S Y S T E M P A C D E S I G N G U I D E IBM Global Technology Services SystemPac Enrichment Form for Sysplex Layout (Version 1.1) Updated: 3/7/2016 Customer Name Internal Use Only Page 1 of 27 S Y S T E M P A C D E S I G N G U I D E INITIAL ENRICHMENT DATA ....................................................................................................................................... 4 CUSTOMER CONTACT INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................... 4 IBM CONTACT INFORMATION.............................................................................................................................................. 4 TAPE MEDIA SELECTION ...................................................................................................................................................... 5 CPU INFORMATION .............................................................................................................................................................. 5 SYSTEM NAME, SYSPLEX NAME AND GLOBAL CSI SELECTION ........................................................................................... 5 STANDALONE UTILITY TAPE ................................................................................................................................................ 6 JES SUBSYSTEM................................................................................................................................................................... 6 SELECTIVE FOLLOW-ON SERVICE ........................................................................................................................................ 6 IBM IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES FOR PARALLEL SYSPLEX (6948-74Z) ............................................................................. 7 ZONE NICKNAMES/ZONE NAMES: ........................................................................................................................................ 8 TERMINAL AND PRINTER INFORMATION .............................................................................................................................. 9 Master Consoles ............................................................................................................................................................... 9 TSO Terminals ................................................................................................................................................................. 9 I/O CONFIGURATION INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................................... 9 OTHER VARIABLES .............................................................................................................................................................10 DASD .................................................................................................................................................................................11 VOLUME LAYOUT..........................................................................................................................................................12 UNIX FILE SYSTEM .............................................................................................................................................................13 SMS MANAGED DATA SETS ...............................................................................................................................................13 INDIRECT CATALOG OPTION ...............................................................................................................................................14 SMPE DATASETS ................................................................................................................................................................15 SMPE VSAM Datasets ....................................................................................................................................................15 SMPE Global Non-VSAM Datasets ................................................................................................................................17 SMPE TARGET & DLIB Non-VSAM Datasets ...............................................................................................................17 MASTER CATALOG OPTIONS ...............................................................................................................................................20 DATASET NAMES & USER CATALOG OPTIONS ...................................................................................................................21 CATALOGS VOLUME ASSIGNEMENT ...................................................................................................................................22 STATIC SYSTEM SYMBOLS ..................................................................................................................................................22 SYSPLEX NAMING STANDARDS ................................................................................................................................23 SYSPLEX NAME ................................................................................................................................................................23 SYSTEM NAME ....................................................................................................................................................................24 SYSTEM VOLUME NAMES.................................................................................................................................................25 UNIX SYSTEM SERVICES FILE SYSTEM (SHARED) .............................................................................................................27 Customer Name Internal Use Only Page 2 of 27 S Y S T E M P A C D E S I G N G U I D E Preface This enrichment form is to collect customization data to tailor build your Sysplex enabled SystemPac. For normal SystemPac (without sysplex enabled), please use the form “ SystemPac Enrichment Form Vx.x) Upon completion of the form, please send it back to IBM. If there are questions with the form, please raise them to the IBM personnel who send this form to you. S U M M A R Y O F C H A N G E S : Date Change 03/06/2007 04/05/2007 11/06/2007 13/06/2007 10/01/2007 12/11/2007 19/03/2008 26/09/2008 09/02/2009 Original copy Updated Parallel Sysplex offerings CICS SVC’s Removed 3380 DASD device type Sysplex Layout support Added Internet option in media selection list and DASD layout modified Added Catalogs Volume assignment Added JES Subsystem selection Removed ISV customization questions Contacts Contact IBM Manufacturing Customer Name Internal Use Only userid bldcpac@us.ibm.com Page 3 of 27 S Y S T E M P A C D E S I G N G U I D E Initial Enrichment Data Please fill out the following fields in the attached Initial Enrichment Form accordingly. Once the form has been received, IBM will input the information into our Production System. IBM will begin the build of your SystemPac after the input from the Enrichment form is completed. Note: The values highlighted in blue are default or recommended values that will be used to tailor and build your Sysplex enabled SYSTEMPAC. If you decide to change default values, refer to Sysplex Reference Architecture and Appendix of the form for recommended naming standard. Customer Contact Information Table 1 Customer Contact Information Customer Name Customer Number Customer Contact Phone Number Email Customer Mailing Address for SystemPac IBM Contact Information Table 2 IBM Contact Information Name Phone Number Email TECH-LINE (if known) Email Customer Name Internal Use Only Page 4 of 27 S Y S T E M P A C D E S I G N G U I D E Tape Media Selection Media Selection was made at time of order, please indicate a change if necessary. Read note about Internet orders. Table 3 Media Selection SELECT MEDIA TYPE 3480 348X (COMPACT) 3490E - High Density 36 Tracts 3590 - High Density 128 Tracks 3592 – High Density 512 Tracks Internet Select “Internet” option only if your order is submitted in ShopzSeries as Internet delivery order. Note that you cannot change an Internet delivery order to a physical media order and vice-versa. CPU Information Table 4 CPU Information Enter CPU INFO Notes CPU TYPE CPU Model CPU Serial CPU Capacity Indicator System Name, Sysplex Name and Global CSI Selection Table 5 System Name and Global CSI Selection SYSNAME SYSPLEX NAME Multiple GLOBAL CSI? (Yes/No) Enter INFO MZM1 MZPLEX No Customer Name Internal Use Only Notes Default is MZM1 System Name = LPAR Name = SMFID = JES Member ID Note: Read System Name section for system name naming convention Default is MZPLEX. Note: Read SYSPLEX Name section for sysplex name naming convention Entering 'Yes' to 'Multiple GLOBAL CSI' will allow the Global CSI datasets to spread over each SREL (i.e. CICS,DB2,IMS or NCP) on an order, otherwise only ONE Global CSI dataset will be assigned. Page 5 of 27 S Y S T E M P A C D E S I G N G U I D E Standalone Utility Tape Table 6 Standalone Utility Tape Standalone Utility Tape Required Enter INFO Yes Notes Yes/No Entering ‘Yes’ to ‘Standalone Utility Tape Required’ will include 2 Standalone tapes on the same delivery media type: Standalone Dump/Restore tape using DFSMSdss Standalone DASD Initialization tape using ICKDSF Note: this option is only applicable to tape media delivery Enter INFO Notes Select JES Subsystem that you would like to be delivered in SystemPac order. Default is both JES2 and JES3. JES Subsystem Table 7 JES Subsystem JES subsystem: JES2 or JES3 or Both Note: This option is valid with SystemPac z/OS