Embryology Unit Test Study Guide

Name: ______________________________
1. What is Embryology?
Embryology Unit /
Temperature Scales Test
Review Guide
2. Why do we study Embryology? _____________________________________________________
3. What is the temperature of the egg when it is laid? _____________________________________
4. What is added in the mouth when a chick eats? _______________________________________
5. Water boils at what temperature on the Fahrenheit scale? _______________________
6. What day of incubation does the chick’s lungs begin to function? ___________________________
7. What is the temperature of the egg while being incubated? _____________________________
8. How many days is an egg incubated? __________________________________________
9. The study of the embryonic development of an organism is called what? ____________________
10. What is the equation for Celsius? _____________________________________
11. Water freezes at what temperature on the Fahrenheit scale? _____________________________
12. What is the esophagus otherwise known as the what? __________________________________
13. How many times will the chick peck at the shell? _________________________________________
14. Allows oxygen exchange between pores. ___________________________________________
15. What day does the chick orient itself towards the air cell? ___________________________
16. What is the equation for Kelvin? ________________________________________________
17. Bungie cords that suspend egg. _____________________________________________
18. Food goes from the esophagus to the what? ______________________________
19. What temperature scale is widely used in almost all other countries? _______________________
20. Holds contents of yolk together. _____________________________________________
21. What is the boiling point of water on the Celsius scale? ________________________________
22. What is the average human body temperature? _________________________________
23. Where the embryo attaches and starts to grow. _______________________________________
24. Protects all contents of the inside of the egg. __________________________________________
25. What part of the digestive system is an enlargement of the esophagus? _____________________
26. Keeps embryo closest to Hen’s heat. __________________________________________________
27. Allows chick to breathe on days 19-21. ________________________________________________
28. Provides protein and fat for the growing embryo. ______________________________________
29. A cluster of whitish cells that appears on the yolk after fertilization. _______________________________
30. Where a dense portion of the albumen is added. ____________________________________
31. A thin coating that is applied to the shell to keep harmful bacteria from entering the egg shell pores.
32. Small eggs that are located in the ovary. __________________
33. What is the average temperature of a pig? __________________________
34. How much food coloring did we inject our eggs with? ___________
35. What is the equation for Fahrenheit? __________________________________________
36. Where fertilization takes place. ______________________________
37. How many hours does it take to get ¾ of the way around the shell? __________________
38. What is the main storage area for food in a chicken? __________________________
39. The release of a mature egg for fertilization. ________________________.
40. This is added in the uterus to protect the entire egg. ____________________.
41. Fahrenheit scales are used primarily for what? ____________________________________
42. Some softening of food takes place here. ______________________________
43. If you are given Kelvin, what equation do you use to get C? __________________________
44. Holds sperm while they are waiting to fertilize an egg. _____________________.
45. Last opening through which an egg will pass. _____________________.
46. The ventriculus is otherwise known as the what? ____________________________________
47. What did you rub on top of your egg to sanitize it? ___________________________
48. A large coiled tube located in the left side of the hen’s abdomen. ________________________.
49. Where the eggs turn horizontally. _______________________________
50. How many hours does it take to pop the top of the shell off? ________________
51. Where color is added to the egg. ________________________________
52. Other than the shell, and color, this is added in the uterus as well. _____________________________
53. What end of the egg will the chick orient its head towards? ________________________________
54. Each ovum is attached to the ovary by a thin membrane sac called a _____________________
55. What are two reasons that will make the embryo start to grow once it is laid?
a. _______________________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________________
56. The purpose of this is to grind and crush food before it enters the small intestine.
57. Food passes from S.I. to _____________________________and then into the ________________.
58. The ______________________________ of a developing yolk contains a single cell that develops into a chick after fertilization.
59. The tube like portion of the hen that passes the eggs and allows for chickens to reproduce and pass
60. The ____________________________________ is smaller in diameter than the magnum.
61. This part comes off the cloaca and helps digest food. _____________________________________
62. The yolk is kept in tact by the ______________________________________________.
63. Kelvin scales are used for what? ______________________________________________
64. Looks like a cluster of grapes and may contain up to 4,000 small eggs. _______________________
65. When egg and sperm unite to form an embryo. __________________________________________
66. The actual egg that contains a lot of protein & fat for the developing embryo.__________________________
67. Why are the egg contents relatively low in calcium? _______________________________________
68. What part of the egg has the most protein? _______________________________________
69. Where does chewing take place in a chicken? ___________________________________________
70. What happens to the embryo when the hen lays the egg? _______________________________
71. What is the sharp protrusion that comes off the chicks beak called? ________________________
72. What is the process by which a chick pecks at it’s shell called? ____________________________
73. An increase in what inside the shell will help the chick jerk it’s neck to break the shell? _________
74. What day of incubation does the chick completely breathe on its own? ______________________
75. Which direction does the chick turn while pecking away at the shell? _______________________
76. Celsius scales are used primarily for what purpose? _________________________________
77. What does the chick do once it is completely out of the shell? ___________________________
78. This is the largest organ of the bird’s digestive system. _______________________________
Complete the below temperature scale conversions: Show all work!
A. Convert 640 C to Fahrenheit.
B. Convert 700 F to Celsius.
C. Convert 7 0 C to Kelvin.
D. Convert 186 K to Fahrenheit.