that safety representatives must be given the paid time necessary to carry out their functions, and paid time as is necessary to undergo training in those functions, as is reasonable in the circumstances. Safety Representatives functions are to: Investigate potential hazards and dangerous occurrences at the workplace, and complaints by employees relating to health, safety and welfare at work, and examine the causes of workplace accidents. Make representations to the Head Teacher/Governing Body on the above investigations, and on general matters affecting the health and safety of the employees they represent. Inspect the workplace. Represent employees in dealings with health and safety inspectors. Attend health and safety committee meetings. D:\533578064.doc 31 Safe plant and equipment The school will ensure that all plant and equipment that requires maintenance is identified, that maintenance is carried out and that new or second-hand plant and equipment meets any required health and safety standards before it is purchased. Is responsible for identifying all equipment/plant needing maintenance Head Teacher Committee – see page 12 Relevant line managers Is responsible for ensuring effective maintenance procedures are drawn up Head Teacher Committee/relevant line managers Is responsible for ensuring that all identified maintenance is carried out Head Teacher Committee/SLT Any problems found with equipment should be reported to Head Teacher/Deputy Head or nominated representatives – insert name(s) Committee – see page 12 Will check that new equipment meets any required health and safety standards before it is purchased Head Teacher/Deputy Head or nominated representatives – insert name(s) Bursar Information, instruction and supervision The Health and Safety Law poster* is displayed at: Location(s): Staff Room/Caretakers/Tech. Every building Health and safety advice is available from: Name and contact details: Committee – see page 12 Cleeaps/professional association Induction, supervision of trainees/work placements etc, will be arranged/ undertaken/ monitored by: Name and contact details: Line Managers Health & Safety in shared premises (where applicable) The Head Teacher/Deputy Head or nominated representative will ensure that any employees working at locations under the control of other employers are provided with relevant information to ensure their health and safety. * It is a legal requirement to display the Health & Safety Law poster in a prominent position in each workplace Competency for tasks and training The school has arrangements in place to ensure that all new employees are provided with appropriate health and safety induction training when they start work. This will cover basics such as first aid and fire safety. Specific on the job and job specific health and safety training will also be provided. Training provision will include regular refresher training. Write down your arrangement for training here including arrangements for record keeping. D:\533578064.doc 32 Induction training will be provided for all employees by: Name and contact details: Relevant line managers/senior staff or mentors Job specific training will be provided by: Name and contact details: Specific jobs requiring special training are: Departmental – line managers List the training and method of provision: Caretakers Prof. association rep. Training records are kept at/by: Training will be identified, arranged and monitored by: Details: Relevant line managers/cover supervisor Name and contact details: Committee Line Managers Accidents, first aid and work-related ill health The school acknowledges the legal requirement to: Ensure that there is a recognised system in place to deal with the reporting, recording and investigation of incidents and accidents. Ensure that there is a recognised system in place for reporting work related injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences under the RIDDOR Regulations. Provide appropriate first aid arrangements for employees and anyone attending the premises that may be affected by the school's activities. Provide health surveillance for any employees who may be at risk of ill-health as a direct result of work activities, and has made appropriate arrangements to deal with this issue. The first aid box(es) is/are available: Detail location(s): The first aider(s) and appointed person(s) is/are: Name(s) and contact details: First aiders -J Shepherd, J. Imisson, M. Angel Appointed persons – L. Smith, K. Bethel, J. Humphreys, V. Fleming, G.M. Holt, A.K. Morgan, E. Earley, L. Sharples, A. Risley, B. Spore Name and contact details: Headteacher All accidents and cases of work-related ill health are to be reported to: Health surveillance* is required for employees doing the following jobs within the school: Provide details. N.B. Any pregnant employee will require a specific Risk Assessment to be completed and their duties may need to be modified to take account of their changing capabilities: Health surveillance will be arranged by: Name and contact details: SLT/Head With GP & Occ. Health Provide details: Head Health surveillance/records will be kept by/at: * e.g. DSE user with a history of upper limb disorder, CDT technician working with wood with history of chest problems Monitoring The school acknowledges its requirement to monitor the health and safety of employees and anyone who may be affected by its work activities and has appropriate arrangements in place to fulfil this requirement. D:\533578064.doc 33 To check our working conditions, and ensure our safe working practices are being followed, we will: Name(s) and contact details: Conduct workplace inspections. These are carried out by: Health & Safety Committee Review all risk assessments annually or in the event of any significant changes. This