REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS 1105-002 REFERENCE LABORATORY AND PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES 2028 E. Ben White Blvd. Suite 400 Austin TX 78741 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: RFP 1105-002 REFERENCE LABORATORY AND PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES RFP NUMBER: 1105-002 RFP TITLE: REFERENCE LABORATORY AND PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES RFP START DATE: May 31, 2011 RFP END DATE: Presentation/Interviews will be week of July 11, 2011 QUESTIONS DUE: June 15, 2011 2:00 pm central time RESPONSES DUE: June 17, 2011 RFP CONTACT: KAREN BITZER, PURCHASING MANAGER PURCHASING@COMMUNITYCARETX.ORG Description: Interested firms are invited to conduct a presentation and submit to an interview in accordance with the instructions in this Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 1105-002. Call to set presentation time by 2pm June 16, 2011. Presentations to be the week of July 11, 2011. CommUnityCare intends to award a base three (3) year contract with three (3) one (1) year options to renew. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: RFP 1105-002 REFERENCE LABORATORY AND PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 3 2.0 PROPOSAL SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS, CONTENT AND FORMAT 3 3.0 ADMINISTRATIVE PROPOSAL INFORMATION 4 4.0 SCOPE OF WORK 6 5.0 EVALUATION PROCESS AND CRITERIA 13 EXHIBIT A: AVERAGE ANNUAL TEST QUANITIES 16 EXHIBIT B: CRITICAL VALUES 38 EXHIBIT C: PHLEBOTOMIST AND COURIER LOCATIONS AND HOURS 40 EXHIBIT D: TERMS AND CONDITIONS 41 EXHIBIT E: BUSINESS ASSOCIATE AGREEMENT 46 EXHIBIT F: CONFLICT OF INTEREST FORM 52 EXHIBIT G: PROPOSER QUESTIONNAIRE 55 CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 Page 2 of 58 1.0 INTRODUCTION. 1.1 CommUnityCare invites qualified entities to provide a presentation that clearly outlines how they can meet and/or exceed the expectations in the Statement of Work, Section 4.0, to provide reference laboratory and phlebotomy services at CommUnityCare. CommUnityCare currently has Lab Corp Services as its vendor. 1.2 Central Texas Community Health Centers d/b/a “CommUnityCare” is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization providing healthcare services to underinsured and uninsured residents of Travis and surrounding counties. CommUnityCare was formerly a department of the City of Austin, transitioning to a non profit status on March 1, 2009. CommUnityCare has nineteen clinic locations, four dental locations and one pharmacy and two administration locations. These sites are located throughout the City of Austin and Travis County. Services provided are comprehensive primary care including pediatrics, behavioral health services, and dental care. CommUnityCare also provides healthcare services to persons affected by Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (“AIDS”) and Human Immune-deficiency Virus (“HIV”), and care for the homeless at the Austin Resource Center for the Homeless. CommUnityCare provides services to people who are eligible for Medicaid, Medicare, Children’s Health Insurance Program (“CHIP”) or the Travis County Healthcare District Medical Assistance Program (“MAP”). Funding is also provided by grants received from federal, state and local governments; service revenue received from patients and other medical insurance and aid providers; and the Travis County Healthcare District (“CentralHealth”). CommUnityCare, a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit corporation and CentralHealth, a local governmental entity are joint holders of the Federally Qualified Health Center status that allows the clinics operated by CommUnityCare to receive an enhanced level of Medicaid reimbursement. 2.0 PROPOSAL SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS, CONTENT AND FORMAT. 2.1 Proposers must call 512-978-9059 by 3pm Thursday June 16, 2011 to set an appointment time for the week of July 11, 2011. 2.2 Each Proposer will be given a 2 hour time slot in order to present their proposal and answer any questions that might arise. 2.3 Responses to the RFP must be submitted in several parts as set forth below. 2.3.1 Presentation: Proposer to bring all necessary electronic devices (if any) as required for their presentation. Proposer to supply twelve (12) paper copies of presentation. Proposer should provide a presentation and proposal that addresses how Proposer will meet and/or exceed expectations listed in the Scope of Work, Section 4.0 and Cost Schedule for services to be paid for by CommUnityCare. Topics of presentation should be presented in this order: Introductions Corporate history/profile (be sure to include, but not limited to: company size, market share, local business locations, 2008 – 2010 financial statements and annual reports, etc.) Corporate philosophies (customer service, employee retention, etc.) Corporate corrective action policies Then specifically address how the Proposer would transition and manage each of these following topics: IT Topics – Emphasis on Bi-Directional interface with Next Gen Electronic Medical Records. Phlebotomist Management Equipment & Supply Management Courier Service CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 Page 3 of 58 2.3.2 2.3.3 Test Response Times Utilization Reporting Education and In-Service Training Billing – To include ABM waiver and claim denial process Compliance – Must include QI plan and communication plan of issues and problems with customers. Cost Schedule – CommUnityCare is willing to hear proposals based on either cost by test, by capitated account or other pay structure as recommended. Why CommUnityCare should choose your Company Allow time for questions and answers Completed Forms: Proposer provides one (1) original signed copy of the following documents to the Purchasing Manager or her designee on the day of the Presentation: Completed Exhibit E: Business Associate Agreement Completed Exhibit F: Conflict of Interest Completed Exhibit G: Proposer Questionnaire Prior Performance Evaluation: Have three (3) previous clients complete the Prior Performance Form (pages 57 and 58) and have client return completed forms directly to Purchasing Manager at 512-901-9707 or electronically to Copies of the evaluations will be provided to Evaluation Team members by Purchasing Manager. 2.4 CommUnityCare anticipates the following schedule and milestones for this RFP. These dates are for general information only and are subject to change. 3.0 Event Date RFP distribution to entities June 27, 2011 Questions for clarification due from entities June 15, 2011, 2pm Responses to entities’ questions issued June 17, 2011 Proposal due date Week of July 11, 2011 Target date for completion of review of proposals July 18, 2011 Contract Award Announcement July 19 , 2011 Commencement of contract work/transition August 20, 2011 ADMINISTRATIVE PROPOSAL INFORMATION. 3.1 A Proposer is advised to read the entire RFP (all documents) to determine all requirements. CommUnityCare reserves the right to reject a submittal that does not contain all information required by this RFP or is otherwise non-responsive, as determined by CommUnityCare in its sole discretion. 3.2 The final contract will contain: This RFQ to include Exhibits: A Average annual test quantities, B Critical Values, C Phlebotomist & Courier Times and Locations and D Terms and Conditions; The completed Exhibits E Business Associate Agreement, F Conflict of Interest and G Proposer Questionnaire; The Proposal and any additional documents submitted; and (if necessary) Exhibit H: Best and Final Offer reflecting negotiated changes agreed upon between Proposer and CommUnityCare. 3.3 CommUnityCare reserves the right to: Reject any or all submittals and discontinue the RFQ process without obligation or liability to any respondent; Waive any defect, irregularity, or informality in any submittal; CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 Page 4 of 58 Accept a submittal other than the lowest-price submittal; Award a contract initial submittal received without discussions or requests for best and final offers; Request additional information; or clarification from Proposers, which information may vary by Proposer; Request Best and Final Offers from any or all Proposers; Accept submittals from one or more entity; Procure the services in whole or in part by other means; Award more than one contract; and Not award any contract 3.4 Cost of Developing Proposals: All costs related to the preparation of the proposals and any related activities are the sole responsibility of the Proposer. CommUnityCare assumes no liability for any costs incurred by Proposer throughout the entire selection process. 3.5 Proposal Ownership: All proposals, including attachments, supplementary materials, addenda, etc., shall become the property of CommUnityCare and will not be returned to Proposer. 3.6 Proposal Disclosure: Submittals/Responses will be opened so as to avoid disclosure of the contents to competing entities or individuals. To the extent allowed by law, submittals/responses will be kept confidential during the process of negotiation. After a contract is awarded, the submittals/responses will be presumed to be public information under the Texas Public Information Act unless the Office of the Attorney General determines otherwise. 3.6.1 If an entity believes that any of its submitted response to the RFP is exempted from disclosure under the Texas Public Information Act, the entity must mark that portion or portions as "confidential." Upon receiving a request for information related to a submitted response to the RFP, CommUnityCare will submit to the Office of the Attorney General only that information that an entity has marked "confidential." That information will remain confidential only if so determined by the Office of the Attorney General. 3.7 Proposal Clarifications/Questions: Contacting CommUnityCare staff may result in disqualification from consideration for contract award for this RFP. The sole point of contact for inquiries is CommUnityCare’s Purchasing Manager at Entities may make written inquiries concerning this solicitation in order to obtain clarification of the requirements. Inquiries must be submitted electronically via email to no later than the date and time outlined in the submittal instructions. Questions received by this deadline and corresponding answers will be emailed to all Proposers. 3.7.1 All entities are expected to carefully examine the RFP documents. Any ambiguities or inconsistencies should be brought to the attention of the Purchasing Manager. It is CommUnityCare’s intent that all information necessary to complete a response is included in this RFP. It is the responsibility of an interested entity to obtain clarification of any information contained herein that is not fully understood. 3.7.2 Any entity, by and through the submission of a Proposal, agrees to be held responsible for: (1) examining the RFP (including Exhibits and amendments) and all referenced material; (2) becoming familiar with the nature and scope of the services required by CommUnityCare; and (3) identifying any local conditions, administrative rules, or other factors that may impact the timeline for completion of the services. 3.7.3 CommUnityCare is responsible for interpretation of the wording of this RFP. Its staff will not give verbal answers to inquiries regarding the RFP contents. Any verbal statement regarding the RFP prior to the award shall be considered non-binding. The only formal interpretation of the RFP will be made by RFP amendment or addendum issued by the Purchasing Manager. A copy of such amendment or addendum will be emailed to all CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 Page 5 of 58 Proposers. 3.8 Proposals must be valid and proposed fees and hourly rates must be firm and guaranteed for 360 days from the RFP Due Date. 3.9 Negotiations. The Purchasing Manager shall participate in all negotiations. Discussions may be conducted with responsible Proposers who submit proposals to the RFP determined to be reasonably susceptible of being selected for award. Those Proposers will be accorded fair and equal treatment with respect to any opportunity for discussion and revision of submittals. Proposers may be required to submit additional data and/or clarify previously-submitted information during the process of any negotiations. Revisions and supplements to proposals/responses may also be permitted after submission and before award for the purpose of obtaining best and final offers. CommUnityCare reserves the right to negotiate the price and any other term with any, all, or none of the Proposers. Any oral negotiations must be confirmed in writing prior to an award. 3.10 Deviations. Requirements stated in this RFP will become part of the contract resulting from this RFP unless the Proposer requests a deviation. All requests for deviations from these requirements must be specifically defined by the Proposer in the response to the RFP. If accepted, the deviation becomes part of the contract. CommUnityCare reserves the right to modify the requirements of this RFP. 3.11 Protests. Protests before award must be submitted in writing to the Purchasing Manager not later than six (6) calendar days after proposal/submittal opening, and protests after award must be submitted within ten (10) calendar days after award by CommUnityCare. The Purchasing Manager shall rule on the protest in writing within ten (10) calendar days from date of receipt. Any appeal of the Purchasing Manager's decision must be made within ten (10) calendar days after receipt thereof and submitted to the Purchasing Manager, who shall present the matter for final resolution to the CEO or his designee. Appellant shall be notified of the time and place the appeal is to be heard by CommUnityCare and afforded an opportunity to present evidence in support of the appeal. CommUnityCare’s decision is final. 4.0 SCOPE OF WORK: 4.1 Required Tests 4.1.1 CommUnityCare requires the availability of all standard reference laboratory tests, including a TAST and HPV marker on abnormal Pap smears. 4.1.2 For any new test not listed in Attachment A or any modifications to tests CommUnityCare shall negotiate pricing and amend the Contract in writing. 4.1.3 Contractor shall use critical values as determined by CommUnityCare and as exhibited in Attachment B. Contractor may only add, delete or otherwise adjust values upon the written consent of the CommUnityCare Medical Director. 4.2 Locally owned/operated Draw Stations 4.2.1 Contractor is required to have draw stations in Travis County and preferably near CommUnityCare locations. Contractor’s draw stations also should be accessible by public transportation and to persons with disabilities in accordance with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA). 4.2.2 Contractor shall employ pathologists to make a medical interpretation and/or diagnosis regarding the medical significance of anatomical specimens and provide written communication to the referring Provider. 4.2.3 Contractor shall have a pathologist available via telephone during regular work hours CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 Page 6 of 58 (8am to 5pm), seven (7) days a week for consultation with the referring Provider regarding pathology questions relevant to patient diagnosis and treatment. 4.3 Onsite Phlebotomists – at CommUnityCare locations 4.3.1 Contractor will provide certified phlebotomists employed directly by Contractor (no subcontractors) to provide phlebotomy services at CommUnityCare locations. Times and locations as exhibited in Attachment C. Phlebotomists shall hold a current State Phlebotomy Certification and take required training/courses to maintain certification. Each individual assigned to CommUnityCare will sign a Confidentiality Statement. The Statement must be signed before a person can enter premises to work. CommUnityCare reserves the right to require the immediate removal of any phlebotomist from CommUnityCare’s premises’ without having to give reason. Contractor shall provide a different phlebotomist for that location within one (1) day and provide temporary coverage until coverage can be placed. Contractor will not hire a CommUnityCare employee within one (1) year from the time that employee’s employment with CommUnityCare has ended. 