Brine Street Child Care and Kindergarten

Philosophy and
sample policies
Philosophy & Statement of Principles
Updated : March 2015
Brine Street Child Care and Kindergarten believes that;
Children should be educated and cared for in an inclusive, safe, secure and stimulating environment that is
respectful of their cultural diversity, fosters a sense of belonging in the Brine Street community and
encourages them to be actively involved in a fun, child-centred, play based learning program where they
can feel happy, confident and supported to participate.
We believe that play forms the foundation for children’s learning and we will be guided by the Early Years
Learning Framework, Being, Belonging and Becoming in providing learning environments that support
positive outcomes for children.
We believe in using an emergent curriculum that is developed from the children’s interests. This is then
complemented by educator -initiated learning and intentional teaching.
We believe creative open ended experiences provide great opportunities for self-motivated learning and
individual learning styles. We will support the design of environments to engage every child in quality
experiences in sustainable, built and natural environments.
We respect the uniqueness of each child’s characteristics and abilities and acknowledge the importance of
the child’s family; their values, language and background. We encourage family involvement.
We believe the indoor and outdoor environment can act as the “third teacher” by being stimulating,
sustainable and aesthetically pleasing. This then generates the children’s interests and learning.
We encourage positive, respectful relationships between all children, families, educators, Brine Street Staff
and the community; and foster a working environment in which teamwork is evidenced through support
and understanding as well as an appreciation of the contribution of all team members.
We believe in ongoing training and professional development of our staff.
We believe that Brine Street Child Care and Kindergarten offers children many unique opportunities to
enrich their lives and to develop and grow into happy, resilient young people who have the necessary skills
to fulfil their potential and become confident members of the community in an environment that is safe
and conforms to the Children’s Services Regulations.
Our Philosophy and statement of principles is discussed each year and evolves through contributions from
the City of Monash Children and Family Services team, Brine Street staff, community and family
involvement to ensure we develop a collaborative document.
Our philosophy and statement of principles guides all aspects and helps us to continually improve our
service operation.
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Cultural Identity Policy
Updated : June, 2015
Brine Street Child Care and Kindergarten recognises that families and educators come from a diverse range
of cultures and lifestyles. Every effort will be made to provide culturally responsive child care by
acknowledging cultural diversity, cultural identity and the rights of people to make choices about their own
 To support, respect and incorporate cultural identities of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children,
including language and traditions.
 To support every Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child at Brine Street to feel proud of their
heritage and culture.
 To provide an environment that is welcoming to all children and families.
 To recognise and respect the diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds of families using the service.
 To promote the benefits of a culturally rich and diverse society.
 To educate children on Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, their history and respect for
the land.
Educators are required to provide an environment that recognises and respects cultural differences by;
Introducing children to cultural differences, through the use of a variety of resources and materials.
Encouraging children to respect other cultures.
Recognising and valuing the contribution of each child.
Fostering positive self-esteem in children.
Helping children to live happily and co-operatively in a culturally diverse community.
Provide a program that always incorporates educational experiences related to Australia’s Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islanders, their history and respect for the land.
Gender Equity Policy
Updated : June, 2015
In order to promote confidence and self-esteem in children it is important to provide access to, and
participation in, the same experiences and activities irrespective of gender.
 To acknowledge the uniqueness and potential of each child.
 To ensure that children are not discriminated against on the basis of gender.
 To ensure that positive attitudes towards gender equity are encouraged and supported.
 To free children from constraining, stereotypic definitions of gender role so that no aspects of
development will be closed off simply because of a child’s sex.
When planning experiences for children educators should consider the following:
Encourage all children to participate in a variety of activities, both indoors and outdoors.
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Provide a variety of resources and materials which give a balance of gender roles, attitudes and
Encourage respectful relationships between children by using non-sexist language.
Offer all children the opportunity to participate in day-to-day tasks, e.g. – setting the table, sweeping
the path and raking the leaves.
Encourage all children to participate in a variety of experiences and use a variety of resources, to
express their emotions and to display affection and empathy.
Recognise and respond to all children’s individual needs, abilities and interests.
Inclusion Policy
Updated : June, 2015
Brine Street Child Care and Kindergarten supports the inclusion of all children in the service, without
discrimination, subject to the availability of appropriate resources. Where available, additional specialised
services will be utilised to assist the inclusion of children with additional needs and ensure that the
program offered meets their individual needs.
 To ensure that each child with additional needs is assessed appropriately to support their inclusion at
Brine Street.
 To facilitate developmentally appropriate education and care for children with additional needs
through the provision of resources and support services.
 To support educators in the provision of education and care for children with additional needs by
providing advice, resources and appropriate training.
Educators will
1. Offer programs that are based on individual needs and in consideration of gender, cultural background,
additional needs and/or disability.
2. Model anti-bias and gender equity attitudes and behaviours.
3. Challenge sexist attitudes and behaviours and correct any incorrect assumptions from children and/or
other educators. Explanations shall be given in regard to what is unfair about such attitudes/behaviours if
4. Discuss with children options for anti-bias play and promote inclusion in all areas of the program for all
5. Ensure resources reflect the diversity within the Community.
6. Protect the child/adult who has been treated unfairly.
7. Encourage the participation of parents/guardians to monitor their child’s progress and develop strategies
for the child on a continuing basis.
8. Liaise with other agencies as appropriate to ensure positive outcomes for each child.
9. Ensure additional needs identified by a recognised professional in the early childhood area are respected
and supported (e.g. Specialist Children’s Services, Paediatrician).