V1R10 and up. The orders with SystemPac z/OS V1R9 do not support this option. If JES2 is specified, the JES3 Subsystem will not be delivered in the SystemPac If JES3 is specified, the JES2 Subsystem will not be delivered in the SystemPac If BOTH is specified, both JES2 and JES3 will be delivered in the SystemPac Selective Follow-On Service The Selective Follow-On Service (SFS) package includes HOLDDATA, HIPER PTFs, and PTFs correcting PTFs-in-error with all required “PRE” REQ service. The package includes installation JCL and customized documentation for all subsystems in the original order. SFS tape media and shipping method will remain the same. You can request up to 3 SFSs per SystemPac. We recommend that the SFS(s) are set to be shipped at 30 day intervals. Table 8 Service Enter Selection Number of SFS’s Frequency Electronic Delivery (via FTP) e-mail for electronic Delivery Customer Name Internal Use Only Notes (0,1,2,or 3) Number of days between SFS Packages (Maximum 120 Days) (Yes or No) Required if Electronic Delivery is specified to Yes Page 6 of 27 S Y S T E M P A C D E S I G N G U I D E IBM Implementation Services for Parallel Sysplex (6948-74Z) Indicating a "Y" to the questions below mean the sample datasets containing the SYSPLEX best practices samples will be shipped in the SystemPac. All the samples are shipped “AS IS”. Please ensure that you have acquired the IBM Implementation Services for Parallel Sysplex (6948-74Z) and would like to obtain these samples before answering "Y" to the questions below. If you have not acquired the offering and will like more information about it, please contact Anna Lee (annatlee@us.ibm.com) or an IBM representative. Table 8 Parallel Sysplex Offering Have you acquired the IBM Implementation Services for Parallel Sysplex Offering (6948-74Z)? If yes, do you want the best practices samples included in the SystemPac? Provide value for MASID Customer Name Internal Use Only Enter Selection Yes Notes (Y–Yes, N-No) Yes (Y–Yes, N-No) - only valid if customer acquired the Parallel Sysplex Offering MZM1 MASID is the symbolic for the JES PLEX ID. It is possible to have multiple JES Plexes within the same parallel sysplex. Default is is ot be the same as System Name (MZM1). Page 7 of 27 S Y S T E M P A C D E S I G N G U I D E Zone Nicknames/Zone Names: Zone checking will be preformed to ensure proper grouping/product compatibility and that products of different SRELs are not in the same zone. Default zone names have been provided. You have the option of selecting your own zone names. Zone names MUST be less than or equal to 7 characters in length and each zone name MUST be unique. If you have other products which are not listed in Table 9 and you want to assign specific zones to them, please add to the table below or request for a list of your ordered products. Table 10 SMPE ZONE Information Zone Description z/OS Base Target Zone Name MVST100 Dlib Zone Name MVSD100 JES2 MVST110 MVSD110 JES3 MVST111 MVSD111 SDSF (starting with z/OS R11) WEBSPHERE FOR Z/OS MVST112 MVSD112 MVST113 MVST113 IMS IMST200 IMSD200 DB2 DB2T300 DB2D300 NCP NCPT400 NCPD400 CICS CICT500 CICD500 Changed Target Zone Name SystemPac Full Volume Dump format only Add products below that you want to have assigned specific SMP/E zone. (The products should not have dependencies on z/OS Base product) Product Number and version New Target Zone Name Changed Dlib Zone Name New Dlib Zone Name Note: In order to provide additional migration flexibility, three additional SMP/E zones are defined with z/OS R11, JES2 with SDSF support is placed in one zone, JES3 in another and SDSF in third zone, all are separated from the remainder of z/OS. With SystemPac Full Volume Dump format you have option to merge JES2, SDSF product or JES3 into z/OS base zone, specifying the z/OS base zone names (ex. MVST100/MVSD100). If you specified that you would like that JES3 or JES2 not to be delivered in SystemPac order then, product code and related SMP/E zones for JES2 or JES3 will not be assigned and delivered with your order. In SystemPac Copy By Data set format, the new zones can later be merged into the z/OS zone during installation or at a later time, depending on the customer migration preference. If you ordered WebSphere for z/OS product, as default it would be delivered in a separate SMP/E zone. Sample zone names z/OS 1.10 base zones are provided in black italic. It should match your sysres volume name. It’s consisting of Sysplex prefix (MZ), z/OS version and release (1A) and Customer Name Internal Use Only Page 8 of 27 S Y S T E M P A C D E S I G N G U I D E the first sysres volume suffix (A1). If you would like to delete not required JES for example JES3 that can be done running provided post-IPL jobs after you receive the order. If you ordered WebSphere for z/OS product, as default it would be