function is carried out by: JSd MAl Health & Safety Committee Is/are responsible for investigating accidents e.g. road traffic accidents, slips, trips and/or falls accidents etc. before requesting assistance from the corporate Health, Safety and Wellbeing Team if necessary Name(s) and contact details RMn JSd MAl Health & Safety Committee Is/are responsible for investigating work-related causes of sickness absences. Name(s) and contact details RMn Is/are responsible for acting on investigation findings to prevent recurrences. Name(s) and contact details Health & Safety Committee Emergency procedures - fire and evacuation The school acknowledges its responsibility for ensuring that appropriate emergency procedures are in place and that these are communicated to all concerned, including other users of the premises, and monitored on a regular basis. Responsibility for ensuring the fire risk assessment is undertaken and implemented rests with: Name and contact details: JSd, MAl Escape routes are checked by/every: Fire extinguishers are maintained and checked by/every: Name(s) and frequency: MAl every term Name(s) and frequency: MAL, DAh Alarms are tested by/every: Name(s) and frequency: The emergency evacuation procedure is tested every: Name(s) and frequency Half term Responsibility for ensuring arrangements are in place to deal with other emergency situations e.g. bomb threat, flood etc. Name and contact details SLT/R McCowan.JSd D:\533578064.doc 34 MONITORING ARRANGEMENTS D:\533578064.doc 35 MONITORING ARRANGEMENTS The Governors will retain the primary responsibility of employer in respect of the Health and Safety at Work Act etc 1974 and its additional schedules and amendments, and will issue directions on health and safety through its written Health and Safety Policies and Codes of Practice. However, given the delegation arrangements and associated responsibilities, it is important that effective monitoring systems are implemented. In order to assist the school to manage its responsibilities and the Governors to fulfil their legal responsibilities, Health and Safety Monitoring must take place on a regular basis and a Monitoring Report must be submitted to the Governing annually. Safety Audits will be undertaken by the Health and Safety Team and the Headteacher will be notified in advance of the Audit. The Monitoring and Safety Audit reports will form part of the school’s arrangements for the development, monitoring and review of its health and safety policies, along with information from Safety Inspections, matters raised at the County Health and Safety Committee - Schools, Accident Reports, and returns and information from any other sources. Internal audits will be carried out according to the schedule set in the school’s H&S Safety Inspections, Surveys, Monitoring and Control file and findings will be reported to the Governors annually or as requested. Internal Safety audits will be carried out by the H&S Committee. Safety audits and inspections will normally be carried out by Officers of the Education and Cultural Services Directorate Health and Safety Team, Property Group, the Central COSHH Unit, and Trade Union Safety Representatives. Representatives of other County Council Directorates or outside agencies such as the Fire and Rescue Service or the Health and Safety Executive Inspectorate may also visit from time to time. Part of the monitoring process will be inspections by contractors to ensure the safety of goods or equipment, for example, the annual inspection of all portable electrical equipment, or local exhaust ventilation (LEV) systems. All inspections will normally be by prior appointment with the Headteacher well in advance unless there is a matter requiring urgent attention. The Governing Body may wish to have a member of the appropriate Committee present at such inspections. D:\533578064.doc 36 COUNTY HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE - SCHOOLS This Committee deals with all aspects of health, safety and welfare in relation to schools and also has an important monitoring function which will contribute to the LEA's arrangements to ensure compliance with the Health and Safety legislation and to the regular reviews of its Health and Safety Policies. COUNTY HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE - SCHOOLS CONSTITUTION 1 MEMBERSHIP Two representatives of each of the following: Association of Teachers and Lecturers, National Association of Headteachers, National Association of School Masters Union of Women Teachers, National Union of Teachers, Secondary Heads Association, UNISON. Named substitutes allowed to attend. Officers/Advisers: Health and Safety Manager (Chair), Schools Personnel Services Manager, Buildings and Development Officer, Health and Safety Officer (ex officio). Other representatives of Associations, Officers and Advisers to attend as appropriate. 2 MEETINGS Meetings will be held at least five times a year and will not be cancelled or postponed except in exceptional circumstances. Additional meetings will be convened as necessary. Dates of meetings for the following academic year will be arranged at the last meeting in each academic year. Minutes and agendas of meetings will be circulated to all members of the Committee at least one week before the date of the next meeting, along with all other relevant papers. Management will service the committee. Any party may put items on the agenda by giving notice 14 days before the date of the meeting. 