4.3.2 Phlebotomy Duties: Drawing and collecting all tests (blood and urine) to be transported to Contractor’s reference laboratory or other labs as requested. Processing all specimens being transported to the reference laboratory, DSHS or other reference laboratory as requested by CommUnityCare staff. Every specimen shall be marked with Name of patient Date of birth Date and time of test 4.3.3 Maintain a log of specimens sent to the reference laboratory to include patient first and last name, date of birth, test requested and date of test Will review log daily for appropriate turn around time of test results 4.3.4 Report any tests not following the appropriate turn-around time to clinic manager or designee. 4.3.5 Follow infection control guidelines as specified by local, state, federal, industry and/or Joint Commission. 4.3.6 Maintain stock/inventory or supplies needed to collect reference laboratory specimens to be sent to Contractor for processing based on requirements specified by local, state, federal, industry and/or Joint Commission. 4.3.7 Ensure patients are prepared for collection of specimens (i.e. fasting, not taking medications, etc.). 4.3.8 Ensure correct insurance is entered into system. CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 Page 7 of 58 4.3.9 Work with clinic staff to ensure that patients are seen in a timely manner. 4.3.10 Be flexible in schedule to ensure that patients are seen before breaks begin. 4.3.11 All phlebotomists will be bilingual in Spanish/English. 4.3.12 Dress Code – Phlebotomists will follow CommUnityCare’s current dress code policy. Policy to be provided at time of contract award. 4.3.13 Code of Conduct – Phlebotomist will follow CommUnityCare’s Code of Conduct. Codes to be provided to each Phlebotomist upon initial assignment to CommUnityCare and as the Code is updated. 4.3.14 Employee Health – Phlebotomists will comply with CommUnityCare’s Employee Health policy. Policy to be provided at time of contract award. 4.3.15 Time Tracking – Phlebotomists will sign in and sign out (to include unpaid lunch times) at every location each individual is assigned to. If Contractor has electronic time tracking system, a weekly report sent to the Regional Clinic Administrators (RPA) and Accounts Payable Person may be accepted in place of signature sheets (at CommUnityCare’s discretion only). 4.3.16 Back-up plan for late or absent Phlebotomists – If the personnel provided by the Contractor is/are more than twenty (20) minutes late for work, the Contractor shall provide staffing within one (1) hour. Late or absent phlebotomists will call Contractor, not Clinic, and inform them as soon as possible. Contractor will contact clinic personnel to explain coverage issues. CommUnityCare will NOT be responsible for reporting late/absent phlebotomists to Contractor. Phlebotomist billing for late or absent – CommUnityCare will not be billed for late or absent personnel. Excessive tardiness or absenteeism can result in CommUnityCare requesting the removal of the Phlebotomist from the account. Phlebotomist Billing Holiday Pay – CommUnityCare will only pay Holiday Pay (one and one-half base rate) for CommUnityCare Holidays scheduled to work. Phlebotomist Billing Overtime – CommUnityCare will not schedule a Phlebotomist to work more than 40 hours per week. If a phlebotomist works more than forty hours in a week, the overtime rate will be the responsibility of the Contractor and the cost will not be passed on to CommUnityCare. Phlebotomist Training – CommUnityCare will not be billed for any training times. 4.4 Equipment and Supplies 4.4.1 Contractor shall install and maintain dedicated communication lines and ports following mandated HIPAA security guidelines and shall provide a direct computer interface with each site by installing, at no expense to CommUnityCare, a personal computer, modem, monitor and printer with the following capabilities: On-line test ordering, including label printing, results inquiry and results reporting via read-only screen or direct print out. On-line test catalog with interpretive information for all tests available. Ability to hold test results for twelve (12) months after result reporting. CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 Page 8 of 58 Ability to produce referred tests management reports, including, but not limited to: generation of a list of tests not yet reported, all tests sent for a specified time period and critically high results for a given day. Laboratory system interface adhering to the standard of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). An electronic mailbox system allowing for exchange of messages with personnel. A security system providing user-specified ability to limit access to confidential information and control of who has authority to enter data and receive results. Web-based access to lab test results for CommUnityCare personnel. 4.4.2 Contractor shall maintain the computer equipment and software with no charge to CommUnityCare (including Software Upgrades). 4.4.3 Contractor shall provide laboratory requisition forms. Requested forms should be delivered within one business day of request. 4.4.4 Contractor shall provide supplies for those tests being performed under this Agreement, including but not limited to: specimen tubes, culture and transport media, pap supplies, parasite/stool containers, vacutainers, needles, safety syringes and all necessary supplies required for performing phlebotomy and transporting specimens to the Contractor in a manner that meets local, state, federal, industry and Joint Commission standards and regulations. New equipment and/or supplies must first be approved by Contract Manager BEFORE use in ANY CommUnityCare facility. 4.4.5 Contractor shall provide information sheets that list the Contractor’s drawing stations (not located within a CommUnityCare clinic) with directions and maps. 4.4.6 Contractor shall provide Lock Boxes for the storage of specimens and reports for each CommUnityCare clinic in a manner that meets local, state, federal, industry and Joint Commission standards and regulations. 4.4.7 Contractor shall provide and properly maintain biohazard waste boxes and their disposal of their medical waste in the laboratory areas only in accordance with local, state, federal, industry and Joint Commission standards and regulations. 4.4.8 Contractor shall provide to each CommUnityCare location, a copy of the reference laboratory manuals (aka Collection Manual) and addenda as changes are made, for information relating to tests available and requirements for collection. An online test directory will be available daily for list of tests available. 4.5 Courier Service 4.5.1 Contractor shall provide a no cost courier service to include the pick up, transport and delivery of specimens in a HIPAA compliant manner. The regular schedule is described in Attachment C. Courier will be able to come on property with Contractor ID to pick up specimens. 4.6 Results Delivery System 4.6.1 CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 Contractor shall, at no cost to CommUnityCare, provide, install, and maintain equipment Page 9 of 58 and software necessary to support a system for delivery of test results provided by Contractor laboratory services. Contractor shall provide printers, dedicated phone lines for printers, and necessary supplies for maintenance of printers at no cost to CommUnityCare for the purpose of reporting lab test results. Equipment installed will remain the property of the Contractor and will not be used for any other purpose. Result files must be: Download capable from the internet via a secure connection (HTTPS/SSL); Order upload capable from the internet via secure connection; Available in both PDF and HL7 compliant pip-delimited format or XML; and Order uploads accepted via HL7 compliant XML order. 4.6.2 Technical Support – Results delivery system must include technical support to assist with an integration project so CommUnityCare Electronic Medical Record Software can dynamically upload and download order and result data at no cost to CommUnityCare. 4.6.3 Computer Log-in Support – Contractor shall provide lab computer support and log-in support for computer result delivery system 24 hours a day 7 days per week. 4.7 Timelines for Test 4.7.1 STAT tests shall be picked up within one (1) hour from the time of phone notification to Contractor by CommUnityCare. Results shall be completed and reported in two (2) hours from time of pick-up for a total of three (3) hours from the time of notification. Requesting provider will provide contact information with each request, including after hours contact information. 4.7.2 Routine tests shall be reported via electronic interface no later than the close of business the next working day. 4.7.3 Non - Routine tests shall be reported via electronic interface no later than ten (10) business days. 4.7.4 Critical Abnormal Results: All critical abnormal results will be called immediately to the referring Provider, as denoted specifically to the Contractor in writing by the Provider, unless otherwise specified. If the critical abnormal result is identified after CommUnityCare’s close of business (4:45 pm), the Contractor shall report to the afterhours triage nurse, unless the referring Provider has given a phone number where he/she may be reached after hours. In such case, Contractor shall notify the referring Provider immediately at the designated phone number. 4.7.5 Longer testing times: Longer testing for all sites may be necessary for certain tests. Time frames necessary will be as agreed upon during the bid process. 4.8 Utilization Reports 4.8.1 Contractor shall provide a monthly encounter data report: name of client (last/first), patient ID number, IDC – 9 diagnosis code, requesting provider, location of service, contract price for each test, payer and payer ID number, ordering physician’s name (last/first) and NPI. 4.8.2 Contractor shall provide a monthly clinic and/or program area, as required by CommUnityCare, volume activity report: patient’s full name (last/first), date of birth, date of service, CPT code for test service, test service price, contract file number, number of tests performed by clinic and/or by program area. CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 Page 10 of 58 4.8.3 Contractor shall provide a monthly Provider Activity Report: the number and type of laboratory tests by site and physician. 4.8.4 Contractor shall provide a monthly Utilization Report: name of patient (last/first), patient ID number, DOB, date of service, location of service, test results and ordering physician’s name (last/first). 4.8.5 Contractor shall provide a quarterly Error Rate Report. 4.8.6 Contractor shall provide a quarterly Payer Source Activity Reports: The total number and type of laboratory test, type of test by diagnosis. Type of diagnosis and provider/physician Type of test by payer and associated costs List of denials by site, ICD9 and Provider. 4.9 Education and In-Service Training 4.9.1 Contractor shall provide education and in-service training as deemed necessary by CommUnityCare. 4.10 Billing 4.10.1 The Contractor is solely responsible for billing applicable Medicare, Medicaid Managed Care Companies, and commercial health coverage insurers for services provided hereunder. The Contractor is solely responsible for entering into agreements with those insurance providers. 4.10.2 Contractor is not allowed to bill or contact a patient directly. 4.10.3 CommUnityCare shall pay the Contractor for each test conducted for patients eligible for Travis County Healthcare District Medical Assistance Program (MAP), is a CommUnityCare sliding-fee patient, is a CommUnityCare employee or a potential CommUnityCare employee (pre-employment drug screening), or has insurance or grant funding through other local, state or federal entities that CommUnityCare has contracted with. 4.11 Compliance: To ensure the quality and quantity of work completed by the Contractor meets the minimum requirements set forth by CommUnityCare in the Scope of Work. Also, to ensure that CommUnityCare is providing all the tools and opportunities for the Contractor to provide the work as requested. 4.11.1 Contractor shall have electronic interface with CommUnityCare’s EMR within twelve (12) months from beginning of contract. Immediately, Contractor to have web-based, HIPAA compliant reporting site until electronic interface completely functional. 4.11.2 Error rate in test results must remain below 2% of total reportable results. 4.11.3 Participation in Contract Compliance: Monthly Contract Compliance Survey: A monthly survey will be issued from the Purchasing Department to the Contract Manager, the Nurse Managers, the Clinic Managers, the IT Department, and the person(s) assigned to receive the CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 Page 11 of 58 reports. The survey will be limited to no more than ten (10) questions pertaining to work related questions referring to section 4.0 – 4.15 (excluding 4.3.2). Questions can change month to month, but will be limited to the Scope of Work. If Contractor scores less than 98%, the Purchasing Department will alert the Contractor. The Contractor will prepare a statement of explanation and a corrective action plan. If the Contractor fails to correct problem or If the Contractor scores less than 98% two (2) times in a rolling six (6) month period of time, CommUnityCare reserves the right to request remedial action up to and including notice to terminate and/or monetary compensation (depending on severity of non-compliance with Scope of Work). Quarterly Survey: The Purchasing Department will send a survey to Contractor on a quarterly basis. The survey will be limited to no more than ten (10) questions pertaining to CommUnityCare’s ability to fulfill obligations under 4.16. Questions can change month to month, but will be limited to the Scope of Work. Contractor will return survey within fifteen (15) business days. Any unsatisfactory findings will be addressed and agreed to between CommUnityCare and Contractor. Quarterly Phlebotomy Management Survey: A quarterly survey will be issued from the Purchasing Department to the clinic, nurse and business office managers. The survey will be limited to no more than ten (10) questions pertaining to the phlebotomists work habits, work attitude, attendance and other work related questions referring to section 4.3. Questions can change month to month, but will be limited to the Scope of Work. If a phlebotomist scores less than 95%, the Purchasing Department will alert the phlebotomy contract supervisor. A memo of explanation and a corrective action plan will be submitted to the Purchasing Department. If the corrective action plan is not completed in the specified time or if the same phlebotomist scores less than 95% two (2) times in a rolling six (6) month period of time, CommUnityCare may require the immediate removal of the phlebotomist. Semi Annual Self Audit: Checklists have been developed to help Contractor document compliance with each contract element, including attachments and any amendments. Mark each element as C (Compliant), PC (Partially Compliant), NC (Not Compliant), NE (Not Evaluated), provide supporting evidence and comments. For any areas identified as partially or non-compliant, Contractor will provide a “Proposed Corrective Action Plan” to correct deficiencies noted. The written proposed Corrective Action Plan (if needed) should: clearly identify: A description of the specific deficiencies, if any were found; What actions are proposed to correct each deficiency; The contract person that CommUnityCare should use for followup contact; and The date by which deficiencies will be corrected. 