delivered in a separate SMP/E zone. Terminal and Printer Information Master Consoles Table 11 Consoles and Printers Address Type Model Master Console Notes The address specified for the master console must be in the NIP statement of your MVSCP or identified as a NIP console in the IODF. Valid values for Master, Alternative and JES3 Console Type are the following: 3270,3277, 3278 OR 3279 Alternative Console JES3 Console System Printer if applicable if applicable TSO Terminals Table 12 Local TSO Terminals Address Type TSO TERM1 Model Notes A minimum of 2 terminal addresses are required, however up to six addresses may be included. TSO TERM2 TSO TERM3 TSO TERM4 TSO TERM5 TSO TERM6 I/O Configuration Information Table 13 IODF IODF Input Configuration EDT Configuration ID Customer Name Internal Use Only Page 9 of 27 S Y S T E M P A C D E S I G N G U I D E Other Variables Provide answers to the following variables if the products were ordered. Table 14 IMS SVC Module Name for IMS Type 2 SVC Number for IMS Type 4 SVC Number for IMS 8 chars, in form IGC00xxx 3 digits, between 200 and 255 3 digits, between 200 and 255 Table 15 CICS Type 3 SVC Number for CICS Type 6 SVC Number for CICS Customer Name Internal Use Only 3 digits, between 200 and 255 3 digits, between 200 and 255 Page 10 of 27 S Y S T E M P A C D E S I G N G U I D E DASD Please provide SYSRES, DLIB, CATALOG and SMP volumes using recommended System Layout. Place third parties' (vendors') products on different packs, separate from IBM products, place subsystem on its own different pack(s). Naming convention for volume names is available in this document in SYSTEM Volume Names section. Enter Required Volume Information: Table 18 Volume Information Volume Type Volser Name (6 char, alphanum) Address (4 digits in hex) Unit Type (3390) Model SYSRES VOLUME #1 MZ1AA1 xxxx 3390 9 #2 MZ1AA2 xxxx 3390 9 DL1AA1 xxxx 3390 9 CATALOG VOLUME MZMCV1 xxxx 3390 9 SMP/E VOLUME #1 MZSMP1 xxxx 3390 9 #3 #4 DLIB VOLUME #1 #2 #3 Note: Listed sample volume names in black italic are preferred DASD Type and Model, for a z/OS V1R10 system. If you are preferred Sysplex prefix is not MZ, you can change it to a different prefix. Table 19 Volume Information - continuation Volume Type Default Volser Name (6 char, alphanum) New Volser Name Address (4 digits in hex) Unit Type (3390) Model Sysplex Shared CDS = Couple Datasets P MZCDS1 Xxxx 3390 3 CDS = Couple Datasets S MZCDS2 Xxxx 3390 3 CDS = Couple Datasets B MZCDS3 Xxxx 3390 3 CKP = Checkpoint MZCKP1 Xxxx 3390 3 CKP = Checkpoint MZCKP2 Xxxx 3390 3 SEC = Security primary MZSEC1 Xxxx 3390 3 SMS = SMS MZSMS1 Xxxx 3390 3 SPL = Spool MZSPL1 Xxxx 3390 3 LOG = Logrec MZLOG1 Xxxx 3390 3 System Specific PAG = Page Volume M1PAG1 Xxxx 3390 3 SMF = SMF M1SMF1 Xxxx 3390 3 Note: Listed volumes are default assigned volumes that will be delivered with SystemPac Sysplex Offering. They can be changed if your preferred Sysplex and system prefix is not MZ and M1. Customer Name Internal Use Only Page 11 of 27 S Y S T E M P A C D E S I G N G U I D E VOLUME LAYOUT Table 20 Volume Layout TYPE VOLSER ADDRESS UNIT MODEL CICS TARGET CICS DLIB CICS SMP IMS TARGET IMS DLIB IMS SMP DB2 TARGET DB2 DLIB DB2 SMP NCP TARGET NCP DLIB NCP SMP Customer Name Internal Use Only Page 12 of 27 S Y S T E M P A C D E S I G N G U I D E Unix File System Table 21 Unix File System Options Unix File System Options HFS/zFS Build file system in zFS or HFS format? zFS zFS is a mandatory option for Sysplex Offering UNIX System Services File System (Shared) Yes Shared UNIX is option is mandatory for Sysplex offering Merge z/OS products files systems into Version zFS? (MZ1AA1.VERSION.ROOT) Yes If Yes, all z/OS components will be installed in a single version file system SMS Managed Data Sets Table 22 SMS Options SMS Options YES/NO Build Unix HFS or zFS Data Sets on SMS-Managed DASD ? No Build PDSE data sets on SMS-Managed DASD? No SMS Storage Class: (Default = SMSUCLAS) No SMS Storage Group: (Default = STG4FVD) No PLEASE SUPPLY THE INFORMATION FOR 3 SMS VOLUMES - WE WILL USE ONLY AS NECESSARY. Table 23 SMS Volumes SMS Volume – VOLSER(6 DIGITS) STARTING ADDRESS UNIT MODEL NOTE: SMS Volume cannot be zFS01/HFS01 – zFS10/HFS10 or CPACx – CPACx or same prefix as any other VOLSER’s in this order. Customer Name Internal Use Only Page 13 of 27 S Y S T E M P A C D E S I G N G U I D E Indirect Catalog Option Table 24 Indirect Catalog Option Catalog Options Does this order required Indirect Catalog Referencing? YES/NO Yes NOTE: If indirect catalog referencing is not required (N is chosen) then N must be also entered for static system symbols. Indirect cataloging allows the system to dynamically resolve volume and device type information for non-VSAM data sets residing on the system residence volume (SYSRES) when accessed through the catalog. This allows you to change the