3 OBJECTIVES (a) To keep under review the measures taken to ensure the health, safety and welfare at work of employees in nursery, primary, secondary and special schools and related units and centres. (b) To promote co-operation between the Authority and employees in instigating, developing, carrying out and monitoring the D:\533578064.doc 37 effectiveness of measures to ensure the health, safety and welfare of employees. (c) Within the above objectives the Committee will undertake the following specific functions, although this does not preclude consideration of any other aspects of health, safety and welfare: (i) The study of safety audit reports and accident and notifiable illness and disease statistics and trends, to assist in identifying unsafe or unhealthy working conditions or practices, together with recommendations for corrective action. (ii) Assistance to institutions in the development of health and safety policies and safe systems of work. (iii) The arrangements for and monitoring of health and safety training, with a watch on effectiveness of the safety content of employee training. (iv) To ensure that arrangements for health and safety monitoring and inspections in schools are effective. (v) To consider arrangements for implementing new health and safety legislation. (vi) To consider reports submitted by Safety Representatives. (vii) To give effective publicity to recommendations of the Committee. decisions and (viii) To ensure speedy decisions by management on the Committee's recommendations and to ensure that the decisions are translated into action. 4 (ix) The presentation of reports on appropriate health and safety matters to the Education and Cultural Services Committee, Teachers' Consultative Committee, Local Joint Committee or other appropriate committees. (x) Link with the appropriate enforcing authority. The constitution of the Committee will be reviewed annually. D:\533578064.doc 38 SAFETY REPRESENTATIVES 1 APPOINTMENT OF SAFETY REPRESENTATIVES Recognised Trade Unions may appoint Safety Representatives from amongst the employees and should notify the employer in writing of any such appointment. The Headteacher can appoint a safety representative. 2 PROVISION OF FACILITIES FOR SAFETY REPRESENTATIVES The employer will allow Safety Representatives such time off work with pay as is necessary to perform their functions and for undergoing training in respect of those functions as may be reasonable in all the circumstances. 3 RIGHTS AND FUNCTIONS OF SAFETY REPRESENTATIVES (a) Representing Employees in Consultations with the Employer or With the Health and Safety Executive. The Health and Safety at Work Act requires employers to consult Safety Representatives with regard to the making and maintenance of arrangements for effective co-operation in promoting and developing measures to ensure Health and Safety at Work and in regard to monitoring those measures. Those arrangements shall include: - the introduction of any measures at the workplace which may substantially affect the health and safety of the employees the Safety Representatives concerned represent; - the arrangements for appointing or nominating competent persons in accordance with the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999; - any health and safety information he/she is required to provide to the employees the Safety Representatives concerned represents by or under the relevant statutory provisions; - the planning and organisation of any health and safety training they are required to provide to the employees by or under relevant statutory provisions; - the health and safety consequences for the employees of the introduction of new technology into the workplace. D:\533578064.doc 39 (b) Hazards, Dangerous Occurrences and Accidents. Safety Representatives may investigate potential hazards and dangerous occurrences and examine the causes of accidents at the work place and make appropriate representations to the Governing Body or the LEA. Safety representatives may carry out investigations following notification of accidents provided it is safe to do so. (c) Complaints Investigation of complaints by any employee he/she represents relating to that employee's health, safety and welfare at work and make representations to the employer. (d) Inspection Safety Representatives can inspect the workplace every three months, providing that the employer is given reasonable notice of their intention to do so; and when there has been a substantial change in conditions of work regardless of whether an inspection has been carried out in the preceding three months. The employer shall provide reasonable facilities and assistance for these inspections and for private discussion between Safety Representatives and employee about the inspections. The employer is entitled to have a representative present during the inspection. (e) Receiving Information Safety Representatives are entitled to receive information and reports from Health and Safety Inspectors when these are provided. D:\533578064.doc 40 ARRANGEMENTS FOR HEALTH AND SAFETY INDIVIDUAL SCHOOL POLICY STATEMENTS REGARDING THE FOLLOWING LIST CAN BE FOUND IN THE ANNEX ATTACHED TO THIS POLICY Accident/incident reporting procedures Administration of Medicines Car parking Contractors on site Critical Incident Plan, to include fire and bomb alerts, who to contact, arrangements for evaluation of buildings, assembly points, use of fire extinguishers, Fire Wardens Electrical safety and the use of portable electrical appliances Fire Procedures First Aid – First Aiders, the location of First Aid boxes etc. Hazardous Substances and COSHH Lone Working Manual Handling Minibuses Physical Education Playground safety School visits and holidays Security of premises Smoking policy Use of DSE The attention of staff should be drawn to the Guidance and Codes of Practice, the Safety Manual (Green Book), the COSH Register, and various circulars/memoranda issued by the School Safety Committee and the Local Authority. These should be read in conjunction with the instructions and information contained in this Health and Safety Policy. D:\533578064.doc