4.12 Corrective Actions 4.12.1 CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 Failure to adequately perform any of the services as defined in 4.0 or any amendments will result in corrective action. Issues of Contractor non-compliance will be addressed in the following manner: Page 12 of 58 Contract Manager will inform the Contractor of the problem, and seek resolution by a mutually agreed upon date. If the issue is not resolved, the Purchasing Manager will notify the Contractor in writing documenting the failure to resolve by the agreed upon deadline. If the Contractor makes insufficient effort to communicate and resolve the issue, the Contract Manager will communicate failure to resolve to the Purchasing Manager. As a final step the Purchasing Manager will issue a letter notifying the Contractor of the intent to terminate the contract if the problem is not resolved by a specific deadline. Letter will be sent regular or certified U.S. Postal Service mail requiring a signed return receipt. 4.13 Licensure 4.13.1 Contractor agrees to maintain for the duration of the contract period all licenses necessary to lawfully perform the services covered by this contract. 4.13.2 Contractor business and professional licenses will be requested and shall remain on file in the Purchasing Manager’s office throughout the entire contract term. 4.13.3 Contractor further agrees to advise CommUnityCare immediately in writing of any limitation, cancellation, or other termination of any license. 4.14 Insurance 4.14.1 Contractor shall maintain the following minimum per occurrence insurance coverage, and $3,000,000.00 aggregate liability coverage, throughout the life of the contract: 4.14.2 General Liability $1,000,000.00 Occurrence Liability $1,000,000.00 Personal Injury $1,000,000.00 Workers compensation $100,000.00 Said coverage will continue throughout the term of the contract. A copy of the Certificate of Insurance shall be maintained, by the Purchasing Manager, throughout the life of the contract. The successful bidder shall have the insurance carrier send the Certification prior to initiation of the contract. The Contractor through the insurance company must agree to notify CommUnityCare immediately in writing of any limitation, modification, cancellation, or other termination of such insurance coverage. 4.15 HIPAA Compliance: Contractor and their employees are bound by HIPAA to refrain from disclosing names and information about CommUnityCare’s patients. 4.15.1 The Vendor must sign a Business Associate Agreement (Attachment E). 4.15.2 Each phlebotomist will sign a Confidentiality Agreement prior to providing services. Agreements are to be maintained by Proposer’s supervisor managing phlebotomists, but CommUnityCare reserves the right to request access to verify agreements with one (1) hour notice. 4.15.3 Proposer to provide annual comprehensive HIPAA training for Phlebotomists assigned to CommUnityCare. Access to training records to be presented within one (1) hour of request to verify training. CommUnityCare must approve program annually. 4.15.4 CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 Review of Confidentiality Agreements and training records to be a standard part of Page 13 of 58 CommUnityCare’s monthly audit. 4.16 CommUnityCare’s Responsibilities 5.0 4.16.1 A Contract Manager will be assigned to be the Point of Contact in managing this Contract. 4.16.2 Contract Manager will provide contact information for after-hours notification of Critical Abnormal Results. 4.16.3 Contract Manager will provide contact information for CommUnityCare’s recipient of reports. 4.16.4 CommUnityCare will provide proper patient information in a timely manner in order for Contractor to properly bill for services. 4.16.5 CommUnityCare will provide a list of what insurance and grant coverages will be paid for by CommUnityCare as changes occur. 4.16.6 CommUnityCare will provide updated Immunization, Dress Code and Code of Conduct policies if changes are made. 4.16.7 CommUnityCare will host a monthly meeting for discussion of issues or for training time. CommUnityCare’s Contract Manager and two (2) providers will be required to attend. The Contractor must have the Contract Manager and the Phlebotomist supervisor present. EVALUATION PROCESS AND CRITERIA: 5.1 The following Evaluation Process will be used for this solicitation: 5.1.1 Presentation Evaluation. The evaluation committee will evaluate and score presentations and proposals using the evaluation criteria identified in 5.2. 5.1.2 Negotiations/Best and Final Offer. A Proposer/Respondent may be required to submit a Best and Final Offer that documents all of the results from negotiations. The Best and Final Offer, if requested, will be the basis for the final determination of contract award to the Respondent. Any Best and Final Offer, as well as the entire Submittal, will become part of the contract. 5.2 The following Evaluation Criteria and Scoring Matrix will be used: 5.2.1 A weighted scoring method will be used. Each Evaluator will score Proposer on a scale of 1 – 10 (10 being the best) for each topic listed below. The Purchasing Manager or her designee will total all the score cards for each topic. The Purchasing Manager or her designee will multiply each total score by the weighted percentage listed in the matrix below. The Proposer with the highest score will be the first choice for CommUnityCare to enter into negotiations with or accept the Proposal as is. Area of Evaluation IT Topics Onsite Phlebotomist Management Onsite Equipment & Supplies Management Courier Service CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 % 20 20 5 5 Page 14 of 58 Test Response Times Utilization Reports Education and In-Service Training Billing Compliance/HIPAA Cost Prior Past Performance Corporate Experience Creativeness, Responsiveness, and Technical Approach of presentation Total Licensure (Yes/No) Insurance (Yes/No) 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 100 5.3 Any contract award resulting from this RFP will be based upon the most responsive submittal that is the most advantageous to CommUnityCare over the life of the project in terms of the evaluation criteria specified as determined by CommUnityCare in its sole discretion. 5.4 The Proposal must be limited to those matters sufficient to define the entity's offer and to provide an adequate basis for CommUnityCare’s evaluation of the response to the RFP. CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 Page 15 of 58 Exhibit A: Average Annual Test Quantities Description # of Genotyping Targets % CD 3 Pos. Lymph. % CD 4 Pos. Lymph. % CD 8 Pos. Lymph. % Free PSA 17-OH Progesterone 1-Methyl-histidine,Pl 3-Methyl-histidine,Pl 3-OH-Dodecanoylcarnit.,C12-OH 3-OH-Hexadecanoylcarn.,C16-OH 3-OH-Hexadecenoyl.,C16:1-OH 3-OH-Hexanoylcarnitine C6-OH 3-OH-Linoleylcarnit.,C18:2-OH 3-OH-Oleylcarnitine,C18:1-OH 3-OH-Tetradecanoylcarn.,C14-OH 3-OH-Tetradecenoyl.,C14:1-OH 3TC [Lamivudine, Epivir] 5' Nucleotidase 5-HIAA, Urine 5-HIAA, Urine, 24hr 5-HIAA,Qn,Random,Ur A/G Ratio a-Aminoadipic acid,Pl a-Amino-N-butyric acid,Pl ABO Grouping Abs. CD 8 Suppressor Absolute CD 3 Absolute CD 4 Helper Abstinence Period ACE Acetaminophen Acetone Acetone, Urine Acetylcarnitine, C:2 Acetylcarnitine,Quantitative,P AChR Binding Abs, Serum AChR Blocking Abs, Serum AChR Modulating Ab Act.Prt.C Resist. ACTH, Plasma Actin (Smooth Muscle) Antibody ADDEND Additional Information Additional Information: Additional Markers Additional Test(s) Requested ADEQ ADH ADV [Adefovir, Hepsera] Aerobic Bacterial Culture Aerobic Culture AFB Cult/Smear, Broth, Suscep AFB Culture and Smear,Broth AFP MoM AFP Value CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 Count 1 5220 5288 5288 15 19 11 11 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 16 4 7 5 2 28959 11 11 47 5289 5221 5289 6 10 10 1 9 2 2 4 4 4 7 21 285 4 2 2 2 126 13119 4 16 438 1 15 19 1468 1459 Page 16 of 58 AFP, Serum, Tumor Marker Alanine (a-Alanine),Pl Albumin Albumin, Serum Albumin, U Aldolase Aldosterone Aldosterone U,Random Aldosterone,U, Timed Alkaline Phosphatase, S Alpha 2-Macroglobulins, Qn Alpha-1-Antitrypsin, Serum Alpha-1-Globulin Alpha-1-Globulin, U Alpha-2-Globulin Alpha-2-Globulin, U Alprazolam Alprazolam (GC/MS) Alprazolam (Xanax) Alprazolam Confirm ALT (SGPT) ALT (SGPT) P5P AMBIGU AMEND Amikacin Amiodarone, Serum Amitriptyline/Nortriptyline Ammonia, Plasma Ammonia, Urine Ammonium acid urate Amobarbital Amphetamine Amphetamine (GC/MS) Amphetamine GC/MS Conf Amphetamine Screen, Urine Amphetamines Amphetamines Screen, Blood Amylase Urine Amylase, Serum Amyloid Beta-Protein ANA Direct Anaerobic Culture Androstenedione Anserine,Pl Antibody Id. #1 Antibody Id. #2 Antibody Screen Anticardiolipin Ab, IgA Anticardiolipin Ab, IgA, Qn Anticardiolipin Ab, IgG Anticardiolipin Ab, IgM Anticardiolipin Ab,IgA,Qn Anticardiolipin Ab,IgG,Qn Anticardiolipin Ab,IgM,Qn Anti-Centromere B Antibodies Antichromatin Antibodies Anti-DNA (DS) Ab Qn Antiglomerular BM Ab, Qn Anti-Jo-1 Antimicrobial Susceptibility CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 713 11 377 32303 236 10 44 1 1 32213 37 73 377 236 377 236 16 2 1 2 32510 37 14 2 1 1 8 241 5 5 15 36 3 29 1078 50 48 1 6063 1 1456 8 3 11 58 58 2893 1 49 1 1 4 64 65 142 140 215 1 140 2098 Page 17 of 58 Antimyeloperoxidase (MPO) Abs Antinuclear Antibodies, IFA Antiparietal Cell Antibody Antiphosphatidylserine IgG Antiphosphatidylserine IgM Antiproteinase 3 (PR-3) Abs Antiprothrombin Antibody, IgG Antiprothrombin Antibody, IgM Antiribosomal P Antibodies Antiscleroderma-70 Antibodies Antistreptolysin O Ab Anti-striation Abs Antithrombin Activity Antithrombin Antigen Antithyroglobulin Ab Apolipoprotein A-1 aPTT aPTT 1:1 Mix Saline aPTT 1:1 Normal Plasma APTT 1:1 NP aPTT 1:1 NP Incub. Mix Ctl aPTT 1:1 NP Mix, 60 Min,Incub. APTT 1:1 Saline Arginine,Pl Array Type Arsenic, Blood Asparagine,Pl Aspartic acid,Pl Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus fumigatus Aspergillus niger AST (SGOT) Atypical pANCA B Cells B pertussis IgG Ab B pertussis IgM Ab B. henselae IgG B. henselae IgM B. quintana IgG B. quintana IgM Bacteria B-Alanine,Pl B-Aminoisobutyric acid,Pl Bands Barbiturate Barbiturates Barbiturates By TLC Barbiturates Screen Barbiturates Screen, Blood Barbiturates Screen, Urine Baso (Absolute) Baso(Absolute) Basos Benzodiazepines Benzodiazepines Screen, Blood Benzodiazepines Screen, Urine Benzoylecgonine Benzoylecgonine (GC/MS) Benzoylecgonine GC/MS Conf Beta Globulin CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 13 5 4 1 1 13 1 1 2 146 15 5 13 12 60 37 746 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 16 11 11 6 6 6 32510 16 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 6488 11 11 68 919 18 9 1 48 158 25753 10 25764 1087 48 158 5 29 119 377 Page 18 of 58 Beta Globulin, U Beta Strep Gp A Culture Beta-2 Glycoprotein I, IgA Beta-2 Glycoprotein I, IgG Beta-2 Glycoprotein I, IgM Beta-2 Microglobulin, Serum Bile Acids Bili, Indirect, Neo Bilirubin Bilirubin, Direct Bilirubin, Direct, Neonatal Bilirubin, Indirect Bilirubin, Total Bilirubin, Total, Neonatal Biological Indicators, Sterile Biotinidase Activity Blast Blastomyces Abs, Qn, DID Blasts/blast like cells Blood Culture, Routine Blood Grouping Body Fluid Culture, Sterile Body Surface Area Bone Fraction: Bordetella parapertussis DNA Bordetella pertussis DNA Brucella Antibody IgG, EIA Brucella Antibody IgM, EIA Brushite B-Type Natriuretic Peptide BUN BUN/Creatinine Ratio Butalbital Butalbital (GC/MS) Butalbital GC/MS Conf C difficile Toxins A+B, EIA C difficile, Cytotoxin B C. trachomatis, NAA, Pharyn C1 Esterase Inhibitor, Serum CA 125 in the Presence of HAMA Ca hydrogen phos. Ca oxalate dihydrate Ca oxalate monohydr. Caffeine By TLC Calcitonin, Serum Calcitriol(1,25 di-OH Vit D) Calcium bilirubinate Calcium carbonate Calcium Oxalate Calcium phosphate Calcium, Ionized, Serum Calcium, Serum Calcium, Urine Calcium, Urine 24hr Campylobacter Culture Cancer Antigen (CA) 125 Cannabinoid Cannabinoid Screen, Blood Cannabinoid Screen, Urine Cannabinoids CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 236 770 1 1 1 3 87 1 7560 3872 769 11 32241 1167 0 1 2 6 68 69 2742 6 106 28 2 2 1 1 5 159 33846 33849 15 3 7 168 1 2 2 1 5 5 5 9 3 235 5 5 5 5 185 33862 60 51 309 29 1144 48 158 1 Page 19 of 58 Carbamazepine By TLC Carbamazepine(Tegretol), S Carbon Dioxide, Total Carboxy THC Carboxy THC (GC/MS) Carboxy THC GC/MS Conf Carnosine,Pl Carotene, Beta Cast Type Casts CBC CCP Antibodies IgG/IgA CD4/CD8 Ratio CD4:CD8 CEA Cellular Material Ceruloplasmin Chain-of-Custody Protocol Chlamydia Competition Rflx Chlamydia DNA Probe w/Rflx Chlamydia trachomatis Culture Chlamydia trachomatis, NAA Chlamydia, Nuc. Acid Amp Chloride Urine Chloride, Serum Chloride, Urine Cholesterol Cholesterol, Total Chromium, Blood Chromogranin A Chromosome Microarray Chromosome-Routine CICD-9 Cimetidine Ciprofloxacin Citric Acid (Citrate) Citric Acid(Citrate) Citric Acid, U, 24hr Citric Acid, Urine Citrulline,Pl CK-BB CK-MB CK-MM Clarithromycin Clarity, Fluid Class Description CLHIST Clinical Diagnosis Clonazepam Clonazepam (Klonopin),Serum Clonazepam Confirm Clostridium difficile Culture Clue Cell Exam CMV Ab, IgG (Cytomegalovirus) CMV Ab, IgM Cytomegalovirus CMV PCR CMV Quant DNA PCR (Plasma) CMV Quant DNA PCR (Urine) Cobalt, Blood Cocaine CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 9 172 33795 13 45 171 11 1 6485 6485 2 72 5289 2 21 5 130 1 6 146 27 17278 5 6 33795 7 5 27866 0 1 1 24 7981 9 1 5 5 2 2 11 19 19 19 1 7 60 78 2 14 2 2 2 3338 3 3 2 28 3 0 14 Page 20 of 58 Cocaine (GC/MS) Cocaine (Metab) Cocaine (Metab.) Cocaine (Metab.) Screen, Urine Cocaine (Metabolite) Cocaine + Metab. Screen, Blood Cocaine + Metabolite Coccidioides Abs, Qn, DID Codeine Codeine (Free) Codeine (GC/MS) Codeine By TLC Codeine Confirm Codeine GC/MS Conf Color Color, Fluid COMM Complement C2 Complement C3, Serum Complement C4, Serum Complement, Total (CH50) Composition Concentration Coombs Titer #1 Coombs Titer #2 Coombs', Direct Copper, Serum Copper, Urine Copper,Urine 24 Hr Copper/Crt Ratio Coproporphyrin Coproporphyrin (CP) I Coproporphyrin (CP) III Corrected Report Comment Cortisol Cortisol - AM Cortisol - PM Cortisol #1 (Base) Cortisol #2 Cortisol,F,ug/24hr,U Cortisol,F,ug/L,U Coxsackie A16 IgG Coxsackie A16 IgM Coxsackie A24 IgG Coxsackie A24 IgM Coxsackie A7 IgG Coxsackie A7 IgM Coxsackie A9 IgG Coxsackie A9 IgM C-Peptide, Serum CPT C-Reactive Protein, Cardiac C-Reactive Protein, Quant Creat Clr (Corr.) Creatine Kinase,Total,Serum Creatine, Serum Creatine,24-hr Ur Creatine,U,mg/dL Creatinine Creatinine Clearance CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 1 7 1040 158 1 48 24 6 263 2 3 9 9 11 5 7 13119 1 30 28 2 5 5 58 58 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 80 16 63 3 3 3 13 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 40 484 5 423 106 716 1 1 1 1 108 Page 21 of 58 Creatinine(Crt),U Creatinine, Random U Creatinine, Serum Creatinine, Ur 24hr Creatinine, Urine Creatinine, Urine 12hr Creatinine/Protein Ratio Cryoglobulin % Cryoglobulin, Ql, Serum, Rflx Cryptococcus Ag Titer Cryptococcus Antigen, Serum Cryptosporidium Detection Cryptosporidium Smear,Stool Crystal Type Crystal,Synovial/Joint Fl Crystals Cyclospora Smear, Stool Cyclosporine, LC-MS/MS Cystathionine,Pl Cysticercosis (Taenia solium) Cystine Cystine, Urine Cystine,Pl Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Culture Cytoplasmic (C-ANCA) D001-IgE D pteronyssinus D002-IgE D farinae Mite Date/Time #1 Date/Time #2 Date/Time #3 D-Dimer Deamidated Gliadin Abs, IgA Deamidated Gliadin Abs, IgG Decanoylcarnitine, C10 Decenoylcarnitine, C10:1 Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) Dermatophyte