10. Where, additional support/funding is required to ensure inclusion in the service, make every effort to
seek such support/funding prior to the child commencing childcare.
11. Ensure for children with additional needs, that all persons involved, including parent(s), child (if
appropriate) educators, and appropriate specialist support, shall be consulted and included
in decision making.
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New referrals
 The coordinator will meet with the family and child upon orientation.
 If determined appropriate, a request for support to the Inclusion Support Program (ISP) would be
initiated by Brine Street and Parent permission will be sought if directly related to a specific child.
 Brine Street educators and the Inclusion Support Facilitator (ISF) can develop a Service Support Plan
(SSP) to establish the support needs of both the child, the educator and the environment.
 The ISF and educators will liaise with other specialist services to procure resources, support and/or
training, as required.
Existing Placement
 When an educators observations of a child indicates the child may have an additional need, either the
educator or the Senior Management team should contact the parent to discuss the child’s
developmental progress, and discuss the request for support from the ISF.
 An Inclusion Support Plan meeting will be arranged, as for new referrals.
 Resources and/or training will be provided to support the child and the educators needs.
Additional Support to the Co-ordination Unit and Educator
 Brine Street educators can request support from the ISF which does not need to be related to a
particular child. Therefore, parent permission would not need to be sought. In this instance, the
educator would complete a ‘request for support’ form and the ISF could assist in the following areas:
 Program support (program planning, inclusive practices, generalist strategies)
 Resources, eg. books, language tapes
 Staff training – general support
 Provision of information, eg. local support agencies that may benefit families or the service.
Additional Needs
Children with a disability
Children from a Culturally & Linguistically Diverse (CALD) background
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children
Inclusion Support Facilitator
The ISF provides support to children’s services to include children with
additional needs and children from culturally diverse backgrounds.
Interactions with Children
Updated: June, 2015
Children need to feel valued in a warm secure environment. Positive, supportive individualised
relationships with adults are essential in providing a feeling of warmth, personal respect and
Educators will provide an atmosphere of understanding, trust, safety and a sense of fun while the children
learn and grow.
To ensure that :
 Educators provide education and care to children in a way that :
- Encourages the children to express themselves and their opinions;
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- Allows the children to undertake experiences that develop self-reliance and self-esteem;
- Maintains at all times the dignity and rights of each child;
- Gives each child positive guidance and encouragement toward acceptable behaviour;
- Has regard to the family and cultural values, age and physical and intellectual development and
abilities of each child.
Children will be provided with opportunities to interact and develop respectful and positive
relationships with each other and with educators and Brine Street community.
Educators will :
Ensure that children are welcomed and farewelled each day.
Speak with children in a friendly, positive, courteous manner.
Children being given opportunities to develop respectful and positive relationships with each other and
with staff members/volunteers/students at Brine Street.
The size and composition of the groups will be considered by educators in all education and care
Ensure the manner in which they address children fosters a warm and trusting relationship by listening
to the children, treating them with kindness and showing fairness in all interactions with the children.
Show respect and affection for children by getting down to their eye level and interacting in a warm
and genuine manner.
Be available and responsive to children, encouraging them to share experiences, ideas and feelings, and
listening to them with respect.
Converse frequently with children, asking open-ended questions.
Foster cooperation, helping, sharing, taking turns and talking among children, through modelling,
encouragement and positive reinforcement.
Treat children of all races, religions and cultures equally with respect and consideration.
Provide children of both genders with equal opportunities to take part in all activities.
Foster independence in children through routine activities such as picking up toys, toileting and other
self help skills.
Facilitate the development of self esteem and self control in children by ensuring positive techniques of
guidance, using redirection or diversion tactics to anticipate and avoid potential problems. Positive
reinforcement is to be emphasised, and consistent, clear limits explained and reinforced with children.
Encourage children to verbalise their feelings and ideas and show respect and comfort regardless of
their behaviour. Educators expectations of children’s social behaviour is age appropriate.
Ensure that interactions with children with disabilities reflect understanding of the child’s additional
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Primary Care Giving
Updated: June 2015
Secure attachments are based on healthy relationships between children and caregivers.
Children who are securely attached will be happy to say goodbye to families and caregivers, play easily by
themselves and with others and only cry if hungry, tired or hurt.
We highly regard the partnerships we have with families and know that families are the most important
primary care giver for secure based attachment.
To ensure that each child has a positive child care experience.
To ensure each child will explore the environment and take risks knowing an adult whom they have a
secure, trusting relationship is close by if necessary.
 Plan consistent, nurturing relationships between educators and children.
 Educators will begin forming secure attachments through the orientation process and each day
children are in care.
 Provide phone calls throughout the day to communicate information.
 Record the following information: sleep times, meal times, bottle times & nappy changes.
 Spend time with individual children on a one on one basis every day with a focus on establishing
security, trust and comfort between each other.
 Provide information on the program.
 Share with educators information about your child’s current interests, specific needs, comforting
techniques, sleep and eating routines, developmental milestones, temperament and dislikes.
 Information can be provided on the enrolment form, in child’s individual portfolio’s and through
parent and educator meetings and daily communication.
 Telephone the centre throughout the day to relay information.
 To provide the centre with a book for children’s individual portfolio, to read and contribute in the
 To ensure the portfolio is available at Brine Street for staff and authorised officers every time the
individual child is enrolled and attending care at Brine Street.
Listed above is a sample of the Brine Street Policies.
A comprehensive policy document is available to families upon enrolment.
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