volume serial number or device type of the system residence volume without also having to recatalog the non-VSAM data sets on that volume. Indirect cataloging can be used only for non-VSAM data sets which reside on the SYSRES. With z/OS, in which many elements and optional features are provided, the space required by the data sets which logically belong on SYSRES may exceed the capacity of a single DASD volume. If some of these data sets are placed on overflow volumes rather than SYSRES, there is no way in the current indirect cataloging support to refer to them indirectly. Customer Name Internal Use Only Page 14 of 27 S Y S T E M P A C D E S I G N G U I D E SMPE Datasets SMPE VSAM Datasets Define Zone CSI Names: Changes to CSI Names if required... Restrictions: o Names must be less than or equal to 26 characters o You have the option of grouping 2 entries in the same zone by specifying the same zone name, or else the names must be unique for different zones. o Two different COBOL’s can't live in the same zone. o Subsystems and their related products must live in the same zone (E.g. GDDM for CICS has to be in the same zone as CICS itself) Table 25 Single SMPE Global FOR SINGLE GLOBAL CSI NAMES DEFAULT ZONE CSI NAME MVS GLOBAL CSI: TARGET MVS SMP1A.GLOBAL.CSI MZ1AA1.SMP.CSI DLIB MVS DL1AA1.SMP.CSI TARGET DB2 SMPE.DB2.TARGET.CSI DLIB DB2 SMPE.DB2.DLIB.CSI TARGET IMS SMPE.IMS.TARGET.CSI DLIB IMS SMPE.IMS.DLIB.CSI TARGET NCP SMPE.NCP.TARGET.CSI DLIB NCP SMPE.NCP.DLIB.CSI TARGET CICS DLIB CICS SMPE.CICS.TARGET.CSI SMPE.CICS.DLIB.CSI CHANGE TO CSI NAME IF REQUIRED Default name for z/OS 1.10 Default name for z/OS 1.10 and Sysplex prefix MZ Default name for z/OS 1.10 Default names for MVS CSIs and Global in sysplex environment for z/OS 1.10: Global CSI name: SMP&vr.GLOBAL.CSI, for V1R10 will be set to SMP1A.GLOBAL.CSI Target CSI: &sysres.SMP.CSI, for V1R10 it will be automatically renamed to MZ1AA1.SMP.CSI DLIB CSI: &dlib.SMP.CSI, for it will be automatically renamed to DL1AA1.SMP.CSI Customer Name Internal Use Only Page 15 of 27 S Y S T E M P A C D E S I G N G U I D E Table 26 Multi-SMPE Global FOR MULTIPLE GLOBAL CSI NAMES DEFAULT ZONE CSI NAME MVS SMP1A.GLOBAL.CSI MZ1AA1.SMP.CSI DL1AA1.SMP.CSI CICS CHANGE TO CSI NAME IF REQUIRED Default name for z/OS 1.10 Default name for z/OS 1.10 and Sysplex prefix MZ Default name for z/OS 1.10 SMPE.CICS.GLOBAL.CSI SMPE.CICS.TARGET.CSI SMPE.CICS.DLIB.CSI DB2 SMPE.DB2.GLOBAL.CSI SMPE.DB2.TARGET.CSI SMPE.DB2.DLIB.CSI IMS SMPE.IMS.GLOBAL.CSI SMPE.IMS.TARGET.CSI SMPE.IMS.DLIB.CSI NCP SMPE.NCP.GLOBAL.CSI SMPE.NCP.TARGET.CSI SMPE.NCP.DLIB.CSI Restrictions: o Must conform to normal DSN requirements (e.g. less than 44 chars) o DSN's must end with .CSI o A unique CSI must exist for each zone; multiple zones may not be combined into one CSI. o GLOBAL,TARGET/DLIB CSIs cannot have SRELs mixed i.e. IMS and CICS cannot be placed in the same target/dlib CSIs or global Default names for MVS CSIs and Global in sysplex environment for z/OS 1.10: Global CSI name: SMP&vr.GLOBAL.CSI, for V1R10 will be set to SMP1A.GLOBAL.CSI Target CSI: &sysres.SMP.CSI, for V1R10 it will be automatically renamed to MZ1AA1.SMP.CSI DLIB CSI: &dlib.SMP.CSI, for it will be automatically renamed to DL1AA1.SMP.CSI Customer Name Internal Use Only Page 16 of 27 S Y S T E M P A C D E S I G N G U I D E SMPE Global Non-VSAM Datasets Table 27 SMPE Global Non-VSAM ZONE SREL SMPE DDDEF DDNAME Dataset NAME Name Zone Type CICS SMPGLOG SMPE.CICS.SMPGLOG GLOBAL SMPGLOGA SMPE.CICS.SMPGLOGA GLOBAL Only when multiglobal= Y Only when multiglobal= Y SMPPTS SMPE.CICS.SMPPTS GLOBAL Only when multiglobal= Y SMPGLOG SMPE.DB2.SMPGLOG GLOBAL Only when multiglobal= Y SMPGLOGA SMPE.DB2.SMPGLOGA GLOBAL Only when multiglobal= Y SMPPTS SMPE.DB2.SMPPTS GLOBAL Only when multiglobal= Y SMPGLOG SMPE.IMS.SMPGLOG GLOBAL Only when multiglobal= Y SMPGLOGA SMPE.IMS.SMPGLOGA GLOBAL Only when multiglobal= Y SMPPTS SMPE.IMS.SMPPTS GLOBAL SMPGLOG SMPE.NCP.SMPGLOG GLOBAL Only when multiglobal= Y Only when multiglobal= Y SMPGLOGA SMPE.NCP.SMPGLOGA GLOBAL Only when multiglobal= Y SMPPTS SMPE.NCP.SMPPTS GLOBAL Only when multiglobal= Y DB2 IMS NCP MVS Changes to if required Comment SMPGLOG SMP1A.GLOBAL.SMPGLOG GLOBAL Default name for z/OS 1.10 SMPPTS SMP1A.GLOBAL.SMPPTS GLOBAL Default name for z/OS 1.10 SMPGLOGA SMP1A.GLOBAL.SMPGLOGA GLOBAL Default name for z/OS 1.10 SMPE TARGET & DLIB Non-VSAM Datasets Table 28 SMPE Target & DLIB Non-VSAM ZONE SREL SMPE Dataset Name DDDEF DDNAME Zone Type CICD500 SMPDLOG SMPE.CICD500.SMPDLOG DLIB SMPDLOGA SMPE.CICD500.SMPDLOGA DLIB SMPLTS SMPE.CICT500.SMPLTS TARGET SMPMTS SMPE.CICT500.SMPMTS TARGET SMPSCDS SMPE.CICT500.SMPSCDS TARGET SMPSTS SMPE.CICT500.SMPSTS TARGET SMPTLOG SMPE.CICT500.SMPTLOG TARGET SMPTLOGA SMPE.CICT500.SMPTLOGA TARGET SMPDLOG SMPE.DB2D300.SMPDLOG DLIB SMPDLOGA SMPE.DB2D300.SMPDLOGA