Only, Culture Desalkylflurazepam DHEA-Sulfate DIA MoM DIA Value DIAG DIAGN Diazepam Differential Comment Differential Comments: Digoxin, Serum Dihydrotestosterone Diltiazem Dilute Prothrombin Time(dPT) Diphenhydramines Director Review Director Review: Dodecanoylcarnitine, C12 Dodecenoylcarnitine, C12:1 Dopamine Dopamine, Ur, 24hr Dopamine, Urine Doxepin dPT Confirm Ratio CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 1 8 33999 199 5451 1 1 1 13 3 26 1 10 6485 7 6485 2 16 11 2 5 6 11 3 16 44 46 1 1 1 24 236 83 2 2 7 1 1 62 1468 1459 2 13209 1 12 1 54 8 8 3 9 1 25 2 2 1 9 10 8 3 Page 22 of 58 Dried Blood dRVVT dRVVT Confirm DRVVT Confirm Seconds dRVVT Mix DRVVT Ratio DRVVT Screen Seconds DSR (By Age) 1 IN DSR (Second Trimester) 1 IN E coli Shiga Toxin EIA E001-IgE Cat Hair/Dander,Stan E002-IgE Dog Epithelia EBV Ab VCA, IgG EBV Ab VCA, IgM EBV Early Antigen Ab, IgG EBV Nuclear Antigen Ab, IgG EER Osmotic Fragility eGFR eGFR AfricanAmerican Endomysial Antibody IgA Eos Eos (Absolute Value) Eos (Absolute) Eosinophil Count, Nasal Eosinophil, Urine Eosinophils, Fluid Ephedrines Epinephrine Epinephrine, U, 24hr Epinephrine, Urine Epithelial Cells Epithelial Cells (non renal) Epithelial Cells (renal) Epstein-Barr DNA Quant, PCR Epstein-Barr Virus Real Time Erythromycin Erythropoietin Estim. Avg Glu (eAG) Estimated CHD Risk Estradiol Estriol, Serum Estrogens, Total Estrone, Serum Ethambutol Ethanol Ethanol U, Quan Ethanol, Urine Ethchlorvynol ETV [Entecavir, Baraclude] F001-IgE Egg White F002-IgE Milk (Cow) F004-IgE Wheat F007-IgE Oat F008-IgE Corn F009-IgE Rice F013-IgE Peanut F014-IgE Soybean F026-IgE Pork F027-IgE Beef F052-IgE Chocolate/Cocoa CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 5 61 3 1 6 1 1 1465 1467 310 46 44 11 7 10 10 2 33882 33882 148 25764 10 25753 1 7 7 9 1 9 10 1 6488 6485 1 1 8 21 12947 1 26 2 13 2 1 15 18 9 10 16 3 29 29 1 29 1 29 29 28 28 29 Page 23 of 58 F075-IgE Egg (Yolk) F201-IgE Pecan Nut F245-IgE Egg, Whole Factor II, DNA Analysis Factor IX Activity Factor IX Antigen Factor V Activity Factor V Leiden Factor VII Activity Factor VIII Activity Factor X Activity Fat,(Fecal Lipids)Qn Fats, Neutral Fats, Total FDIAG FDP, Plasma Fecal Reducing Substances Fecal Weight (Total) Fentanyl Fentanyl (GC/MS) Fentanyl GC/MS Fentanyl Screen, Urine Ferritin, Serum Fibrinogen Activity Fibrosis Score Fibrosis Scoring: Fibrosis Stage FISH(W/o Cell Cult.) FISH-Multiprobe-Subtelomere Flurazepam Flurazepam Confirm Folate (Folic Acid), Serum Fragile X DNA Free T4 by Dialysis/Mass Spec Free Testosterone(Direct) Free Thyroxine Index Fructosamine FSH Fungus (Mycology) Culture Fungus Stain FX02-IgE Fish/Shell Mix G002-IgE Bermuda Grass G006-IgE Timothy G008-IgE Bluegrass, Kentucky G010-IgE Johnson Grass G017-IgE Bahia Grass G-6-PD, Blood G-6-PD, Quant GAD-65 g-Aminobutyric acid,Pl Gamma Globulin Gamma Globulin, U Gastrin, Serum Gating Strategy GC Culture Only Genital Culture, Routine Genotype Assay Gestational Diabetes Screen GGT Giardia lamblia Ag, EIA CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 1 1 28 4 1 2 2 9 1 16 2 1 22 22 484 1 1 1 13 9 12 97 1980 7 37 37 37 1 1 15 1 1401 9 2 1931 4 19 516 75 27 28 44 4 42 44 44 1644 1644 2 11 377 236 3 2 31 49 3 3016 5602 14 Page 24 of 58 Globulin, Total Glucagon, Plasma Glucose Glucose - 1 hour Glucose - 2 hour Glucose - 3 hour Glucose - Fasting Glucose, 1 1/2 hour Glucose, 1 hour Glucose, 1/2 hour Glucose, 2 hour Glucose, 3 hour Glucose, 4 hour Glucose, 5 hour Glucose, 6 hour Glucose, Body Fluid Glucose, Fasting Glucose, Plasma Glucose, Serum Glucose, Two-Hour Postprandial Glutamic acid,Pl Glutamine,Pl Glutarylcarnitine, C5-DC Glutethimide Glutethimide By TLC Glycine,Pl Gonococcus, Nuc. Acid Amp gp120 Ab gp160 Ab gp40 Ab gp41 Ab Gram Stain Evaluation Gram Stain Result Granulocytes Graph GROSS GROSSD Growth Hormone, Serum H. pylori Breath Test H. pylori IgG, Abs H. pylori Stool Ag, EIA H. pylori, IgA ABS H.pylori, IgM ABS Haptoglobin HBsAg Confirmation HBsAg Screen HBV as Copies/mL HBV as IU/mL HBV DNA, Qualitative PCR HBV Drug Resist HBV Drug Resistance Mutation HBV Drug Resistance Mutations HBV Genotype hCG MoM hCG Value HCG, Beta Chain, Quant, S hCG,Beta Subunit,Qnt,Serum hCG,Beta Subunit,Qual,Serum HCV Ab HCV Genotype CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 28959 1 7560 30 30 30 30 583 584 583 584 584 583 583 583 1 584 2704 33476 533 11 11 2 1 9 11 5 363 363 363 363 1 7 2 2 80 483 4 314 1168 271 17 17 53 144 7958 163 162 3 33 8 8 4 1468 1459 1 444 242 1846 5 Page 25 of 58 HCV IU log10 HCV log10 HCV Quant (IU/mL) HCV RNA (International Units) HDL Cholesterol Head Def,% Hematocrit Hemoglobin Hemoglobin (Hgb) Solubility Hemoglobin A1c Hemoglobin A2, Qn Hep A Ab, IgM Hep A Ab, Total Hep B Core Ab, IgM Hep B Core Ab, Tot Hep B Surface Ab Hep Be Ab Hep Be Ag Hep C Virus Ab Hepatitis B Quantitation Hepatitis C Genotype Hepatitis C Quantitation Hepatitis C RNA-PCR Heptacarboxyl (7-CP) Hereditary Hemochromatosis Hexacarboxyl (6-CP) Hexadecanoylcarnitine, C16 Hexadecenoylcarnitine,C16:1 Hexagonal Phase Phospholipid Hexagonal Phospholipid Neutral Hexanoylcarnitine, C6 Hgb A Hgb A2 Hgb C Hgb F Hgb Fetal Hgb S Hgb Solubility Hgb Variant High Risk HPV in situ Hybrid. Histidine,Pl Histo/Cyto Correlation Histoplasma Abs, Qn, DID Histoplasma Antigen HIV 1/O/2 Abs, Qual HIV 1/O/2 Abs-Index Value HIV DNA PCR HIV GenoSure HIV-1 RNA by PCR HIV-2 Immunoblot HLA Class 1 Antibody HLA-B27 Homocyst(e)ine, Plasma Homocystine,Pl HPV ASR HPV, high-risk HPV, low-risk HSV 1 IgG, Type Spec HSV 1/2 PCR HSV 2 IgG, Type Spec CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 479 725 479 18 22778 5 33766 32605 47 12948 1 657 2876 2162 4497 4704 1898 1903 3472 7 401 718 133 2 11 2 2 2 8 1 2 1546 1545 1546 1545 1 1546 1545 1546 1 11 2 6 22 14640 14640 2 7 105 1 4 6 16 11 285 5439 45 54 1 83 Page 26 of 58 HSV Culture Without Typing HSV Culture/Type HSV I/II IgG HSV, IgM I/II Combination Hydrocodone Hydrocodone (GC/MS) Hydrocodone Confirm Hydrocodone GC/MS Conf Hydromorphone Hydromorphone (GC/MS) Hydromorphone Confirm Hydromorphone GC/MS Conf Hydroxylysine,Pl Hydroxyproline,Pl I100-IgE Cockroach,American Ia/IIa Antibody Ib/IX Antibody IFE Interpretation:U IFE Result, Cryoprecipitant IgE Alternaria Alternatea IgE American Cockroach IgE Bermuda Grass IgE Cat Dander IgE Cladosporium Herbarum IgE Cockroach IgE Codfish IgE Dog Dander IgE Dust Mite, D. Farinae IgE Egg White IgE Elm, White IgE Johnson Grass IgE Meadow Grass,Kentucky Blue IgE Milk, Cow's IgE Mountain Juniper IgE Oak, White IgE Peanut IgE Ragweed, Common IgE Rough Marshelder IgE Soybean IgE Walnut Tree IgE Wheat Food IgG P18 Ab. IgG P23 Ab. IgG P28 Ab. IgG P30 Ab. IgG P39 Ab. IgG P41 Ab. IgG P45 Ab. IgG P58 Ab. IgG P66 Ab. IgG P93 Ab. IgG, Subclass 1 IgG, Subclass 2 IgG, Subclass 3 IgG, Subclass 4 IGLBP IgM P23 Ab. IgM P39 Ab. IgM P41 Ab. IIb/IIIa Antibody CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 196 18 81 35 243 41 9 156 243 38 9 114 11 11 44 4 4 5 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5283 1 1 1 4 Page 27 of 58 Imipramine/Desipramine Immature Cells Immature Grans (Abs) Immature Granulocytes Immotile Immunofixation Result, Serum Immunofixation Result, Urine Immunoglobulin A, Qn, Serum Immunoglobulin E (IgE) Immunoglobulin E, Total Immunoglobulin G, Qn, Serum Immunoglobulin M, Qn, Serum INR Insulin Insulin (Fasting) Insulin Antibodies Insulin Dep Diabetes Insulin-Like Growth Factor I Intestinal Frac.: Intrinsic Factor Abs, Serum Iron Bind.Cap.(TIBC) Iron Saturation Iron, Serum Iso/Butyrylcarnitine, C4 Isoleucine,Pl Isopropanol Isopropanol, Urine Isospora Smear, Stool Isovaleryl-/2-Methylbutyry.C5 Itraconazole Itraconazole Comment Itraconazole Level IU log10 Kappa:Lambda Ketone Bodies, Serum Ketones LAC Interpretation Lactic Acid, Plasma Lamotrigine, Serum LDH LDL Chol. (Direct) LDL Cholesterol Calc LDL/HDL Ratio Lead, Blood Lead, Blood (Adult) Lead, Blood (Pediatric) Leptospira Ab, IgM by Dot Blot Leucine,Pl Levetiracetam, S LGLs LH Linezolid Lining Cells, Synovial Linoleylcarnitine, C18:2 Lipase, Serum Liquefaction Time Lithium (Eskalith), Serum Liver Fraction: Liver-Kidney Microsomal Ab log 10 CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 8 22842 22837 22837 5 9 3 351 1 23 24 27 1602 89 1 1 1461 18 28 5 2402 2402 7598 2 11 1 9 10 2 2 1 1 3 2 5 7560 1 8 14 5289 30 22775 68 14 7 1407 1 11 59 2 515 1 7 2 798 5 180 28 1 5 Page 28 of 58 log10 CMV Qn DNA Pl log10 HIV-1 RNA Lopinavir Level Lopinavir, HPLC Lorazepam Lorazepam Confirm Low Risk HPV in situ Hybrid. Lower Respiratory Culture Lyme Ab IgM Interp., EIA Lyme Ab Interp.,EIA Lyme Disease Ab, Quant, IgM Lyme IgG WB Interp. Lyme IgG/IgM Ab Lyme IgM WB Interp. Lymphocytes Lymphocytes, Fluid Lymphs Lymphs (Absolute) Lysine,Pl M001-IgE Penicillium notatum M002-IgE Cladosporium herbaru M003-IgE Aspergillus fumigatu M004-IgE Mucor racemosus M006-IgE Alternaria tenuis M010-IgE Stemphylium botryosu Macro Type 1 Macro Type 2 Macrophages Magnesium ammon phos Magnesium, Serum Magnesium, Ur(24 Hr) Magnesium, Urine MATER MCH MCHC MCV MDMA Megakaryocytes Meperidine Meperidine Screen, Urine Meprobamate Mercury, Blood Metamyelocytes Metaneph/Creat Ratio Metanephrine, Pl Metanephrine, U,24hr Metanephrine, Ur Methadone Methadone (Dolophine), Serum Methadone (GC/MS) Methadone By TLC Methadone GC/MS Conf Methadone Screen, Urine Methamphetamine Methamphetamine (GC/MS) Methamphetamine GC/MS Conf Methanol Methanol, Urine Methionine,Pl Methylmalonic Acid, Serum CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 17 106 2 9 14 1 1 15 3 4 3 1 6 1 2 7 25764 25763 11 44 44 44 44 46 44 19 19 7 5 285 5 5 484 28202 28202 28202 1 68 10 95 10 14 68 5 6 10 15 34 2 4 9 24 607 35 2 8 1 9 11 21 Page 29 of 58 Metoprolol Microalb/Creat Ratio Microalbumin, Urine Microalbumin,mg/day MICROD MICROS Microscopic Examination Microsporidia Stain Midazolam Midazolam Confirm Midpiece Defect, % Miscellaneous Problem Mitochondrial (M2) Antibody Mono Qual W/Rflx Qn Mono Titer Monocytes Monocytes(Absolute) Mononucleosis Test, Qual Monosodium Urate Morphine Morphine (Free) Morphine (GC/MS) Morphine By TLC Morphine Confirm Morphine GC/MS Conf Motility Moxifloxacin M-Spike M-Spike, % M-Spike, mg/24 hr Mucus Threads Multiple Gestation Mumps Abs, IgG Mumps Antibodies, IgM Mycophenolic Acid Mycophenolic Acid Glucuronide Myelocytes Myoglobin, Serum N gonorrh. Competition Rflx N. gonorrh. DNA Probe w/Rflx N. gonorrhoeae, NAA, Pharyn Necroinflamm Activity Scoring: Necroinflammat Activity Grade Necroinflammat Activity Score Neisseria gonorrhoeae, NAA Neutrophils Neutrophils (Absolute) Neutrophils Absolute Newberyite NGI HBV UltraQual NGI HCV LiPA Genotype Nicotine By TLC Nidus Nitrite, Urine NK Cells No Aptima Swab Received No Bacterial Swab Trans Rec'd No Clean Vial Stool Received No Genprobe Received No Micro Specimen Received CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 8 4495 6313 1 481 88 7574 2 2 1 6 47 181 33 1 25766 25763 34 5 263 2 14 9 9 48 5 1 377 236 7 6487 1461 52 2 6 6 68 1 6 145 2 37 37 37 17276 25764 25753 10 5 2 1 9 5 7561 2 1 3 1 2 1 Page 30 of 58 No Micro Urine Received No O+P Trans Containers Rec'd No Stool Culture Transport Rcd No Test Indicated Stool Noramiodarone,S Nordiazepam Nordiazepam (GC/MS) Nordiazepam Confirm Nordiazepam GC/MS Conf Norepinephrine Norepinephrine, Ur Norepinephrine,U,24h Normal Morphology, % Normetanephr.,U,24h Normetanephrine, Pl Normetanephrine, Ur Nortriptyline (Aventyl), Serum NRBC NTI Aptima Swab NTI for Aptima Urine NTI Formalin Vial NTI PVA Vial NTI Urine Culture Transport NTI Viral Transport Nucleated Cells, Synovial Fld O+P Exam, PVA Only Occult Blood Occult Blood, Stool #1 Occult Blood, Stool #2 Occult Blood, Stool #3 Occult Blood, Stool, Guaiac Octanoylcarnitine, C8 Octenoylcarnitine, C8:1 OH-Alprazolam OH-Alprazolam GC/MS Conf Oleylcarnitine, C18:1 Opiate Screen, Urine Opiates Opiates As Class Opiates Screen, Blood Organic Acid Interpretation Organism ID, Mycobacteria Organism Identification, Yeast Ornithine,Pl OSBR Risk 1 IN Osmolality Osmolality (Calc) Osmolality, Serum Osmolality, Urine Osmotic Fragility Other Microsc. Observations Other, Lineage Uncertain Ova + Parasite Exam Oxalates, Urine Oxalates, Urine 24hr Oxazepam Oxazepam (GC/MS) Oxazepam Confirm Oxazepam GC/MS Conf Oxcarbazepine CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 64 3 15 17 1 76 2 1 9 1 10 9 5 10 6 15 1 24949 6 5 1 1 77 2 7 2 7560 1 1 1 1 2 2 59 11 2 158 1423 9 48 8 2 1 11 1466 24 1 5 31 2 5 68 482 7 2 76 6 1 50 1 Page 31 of 58 Oxycodone Oxycodone (GC/MS) Oxycodone Confirm Oxycodone/Oxymorph Oxycodone/Oxymorphone, Urine Oxymorphone Oxymorphone (GC/MS) Oxymorphone Confirm P E Interpretation, S P E Interpretation, U p18 Ab p24 Ab p31 Ab p51 Ab p55 Ab p65 Ab Pancreatic Amylase, S Parasite Exam, Blood Parasite ID, Worm Parvovirus B19, IgG Parvovirus B19, IgM PCR Amplification + Detection Pentacarboxyl (5-CP) Pentazocine By TLC Pentobarbital PERFOR Perinuclear (P-ANCA) pH pH, 24 Hr Urine pH, Stool pH, Urine Phencyclidine Phencyclidine GC/MS Conf Phencyclidine Screen, Blood Phencyclidine Screen, Urine Phenmetrazine By TLC Phenobarbital Phenobarbital GC/MS Conf Phenobarbital, Serum Phenothiazines Phenotype Phenotype % of Total Phentermine By TLC Phenylalanine,Pl Phenylpropanolamine Phenytoin Phenytoin (Dilantin), Serum Phenytoin, Free, Serum Phosphoethanolamine,Pl Phosphorus, Serum Phosphorus, Urine Phosphorus, Urine 24hr Phosphoserine,Pl PICD-9 Pinworm Prep - Enterobius Platelet Neutralization Platelets Plt Count, Citrated Bld PLTs Polys, Fluid CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 13 2 10 69 160 13 3 10 373 1 363 363 363 363 363 363 21 1 1 4 4 341 2 9 15 13209 16 7565 5 1 484 936 6 48 158 9 15 5 38 9 2 2 9 11 9 1 371 77 11 5690 7 2 11 1871 13 1 28268 48 231 7 Page 32 of 58 Potassium, Heparin Plasma Potassium, Serum Potassium, Urine Prealbumin Pregnancy Test, Urine Primidone, Serum Profile Performed Progesterone Prolactin Proline,Pl Promyelocytes Propionylcarnitine, C3 Propoxyphene Propoxyphene Metab Propoxyphene or Meta Propoxyphene or Metab GC/MS Propoxyphene or Metab. GC/MS Propoxyphene Screen, Urine Prostate Specific Ag, Serum Prot,24hr calculated Protein Protein C Antigen Protein C-Functional Protein S, Free Protein S, Total Protein S-Functional Protein, Total, Serum Protein,Total,Urine Protein/Creat Ratio Prothrombin Time Protoporphyrin PSA, Free PTH Related Peptide PTH, Intact PTT-LA PTT-LA Mix Q Fever Phase I Q Fever Phase II QC REV QFT Positive Criteria QFT TB Ag minus Nil Value QuantiFERON Incubation QuantiFERON Mitogen Value QuantiFERON Nil Value QuantiFERON TB Ag Value QuantiFERON TB Gold Quinine RA Latex Turbid. Rapidly Progressive RBC RBC Morphology RBC, Fluid RDW RECOMM REFLEX Reflex Criteria Renin Activity, Plasma Renin, Plasma Request Problem Reticulocyte Count CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 1 34063 16 14 4 2 2 12 658 11 68 2 458 11 14 10 14 158 1834 192 7560 17 16 18 18 16 32366 685 237 1602 1 15 3 366 79 8 1 1 1944 388 387 386 387 388 388 387 9 709 5 34921 1 7 28202 314 7416 7 35 9 1083 633 Page 33 of 58 Retroviral Genotype Review: Rh Factor Rh Factor (D) RIBA Result Rifampin RMSF, IgG, EIA RNA, b-DNA, Quant RNP Antibodies Rotavirus Ag, EIA RPR RPR, Quant RPR, Quant. RSV Ag, EIA Rubella Antibodies, IgG Rubella Antibodies, IgM Rubeola Ab, IgG, EIA Rubeola Antibodies, IgM Salicylate Salivary Amyl. Calc. Salivary Amylase, S Salmonella/Shigella Screen Sample Isolation performed at: Sarcosine,Pl Saturation Ratios Secobarbital Sedimentation Rate-Westergren Serial Monitoring Serine,Pl Serotonin, Serum Sex Horm Binding Glob, Serum Shell Silver, Serum/Plasma Sjogren's Anti-SS-A Sjogren's Anti-SS-B Sluggish Smear Review Smith Antibodies Smith/RNP Antibodies SMN1: SMN2: Sodium acid urate Sodium, Serum Sodium, Urine SOURCE Specific Gravity SPECTY Sperm Spironolactone Spotted Fever Group IgG Spotted Fever Group IgM Staining Method Stearoylcarnitine, C18 Strep Gp B Cult/DNA Probe Strep Gp B Cult/Probe+Rflx Strep Gp B Susceptibility Streptomycin Struvite Sulfate, Urine Surface Crystals CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 1 5 45 2744 17 1 1 1 213 5 17787 19 592 1 4110 4 51 1 10 3 18 309 145 11 5 15 2177 13 11 1 2 5 1 215 215 5 2 213 2 3 3 5 33804 30 90 7672 2 1973 8 1 1 2 2 2157 21 4 1 5 6 5 Page 34 of 58 Susceptibility, Aer + Anaerob T Cells T pallidum Ab (FTA-Ab) T pallidum Ab(TP-PA) T. Chol/HDL Ratio T001-IgE Maple/Box Elder T006-IgE Cedar, Mountain T007-IgE Oak, White T008-IgE Elm, American (White T015-IgE Ash, White T020-IgE Mesquite T041-IgE Hickory, White T061-IgE Sycamore, American T070-IgE White Mulberry T18 (By Age) T18 Risk T211-IgE Sweet Gum T3 Uptake T-3 Uptake, Neonatal T4,Free (Direct) T4,Free(Direct) Tacrolimus (FK506), Blood -Tacrolimus (FK506), Blood Tacrolimus by Immunoassay Tailpiece Defect, % Tandem-R Ostase Taurine,Pl TEB [Telbivudine, Tyzeka] Temazepam Temazepam Confirm Testosterone, Serum Tetradecadienoylcarnit.,C14:2 Tetradecanoylcarnitine, C14 Tetradecenoylcarnitine,C14:1 THC THC (GC/MS) Theophylline, Serum Threonine,Pl Thrombin Time Thyroglobulin, Qn. Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) Ab Thyroid Stim Immunoglobulin Thyrotropin Receptor Ab, Serum Thyroxine (T4) Thyroxine Binding Globulin TNF [Tenofovir, Viread] Topiramate, Serum Total Motile Tox Request Problem Toxoplasma gondii Ab,IgG,Qn Toxoplasma gondii Ab,IgM,Qn Tramadol Tramadol (GC/MS) Tramadol Screen, Urine Transferrin Trazodone Treponema pallidum Antibodies Triamterene Triazolam Triazolam Confirm CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 3 2 3 252 5 44 44 44 44 42 42 44 2 44 1436 1419 44 81 1 162 4934 9 2 2 6 3 11 16 15 1 399 2 2 2 13 7 5 11 4 21 258 62 5 14 2 16 16 5 4 1650 6 14 4 94 11 8 372 13 14 1 Page 35 of 58 Trich vag by NAA Trichomonas Trichomonas Culture Trichomonas Exam Tricyclics Tricyclics By TLC Triglycerides Triiodothyronine (T3) Triiodothyronine, Free, Serum Triiodothyronine,Free,Serum Trimethoprim Troponin I Tryptophan,Pl TSH t-Transglutaminase (tTG) IgA t-Transglutaminase (tTG) IgG Typhus Fever Group IgG Typhus Fever Group IgM Tyrosine,Pl uE3 MoM uE3 Value UIBC Upper Respiratory Culture Urea Nitrogen, U Uric acid Uric acid dihydrate Uric Acid, Serum Uric Acid, Urine Uric Acid, Urine 24hr Urinalysis Reflex Urine Culture, Routine Urine Volume Urine Volume (Preservative) Urine-Color Urobilinogen,Semi-Qn Uroporphyrins (UP) Valine,Pl Valproic Acid (Depakote),S Varicella Zoster IgG Varicella-Zoster Ab, IgM VDRL Titer VDRL, Serum Venipuncture Venlafaxine Verapamil Viability Viral Culture, General Viral Culture,Rapid,Varicella Virtual Phenotype Viscosity Vit. B1, Plasma Vitamin A, Serum Vitamin B12 Vitamin B6 Vitamin C Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy Vitamin E(Alpha Tocopherol) VLDL Cholesterol Cal VMA, Random Urine VMA, Urine CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 3 6485 809 3338 1 1 27508 6 38 988 8 19 11 17926 324 85 1 1 11 1468 1459 2402 45 1 10 5 5849 17 11 3121 9231 5 5 7560 7560 2 11 260 63 11 1 1 1 8 8 7 1 1 1 5 2 4 1405 6 6 1558 3 22774 4 3 Page 36 of 58 VMA, Urine, 24hr VMA/Crt, Random U von Willebrand Factor (vWF) Ag vWF Activity W001-IgE Ragweed, Short/Commo W006-IgE Mugwort W009-IgE Plantain, English W014-IgE Pigweed, Rough W015-IgE Lenscale W018-IgE Sheep Sorrel(Dock) W020-IgE Nettle WBC WBC Esterase Western Blot Interp: White Blood Cells White Blood Cells (WBC), Stool Yeast Yeast Exam Zinc, Plasma or Serum total CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 3 4 13 13 46 2 44 44 42 44 44 34919 7560 363 1 260 6485 3338 4 2055298 Page 37 of 58 Calcium Exhibit B: Critical Values Critical Value List for David Powell Clinic (DPC) DPC Internal LabCorp Abnormal Critical Call None >12.0 Glucose < 60 or > 450 < 60 or > 450 Potassium < 3.0 or > 6.0 < 3.0 or > 6.0 Sodium < 130 or > 150 < 125 or > 150 CO2 < 17* < 17* Creatinine > 2.5* No ALT > 200 >500 AST > 200 >500 WBC < 1.5 <0.5 ANC < 600 <400 Hgb < 6.9 <6.5 Plt < 20,000 <10,000 RPR > 1:4 or first positive RPR None > 2.5 x ULN > 2.5 x ULN Cultures All positive cultures Positive Blood Cultures PT/INR All PT/INR results >3.5 STAT Labs All STAT labs All STAT labs Drug Levels All drug levels None Any abnormal urinalysis None Lactic acid Urinalysis Critical Value List for all CommUnityCare Clinics (not DPC) Lab Test Bilirubin (total) 0.1-14 BUN 6-22 Calcium 8.5-10.6 Creatinine 0.7-1.6 Glucose-fasting 65-110 Potassium 3.5-5.0 Sodium 135-145 CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 Normal Value Critical Value > 5.0 Adults > 15.0 Peds > 50 Adults > 30 Peds < 7.5 > 12.0 > 6.0 Adults > 2.0 Peds < 60 > 450 < 3.0 > 6.0 < 125 Adults Page 38 of 58 < 120 Peds > 150 All Above Therapeutic Range Therapeutic Drugs Urinalysis: RBC Cultures CBC WBC Hematocrit Hemoglobin Platelets INR Pap Smears Endometrial Biopsies Cervical Biopsies and ECC CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 Gross Hematuria 1+Occult blood if not on menses All Positive 5.0-10.0 Male 40-54 Female 37-47 Male 14-18 Female 12-16 150- 450 < 2.5 > 15.0 non-pregnant adult > 25 pregnant female < 20% and > 65% < 20% and > 65% < 7.5 Adults < 8.5 Peds < 50,000 Adults < 100,000 Peds > 1 Million All > 3.5 All Class III and IV All abnormal CIN III or greater Page 39 of 58 Exhibit C: Phlebotomist and Courier locations and hours CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 Page 40 of 58 Exhibit D: General Terms and Conditions ACCEPTANCE: Contractor’s written acceptance, commencement of work, shipment, or partial delivery of any item or service called for under this Contract shall constitute acceptance by the Contractor of this Contract and its Terms and Conditions. ASSIGNMENT: CommUnityCare may assign any of its obligations under this Contract. Contractor may assign any of its rights or obligations under this Contract only with the prior written consent of CommUnityCare. No official, employee, representative, or agent of CommUnityCare has the authority to approve any assignment under this Contract unless that specific authority is expressly granted by CommUnityCare’s Board of Directors. The terms, provisions, covenants, obligations and conditions of this Contract are binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors-in-interest and the assigns of the parties to this Contract if the assignment or transfer is made in compliance with the provisions of this Contract. COMPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL LAWS. Each party shall provide the services and activities to be performed under the terms of this Purchase Contract in compliance with the Constitutions of the United States and Texas and with all applicable federal, state, and local orders, laws, regulations, rules, policies, and certifications governing any activities undertaken during the performance of this Purchase Contract, including, but not limited to: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. Section 794); and the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, Public Law 101-336 [S.993] (“ADA”). No party shall discriminate against any employee, applicant for employment, or plan participant based on race, religion, color, gender, national origin, age, or handicapped condition. In performance of all services and activities under this Contract, each party will comply with applicable state and federal licensing and certification requirements, health and safety standards, and regulations prescribed by the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Texas Department of State Health Services, or any other state regulatory agency. CONTRACT CONSTRUCTION: Provisions, words, phrases, and statutes, whether incorporated by actual use or by reference, shall be applied to this contract in accordance with Texas Government Code, Sec 312.002 and 312.003. For purposes of this solicitation and any resulting award, the following words or phrases shall have the meanings indicated: (i) CommUnityCare – Central Texas Community Health Centers d/b/a CommUnityCare; (ii) Board of Directors – CommUnityCare’s Board of Directors, the governing body of CommUnityCare; (iii) Seller/Contractor– a person or firm receiving award of a contract from CommUnityCare; and (iv) Subcontractor–a person or firm doing business with a contractor. COVENANT AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES: Seller warrants that no persons have or selling agency has been retained to solicit this Contract upon an understanding for a commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee, excepting bona fide employees or bona fide established commercial selling agencies maintained by Contractor to secure business. For breach or violation of this warranty, CommUnityCare shall have the right to terminate this Contract without liability or, in its discretion and as applicable, to add to or deduct from the contract price or otherwise recover the full amount of such commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee. DESCRIPTION OF SUPPLIES: Any catalog or manufacturer’s reference used in describing any item in this Contract is merely descriptive and not restrictive, unless otherwise noted, and is used to indicate type and quality of material. The term “or equal,” if used, identifies commercially-produced items that have the essential performance and salient characteristic of the brand name stated in the item description. Seller certifies that any substitute brand supplied hereunder matches the performance and salient characteristics of the item called for in this Contract and agrees to replace it in the event that it does not conform as determined by CommUnityCare in its sole discretion. All supplies or equipment shall be the latest-improved, new model meeting specification in current production at the time of delivery and shall be delivered completely assembled, adjusted, serviced, and ready for use. Seller warrants that all applicable patents and copyrights that may exist on items sold hereunder have been adhered to and agrees to hold CommUnityCare harmless and defend CommUnityCare against any infringement claim. CommUnityCare ACCESS AND AUDIT: During the term of this Contract and for a period of four (4) years following termination of this Contract, CommUnityCare maintains the right to review and audit any of the books and records of Contractor relating to Contractor's performance and receipt of payments under this Contract. CommUnityCare may conduct its review or audit through its own employees, agents, or representatives or through independent external auditors or representatives or through independent external auditors or representatives retained by CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 Page 41 of 58 CommUnityCare. CommUnityCare will conduct such review or audit upon reasonable notice to the Contractor, at its own expense, and during regular business hours. The records shall be retained beyond the fourth year if an audit is in progress, the findings of a completed audit have not been resolved satisfactorily, or litigation involving this Contract is not finally resolved. ENTIRETY OF AGREEMENT AND MODIFICATION: All oral and written agreements between the parties to this Contract relating to the subject matter of this Contract that were made prior to the execution of this Contract have been reduced to writing and are contained in this Contract. This Contract may be amended only by an instrument in writing that is signed by both parties. Amendments to this Contract shall be effective as of the date stipulated therein. Contractor acknowledges that no CommUnityCare officer, agent, employee, or representative has any authority to amend this Contract unless expressly granted that specific authority by CommUnityCare Board of Directors. FOB POINT, INSPECTION, AND ACCEPTANCE: Final inspection and acceptance of any goods or services delivered or performed hereunder shall be made at final destination by the CommUnityCare. CommUnityCare reserves the right to reject all items not in conformance with applicable specifications, and Seller assumes the costs associated with such nonconformance. An itemized packing list, bearing purchase, delivery, and/or contract number shall be attached to the outside of every shipping container delivered under this instrument. Delivery of all goods or services shall be free on board (FOB) to final destination as outlined herein unless otherwise required by CommUnityCare. FORCE MAJEURE: Neither CommUnityCare nor Contractor will be deemed to have breached this Contract or be held liable for any failure or delay in the performance of all or any portion of its obligations under this Contract if prevented from doing so by a cause or causes beyond its control. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, such causes include acts of God or the public enemy, fires, floods, storms, earthquakes, riots, strikes, boycotts, lock-outs, wars and war operations, acts of terrorism, restraints of government, power or communications line failure or other circumstances beyond such party’s control, or by reason of the judgment, ruling, or order of any court or agency of competent jurisdiction, or change of law or regulation (or change in the interpretation thereof) subsequent to the execution of this Contract. GOVERNING LAW AND VENUE: The laws of the State of Texas (without giving effect to its conflicts of laws principles) govern all matters arising out of or relating to this Contract and all transactions it contemplates, including, without limitation, its validity, interpretation, construction, performance, and enforcement. Venue for any dispute arising out of this Contract is in Travis County, Texas. INSURANCE: INSURANCE: Contractor shall maintain the following minimum per occurrence insurance coverage, and $3,000,000.00 aggregate liability coverage, throughout the life of the contract: General Liability $1,000,000.00 Occurrence Liability $1,000,000.00 Personal Injury $1,000,000.00 Workers compensation $100,000.00 Said coverage will continue throughout the term of the contract. A copy of the Certificate of Insurance shall be maintained, by the Purchasing Manager, throughout the life of the contract. The successful bidder shall have the insurance carrier send the Certification prior to initiation of the contract. The Contractor through the insurance company must agree to notify CommUnityCare immediately in writing of any limitation, modification, cancellation, or other termination of such insurance coverage. LEGAL CONSTRUCTION: If one or more of the provisions contained in this Contract shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not effect any other provision hereof, and this Contract shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had never been contained herein. NONDISCRIMINATION AND STATUS: Seller certifies that it is a duly qualified, capable and otherwise eligible business entity, it is not in receivership and does not contemplate same and it has not filed for bankruptcy. CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 Page 42 of 58 NOVATION AND CHANGE OF NAME AGREEMENTS: Seller is responsible for the performance of this Contract. If Seller experiences a change of name or change of ownership, Seller shall notify CommUnityCare immediately. No change in the obligation of or to the Seller will be recognized until it is approved by CommUnityCare. TERMINATION FOR FAULT: If either party defaults in the performance of its obligations (including compliance with any covenants) under this Contract and such default is not cured within thirty (30) days of the receipt of written notice thereof, then the non-defaulting party shall have the right (in addition to any other rights that it may have) by further written notice to terminate the Contract on any future date that is not less than thirty (30) days from the date of that further notice. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE: In addition to, and without restricting any other legal, contractual, or equitable remedies otherwise available, either party may terminate the Contract without cause by giving the other party at least thirty (30) days written notice. TERMINATION FOR GRATUITIES: CommUnityCare may terminate this Contract if it is found that gratuities of any kind, including entertainment or gifts, were offered or given by the Contractor or any agent or representative of the Contractor to any CommUnityCare official or employee with a view toward securing favorable treatment with respect to this Contract. If this Contract is terminated by CommUnityCare pursuant to this provision, CommUnityCare shall be entitled, in addition to any other rights and remedies, to recover from the Contractor at least three times the cost incurred by Contractor in providing the gratuities. TERMINATION FOR FUNDING OUT: Despite anything to the contrary in this Contract, if, during budget planning and adoption, CommUnityCare fails to provide funding for this Contract for the following fiscal year, CommUnityCare may terminate this Contract after giving Contractor thirty (30) days written notice that this Contract is terminated due to the failure to fund it. INVOICES: For purposes of complying with prompt payment standards, time does not begin unless or until all billing instructions have been complied with and proper delivery or performance has been made satisfactorily approved, whichever is later. CommUnityCare has twenty-one (21) days after the date CommUnityCare receives the invoice in which to notify Contractor of an error in the invoice. A complete and acceptable invoice will contain: i. Line item descriptions of goods or services delivered a. Location of goods or services delivery b. Date of goods or services delivery ii. A unique invoice number iii. Reference the Purchase Order Number issued a. The Contractor will ensure that each invoice contains a unique identifying number and that it also reflects the correct Purchase Order Number if applicable. The invoice will also contain a remittance section containing the date of service, the total amount due and the remittance address. b. Paper invoices should be mailed to CommUnityCare, P.O. Box 17366 Austin, TX 78760. c. Invoices will be paid within 30 days after receiving a correct invoice. d. The invoice should reflect prorated billing for all services that are performed for less than the entire month covered by the invoice. Prorated bills shall note the ending and/or beginning date of the new or changed service. The method used by the Contractor to calculate prorated bills is subject to the approval of the Purchasing Manager. PAYMENTS: Payment shall be made by check or electronic transfer of funds upon satisfactory delivery and acceptance of all items or services and submission of a proper invoice. For purposes of payment discounts, time will begin upon satisfactory delivery of goods or services or submission of a proper invoice, whichever is later. No partial payments shall be accepted. CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Before contract can begin and then annually, Contractor will complete a Conflict of Interest Form and return to PURCHASING@COMMUNITYCARETX.ORG or fax to 512-978-9001. WARRANTY: Implied warranties notwithstanding, Seller warrants to CommUnityCare that all items delivered and all services rendered under this Purchase Contract will conform to the specifications, drawings, or other descriptions furnished or incorporated by reference in this Contract, will be of merchantable quality, good CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 Page 43 of 58 workmanship, and free from any defects. Seller further agrees to provide copies of applicable warranties to CommUnityCare. Return of merchandise not meeting applicable warranties or specifications shall be at Seller’s expense. FRAUD,WASTE AND ABUSE. Contractor agrees to report the existence (or apparent existence) of fraud, waste, or abuse related to HHS funds by calling the OIG hotline at 1-800-HHS-TIPS (1-800-447-8477) or TTY at 1-800-3774950; by fax at 1-800-223-8164; by e-mail at; or by mail at Office of the Inspector General, Department of Health and Human Services, Attn: HOTLINE, 330 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20201. Fraud, Waste and abuse includes, but is not limited to, embezzlement, misuse, or misappropriation of HHS funds or property, and false statements, whether by organizations or individuals. Examples are theft of grant funds for personal use; suing funds for non-grant-related purposes; theft of federally owned property or property acquired or leased under a grant; charging inflated building rental fees for a building owned by the recipient; submitting false financial reports; and submitting false financial data in bids submitted to the recipient (for eventual payment under the grant). CODE OF CONDUCT. Employees, volunteers, contractors and members of the Governing Board of CommUnityCare share the vision to provide primary health care, education, and preventive services to clients in the service area. The goal and purpose of the Code of Conduct is to maintain the integrity of CommUnityCare as a reliable healthcare provider and integral part of the community we serve. Compliance with the Code of Conduct simply means that we “do the right thing” and the Code is our guide toward that end. Our policies and procedures are written and implemented in compliance with the regulations and standards of health care, which essentially are “the right thing.” Contractor’s commitment to the CommUnityCare vision, mission and values to ethical conduct and to servicing others with your special and unique talents will help CommUnityCare success in meeting the health needs of our community and patients. VISION: Improve the health of the community by increasing access to the best care possible. MISSION: We will work with the community as peers with open eyes and a responsive attitude to provide the right care, at the right time, at the right place. GOALS: 1. Spread the word through consistent communication that gives the right information to the right people at the right time. 2. Develop a care model that meets the needs of the community. 3. Support our target population through integrated services across the continuum of care. 4. Establish a flexible infrastructure to support our growing needs. 5. Use technological resources efficiently to meet our data needs and provide optimal care. 6. Hire and retain the right people for the right job by providing resources, recognition and appreciation. CORE VALUES: RESPECT – We treat our patients and peers with dignity and embrace diversity. INTEGRITY – We are honest and sincere, doing what is right, not what is expedient. DEPENDABILITY – We are accountable and strive to exceed expectations. TEAMWORK – We work together, promote cooperation and value the opinions of patients and peers. QUALITY – We strive for excellence in all that we do. CONDUCT: 1. BE HONEST 2. FOLLOW APPLICABLE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES WHILE ACTING ON BEHALF OF COMMUNITYCARE 3. KEEP ACCURATE AND TIMELY RECORDS 4. PROTECT COMMUNITYCARE ASSETS 5. RESPECT CLIENTS AND STAFF RIGHTS 6. DO NOT ACCEPT GIFTS OR GRATUITIES 7. DO NOT OFFER, SOLICIT OR ACCEPT BRIBES OR KICKBACKS 8. AVOID CONFLICT OF INTEREST 9. MAINTAIN A STANDARD OF CONDUCT THAT DOES NOT TOLERATE ANY CONDUCT THAT INTERFERES WITH OPERATIONS, DISCREDITS COMMUNITYCARE, AND/OR IS OFFENSIVE TO OR HARMS PATIENTS, COWORKERS, CONTRACTORS OR OTHER INDIVIDUALS. 10. REPORT VIOLATIONS CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 Page 44 of 58 HOLIDAY SCHEDULE: Administrative offices and regular clinics will be closed the following dates: Holiday New Year’s Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 Date January 1 Last Monday in May July 4 First Monday in September Fourth Thursday and Friday in November December 25 Page 45 of 58 Exhibit E: BUSINESS ASSOCIATE AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN CENTRAL TEXAS COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS D/B/A COMMUNITYCARE AND _______________________________ This Business Associate Agreement (the “Agreement”) is effective as of the date of last signature (“Effective Date”) by and between Central Texas Community Health Centers, d/b/a CommUnityCare (“Covered Entity”) and _________________. on behalf of itself and its Affiliates (“Business Associate”). RECITALS WHEREAS, Covered Entity has engaged Business Associate to perform services or provide goods, or both; WHEREAS, Covered Entity possesses Individually Identifiable Health Information that is protected under HIPAA (as hereinafter defined), the HIPAA Privacy Regulations (as hereinafter defined), the HIPAA Security Regulations (as hereinafter defined), and the HITECH Standards (as hereinafter defined) and is permitted to use or disclose such information only in accordance with such laws and regulations; WHEREAS, Business Associate may receive such information from Covered Entity, or create and receive such information on behalf of Covered Entity, in order to perform certain of the services or provide certain of the goods, or both; and WHEREAS, Covered Entity wishes to ensure that Business Associate will appropriately safeguard Individually Identifiable Health Information; NOW THEREFORE, Covered Entity and Business Associate agree as follows: 1. Definitions. The parties agree that the following terms, when used in this Agreement, shall have the following meanings, provided that the terms set forth below shall be deemed to be modified to reflect any changes made to such terms from time to time as defined in the HIPAA Privacy Regulations, the HIPAA Security Regulations, and the HITECH Standards. a. “Breach” shall mean the acquisition, access, use, or disclosure of Protected Health Information in a manner not permitted under 45 C.F.R. Part 164, Subpart E (the “HIPAA Privacy Rule”) which compromises the security or privacy of the Protected Health Information. “Breach” shall not include: (1) Any unintentional acquisition, access, or use of Protected Health Information by a workforce member or person acting under the authority of Covered Entity or Business Associate, if such acquisition, access, or use was made in good faith and within the scope of authority and does not result in further use or disclosure in a manner not permitted under the HIPAA Privacy Rule; or (2) Any inadvertent disclosure by a person who is authorized to access Protected Health Information at Covered Entity or Business Associate to another person authorized to access Protected Health Information at Covered Entity or Business Associate, respectively, or Organized Health Care Arrangement in which Covered Entity participates, and the information received as a result of such disclosure is not further used or disclosed in a manner not permitted under the HIPAA Privacy Rule; or (3) A disclosure of Protected Health Information where Covered Entity or Business Associate has a good faith belief that an unauthorized person to whom the disclosure was made would not reasonably have been able to retain such information. b. “Business Associate” means, with respect to a Covered Entity, a person who: (1) on behalf of such Covered Entity or of an organized health care arrangement in which Covered Entity participates, but other than in the capacity of a member of the workforce of such Covered Entity or arrangement, performs, or assists in the performance of: CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 Page 46 of 58 a) a function or activity involving the use or disclosure of Individually Identifiable Health Information, including claims processing or administration, data analysis, processing or administration, utilization review, quality assurance, billing, benefit management, practice management, and repricing; or b) any other function or activity regulated by the HIPAA Privacy Regulations or HIPAA Security Regulations; or (2) provides, other than in the capacity of a member of the workforce of such Covered Entity, legal, actuarial, accounting, consulting, Data Aggregation, management, administrative, accreditation, or financial services to or for such Covered Entity, or to or for an organized health care arrangement in which Covered Entity participates, where the provision of the service involves the disclosure of Individually Identifiable Health Information from such Covered Entity or arrangement, or from another Business Associate of such Covered Entity or arrangement, to the person. c. “Covered Entity” means a health plan, a health care clearinghouse, or a health care provider who transmits any health information in electronic form in connection with a transaction covered by the HIPAA Privacy Regulations and HIPAA Security Regulations. d. “Data Aggregation” means, with respect to PHI created or received by a Business Associate in its capacity as the Business Associate of a Covered Entity, the combining of such PHI by the Business Associate with the PHI received by the Business Associate in its capacity as a Business Associate of another Covered Entity, to permit data analyses that relate to the health care operations of the respective Covered Entities. e. “Electronic Protected Health Information” or “Electronic PHI” means Protected Health Information that is transmitted by or maintained in electronic media as defined in the HIPAA Security Regulations. f. “HIPAA” means the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, Public Law 104-191. g. “HIPAA Privacy Regulations” means the regulations promulgated under HIPAA by the United States Department of Health and Human Services to protect the privacy of Protected Health Information, including, but not limited to, 45 C.F.R. Part 160 and 45 C.F.R. Part 164, Subpart A and Subpart E. h. “HIPAA Security Regulations” means the regulations promulgated under HIPAA by the United States Department of Health and Human Services to protect the security of Electronic Protected Health Information, including, but not limited to, 45 C.F.R. Part 160 and 45 C.F.R. Part 164, Subpart A and Subpart C. i. “HITECH Standards” means the privacy, security and security Breach notification provisions applicable to a Business Associate under Subtitle D of the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (“HITECH”), which is Title XIII of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5), and any regulations promulgated thereunder. j. “Individually Identifiable Health Information” means information that is a subset of health information, including demographic information collected from an individual, and; (1) is created or received by a health care provider, health plan, employer, or health care clearinghouse; and (2) relates to the past, present, or future physical or mental health or condition of an individual; the provision of health care to an individual; or the past, present, or future payment for the provision of health care to an individual; and a) that identifies the individual; b) or with respect to which there is a reasonable basis to believe the information can be used to identify the individual. k. “Protected Health Information” or “PHI” means Individually Identifiable Health Information transmitted or maintained in any form or medium that (i) is received by Business Associate from Covered Entity, (ii) Business Associate creates for its own purposes from Individually Identifiable Health Information that Business Associate received from Covered Entity, or (iii) CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 Page 47 of 58 is created, received, transmitted or maintained by Business Associate on behalf of Covered Entity. Protected Health Information excludes Individually Identifiable Health Information in education records covered by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, as amended, 20 U.S.C. § 1232g, records described at 20 U.S.C. § 1232g(a)(4)(B)(iv), and employment records held by the Covered Entity in its role as employer. l. Any terms capitalized, but not otherwise defined, in this Agreement shall have the same meaning as those terms have under HIPAA, the HIPAA Privacy Regulations, the HIPAA Security Regulations, and the HITECH Standards. 