DLIB SMPLTS SMPE.DB2T300.SMPLTS TARGET SMPMTS SMPE.DB2T300.SMPMTS TARGET SMPSCDS SMPE.DB2T300.SMPSCDS TARGET SMPSTS SMPE.DB2T300.SMPSTS TARGET SMPTLOG SMPE.DB2T300.SMPTLOG TARGET SMPTLOGA SMPE.DB2T300.SMPTLOGA TARGET SMPDLOG SMPE.IMSD200.SMPDLOG DLIB SMPDLOGA SMPE.IMSD200.SMPDLOGA DLIB CICT500 DB2D300 DB2T300 IMSD200 Customer Name Internal Use Only Changes to if required Page 17 of 27 S Y S T E M P A C D E S I G N G U I D E ZONE SREL SMPE Dataset Name DDDEF DDNAME Zone Type IMST200 SMPLTS SMPE.IMST200.SMPLTS TARGET SMPMTS SMPE.IMST200.SMPMTS TARGET SMPSCDS SMPE.IMST200.SMPSCDS TARGET SMPSTS SMPE.IMST200.SMPSTS TARGET SMPTLOG SMPE.IMST200.SMPTLOG TARGET SMPTLOGA SMPE.IMST200.SMPTLOGA TARGET SMPDLOG SMP1A.DL1AA1.SMPDLOG DLIB Default name for z/OS 1.10 SMPDLOGA SMP1A.DL1AA1.SMPDLOGA DLIB Default name for z/OS 1.10 SMPDLOG SMPE.MVSD110.SMPDLOG DLIB SMPDLOGA SMPE.MVSD110.SMPDLOGA DLIB SMPDLOG SMPE.MVSD111.SMPDLOG DLIB SMPDLOGA SMPE.MVSD111.SMPDLOGA DLIB SMPDLOG SMPE.MVSD112.SMPDLOG DLIB SMPDLOGA SMPE.MVSD112.SMPDLOGA DLIB JES2, if specified to be merged, it will be merged with z/OS base zone JES2, if specified to be merged, it will be merged with z/OS base zone JES3, if specified to be merged, it will be merged with z/OS base zone JES3, if specified to be merged, it will be merged with z/OS base zone SDSF, if specified to be merged, it will be merged with z/OS base zone SDSF, if specified to be merged, it will be merged with z/OS base zone SMPDLOG SMPE.MVSD130.SMPDLOG DLIB SMPDLOGA SMPE.MVSD130.SMPDLOGA DLIB SMPLTS MZ1AA1.SMP.SMPLTS TARGET SMPMTS MZ1AA1.SMP.SMPMTS TARGET SMPSCDS MZ1AA1.SMP.SMPSDCS TARGET SMPSTS MZ1AA1.SMP.SMPSTS TARGET SMPTLOG MZ1AA1.SMP.SMPTLOG TARGET SMPTLOGA MZ1AA1.SMP.SMPTLOGA TARGET SMPLTS SMPE.MVST110.SMPLTS TARGET SMPMTS SMPE.MVST110.SMPMTS TARGET SMPSCDS SMPE.MVST110.SMPSCDS TARGET SMPSTS SMPE.MVST110.SMPSTS TARGET SMPTLOG SMPE.MVST110.SMPTLOG TARGET SMPTLOGA SMPE.MVST110.SMPTLOGA TARGET SMPLTS SMPE.MVST111.SMPLTS TARGET DL1AA1 MVSD110 MVSD111 MVSD112 MVSD130 MZ1AA1 MVST110 MVST111 Customer Name Internal Use Only Changes to if required Default name for z/OS 1.10 and Sysplex prefix MZ Default name for z/OS 1.10 and Sysplex prefix MZ Default name for z/OS 1.10 and Sysplex prefix MZ Default name for z/OS 1.10 and Sysplex prefix MZ Default name for z/OS 1.10 and Sysplex prefix MZ Default name for z/OS 1.10 and Sysplex prefix MZ JES2, if specified to be merged, it will be merged with z/OS base zone JES2, if specified to be merged, it will be merged with z/OS base zone JES2, if specified to be merged, it will be merged with z/OS base zone JES2, if specified to be merged, it will be merged with z/OS base zone JES2, if specified to be merged, it will be merged with z/OS base zone JES2, if specified to be merged, it will be merged with z/OS base zone JES3, if specified to be Page 18 of 27 S Y S T E M P A C ZONE SREL MVST112 MVST130 NCPD400 NCPT400 D E S I G N G U I D E SMPE Dataset Name DDDEF DDNAME Zone Type SMPMTS SMPE.MVST111.SMPMTS TARGET SMPSCDS SMPE.MVST111.SMPSCDS TARGET SMPSTS SMPE.MVST111.SMPSTS TARGET SMPTLOG SMPE.MVST111.SMPTLOG TARGET SMPTLOGA SMPE.MVST111.SMPLOGA TARGET SMPLTS SMPE.MVST112.SMPLTS TARGET SMPMTS SMPE.MVST112.SMPMTS TARGET SMPSCDS SMPE.MVST112.SMPSCDS TARGET SMPSTS SMPE.MVST112.SMPSTS TARGET SMPTLOG SMPE.MVST112.SMPTLOG TARGET SMPTLOGA SMPE.MVST112.SMPTLOGA TARGET SMPLTS SMPE.MVST130.SMPLTS TARGET SMPMTS SMPE.MVST130.SMPMTS TARGET SMPSCDS SMPE.MVST130.SMPSCDS TARGET SMPSTS SMPE.MVST130.SMPSTS TARGET SMPTLOG SMPE.MVST130.SMPTLOG TARGET SMPTLOGA SMPE.MVST130.SMPTLOGA TARGET SMPDLOG SMPE.NCPD400.SMPDLOG DLIB SMPDLOGA SMPE.NCPD400.SMPDLOGA DLIB SMPLTS SMPE.NCPT400.SMPLTS TARGET SMPMTS SMPE.NCPT400.SMPMTS TARGET SMPSCDS SMPE.NCPT400.SMPSCDS TARGET SMPSTS SMPE.NCPT400.SMPSTS TARGET SMPTLOG SMPE.NCPT400.SMPTLOG TARGET SMPTLOGA SMPE.NCPT400.SMPTLOGA TARGET Customer Name Internal Use Only Changes to if required merged, it will be merged with z/OS base zone JES3, if specified to be merged, it will be merged with z/OS base zone JES3, if specified to be merged, it will be merged with z/OS base zone JES3, if specified to be merged, it will be merged with z/OS base zone JES3, if specified to be merged, it will be merged with z/OS base zone JES3, if specified to be merged, it will be merged with z/OS base zone SDSF, if specified to be merged, it will be merged with z/OS base zone SDSF, if specified to be merged, it will be merged with z/OS base zone SDSF, if specified to be merged, it will be merged with z/OS base zone SDSF, if specified to be merged, it will be merged with z/OS base zone SDSF, if specified to be merged, it will be merged with z/OS base zone SDSF, if specified to be merged, it will be merged with z/OS base zone I Page 19 of 27 S Y S T E M P A C D E S I G N G U I D E Master Catalog Options Table 29 Master Catalog Options Master Catalog Options Master Catalog Name Default standard is: CATALOG.