2. Status of Parties. Business Associate hereby acknowledges and agrees that Covered Entity is a Covered Entity and that Business Associate is a Business Associate of Covered Entity. 3. Permitted Uses and Disclosures. a. Performance of Services. Business Associate may use and disclose PHI in connection with the performance of the services if such use or disclosure of PHI would not violate HIPAA, the HIPAA Privacy Regulations, or the HITECH Standards if done by Covered Entity or such use or disclosure is expressly permitted under Section 3(b) or 3(c) of this Agreement. b. Proper Management and Administration. Business Associate may use PHI for the proper management and administration of Business Associate in connection with the performance of services described in Exhibit A attached to this Agreement and as permitted by this Agreement. Business Associate may disclose PHI for such proper management and administration of Business Associate only with the prior consent of Covered Entity. Any such disclosure of PHI shall only be made if Business Associate obtains reasonable assurances from the person to whom the PHI is disclosed that: (1) the PHI will be held confidentially and used or further disclosed only as required by law or for the purpose for which it was disclosed to the person; and (2) Business Associate will be notified by such person of any instances of which it becomes aware in which the confidentiality of the PHI has been breached. c. Other Permitted Uses. Unless otherwise limited herein, the Business Associate may also: (1) perform Data Aggregation for the Health Care Operations of Covered Entity; (ii) may use, analyze, and disclose the PHI in its possession for the public health activities and purposes set forth at C.F.R. § 164.512(b); and (iii) de-identify any and all PHI provided that Business Associate implements de-identification criteria in accord with 45 C.F.R. §164.514(b). 4. Nondisclosure. a. As Provided In Agreement. Business Associate shall not use or further disclose PHI except as permitted or required by this Agreement. b. Disclosures Required By Law. Business Associate shall not, without the prior written consent of Covered Entity, disclose any PHI on the basis that such disclosure is required by law without notifying Covered Entity so that Covered Entity shall have an opportunity to object to the disclosure and to seek appropriate relief. If Covered Entity objects to such disclosure, Business Associate shall refrain from disclosing the PHI until Covered Entity has exhausted all alternatives for relief. Business Associate shall require reasonable assurances from persons receiving PHI in accordance with Section 3(b) hereof that such persons will provide Covered Entity with similar notice and opportunity to object before disclosing PHI on the basis that such disclosure is required by law. c. Additional Restrictions. If Covered Entity notifies Business Associate that Covered Entity has agreed to be bound by additional restrictions on the uses or disclosures of PHI pursuant to HIPAA, the HIPAA Privacy Regulations or the HITECH Standards, Business Associate shall be bound by such additional restrictions and shall not disclose PHI in violation of such additional restrictions. 5. Safeguards, Reporting, Mitigation and Enforcement. a. Safeguards. Business Associate shall use any and all appropriate safeguards to prevent use or disclosure of PHI otherwise than as provided by this Agreement. Business Associate further agrees to use appropriate administrative, physical and technical safeguards to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of any Electronic PHI in accordance with the HIPAA Security Regulations (after the compliance date of the HIPAA Security Regulations) and the HITECH Standards. b. Business Associate’s Agents. Business Associate shall ensure that any agents, including subContractors, to whom it provides PHI agree in writing to be bound by the same restrictions and conditions that apply to Business Associate with respect to such PHI; provided, however, that Business Associate shall not disclose or provide access to PHI to any subContractor or agent without the prior written consent of Covered Entity. c. Reporting. Business Associate shall report immediately to Covered Entity any use or disclosure of PHI in violation of this Agreement or applicable law of which it becomes aware. Business Associate further agrees to report immediately to CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 Page 48 of 58 Covered Entity any security incident (as defined by the HIPAA Security Regulations, as amended) on or after the compliance date of the HIPAA Security Regulations of which it becomes aware. In addition, Business Associate shall immediately report to Covered Entity any Breach consistent with the regulations promulgated under HITECH by the United States Department of Health and Human Services at 45 C.F.R. Part 164, Subpart D. d. Mitigation. Business Associate shall have procedures in place to mitigate, to the maximum extent practicable, any deleterious effect from any use or disclosure of PHI in violation of this Agreement or applicable law. e. Sanctions. Business Associate shall have and apply appropriate sanctions against any employee, subContractor or agent who uses or discloses PHI in violation of this Agreement or applicable law. f. Covered Entity’s Rights of Access and Inspection. From time to time upon reasonable notice, or upon a reasonable determination by Covered Entity that Business Associate has breached this Agreement, Covered Entity may inspect the facilities, systems, books and records of Business Associate to monitor compliance with this Agreement. The fact that Covered Entity inspects, or fails to inspect, or has the right to inspect, Business Associate’s facilities, systems and procedures does not relieve Business Associate of its responsibility to comply with this Agreement, nor does Covered Entity’s (1) failure to detect or (2) detection of, but failure to notify Business Associate or require Business Associate’s remediation of, any unsatisfactory practices constitute acceptance of such practice or a waiver of Covered Entity’s enforcement or termination rights under this Agreement. The parties’ respective rights and obligations under this Section 5(f) shall survive termination of the Agreement. g. United States Department of Health and Human Services. Business Associate shall make its internal practices, books and records relating to the use and disclosure of PHI, and the security of Electronic PHI, available to the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) for purposes of determining Covered Entity’s compliance with the HIPAA Privacy Regulations, the HIPAA Security Regulations, and the HITECH Standards after the compliance dates, respectively, of these regulations and standards; provided, however, that Business Associate shall immediately notify Covered Entity upon receipt by Business Associate of any such request for access by the Secretary of HHS, and shall provide Covered Entity with a copy thereof as well as a copy of all materials disclosed pursuant thereto. The parties’ respective rights and obligations under this Section 5(g) shall survive termination of the Agreement. 6. Obligation to Provide Access, Amendment and Accounting of PHI. a. Access to PHI. Business Associate shall make available to Covered Entity such information as Covered Entity may require to fulfill Covered Entity’s obligations to provide access to, and copies of, PHI in accordance with HIPAA, the HIPAA Privacy Regulations, and the HITECH Standards. b. Amendment of PHI. Business Associate shall make available to Covered Entity such information as Covered Entity may require to fulfill Covered Entity’s obligations to amend PHI in accordance with HIPAA, the HIPAA Privacy Regulations and the HITECH Standards. In addition, Business Associate shall, as directed by Covered Entity, incorporate any amendments to Covered Entity’s PHI into copies of such information maintained by Business Associate. c. Accounting of Disclosures of PHI. Business Associate shall make available to Covered Entity such information as Covered Entity may require to fulfill Covered Entity’s obligations to provide an accounting of disclosures with respect to PHI in accordance with HIPAA, the HIPAA Privacy Regulations, and the HITECH Standards. Business Associate shall make this information available to Covered Entity upon Covered Entity’s request. d. Forwarding Requests From Individual. In the event that any individual requests access to, amendment of, or accounting of PHI directly from Business Associate, Business Associate shall within two (2) days forward such request to Covered Entity. Covered Entity shall have the responsibility of responding to forwarded requests. However, if forwarding the individual’s request to Covered Entity would cause Covered Entity or Business Associate to violate HIPAA, the HIPAA Privacy Regulations, or the HITECH Standards, Business Associate shall instead respond to the individual’s request as required by such law and notify Covered Entity of such response as soon as practicable. 7. Compliance with HITECH Standards. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement, no later than February 17, 2010, unless a separate effective date is specified by law or this Agreement for a particular requirement (in which case the separate effective date shall be the effective date for that particular requirement), Business Associate shall comply with the HITECH Standards, including, but not limited to: (i) compliance with the requirements regarding minimum necessary under HITECH § 13405(b); (ii) requests for restrictions on use or disclosure to health plans for payment or health care operations purposes when the provider has been paid out of pocket in full consistent with HITECH § 13405(a); (iii) the prohibition of sale of PHI without authorization unless an exception under HITECH § 13405(d) applies; (iv) the prohibition CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 Page 49 of 58 on receiving remuneration for certain communications that fall within the exceptions to the definition of marketing under 45 C.F.R. § 164.501 unless permitted by this Agreement and Section 13406 of HITECH; (v) the requirements relating to the provision of access to certain information in electronic access under HITECH § 13405(e); (vi) compliance with each of the Standards and Implementation Specifications of 45 C.F.R. §§ 164.308 (Administrative Safeguards), 164.310 (Physical Safeguards), 164.312 (Technical Safeguards) and 164.316 (Policies and Procedures and Documentation Requirements); and (vii) the requirements regarding accounting of certain disclosures of PHI maintained in an Electronic Health Record under HITECH § 13405(c). 8. Material Breach, Enforcement and Termination. a. Term. This Agreement shall be effective as of the Effective Date, and shall continue until the Agreement is terminated in accordance with the provisions of Section 8(b) or the contractual relationship between the parties terminates. b. Termination. Covered Entity may terminate this Agreement: (1) immediately if Business Associate is named as a defendant in a criminal proceeding for a violation of HIPAA, the HIPAA Privacy Regulations, the HIPAA Security Regulations, or the HITECH Standards; (2) immediately if a finding or stipulation that Business Associate has violated any standard or requirement of HIPAA, HITECH or other security or privacy laws is made in any administrative or civil proceeding in which Business Associate has been joined; or (3) pursuant to Sections 8(c) or 9(b) of this Agreement. c. Remedies. If Covered Entity determines that Business Associate has breached or violated a material term of this Agreement, Covered Entities may, at its option, pursue any and all of the following remedies: (1) exercise any of its rights of access and inspection under Section 5(f) of this Agreement; (2) take any other reasonable steps that Covered Entity, in its sole discretion, shall deem necessary to cure such breach or end such violation; and/or (3) terminate this Agreement immediately. If Business Associate determines that Covered Entity has breached or violated a material term of this Agreement, Business Associate may, at its option, pursue any and all of the following remedies: (1) take any reasonable steps that Business Associate, in its sole discretion, shall deem necessary to cure such breach or end such violation; and/or (2) terminate this Agreement immediately. d. Knowledge of Non-Compliance. Any non-compliance by Business Associate with this Agreement or with HIPAA, the HIPAA Privacy Regulations, the HIPAA Security Regulations, or the HITECH Standards automatically will be considered a breach or violation of a material term of this Agreement if Business Associate knew or reasonably should have known of such noncompliance and failed to immediately take reasonable steps to cure the non-compliance. e. Reporting to United States Department of Health and Human Services. If Covered Entity’s efforts to cure any breach or end any violation are unsuccessful, and if termination of this Agreement is not feasible, Covered Entity shall report Business Associate’s breach or violation to the Secretary of HHS, and Business Associate agrees that it shall not have or make any claim(s), whether at law, in equity, or under this Agreement, against Covered Entity with respect to such report(s). If Business Associate’s efforts to cure any breach or end any violation are unsuccessful, and if termination of this Agreement is not feasible, Business Associate shall report Covered Entity’s breach or violation to the Secretary of HHS, and Covered Entity agrees that it shall not have or make any claim(s), whether at law, in equity, or under this Agreement, against Business Associate with respect to such report(s) f. Return or Destruction of Records. Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason, Business Associate shall return or destroy all PHI; except that Business Associate may retain such records as necessary for purposes of their rights, if any, to conduct audits related to such records, to utilize such records in connection with an audit of Business Associate, and/or to CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 Page 50 of 58 retain records in accordance with their records retention policies and/or obligations. If Business Associate retains such records, it shall continue to extend the protections of this Agreement to such information and limit further use and disclosure of such PHI. g. Injunctions. Covered Entity and Business Associate agree that any violation of the provisions of this Agreement may cause irreparable harm to Covered Entity. Accordingly, in addition to any other remedies available to Covered Entity at law, in equity, or under this Agreement, in the event of any violation by Business Associate of any of the provisions of this Agreement, or any explicit threat thereof, Covered Entity shall be entitled to an injunction or other decree of specific performance with respect to such violation or explicit threat thereof, without any bond or other security being required and without the necessity of demonstrating actual damages. The parties’ respective rights and obligations under this Section 8(g) shall survive termination of the Agreement. h. Indemnification. Business Associate shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend Covered Entity from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities, costs and other expenses resulting from, or relating to, the acts or omissions of Business Associate in connection with the representations, duties and obligations of Business Associate under this Agreement. The parties’ respective rights and obligations under this Section 8(h) shall survive termination of the Agreement. 