&VR.&SYSPLEX.MCAT &VR = z/OS Version and Release &SYSPLEX = Sysplex Name CATALOG.V1R10.MZPLEX.MCAT Note: Listed master catalog name in back italic is preferred name for z/OS 1.10, when sysplex name is MZPLEX. Change it if you are using a different Sysplex name. Customer Name Internal Use Only Page 20 of 27 S Y S T E M P A C D E S I G N G U I D E Dataset Names & User Catalog Options You have the option to change the product high level qualifier and catalog them into the user catalog. Please specify below which alias you want to rename, and where the alias should be cataloged in. *Please Note: The list below is a GENERIC list ONLY. All product DSNames are not included and it is not necessary to specify changes on all the Aliases listed. If you have other Aliases that are not listed below and you need them changed, please add them to this list. Table 30 Dataset & User Catalogs ALIAS (Default) CBC ALIAS (User Defined) TARGET SYSTEM CATALOG (Default is Master Catalog or Specify User Catalog) CATALOG.V1R10.MZPLEX.MCAT CDS CATALOG.V1R10.MZPLEX.MCAT CEE CATALOG.V1R10.MZPLEX.MCAT CFZ CATALOG.V1R10.MZPLEX.MCAT CIM CATALOG.V1R10.MZPLEX.MCAT CMX CATALOG.V1R10.MZPLEX.MCAT CPAC CATALOG.V1R10.MZPLEX.MCAT CSF CATALOG.V1R10.MZPLEX.MCAT DFHSM CATALOG.V1R10.MZPLEX.MCAT DFRMM CATALOG.V1R10.MZPLEX.MCAT DFSMS CATALOG.V1R10.MZPLEX.MCAT DL1AA1 CATALOG.V1R10.MZPLEX.MCAT EOX CATALOG.V1R10.MZPLEX.MCAT EOY CATALOG.V1R10.MZPLEX.MCAT EPH CATALOG.V1R10.MZPLEX.MCAT EUV CATALOG.V1R10.MZPLEX.MCAT EUVF CATALOG.V1R10.MZPLEX.MCAT FFST CATALOG.V1R10.MZPLEX.MCAT GDDM CATALOG.V1R10.MZPLEX.MCAT GIM CATALOG.V1R10.MZPLEX.MCAT GLD CATALOG.V1R10.MZPLEX.MCAT GSK CATALOG.V1R10.MZPLEX.MCAT HCM CATALOG.V1R10.MZPLEX.MCAT ICQ CATALOG.V1R10.MZPLEX.MCAT IMW CATALOG.V1R10.MZPLEX.MCAT IOA CATALOG.V1R10.MZPLEX.MCAT IOE CATALOG.V1R10.MZPLEX.MCAT ISF CATALOG.V1R10.MZPLEX.MCAT ISP CATALOG.V1R10.MZPLEX.MCAT MZ1AA1 CATALOG.MZ1AA1.UCAT OMVS CATALOG.V1R10.MZPLEX.MCAT SMPE CATALOG.DL1AA1.UCAT SMP1A CATALOG.DL1AA1.UCAT SYS1 CATALOG.V1R10.MZPLEX.MCAT TCPIP CATALOG.V1R10.MZPLEX.MCAT Note: Listed master catalog and user catalog names in black italic are preferred catalog names for z/OS 1.10, where assigned sysplex name is MZPLEX. Change it if you are using a different Sysplex name. Customer Name Internal Use Only Page 21 of 27 S Y S T E M P A C D E S I G N G U I D E Catalogs Volume Assignement Table 31 Catalogs Volume Assignement Catalogs Volume Assignement Volume Primary Space (Cylinders) Secundary Space (Cylinders) CATALOG.MVSICFM.Vxxxxx Default CATALOG Volume 5 5 CATALOG.MVSICFU.Vxxxxx Default CATALOG Volume 5 5 Specify where master and user catalogs will be allocated for your new system, and the space required for each catalog. As the default all catalog will be allocated on Catalog volume. Static System Symbols Table 32 System Symbolic Define System Symbols Define in SYMDEF in IEASYMxx Yes/No Volume Yes &SYSR1 MZ1AA1 &SYSR2 MZ1AA2 Using Static System Symbols allows one to indirect reference more than one volume. Now you can change the volume serial number or device type of the additional volume or volumes used for z/OS SYSRES without also having to recatalog the non-VSAM datasets. Please provide Symbol Names: NOTE: If symbolic definition is required (Y is chosen) then Y must be also entered for indirect catalog referencing. Note: Listed volume names are preferred names for z/OS 1.10, where assigned sysplex prefix is MZ. Change it if you are using a different Sysplex prefix Customer Name Internal Use Only Page 22 of 27 S Y S T E M P A C D E S I G N G U I D E SYSPLEX Naming Standards SYSPLEX Name A Parallel Sysplex is named in order to uniquely identify and handle each Parallel Sysplex. The sysplex name as implemented in z/OS is limited in length to 8 characters. System Symbolic: &SYSPLEX. SYSPLEX Name Requirements: 1. Support multiple Sysplex Environments (Test, Development, Production, Maintenance) 2. Support 64 Sysplex 3. Max 8 Characters 4. One Character for the PLEX environment allows it to be used in the SYSTEM NAME. Suggestion: 1. Start Sysplex identification with “Z” and increment in reverse order’ Table 33 Proposed Sysplex Name Position Description Sample TZPLEX 1 Sysplex Environment 2 3-6 Sysplex ID Sysplex Name Symbolic &SYSPLEX. Customer Name Internal Use Only Sample T Sysplex Test Environment Z Sysplex ID 1 PLEX Sysplex Name T TEST Environment M Maintenance Environment D Development Environment Q Quality Assurance Environment P Production Environment Z Z-0 XXXXXX Sysplex Name Page 23 of 27 S Y S T E M P A C D E S I G N G U I D E System Name Some products and data sets are shared between multiple systems. For example, if you share your sysres, a number of systems will all access the same SYS1.LINKLIB library. However, there are some resources such as page data sets and STGINDX which are system specific and cannot be shared. The data set names of these resources should indicate which system they are used by. A system name is used to identify and handle each system individually. Due to the use of the system name as part of the naming of other entities, and the MVS imposed limit of 8 characters for SYSNAME in SYS1.PARMLIB, its length is limited. As both the SMF ID and the member name within a MAS are limited to 4 characters, there are some benefits to restricting your system names to just 4 characters if you can fit sufficient information within that limitation. System Name Requirements: 1. Support multiple system environments (Test, Development, Production, Maintenance) 2. Support 64 Systems 3. System Name = LPAR Name = SMFID = JES Member ID 4. Max 4 Characters (to be compatible with SMFID and JES2 member) 5. Derive the Sysplex Environment and ID where the system runs from the system name Suggestion: 1. Start System identification with “1” and increment forward Table 34 System Name Position Description Sample TZT1 1 Sysplex Environment 2 3 Sysplex ID LPAR / System Environment 4 LPAR / System ID Symbolic &SYSNAME &SYSCLONE Customer Name Internal Use Only Sample T Z T 1 T M D Q P X T M D Q P L Sysplex Environment Sysplex ID LPAR Environment LPAR Number TEST Environment Maintenance Environment Development Environment Quality Assurance / Test Environment Production Environment Z–0 TEST Environment Maintenance Environment Development Environment Quality Assurance Environment Production Environment 0-Z Page 24 of 27 S Y S T E M P A C D E S I G N G U I D E SYSTEM Volume Names z/OS Volume names are limited to 6 positions. System Volume Name Requirements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. z/OS Version Release for SYSRES (makes SYSRES Clone easier to understand) Logical SYSRES SET Identification (makes SYSRES Clone easier to understand) Identify Volume Content from Volume name. Identify Associated SYSPLEX from Volume name. Identify Associated System from volume name (system specific volumes) Table 35 Volume Names Position Description Sample SYSRES TZ18A1 Sample System Specific T1PAG1 Sample Sysplex Shared TZSPL1 1-2 Sysplex Environment or System Specific (EI) 3-5 Level (VRS) for SYSRES or DLIB 3-5 System Function xxx Sample Sample SYSRES Test Sysplex Environment Sysplex ID Z z/OS Version 1 z/OS Release 8 SYSRES SET A SYSRES SET Volume 1 Sample System Specific T Test System Environment 1 System ID 1 PAG System Function 1 Volume 1 Sample Sysplex Shared T Test Sysplex Environment Z Stsplex ID Z SPL System Function 1 Volume 1 E Sysplex or System Environments T = TEST PLEX or TEST System P = PROD PLEX or PROD System D = Development PLEX or DEV System Q = Quality Assurance PLEX or QA system M = Maintenance PLEX or Maint System I Sysplex id or System id F=0-Z VR Level for SYSRES Volumes V = z/OS Version R = z/OS Release S SYSRES SET A = SYSRES or DLIB SET A B = SYSRES or DLIB SET B C = SYSRES or DLIB SET C xxx System Specific PAG = Page Volume SMF = SMF xxx Sysplex Shared SPL = Spool LOG = Logrec CKP = Checkpoint SEC = Security CDS = Couple Datasets MCV = Master Catalog UCV = User Catalog SMP = SMPE RMM = RMM HSM = HSM T Z 1 8 A 1 Customer Name Internal Use Only Page 25 of 27 S Y S T E M P A C Position 6 D E S I G N G U I D E Description Volume Number (V) Sample V STG = Storage (non SMS) SAD = Stand Alone Dump Volume Number V = (0 – Z) Notes: The assumption is that all systems in the parallel sysplex share a master catalog and IPL off the same SYSRES SET. The Exception is new level of z/OS or an maintenance upgrade. Customer Name Internal Use Only Page 26 of 27 S Y S T E M P A C D E S I G N G U I D E UNIX System Services File System (Shared) USS File System Name Requirements (SYSPLEX SHARED): 1. ZFS compatible mode (single files system per ZFS) 2. HLQ of VERSION should be equal to the First volume (&SYSR1) of the associated SYSRES SET. 3. Cataloged to a USER CATALOG that resides on the associated SYSRES SET (CATALOG.&SYSR1.UCAT) 4. All z/OS Components should be installed in a single version files system, creating separate Files systems for individual z/OS components cause the management of the SYSRES SET to be more complex. 5. Version ZFS should not be SMS Managed 6. System Specific File Systems MLQ should be equal to &SYSNAME 7. SYSPLEX Specific File Systems MLQ should be equal to &SYSPLEX Table 36 USS Files System (SYSPLEX Shared) Position Description Sample Sample SYSPLEX VERSION Sample SYSPLEX ROOT Sample System Specific &SYSR1.VERSION.ROOT MZ1AA1.VERSION.ROOT OMVS.&SYSPLEX.ROOT OMVS.MZPLEX.ROOT OMVS.&SYSNAME.ZFS OMVS.&SYSNAME.ZFS.ETC OMVS.&SYSNAME.ZFS.DEV OMVS.&SYSNAME.ZFS.VAR OMVS.&SYSNAME.ZFS.TMP OMVS.MZM1.ZFS OMVS.MZM1.ZFS.ETC OMVS.MZM1.ZFS.VAR OMVS.MZM1.ZFS.DEV OMVS.MZM1.ZFS.TMP Customer Name Internal Use Only Page 27 of 27