9. Miscellaneous Terms. a. State Law. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to require Business Associate to use or disclose PHI without a written authorization from an individual who is a subject of the PHI, or written authorization from any other person, where such authorization would be required under state law for such use or disclosure. b. Amendment. Covered Entity and Business Associate agree that amendment of this Agreement may be required to ensure that Covered Entity and Business Associate comply with changes in state and federal laws and regulations relating to the privacy, security, and confidentiality of PHI, including, but not limited to, changes under the HIPAA Privacy Regulations, the HIPAA Security Regulations, and the HITECH Standards. Covered Entity may terminate this Agreement upon 30 days written notice in the event that Business Associate does not promptly enter into an amendment that Covered Entity, in its sole discretion, deems sufficient to ensure that Covered Entity will be able to comply with such laws and regulations. This Agreement may not otherwise be amended except by written agreement between both parties. c. No Third Party Beneficiaries. Nothing express or implied in this Agreement is intended or shall be deemed to confer upon any person other than Covered Entity and Business Associate, and their respective successors and assigns, any rights, obligations, remedies or liabilities. d. Ambiguities. The parties agree that any ambiguity in this Agreement shall be resolved in favor of a meaning that complies and is consistent with applicable law protecting the privacy, security and confidentiality of PHI, including, but not limited to, HIPAA, the HIPAA Privacy Regulations, the HIPAA Security Regulations, and the HITECH Standards. e. Primacy. To the extent that any provisions of this Agreement conflict with the provisions of any other agreement or understanding between the parties, this Agreement shall control with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. f. Ownership of PHI. As between Covered Entity and Business Associate, Covered Entity holds all right, title and interest in and to any and all PHI received by Business Associate from, or created or received by Business Associate on behalf of, Covered Entity, and Business Associate does not hold, and will not acquire by virtue of this Agreement or by virtue of providing any services or goods to Covered Entity, any right, title or interest in or to such PHI or any portion thereof. Except as specified in Section 3(c) above or as otherwise agreed to in writing by both parties, Business Associate shall have no right to compile and/or distribute any statistical analysis or report utilizing such PHI, any aggregate information derived from such PHI, or any other health and medical information obtained from Covered Entity. IN WITNESS THEREROF, the parties hereto have duly executed this Agreement as of the Agreement Effective Date. BUSINESS ASSOCIATE _____________________________ Signature _______________________________ Date CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 Page 51 of 58 Exhibit F: Conflict of Interest Form CommUnityCare STATEMENT OF DISCLOSURE OF CONFLICT OF INTERESTS Name Position/Title ------------------------------------------Date of Submission--------------------------------------Introduction and Purpose This Statement of Disclosure shall be completed by: • Each member of the governing body (Executive Committee Member or Director) of CommUnityCare; • Each member of a standing or ad hoc committee of a governing body of CommUnityCare • Each member of the medical staff of CommUnityCare • Each officer of CommUnityCare (as well as persons with similar powers, responsibilities, or positions); • Each physician serving on a standing or ad hoc committee of CommUnityCare that had direct or indirect responsibility for making recommendations which may impact purchasing decisions; • Each Contractor providing goods and services to CommUnityCare or any of its departments; and • Each employee of CommUnityCare designated by the President and Chief Executive Officer of CommUnityCare or designated by the CommUnityCare Corporate Compliance Officer. PLEASE COMPLETE FORM, SIGN AND RETURN TO: Purchasing Division CommUnityCare 15 Waller Street 5th Floor Austin, TX 78702 Phone: 512-978-9059 Fax: 512-901-9707Questionnaire Please answer the following questions to the best of your knowledge. Please print your responses and do not leave any questions blank. 1) Do you, a member of your family, or an entity in which you hold an interest (other than an interest of 1% or less in a publicly traded corporation), either own an interest in, or have an employment or other financial arrangement with, any business or entity that conducts or seeks to conduct business or is or could be in competition, directly or indirectly, with CommUnityCare? Yes ( ) No ( ) If yes, describe: ----------------2) Have you, a member of your family, or an entity in which you hold an interest (other than an interest of 1% or less in a publicly traded corporation), received any compensation, whether it be salary, sales commission, revenue, or return on investment, which was directly or indirectly derived as a result of business with CommUnityCare (excluding your regular employee compensation from CommUnityCare)? Yes ( ) No ( ) If yes, describe: CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 Page 52 of 58 3) Have you, a member of your family, or an entity in which you hold an interest (other than an interest of 1% or less in a publicly traded corporation), received from any business, entity or other outside person that conducts business with, seeks to do business with, or is or could be a competitor of CommUnityCare, any one-time gift or favor in excess of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) in value, or multiple gifts or favors with a cumulative value in excess of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) in a year? For this purpose, please list vendor paid travel, gifts or other business courtesies with an aggregate value in excess of $250 per year. Yes ( ) No ( ) If yes, describe: _ 4) Do you or a member of your family serve as a director, trustee, officer or in any other fiduciary or key employee capacity for a non-[Company] corporation, partnership, or other business entity or organization that conducts or seeks to conduct business or that is or could be in competition, directly or indirectly, with [Company]? Yes ( ) No () If yes, describe (including name of entity, title and nature of the entity's b u s i n e s s : 5) Are you, a member of your family, or an entity in which you hold an interest (other than an interest of 1% or less in a publicly traded corporation), engaged in any other activities which could be regarded as a potential conflict of interest with CommUnityCare? Yes ( ) No ( ) If yes, describe: _ 6) To the best of your knowledge, did you or a member of your family, or an entity in which you hold an interest (other than an interest of 1% or less in a publicly traded corporation), benefit during the fiscal year, from any transaction involving CommUnityCare as a result of information or advice furnished by you either directly or indirectly? Yes ( ) No ( ) If yes, describe: Signature Statement I have read the CommUnityCare Conflict of Interest Policy, and I understand and acknowledge its requirements. I agree to comply with the CommUnityCare Conflict of Interest Policy. I will deal honestly, fairly and with integrity in all matters related to CommUnityCare and will not use my position or knowledge gained to the detriment of CommUnityCare or to my personal benefit or the benefit of a member of my family or an entity in which I hold an interest. I hereby agree to report immediately in writing to the CommUnityCare Corporate Compliance Officer any new situation with the potential for a Conflict of Interest which may develop before the completion of my next annual Statement of Disclosure. The answers above are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge as of the date of this disclosure. Name (please print or type) Title: Signature: Date: CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 Page 53 of 58 2011 DISCLOSURE FORM ADDENDUM BUSINESS COURTESIES/GIFTS If you answered "yes" to question number 3 on the CommUnityCare 2011 Disclosure Form: Please describe below any business curtsies or gifts (other than business meals) that you have accepted from vendors, sales representatives, suppliers or other persons or entities who do business with or seek to do business with CommUnityCare (or its subsidiaries). Include anything received in the past 12 months. You may estimate the date received and the value. NAME: _ Item Cash: (Please list all payments and nature of payment ....such as consultingfee, Gift certificateetc.) or other cash honorarium, equivalent: (Please list each item) Tickets to sporting event: (please describe each type of event, #of ackets, etc.) Other Vendor paid entertainment: (please describe each event, #of tickets, Vendor etc.) paid travel expenses: (please Approx. Date Est. Value Name of Vendor/Sales Rep./Supplier, etc. describe type of travel, pwy;ose, etc. Other Vendor Gifts or Courtesies (Please describe) Signature CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 Date Page 54 of 58 Exhibit G: Proposer Questionnaire General Information: Complete (Legal) Name of Proposer: Proposer Tax Identification Number: Business Address: Telephone Number: Type of Organization: Individual Partnership Corporation Association Other (please describe) If incorporated, state of incorporation: Date organization was formed (month/year): Describe Proposer’s organization/locations (include the physical address, size/services provided for headquarters and any branch locations that will provide services/support outlined in this RFQ): Please certify the following by placing an “X” in the appropriate column: Certification Yes No Is Proposer currently in the process of filing for bankruptcy? Has Proposer filed for bankruptcy within the past five (5) years? Does the Proposer owe taxes to the Travis County Healthcare District? Is the Proposer currently under suspension or debarment as defined under 15 C.F.R. Part 26 by any governmental entity (local/state/federal government)? Do you acknowledge that if the Proposer is currently under suspension or debarment, its submission may not be considered? Individual authorized to bind Proposer to contract: Name/Title: Telephone: E-Mail: Signature: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Point-of-contact information for this solicitation (if different from authorized individual): Name/Title: Telephone: E-Mail: Proposer HUB Declaration – This is not a prequalification, but can be used as a tiebreaker for the evaluation phase. Is your Proposer certified as a HUB or an MBE/WBE/DBE source? If yes, please attach your HUB certification. Yes Contract Terms and Conditions CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 Page 55 of 58 No The contract terms and conditions identified in the RFP will form part of the contract resulting from this RFP. Please identify whether there are any requested exceptions or deviations to the stated contract terms and conditions. I do not request any exceptions or deviations to the stated contract terms. I request the following exceptions or deviations to the stated contract terms. Business Associate Agreement The Business Associate Agreement identified in the RFP will form part of the contract resulting from this RFP. Please identify whether there are any requested exceptions or deviations to the stated Business Associate Agreement. I do not request any exceptions or deviations to the stated contract terms. I request the following exceptions or deviations to the stated contract terms. Insurance: Do you have the types and limits of insurance described in the RFP? Yes No Past Performance Client Survey Information: Past performance information will be collected on all Proposers. Proposers are required to identify and submit at least three (3) of their best projects. Proposers will be required to send out Performance Evaluation Surveys to each of their clients. Please provide your client with the Performance Evaluation Letter and Survey attached herein (pages 60 and 61), and request that your client submit the completed survey to Purchasing Division, at (Fax) 512-978-9001 or (e-mail) Proposers are solely responsible for making sure their clients return the Performance Evaluation Surveys to CommUnityCare. CommUnityCare reserves the right to verify any information submitted in this process. Such verification may include, but is not limited to, speaking with current and former clients, review of relevant client documentation, site-visitation, and other independent confirmation of data. CommUnityCare WILL NOT ACCEPT CLIENT SURVEYS SENT TO THE PROCUREMENT DIVISION FROM THE OFFICE OF THE PROPOSER. SURVEYS MUST BE SENT TO THE PROCUREMENT DIVISION DIRECTLY FROM YOUR CLIENT’S OFFICE(S). CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 Page 56 of 58 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS 1105-002 REFERENCE LABORATORY AND PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES 2028 E. Ben White Blvd. Suite 400 Austin TX 78741 PRIOR PERFORMANCE EVALUATION To: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Subject: Performance Evaluation of _____________________________________ Number of pages including cover: 2 To Whom It May Concern: CommUnityCare has implemented a process that collects past performance information pursuant to the submittal of responses to this Request for Proposal (RFP) No. 1105-002 entitled “REFERENCE LABORATORY AND PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES”. The information will be used to assist CommUnityCare in the evaluation of proposals received in response to the RFP. The company listed in the subject line has chosen to participate in this RFP. They have listed you as a past client for which they have provided services. Both the company and CommUnityCare would greatly appreciate you taking a few minutes of your time to complete the accompanying questionnaire. Please review all items in the following document and answer the questions to the best of your knowledge. If you cannot answer a particular question, please leave it blank. Please return this questionnaire to Karen Bitzer by July 1, 2011 via fax: 512-901-9707; or e-mail Thank you for your time and effort, Karen Bitzer MPA MA Purchasing Manager CommUnityCare 15 Waller St. 5th Floor Austin, TX 78702 512-978-9061 office 512-978-9001 fax CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 Page 57 of 58 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS 1105-002 REFERENCE LABORATORY AND PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES 2028 E. Ben White Blvd. Suite 400 Austin TX 78741 PRIOR PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Reference Name/Title: Company Name: Contact Phone: Contact Email: Project Information Reference Rating Questions: On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being completely satisfied and 1 being completely unsatisfied, how would you rate the following? Item They were successful in meeting my performance requirements. How would you rate the Proposer’s quality or work? How would you rate the Proposer’s overall service quality? How would you rate the Proposer’s cost for services provided? How would you rate your satisfaction with the Proposer’s response when issues or problems associated with the work were identified? 1 - 10 N/A Item Would you recommend them to us? Yes No Is there anything else that comes to mind that you think would be helpful to the team evaluating the proposal such as complaints, problems, or favorable performance? When completed, please fax to 512-901-9707 or email to CommUnityCare RFP 1105-001 Page 58 of 58